Et tu Zeke - RPLOG

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The small gathering of agents eventually find themselves at the agreed meeting place, The Progress Bar. Every surface in here is stainless steel. Walls, floor, stools, tables... all coldly metallic. You walk in on the lower level, air conditioning blowing away the rotting night air outside. Above you, a steel grille catwalk leads to private booths. There's an empty stretch at the bar, and that's where you drift to. You can see your faces in the steel. as well as your contact, Zeke's haggared appearance. Your coms ping the tired looking lion beast as a member of the survivalists. Clad in old, ill-fitting sweatpants and a torn hoodie, the lion looks up as you all arrive at the scene.

Another lion beast heads to the mission location, but this particular feline's fur shines with silver only obscured by the formal tuxedo covering his body. Dio peers around the area, taking mental notes of the curious area until he finally arrives at the target. "Good evening," the lion greets with a gentlemanly formal bow, deep enough to reveal the riot shield secured steadily upon his back. "We have received your request. Shall we go over the details?"

Lizzie heads into the agreed building, eyes flicking around the shiny surfaces as she heads over toward where Zeke was. "Fuck, ain't ever been in this bar before. I wonder what the fuckin' house special thing is up in this bitch." She mutters to herself as she heads over toward the.. pair of lion beasts? One haggard and one quite a bit less so. Her own body was just clad in her normal clothing, combat armor stored in her pack along with the horde of drones and other weaponry she favored until it was time to go somewhere actually dangerous.

"Heya, Dio. How the fuck are ya?" She asks as she slides into a seat next to their employeer without waiting for an invitation. Her hand waves over toward the bartender, assuming there was one on duty, and she turns toward Zeke with a little grin. "Yeah, who is this bitch, any leads on where to find em, how much does it pay, and what the fuck is the best drink here?"

Edel shuffles in rather quietly, her outfit both regal and protective, consisting of a deep blue ball gown overlaid with protective plates. Definitely the work of more of her nanomagic. "Ah... It's been a while since I've gotten to do something. I was getting restless." The brown furred wolf rubs at her ears and glances around the room before making her ways closer to Zeke.

Enkei herself yawns upon sight of the drowsy-looking fellow, rubbing her eyes roughly to scrape out tiny, gritty globs of metalic powder and mucous from her eyes' surfaces. Her clothing is the same as always, it seems. A tank top and cargo pants. Carried by one of her long and strong arms is a rather bulky, box-like object with a metal spike on one end. "So... I heard you've got a job for us, yeah? I'm rarin' to go, as you can tell..." She said absently, not even really listening to the lion or the others. "Debrief us, then. I ain't for standing around all night long."

Anatia certainly hasn't found this the worst dive she's been in, even outside this wasteland. It almost looks clean, and presentable, and she takes a deep breath of clean air as the human wanders in to meet her newest contact. Anatia's been doing jobs all around the world for some time, and while project 'Survival' isn't her usual forte, here she is, and she may well make the most of it. With an easy shift, she sets her bag down against her chosen chair, kicks her feet up onto the table, and spears the pair of lions with a /look/. She's seen this a thousand times. The rich and the poor. The young and the old. The bankers, and the fighters.

"You jokers may as well get it over with. Time is money, after all," she smirks, looking straight at the tuxedo-clad feline. At the sound of Lizzie's little statement, she grins at the only other human in the room, appreciatively. "Gotta say, I think we're going to get along /just/ fine." With a gimlet eye, she assays the situation - one wiseass (or two, with her), one mercenary with nothing to live for, one nutcase who's likely to slip his leash at the first sign of trouble, and one 'Johnson' along for the ride. Perfect.

"Right.. thanks for coming guys. I.. I didn't know who else to turn to. Was nice getting out from the heel of the corporations but, well, when you need some help.." he pauses, scratching his matted, tangled mane for a bit. "Anyway, I.. I don't know if you guys.. er girls, whatever, remember Molly Harlequinn. Yeah, I know, it's not her real name but she's worn it as long as I can remember. No? She was a star, back in the day. Well, maybe not a star like the old ones but it didn't matter to me. You should have seen her. I thought I lost track of her after the plague hit. Things were messy, you know? But then.. then I found this." he says as he fishes out an old, crumpled poster from one of his pockets and slides it across the bar. Seems like a flyer for some sex club or others. Cast in black and white there's a bunny girl in what looks like a cage. Chained up and naked, the kemonomimi bunny's sultry mouth is sensually parted, looking like the very poster girl for naughty funtimes. The date on the flyer was only a few days ago.

