The Mall Rat Holiday - RPLOG

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Anyone who knows Armel would know where in the crowd to find them. And that would be hovering around the chestnut stall, clutching a good armful of soda and pinching some nuts when they think no-one is looking.

Looks like the party/sale have started in its earnest now. There are agents buying some Christmas decorations or gifts for their loved ones, or fuckbuddies really who judges these days, Mall rats congregating together drinking soda and lazing about, as usual, and apparently a food thief, not only Armel but a good number of the more feral attendees here.

Things of interest as anyone would notice are a group of Mall Rats standing near the central tree 'singing' what is supposed to be Christmas carols, the food stalls on one side of the mall, near the chestnut stand that Armel is helping themself from, and the plethora of different stalls and shops selling various items, and most of it on sale too!

Markus decides to get a drink and scope the place out. He wanders over to one of the drink sta

Markus decides to get a drink and scope the place out. He wanders over to the drink stands and asks for a cup of soda, not rea

really caring

Lochlan entertains himself by munching on chestnuts (even if he doesn't like that stuff very much) and hanging out at one of the stand, which offers some of the more... 18+ articles, toying idly with a medium-sized knotted dildo and eyeing the other clients on the stand for someone who can make a good one-night stand.

Armel's tail seems to speed up with each chew of the roasted treats, fanning about a sickeningly sweet blueberry scent. Pretty decent cover-up for the scent of their rut, not that there was much of it to cover anyway. No totes inapropes boners today~! Just occasionally pinching bystanders butts and pretending it wasn't them.

Markus sips his drink, watching the events. He does wander around a bit, taking interest in little and pretty muxch being


Lochlan notices Armel's scent and quickly locates its source, the candy canid he had seen several times at Zephyr's lobby. He leaves the stand with the dildos for a minute and approaches the chestnuts, greeting the androgynous canid with a casual ''sup'.

As the festivities go about, a rather... large wolf enters... perhaps seeming a bit out of place in a christmas setting. Clad in a spandex-like, supportive garment that matches the black of his fur, nothing of his muscular build or... other biological accessories... As he enters, he looks about with a slight smile. "Heh... just wish the rut weren't gettin' so bad... a quick visit won't hurt..." he mutters to himself as he hangs by the door, scoping the place out.

Markus notices the fellow canid at the door and decides to mosey on over to Todde, making sure his shades were still straight and his cap was still backwards.

As the large wolf enters, Rod raises an eyebrow and raises his neck upwards before letting out a long whistle, "Bro. You are like the big bad wolf or something?" the cool rat says in his usual chill tone, "Have fun here, but leave some of the food for the rest of us." The rat adds with a snicker before gesturing for Todde in.

Interestingly enough more and more mutants and agents have joined the Mall Rats singing near the Christmas tree. The Christmas carols now sounding more like a cacophony of barks, wails, and what have you. Needless to say it was not the most pleasant sound but at least people where in the spirit of Christmas now.

The place now looked more or less like a Christmas party but with sales going on, and obviously Mall Rat decorations, reminding people of what was lost after the Nano-apocalypse.

One of the Mall Rats lazing about notices the bored coyote and gives him a wave, "Yo bro. What's wrong? I thought you 'yotes where like all about pranks and fun. What's with the long face bro?" the chill rat said in an almost bored tone himself, but that is how the cool mall rats sound after all.

Markus shrugs, addressing the mall rat. "Oh you never know... Maybe I spiked the soda..." he says with a chuckle.

Armel flings a nut-filled hand behind their back at being addressed. Not a thief. Nope. "Hey, cutie. I'm too lazy to think of a pickup line, so just pretend I said a really good one, 'kay?"

Todde offers a light nod to Rod. "Yo. May not be hanging around long, but had to see what all the fuss was about... Never was big on the religious aspect... but it's good to see the spirit of the season still hangin' around..." he says with a bit of a smile... this before looking to the approaching Coyote, having to look quite a ways down to the waist-high canid. "Hm... don't think I've met you before... 'least the smell ain't familiar... Still... I'm startin' to think Coyote's workin' on his own holiday, what with how many of ya keep poppin' up." he says with a chuckle. "Remind me to avoid the cola then. Shiftin' and me don't agree when it comes to ferals and vials." he says with a more wary sort of tone. This is all punctuated with a sudden shudder that runs through the man's form, the tip of a rather conspicuous "bulge" in a pocket of the fabric obviously designed for his sheath gaining quite a bit of moisture at the tip, a bit of the clear fluid glistening through before it absorbs back into the fabric. "Ngh... heh... Well... might be shorter than I thought." he mutters to himself.

Markus chuckles. "Oh... It's nothing transformative.... just a little extra thickener..." he quietly mentions to Todde only. "But anyway, what brings you here? I'm Markus."

Lochlan smiles at Armel, as he places a hand on his shoulder, enjoying the cocky reply of the canid. "Actually, you know, this is the best pick up line I've heard for a lot of time. Quite convincing, I must admit."

Armel turns their head to the side to eat another nut. Yeah, like that makes you any less suspicious... Okay, what to say. What to say. "Sooo, nice weather we're having?" Armel, no. That's the dumbest thing anyone can say ever. And it's raining.

Todde looks to Markus with a quirk of the brow, grimacing slightly. "Ahhh... I think I'll avoid it all the more if it's all the same to you... thick soda, no matter the ah... thickener... just sounds... nasty." he chuckles lightly before looking back over the mall. "Nice to see this, y'know...? With all that's happened... People still findin' time to get together for somethin' like this."

Markus nods, looking over the people assembled. "Yup... sure is a good thing...." he says, sighing. "Yeah, these mall rats have the right thing in mind- community." he says, leaning against a wall and sipping his clean soda.

Lochlan nods to Armel's comments, smiling a bit to the blatant change of topic. "Nice weather, indeed. And a nice party here. Did you check the stand with the dildos and such. I swear one looked exactly like mine."

"Those are still a thing?" Armel didn't really know why those kinds of toys were still around, with a whole society willing to bang at the drop of a hat. "I've just been buying food." Yup. Totally huying.

Todde nods a little. "Well... I was mostly stopping by to see how the place was set up... not to shabby... heh... but ah... I should really get going here so..." he trails off, looking back toward one of the doors. "Oh... Name's Todde, by the way... good to meet ya... Likely we'll run into each other again so... 'till then?" he offers as he gives a lazy sort of two fingered salute, heading out toward the city.

Markus nods, waving to Todde as he departed. "See ya...." he says, huffing and finding a bench to sit on.

"Yep they are. Sometimes, you might need an extra cock for something, Or you might toss them to the ferals for the fun of it. There are a lot of opporunities" Lochlan grins and winks at Armel

Armel laughs, placing down the armful of soda that they just remembered they pilfered. "Good point. I loved pegging before the nanites, but now I have my own. Even if they do occasionally get a little /too/... erm... far above average sized..." Saying 'too big' would sound like bragging, but still. There weren't many things on the internet they used to stay away from, but oversized bits were one of them. God damn whoever programmed these things.

Markus just sits on his bench, sipping his drink and looking lonely.

The events keeps on going for hours. Mall Rats and mutants bartering on goods and enjoying the Holiday spirit. The tide of new comers seem to die down and most people have moved on and focused on the main attractions, many little groups have formed to converse with each other but still a good number of people are moving out of the mall, giggling at scandalous things they might have in mind, some of the more racier mutants and agents did not even bother with finding a room and instead decided to move to the darker corners of the place. All in all the party is reaching its afterglow, but for some it's the beginning of their partyfinally]