Townhall with Mr Jupiter - RPLOG

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Merv preens his companion's wing.

Bilyso climbs on Korune's head

Sasha heaves a sigh as she wobbles and waddles her way into the gym looking at the bleachers that have been erected for this even specifically. Smaller sections are set up for shorter folk, larger sections for larger folks, and even paddings and other dedications made for people who's body structures lay outside of the typical biped or may need other such accomidations. Using her wings, Sasha flutters her wings and lands in an area reserved for 'Hyper Mothers To Be'. Sitting there, she is joined by a Keagle on her left and a Moon Dolphin of all things on her right. The stadium is slowly filling up, while a Margay Taur in a business suit takes the podium to do a microphone test, and behind hir, the rest of the associate from Fairhaven's public office's entarage waits, the representive himself being a Snow Leopardtaur, and his two assistants one a Fennec in THICK glasses holding many stacks of papers, and a Komodo Dragon making sure that his boss's fur and suit look good. "Test one two, Test one two, Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers."

Bilyso gets up from his spot in the corner and starts moving toward the smaller folks section of the auditorium before curling up into his chair.

Merv curls up on a bench with Melody and shares some popcorn he got at the mall from the rats. He wasn't sure what was going on but this looks important. Maybe he can learn from how this crowd manages their nest. Both tail tufts twitch with anticipation as ears perk up at the mic test.

"What am I doing here? I could be back home getting my rocks off right now..." A certain fennec mutters to himself, his hands in his pockets, body hugged tightly by the black police uniform of the K-9 Fairhaven Police Force, his vibrant yellow eyes concealed by a pair of stylish shades, back covered by a sturdy RIOT shield, a backpack resting just under it. He was fairly lightly armed, what little weaponry was visible being heavily modified to be more compact and easy to carry around, the only thing really standing out as dangerous being the rifle on his back. "Of all the dogs they could send, they decide to dispatch the rookie street pounder to deal with political bullshit, well... it wasn't Razz's call I guess." Magnus monologues internally, pacing around the room as he surveys the area. There wasn't much to look at, it was the very same gym he'd gone to.

Magnus huffs softly to himself as he spots the cracked ceiling just above the entrance. He rubs at his neck as he recalls exactly how that damage was done, his expression telling that it was not a pleasant memory. His eyes glance over to the spot on the wall where basketball hoops hung, flashbacks wafting through his head of those long roundball games. He was so much taller back then... pointlessly so. His glance snaps onto the corner of the gymnasium, a soft sigh parting him as he recalls the yoga mats that rested there once, upon them the gymnists and that first crush he had as a stupid teenager in the new world, the girl he never had the balls to ask out. His ears flit left and right for a moment, distant echos of sports events being held, airhorns ringing and games being played by the best of the best in this modest school... he had a pretty good early months all things considered. It put a smile to his face... for it was so long ago now.

His attention is pulled away as he finds himself at the front of the crowd when a familiar face makes her presence known. "Figures." Magnus mutters under his breath as he spots Sasha taking the stand. She was the outspoken type, event host and what not. Still, seeing her so... round, while on duty, the fox doubted it'd ever stop being so jarring. He crosses his arms, and listens in, there was nothing to comment on right now, after all.

Anagram straitens his buisness suit and whistles for his dog. Him a kemo german shepherd with an actual german shepherd dog at heel. He sniffs at the air for a second to register the multiple forms surrounding him, then with a coy and confident smile whistles again for his dog to follow him to the bleachers. He looks around at the others in the crowd as he takes a seat up and to the back, giving himself a wider view.

