Corporate College Collaboration - RPLOG

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Soaking wet, a coyote trots up towards the group, at first on all fours but standing up as he gets closer to the others. "I'm not late, am I"?

With a riot shield above his head, shielding himself from the rain in a makeshift attempt for an umbrella, a silver leonine fellow strolls down the road in a light jog. "A poor day for mane wielding individuals," the feline jests in a joking tone as he approaches the growing group of agents. "My name is Dio. It would seem some of us are already familiar with each other. It shall be an honor," he claims in a bold tone before dipping into a small bow.

Two of the agents, the Zephyr ones, judging by the words emblazoned on their vests, offer a wave while the RSX agent is content to hang back, looking rather bored with the whole situation.

"Hello!" One of them calls out, a lizard fellow with dark green scales showing where he's not covered in gear. "Nice of you to make it out here on such short notice. We aren't expecting this to take too long, but we didn't want to go in there with just the three of us. Well, two of us. Killjoy here behind us is just here to watch. Here's the run down," He says before slapping a hand against his companion. A human, from the looks of things. "Oh. You want me to do that? Fine, I see how it is," he says with a joking tone. "There's a lab in there that we're looking for. We've got this handy dandy breaching tool here and all, but we need someone to cover us while we look for it."


Rihko's ear flicks, not that it helps with the water, then nods her head. "Alright. That sounds pretty straight forward. Any specifics on what we are looking for? Do you know which room we're heading for?" she asks. She moves up closer to the building, taking cover there from the rain, and looks over all of the collected agents.

Gavin takes a short glance over everyone else who gathers, giving a simple nod of greeting to any who meet his gaze. Then, his blue-eyed attention shifts back to the Zephyr agents, a cursory glance back to the RSX before he's back on the two giving the rundown. "Simple enough," he comments, quietly, his hand shifting to make sure his blade is loose in the scabbard upon his shoulder. He steps up after Rihko, a hand tugging his leather hood down, squinting those gently glowing eyes as he peers in through a window. "And do we know what sort of resistance there might be, if any? Ferals? Anything like that?"

Thelergramor nods at the agents. "Right, lab. You want the lab itself or does it have shit you need? Doesn't really matter either way. I'm here and don't feel like leaving right now..." Glances at the people... Meets Gavin's gaze, meaning he got a nod! Woo! Has met all of them. Cool. And there's Redd. Squints. Shrugs, kind of. About as well as a quadruped dragon thing can shrug... Does not mind the rain at all! Nope. Wet and all that. Sniffs. For personal reasons.

Loveblade listens and widens her stance slightly, tails balancing as she unfurls a wing over the group, keeping the cold and wet off of them with a nod toward the speakers, "Okay, that sounds like it should be easy enough. I would like to know what, if anything, is expected inside and more importantly, how fragile is what we're looking for going to be? What precautions will be needed?"

Love reaches into her pocket and takes out a small tin of soup and a small coil, using her claw she opens up the top and slides the coil inside. Soon the aroma of Mako Shark comes to the group as the container starts to quickly steam, the filament a sharp red when she takes it out and shakes it to cool, sipping her broth. "It shouldn't be hard, but I want to make sure you're safe as possible, and our mission a success."

Loveblade soothingly hisses, "Anyone want something to eat before we go?"

"So we watch your back while you go inside, how come we're left out in the rain?" The coyote's question is mostly in jest, as it was probably safer out here wet than being ambushed in a corridor. "Do we get to know what's in this lab? Or another one of those find it, but say nothing runs?"

Dio listens to the rather short briefing, along with the relaxing pitter patter of rain colliding with metal above his mane dense skull. "I see," the lion comments, moving closer to the building and finally lowering the large shield to his tuxedo clad torso. "That seems standard enough. A simple raid and defense against the inevitable ferals that roam the campus." A large claw taps against the shield before him, releasing a soft metallic clanking noise for emphasis. "I shall form the best wall I can. Let us begin before the night grows too dark."

The lizard hefts the metal battering ram he'd brought and snorts at Thelergramor. "Tell ya' what. If you can figure out how to take a whole room, that'll be great. But right now, we just want what is in it. Now then," she says, moving onto Gavin and Loveblade's question while nodding at Dio. "What he said. Mostly just going to be ferals. Well, predictably. But you never know, these days. It shouldn't be too bad, really. But we need to keep the contents of the lab intact. Getting there? We're not so worried about that. We can handle ourselves. Now, getting back out? That's another story. We need to avoid a fight while we're carrying potentially fragile things, you know? If it gets damaged, that defeats the point of coming here tonight."

The other Zephyr agent checks over his rifle for a moment and flicks the safety off. "Right. Let's not waste anymore time. We'll talk as we go," she says, taking point and gesturing Dio ahead to join him, should he be so inclined. "And I don't mind telling you what's in it. But uh. I'll have to see what exactly it is, first. Researchers back at Zephyr need some supplies. Old college science labs might very well have what we need. We know the location of the science rooms, but little else, so we'll be investigating them all til we find things that look promising." He starts through the main room but pauses before entering the center of the campus. "Try to stay quiet, though. Don't want to attract too much attention," he says, lowering his voice.

Rihko follows the agent along, moving quietly as she picks up on his lead; the air around the kitsune shimmers slightly as all of her defenses come online, and she slips a few thin throwing needles into her grip. She sniffs at the air again as the move out of the rain, then blinks and gives the coyote a double take. "... do I know you?"

Gavin gives a small nod to the agents, letting them take point while stepping in after them. While he has plenty of skill in scavenging, he wasn't entirely sure what the crew was looking for. "Is there... something in particular you guys are looking for? Or we just grabbing anything valuable?" He keeps his voice low, gently and slowly pulling his blade, thankful the scabbard muffles that metal upon metal scratch.