Deeper exploration into the Temple of a Warrior Mother - RPLOG

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With sunny clear skies, a pleasent temprature, and only light winds, an expedition up into the mountains were planned to explore deeper into the pyramid that had popped almost out of nowhere. Before, adventures had found their way down into the altar room, but no deeper. After ensuring the traps were cleared up until there, the spirit? Goddess? It was hard to tell what she was, but Ixchel had welcomed all those who wished to share in her power to come and make their offerings. Times were good for the supernatural, but she had hinted at there being even more in her temple to be found. And with the promise of such, Nichole from New Dawn, and Robert from Zephyr had looked for a small bad willing to brave whatever they may find below. It was simple to get down to the alter room once more, in the massive structure, but finding what was beyond would be a daunting task...

As usual Nekura is here almost solely because she's bored and left Ebony to deal with the customers at the Red Court for the evening. As much fun as it might hae been to bring her along after the last time they went out she couldn't help thinking this might not be quite so easy to sex their way through as the prime huskies were.

Loooking no worse for the climb up the mountain, Love tucks her wings about her shoulders like a cloak, stroking the tips and cleaning off the claw-fingers while she checks her equipment and gear. Her combat armor and segmented boots flex as she takes in the area with a knowing gaze, nodding respectfully to the statue and whispering a blessing while making sure she's ready for the task ahead. Moving slowly closer, she smiles fondly at the crone, purring gently in her throat before turning to survey the room. "Hello there, did you come for the mission, or to make an offering?"

A light tapping is heard a minute or two later, the pale skinned human Anbessa glancing about to each piece of pottery that layed about this room as he stepped carefully into the room. He dared not touch anything since his last experience with a possibly Mayan sort, but it is not like that is his focus this time. Seems now there is business here of a different sort. Though the pair already in the room do get a surprised look from the silver eyed human, the man opts to just crossing his arms and keeping his thoughts on what lay about the room while he awaits the rest to come... Though after observing Loveblade, it would probably best to show respect here, bowing his head towards the statue after a momentary pause to let his arms return to his sides.

Niles enters the room to the sounds of his feet and the bamboo cane striking the ground. He peers around the room unimpressedly before setting eyes on the other occupants. He gives a raise of his hat and a polite bob of his head. "Hello all." He says before setting the hat back on his head. He brushes some dust off his suit jacket before raising an eyebrow at the room in general. He gives a particularly skeptical glance at the statue before shrugging and wandering around the room humming to himself as he looks around.

On the other hand, there's someone like Aliasi. She used to be a Promethean, until she went on her own weird tangent; a religious dispute, is how she usually puts it. She actually makes her *home* on an island of giant monsters, and she's certainly a representative. Still, when she volunteered, she's had a good reputation for work, and she is, quite obviously, good at being the 'muscle'. When the group approached the temple, she shifted her legs into a thick, boa-constrictor like serpentine form so she could crawl through the hallways more easily, and took up the rear. She squeezes her upper torso into the room, then brings more of her lengthy body in, looking around with... well, obvious reverence.

Entering with a blush on her face is a fat wolfess with an udder sporting a large pregnant dome on her belly. She walks on her two legs and waves to the others with a shy smile. "I'm not normally like this!" she says as she takes her place in the group. Looking around she stares on awe at the various objects, notably the statue and wonders to herself about what all these are about.

Snacking on a chocolate bar, a Shadow Dragon enters into the altar room. A light from a headlamp attached around his stetson shines brightly with a yellowish-white glow. On his back, he has on a holster strap a large metal shield slung over his trenchcoat. As for the rest of his attire, he wears a white undershirt and a pair of well-worn jeans. He looks to see the rest of the people in the room. The man waves. "Howdy there ladies, gents, and in-the-middles. I heard that there was an adventure to be had. I can't say no to adventure."

The altar room itself seems mostly unassuming, and there are no, at a glance, doors other than the one leading back up to the top and out of the pyramid. There are statues about, lining the walls, in the shape of jaguars... well jaguar men. Other than that, and the extremely old looking sword clubs, there doesn't appear to be anything defining this from any other dedication site.

Nekura goes poking around at a few of the various things in the room before she winds up examining the closest of the statues. Hidden passages are always activated by groping them, right?

Niles clacks his cane on the ground and smiles grandly at the asembled group. "Well, here we are in this-this," He looks around, his smile dropping at the shabiness of the ruins. "place." He finishes lamely. The smile comes back and twirls his cane to point it upward. "I'm sure that we shall leave here marginally richer." He clacks the cane back on the floor. "Now, what are we looking for exactly?"