Korune files into the gymnasium. Not from the back but from the side, squeezing in through the smaller doors. He doesn't step up onto the stage with the other heads of the city but stands off to the side. He wears his standard armored getup, however the fire brigade badge was clearly pinned to the armor on his chest. He notices the small fennec representing the police forces and chuckles a bit to himself having interacted with the little fox on an occasion or two. He would step up to represent or speak on the status of the Fairhaven Fire Department but nothing more, as was routine for his presence here in any official capacity. %THe does take a moment to glance around at the growing crowd, looking for any recognizable agents or mutants as they file in, keeping an eye to make sure that if too many civilians were present, he would have to sequester entry as per the standing fire code.

making his way into the audience, Willy worked his way over to the Taur seating with a smile. Finding a bench to lay upon, the Fox Taur lays his lower body down, allowing his legs to drape off the end. Relaxed and comfertable, he looks twoards the stand as they do the mike test. Looking over the front he doesn't register any faces, until he sees Korune in the firemans getup and smirks a bit learning about it, before he simply looks twoards the front to see what the meeting with pretain.

Sasha looks around a bit, sighing slightly when she sees Magnus. "Well, that is interesting, and here he told me he was too much of a 'free spirit' to put the uniform on." She says, first adjusting her own uniform, then keeping her teeth beared when she's done talking to herself, but she returns to looking towards the center of the gym with a notepaid waiting for the event to begin proper. Her eyes keep finding themselves back on Magnus though, unable to not growl whenever it happens. "Test test, ok sir, the PA system seems to be functioning properly." Says the Margay Taur before stepping back. The first to step up is the Fennec however, "Good evening everyone, and thank you for coming to this town hall hosted by Representative Steven Jupiter. Tonight Mr. Jupiter would like to take a moment to discuss the improvements made to Fairhaven city as well as directions that efforts could be moved towards to improve further with our fair city." The rather small Fennec clears her throat before continuing, "Some of you may recall, in not so many years back, that the city in its entirety was in shambles, with only Zephyr Tower, New Dawn, and a few other small sections carved out that were safe for the general population, but now, we have been able to do much to make this a safe and welcoming place for both mutated and unmutated alike. Mr. Jupiter would like if we could all take a moment of silence though, for those lost in the events that happened Feburary 11th 2008, and those who have worked so hard, some of which paying the ultimate price, for what we have today." The lights are dimmed, Sasha takes her patrol cap off, lowering it to the top of her breasts before bowing her head.

Bilyso seems to have a flash of remembrance during the silence and after a few moments, he activates the recording software on his data nanomagic so that he can review the meeting afterwards even when he inevitably gets distracted by nothing.

Willy calmly listens to the opening with a wag of the tail and a smile. He was happy to hear that the city was starting to improve, especially as some of the projects he had worked on over the past 7 years had come to fruition in their improvements. That smile though goes away as P-Day in mentioned, and he nods at the request of silence. Bowing down and placing his hand on his upper heart, he sits there solumnly in silence.

The fennec keeps his gaze hidden behind those sturdy shades of his, they oddly enough came with the uniform, because if you're gonna enforce the law, you may as well look stylin' as fuck doing it, right? His ears tilt towards the one speaking, hands clenching up a little bit as he chooses his words with care. Magnus was, in essence, representing his entire unit right now. Why? Why did they pick him? This was literally the worst thing they could have sent him to do! They may as well have sent the janitor in his stead! The fox sighs quietly under his breath, noting the gathering crowd a soft smirk and a dancing glance. His vision snaps from face to face, tracing and scanning any potential troublemakers, until... "Anagram?" He'd whisper to himself. "Psh... here's hoping you are keeping that nose clean." That was the agreement they had, at least. Though at this point Anagram's situation was well out of Magnus' hands... out of his hands... out of his... THAT'S IT! The fox' eyes widen for a moment, his tail flitting as he realizes there really WAS something he wanted to address. Once Sasha speaks up however, Magnus casts her a soft smirk. "I am a free spirit. I live free and work free, as agreed with the police chief. There's a thing about people like me though, we believe freedom is something everyone is entitled to. So while I enjoy mine, I may as well ensure the freedom of others. Plus, I love the uniform." He tilts his head just the right way that she'd see behind his shades as he casts her a wink. "Get to know me babe, maybe you can solve me cause I'm done trying." His attention returns to the people speaking, and once 2008 is mentioned, the fennec remains motionless. He was not an old-worlder after all, he didn't understand these kinds of gestures, though what he knew was courtesy, enough such that he at least keeps quiet for as long as the others do. His foot taps faintly on the ground, seems he had something on his mind he wanted to speak up about...

