Fall From Heaven Chapter Three - RPLOG

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Bam! One of the gryphons goes down as Anbessa cleaves it a new bird-hole. That one won't be getting up anytime soon, or if Redd gets close to it, at all. Casey's ploy to funnel the beasts away from them is at least partially successful; it definitely diverts them, but it only serves to split them off between Casey and Anbessa. Now instead of Casey two and Anbessa two, Casey has one...and Anbessa still has two! Onris' shot is on target, mercifully, reducing it to one-and-one, but an assault rifle was never made for mid-air firing; the recoil sends hir spinning rather badly, and shi'll need to right hirself before shi can try for another shot.

Anbessa opens his eyes wide as the 1 of the two comes after him, though as he sees the funnel spray of blood from the rifle shot going through the Gryphon, he quickly looks up to Onris, smiling to hir before returning his attention to the last of the gryphons. He quickly dashes forward with his Claymore in his paw, taking a wide swing to smack the gryphon with the flat of the large right to it's chest HARD before once more dashing on his feet, shoulder bashing the Gryphon hard to try to knock it down and away from him.

CaseyRune Hrmphs. Fine, if that's the way its going to be. It seems to be getting a little too close for Tranq rounds, but not too close for Casey to choke slam the blue bastard into the fire. Since the others are being taken care of by the rather large sword weilding Talakai and the team's air support. this shouldn't be too hard. They take a quick step foraward, into the fire and makes a grab for the gryphon's neck.

Onris gives a few flaps of powerful wings to right hirself. She nearly falls out of the air again when she sees she not only hit but took out a gryphon. Definitely a skill to but some practice into. For now hir eyes scan the area in front of the party intent on giving warning of any danger that might threaten her land bound buds.

Rounding the hill of rubble, Redd watches as the attacking gryphons are sliced, shot, and fried. He's unwilling to take a shot at the gryphons now, since they're engaged in close combat.

The Coyote, now a freshly-feathered gryphon, spreads her wings and lets loose a short squawk. Now, whether or not this was a good idea, it didn't matter to her. She just wanted in on the action, and so, from behind a smaller mound of rubble, she runs and launches herself, hoping to sail over her party, right into the fight. Such airy dreams.

The gryphon that Anbessa is fighting is mostly thinking about claws and talons, and is utterly unprepared for a slab of metal to its chest or the shudderingly forceful charge immediately afterward! It goes sprawling back down the rubble heap, squawking in protest as it suffers bangs and bruises all the way, but that's nothing quite like the shrieks of the gryphon trapped in the fire with CaseyRune! Onris can't see any more gryphons on the way, though Redd will have a good shot at the one at the bottom of the heap as it tries to scamper away! And suddenly...there's *another* gryphon flying overhead! It's like these things never end!

Anbessa smirks as his strike connects as he expects, quickly going in after the gryphon. Though with a sudden realization, he growls, looking over towards the direction of Redd. He shakes his head, wordlessly telling him to not shoot before he returns his focus to the Gryphon, quickly moving over to it's side before he brings down his foot on it's back, his sword's tip planting threateningly close to the gryphon's neck. He seems to not be trying to kill it, going in for an attempt of a surviving captive Gryphon than a nearly dead/dead one.

CaseyRune doesn't hold the burning gryphon down, instead as soon as the gryphon hits the ground they fluently sept out of the fire, firing off the last few tranq rounds on the foolish solo one that decided to fly in. After a brief pause to change mags to a fresh Tranq mag, they swing right around doing a sweep of their imidiate area for any more damned gryphons.

Onris nearly gets a shriek of warning out before Casey spins on the flanking gryphon. Cursing that she missed the bogey she scans around and behind the group then froward again as shi slosh descends so to hear any comments offered after the battle.

Watching as Anbessa pins a bloodied gryphon to the ground, Redd grins, and rushes over to the trapped gryphon. He grabs the mutant's wings, steps on the center of it's back pulling, and with a loud pop, the wings come clean off, leaving only feathers and fur where they were once attached. The wings themselves seem to fall apart--bones, muscles and skin just gone--leaving the coyote with nothing more than a few handfuls of brilliant blue feathers.

