Nuts for Books - RPLOG

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With the weather clear and bright, though the sun slowly setting in the distance, the abandoned military installation was not the most active of places around. With a high feral pressence and lots of cludder to keep wouldbe adventures at bay, it was not a hospitable locations. Most things of use, however, were either taken long ago or stripped by the nanites for their own particular use. Even more so here then most other places, with all the mech based ferals, metel didn't last long intact. Currently, activity is even lower then usual, even the ferals seeming mostly quiet.

Having dealt with the previous mission with the books for Zephyr before, one of the approaching team couldn't help but take this opportunity to join in again. With slow steps, the pale skinned, suit wearing human couldn't help but take extra heed of the area. Given it is new to him, it is relatively understandable. His hands quietly grip his newest piece of gear as his left eye lights up with a subtle glow of green... Ah, the other agents are coming. Standing a bit near the entrance, the suit wearing human sends out his short ping of greeting to the others in order to point out that he is a friendly. Stretching his shoulders for a moment, the human couldn't help but look over the entrance of the area, sniffing the air for a moment as he awaits the arival of the others who took the call from Zephyr.

Chance scurries towards the indicated area, clawed paws skittering as he tries to make good time despite his rather short stature. The vorpal rat arrives, casting nervous glances around to see who else has, and will turn up. The rat has his favored weapons in holsters and harnasses. The rat himself is not clothed, practicality of some of his actions has prohibited pants, and well shirt without pants seems silly to him. New to these missions, Chance lets out a small squeak of a "Hello?" to the man towering over him once he gets nearby.

Following an interval behind the rest of the group, a nervous, underequipped greenhorn sniffs the air. Her first mission for Zephyr since arriving in Fairhaven, Kesuma has no idea what to expect. Outwardly, the young one seems a bit jumpy... Inwardly, a neverending torrent of feral instinct screams in the back of her head, sending images of death in this place flashing before her eyes.... All dulled and muffled by the drugs. The raccoon shivers a bit, trying to regain composure.

Macaci prowls along on her way to the friendly ping her visor displayed. Her visor pulled down over her eyes, and her hair tied into a pony tail right behind her, swaying slightly with her tail as she moves. Her hands gripping her laser rifle tightly, the vaguely P-90 look alike humming softly as she moves... A good indication of it's working status. Two satchels hang along her shoulders as well, though are quickly distracted from being the focus by the RPG on her back, and sword on her hip.

Peeking around the corner as she arrives at the friendly ping, she presses a small button along the side of her visor to return the friendly ping before stepping into the open. Approaching the slowly gathering group as she speaks in hushed tone. "Hello."

Cookies arrives in what appears to be mechanic's coveralls, a utility belt and a pair of welding goggles situated above her eyes and between her feline ears. She takes a moment to look over the others and nods in greeting, purrring quietly to herself as she waits for the rest to gather, tail swaying idly behind her. "Hullo, Anbessa," she mewls to the human with little more than a glance in his direction.

Fenris saunters on to the scene, keeping a wary eye on his surroundings. Catching sight of the gathering group of operatives he gives a friendly wave, then puts his hands back in the deep pockets of his long, dark coat. He doesn't much like coming here at the behest of Zephyr. His last few experiences with the oversized corporation have left a bad taste in his mouth, but he can't argue with their expertise in finding interesting things. The tiger has already polished off the novels from his last library excursion and it's time to find something new. He frowns a little as he notices Cookies in the group, but shrugs and joins them anyway. He believes in second chances.

With his ever present shotgun strapped securely across his back, a silver businesslion steps out amongst the group of adventurers and agents, eager to get some work done to fuel the project not too far away from completion. At first, Dio's eyes are focused upon two particular people close to him, that being his daughter and a certain cat girl. A hand gently falls upon Macaci's shoulder, giving it a nice fatherly squeeze. "Greetings," he proclaims, "My name is Dio for those who don't know. Always nice to exchange names before a mission. Are we all ready to advance?"

