San Diego Act II.A - Diplomatic Mission Briefing - RPLOG

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As the lucky Agents who were selected and screened for this new mission enter, seeing the images and materials prepared gives one a clue that this mission is going to be a fair distance from Fairhaven. Angus, being the only one who was part of the previous mission to San Diego, knows all too well. Standing at a podium that was brought in, a rabbit-lady looks about as nervous giving this briefing, a far cry difference from her normal demeaneur handling Agents in the Reception area of the Zephyr lobby.

Menil pokes head in through the double doors, getting stuck in short order. Ooof. She grunts a bit as she tucks her wings in and pushes a little more, eventually popping into the room completely. She scoots over to a empty spot in the podium, nudging a few of the chairs away before sitting down on her haunches. She seems to already be in full armor, strapped carefully to her body and scruffed up from frequent use.

Angus had taken his seat right at the front, lounging in the chair with his arms resting atop the backrests of the others! It was an intresting time getting through the screening, his smirk growing as it seems he will finally get a chance to get back at those marines for what they did last time he was down there. Stripping him down to his underwear was one thing, but stealing a coyotes smokes right under his nose? Now that's one thing he couldn't ignore.

Shirai makes her way in, muttering something about old technology and comm units in the process. "Mission to San Diego, wasn't it?" She asks in something of a dry monotone, looking around the room for a moment before taking a free seat by the one familiar face in the room. "Looks like they're not too comfortable with this mission. Angus, good to see you. Been a while." She greets, a hand gesturing to the rabbit as she sits down. Not another word is spoken as she awaits the briefing.

Phosphorus enters into the room like an actual, normal person, doing none of this muttering or head-poking stuff in the process. She makes her way quietly over to one of the seats in the front row, and takes a seat, shuffling a few items out of the way she can actually sit down, turning her head to glance at the other agents in the room, taking note of their faces, then turning back forwards to pay attention to the lapine conducting the briefing. All seems good, so far.

Forkbomb does not look like he's having a good day. The human, in fact, looks like he's two shakes from a panic attack, and like he is very unsure how this is supposed to go, as evidenced by the fact that he brought his two guns, plenty of ammunition for them, and little other than a hoodie that glows a little for actual protection. Okay, okay. This is just going to be a briefing for a hack or some social engineering. They wouldn't bring you in for anything else, right? He scans the room, carefully, before having a sit down. serious m. Is this the mission briefing for the outside bubble excursion? This, uh. Might be my first time out of the bubble in a while.sow theatrical

Sensuen walks into the room and sees Angus, the somewhat familiar coyote, and Buzamu, the very familiar shadow dragoness. Forkbomb and Menil are also present, judging by their scent in case Sen doesn't recognize the form they're in. Sen then turns her gaze to the panda, familiar to her as she is, Sen's seen Phosphorus around the lobby a few times. Sen doesn't wave to anyone as this looks like a briefing room, with Buzamu up front and leading the show. Sen takes a seat next to the somewhat familiar Phosphorus in the front row, as wordlessly as when she walked into the room and listens to the briefing.

Sensuen walks into the room and sees Angus, the somewhat familiar coyote, and Buzamu, the very familiar shadow dragoness. Forkbomb and Menil are also present, judging by their scent in case Sen doesn't recognize the form they're in. Sen then turns her gaze to the panda, familiar to her as she is, Sen's seen Phosphorus around the lobby a few times. Sen doesn't wave to anyone as this looks like a briefing room, with a rabbit up front and leading the show. Sen takes a seat next to the somewhat familiar Phosphorus in the front row, as wordlessly as when she walked into the room and listens to the briefing.

The rabbit woman nods to those present, and gives a twitchy smile. "H-h-hello everyone. It's a p-p-pleasure to meet all of you. T-t-thank you for dealing with the screening process we used for this mission. Our p-p-previous mission to San Diego wasn't as, stringent, and... we had troubles." She says, walking over to each Agent, and hands each of them a folder. Inside is folio's on what is known and not about the mission. Once each were handed a folder, the rabbit returns to the podium. "For those not completely aware, t-t-this is going to be a mission OOB. Uhhh, oh! Out of Bubble. At l-l-least until you reach t-t-the San Diego bubble. O-o-our primary goal with this mission is to officialy establish d-d-diplomatic relations with the surviving US Marines in teh region. Any questions thus far?"

