Guest of Tanuki - RPLOG

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Stepping into the testicle-hut is like stepping into a hole. Fur rushes past and heat builds before the agents are dropped onto their feet gracelessly at the sandal clad feet of the female tanuki. Her two guards are behind her as if nothing had happened. The place is different, however. Dense forest presses from all around, and the calls of birds and other small animals call out in symphony. The air is fresh, the sun, bright, where it peeks through the canopy. "Welcome," she says, "To his realm."

Morten blinks, dusting herself off and looking around "Woah-... I love it here already!" she smiles, taking a deep inhale of the fresh air "Oh yes~ I like it here alot" she smiles, bowing to the Tanuki woman "Thank you and thank you to his grace that allows us to be in this most prestigious of places" she nods.

Fenris staggers back to his hooves and stares around him in wonder. He had seen many strange things since P-Day, but testicle travel really took the cake! "That was. . . stunning," he says, then does his best to compose himself, straightening his long, dark coat over his hindquarters.

Technetium emerges from the portal, stepping out calmly, looking around at the scene. She is quickly writing notes in page after page of the clipboard, each one filled with text. She looks at the Tanuki that had led the party there. "Thank you for bringing us to this place. I look foward towards meeting your leader." She says formally, finishing with a quick, polite smile.

"You," she says, looking to Morten, "Have only brushed against the side of his power. His entry to your realm was restricted, like a pin prick in silk. Here is where his power truly resides," she explains, "Though that is, like many things, only a half truth." She steps past the agents, moving along a trail she seems to know well, "Mind your manners, for he is lord of this realm. He is kind and jolly, but his patience has limits. If you wish his good favor, bow before him, then rub his belly." She glances over her shoulder, "He loves that."

Fenris follows after the tanuki woman, doing his best not to look like a dumbstruck tourist while still trying to take in the remarkable surroundings.

Morten smiles and nods before blinking "Huh... interesting, guess it makes sence most beings cant just wander into other realms with ease" she shrugs, moving along to follow the trail and the Tanuki "Anything we should -not- do in his presence then? " she asks as she idly looks around at the vast surroundings.

Technetium walks at a tightly controlled pace behind the Tanuki woman. Her clipboard is now out of paper and she is filling in the margins with as much information as possible. When glinted at, there is also nonsensical mathematics seemingly trying to figure out interdimensional travel. She remains silent, still listening to the Tanuki

Grace falls out of the portal a bit behind the others, and lands on her feet. She is a cat, after all. She looks around, stunned by the beauty of the place. Then she notices how far ahead of her the res are, and rushes to catch up. "Hey, what did I miss?"

"You missed nothing," speaks the female, "For we are just arriving." At this, the forest parts, revealing a sprawling city. Tanuki, everywhere. Some are working in the fields, others are driving carts. Tanuki guards flank the gate into the city proper. She guides the group towards the main road leading into the place, dirt packed as it is.

The architecture is very asian, with heavy hints of romance period Japan.

Morten blinks and widens her eyes, smiling brightly as her fangs twinkle in the light "Ok, I adore it here... " she states gleefully, resisting the urge to run down and explore, she sighs and keeps following the Tanuki woman but keeps turning and spinning on the spot, in utter awe as she looks everywere she can, taking in every detail.

Fenris feels rather out of place amongst all these tanuki in his big, stagtaur body, but does not wish to shift to another form, fearing that it might be an offense to his host. He clops along placidly behind the guide, looking at the archetecture with interest. "Where exactly are we?" he asks, not necessarily expecting an answer.

Technetium observes the multitude of Tanuki, politely smiling at any that come close to her. She is now writing on the clipboard itself, and she is considering writing on the her labcoat. She continues following the woman, asking her. "How long has your civilization been? Not to be rude, but I am simply admiring your massive city." She flashes a quick polite smile.

Grace finds all this formal talk a little excessive, but she figures failing to be at least a little polite would be a very bad idea. She falls into step with the rest of the group, ending up between Techie and Morten. "It's really pretty here," she purrs softly, unsure of what to say.

"Lord Tanuki's realm," she replies as if it were obvious, "But if you refer to the city, it is Tai-wei, where he resides at current." Approaching the gate, they are swung open without word. The guards kneel down as the group approaches with an air of formality. It seems the entourage is known. Those not of the guard peer more curiously. A little chubby tanuki child points openly at the non-tanuki.

"Look dad, look! They're funny!" The child's presumed father claps a hand over his chubby little snout and hauls him away, berating his lack of manners.

"Long?" asks she, "That is difficult to say. I am an envoy, not a historian, and his realm has existed long before I, or any other I know save he."