Loveblade opens up her side-pouch and removes a mixed strip of grenades, quickly snapping three into place on each side of her belt while visually examining the pottery, especially the shattered pieces for clues. Her nose twitches, as do her ears. "It's a pleasure to meet everyone..whoah!" pausing as the giant snake-tailed creature makes its way through, she laughs for a second and then frowns "Careful in here! You're going to knock things over an crowd us to the wall in a moment. Can you take a smaller form? Something that won't hit any of the triggers a place like this might have?" she moves her massive wing out to the side, trying to protect the altar from damage. "People would have to get out of your way, that's a bit of a liability in here."

Taking a second to nod to Anbessa, her lips curve into a sultry grin before she just barely nods, keeping a leg back for guard balance.

Anbessa looks about the others who come on into the place, his left eye taking a moment to glow a sickly green before it recedes. "Well, glad we have many factions working together on this..." The human does stall to stare up at Aliasi in momentary bewilderment before he shakes his head, speaking up a short 'Sorry.' to her for his staring. His attention returns to the task at hand, and he steps forward towards the pottery that lay about the place. Looking between a few of them, he speaks out loud after his short inspection. "Whoever made these pots really like the moon..." Anbessa says, pointing to the sets of pots, them sporting different phases of the moon. "Maybe someone just liked night time?" He quips, chuckling and shaking his head before returning to looking about.

Vaust racks his head trying to understand the strange pillars with circles on them. "Hey guys. Could someone look at these? I don't understand them. They seem to be something with circles. My best, uneducated guess is that it's something with moon phases."

Blanche looks around the place carefully. Her attention focuses on the pillars near the center of the alter where by a curious look she spots something. Walking to the pillars carefully she looks over the top of them. "Hey guys, I found pressure plates here on these pillars. Anyone care to poke at them to see what they do?" She asks as she takes a small step away from the pillars to give others a chance to look for themselves.

Aliasi slithers more of her length in. "No, Loveblade, I actually can't. The problem with being a conduit for a half-dozen supernatural forces including one pretty much *designed* to make giant monsters to savage the heathen is you're stuck with one size. Cheer up, I *could* have gone Goo instead and you'd be having to clean the slime up for days. As it is, if there's anything nasty in here, you can consider me the meat shield. Literally, feel free to hide behind me." She looks around in wonder, getting a bit of what the others relate, but she's too happy in the 'feel' of the dedication point to do much solid thinking.

Vaust shouts, "Hey! Does anyone want to try and press the buttons on these pillars? I think it opens something with a code! Look around for a code hidden in the room!"

Looking about the room, nothing much has yet changed. The sun continues to set outside, but as it does, torches along the walls light themselves! There was a good bit of magic to the temple, as if there were any doubt on that.

Anbessa glances over towards Vaust as the pillars are brought to attention, drawing the human over after a pause. Blanche does beat him there, and as she brings up her discovery, he lets out a hum as he scratches at his chin. "We shouldn't mess with anything until we are sure..." He hooks a thumb into his pants pocket before looking towards Vaust as he shouts. "No. You don't know what they will do if we make a wrong gue-" He jumps as the torches light themselves, his right hand nearly entering his jacket... After a cautious moment, he grumbles, letting his hand return to his side. Damn magic.

Vaust soothingly hisses, "You have a good point, mister. We need to find the code before pressing buttons."

Loveblade checks the broken pots for residue, and notes the phases of the moon they represent. Folding her wing back into her side, she glances about the room at the obvious statues and the clubs, counting each one out while slipping a tail companionably across Anbessa's shoulder, pointing to the clubs and statues in sequence, her irritation at the limitations in play focusing her attention at the problem in front of her while she ignores Aliasi as much as possible. Her voice when she speaks is calm and even as her features compose themselves, her back to the group for the moment "Does anyone have Earth nanomagic? Can they fix these pots?" She removes removes a bottle from her side, nodding to the group, "Just checking something,"she says, moving every few feet before pouring a few cups on the ground, watching for leakage through or under the wall. "Arrange the pots in sequence would be my suggestion, but also..." she murrs, reminded of what moon-phase was up right now "If you handle any of them, handle pottery that has our current moon-phase first."

Aliasi offers, her mood remaining placid in the face of Loveblade's irritation, "I know quite a bit of nanomagic, and much in that line is among them. Had to build my house *somehow*, right?" She turns to look at the broken pot. "Someone mind fetching the bits for me? I could give it a shot."

