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Mini Glittersette AKA Cygnus

Freelance shipping pilot, self proclaimed bullet sponge

  • Is 2 completely separate people living in one fuzzy body

Personal quote- "I'm just 2 happy little bunnies rolled up into one cute little fuzzy ball of rage! *giggles and eye rolls*"

(The official Zephyr file:)

Mini is one of 2 children of the Claeys family of St. Louis, Missouri. Her father, Phillip, was a medic born in Spain on a US Air force base and quickly moved to the US. Her Mother, Paulette, was a nurse from the St. Louis area. The two met in medical school. When questioned about emergency contacts, she declined, however stating her entire immediate family survived the incidents of P-day. She is listed as never having joined Zephyr, however the records state that she has taken on multiple freelance jobs from the company. She has since added an 'Archimedes' as her emergency contact.

Mini has traveled extensively and appears to have a large medical record with Zephyr after the P-day incidents. She was a male student at SEMO studying for a degree in engineering and said to be taking classes in luthiery. During the outbreak, Mini stole a small aircraft with a group of survivors and made the short flight to St. Louis where she's said to have rescued her family and moved them to a small town in Ontario, Canada (Update: Residents evacuated to Michigan as of Feb 17, 2008) Along the way she contracted a mild infection that left her as a rabbit, however she's quoted with saying that its never phased her. She has stated that since the outbreak she has become a freelance shipping pilot and has taken on multiple jobs flying supplies to various locations around the north American continent (13 of these jobs have been registered with Zephyr or affiliated groups) and her medical records from multiple affiliated groups confirm this statement.

There are few reports on her from Zephyr agents but she is said to have flipped genders multiple times before staying female. She is supposedly affiliated another rabbit with black fur who is reportedly feral but there are too few reports to confirm these statements.

  • Addition: Recent reports have placed her in Fairhaven with the dark rabbit and has been seen either driving a DeLorean or flying a heavily modified Russian helicopter.

Known Immediate Relations:

Phillip Claeys (Father)(Living)(Last Known location: Detroit, Michigan)

Paulette Claeys (Mother)(Living)(Last Known location: Detroit, Michigan)

Archimedes Glittersette (Brother)(Living)(Last Known Location: Joined with eastern militia forces. Continued reports state Sergeant status.)

Six Groleau (N/A)(Living)(Last Known Location: Joined with eastern Canadian militia forces serving in the eastern United States. Continued reports state Lieutenant-Colonel status.)

(Personal Bio)

Mini is an extremely gifted pilot and aircraft mechanic with a love for the skies the smell of aviation fuel. She has a generally quiet personality and tends be emotional at times, however she tends to be a bit of a smartass, but shes mostly friendly to the people she meets. Much the same can be said for Cygnus, an entity that took refuge in Mini's head. She's easily identified by her ebony black fur and strange white symbols on her arms and back, and her striking orange eyes, while Mini is a bright white with pitch black spots. Both are rabbits.

Cyg and Mini have a rather interesting relationship, both being able to take the drivers seat at will when the other is tired or distressed, which the times that either is out can range from a matter of hours to days at a time. Cygnus seems to be more of a motherly figure to Mini, often giving advice and taking over whenever in extreme danger, while still being a bit young in her nature and having more of a sibling/lover type relationship with her host. Cygnus remembers little of her past before Mini and tends to take any scrap of memory she gets and pours over it, before deciding if its just a random dream or if its an actual memory. Mini on the other hand is a somewhat shy and emotional 21 year old (however sometimes says shes 19) girl with slight anger issues and quite a few personal demons she'd rather not face (even though she should). She tends to lay low around others unless she knows them well, and spends most of her time in and around New Ireland, her adoptive home.