
From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 00:13, 4 June 2011 by DeMatt (talk | contribs) (Category change.)
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| Item [Thunderous                    ]  Type [          Recipe Modifier]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| A little ingenuity makes a big bang. Items with this modifier are good |
| at knocking enemies off balance, or keeping allies on their feet.      |
|______________________[        Recipe Info       ]______________________|
| Cred Cost      [+100%                                                ] |
| Ingredients    [Battery/2                                            ] |
| Salvage Amount [Common Mechanical/1                                  ] |
| Salvage Level  [1                                                    ] |
| Skill Modifier [5                                                    ] |
| Upgrade Cost   [10                                                   ] |
| XP Cost        [15                                                   ] |
|______________________[         Item Info        ]______________________|
| Ally Status    [KnockdownResist/100/1/20                             ] |
| Charge         [+25%                                                 ] |
| Cooldown       [+50%                                                 ] |
| Enemy Status   [Knockdown/100/1/1                                    ] |
| Energy         [+25%                                                 ] |
| Loadout        [+30%                                                 ] |