Danielle arrives on the scene, the metalic clattering of guns in her possession heard as she jogs over. She was dressed in some tight clothing, not much more than a pair of jeans, some combat boots tied up tight, and a t-shirt which clings to her lithe frame. She hopes her chest holster didn't make things easy for grab her. Arriving at the group and looking around at the different faces, the human woman purses her lips. She only really recognized one person, and that was Dio, whom she offers a polite wave. "Heya... name's Danielle." She quickly introduces herself to the others in the group. She'd have more time to socialize when they weren't on a mission, she knew how the higher ups could be after all.

Miranai the group collected out at just beyond the entrance to the installation, there isn't much to see beyond the decaying building, rotting machines, and the occational feral scettering about. One such feral looks over to the group, and tilts her head to the side. The squrriel chitters wildy a moment before running up to the group, and giving a giggled, "HI!" She continues to chitter maddly a moment. Strapped to her back is an M4. Her eyes however, gravitate to Cookie's belly, and she gives a 'OOOHHH!'

The suit wearing human perks up at the sound of the softer voice, him looking curiously for a moment before he finally turns around and looks down, spotting the small rat. Blinking, he soon smiles. "Hello there." He says, crouching down a bit to be friendly to him. Though as the rest approaches, the human cannot help but stand back up, waving to the others. He blinks as he spots a few familiar people, chuckling towards Cookies. "Did what happen suck the life out of you?" He asks the egg filled feline, chuckling for a moment as anyone with good eyes can spot the faintest of blushes appearing on his face. Waving to Dio as well, he looks over the rest of th- "Ack!" He jumps reflexively at the sudden appearence of the squirrel, him amusingly standing on one foot in a weird position as his gun aims up at the sky. A Steyr AUG? With the runes on it, it looks more like it belongs in a video game... Though he soon calms down, quickly standing back on two feet as he squints at the squirrel, looking at the group before he looks to the female. "Excited one, ain'tcha?" He asks her, sighing for a moment before he looks back towards the building. "Anyway, like Cookies said, I am Anbessa. We should probably get to work. Ferals will be more out and about soon at this time after all." He speaks up, looking over the rest of the group as he takes a cautious eye at the squirrel. Paranoid human!

Chance smiles as macaci approaches the area, "Macaci, good to know I'm working with at least one face I know." He turns to the big man beside him, "Erm no offense meant." He looks them over, also looking to the Raccoon knowing a new reqruit when he sees one. He smiles warmly to them, hoping to reassure them. "Hey, you new here. Pleasure to work with you, name's Chance, and yours?" Spotting the Cat in coveralls he shuffles from foot to foot as he is a still nervous of Cookies from almost getting fried by one of their lasers. Keeping a distance between him and them he also spots fenris, another teammate from his first mission. He waves happily, wondering if the tiger recognizes him. Smiling as he recognizes the Lion, Chance waves a happy greeting to Dio, "Dio, how are you? Nice to work with you again!" He nods to Danielle "Chance, pleasure." looking around at the group "I'm good to go." is offered in response to the silver Lion. Looking at the squirrel chance approaches them slowly, knowing that while he might not be the one with the best social skills, but his stature is easily the least intimidating. He looks over the squirrel, and smiles "Hi, " He looks from the squirrel to cookie, and back. "You know anything about any books lying around here?"

Cookies ws

Dio shifts his focus at the incoming squirrel with a curious gaze. A feral? But how strange, considering she has a weapon strapped to her back. Much like the squirrel, the lion looks upon Cookies rather full belly and lets out a low whistle. "Impressive," he whispers under his breath before moving towards the squirrel, returning Chance's greeting with a nod. "Greetings, my lady," he says with a slight bow. "Who might you be? And if you could honor us, I wonder if I could trouble a beautiful lady for a bit of information concerning what's inside this base here?"