Vaust pulls out another chocolate bar from his coat after finishing the one he was eating. He snaps his fingers. "Once you fix the pot, put all the pots in the places that co-respond to the pillar's markings. I bet that they are connected that way."

Anbessa feels a light smile cross his lips at the percieved progress, looking between the current pots. "So... If we are going by phase order... Then New Moon would be first, since that is what it is now." Aliasi's request gets a short nod before the human starts going about to help gather those pieces of the pot and get them together. Hope this works.

Niles tactfully avoids the large snake woman as he strolls around, looking at the pots. "If you're going to arrange them in sequence, wouldn't that be a circle?" He looks at Vaust and nods. "Ah, on the plates. The composition of each pot must be unique, giving each one a distinctive weight that would make the plates do..." He shrugs. "something. Let's not get it wrong though, eh?"

Vaust chuckles. "Right, right. We wouldn't want an Indiana Jones style trap happen on us, yeah?"

Blanche walks about the room carefully and helps Anbessa picks up the pieces of the pot. Taking each piece she finds in her arms she walks over to Aliasi to present them. "Heres what I could find. Good thing you have nanomagic, huh?" She says with a little wag of her tail.

Aliasi holds out a hand to take the pieces. "I do try to be useful, despite everything." She examines the broken pot, fitting it together, and holding the pieces tight as the nanomagic flows 'out' to rejoin the bits. It shouldn't take too long to work, as she has a natural talent for this craft; before long there's a whole pot once again.

Niles rubs at his beak as his tail feathers ruffle slightly. "Yes, that'd be... bad." He gives the statue a glance. "Although, given the nature of the temple," He turns to look at Vaust. "I doubt it'll be something so mercifully simple as a giant rolling boulder." He smiles. "Fun prospect, I think." He chuckles. "Perhaps we should trip the trap on purpose, just to see what interesting things happen."

The broken pot put back together again, there is a definate difference in weight, though there doesn't seem to be any difference in material between them.

Vaust soothingly hisses, "Alright. Match the pots to the pillars and let's see what hapoens"

Anbessa nods his head towards Aliasi as he watches the pot be reassembled, looking towards Blanche and smiling. "Thanks." Though he does pause as Niles speak, the man turning towards the Peacock and shouting over. "Do that, and I put a bullet in your knee." He says in warning. "We are on a mission, not a pleasure run." He says with a sigh, looking back down towards the pot that was just fixed. "Alright, so... I guess just tell me where you want each pot to go, and I will move it over." He says towards the rest of the group in offering, his hands going into his pockets as he awaits their ideas.

Vaust looks at each pot to see what symbols on the pots match the symbols on the pillars

Loveblade starts as Niles says that, her spikes bristling along the base of her tails and tips whipping in agitation "Don't!" pausing for a second, she lowers her voice to normal, the half-shout forgotten for a moment "For starters, setting off a trap could block off our access to other parts of the temple. Some might actually be tests, but this is the beginning. If we're too rough or use violence at every step, we're going to be blocked, stopped and told to roll. Ixchel is a Warrior, among other things. I don't see that aspect well-represented here, but she is."

Pausing as her scales lower again, flush with each other and smooth, silken to the touch and glistening in the firelight. "It's a temple, that means this is a test. Are you hostile to this holy place?" she shakes her head and nods at the torches, then flattens her palm and points to a couple of the statues "If we're not cautious, we might be in serious trouble. Nothing like a ceiling falling on top of you, and we might not die, but being trapped under a ton of rubble might as well be the same thing, especially..." she nods at Aliasi, huge in the room "If we're not allowed to leave."

Niles raises raises his hands defensively at Loveblade. "A joke. It was a joke." He says soothingly. "Do you really think I'd be so silly?" He relaxes his arms, the cane making a clacking sound as it hits the floor. "As for hostility well," he waves his hand. "I'm a skeptic by nature, and have a propensity to scoff at such notions, even though I realize how unreasonable that is in this day and age." He shrugs. "I'll acknowledge, though, that we do need to be careful," He smirks. "if only because we may break something valuable."

Aliasi finally grumbles a bit. "Look, there's plenty of ways out, and if you had an objection, you could have raised it ahead of time. As it is, I reckon I have a fair chance of just breaking a wall down in an emergency, so give it a rest, okay? Ain't my fault I'm in a world too small for me." Honestly, it totally is, although she didn't quite forsee the eventual extent of it all.