Smokie messes up in flight as she feels the shots fly by her, ruffling her feathers and fur. She goes fro ma graceful sail into a nosedive, straight into the rubble and rolling down the mound, grunting and squawking the whole way. Not at all as glorious as she thought it would be, as she weakly tries to push herself back up. "Well, fuck me, then!"

The gryphon whose wings Redd just dissolved goes still, eyes wide - it doesn't seem to be much for coherent thought, but at the very least, it understands 'sharp thing aimed at neck'. It glares up at coyote and talakai alike with...not quite malice, but nothing like apathy. If there was ever a person in that head, it doesn't look like anyone is home now. With the other gryphons defeated and a fire going, there's a moment to catch your breath, finally!

Anbessa glares down to the gryphon as he watches Redd do his work to it's wings, staring down at the creature before smiling to Redd. "A bit brutal, though it works... Now..." He quietly takes a moment to grab the Gryphon's side with one paw, putting his Claymore into the sheath on his back before grabbing the Gryphon's fully, picking hir up before hefting hir over his shoulder. "I'ma bring this one back to the Transport... May as well capture a live one than a dead one." He says, nodding to Redd with a smirk on his face before he quietly begins to jog back the way they came, waving to the agents waiting before he disappears from their line of sight for the time to get the Gryphon back. Alive this time.

CaseyRune snaps back to the talking gryphon, keeping an eye out for anything blue and feathered. Not knowing Smokie, or anyone else much for that matter. They keep their sights trained on her untill someone says otherwise. They are not getting ambushed again.

Onris shivers as she descends into the Anti-bubble and continues down toward Casey and the flanker. "Sorry bout that one," Shi offers to Casey,"made the mistake of assuming our 6 would sty clear. Won't happen again."

"Anybody seen Smokie?" Redd walks over towards Casey and Onris, sniffing the air checking for his mate's scent. He stops midstride, as he smells the scent of both gryphon and Smokie at once, and grimaces. "I hope one of the gryphons didn't grab her..."

Smokie, at the bottom of the rubble mound, makes a pitiful whine as she stands herself up, one of her wings held in a painfully awkward position. Man, this shit sucks. She looks up the hill towards where her group was, and takes a step towards it. A searing pain stops her in her tracks, "Aw, fuck, I messed myself up some... Stupid fucking wings."

Of course, the moment Anbessa is alone with the gryphon, it starts thrashing about and clawing at him. Something about not having its life in immediate danger takes the fear right out of it! Fortunately, it's simple enough to restrain one gryphon, and the creature is delivered into Zephyr custody for who-knows-what. Much of the crowd has dispersed by now, leaving only a few interested onlookers and the officials themselves. The scent of gryphon does indeed hang in the air, but so does Smokie's personal scent, albeit with a distinct feline/avian hint to it.

CaseyRune grumbes something, keeping their gun pointed at the talking gryphon, which is more than likely said missing party member, they look to Onris and say "I think its safe to say we can't assume anything except that there are hostiles everywhere we haven't been. Four City Blocks falling out of the sky usually heralds bad news. This I can't say I was expecting."

Onris nods to Casey then turns hir attention to Redd figuring Casey more then capable of handling the limping gryphon. "I didn't see her while I was up there, though I was watching more out then down. I'll check it out again." Shi crouches down to jump into the air once more but pauses slightly to await a response, just in case.

The talking gryphon whines as she begins to limp up the rubble towards the party, upset and in a huff with her feathers all messed up, and that wing still looking stiff, as if it was sprained or broken. Muttering to herself, too, with avian whistles and tweets thrown in.

Anbessa quietly pads back up and returns to the group after dropping off the gryphon. Even though his longsleeve shirt is slightly ripped in some places, he looks fine. Having been out of Redd's anti-nanite bubble, he had enough time to do a quick bit of healing on himself before he came back, shivering softly as he reenters the bubble. Though as he spots the injured gryphon, he raises an eyebrow, taking a sniff at the air before openning his eyes wide... "Wait... Why did you shift to that form...?" He asks, his nose able to recognize who the injured one is as he tilts his head, padding up to the injured avian with a worried expression upon his face.

CaseyRune looks at Anbessa quizically, still not lowing their pistol. "Who shift what? She's supposed to be one of ours?! Can people PLEASE tell me these things before I put an Anti-tank round into one of you? For the love of..." They holster their pistol, face securely in palm. "I mean these things are important are they not? I'm pretty sure I nearly tranq'd her."

