Townhall with Mr Jupiter - RPLOG

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Merv preens his companion's wing.

Bilyso climbs on Korune's head

Sasha heaves a sigh as she wobbles and waddles her way into the gym looking at the bleachers that have been erected for this even specifically. Smaller sections are set up for shorter folk, larger sections for larger folks, and even paddings and other dedications made for people who's body structures lay outside of the typical biped or may need other such accomidations. Using her wings, Sasha flutters her wings and lands in an area reserved for 'Hyper Mothers To Be'. Sitting there, she is joined by a Keagle on her left and a Moon Dolphin of all things on her right. The stadium is slowly filling up, while a Margay Taur in a business suit takes the podium to do a microphone test, and behind hir, the rest of the associate from Fairhaven's public office's entarage waits, the representive himself being a Snow Leopardtaur, and his two assistants one a Fennec in THICK glasses holding many stacks of papers, and a Komodo Dragon making sure that his boss's fur and suit look good. "Test one two, Test one two, Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers."

Bilyso gets up from his spot in the corner and starts moving toward the smaller folks section of the auditorium before curling up into his chair.

Merv curls up on a bench with Melody and shares some popcorn he got at the mall from the rats. He wasn't sure what was going on but this looks important. Maybe he can learn from how this crowd manages their nest. Both tail tufts twitch with anticipation as ears perk up at the mic test.

"What am I doing here? I could be back home getting my rocks off right now..." A certain fennec mutters to himself, his hands in his pockets, body hugged tightly by the black police uniform of the K-9 Fairhaven Police Force, his vibrant yellow eyes concealed by a pair of stylish shades, back covered by a sturdy RIOT shield, a backpack resting just under it. He was fairly lightly armed, what little weaponry was visible being heavily modified to be more compact and easy to carry around, the only thing really standing out as dangerous being the rifle on his back. "Of all the dogs they could send, they decide to dispatch the rookie street pounder to deal with political bullshit, well... it wasn't Razz's call I guess." Magnus monologues internally, pacing around the room as he surveys the area. There wasn't much to look at, it was the very same gym he'd gone to.

Magnus huffs softly to himself as he spots the cracked ceiling just above the entrance. He rubs at his neck as he recalls exactly how that damage was done, his expression telling that it was not a pleasant memory. His eyes glance over to the spot on the wall where basketball hoops hung, flashbacks wafting through his head of those long roundball games. He was so much taller back then... pointlessly so. His glance snaps onto the corner of the gymnasium, a soft sigh parting him as he recalls the yoga mats that rested there once, upon them the gymnists and that first crush he had as a stupid teenager in the new world, the girl he never had the balls to ask out. His ears flit left and right for a moment, distant echos of sports events being held, airhorns ringing and games being played by the best of the best in this modest school... he had a pretty good early months all things considered. It put a smile to his face... for it was so long ago now.

His attention is pulled away as he finds himself at the front of the crowd when a familiar face makes her presence known. "Figures." Magnus mutters under his breath as he spots Sasha taking the stand. She was the outspoken type, event host and what not. Still, seeing her so... round, while on duty, the fox doubted it'd ever stop being so jarring. He crosses his arms, and listens in, there was nothing to comment on right now, after all.

Anagram straitens his buisness suit and whistles for his dog. Him a kemo german shepherd with an actual german shepherd dog at heel. He sniffs at the air for a second to register the multiple forms surrounding him, then with a coy and confident smile whistles again for his dog to follow him to the bleachers. He looks around at the others in the crowd as he takes a seat up and to the back, giving himself a wider view.

Korune files into the gymnasium. Not from the back but from the side, squeezing in through the smaller doors. He doesn't step up onto the stage with the other heads of the city but stands off to the side. He wears his standard armored getup, however the fire brigade badge was clearly pinned to the armor on his chest. He notices the small fennec representing the police forces and chuckles a bit to himself having interacted with the little fox on an occasion or two. He would step up to represent or speak on the status of the Fairhaven Fire Department but nothing more, as was routine for his presence here in any official capacity. %THe does take a moment to glance around at the growing crowd, looking for any recognizable agents or mutants as they file in, keeping an eye to make sure that if too many civilians were present, he would have to sequester entry as per the standing fire code.

making his way into the audience, Willy worked his way over to the Taur seating with a smile. Finding a bench to lay upon, the Fox Taur lays his lower body down, allowing his legs to drape off the end. Relaxed and comfertable, he looks twoards the stand as they do the mike test. Looking over the front he doesn't register any faces, until he sees Korune in the firemans getup and smirks a bit learning about it, before he simply looks twoards the front to see what the meeting with pretain.

Sasha looks around a bit, sighing slightly when she sees Magnus. "Well, that is interesting, and here he told me he was too much of a 'free spirit' to put the uniform on." She says, first adjusting her own uniform, then keeping her teeth beared when she's done talking to herself, but she returns to looking towards the center of the gym with a notepaid waiting for the event to begin proper. Her eyes keep finding themselves back on Magnus though, unable to not growl whenever it happens. "Test test, ok sir, the PA system seems to be functioning properly." Says the Margay Taur before stepping back. The first to step up is the Fennec however, "Good evening everyone, and thank you for coming to this town hall hosted by Representative Steven Jupiter. Tonight Mr. Jupiter would like to take a moment to discuss the improvements made to Fairhaven city as well as directions that efforts could be moved towards to improve further with our fair city." The rather small Fennec clears her throat before continuing, "Some of you may recall, in not so many years back, that the city in its entirety was in shambles, with only Zephyr Tower, New Dawn, and a few other small sections carved out that were safe for the general population, but now, we have been able to do much to make this a safe and welcoming place for both mutated and unmutated alike. Mr. Jupiter would like if we could all take a moment of silence though, for those lost in the events that happened Feburary 11th 2008, and those who have worked so hard, some of which paying the ultimate price, for what we have today." The lights are dimmed, Sasha takes her patrol cap off, lowering it to the top of her breasts before bowing her head.