Blanch suddenly goes back to her normal slim self as the fat on her body melts away out of nowhere. She gives a sigh of relief as she walks over to a pot on the floor with a more lively step and picks one up and casually sniffs inside finding an unremarkable smell. As she hefts it up she checks it all over. "Right, so lets get on this guys. Lets find where these pots go on those pillars."

Niles rubs the underside of his beak, giving a glance to Blanche as she slims. "Could it be that the number of circles on the pillars corresponds to the phase of the moon? The pillar with one circle, for example, would have the new moon pot on it." He hooks his cane in the crook of his arm, removes his hat, and runs a hand through his head feathers. "Just a guess, of course." He places his hat back onto his head.

Outwardly calm and nodding in agreement with Aliasi, Love watches the work underway while she checks on the puddles she created, looking over the statues for signs of blood or bits of fur in the stone blades. Studying the eyes especially, the windows to the soul, she whispers thanks to Ixchel for this opportunity and a prayer for her continued prosperity in this plane.

Turning suddenly after, she moves over to Aliasi, looking up at the giant being with a purr "We'll make it, I think." her fingers tighten on the curved haft of her axe, the runes that cover the surface glowing brightly for a moment as her hand caresses the blade, "There is always another way, let's see what we can find."

Her eyes slide to the work being done at the altar, surveying the room for shadows, thinking back to the millenial serpent on one of the mayan temples, a trick of the light on the steps that could be seen only at certain times. "Let's match the pots to their poles by markings."

Loveblade soothingly hisses, "Aliasi, could you lift me up to the groups of vines around the room? We can see if there's anything behind them while we're here."

Aliasi nods, leaning forward and offering her hands. "Sure thing. Might as well make some use of the big girl, right?"

Niles rolls his eyes and leans on his cane whle crossing one foot behind the other. "Well, we're not getting anywhere standing around like this, are we? Place the new moon pot on the pressure plate with the least circles, I say. I don't see any other solution to this nonsense."

Loveblade finishes with the vines, and looks over at the pillars, inspecting the markings closely.

Blanche walks over to another pot on the flood and moves the one shes holding to one arm and picks the pot at her feet with the other. "Guys, I'm feeling kind of dumb here, but at least lets get something done here." She compares the weights and the designs of both of them.

Loveblade soothingly hisses, "There are four pillars, at each edge of the altar, each with a differing number of circles. One has one circle, another two, another three, and the last four. There is a pressure plate at the top of each pillar. Match the pots to those from new moon to full. "

Loveblade soothingly hisses, "Try it, let's see."

Anbessa, having been standing nearby with his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed in thought soon enough just lets out a loud groan of total frustration. "Alright, I am just going to do that." He says as Loveblade speaks, moving over towards the New Moon pot to get started, hefting it up. Time to start placing them, because by this point, he is really wanting SOMETHING to happen. Padding over, he slows as he carries it over, ready to place it down.

And with that, the pots are placed one at a time. Waning first, New moon second, Waxing third, Full as fourth. By this point he just wants to break the silence and just get SOMETHING to happen before he blows up a wall with the help of a 'yote.

Vaust braces himself behind his riot shield, crouching bhind it so his whole body was hidden behind it.

With the pillars occupied, the pots in place, a light shines from the northern wall! The sound of stone scraping on stone is easily heard through the temple, a section of the wall, where there wasn't even cracks before, sliding up to reveal a passage. Though, even as it opens, a voice echos through the chamber, "Want the secrets that are below? I could just let you have them now." The voice sounds aged, but still full of strength. "I'll give you a choice." The definately female voice continues, and as she does, the eyes of the eight jaguar men light up! "Either, you can satisfy them, with your carnal skill, and I assure you, you will help usher in a new prodigy, or with your combative skill. I'd delight in witnessing either!" As the voice finishes, the statues turn to look at each of the adventurers in turn! "Oh, and don't worry if you don't have the right 'holes' I can help you with that."

Aliasi is certainly capable of combat, but a flush near her groin makes her think, why not kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes? "I'd be game for the baby-making. Could always use another set of hands on the island..." She eyes the statues, including one that's closer to her size. She hasn't been able to have sex *properly* since... a long time. Why pass it up?

When the voice brings up the options of fighting of fucking Nekura seems to actually ponder this strangely enough. not that it lasts long when her Rut decides to hit at a rather awkward time. "FUCK ME!" declares the Nightmare as she all but launches herself at one of the shorter males though at this point she didn't care if all of them tried to use her for their desires. All she knows is she wants unf'd!