Onris relaxes as Anbessa's comment brings things together. Shi shakes hir head as lips purse in irritation. She relaxes slightly as Casey's words fit hir own thoughts almost exactly. "I would have to agree, Not the best move." Shi grabs hir medkit from a pocket and starts towards the injured team mate. "How bad did you mess yourself up?"

Smokie snorts in frustration as she rounds the top of the mound, meeting Onris halfway. "Not as bad as if you hadn't shot at me. But blegh, you're right, that was kinda stupid..." She shakes her head, then winces. "I mean, I was in a tight spot, okay, I couldn't exactly think of any other flying forms at the moment."

Anbessa frowns for a moment at Casey, just shaking his head for a moment before returning to Smokie, "Well... Maybe choose a form that isn't just a Gryphon? It is hard to tell apart from the ferals." He says, a paw scratching behind his head for a moment as he stands quietly... Though for once since after the fight, he begins to actually look around at the rubble surrounding them, inspecting it wordlessly as he decides NOT to walk away this time, lest he gets attacked by a ambush once more.

CaseyRune rubs the bridge of their nose, adjusting their sunglasses. "A Duck, a pegasus, a Dragon, hell a flying monkey would be better than a gryphon, as long as it's not blue and feathery." They huff, looking at the area, and the restaraunt where the gryphon back up came from. "So, what's our next move? We need to find out where this flying feathered Atlantis came from right?"

Onris shoots a glare at Casey. "Next move is getting our 'team' member back in shape." Shi hopes the stressed word will find some effect. "After that, we continue assessing the threat this Atlantis poses and grab as much shiny shit as we can carry. Per our orders." Onris looks over Smokies paw and wing as shi voices her opinion.

The gryphon sighs, just standing and surveying as she's worked on. "Look, I... I don't like being a dragon. It gets to my head way too much. No one would like me when I'm a dragon... And, I don't know any other flying forms... At least, none that are any worth in combat against a flock of these featherbrained fuckers." She just shakes her head again. "I swear, no, next time I'm bringing my rifle, no more of this 'Just a normal coyote' bullshit."

The recent battle seems to have taken its toll on the alpha team, with few of them seriously wounded but several breathless and rattled. Anbessa falls back to take a rest from the action, and Redd and Onris are called back to give a report on the situation thus far. Fortunately, word of a bravo team has come up the ranks, new agents supposedly ready to stand with the remaining alpha team members. The movie theater, the office building, the restaurant from which a half-dozen or so gryphons emerged - all are tempting targets, and are among the few buildings that look stable enough to explore after whatever events led to what looks like a small city falling from the sky.

With the Alpha Team now scrapped, one of its remnants holds her position just outside of the secured zone. It had taken a little convincing on her part to keep the guards from shooting her, or from shipping her back to check for 'feral influences'. What a lame excuse. But it didn't matter, the nonmorphic gryphon was here to stay, now, whether or not her current form was a bullet magnet. At least with Redd gone, everything was resaturated with nanites, though that didn't help her much. She was still unarmed and on four legs.

CaseyRune can feel nanites in the air again. Thank gods. It should keep them flying under the radar in terms of healing now, along with the fires, the ice and minor vampirism. They sigh, another chunk of the team lost. They may have taken the place of someone else, but it seems like none of them can really finish the mission.

The reports were bad enough, but to actually see this place annoyed him...a huge mess to be cleaned up while there were so many other threats to the people to deal with right now. But all the same, the Marine officer known as Colonel Cerris Voss arrives with a rutal tumping of the ground as his massive form barrels over rubble, walls and barricades to gome grinding to a halt over Smokie, gazing down in triplicate before addressing the guards with identification codes and a sitrep request.

A black and white blur approaches in the skies from the direction of Zephyr HQ in the south. It moves with an admirable amount of speed given the emergency of the situation. Alpha team was in bad shape, the situation was falling apart. They needed fast responders. Medics. And security. Thankfully, Kori was all three of these. With a backpack of medical supplies, an assault rile if things got hairy, and a very unassuming skunk girl body... This supernaturally powered herm was almost pushing the sound barrier in order to make good time. There's no such THING as a speed limit when you can fly.