Monster Monarch

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Monster Monarch

Some say size isn't everything. Some are wrong. Size. Is. Everything. You live large, and you come crashing down with all the bulk you've developed with pride and power. You may not be the fastest, but who cares? You'll be felt, that's for sure.

This is a dedication-linked class. You can either dedicate to Kaiju or purchase the class for freecred at the dedication point to obtain it. Using Wasteland Warrior to dedicate to Kaiju for free will not grant the class.

Soul Powers

Level 10 Atomic Hide
Level 15 Size is Everything
Level 25 Atomic Beam
Level 35 Belittle
Level 40 Toxic Breath
Level 45 Pinnacle of Stature
Bleeding 1
Concentrated 1
Damage 2
Durability 1
Endurance 1
Outnumbered 1
Overkill 1
Rage 1
Warded 1

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