Niles doesn't move from his position leaning on his cane as the voice goes on and finishes. He looks to Anbessa. "And you said this wasn't gonna be a pleasure run." He licks his beak and approaches one of the statues with a swing in his hips.

Anbessa couldn't help but raise his fists in true delight as he sees the north wall light up. "Finally!" He shouts, taking a step forward... Only to hear the voice speak out, making him stop mid stride with his foot out in front of him. Staying silent as he hears that voice speak, he glances between the statues before he raises his hands, shaking his head. "Well... I got proven wrong. I'll just stand over there." He says, padding over towards a wall away from the others to just observe. He wasn't really wanting to be impregnated after all, so... More power to everyone else. Just... Gotta ignore what happens next.

Vaust considers both options heavily. After a long thinking time of 2 seconds, he says aloud, "I will pass. I'm gonna stay over here. There is no way I can feasibly fight all the statues, nor do I have plans on being pregnant."

Blanche picks a statue that as of yet is uncontested and walks to it. "Alright, I chose to demonstrate my carnal prowess." She says with a hint of trepidation as she turns over, falling to all fours and lifting her tail and presenting her pussy to the statue. "Come on and give it to me! Make me bark like a bitch!"

Vaust hides his view with his shield, along with Anbessa's view as well.

Loveblade strokes her axe, lifting her chin proudly to the source of power and nodding once, "Lady Ixchel, a pleasure to hear your voice." she purrs, loosening her axe in its carry, sliding it away to her top left fist as she unhooks her wings, the muscles of her back flexing as the steel-capped edges stretch outward and she puts herself into guard "Can't it be both? I would love the challenge, and the pleasure of offering my will and testing myself fully. I carry life, and lust for combat and the pleasures of the flesh as one. May I dance with your sons?" she hisses, the battle-lust building in her eyes as her body heats, sexes wetting in need and arm swinging up into puppet as her outstretched palm boils, vines peeking through the surface and back. "If it pleases M'Lady."

With the choice made, and so many volunteers, the voice laughs hartily! "Oh delightful, but there seems to be a mismatch! Let me fix that for you." She says. Niles specifically, feels a strange force evelope over him. Soon, it centers down below, back behind his balls. A wet squlching, and a very sudden, pleasureable feeling. Soon, he isn't fully a he anymore. A tightness in his stomach as some rearranging is done... and when completed... the statues each reach out for someone relative to his size! Clothing is pulled away, gently. Breasts, bellies, and crouches fondled for a moment. Before, after a bit, each one stands back, ready to assist their chosen partner into the position of their preference. All the while, a strange... aura seems to grow from the center altar. It feels empowering... even as it teases at the mind and at the loins!

Nekura has Rapid Fire Platitudes. She'll do all 8 of them if given a chance.

When the statue goes to grab hold of her tits Nekura lets out a happy moan and ends up pressing them into the groping palms. She doesn't have any clothing that needs shedded so they're able to get right down to the good part! However, after the jaguar seems to wait for her to get in position, the pony tries to coax another of those not occupied yet over to make use of her muzzle while she settles on all fours to take the fertility statue's breeder.

The mascular jaguar that walks up to Loveblade, first awaits a lowering of the guard, before making his advances. "Oh my child, you are eager! But let us not be greedy. One or the other my dear." The voice rings out.

Vaust hands Anbessa a bar of candy. "If you really want to watch, you might as well have a snack. Chocolate?"

Aliasi nods. Ixchel is one of several gods in Aliasi's private pantheon, but Ali herself has grown to prefer simply being too scary to fight to actual combat, in these latter days. Her snakey lower half shifts back to muscular and human, her nanite-conjured clothing vanishing as she approaches the largest statue. It's a bit shorter than her, but makes up for it with its apparatus, and she motions for it to lay down. "Always did prefer to ride 'em," she mutters, using one hand to keep her personal shaft from getting into the way.

Niles helps the stone jaguar srip himself until he stands naked He feels behind his balls and moans as his fingers brush against his new entrance. "Well well," He looks up to the statue with a lusty smirk. "Let's not waste any time." He spins around and drops on all fours, presenting himself. He wiggles his rump as he looks back at the statue.

Vaust whispers to Anbessa, "Do you think I could take on one of those statues one on one? I want to know what you think."

