Coyotes traps and jars Oh my - RPLOG

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It's a bit of a trek to the forest, but you get there relatively unmolested. Waiting for you at the coordinates given is a Talakai Dedicant, dressed in field lab clothing. With hir are two Lion Beast infected guards, the Talakai seems to be eyeing a large hole in the ground curiously as you arrive on scene

Harbringer looks around, breathing in the fresh air "This place is beautiful. I wonder how these guys found it." scratching her head. The commando sits down and checks her gear, making sure she's prepared.

Tiar shambles himself out towards the coordinates given, doing his best not to get lost. This stupid tech Rsx keeps trying to get him to use seems harder and harder to use day by day. He approaches the Talakai very directly, saying first "Arrugh..." then shaking his head he says, rather neatly regardess of his lost jaw, "You needed help?" He doesn't seem all that prepared in the gear department, but he seems ready to go.

Salandra is also making hir way out to the coordinates shi was given, the taur looking around as shi goes. Hir gear seems rather basic, but shi made some effort to be prepared. Shi always has one finger on the safty of hir rifle while hir ears semiphore to catch any sounds as shi walks. Shi is the third to arrive and blinks at the others before shi comes to a stop, keeping a bit of space between hir and anyone else.

The Talakai looks over at the arrivals as one of the heavily armed lion beasts moves between the heros and the Labakai, the Labakai gives him a look and shakes hir head, "It is beautiful, isn't it? We found this place by accident really." then shi turns to Tiar with a nod, "Yes, as I'm sure you heard. We found a ruin of a temple here, it's just through this hole..." Shi gestures to the hole shi'd been looking at and one might notice a rope leading down, "I sent one of my teammates down... But I haven't heard from him since he entered... We aren't sure what to expect. So be prepared."

Harbringer cycles through her gear, noting each item "bio bombs, harley, Nanite nades...." Eventually the soldier finishes up and slides the bag onto her back. Looking around at the other people in the area, she thinks to herself "boy are these people odd." Suiting up, she slips into some sleek combat armor and gives a hearty salute. "SIR!" she shouts with pride.

Tiar eyes the heavily armed beasts as his body tenses on impulse. He looks down the hole as he listens before he moves over to the rope, and in a strangely able bodied fashion, shimmies down. He barely seems to be waiting for the others, just standing and looking about to pass time.

Salandra eyes the lion beasts and then the hole. Shi pads over and peers in as Tiar shimmies down, head tilting, "How in the nine hells.." Shi mumbles and then frowns and turns to rummage in a saddle bag and pull out a harness and starts to put it on; snapping clasps and attaching carabiners so shi can rappel down.

The Labakai blinks as the two go down and shakes hir head, "Well, that's done... Anyway, I'll send one of my guards with you." Shi whistles shrilly and one of the lion beasts moves to follow the two down, then the Labakai looks at Harbringer with a smile, "After you?" At the bottom of the hole, Salandra and Tiar can see that there are murals of what seems to be some kind of coyote... Salandra can tell it's about /the/ Coyote, but can't make out what they mean

The girl stares at the rope and looks down at the hole. Slowly she slides a harness on and hooks it up, repelling down into the depths of the hole. Eventually she reaches the bottom, looks up and yells "Got it!" back to the Labakai.

Tiar looks the murels over. He doesn't know what to make of them, so he just continues down the path aimlessly until he sees something of interest.

Salandra perks hir ears forward and walks up to the nearest mural, the panther taur running hir fingers over it very lightly, "Hmm.." Shi frowns as she scans them, "This is about Coyote but that's all I can make out." Shi is speaking to everyone, "So keep an eye out. A temple to a trickster could be dangerous."

The labakai calls out, "Be careful down there!" and then the Lion beast turns on a flashlight to shine around the room, revealing a passageway that leads deeper into the temple. The murals all depict Coyote tricking others into... Jars?

Harbringer stares at the mural of Coyotes being crammed into jars "I don't get it." staring at them "Anyone here care to elaborate what the heck this means?" scratching her head "It seems pretty messed."

Tiar sees the jars and thinks the situation over, as clearly and elaborately as he can. Once that is done his immediate response is to try and punch one of the depicted jars and continue onward. He moves towards the passage way with a swiftness, almost as though he were pushing towards the edge of the flashlight.