Most of you seem to dimly recall an old soap opera called Days Passing By. The bunny on the poster does look quite a bit like the star of the show. Well, one of them. Before or after the coma though? Or was it her twin sister?! Far as you recall, watching Days Passing By was a depressing experience. It was a lurid little soap opera with people being mean and rotten to each other pretty much for the fun of it - that is, when they're not rolling around under strategically placed bedsheets in just about every combination possible. It's not exactly a testament to the nobility of the human spirit.

"Ain't she that soap star? Looks like the bitch is movin' up in the world by the god damn poster. I take it she ain't volunteerin' for the position of house whore so we gotta go find her and drag her ass out if it looks like she ain't in there and wants to be?" Lizzie asks as she looks over the poster a little more. She had been to many bars through the city but they did all blur together sometimes... was this one of the ones? "You been to the fuckin' club and checked shit out or just call our asses over to check this out first?"

"Quite well, my lady," Dio responds to Lizzie with a small dip of his head. "I do hope that you haven't gotten into too much trouble since we've seen each other last? I'm afraid it's been nearly a month or so!" The lion lets out a small laugh and pulls up from his bow to tuck and smooth out his formal attire. "And it's nice to see you all as well. And you, my lady," he comments with an eye towards Edel, "What a beautiful dress! But then again, your attire has always been quite impressive."

Listening to the briefing, Dio pays attention dilligently while he finds a comfortable spot. Such is the curse of carrying something so large upon one's back. "Yes, I see. As a gentleman..." The feline's muzzle raises graciously to the sky as a balled up fist covers his heart in pride. "I simply can't allow such actions to take place. We shall save this lady using all of our skills and strength regardless of the pay!"

Anatia raises an eyebrow at the sound of the name 'Molly Harlequin'. "I've heard that name," she muses. "I certainly don't recall much of it, though. Sounds a little like an old history novel. Or history, anyway." The woman kicks her legs off the table, spilling one drink and upsetting others. "Okay. So we're heading out to rescue a little old lady from certain death... or ferality, either way." With a light chuckle, she looks over at the old lion, disregarding the sudden surge of heroism, bravery, and sheer stupidity from Dio. "Half. Up front."

Edel scratches her neck, frowning. "Hrm. Doesn't sound all THAT familiar to me, no... But! I'll help you find them all the same! Especially if there's something forced going on here. I don't much care for people that keep others against their will, you know?"

Zeke squirms in his seat. "Y-yeah, sure. I mean, I missed her show. Good thing too, cause I dunno what I'd do with myself if I saw her like.. like that." he says in a depressed tone of voice, waving the barkeep down to order a round of drinks for the agents.

As you've been talking, a quintet of wolves have found their way into the bar. They look nearly identicall in their gray leisure suits. Who the hell wears leisure suits these days, you think to yourselves as one of them orders a G&T.

Zeke nods in agreement to Edel, glossing over Anatia's demands of payment up front.. for now. "Exactly! I'm sure she wouldn't do this herself. Infact, I havn't even been able to get near her! I mean, just look at this. Chained up, collared.." he shakes his head sadly.

"Ain't no trouble I couldn't get out of. Got some nice side jobs goin' on lately that pay well with pretty low fuckin' risk. It's been a good damn run of luck really." Lizzie says toward Dio with a nod of her head and a big grin. Edel gets a little wave too now, having been a while since they last saw each other too. "I'll take Dio's share if he ain't gonna take it but yeah, we should get the bitch out of that place if she don't want to work like that."

The human rather liked the man a bit more with the round of drinks, free drinks being the second best of drinks. "Make mine a whiskey." Her eyes flick to the wolves coming in, a laugh hitting her lips as she hears them order. "Nice fuckin' suits. Stop orderin' pussy drinks Lesuire suit larry and get a god damn shot of something."

Enkei rumbles in thought, staring at the image intently. With a serious expression and a semi-stiff prick, she shrugged. "Aside from this piece of alurin' less-than-fap-material, you got any evidence to help locate her? The date might be recent, but this isn't much to go on... However, I'd say it's unlikely she's been harmed since the date of this photo's printing, given her lewd demeaner in this pic. She may well have become valuable merchandise."

One of the wolves barks out a laugh, quickly silenced by an elbow to the side by one of the others who glares at Lizzie.

