Mexican Rush - RPLOG

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The farmers that normally work the field have been disrupted. Rats. Not mall rats, but field rats, larger and rougher looking than the mall variety, but entirely new to the area. There are about ten of them, and they seem to have commandeered one of the shacks.

One of the Prometheans meets the group as it arrives, gesturing at it, "They come out once in a while and eat whatever's close by. They haven't hurt anyone, but we've never had quite this issue before."

Makena giggles, "I just keep thinking of The Princess Bride hehe" looking over towards the shack. "Hehe, how long have they been in there?"

Placing a hand on her hip, the strangely marked demoness looks over the refuges, her other hands fingers tapping her plump lips in thought. "Well now, rats, huh? What do we usualy do? Feed them and they simply run off into the night again?"

Shadina shrugs. "Well, if they're like us, we should be able to enlighten them."

A silver lion, dressed in semi-formal attire and a popular model of shotgun securely strapped to his back, arrives upon the scene with a proud smile. "Hmmm," he murmurs under his breath, waving to the other agents, "This isn't the firs time the farms have been under duress. If you haven't had this issue before, is it possible that you've been growing something new to attract these rats?"

"Well," says the Promethean, a male equine that adjusts his glowing fedora, "Normally the mutants in the area try a more violent raid. These just walked in and set up shop. They haven't actually hurt anyone, and our doctrines are clear. If they have not harmed up, we shouldn't harm them, but they are in the way, and we don't know them. They could become violent later." He lifts his shoulders, "As for new, we did get a few pigs in, but they don't seem to be bothering the pigs."

Makena giggles, "Do you know where they might have come from? Anybody tried to track them back to a source?"

Winter hmms softly, her eyes drawn to the makeshift shack the rats have occupied "Good question. Do they, infact, talk? Or are they, you know.." her voice trails off and she makes a vague spinning gesture with her finger next to her head.

Shadina adjusts her pack of research equipment. "Well, it sounds like diplomacy is the proper way to start. We could send in a representative to make contact with them."

"If they haven't hurt anyone, I suppose it's possible that they're just hungry." Dio puts a paw to his chin, listening in on the other agents' ideas. "While I can understand why you wouldn't want to hurt them, leaving them alone could do quite a large amount of damage. As this ladies here said," he says, geasturing towards Shadina and Winter, "Perhaps we could try talking to them, if possible."

"They only just showed up last night," reports the Promethean, "We don't plan to just leave them laying about. That's where you come in. If you can make contact, that'd be just great. I mean, it's not like we're opposed to new members of the city, if they're so inclined." He moves out of the way, making a clear path to the shack, where two rats are sitting up against it, relaxing and watching the group.

Makena giggles, "I can go try to talk to em! They might be nice!"

Winter's lips draws up into a slight sneer "They are still.. rats." she glances around and sighs slightly "And yes yes, I know. Equality and all of that. Stop giving me that dirty look. I just never liked rats is all. But you're right. What if they refuse though? We switch to shotgun diplomacy?" she asks, waving a clawed hand towards the cat with his shotgun.

The panthress squares her shoulders, standing up more proudly. "I'd be willing to volunteer to talk to them, and hopefully, harsher methods won't be necessary, but I assume, between the lot of us, we can handle them, if need be."

"As long as they're willing to be diplomatic, then I'd certainly agree with them being around. Perhaps we could even convince them to work on the farm. However..." Dio taps a claw upon his strapped shotgun, "The alternative is there in case things go sour," he chuckles, nodding towards Winter. "I'll give it a shot. I'm used to taking a few blows." Straightening out his suit, Dio walks towards the shack and gives the rats a friendly smile and wave. "Hello there," he says with the smoothest voice possible, "May I speak with you?"

"Que?" speaks the rat on the left, looking up towards Dio a moment, "Hola hombre, �c�mo puedo ayudarle?" Ah, Mexican rats? The one at his side moves over to nudge him lightly.

Crossing her arms beneath her breasts, the tall demoness tries to strike an imposing figure as she steps up to stand quietly by the felines right. One clawed digit idly tapping her arm. She raises an eyebrow at the strange language being spoken, glancing sideways at her companions to see if anyone might understand it.

Makena will start up along the path to the shack, with a big expressive smile from her muzzle to her big yellow eyes. She'll wave to show empty hands "hola! hehe. hablo ingles, senior??"

"Oh my," Dio exclaims, rubbing lightly at his head. "I'm afraid the only Spanish I know goes as far as 'hola' and 'Que'." A quick laugh from the lion as he looks towards the others, hoping for a way out of this awkward situation. "Oh?" He murmurs, looking towards Makena and taking a few steps back to give her the center of attention.

Shadina facepalms at Makena's murder of the Spanish language, and since everyone else seems to do it, slips up closer to the rest of the group as they approach the rats, but mostly hangs back for the moment.

The rat pushes up to his feet as Makena approaches. Her smile seems to draw a smile in term, "Hola Chica," he calls in the universal tone of flirting, "�Quieres ver mi cama? Parece que podr�a ser muy divertido." The rat on the ground stays there, looking amused at its kin's antics.

Winter tilts her horned head to the side and purses her lips in thought before uttering under her breath "Okay, I didn't understand a word of that. Just let me know if I should start with the violence, yeah?"

Makena giggles, luckily she gets this sort of question a lot at the bars, she even knows something diplomatic to say! "Que lastima... no soy soltera!" With that she pats Dio on the shoulder and smiles. "E tu?"

<< This RP has been translated for your reading pleasure >>

Still quite unaware as to what the rats were saying, Dio simply shrugs and listens to the apparently Spanish speaking agents attempt diplomacy. "Hmm," he murmurs, rotating his head to look at Makena and then back at the rats with a smiling expression.

"That's unfortunate, but that's ok. What do you and your friends want?" asks the rat, "I'm Tony, this is Mike," he adds, gesturing at himself, then down at his friend, "The rest are inside. You with those other guys?"

Shadina listens in. It seems hte hyena girl is handling things relatively well. She remains quiet for the moment, waiting to see how things go.

Makena giggles, keeping with the spanish though her's isn't quite so nice, "My name is Makena! Which other guys? Have the other guys been bad luck for you?"

Makena looks back behind her, "Them?"

The rat waves out at the Promethean watching in the short distance, "The chico with the crazy glowing hat. What's he want anyway? Him and his glow hat friends have been staring at us all day."

The door to the shack suddenly opens, and a female rat steps out, slender and even taller than the two males, "Boy, you best not be making trouble," she almost roars. Tony cringes, wilting on himself, while Mike just feigns napping.

Winter cranes her neck a bit as the door opens, trying to peek inside to gauge exactly how many rats might be in there. "Think they understand us?" she asks in english.