Loveblade grins, two-stepping forward without another word as vines shoot out from her palm in a low strike, aimed for the legs in front of her, axe lighting up the room with ripples of thunder and lips boiling in liquid shadow "Dance the dance of Death!" she ROARS, stepping in with a taunting strike before leading back, her footwork smooth and practiced as she flicks the trigger-guard, axe angling a bare inch from the statues nose as she circles to an open area for the match.

Anbessa having crossed his arms and shut his eyes to keep himself from paying attention to what was occuring, he tenses momentarily as he is spoken to, the human opening one eye to look over to Vaust. His question gets a raised eyebrow, him looking the dragon up and down momentarily. "If you have a blunt weapon hidden on you somewhere that isn't just a shield, possibly. But it is a statue, so it may be hard to do..." He trails off, though the roar from Loveblade makes him tense again, him peeking around the shield as curiosity bests him. He seems rather surprised by her immediate reaction, though lets out a chuckle as he watches her... Trying not to look at the others getting ready to get down and dirty with the other statues.

Vaust soothingly hisses, "Slug shotgun?"

With Nekura getting down, and calling for yet another statue to come to hir, another indeed does. One carefully slides into hir waiting vag from the back, while another uses her mouth from the front. They soon pick up a rythem, spit roasting hir, one pulling back as the other pushes in. Timing back and forth for quite a while. Though, it doesn't take very long for the twin statues to hasten. Attempting to ensure the most of it though, the one in back takes hold of hir cock, pumping it in time with his movements, while the other plays and rubs upon her breasts. Niles similarly getting down and ready, is given similar treatment. A careful, yet stretching, push into his new womanhood, while a pair of hands tends to his maleness, coaxing out all he can from the peacock.

At Aliasi's beckoning, the largest of the statues carefully selects a section of the floor to lay down upon. His tower of manhood sticking streight up a moment before slapping against his belly. His size would change within her, to ensure a tight fit, looking to Aliasi as he waits.

Loveblades attack has the statue before her bring up his club to shield himself, giving a stuttered step back, looking over her. He opens his mouth after adjusting his jaw a moment, "Do you wish to fight? Tis not a problem, though the offering your companions have made is enough."

Blanche wiggles her ass at the statue with flicks of her tail, making her udder jiggle in response. She reaches a hand around to her ass and gives it a rub, running her hand down her thighs. Then with the same hand she gives the back of her udder a little swat before she moves her hand to her pussy and rubs it. All the while the statue gropes at her breasts and grips her still enlarged belly. Between all the fondling and the aura of the alter it doesn't take long for Blanch to get hot and ready for whatever the statue has in mind for her.

With his chosen mate ready, the statue before Blanche takes her toward the altar to bend her over it. Careful of the life already inside, he takes her waiting passage, pushing his spear into her. Always careful to ensure that not too much pressure is placed upon her udder or middle, he carefully slides in and out of her, gentle, yet reaching and filling!

The statue's various rods, though they looked to be made of stone, feel warm inside, pulsing, as if made from flesh instead!

Oooh, Nekura enjoys a good spitroasting and is rather happy to take the pair of jaguars when they take claim of her. Granted she still lets out a little yelp when the one in back enters, not having expected something so stretch-inducing, though her eyes quickly fog over as the one in front uses her muzzle to get ready for his own turn. The Nightmare's cock, already starting to slip free of its hiding place from the attention its neighbor is getting, takes little provocation to make fully erect and soon starts roping precum along its owner's belly and breasts if he's evil enough to aim it upwards. Otherwise it's making a mess on the ground underneath them.

Niles moans loudly as he's penetrated. Then he gasps as a stone hand wraps around his cock. The gasp turns into a throaty murr of pleasure as the statue starts to work both of his sexes. For his part, he clenches his new organ whenever the statue's hilted in him, trying to get filled as soon as he can. He tils his head back and moans again as the statue hits a sweet spot inside him.

Aliasi slides onto the statue, adopting a cowgirl position. It might not be 'real', just a fancy dildo, really, but it's good enough for her lusts. She looks quite surprised when it shifts within her, then satisfied, and she starts in on it. She doesn't hold back, riding the statue and slapping with enough force from her hips to shatter the pelvises of lesser men. Magical golems are presumably much more resilient. Her shaft bounces free and rubs against it, leaking a bit from there, although she doesn't pay any more attention to it. It's easy enough to jerk off, she hasn't had a *man* for far too long!