Anatia smiles, and takes the instant between when the wolves leap in, and when they finally take a glance at the situation they're in... to smile. With a casual gesture, she draws her sidearm, pointing it directly at the head of the lead invader. "Perhaps you haven't quite guessed the trouble you're in," she adds unnecessarily, spitting a small gobbet of saliva right onto the floor. "My good sir, you have just invaded not just a bar and grill, but an actual /saloon./" With a tip of her bangs, Anatia looks over at the invading wolves in fine suits. "Now, may I perhaps persuade you gentlemen upon the /proper/ course of action?"

Edel leans against the bar and rubs her chin. "I don't care too much for the pay, but if you have a location that'd be lovely! If she's been inducted into a harem or not... I'm not too concerned. I'll cut them up and take her anyway. I hate harem owners. And pet owners. Filthy scum, the lot of 'em. So I'll take pleasure in taking their limbs off."

"The only payment I require is that of an poor innocent lady finally seeing the glorious sun in precious freedom," Dio claims once more in his particularly proud manner. "But think not I am one of such zealous righteousness. I shall not criticize or claim others should not do the same. A service is a service and typically demands payment." Perhaps burdened by the shield upon his back, Dio begins unleashing the binds upon it and eventually hoists it in front of him with a small clank upon the ground. "I'm afraid I don't drink. We should probably get going before we start a bar fight and the sun sinks too low."

Lizzie flips off the one who glares at her and laughs, downing her shot quickly and standing up. "Eh, well if ya got the fuckin' address then we can get our asses out of here before some shit happens cause of nothin' I could have started." She says with a nod, standing up and brushing herself off. The wolves she actually half expected to be from the bar the bunny was taken too trying to disuade Zeke but then again pack animals always did weird things like that.

The most well dressed lion in the bar spots a nice bulge in the wolves jacket and as one of them elbows the other, spots the handle of a gun tucked into a shoulder holster. The wolves don't hesitate a minute when Anatia pulls a gun on them, they all do the same. In unison, they open fire at the gathering at the bar, spreading out slightly as they do so. Zeke gives off a startled mewl and dives for cover.

Bullets start flying through the air, one or two grazing Anatia, Edel and Lizzie. No more then a fleshwound though, mainly thanks to Dio's quick reactions. The wolves were hardly expecting to get into a fight quite this early.

Dio crouches beneath his shield once he notices the tell-tale shape of a gun within someone's pants. Bullets ding and whizz against his shield, luckily saving him from any particular harm. The lion lets out a rather large roar and bangs his precious riot shield against the ground for effect and taps the side of his pocket to unleash a small protective nantie barrier around his body. Legs coil as he moves closer, attempting to get their focus so the group may more easily fire upon them while he also begins to unleash a small storm of prisms from underneath his sleeve!

Anatia finds herself behind a table before a book can flip. Her arms are burning, her left disabled, and her right merely grazed - but nothing's hit her head yet, and for that she's duly thankful. "Fnark," she spits, before finally settling her gaze upon her test tubes... and launching one of those red-liquid filled vials in the direction of the wolves. It shatters easily, spraying liquid everywhere...!

Lizzie dives behind Dio, the riot shield and lion being the best form of cover as she pulls out her pack and unleashes her unfolding drone army. The shielding barrier unit is flung out first, it's own shield something to save her and the other units to follow from damage, the medical and repair drone follows to keep it running, then the pair of missile and machine gun wielding drones. They all had devensive spark shields too as and turned to start firing their homing missile and bullet barrages right at the five wolves. "Bitches don't know what shit they just started."

Edel growls a little, leaping for cover as her dress acquires a few tears... As does the flesh under it. "Ow! Fuck, how rude!" From behind the cover and under her cloak, two tentacles lash out, reaching to snare one of the wolves by the throat, hoping to smash them into the surface of her cover and hold them there.

Enkei blinks upon sight of the firearms being drawn, instinctively grabbing up and flipping a table for cover... Good thing these were made of steel. Moments after ducking behind it, the metal sheet composing it became riddled with tiny lumps of hot, fragmented bullets. Staring down at her Pile Bunker, Enkei sighed. "Don't bring an awesome death-spike thingy to a gunfight, eh? Well, on the upside, I can do... THIS!" She roars, pushing the table to one side roughly only to blast a wide swath of fire at the group.