Macaci tenses for a moment at the touch, before looking over her shoulder to give a smile and nod to Dio. Her gaze flicking back to the others as she looks them all over. "I'm Macaci." Her tone still kept rather low... Until the squirriel runs up to the group, almost causing the cat to eep before she blinks and focuses on the feral, offering a little wave. "Oh, uhm hello there." Giggling slightly at Anbessa's spook from the squirrel, though her own wasn't that subtle as well... Giving a nod to Chance as she bends slightly to pet the rat.

Anbessa lets out a soft sigh as he watches everyone else get friendly with the squirrel, him shaking his head for a moment as the human's fingers tip tip tap the assault rifle in his grip. Looking around the area, he quietly inspects the rest of the ferals that are prowling around nearby as he reaches down the barrel of his Steyr, a soft *Click* heard before his gun's flashlight shines out. After a short detatching from his gun, he shines the now lone light over and around the area. Better safe than sorry, right?

The squirrel slinks her ways over to Cookies and rubs on her belly, giving another excided 'Oooohhhhh.' The looking around to everyone else, "Me? Me is .. umm.... forgot, not important." She says, "But here has lots of shiny thing, and umm... thing, what is book?" she asks. Then she next notices Anbessa's gun, and the light it gives off, "SHINY!!" she calls out and practically tackles Anbessa's extended arm to try and take it from him!

Cookies notices the squirrel's gaze, glancing between her and her tummy before she curls her arms 'round herself protectively. She looks at Dio when he adresses the squirrel, then shrugs with a small sigh, dismissing her almost entirely with a back-turn and a whip of her tail in agitation, leaving her clueless to her pouncing before the cry of shininess. Oh dear.

Kesuma offers a curt nod in Chance's direction as he greets and introduces himself. "Kesuma," comes a muttered reply. Not much for talk, this one. Instead she glances around the area, and between the other agents. After a moment of this, she spots the approaching squirrel, and it takes every ounce of self control Kesuma has to avoid scurrying off in a scared frenzy. Which isn't helped by the figures moving around the group in the shadows. Or the defensive use of a rifle-mounted light.... Kesuma swallows hard and takes a deep breath.

Danielle yawns a little as she twists her head side to side, cracking her neck a bit before she reaches for her back and withdraws an AK-47. Ah, AK... widely overdone in popular culture, but still so reliable when properly maintained. Her grip on the rifle tenses a bit as the squirrel appears, however, the girl easily startled when it comes to those more 'ludid' ferals. She knew that's what she was just a few bad days of becoming, so it was especially frightening for her. Taking a deep breath, she decides to trust it for now. ... Then it promptly attempts to tackle one of her working partners. Ooh boy.

Anbessa hums curiously as he looks around, squinting at every few things he spo- What was that? Looking out of her periferals, he spots the incoming fluffball lunging into his direction, him letting out a soft yelp as he takes a hop backwards, quickly bopping the Squirrel on the head punishingly with the light in the process. "No! No! Bad squirrely!" He says, his thumb clicking off the light in learning. Well, if this squirrel is around, no lighting is allowed it seems!

Watching the feral attempt to snag away Anbessa's weapon, perhaps this feral individual wasn't too dangerous, but rather annoying to a degree and a possible liability for the mission. "Ma'am," he directs towards the squirrel, "I'm afraid we must part ways quite soon. But perhaps..." The lion rubs at his chin, watching Anbessa dodge out of the way and soon looking back towards the entrance to the facility. "Do you know of any interesting shinies you could lead us to?"

Fenris shakes his head and sighs, keeping clear of the friendly brawl. He doesn't need a mad little feral digging through his pockets. He gives a nod to Dio, recognizing the lion from previous missions. "You've gained a Y chromasome since last we met," he says affably, the turns his attention to the mad little squirrel.

Macaci winces as the Squirrel jumps for the shiny, glad her visor didn't produce much light with it's heads up display... She could tell it wasn't a malicious intent, just... Shiney. If anything she could relate to the poor girl! Reaching into her pocket she rummages around some for something shiney. Finding nothing, she promptly reaches into her right satchel, pulling out a dulled practice throwing knife. Holding it behind her back so that she could distract the feral with a shiney if push came to shove.