Morten smiles, still just enjoying looking at the city and landscape, she giggles and waves at the child before he is pulled away, making her ears lower before she quickly gets back on track with the Tanuki "This place is great, though I feel a little light-headed.. probably all the excitement" she smiles.

Fenris's freckled face flushes at the Tanuki child's comment, but he supposes he must look very strange to someone who has only seen tanuki. "Is it far to the palace?" he asks, a little self concious and wishing that he hadn't assumed such a large form today.

Technetium moves through the crowd silently, the hem of her coat beginning to have writing on it. She looks at the child for a second, then continues following their envoy. She feels only mildly conspicuious, being shorter then many of the Tanuki. Her oversized ears move erractically, latching on to random conversations then locking onto another one.

Grace giggles softly, and smiles at the chubby little raccoon. "You don't get many visitors from outside the realm, do you?"

"Please excuse him," speaks the child's father, who keeps a hand firmly in place on the child's face, "He is still young, pardon us." And woosh, off they run before more opportunity for shame comes up.

The diplomat steps up into a carriage that was waiting just beyond the gate, waiting for the others to board quietly. It seems walking through the city will not be required. Her guards hop up onto either side of the cart, riding on its outside.

Grace giggles softly, and smiles at the chubby little raccoon as the group moves through the crowd. She glances over at the fennec, and notices that she's started writing on her coat, of all things. "Run out of room?" she asks.

Morten smiles and moves up into the carriage, sitting down with a grin "The more time I spend here, the more Im enjoying myself, how much does it cost to rent a flat in this place?" she grins, leaning back into her seat with a happy sigh.

Fenris looks at the cart and sighs. There is no way he will fit in there like this. The stagtaur closes his eyes and concentrates, his entire form blurring as if he had walked behind a pane of frosted glass. After a moment, the figure returns to focus with Fenris back in his usual feline form. He looks around, hoping that his shape changing wasn't some kind of taboo, then clambers up into the carriage, sitting beside the tanuki guide.

"A flat?" asks the diplomat, sounding baffled at the word, "If you wish to become a serf of this land, you will be given a place to abide by the lord of where you live, and work as well." She nods towards the new feline as they enter, "We were told that the art of shapeshifting was common in your land, but I find it curious, it's lack of leaf or testicle. It is clear why He has such interest in your realm."

Once the group has gotten into the carriage, it lurches forward and begins being pulled by horses through the city. Peeking out through the shaded windows, one can see a rather bustling city of the coondog-folk, locked in what seems to be a feudal era Japan, with all the castes expected, from serfs to merchants to samurai and nobles.

Technetium steps up into the carriage, nodding silently at Grace's comment. She climbs into the cart, sitting next to Morten, with her dual tails trailing her. Yet more of her coat is filled with data and notes, and she mutters "I'm going to need to buy another labcoat when I get back." quietly to herself. She leans foward in the seat, still writing. She comments to the Tanuki woman. "You have a well-constructed city, and an organized city system. It reminds me of our own acient Japan."

Fenris nods to the Tanuki. "It is common enough since the advent of the nanites," he says about shape shifting, "Though most would say that it has nothing to do with magic, I find the power quite wonderous." He gives a little lopsided smile, "Though I cannot do the, uh, remarkable things that your shape shifters can do, I am able to assume many different forms." While the view outside the window was impressive, Fenris is far more interested in their guide through this strange land. And Lord Tanuki's claim to be the new Lord and Master of Fairhaven. Or was it just Zephyr he wanted?

Grace can't help but find the chubby Tanuki wearing Samurai armor adorable. She's sure they're every bit as dangerous as anyone else would be, but they're just so cute. "It's common, but not universal," Grace says. "I, for instance, can't change my shape at all, except for maybe my weight."

Morten blinks and shakes her head "Sorry, uhhh.. Home, house-... place to reside while not working as a serf" she shrugs, "But i'll ask later then, when its a better time... and shaftshifting is pretty comon aye, comes more naturally to some than others" she nods.

"Why would any good lord lay claim to a hill, no matter how majestic, and not claim the land surrounding it? This would be poor in tactics as well as in grace." explains the diplomat as the carriage draws close to not a palace, but a shrine, much like the one back home. The cart stops just before it, and the door is pulled open. "We are here. Remember what I have told you, for I will not be guiding you any further. He will send you home when your audience is complete."

Technetium nods at the shapeshifting comment, and prepares to demonstrate herself. She hesitates for a second, and prepares to demonstrate something else. Holding out her hand, and forces a few electric arcs to dance along her fingers. "I do possess shifting, although some of us possess other powers too." She drops her arm, and exits the cart, stepping down carefully. When she does, she looks up at the shrine, admiring the beauty of it. "You Tanuki have wonderful architecture skills."