Salandra scratches hir head and frowns, "I have no clue.." Shi blinks at Tiar and shakes hir head while shi reaches into another saddle bag, "Flashlight..ah!" Shi pulls out a small device that attaches to the base of hir righr ear and sits next to hir temple. With the press of a button, it turns on and shines a white light ahead. The side of hir head keeps it from shining in hir perephiral vision but, being smaller, the cone is more focused than a normal flashlight, "I have no clue what this means.." Shi walks up to another mural and frowns before trying to push on various parts; the Coyotes head, the beings, the jars..

The lion beast grunts and shakes his head as he follows Tiar. The passage seems long and when the murals are poked and prodded they do... Absolutely nothing! Seems they are just for decoration

The commando stops for a moment, thinking about something completly terrible "Everyone stop." Looking at the floor, she continues "This seems too simple. Coyotes were known for tricking people. Wouldn't the master tricksters have a few traps laying around?"

Tiar stops when he's told to, looking forward for a while before turning back to examine the floor. "I got here just fine." he moans, looking forward to see if the floor was any different before he moves forward ever so slowly. "Should we keep going?"

Salandra blinks towards Harb, "I already said that." Not in so many words, though." Shi is near the back of the group, looking here and there with a frown, "Hmm..Our job, as it were, would be to keep moving forwards, but keep your eyes open..I have spare flashlights, should anyone need one?"

Should everyone continue onwards a soft, childlike, giggling can be heard... By Tiar and the lion beast at least. The giggling seems to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. When the group has left the entrance... A mural winks at them and then there is a small rumble before a loud "NOOOOO!" can be heard as the hole closes up

Harbringer looks around "I told you this was bad!" she screams, looking around rapidly. suddenly she clings to the closest person, looking back at the entrance "Aww, why today?"

Tiar looks the murel over again, clawing at it in an attempt to disfigure it aggressively. "Do we go back?" he asks, trying to think how this would work. "They could get us out right? Or maybe a lock inside we should turn?" he moans, making a gesture like he's turning a door lock.

Salandra hears the loud 'noooo!' and spins, gun lifting and safty clicking off, but shi does not fire. The taur gives a low growl, "Calm down. Those outthere can send word back and get some explosives, I would think. Or we can look for another passage out. Just stay calm, unless you enjoy runing around and triggering who-knows-what?"

THe lion beast turns his head back towards the entrance and shrugs, he continues on... Stepping on a panel as he walks by, he doesn't seem to notice though. As the group continues along the passage, seeing as there is no way back... The giggling continues...

Harbringer slides her crossbow off of her back, grinning "When i find these doggies, i'm gonna spade and neuter every one of them!" slipping a moistened bolt into her bow. "Well, the sooner we get this done the better." continuing to walk with the group.

Tiar looks back to Harbringer with a curious look before he pushes onwawrd, now not quite following the edge of the flashlight, now moreso trying to find whatever happens to be giggling like mad. He thinks better of calling out for it, just staying as alert as possible.

Salandra grumbles, "I hate when people laugh at me.." She keeps the butt of the gun at hir shoulder as shi walks, frequently turning around until she turns to the closest person, which would be whomever is third in line, "Put a hand on my flank and guide me." With that, shi stays turned around and walks backwards to stay with the group. Shi may not like strangers touching her, but it's better than maybe getting clonked in the back of the head.

The giggling turns to a playful squealing as the group rounds into a chamber, inside is... Well, more murals. Also a body of a lion beast. The murals depict the jars oozing over with a thick red substance, the lion beast with the group snarls as he spots his compainion and shakes his head sadly

The commando stares at the dead feline "Well, fuck." Noticing Salandras words, she slows behind and gives hir rump a squeeze and holds on "Sure thing." gaze moving towards the murals and the red oozing from them "I don't need to be a rocket scientist to tell you all what that means." shuddering quietly. Harbringer laughs to herself "This is probably a trap anyways."

Tiar stops short of entering the room, not at all sure what to do now. Theres a dead body, that looks promising, theres oozing murals, that also looks promising. "Whaht do we do now?" he finally moans, unable to decide for himself.

Salandra lashes hir tailtip at the squeeze but that's the only sign of hir nervousness at being grabbed. Hir ears semiphore at the growling and the curseword and shi turns hir head to look. A trained soldier would give a quick gance and see it all, but shi is not trained, so shi stares, "Shit.." Shi spies the murals and frowns, "People go in, blood comes out?" Shi t hen growls, hirself, "This this whole temple could be a jar, so to speak?"

