Cheren, Jestar, and Cerl meet Daxter - RPLOG

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Jestar stretches in his bed when the sun finally lifts high enough in the sky to shine through the bay window turned bed. A low groan leaves his chest as Jestar shifts from his resting place into a sitting position and draws back the sheets. Donning his mask, the jester began looking over the area for where his little plushtoy of a kitsune was hiding at. "Cheren?"

Cheren doesn't seem to be there, possibly having left before you woke up.

Jestar spends a bit more time searching around his room, even looking under some of the pillows before he finally gets dressed and starts on his way from inside of the room to start walking along the halls, talking with the skunks there to find out if they had seen a small plush toy or not.

As you ask around, you can hear a voice coming from outside.

Jestar couldn't get a good answer from any of the, the source of that voice being his last resort after a while. Finally, Jestar moves through the door to see who was outside besides the snipers.

Cheren can be seen sitting on a bench, beside a child-sized grey cat. She seems to be talking to it.

Jestar blinks as he catches sight of Cheren and the small grey cat. "Found a feral that's somewhat sane?"

Cheren looks at you, shaking her head. "No, I don't think he's a feral... He's too calm to be one..." as you approach, what you originally assumed to be grey fur seems to actually be steel, done in a way so it moves like fur, albeit a bit heavier.

Jestar nods slightly as he looks at the crouching cat. "I see, then where did it come from?" Jestar questions with a tilt of his head.

Daxter suddenly speaks up. "I don't know where I came from. When I woke up this one was standing over me." he motions toward Cheren. "I'm assuming she repaired me."

Jestar glances from the cat to Cheren at that answer, still waiting for where the cat came from.

Cheren shrugs. "He was laying, passed out somewhere around here. I found him, and I repaired him with my techno nanomagic, but he doesn't seem to be able to remember anything but his name."

Jestar nods a bit as he knits his brow with some confusion at the answer but goes along with it. "I see. Did you find anything with him?"

Cheren mews, "What do you mean? "

Jestar roars, "Some way to find out who he is, where he comes from? Who might be looking for him?""

Daxter begins saying things as soon as you mention "who he is". "My name is Daxter, surname unknown. Faction, RSX. Birthdate, Unknown. Owner, currently none. Home, unknown."

Jestar turns his attention to Daxter when it begins speaking all of that information. Most notably being the faction. "RSX. I heard they were involved with Zephyr at one point."

Cheren nods. "Yeah, we have to go through RSX whenever we visit woodfield from Zephyr. I think they helped with the Promethean Nanite's creation?"

Jestar nods. "Right, but I've not heard of them losing any agents when passing through."

Cheren thinks, then seems to realize something. "Hey, Daxter, is your memory literally a computer, or?..."

Daxter shakes his head. "It works similarly to a computer, but there are key differences. Data could be pulled off of it though."

Jestar raises a brow slightly as he leans against the wall to watch.

Cheren nods. "Good, I'll pull all of the data you have stored off into a flash drive..." she pulls out a flash drive, connecting it to her body somehow before focusing on Daxter, as he seems to go into a trance.

Jestar knits his brow with confusion. "Can you pull the data off of him when he can't pull it up himself?"

Cheren eventually seems to stop focusing, and Daxter still seems to be in a trance. "No, I'm just seeing what all he has so we don't have to ask him. Would you happen to know where a computer we could use is?"

Jestar scratches at his hair for a moment as he raises a brow and looks over toward the rest of the city for a moment. "Zephyr inc most likely has one available."

Cheren nods. "Yeah, I think I remember them having one..." she looks toward the towering building that is Zephyr Inc. "Wanna head over there?" as soon as she finishes saying that, Daxter seems to regain his senses, but says nothing.

Jestar nods lightly as he looks down to the cat. "We might want to keep his faction a secret from them in case any personnel there have a problem with him."

Daxter nods. "I can do that. I can't remember anything about RSX at this time anyway."

Jestar nods a bit at Daxter's answer and starts off on his way toward the zephyr building to see if there are any terminals available. "Come along then you two."

Cheren nods, following you, with Daxter following behind her.

Jestar tugs Cheren along by her leash on his way to the zephyr building, pausing and having to ask around a bit before he's given some directions. Following the few turns and passing a couple of doors, Jestar comes to a stop outside the little storage room. "Here we are."

Cheren looks over the computer. "Yeah, I've used this one before... Let's see..." she plugs her flash drive in before beginning to look through the files.

Daxter watches closely as Cheren browses through the files, despite already knowing what's on all the files.

Jestar leans against the door way to stay out of the way of the two who knew more about computers than he did.

Cheren looks through it some more. "Hm, not too much info other than what he told us... He's basically like... A blank slate or skmething."

Jestar nods a bit. "I thought as much when he didn't know anything beyond what he said. But what now? Should we keep him?"

Daxter speaks up. "I don't really have anywhere to go if you don't. I can't remember anything, and I think I might be able to figure out more things if I stay with you..."

Cheren thinks a moment. "We might as well keep him. Do you think the skunks would allow it? I don't think you'll be able to pass him off as a toy like you did with me..."

Jestar nods a bit as he begins thinking. "I'll be needing to talk with them about both of you then. I don't think they'll mind considering neither of you are skunk beasts... If you were they'd probably shoot you dead on sight with how they mostly act."

Cheren nods. "Yeah, of course... Hm, I wonder if Daxter can somehow be infected or something?..."

Jestar shrugs a bit as he thinks for a moment. "Perhaps... He did become a metal cat after all."

Daxter purrs, "Infections? Hm, I know something about those, I think..."

Cheren looks over at Daxter. "Hm, you seem to be nativized or something. Here, let's try this..." she begins looking through her NISD, before pulling out a Corporate Cougar vial. "Try using this."

Daxter takes the vial, looking it over, before dumping it into a hole on his neck, then freezing as he seems to process it before saying, "Vial confirmed: Corporate Cougar. Consuming Vial..."