Morten blinks and nods "I suppose, forgive me, Im not quite up to date on your lands customs--- wait what? but... I dont wanna go home, bah... I was having fun here" she sighs, climbing out of the cart "I guess our world wouldnt be the same without me though" she snickers, a glint in her eyes as she looks around.

Fenris hops from the carriage and walks as confidently as he can toward the shrine, feeling much more comfortable back in his normal form. And pants. His nanite guided clothing having reformed when he ditched the extra legs. The tiger always felt better fully dressed.

Grace hops down after Fenris, somewhat excited that there's now another tiger. She smirks over at Morton, still deciding whether her attitude is endearing or off-putting.

The shrine is well groomed and pristine. A small shinto edifice with a little mallet beside a bell and no tanuki in immediate sight. Peeking back reveals the carriage has removed itself rather quietly at some point.

Fenris looks around the shrine and some niggling memory inspires him to bow politely before ringing the bell gently with the mallet and bowing again after replacing the little hammer. He couldn't remember his own name from before P-Day, but weird, esoteric knowledge he seemed to have in spades.

Morten blinks and looks at the shrine, moving to ring the bell though Fenris does it before she can.. she ponders and steps back, looking around still with a mumble "They ran off pretty quick... " she says aloud to the group.

Technetium nods, and looks around, noting the sheer sterility of the shrine. An entire half of her labcoat is now filled with notes, making for an interesting sight. "You also know how to keep your structures clean."

Grace looks around, wondering who exactly the fennec is talking to now that their guide has left. She hangs back a bit, waiting for whatever Fenris just did to take effect.

"Oh ho!" speaks a voice. Glancing up reveals the very archetype of tanuki. A broad happy grin on a devilish face, tail curled as he lands lightly on the ground. Perched over his head an enormous green leaf that vanishes once he lands. "It normally takes newcomers longer than that to figure that out. Welcome!" he says, his voice carrying none of the formality that his diplomat employed. His eyes sweep over the group, "I see at least one of you has manners. Ah, yes, I almost forgot." He reaches between his legs and pulls out his balls from beneath his own kimono. Disgorging from the fur is a bedraggled kitsune, "Hope you don't mind my personal transportation." Ah, kitsune-tanuki relations are as good as ever.

Morten blinks, ears lowering as the Talakai looks up at the large Tanuki "Holy mother of queen lizzy-..." she mumbles, shaking her head before she quickly bows and blushes "Forgive me-- us, your grace..." she responds before stepping back a little.

Fenris remains bowed low, until given permission to rise. He has no idea where this knowledge comes from, but it is about all the connection he has to whoever he had been before. "It is an honor to meet you, Lord Tanuki," he says honestly. "Forgive my presumption," he says, glancing up just a little bit, "But I am told that you enjoy belly rubs, and I did not wish to keep you waiting."

Technetium bows graciously in front of the Tanuki, then looks up at the Tanuki lord. "Hello. I represent the RSX corporation in this venture. It is a pleasure to meet your acquantance." She pulls a small piece of candy out of her pocket, and offers it to the Tanuki. "This is a common delicacy in our world. I hope you enjoy it."

Grace looks at the others, and assumes that bowing must be the way to go. She bows down, and stays there until she notices the others rising. She can't particularly think of anything to say, though.

Personal transportation aside, the kitsune is sat down upon her feet gently. "It is quite an honor to travel by Lord Tanuki." she stretches lightly, brushing her kimono down some as she moves a bit to the side. "A pleasure, Lord Tanuki. I do trust your day is well?" she smiled, her tails moving to swish right behind her again.

"What, belly rubs? How indignified!" he proclaims, though he makes no move to avoid such things. "What manner of lord would deign to have their handsome belly caressed by a guest?" Oh ho, candy? "You've all been trained in my weaknesses," he says in an almost pouty way as he accepts the candy and promptly pops it into his chubby snout, mmmm. "But you didn't come here simply to faun over me, or did you? I would not object to new personal servants, but I would guess you've come with heavier topics on mind than the abject worship of me."

Fenris takes this as an invitation to rise and approach. "I confess, Lord Tanuki, that we are not here only to bask in your magnificent presence," he says, almost wishing that it WAS the only reason they were here, the big fellow seemed pleasant enough. "We also come as residents of the city of Fairhaven, where Zephyr resides," he says, "hoping to learn of your intentins for our poor city." The tiger thinks a moment, "Although, meeting you is certainly a prize in itself," he says with a smile, honestly tempted to rub that big belly, but afraid to do so without invitation.

