A Picnic of Wolves - RPLOG

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It is cool and clear out in the forest east of Fairhaven. The directions were very specific and easy to follow and the path was as pleasant and feral free as anyone could have hoped for. Little signs along the trail lead eventually to a little log cabin that was probably old and decrepit long before P-Day. A human woman wearing a light robe is waiting out front and a number of others, human and mutant alike mill around chatting together. Almost everyone is wearing plain, light robes and it seems that the woman at the table is collecting belongings and storing them in a very secure looking safe.

"Welcome, friends!" she says with a happy smile, "Please, come sign the roster and check in your weapons and gear. You won't need them for today's observances."

Jill lands on the ground near the women and settles hir wings against hir back and looks around at all of the people here so far. Shi nods and heads over to the women at the apparent sign in desk and shi pats hir utility belt, the only thing shi is waring and says "Do I need to give you my utility belt?" I shrug and say "It just contains some food, items and some things to help me past the time so I don't see any reason to turn it in but if you insist I'll hand it over."

A weird skunk appears. At first, he looks like one of those skunk girls from Fairhaven, but shemale and four-breasted, but odd, cybernetic characteristics are sprinkled all over, from his latex skin to his electronic eyes to tron lines all over. He's wearing a standard zephyr armor and seems reluctant to part with it. He gives a greeting. "Hello, I'm Arona, and I heard there was a celebration here ? Do I have to take off my armor ? I feel naked without it."

Next in line, a Husky male taps his bare foot-paw as if to burn off nervous energy. The small pack carried over his shoulder sways and brushes against his back like a pendulum, bare upper torso offering appealing glimpses of the exaggerated masculine attributes common to his kind. Thankfully, the simple worn pair of military-style came pants do a fine job of censoring any other attributes from casual examination. Seeing it is finally his turn, the husky male steps forwards and fumbles to pick up the pen for a second with his paw-like hands. Finally grasping it, he scrawls out in crude simple letters "REX", focusing as if it the simple task for a slightly more serious feat. Stepping back from the the book, he shuffles over to drop off his limited personal possessions. Looking over towards the human woman, he gently rumbles out "Hey, I'm uh.... Rex." almost more to himself than for her benefit, "Do you have any spare robes I can ... borrow?"

Quietly, a red panda steps up after the husky, signing her name on the sheet equally silently. They come in their usual garb, complete with a rather large amount of firearms and equipment, accompanied by the strap system that holds it all up. Keeping with the program, persay, she unloads these armaments, and moves out of the way, looking solemn. It was a day of remembrance, no?

Edel lived out here. It was only natural that she'd take an interest in any going-ons that took place within the forest. The tanuki woman came unarmed and dressed in her black and gold silk robe, as regal as ever. She signs her name on the sheet and links her sleeves together, humming. "So... What is the agenda for today?"

The human at the table smiles kindly. "We don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable," she says, "But we want everyone to know that this is a PEACEFUL gathering, so we wish to gather up any arms and armor. We will, of course provide robes for anyone who would like them. They are warm and quite comfortable in this weather. We will keep any and all of your belongings quite safe until you return for them." The woman then turns to address Edel. "In just a few minutes there will be a short address from one of the members of our little group, then there will be an activity, probably not very long, and then there will be food," she explains as she carefully bags and marks each person's possessions, trading them a signed chit for their belongings. "Don't lose that," she says, "You will need it to get your things back."

Jill sighs as the women takes hir utility belt and then gives a small subtle chuckle when the women mentions wanting no arms or armor to be brought here. if others notice hir small chuckle they might figure Jill does not need a weapon to be armed. Shi then shrugs and looks back to the women and says "I trust the food won't be laced with anything right?" I wave my hand and say "I don't expect it to be at all it is just the last event I went to which was advertissed with fliers and phamlets was held by the Tanuki and the food and drink there made folks into Tanuki. So please pardon my asking I just want to make sure."

Arona takes off his armor, releasing his oversized assets, that he promptly covers in one of the provided robes. He looks embarassed. He exchanges his armor and weapon for the chit. "I hope this won't be like the last time I went somewhere. I still remember the vines."

Rex stands around, looking at the crowd of mostly unfamiliar faces with the slightest trepidation as he clenches his signed chit in his paw. A gigantic... cat... thing? A synthetic skunk? A quiet Red Panda, and... another one of those dastardly Tanuki! The husky remembers the tainted feast and its transformative influence all too well as he glances at the Tanuki with suspicion, shuffling off to the side. Thankfully, Rex doesn't have to wait long for a robe to be provided, donning it swiftly.

"Armor, too? Darnit." Phosphorus glances around, detaching the armor plates from her clothing before attempting to hide behind a tree and actually disrobe fully, considering the clothing itself was made for ballistics. She grabbed a robe up beforehand, so the whole embarassment of it is probably nixed, although it still felt rather strange. The entire assembly is dropped off at the desk, and she pockets the token in the robe, making sure not to lose it. All of that stuff cost a ton to make, and a ton to find. "Right, then."

Edel eaches up for a moment to adjust her glasses. "Well, it's a little strange, I must say. But I have no need for weapons out here! THough I probably won't partake of food, I must say. It should be nice to hear, all the same!"

The woman at the table was right, the robes really are quite nice. Not too warm and certainly not restricting at all, though probably not so protective as those who checked their armor would be used to. "I can assure you that there will be nothing added to the food unless you have brought something yourselves," she promises, waving to the group as she turns to the last few stragglers. A little ways from the old cabin, a tall man with dark hair is waving to get everyone's attention. "If everyone would gather over here," he calls out, "We will begin!"

Jill picks up hir token and puts it into hir tentacle hair for safe keeping. Shi then shrugs and follows the women over to the area and looks around again at all the people there before leaning against a tree to listen to what ever is going to happen. As shi is walking over shi mutters something about just waiting for after the event to eat or drink something.