Chance draws his laser pistol, smiling he looks to dio and is petted by macaci. He looks around chuckling at the antics. "Alright and let's get on the move, the goods are all in there." He frowns and looks at the squirrel, "Hey, HEY, we need to get into there, mind helping us out," He nods as Dio says what he said better, He grins to the lion, "I'll leave you and...Doreen here,." He sighs and moves nearer Macaci, looking around.

Chittering annoyingly the squirrel girl looks to Anbessa, "Owww..." she bemoans looking into the compound once more. Her ears twist though as Dio talks about interesting shinies, she blinks a few times. She sits on her footpaws a moment, holding her head, "Umm... promise no take shiny? Or... maybe have... food.. give shiny for food?" she asks after a while.

Around the compound itself some shuffling can be heard as thoughs less civilized then the example of she who is actually talking size up the party collected.

Fenris grins at the squirrel, "Of course we will trade for shineys," he says, "but you don't happen to know where to find things like this do you?" He pulls one of his paperback novels from a pocket. "We're looking for these more than shinies," he prompts.

Anbessa grumbles at the squirrel, him reattatching his light to the side of his assault rifle as he sighs at the squirrely. "Sure. You keep the shineys, we keep the books." He says out loud, him looking over towards the others as he soon lets out a soft chuckle, calming back down for a moment... Only to retense as he spots the collecting other ferals nearby. Tensing up, the human shoulders his assault rifle as he looks to the squirrel. "Erm... Whatever your name is, mind doing us a favor? You help us find what we need, we get you shiny stuff?" He asks her, looking back towards the other ferals as he backpedals slowly towards the rest of the group... "... This includes making sure we don't get raped."

Cookies' ears flicker at the squirrel's mention of food for shinies, and she turns towards her with a beaming smile of warm invitation- though it's the sort of thing you'd see on a car salesman rather than an old friend. "Food, food. I can give you food. Easy as pi. What kind of food you want?" She squints at the squirrel, then shakes her head. "No, wait. Lemme guess. You want nuts." She, very slowly, approaches the feral squirrel with her hands held out as though in offering. She stops a couple feet short of the squirrel and several kinds of nuts- almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, cashews and many more- seem to simply form in a pile in her hands. A small one, though. "Lead us to the shinies, there's LOTS more where this came from."

Danielle chuckles just a little as the light of Anbessa's rifle bops the squirrel in the head, but grimaces soon afterwards thanks to that rather grating chittering. Shaking her head a little, she offers another small chuckle and a sigh. Smiling a little, the woman quickly detaches or deactivates any lights she had on her person, this includes the lights that she could produce from her eyes, though the LED glow would have to stay. Upon hearing that the squirrel was looking for food though, she grins a bit. Finally a reason for her to be carrying around all these damned canned foods. She wonders if she showed her how to opened canned foods with nothing but her hands, if she'd remember? She wasn't sure of the length of a feral's memory.

Macaci flicks her ears slightly as she listens to the shuffling of the ferals... Looking to the smaller chance, then into the darkness. Her hand slips the dulled knife into her satchel, before returning to grip her weapon and hold it up to her shoulder as she backs up slowly to the group. "Food for leading us, fair trade? You lead us now?" Her tone still rather low, caution formost on her mind as she tries to motion the rat to not stray too far from the group lest he be eaten.

Chance looks around at the gathering ferals. He frowns skittering to stay in the group, but keeping near the outer edge, "I can help if they get too close, I picked up some tricks to help keep bigger sorts away from me."

Dio's ears flicker about as he hears various ferals rummage about the area. With a tap upon his right pocket, his nanite buffer activates over himself for a bit of extra protection while another hand digs through a suit pocket. In a short amount of time, the lion procures a bag of meaty looking snacks, ready to offer some up but it appears that the trade was already going through. "Wonderful," he comments, eating some of his nanite created snacks to prepare his body for any possible trauma in the future! "Yes, we should get going quite soon. This area contains some relatively dangerous ferals and darkness is approaching."