The lion beast moves towards his fallen compainion only to jump back as the squealing stops... There's dead silence now. On the other hand... There are two passageways. There is a left and right passageway

Harbringer pats the rear she's hanging on to "Eh, probably not safe. What's your take on it?" asking the taur. She looks around nervously before noting "I have a feeling we may run into trouble." looking around the room.

Tiar stares for a while before heading right, his gaze stuck on the lion. "So do you think..." he mentions before he looks back to the lion and shakes his head, opting not to finish for their sake. "I think he came from the left, lets go this way?"

Salandra frowns, "My take would be to get out of here..but I need the cash from this. Not to mention old places usually have good stuff." Shi looks at Tiar and nods, "We should bring his body out, when we leave. Or at least remember how we got to this room..and try not to join him."

The lion beast looks at Tiar and tilts his head in confusion, then shrugs as walks along with the zompire... The silence continues... Harbringer and Salandra do notice a slight scraping noise from behind them though...

Harbringer twitches at the scraping sound "Get down...." she whispers to the taur. "I have a bad feeling."

Tiar looks back to see what they're talkingg about, as there doesn't appear to be anything in front of him. "Hunh?" he moans softly and stands at ready.

Salandra's gun snaps back up and shi aims down it, the flashlight next to hir temple helping to shine where shi aims quite a bit, "Sound behind us." Shi flicks hir tail at Tiar and the lion beast, "Keep an eye out ahead of us, unless we get attacked. We don't want to be jumped from both front and back." Shi then mutters to hirself, not meaning to be heard, "Giving orders feels weird.."

As the lion beast crumbles into bloody goop the giggling resumes... There are tstill two options. Left or right?

Harbringer stares at the goop "What the hoodoo?" scratching her head "I'v seen some shit in my days but some real walking vagina stuff right here." cringing at the slime. The commando slips off her mask and leans over, gagging for a moment.

Tiar stops being so tense and grumbles something about the lion and looks back to where they were heading. "Still right?" he suggests, unsure. He looks to Harbringer and their reaction to the slime, and decides to remove it, attempting to punt the body away a bit.

Salandra's ears are nearly flat, almost knocking her little flashlight askew while she stares at the puddle that used to be the lion beast and looks quite ill, "Zombies.." Shi hisses air out through hir teeth, "Not like I have a better idea, so I agree. Just keep your eyes open, everyone. I will be watching our back. If something gets me, well, I am a good screamer?" Shi manages a weak grin.

The puddle is quickly sucked into the dry earth... Leaving our heros a choice... Left or Right?

Harbringer looks left and then right "uh, well. Which way do we go now?" she starts doing an einey meanie. "crap. Well, what would you guys suggest? I'm out of ideas here."

Tiar first watches the puddle dissapear, then proceeds right dutifully, shambling to the best of his abilities towards the goal of whatever lies ahead.

Salandra smiles at Harb, "Follow him." Shi gestures to Tiar and then resumes walking backwards. As shi goes, shi quickly pops the clip out of hir gun and checks it before putting it back in, "Half a clip in the mag, two more in my saddlebags. After that, I am down to my natural skills."

The descion made, the lion beast that hasn't been gooped follows the group. The giggling continues as they pad down the hallway to... Another chamber! This one is brightly lit from crystals hanging from the cieling and in the center is a pedestal with a tablet on it

Harbringer stares at the crystals and the table "Looks like a puzzle." The merc rests the crossbow on her shoulder "Not me, i'm sitting this one out." walking over and sitting on the floor. "Good luck figuring it out."

Tiar moves as able bodied as possible over towards the tablet, slow deliberate movements with a readiness to move back slightly, but besides that rather straightforward. If he gets close enough to the tablet he examines it for anything readable.

Salandra glances over hir shoulder and then frowns as Tiar moves forwards, "Watch where you step! Put out something shiny and wait for someone to trip a trap in front of it!" Shi looks back down the passage and then seps to hir left, so shi is out of the doorway, while shi watches Tiar.

On the tablet, which looks very valuable, is a strange mural of Coyote traping a bee in a jar... The jar filling with blood, and then more, smaller, bees popping out of the ooze...

Harbringer checks her gear before pulling out a strange container "Show me your secrets, little box. What powers do you possess?" scratching her head. The girl seems to be preoccupied with trying to learn about the box to really be of use.