Korune simply bows his head, having only heard about the experience that was the apocalypse. He knew many didn't make it and those that did had changed, the world had changed, his existence here was because of it. He was still naive to many aspects of the history of Fairhaven and the world around him, but he knew enough to honor those that fell in the time before him.

Anagram closes his eyes in peace for that day he remembered over a decade ago, and opend them again a few seconds later. He keeps mental note on his comm on everything he is witnessing using his interfacing nanomagic, while his dog starts to lay down beside him. He notices Magnus representing the police that he had made a deal with a while ago, and Anagram wasn't planning on doing anything this event other than recording it for later use. Getting to know all of the politicians and service representatives was good for him, seeing as he will be dealing with mercantile work for the forseeable future.

Sasha glances to Magnus for a moment, shaking her head, "Look, I'm going to drop these pups at ANY moment. I could go into labor right here and now, but there wasn't anyone else I could really send who understands the needs of District Seven like I do. We can talk after we are done here." She says once the lights are turned back up. "Thank you all again, and now, Mr. Jupiter." The Fennec steps back, the Snow Lepardtaur scratching her head, with her churring with joy loud enough for the mic to catch it. "Yes, thank you all once more. I'm proud to say that with our full time staff as well as part timers, we have been able to secure relative safety for most of Fairhaven, queel the more dangerous and violent natures of our feral population. Before I open the floor for questions though, I'd like to summerize the progress that has been made since my installment as one of your representatives in this fine community." He begins to list off such things as the solar power plant being constructed and maintained, the referbishing of the power grid, the construction and expansion of the police force, the construction of the fire department, and even the safety enjoyed now by Fairhaven's parcel workers, though there is much room for interuption, and he seems to be perfectly at home being as long winded about the city's accomplishments as he can...

Bilyso tries to pay attention to the speech as long as he can, but eventually his ferrety instincts start popping up and he pulls a fidget device out of his hoodie pocket so that he hopefully won't cause too much of a scene by wandering off.

Willy rises up as the lights come on and calmly listens to the list of accomplishments. Mentionings of the solar power plant and improvements to the sewer system makes his his four tails wag happily, as he knows his own work and reasearch went into helping make sure they were completed. As the Lepoardtaur continued, he settled down a bit, making sure his tails aren't bapping anyone before he awaited to see what was planned in store.

Merv looks around at the citizenry... wait.. Pday was when... This year is what? Merv whispers quietly "What's the date?" to Melody and continues watching. His beak furrowed with concern over the missing time and then, it's not.

Once the topic of law enforcement is brought up and an opening is provided for discussion, Magnus raises his finger and points it right at the leopard taur. "There IS something that I wanted discuss!" he declares loudly, his finger still pointed right at the leopard. "Jurisdiction." Magnus swishes his finger down and casts a look back towards Anagram, recalling the events of the criminal's reformation, before turning back towards the leopard taur. "Ever since I joined up with the K9 unit, I have been pelted over the head with the importance of sticking to that one, very specific part of the city that we are allowed to operate, to set up sting operations, to perform raids or to bust criminals!"
  • THWAP* the fox' footpaw strikes the ground. "This is absurd! Myself and one other among the K9 are the only ones that break these pointless, archaic limitations for the betterment of the city! If we can act and do so immediately, why are there pointless barriers in place to restrict our range of effect?! It's psychotic! Our agents are skilled, so skilled now in fact that they are able to extend into areas far greater than what our silly city quadrant permits, and if we so much as DO OUR DAMN JOBS and ENFORCE THE DAMN LAW outside our jurisdiction, what we are faced with is punishment instead of congradulations of a job well done! I don't know how to play the political game, but I can tell you one thing for damn well certain, we need LESS BARRIERS, and MORE COLABORATIVE EFFORT! I know we are supposed to enforce the rules, but it's pretty damn hard when some of them are so... idiotic."

