Purrpetually Cuddly

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Revision as of 11:11, 30 August 2018 by Uvi (talk | contribs)
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Purrpetually Cuddly
Description You're cuddly. This could be due to conditioning, that is, you've been cuddly for so long, it just comes natural. Snuggles is just how you deal with stress, or boredom, or likely a lot of other emotions. Cuddling is just the first thing that comes to mind. No effect can make you not cuddly, because it's not hormonal, it's just how your brain is wired up. Stubbed your toe? A little cuddlefest might fix that...

Purrpetually Cuddly/Extra Notes Edit notes

Note: This flaw does nothing mechanically. It exists solely for RP purposes.