Cura in the Temple - RPLOG

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It is dark. And a little cold. It seems that the slide has dumped poor Cura deep in the heart of the strange, Mayan pyramid. Now what?

Cura glances about, a bit dazed a more then a little annoyed. The plastic dragon checks hir comm device for signal, eager to update control on hir current situation.

The comm link indicates that it has no connection, the glow from the little screen doing little to illuminate the balckness. Looks like Cura is on her own.

Cura chuckles and shakes hir head before muttering, "Of course the damm thing does not work when I need it most." The dragon looks about grinning, "Lets see what we can work with..." at this moment the agents implanted NICE unit begins a flurry of action, processing one of the more... unusual programs avalible. The result is a wriggling appendage extending from hir shoulder blade, extending a few feet in length before the tip suddenly bursts into flames, it's surface taking on the properties of one of the more incendiary mutants that agent has avalible.

The strange tentacle works, but not well, as if the nanites are sleepy and sluggish, and the flames seem dimmer than they ought to be. . . probably just the gloomy atmosphere. The stone room that Cura finds herself in is quite large, with the exit of the slide she fell from a good ten feet over her head. Mayan glyphs and pictograms line the walls of the room, showing their strange gods in various attitudes of blessing, cursing, and generally going about their godly business. On the far wall is the only apparent exit, a large, stone gateway open to a dark corridor. The door frame is carved to look like a gaping, monstrous maw of sharp teeth.

Cura glances about with a huff, untill hir gaze falls upon the door with a chuckle. "Really? Now that is just kinda cute." The dragon makes hir way past the gateway, and into the next room, hir eyes scanning the walls and floor as shi advances.

The door is a bit of a tight fit for Cura's oversized form and the corridor is not much better. The walls here seem to depict some rather unpleasant scenes. Lines of two dimensional people in chains being lead down the hall in the same direction that Cura is headed. There seems to be a distinct downward tilt to the floor.

Cura grunts at first as shi attempts to squeeze hir way past the door, before pausing a bit and facepalming. "Right..." Hir body then once more changes, it's dimensions and shape becoming once more that of the form shi had originally entered in. The talakai grins and resumes down the tunnel, hir tenta-torch dimly lighting the way forward. Shi feels a bit uneasy as shi looks over the walls for a moment. "I think I have heard about this... the culture was reall into human sacrifices... heh. We will see about that." shi mutters to hirself.

As Cura's form shifts and changes, something very unusual happens. Instead of her excess mass evaporating into the air like normal, it sloughs off in piles of gelatinous goo around her! That is not supposed to happen! With her smaller size, the corridor is much easier to navigate, though it seems that it was still made for people considerably smaller than her.

Cura glances down a bit in shock and disgust as what once was part of hir become goop. Hir eyes then widen when shi relizes what this might mean.... "Am I... outside of the bubble? But I could not have fallen that far....." The kai looks down to hir comm unit and enables the distress system. "Ok, ok... I just have to press forward untill I find somewhere with signal.... shit." the kai begins to cautiously advance, and for the first time in years, begins to fear for hir life.

Once past the running gelatin of useless nanites, the tunnel is dry and cold and the torchtacle is growing dimmer and dimmer. No nanites, no nanomagic. . . following the flickering, chained figures on the walls brings Cura to a new doorway that opens into what must be a cavernous space, because her light does not penetrate far into the black, and there is little to see besides stone floor, and in that stone some sort of groove. Probably for draining off rain or water or. . . well, water does not usually leave behind a flaking, black residue.

Cura glances about at what shi assumes is the chamber used for sacrifical ritual... that or outright tourure... "lovely..." shi mutters as shi glances around for anything that could be used to replace hir dimming light source.

There does not seem to be anything nearby that would give light. It looks like the only marker to follow would be the gutter in the floor, horrible though it is. Maybe there will be something along the way. Or she could follow the wall. That might be a safer course.

Cura groans aloud as shi fails to secure anything to replace hir dying light. The kai defaults to the generic, follow the left hand wall trick, while seaching for anything that may be usefull.

Following the wall certainly works. The floor is mostly smooth and even with an occasional patch of fallen stone. The walls themselves are carved in great whorls and stylized shapes that probably make more sense from further away. Soon, Cura comes to a low wall. It only comes up to her waist, and on second glance, is not much of a partition at all. It seems to be another groove like the one she saw before, only this one is raised off the ground in a little channel. The dimming light of her tentatorch glitters off a dark liquid shimmering within.

Cura stops and leans in over the new groove, the kai leans over to sniff at the substance within.

Ugh! Well, what do you know? It smells like some kind of oil! Not ancient blood at all!

Cura grins at hir small victory and attempts to use hir tenta-torch to light the oil, "Seems like I found the light switch." If the oil does then light the kai might announce, "Honey, I'm hooome."

The oil ignites with a WHOOSH! and flame runs quickly down the length of the channel and spread to others like it around what turns out to be a HUGE cavern! Sorry to say that there is no ancient treasure to be seen, but that does not mean that there is not plenty to see. The walls of the room, if you can call it a room are carved with monolithic representations of Mayan gods, all in attitudes of attention, their eyes turned to the center of the huge space where a miniature pyramid, this one a mere twenty feet high stands. Spread in the vast spaces around the pyramid are neat, orderly rows of. . . well, corpses. No way to sugar coat that. Thousands of mummified human and mostly human corpses lie arranged around the pyramid. And it seems that the door that Cura arrived through is the only visible exit. Though it is hard to guess at this distance. There might be another door somewhere along one of the walls. Or maybe inside of the pyramid.

Cura takes a moment to take in the sights. "Well someone has been skimping on maid service..." Shi then glances to a few of the not so human looking bodies. The kai approches and examines them closely, removing an obscuring outfits or accesories on them if needed.