Loveblade has her eyes take in all of her opponent before her, awareness stretching out, recaling the positions of all the others in the room and ears open for the scrape and sounds of beings coming closer. "Enough? For a purpose, or for a challenge?" she hisses, two hands in fists, her axe held in puppet above her head so as not to give away the angle of attack, "To fight? I wish to test myself, to become more than an offering. I have made my pact, my care and hopes for the future, my work..." she purrs loudly, the rising sound coming from her throat in a deep growl as she speaks, "There have been changes here, in many, many ways you may not be aware of yet. I would know you, freely. If I give myself to a mate, I do so for love, and care. I would show you that freedom, here, and that respect as well. If I am given a choice, you have me as I am. A mother who already carries life. I give my offering now, freely, and if you wish all of me, then please allow my children to be born before I offer my womb."

Love stands ready, her eyes softening for a moment as she regards what she can of the crone, her mind clear and voice steady. "I ask you great mother, to allow me the honor of challenge."

Blanche gives out a husky moan in both surprise and pleasure as the statue enters her. On the status thrust inside her she pushes herself against the statue, urging it on. A smiles creeps over her face, the statues gentle motions a sharp contrast from her last and first time. She reaches a fee hand and gently caresses the groping arm of the statue that fucking her.

Vaust shrugs, and goes into a battle stance with his shield at the ready and a sawn-off double-barrel shotgun in hand. "Eh fuck it. You only live when you live for adventure." He cautiously goes past the others doing the nasty and approches a statue that is unoccupied.

Nekura's skill and warmth is quickly proving to be too much for the pair at hir. Quickly rubbing up and down hir cock, while still teasing on hir breasts, both statues hasten again and again, though careful not to cause hurt. It isn't too long before shi has them shuttering though, emptying themselves into hir. Keeping the nightmare's cock angled toward the ground though, another offering to be hand if they could manage it to empty.

Aliasi's skill seems to surprise the jaguar she is upon, and seeing a rod to pleasure as well, he reaches up to grip it, letting mostly her own motions give it friction. He alters his grip upon it though, sometimes firm, rough. Other times soft, and barely felt. His cock inside however, pulses tightly, whelling up insde her. It wouldn't be long before he was emptying as well!

Niles' work over the statue in him has the jaguar-human smiling, and giving him a slap as before continuing to work over his cock and sac. The work he was doing though succeeding in getting the heavy, powerful statue to release into him fairly swiftly. Even done though, he continues to work over Niles, determained to take an offering from his male half, as well as what he'd done for his newly cristened womanhood.

Continuing with gentle thrusts and careful teases upon Blanche's udder and breasts, her statue seems much more soft than the others, though no less warm and filling. Slow, but powerful pushes, followed by long pulls back, teasing against her. He wouldn't be able to replace the life already inside, but her willingness was more than enough as he almost glides through her.

A challenge, or rather pair of challenges issued, though there is limited space still around, there are two statues able to do a battle of course. They look to each other, then back to Vaust and Loveblade. The swing up their sword-clubs, tanking side steps away from each other, one toward Loveblade's left, the other toward Vaust's right.

Vaust brings his shield to block the blow, having it at an angle to let the blow be deflected away from him and Blade.

It's true Nekura has lots of skill at what she does though the jaguars were making her pretty eager to peak too. Her hermcock, which the Nightmare usually was more demanding with to get a mutual release out of, seems pretty wantful to go and make a mess too thanks to her being in Rut! As the two thrust, bouncing her back and forth, the pony makes long, muffled moaning noises from never getting a break as the two play pinball. Then they suddenly tense up, flooding the mare's pussy and throat, her eyes going almost into the back of her skull! Mostly because her body is all too happy to peak right along, sex clenching, flare spurting!

Loveblade keeps her footing and balance ready, her lips dripping with pin-points of light, fangs caressed by shadow as she blasts the one in front of her full-on, taking aim for the face and body while moving in to engage, stopping the two from binding she and Vaust in tandem. The blast of Shadow-Breath is followed quickly by an electrical assault as she keeps her the pressure and movement in play, seeking to get her opponent off-balance and only teasing them with access to Vausts back, trying to open their guard for the second it takes to strike.

Blanche smiles and sighs happily as the statue is rather gentle with her. She puts her hands down in front of her and uses the extra leverage to help her wanting cunt take as much cock as she feels she can safely handle. As shes gently pounded, the udder rolling under her manages to leak out a very little amount of milk. Blanche lifts her head up, ears perked up high and tries to get a look up at the statue fucking her.