Korune quietly seethes at the comments and insinuations made by the fennec, frustrated by the fact that the Police Department even HAD the resources to be so disjointed and disorganized. The city only had to fucking fire engines for crying out loud and they send a representative here to bitch about jurisdiction?! He holds his tongue though and waits for what the representatives had to say in reply, gaging his own comments on that response.

Anagram gives his smug smile. How can he not? He just became a force of change. The very fact that Anagram exists as himself is causing a push through a city's infrastructure. He will stay quiet for now, but his mind is racing on how he can take this to his advantage, on what legal stance he can get control.

Bilyso Jumps up a bit when the Fennec starts screaming but quickly goes back to relaxing in his chair.

The Fox Taur raises a brow as he hears Magnus's comments and sits back to calmly listen to the conversation. He hadn't thought about the range of such in the city, but he expected it may partially have to do with what was "safe". This was definitly a conversation to keep up on, as it was a deep question of safety, and he wondered what the Snowleopard taurs response will be.

Sasha looks over Magnus as he blurts out about what is bothering him, stunned for a moment! As she looks at him, mouth hanging open, the glow about her changes, her colorings turning from the light red and black she'd had a moment ago to a bright pink, as a slight blush froms at her ear tips and nose. She shakes her head though, and writes down what Magnus had said and prepares to record the offical's responce. Mr. Jupiter doesn't look too pleased by Magnus's outburst, a slight sneer coming to his features before he contains it. "Yes, it is important though that we make sure our various districts and departments work within their boundries to ensure that proper coverage and enforcement is upheld. There is a possibility for cross district cooperation, if the heads of the districts and departments, in coordination with the Chief of Districts, decide that such is a priority on our city's resources. I can understand your concerns though, umm... Officer..." He stops a moment to check the paperwork to see who is representing the K-9 department, "Officer Ottkins, and I'll bring them up the next time we have a meeting with the Chief of Districts." He clears his throat, "I do suppose that this is a good time to open the floor to matters of law enforcement that have been on the city council members' minds for a while. We do have a few complants about things that are bothersome, things that may need to warrent a punishment that don't currently. There has been some talk of instatuting traffic controls on our streets, and laws that outline what should be done if such is infracted upon, for example, a few months back a family of Fennecs was injured, two critically, when a Panther Taur, who was running late for his work, and was talking with his boss on his COMM unit, ran into an intersection at high speeds, impacting the family. Everyone involved has since made a complete recovery, but, what should the city do to help prevent this from occuring again? Are there any other incidents that there is no current law written for that should be discussed?"

Merv Merv pops up and chirps. "So how do you... direct flying? There are no light signs up there... traffic lights." His companion Melody purrs "More space to move though."

Bilyso dooks, "you don't really need traffic lights for flying unless you're as big as a plane or something like that. For smaller folks like me, we can pretty much just fly anywhere."

Korune chimes in from the side of the stage, "Current FAA guidelines have not applied, however general rule of thumb is managed in the rule the larger mutant has the right of way. I have yet to see an operating vehicle in the air but it would be safe to bet that they are a hazard and thus should always get the right of way, and by that I mean you should get Right Out of The Way!" Korune says emphasizing the last words in his answer.

Anagram keeps a close eye on Mr Jupiter and Magnus. He starts typing out pages of notepads on his comm using nanomagic programs. He should really get a flash drive or something for later, he thinks to himself. He's been studying law from training courses and libraries for months now, and now there might be a crowd worked up enough to accept his plans without too much medling.