The five wise guys seem taken completely by surprise by the barrage of weaponry and mutant powers coming their way. One of Edel's tentacles coils around an arm, sending a gun clattering to the ground. Another goes down, holding his paws over his eyes as he takes the brunt of the multiple prisms shooting out from behind the riot shield. Another scream can be heard as a third gets mobbed by an angry drone fiering at them. Another gets his precious suit quite ruined by red fluid. The insult! The last straw is the gigantic gust of flame sent their way, sending the smell of burnt hair into the air. It seems to all be a bit much for the would-be assassins to handle and they quickly try to make their escape, fiering wildly into the bar to avoid pursuit.

Lizzie signals her drones to stay back as she crouches there, a slight sting of the flesh wound on her arm still there while the medical drone comes up to put a small spray on it. "Well... Zeke, those fuckers wearin' anythin' like the bastards at the club you visited? Also where the fuck is it? I gotta get the fuck over there and check that shit out before they get too prepped. Plus looks like the bastards are gonna be fuckin' ready." She stands up, giving Dio a little pat on his back for the help being mobile cover and stretches.

Dio watches the wolven individuals flee from the bar with a small smirk upon his muzzle. "Well done I suppose. Not as much damage to the bar as I was expecting." Leaning forward, the leonine figure inspects the front of his shield and wipes off some of the battle damage that has accrued during the event. And of course, he simply couldn't help but to obsessively inspect his tuxedo for any damage as well. "It seems they know about the situation. This is quite curious. Have you done something to anger them, our righteous employer?"

Edel folds her arms, letting the tentacles withdraw into nothingness as she huffs, her dress already having mended itself. "Well, that was an excellent start, wasn't it? Now then... Did we have a location in mind for finding the missing lady? I'd like to avoid getting shot again, and the sooner we get there, the less time they have to come back with friends!"

Enkei frowns, rising slowly while righting the table she'd used for cover. Wiping and picking free some of the rounds fired. After this, she ran towards the door full-sprint. "I think it may be best to pursue, before we lose those sissy bitches!" She hollers behind her, not even bothering to turn her gaze back for even a moment. She couldn't help but wonder why they all sat idle after such an event...?

Lizzie's helpful little medical drone patches up the small cuts and scrapes people might had suffered. All while cursing about "Suck it up, pussy!" "Tears make the best lubricant.." etc. Seems it's taken after it's mistress. Enkei doesn't see a trace of the combatants out on the street. Seems they know the way around the city. No doubt frowning, he heads back inside.

After the smoke has cleared, Zeke turns to you "I need you to find her. I.. I tried, I really did. Maybe I asked the wrong questions at that club or those other places, I dunno. I mean, she's been to a few events. A signing here and there, dancing at some club, but I never managed to actually see her at any of them. But clearly, if anything, this is proof I'm right! I don't have alot saved up but I'll give it all to you if you help me out." he pleads. "Last I heard, she was seen staying at some fancy hotel in town but I couldn't even get through the door. Maybe it's a good place to start?"

Lizzie nods and grabs the flier form before and looks at it closer. "Sure, we can start over at that fuckin' place. If not then someone brought her to where this fuckin' club was and we can break bones until some bitch starts talkin'." She says witha grin. "Now which god damn fancy place is the bitch supposed to be in? Dio's gonna have to know how fuckin' pretty he's got to make us to get us all in there. You're just lucky I'm the fuckin' spirit of elegance."

Dio looks over the group after Lizzie's comment and rubs the back of his neck. Quite an elegant group of fellows indeed. "Yes... indeed." The lion hoists up his riot shield and straps it across his back once more and makes his way back towards Zeke. "Time is precious, sir. We must be swift. Every second is a chance that things could get much worse. Please, give us the location and we shall move with extreme haste."

"Uh.. I'm not sure which hotel, really.." he says, sighing deeply. Any zephyr agent worth their salt or really anyone who's familiar with Fairhaven would easily hazard a guess that the hotel Zeke is referring to is the Maison. Few other "hotels" fit the bill in town.

Pushing open the door slowly before entering, ducking slightly to pass under the frame, Enkei sighs. "Damn it. Should've rushed 'em when they were firin'... Maybe used the table. Bastards got away." She shook her head with a twitch in her eye. "Sadly, I ain't a professional tracker. Even if I was, I bet doin' that in an urban enviroment'd be hellish." Taking heavy steps back to meet the group, she then plopped her massive ass-end on on of the metal chairs, which promptly collapsed under her weight. "GOD DAMN IT." She cursed, standing up quickly, shaking her head. "Eh, sorry 'bout the chair, too. Deduct it from my pay? Geh... As for hotels... Perhaps Hotel Oblivion? It's trashy, low-security AND full of weaklings. Been there myself, a few times."