Angus gives both Shirai, and the unknown Panda a nod, leaving his arms resting on the back of their chairs as the Bunny begins to speak. He sits back, crossing his legs as she comes over before taking the folder. "Wait what?" He exclaims, sitting up a bit straighter at the mention of a diplomatic mission. "Diplomacy may not go the way you think Ma'am, last time we encountered these guys it didn't matter what we looked like or what we wore, they still drew guns on us and held us captive for hours."

Shirai sighs quietly, thumbing through the files. "What exactly happened last time, then?" the painted wolf deadpans, looking up at the receptionist with the same even expression she walked in with. "If we're going to walk over to some region with a bad impression, I'd like to know what to avoid." Angus's comment draws her attention, the woman listening in before shaking her head and covering her eyes with a hand. "Right, brilliant. Do you have any guarantee we can get in and out without being detained? I don't appreciate having guns pointed at me by anyone, much less military types. We aren't going to get anywhere if we're held prisoner for no good reason; Angus is right."

Menil gingerly takes the folder, opening it up and flipping through it curiously. She has... absolutely no prior knowledge of the mission or what to expect, really. She looks back up from the folder when Angus speaks, before glancing over at the bunny for an answer. "Erm.... yeah kinda what he said. These people don't seem too friendly?" she notes.

Forkbomb zones out and rubs his temples for a moment. Count to three. Inhale. Count to three. Exhale. It took a little while for him to even react to the folder being passed to him, but after he calmed down, an emotionless pall took over him. Slipping into that old mindset for a while. self lose-minded. Jumpy. Guessing that going in through the front door will just get us shot. Survivalists, similar to the black van and helicopter brigade that believed in UFO's and that we didn't land on the moon. Wonderful. What do we have in terms of a profile on these guys? What do we have to gain from them?square He opens up the folder and takes a cursory look through. Looking for vulnerabilities.

Sensuen looks over the folder the rabbit gives her and listens to the 'out of bubble' thing. Sen reasons it might not be too bad, but she does kinda depend on nanites to fight and do stuff and recharge her laser pistol. The flying thing they're likely using to get to San Diego better not crash, and if there are any layovers for refueling, Sen better not get lost. She knows the gravity of what's going on here, and isn't a diplomat, but she is a problem solver of a sort, that could be useful on this mission. Sen notes Angus's previous experience with being held captive, possibly outside of a nanite bubble. Sen just listens to what went on previously, as hindsight might help here, but only if details are presented.

Phosphorus gives a slight nod back to the coyote, taking the folder in her hands and peering at it's contents, for anything of particular note. It was something better sorted through later, probably. "Well, a mission easier said than done, that's for sure..." She takes out a piece of paper to take a closer look at the information contained within. "And, I agree with the wolf-lady over there. It's much better to be on the other side of the barrel."

The rabbit blinks, and pulls out several sheets of papers, looking through them, before finding the one she was looking for. "Ah, M-m-mr. Angus. You were present for the original San Diego Scavanging Expedition. We've, we've been in talks with the Marines for the last year, almost 2, attempting to arrange something, but it's only now that both sides have agreed to make this more t-t-than under the table talks. They know we'll be coming, and will not be hostile. However, we cannot be sure of the exacts of the situation they might well b-b-be in when you arrive." She explained. "As for what we have to gain, they have a large supply of raw materials, and several peices of equipment we could make use of here. They, in-in-in turn need help establishing systems for manufactoring w-w-what they need to continue to operate." She says, giving a small smile.

The rabbit blinks, and pulls out several sheets of papers, looking through them, before finding the one she was looking for. "Ah, M-m-mr. Angus. You were present for the original San Diego Scavanging Expedition. We've, we've been in talks with the Marines for the last year, almost 2, at-t-t-tempting to arrange something, but it's only n-n-now that both sides have agreed to make this more t-t-than under the table talks. They know we'll be coming, and will not be hostile. However, w-w-we cannot be sure of the exacts of the situation they might well b-b-be in when you arrive." She explained. "T-t-this are actual US Marines, surviving the nanite bubble in their area. A-a-as for what we have to gain, they have a large supply of raw materials, and several peices of e-e-equipment we could make use of here. They, in-in-in turn need help establishing systems for manufactoring w-w-what they need to continue to operate." She says, giving a small smile.