Kesuma's eyes flit about nervously in rhythm with coarse whiskers and a twitching nose... Everywhere the smell of danger lurks, each scent causing her adrenaline to increase just a bit more. Her senses and instincts are sharp, as are her claws. Fight? Flight? Die? These are the images flashing through the raccoon's mind. Thankfully, humanity stifles an outright reaction, but only just so... The smell of death here is almost oppressive...

Looking to the paper thing that Fenris holds out the squirrel looks increadibly confused, "Why want that? Make good for sleeping. Want for sleeping?" She says. Looking around she seems to collect her thoughts slightly, "Food for shiny or bed things, what kind food-" but her question stops as she looks to Cookies making nuts appear from air!! She reaches out to grab some, then, she simply says, "Here!!!" and starts bounding on all fours off toward a very large building! Like a dart she is gone in the fading light.

Anbessa nods towards Dio as he watches Cookies with suprising interest. "Woah... I didn't know you could do that!" He says happilly and distractedly, the human letting out a strange purring noise... At least until he hears the squirrel's excited shout and her quick dash! Letting out a yip, he looks back at the others. "Come on! We are getting moving." He says towards the others, soon taking off in a speedy jolt as he runs after the feral ahead of him, hopefully able to keep up with the excited fluffball...

Fenris nods assent to the general consensus. Time to move. He leaps after the little squirrel feral, hoping that this isn't a bad idea. "Allonze!" he whoops enthusiastically.

Cookies flails as the squirrel makes away, silly absentminded thing! Oh, good lord- she was going to have to run with a belly full of eggs. There were some things even nanomagic couldn't help, and footchases were one of them. FOR NOW! She runs as though for her life- and with the increasing feral activity nearby, that's probably fairly close to the truth, but overall she just really wants those damn shinies and hell if she's going to let an airheaded squirrel accidentally rip her off. "Heywaituuuppp~!"

Chance squeaks as he tries to keep up, darting out fast at first, he's not a bad runner, he just hopes he can keep up the pace, short legs+high speed kind of leads to low endurace over distance. "Dang, if I stop being able to keep up, anyone mind lending a rat a hand, or preferably shoulder."

Macaci blinks as it turns into a race suddenly, booking it as fast as she can after the Squirrel... Being careful to not lose the RPG on her back as she moves as fast as her encumbered form can carry her! "This is... Bad! Could split up!" She glances over her shoulder, trying to tell if ferals were closing on her, or if she was the last one in the mad dash...

Dio was quite enjoying his little snack despite its purpose to help his body absorb more blows. However, seeing the squirrel take off, the lion quickly attempts to stash away the snacks within their origin and gulps down whatever was within his mouth. In the fastest sprint he could muster, Dio takes off after the other and their new 'friend', hoping he didn't get too late of a start.

Kesuma falls in behind the rest of the group as quickly as she can once she notices the squirrell running off.... UGh, these guys are FAST! The little raccoon clearly needs to do some cardio or something, as she quickly begins to lag behind the group, just barely managing to keep up.

Danielle blinks a little as the squirrel accepts nothing but a handful of nuts and a promise, offering a little shrug before she ends up darting off. "O-oi...!" She blurts, crouching a little bit as she checks on her boots. Yep, all tied, laces tucked! Taking a deep breath, Danielle diverts some of her excess energy and takes off like a bullet, leaving a small cracked in the section in the concrete where her foot pushed off from. Sure did help to have robot legs to help catch up.

Anbessa's footsteps make loud thuds as he charges ahead, his silver eyes shining a bit as his flashlight lights the way and sticks to the squirrel. Ignorant to the lagging behind others, he disappears to where she goes, him panting faintly as only a subtle scent is left behind him in turn. Hyperactive squirrels are good running workouts!