Edel rubs her chin again, humming. "I suppose there aren't many high class hotels around anymore. But there is one! I'd be surprised something like this was allowed to go on there, but.. Well. Let's go check it out, hmm?" She shoulders her large blade and closes her eyes, tilting her head back. "Ready to go."

"Sounds like it's the fuckin' Maison if it's fancy. I know a few bitches who stay there from time to time." Lizzie says with a little shrug. "Ok, let's get the fuck over there. If you're comin' follow me. If not, well, guess you didn't want to fuckin' nut up and save a bitch." She strolls out of the place after that, ready to hit the hotel and chat up the fancy folk with her fancy ways. Fortunatly she did have that collar her friends had made to adjust how she speaks, although she hadn't used that in a long long time."

"As a note," Dio comments, crossing his arms across his chest, "The Maison isn't a hotel. It's more of a studio apartment place than anything else. I live there actually, so we should investigate it soon before such a wonderful place is blighted by awful behavior." Of course, that kinda stuff probably goes on anyways, but a lion can dream. The feline rolls his shoulders and cracks his knuckles before making his way towards the door. "Let us be off before it gets too dark."

The scooby gang wastes little time as they make their way to the Maison. The posh lobby is pristine, as usual. An equine receptionist is busy fixing a few tulips in a vase at the counter.

Lizzie shows up at the Maison wearing a tuxedo of her own, something she had originally procured for when she ran Maid RPG games with cosplay at her apartment. The collar had been flicked over to the new mode, be it tech or just something in her head that made her think things changed it worked still. "And here we are at this place, immaculate on the outside but inside there are some rather unusual hooligans that seem to be attempted to sully this ineffable visage. Would you like to take the fore Dio? Or shall I begin our inquiry into the whereabouts of the damsel in question?

Edel is pretty content to leave her outfit the same. It is, afterall, quite regal anyway! "Doesn't matter to me who leads! Just not me. I'm a bit small for bringing up the front, and I'd prefer to have someone in front of me to draw attention first, you know?"

Enkei strides forwards with a loud "THUNK, THUNK, THUNK." to her steps, grinning at the group. "Let me just say this... I ain't good with people. Frankly, only good I'd be is in a case where you need somethin' built, read up on OR destroyed. However, if need be, I'd be willing to take blows for the rest of ya, provided I get some much-needed support. Besides, I imagine I'm a little less adorable than most of ya... Lucky bastards."

Dio observes Lizzie's change in attire and lets out a small laugh. "How lovely," he procliams with a hint of amusement. "Though I think you'd look much nicer in a dress I must admit. Like lady Edel here perhaps. However, nothing worth debating at the moment. Maybe I've just jealous." Tucking at his Tuxedo coat, he puts a hand upon the door and looks over his shoulder. "Anyways, let us begin," he claims before opening up the door and heading for one of the temporary rooms to start the search.

Dio quickly finds all the doors firmly locked in that particular hallway. Thick enough to be somewhat soundproof, it's very difficult to determine which door she might be behind, if she's even here.

Lizzie brushes off the front of her jacket with a small nod. "Well yes, I would look rather radiant in a dress such as that I hope. Sadly the only other attire I have for this venue would be my maid outfits which are a bit too revealing for this particular venture." She hangs back a little bit while Dio checks the doors, instead opting to head over to the front desk and see who is on duty.

The equine receptionist smiles warmly at the approaching Lizzie. "Why, good evening. Can I help you with something?" she neighs as she brushes a hand over her uniform, straightening out any wrinkles with her large hand.

Edel follows after Dio, smiling. "I am glad that you enjoy my dresses, Dio! I have quite taken a liking to them, myself. And my business skirts. But dresses especially." She gives a little twirl, letting the long, frilled hem kick up a little. "I always try my best to be dangerous and fabulous. I can afford to look nice."

rumbling like an engine left to sit, Enkei watches with a small frown and a shrug as Dio tests the doors, finding them all locked. "No surprise there. I seriously doubt the hotel'd let their customer's privacy be invaded without a really good reason." Thus, she wandered off to look for cleaning crews. She assumed there must be someone to clean up the "leavings" of others after fun nights and orgies. If anyone'd knew and was likely be talking, it'd be them.