Angus frowns, sitting forward. He didn't like this, to much could go wrong. "I hope you aren't expecting us to go in unarmed at least. If they are as trigger happy as they were last time I'm keeping my guns." He answers her, ears flicking back and forth as the others speak, clasping his hands together in his lap as he listens.

Shirai nods, clicking her tongue. "Well, that answers my question. Thanks. Since the meeting's marked as out of bubble I assume we're not going to actually head any further in. That means some of us are going to be on the back foot. I'm with Angus and... Don't know your name. The panda here. If he's right about the marines having their weapons and we're going out of bubble, will we be provided with holdouts or are we expected to bring our own? I don't trust these people not to try intimidating or torturing concessions out of us if we're not equally matched, and there's no higher government that's going to call foul if they do. So what's the plan?"


"Yep. I'm Phosphorus, by the by. Also, from my personal opinion, I'm perfectly fine with the meeting being outside the bubble, as long as we get to keep our weapons." Phosphorus notes, ears flicking at the stutter of the rabbit. The panda shifts around in her seat, causing one of the rifles strapped to her back to clack against the seat, before leaning forwards onto her knees to keep that from happening again. "Also, out of bubble. There's a lot of ground between here and San Diego. Where exactly will be this meeting spot?"

Menil comments helpfully, "I also have regulation nanomagic, so I can make any area 'in bubble'. Kinda sorta. At least enough for most nanite-tech to work again at least." She shuffles the papers a bit, looking over through them some more. "Oh yeah, also I'm great with technical systems. Ah. Are the manufacting systems they need able to be placed in bubble or no?" she asks.

Forkbomb flips through the files, tracing his finger along the lines calmly. selling xcellent. Seems somewhat cut and dry. Do we know what they need exactly other than manufacturing equipment, or is the diplomatic visit to find out?square He takes a look around and tries to work out why everyone's here. Angus is the easy answer. Been there before. Flush with guns. Seems like he's been through shit. Sensuen's got the survivalist thing going on last he checked, looks like she can handle getting food and things from the wild. Menil is big and intimidating, but he has a severe lack of what she does. Psychology, maybe? And the other two are an unknown. sender udging by who you have around, higher ups seem to think things are gonna go bad regardless. Either that, or they're just making super sure nobody dies on this excursion.square He blinks at Menil when she pipes up. sent ind sharing the regulation nanomagic before we go on this? Figure one bubble's better than two in a shit-hit-the-fan situation.sow

Sensuen nods at Phos's words and asks the rabbit, "What about ferals? Will we be flying there by helicopter?" clearly getting nervous, this is her first mission out of the bubble and she doesn't feel like dying yet. Diplomacy might be her strong suit after all, she doesn't seem to have been training many combat skills at all, other than she's a fair shot with a laser pistol. Other than that, she does have a spade and is fairly skilled in survival techniques yeah, just didn't spend that much time on them compared with talking to people most of the time.

"Oh god. No no no, we're primarily traveling out of bubble. We'll be landing... Uhhh." The rabbit says, now shuffling through papers again, before realizing what she needed was in that pile, and walked over to hte maps, and pointed to the location Angus would recognize as the first landing point. "Here." She says, her tail twitching madly as she shifts from foot to foot. "Also, everyone will be armed. We're not denying you bringing self-protection. We'll be flying there via helicopter, provided by RSX with a couple of their pilots who were on the previous mission. A..." She says, practically hopping back to the podium. "A Captain McGregor and Captain Hernandize." She states, after shuffling the now completely disorganized pile of papers on the podium. "The other thing I have here to note, is that Zephyr and RSX have done some preliminary surveies... And while our abilities and other nanite fueled effects are still doable there... Most... appear to be unable to? Or if they can, they don't know how." She says, nodding as though she hoped the Agents would understand. "Apparently the Marines there, while not human form now, apparently personifing the maxim 'Devil Dogs', have been relying entirely on their weapons and equipment to fight... Okay, this part I don't get. What's a Kaiju?"