Niles gives a surprised gasp as the statue slaps him. He looks back with a smirk and opens his mouth to say something just as the statue begins to fill him. His eyes roll back and his toes curl as he feels the statue's seed fill him. His muscles clench around the member, trying to draw it and all it's seed as deep into him as possible. He moans as the jaguar keeps thrusting and stroking and it's not long before he cums as well, spraying his seed all over the floor and the statue's hand.

Aliasi swiftly works up to one climax; she's always had less endurance as a 'male' than her natural self, being so much more unused to it... and her rut often seems to focus most on it. So, likely some time before the jaguar is ready to finish, Aliasi's cock erupts with a ridiculously productive splatter of come at some fairly impressive force, for mere human-like muscle, however big and enhanced. It's not literally a firehose blast, of course, but the white splatters on the wall of the temple certainly give the impression. And the show's only half over, where she's concerned!

Having done their duties, the statues about Nekura and Niles carefully slip off them, gently guiding them back onto their feet having expended what they could from them. Filled, and the pregnancy taking within them both, the statues walk back to their pedistals, returning themselves to nothing but stone. Blanche's statue continues to work her over, slowly but surely, until his own cock throbs within, emptying a bounty to her. Though already pregnant, so nothing can come from it, the statue all the same seems satisfied, still rubbing over her for a moment, before too returning to here he was.

Still being ridden by Aliasi, the largest of the statues is quickly splattered over with her seedy offering... and unfortunately, though Loveblade's inital assult was quite effective, and Vaust was soon to have the sharp bite of obsidean in his open right flank... the sudden outpour from the massive girl is more than enough to partly flood the floor, knocking both statues from their feet, and making it a challenge for their foes to stay standing as well! The statue continues his work though, attempting to ensure filling the massive woman atop him... and soon he starts to do just that, huge ropes of his own male offering pushing into her!

Meanwhile, off in that one little corner of the room without much going on, the lone little human's face is pretty much a bright red from blushing. While the scents and sounds of sex were one thing, this aura from the altar is only making things worse for him, his pants rather tented from the rising arousal that he is attempting to refuse to answer to. It is starting to get difficult to do so, but he wouldn't admit it. The flood of cum does snap him out of it for a moment as his feet nearly move out from under him, a yelp coming from him as he regains his balance before he falls into the cum flood puddle. Staring down in surprise, he soon lets out a little whimper beneath his breath... Please let that altar stop soon...

Niles stretches as the stature goes back to it's place. "Not a bad workout." He says. He turns to the rest of the room just in time to get a large blast of cum square in the chest. It knocks him off balance and he falls to the floor as he's completely covered in Aliasi's cum. Once the deluge stops, he lifts himself on to his shoulders. "I don't suppose anyone has a towel to lend me."

Oooh, fuck, Nekura's brains are a little cloudy after that though she's hardly ready to stop. Then again, after taking three primes and their pack of canines, she might or might not have gained a certain ability that lets her keep going like the Energizer Bunny of Fucking. As the two pull of her though the Nightmare at first has a bit of trouble standing after such lovings but soon catches her balance.. just in time for a wave of white to pass over. "Aaahhhh!" she yelps in surprise, hooves digging in to keep her from moving. Not that this helps avoid getting turned almost entirely white now. "Oh god it's like that first time Seven and I had sex with his feral form!"

Vaust roars in pain. He swings his right hand around to aim his double-barrel shotgun directly into the face of the statue that hit him, the end of the barrels being only a hair's widith away from touching. Vaust fires off both cylinders of slug rounds right into the statue.

Aliasi rolls off the statue, finally sated. Well, for a time. The rut always comes back. But for now, she looks dreamy and nearly catatonic and takes up a fair bit of the floor as a big immovable lump, an occasional last little dreg spurting from shaft or nethers. The fight is certainly beyond her concern.

Loveblade heres the lustful moans coming from the giant behind her and tenses, setting her heels and digging the black-steel capped toes into the ground just before the tidal wave of cum bathes the room, splattering ceiling and vines, statues. The musky load breaks across her wings and legs, splashing around love like a wave on a rock and washing over her to the jaguar man, her eyes sparking while a good portion of it turns to honey on the fly before it pastes the statue in creamy sweetness, sticky, tacky and hopefully enough to slow her opponent down.

Blanche lies down on the alter with a smiles as she relaxes on it, rolling over just a bit so shes on her side, off of her belly and udder and relaxes. Eventually, her tail wags as she watches the going ons as any lose cum leaks out of her pussy.