Compassion is the First Response - RPLOG

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Sunday December 1, 2019=Log=

"Yeah, yeah Maddie I get it. We gotta look professional, since we are! Right?" Magnus would speak out to a female doberman in his presence, the feisty woman having just brought in a stack of report blanks to fill out for the event. "I got my uniform on, what you on about?" Magnus would ask her, casting a confused glance among his two other colleagues, one german shep in uniform, leaned against a wall with a sharp eye out on the situation at hand. The other a poodle of all things, though no less stoic as he leans against one of the desks and watches his comm unit nervously. "Alright, looks like it's time to get this show going." Magnus rubs his hands together, before taking a seat on one of the desks.

As the clock struck noon, the hour of their event had started, and though the main hall of the police station remained empty for a start, it didn't take long for folks to start trickling in. Unfortunately, the first were just business-as-usual visitors, junk reports of excessive noise in the resodiential district, or someone having done something involving someone else's girlfriend, trash complaints that they'd get all the time and need to either dismiss politely or deal with whenever their schedules permitted it. Maddie, bless her soul, had more willpower than the lot of her team combined, simply because even after having to deal with all such bogus complaints, she still finds the strength to smile and be courteous on her desk job. Magnus meanwhile would simply observe her work, and offer to pass her a thing or two from time to time. He was the rookie in the team, after all...

Fenris is already here. He has not been assigned a desk yet, but he has claimed an office chair from somewhere and is spinning in happy circles. The burly tanuki is wearing a shirt and tie and a long coat. His shiny new copper badge is clipped to his belt, showing DETECTIVE CHUBBS. They got that wrong, but it is still official.

Nena does not work here. Nor does she have a complaint to file. So why was she here? Well, she's not entirely sure, herself. She heard there was something going on, a new effort made by the police, and she felt like it'd be a novel experience to check in on it. Maybe ask a few questions. So it is that the ever changing woman- A tiger today, has come across the threshold. And who does she see but Magnus! "... I never took you for the police type. Mister Rebel, mister rogue, mister ne'er-do-well," she says with a teasing wink.

The key-card locked door opened allowing another officer into the main hall, surprisingly another poodle in uniform, this one, however, shows less fur and more skin. The kemo-poodle had a rather cold facial expression. Either they were trying to look professional or were very bored, it was hard to tell. "So, how goes it?" The faux-canine asked the main reception desk as they slowly walked into the reception area. "The brass apparently thinks the quartermaster has nothing better to do than sit around in reception. So, here I am." The poodle said in a matter-of-fact tone that had a slight English accent to it.

It was at this moment that Anagram walked in, a German Sheperd himself shirtless and covered in tattoos, and an actual german sheperd dog at heel beside him. He dresses like a gangster and walks like an afluent businessman, and judging by the cold reactions of those who see him here it's amazing that a known criminal like him is even able to stride in this easy. He walks strait up to the front desk, and in calm tone Anagram says "I am here to talk about the offer of compassion."

"You can call me OFFICER now." The fennec answers with a cocky grin and a smirk as he moves over and give Nena a tight hug. "No, not really. I'llalways be just Mags. As for the uniform, I've been considering this for over a year now. Guess in the end I decided I'd rather be batting for the less murdery team, huh?" Looking Nena up and down, he'd smirk softly and whisper something in her ear, before pulling away with a snicker. "What brings you over here anyway? Have you been a bad bad girl? Talk to Officer Madison over there. Just try to be polite, she deals with folks being... less than constructive all day."

Turning towards Fenris, he'd call him over with a wave and a nod, that is at least when Rokarion enters and makes their presence known. Turning towards the poodle, Magnus reaches out and gives the quartermaster a brief bro-hug, for the lack of a better word. "Probably my fault. You're here to babysit the rookie ain't'cha?" Magnus snickers. "I'll make it up to ya. BAM!" he'd hold up a parcel of freshly baked crispy chocolate chip cookies. "Baked em' myself. If you're not the sweets type, hand em' to Chubbs. You don't need to ask to tell he loves his treats." Magnus snickers. "Anyway, I pulled a few strings..." he'd then lean in and whisper something into Rokarion's ear, before pulling away with a nod, patting the other's shoulder.

It was then that Anagram walks right in, though thankfully Madison had already dealt with the latest person to approach the desk. She looks up at Anagram and scowls lightly. She points the tip of her pen to the left, specifically towards the desk Magnus was leaned against. She explains that the movement is being directed by the fennec and asks him to step out of line now, as there was someone else standing behind him. Magnus grabs the newcomer's arm, perhaps recognizing him, and pulls him aside. "Didn't think I'd be seeing YOU here of all places. What's the deal here?" he'd ask, crossing his arms and peering intently at the male.

Fenris catches Magnus's wave and hops up, staggering dizzily over and giving a lazy salute. "Reporting for duty," he says, swaying a little unsteadily. The tanuki shakes his head to clear it and finally steadies himself. "How can I help? And did I hear someone say cookies?"

"Alright, officer Magnus," Nena says with a playful smirk of her own, before her ear flicks. "There are worse teams to be on, certainly, and no. I've been very good. I have not even thrown a punch in nearly a month, deserved or not. I'm just here to see what's what, I guess. I figure if police presence is going to be on the rise, I should... Be aware of it? And my own work is taken care of for now, so I had free time." There's a little wave in Fenris' direction, and a, "Thanks for the help the other day with the carrying."