Angus studies the map once more, clicking his tongue. "That's a lot of open space, last time they had sniper nests in the woods, and a few rifles on us once we touched ground. As for those bumpkins from RSX. Not gonna lie here, they did their job well, so at least we have that on our side." He sits back, his arms crossed over his chest once more. "Question is how many you got here that have OOB experience, and for that matter how many actually know how to fire a gun."

"Good." Shirai replies tersely, before nodding back to Phosphorus. "Good to meet you, Phosphorus." She replies, offering a hand behind Angus, "Shirai."

Turning back to the front, she takes the same businesslike monotone. "Not an important question, but I'd like to know why I was sent a page about this mission. It's obviously important and the big three have some heavy investments on its success. Why the hell would you send someone a message about this if they haven't been doing field work for the last few years and haven't historically agreed with Zephyr or RSX's methods?"

Angus's question is met with a quirked eyebrow. "You know my background. Would've got that when you were 'working' for me at K&S."

Phosphorus leans backwards in her seat to shake the hand, offering a short nod back to Shirai, before leaning back forwards into her original position. "Nice to meet you, yes." The panda shoots a bit of a look at Angus at the comment about the whole bumpkin and RSX thing, before shaking her head and moving her eyes forward back to the lapine briefer once more, eyes flicking back to the coyote to answer his question. "I know how to operate a firearm, yes. I don't bugger with any of that mutant power things." She reaches over his lap to poke her finger on the map, a bit of a distance away from the mission site. "If there's a meeting planned, it'd be reasonable to have a sharpshooter stay back and watch the exchange, anyways. But only if there's a meeting."

Menil blinks a few times, looking up at Angus. She frowns a little, coughing and glancing off to the side. "Well, uhm. I've used a laser pistol before, but, ah. Forgot how since then. I.. don't really use guns well in combat. Claws, teeth, and firebreath work better for me." She scratches her head as she things, adding, "I also don't have much or, well, any out of bubble experience. I still have regulation nanomagic, however, and plenty of experience assembling things like the mission calls for?"

Forkbomb raises his hand. "Shawn Michelle Krakowski. Callsign, Forkbomb. Little in the way of out of bubble experience, but decent enough in terms of how to shoot a gun. Not entirely wanting it to come to that, though. More experienced in technology. Have plenty in terms of Techno nanomagics and have a degree in Computer Science." He sweeps aside his hoodie. He has a harness underneath with a high-caliber holdout pistol and a sawed-off shotgun underneath. "I have a laser rifle I'm pretty good with back at the snack machine, too."

Sensuen having been to Kaiju Island before, can answer that, does so saying, "A Kaiju is basically a giant mutant, they can have any form, the old, 'Attack of the Fifty Foot Living Thing' movies or Godzilla is a good reference, but the one I saw up close was nearer to fifteen feet tall. Sen however, does know how to use a pistol and says as much, having played a light gun game before that taught her the basics. The rest she picked up after P-day, ferals being good target practice after all. Sen says, "I can also make and shoot crossbows and bolts if the chopper crashes or we're stranded. It's my first time out of any nanite bubbles as well." before she considers paging Menil after the breifing is over for target practice if she wants.

The rabbit nods, smliing as Sen explains what a Kaiju was. "Thank you. Alright then... Now, the area you'll be in is part of the San Diego Bubble, so you'll be able to do things with nanites." She says, shuffling through her papers. "I'm afraid I don't know the answer myself miss, Shirai? I was just told to expect the Agents cleared for this mission here. My guess is that it was a broad-net cast out." She answers, apologetically. "And as far as I am aware, and thus the reason my giving you all this briefing, is that there is indeed a meeting planned. As for what kind of manufactory they need... It's not provided. My guess is that is part of what the talks will be about. Uhhh, anything else?" The rabbit finalizes, thinking she did a decent enough job covering all this. But hey, she may well have missed something.

Angus taps a few fingers on his thighs as he takes count of who knows what to do, ears flicking. "Do we know who our contacts are?" He asks rather bluntly as he sits forward again. "How many are we expecting to greet us at the meeting point, how many are coming with us, is it just us and the two RSX officers from the original encounter, or will their be more support, what are we being provided for this mission, I could go on but I think others have some questions themselves."