Lizzie pulls out the flier from before, the lower half of the bunny in the cage folded behind to prevent anything too lewd from being shown. "Pardon me madam. I was told a friend of mine was residing in your establishment and I was hoping you could tell me if she or the gentlemen she was with have check in lately. Here is her picture, the name is Molly Harlequinn."

"Hrm..." the lion muses under his breath. "Locked and sound-proof for the most part. I suppose I should've expected that." Giving up, Dio makes his way back towards the other members of the group to observe the interaction with the receptionist.

The receptionist sneers down at her long, equine nose at Lizzie. "Our guests value their privacy!" she huffs, turning away from you pointedly to start on some paperwork. Enkei has a bit better luck, however. Infact, there's a bored looking bellhop standing around. His large squirrel tail drooping a bit from boredom.

Enkei grinned deviously as the bellhop came into view, then pulled her face back into a more friendly, thoughtful expression. "Hey, you okay, kid? You look like you need a hug or somethin'..." She asked, her feet causing the ground beneath her to creek somewhat uncertainly. "If ya don't mind my company and some idle banter, could you help me out? A friend of mine called me earlier, sayin' there was a hostage situation in her room. With her bein' the hostage." She sighed, shaking her head while a claw set itself over her brow. "Sadly, I can't recall the room... She said several canine men rushed in, though, before the call got cut off." She leans against the wall, then slumps slightly. "You might be her only hope, boy. My only hope, too... I'd be so grateful if you could save us, cutie." She says, turning back to him while leaning forward, her perky nipples partially visible within her loose tank top. "I need the utmost stealth about this, though. If the bad guys find out we're here, they might kill her."

"Excuse me, ma'am," Dio waves as he joins the conversation. "It's lovely to see you again." The lion dips into a heavy bow and soon comes back up with a smile. As a resident in the building for many months, it would only be natural for him to know the various staff members within the building. "I understand the building's stance on privacy, but we're in a bit of a bind here. You see, this lady has been taken against her will and has been turned into a sex toy. Surely you must recognize the urgency of such a situation. I shall not blame you if decide not to break policy, but we would be ever so grateful should you help us out."

Talking to the bellhop does yield some information, for the low low price of a few measly freecreds. Seems Molly and Christina (her assistant, apparantly) are not model guests. They are constantly making noisy demands of the staff. Infact, as you're plying information out of the bellhop, a well-dressed cougar storms into the reception, yelling angrily about a room service order that wasn't right. The recptionist hangs her head, apologizing profusely before the cougar stalks back to the hallway before anyone has the time to react. The bellhop jerks his thumb at her as she leaves. "Yeah, that's her assistant. Mean girl if I ever saw one. But man is she cute.." he mumbles, a hand idly rubbing at his groin.

The crestfallen receptionist leans over to mumble in hushed tones to Dio and Lizzie. "They're quite a.. handful. Atleast her assistant. The bodyguard is nice though. I wouldn't mind getting rid of them honestly. If there's something shady going on, it's.. my responsibility, after all." she says as she slides a room key stealthily over the desk towards Dio.

Enkei nods in thanks, then is about to leave when a thought comes to her. "Ah... Boy, might I ask you something more? A favor. I want you to keep this elevator on lock-down, prevent it from leaving this floor or moving an inch. Lock yourself in, if necessary to keep yourself safe..." She explained. "In exchange, I'm gonna grab that Cougar when I get my friend to safety, hog-tie her, then heave her into a nice room here with you for some fun to pay for her being so terrible to you over the last little while. Sound like a good deal?"

Edel watches the cougar move away, turning wordlessly to follow after her. That might at least give her lead on a room to break into! She had no qualms about that, certainly. She folds her hands behind her back as she shuffles down the hall, herself, acting like she was supposed to be there.

The bellhop's eyes widen in surprise before he nods timidly. "Uh.. s-sure? Not for too long though. I'll give you like.. 10 minutes. Tops!" he mumbles.

Dio slips the key underneath his shirt sleeve and bows. "Thank you very much for your cooperation. We'll see what we can do about this situation. Be prepared everyone. It's time to put this to a close hopefully." Taking out his riot shield, the lion begins making his way towards the indicated room.

Seems the groups golden tongues have worked their magic. Edel has no trouble pointing out which room the cougar disapeared into either. And Dio seems to be holding the key to it. It only takes a few minutes before everyone is standing outside a solid, wooden door.