Solid Frame

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 03:39, 27 April 2011 by Sparhawk (talk | contribs) (Created Solid Frame power)
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| Item [Solid Frame                   ]  Type [             Mutant Power]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| You have the power to defend yourself against physical blows, both     |
| through innate toughness and a power to roll with attacks actively.    |
|______________________[  Additional Information  ]______________________|
| Power   [Defense Matrix                                              ] |
|______________________[     Base Power Stats     ]______________________|
| Type    [Toggle, Self                                                ] |
| Target  [Toggle Self                                                 ] |
| Energy  [0.8                                                         ] |
| Charge  [300                                                         ] |
| Cooldown[6000                                                        ] |
| Accuracy[75%                                                         ] |
| Statuses                                                               |
| \_PhysicalDamageResist        [100% chance at 2 power for 1 rounds.  ] |
|______________________[Variations from Base Power]______________________|
| Upgrades                                                               |
| \_Energy                      [-0.20                                 ] |
| \_PhysicalDamageResistMag     [0.5                                   ] |

Added 4/26/11 [Public] [Staff] Digger, Kazard says, "solid frame added to:collie herm, blue gryphon, (all) skunk beasts, (all) clockworks, panther taur, swarm of rats, hyena herm, busty cow, chocolate cow, ashen render, lion beast, wolf beast, clydesdale stud, highway mouse, giant bat, giant robot, MSPA Series 6, mutated brute, bearded dragon recruit, lizard girl, male rex, harbinger lynx, ancient tortoise, ragnarok beast, hotel management, male gator, horned wyvern, and all of the forces of nature"