Automated Multiplayer Updates/2024 July

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 17:29, 10 July 2024 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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Nuku smoothly says, "Oops, party merchire I meant."

Chinthliss says, "Nipples less likely to be paragons of law (The term 'just nipples' used to describe a lack of breasts has been tweaked to be 'nipples' to avoid phrases like 'your just nipples'.)."

Nuku smoothly says, "New quirk: rpinfo handed tail"

Chinthliss says, "Fixed a couple of places where form editor preview descriptions were looking at live descriptions. This shouldn't effect anything - noting in case I broke something."

Nuku smoothly says, "New quirk, rpinfo thick load"