Technetium nods respectfully. "I am a agent of RSX, of Woodfield City. We are here to discuss the future of the relations between our two companies and the Tanuki, or, specifically, you." Her dual tails move slowly, and her eyes focus intently. "You have a facinating civilization." She gestures out to the rest of the city. "But, for us, all civilization is facinating these days." she says sadly.

"I don't blame you for oggling my wonderful city," Or his wonderful self, as he soaks up the attention gleefully. "My people know their places. The rulers rule justly. The serfs work diligently. The warriors fight fiercely and the merchants make sure everything is where it needs to be. Our priests are pious and humble, and even the destitute, few they are, are properly demure. It is a model society." Maybe not THE model society, but certainly a model of one. "Now then, to business. Have you told the leaders of your Zephyr tower of their new lord and master? I'm eager to tour the facility and meet their talented artisans. The city it dwells in is also in dire need of my attention. Every day we wait is suffering, for the people there."

"Not quite, your grace," Grace says. "Things are a bit more... complicated than simply laying claim to the land. In particular, Zephyr isn't the governing body of the city so much as it is the employer of many citizens."

Fenris nods at Technetium's comment. "I would love to learn more about the tanuki," he says, "Your city and your people are remarkable!" The tiger swallows when asked about the state of negotiations. "The leaders of Zephyr have not yet been informed, Lord Tanuki," he says, "W have begged the indulgence of three days to reach those responsible for the company and for them to make decisions of their own." He waves a hand to Grace. "And my companion is right, Zephyr does not govern Fairhaven," he says, "Fairhaven currently has no direct government." The tiger hopes that was not the wrong thing to say.

Technetium points to the RSX badges on her shoulders. "I have no influence with Zephyr, and I am from a different city from them. However, I would still like to persist in trying to create good relations from RSX Solutions with Woodfield City and the Tanuki people."

"It's unclaimed?" he asks in a surprised, yet delighted, tone, "No ruler? This is wonderful! If there is no claim to the land, than no one can hold it in ill grace to do so now. We will bring civility to your ravaged world. No more raping and violence in the streets, or forcing even your youth to be trained for battle instead of learning proper social graces, or even learning the simple joys of proper levity. Your world has become such a downer." He sets his hands on his round hips, belly jiggling in the motion, "It's terrible, and long past time we fixed it. The ruler of your tower will come around when they see what we've done with the city around them." Oh he seems distracted now, barely paying attention to the words being spoken in his direction now that a new avenue of action has been found.

Fenris seems to have said exactly the wrong thing."But, Lord Tanuki!" he cries, "It is not the land that is the issue here!" The tiger scrambles for words that might help. "The people of Fairhaven are not ready for a ruler!" he says, "Many are still lost to their feral madness! They are not such a quiet, civilized folk as your people. Perhaps it would be better to wait until they are better prepared to recieve your benevolent rule?" Yeah, that didn't sound contrived at all.

Technetium coughs, and prepares to point out how hard that'll be. "As you know, our world is infected with tons of small machines call nanites. The problem is, is if your soldiers are unprepared, they will quickly mutate and transform, then soon will lose their minds. Furthermore, our world contains advanced technology that is seemingly millenia beyond your own. Any resistant agents have this technology, and you will only be able to collect the talaki dedicants to your cause. Although this land is unclaimed, its a dangerous wasteland."

Grace makes a face for a moment. "While I don't doubt that your rule could be beneficial, I suspect that a large amount of Fairhaven's citizens would object. Many of them actually enjoy anarchy, and as my companion said, a very large number of them are completely mindless. And incredibly difficult to kill."

"The magic of your nanites is not entirely new to me," says the Tanuki lord as he strikes his belly like a drum, with a sound that also reminds of it. "It is a wonderful thing that I will master in time. Oh, dear, kill? Do I look like a killer?" he asks, leaning towards Grace with his big happy expression, "I would never dream of it. Maybe rough them a little, but I want to make people happier, not dead. You can't be happy while you're dead. I've tried it, it doesn't work. No no. Your world needs policing, urgently, and if your tower refuses to do it, then it is my DUTY to step in, for their sake."

Morten blinks, ears lowered before they perk up at the Tanuki's words "Huh.. so, less chaos more order, i'll believe it when I see it but... go team tanuki!" she nods, shifting to her Tanuki form "If his grace thinks he can change the world for the better, then those who stand in the way of peace need be removed! clearly" she grins, nodding happily and clapping her paws together...

Fenris has done it now. An invasion of smiling, chubby raccoon dogs using testicle magic. That should only make things better. "Please reconsider, Lord Tanuki," he says, "Give us time and we can learn to govern ourselves again! So many have raised themselves up from madness, why not give them more time?" He looks worried, "What would you do that we have not tried already?" Actually, he would love to hear the Tanuki lord's plan.