Shirai nods. "I'll have a word with a higher-up later and make sure they don't think I'm still on active field work. Don't want them to get the wrong idea." She replies simply, turning back to Angus, Phosphorus and the rest of the congregation. "If you have any issue with me coming along, now's the time to voice it. Angus already knows who I am, but for the rest of you: My name's Shirai. I co-founded K&S Solutions a few years ago during active field work. If you pass me a firearm I can use it, but since it's been a few years I'm rusty in other combat skills. I know my way around history, local 'legends' - if you could really call them that - and research, but that's not going to be very applicable here."

Angus's suggestion of other questions is met with a shrug. "You've covered the rest of the questions I may have had. Unless you have anything else to say about this?"

"Transport to and from the site would be great, but I'm assuming that's the entire purpose of the helicopter being provided." Phosphorus taps her chin, looking around at the other agents in the room. "Also, haven't met you, Shirai. Can't voice any opinion about you without knowing that. It'd be biased, y'know." She folds up the folder, wrangling the folder into a bag. "Don't know most of you, anyways. Suppose that'll come with time, though."

Menil hmmms. ", do I have to shrink down a little to actually fit on the helicopter?" she asks. She looks over at Forkbomb, ahing and nodding. "Me too!" she says happily. "On the, uh, computer science degree and techo nanomagic. I've spread out a little since then, though, as I figure you have too, heh." She hmmms, scratching her chin. "I... probably should figure out ways and strategies to try and get in close on any ranged contacts too, I figure. Usually not a problem here except for the military base."

Forkbomb raises his hand again. "Do we have any intel on the particular 'diplomats' we'll be meeting? Appearance, psych profile, background outside being in the Marine Corps, platoon they represent, anything? Second question, what threats might we face upon getting there? Any dangerous mutants on the rise that might intercept over in San Diego?" He nods to Menil with some regard.

Sensuen says, "Details would be nice, there's no learing from your mistakes without them." before she looks to Shirai and nods before saying, "I don't think we've met yet, I'm Sensuen, or Sen for short." but that's all she had to say, she thought about comforting Forkbomb, but this might not be the place for it, doesn't want to disturb the meeting over just one person, but that one person will affect the group and Fork's concerns are valid, why shouldn't they bring them up.

"Uhhh, there's nothing listed for who the person you'll be meeting with are on the Marine's side, but you'll have Mister Yutilizin from the Prometheans with you. Mister Yankeer is unavailable for this mission, though he might be present for later ones." The rabbit says, looking over the info. "It'll be you, Mister Yutilizin, and the pilots. There was supposed to be a representative from Zephyr as well, but the sudden need for Yankeer to handle personnal affairs left us all spinning, and there isn't enough time to bring someone else on." She states, flipping through the various papers trying to find the right info.

Angus blinks. "wait, Yankeer? Are you fucking serious? They want to bring HIM!" He snaps, just a little to loud as he nearly gets to his feet. "What slack jawed idiot thought he'd be useful on this mission?" His hackles start to raise as just the thought of that moron being in the same helicoptor as him!

"Calm down. We're all professionals here." Shirai replies to Angus, raising her voice. "What did they do last time, then? Worst comes to worst we can put them down if they jeopardize the mission. And that includes by harassing the crew."

"... Though frankly, some of it's in here and it's not flattering." She grumbles, tapping a few of the pages. "Have anything specific to warn us about?" Phosphorus is finally replied to with a shrug, having said her piece to Angus. "You don't have to know me to decide if the skills I've stated will be useful or not. If you think I'd be a liability then you're within your rights to say so. If you have anything you want to ask me then you can find me at the K&S building most days."

"You can probably catch me over at RSX if you need a word. Like I said, won't pass judgement without information." Phosphorus nods, edging a little bit away from the coyote at his sudden outburst."Whoever this 'Yankeer' is, they can't possibly be that bad. They're Promethean, after all." The panda notes that last bit in jest, clearly making a (ill-timed) joke.

"You can probably catch me over at RSX if you need a word. Like I said, won't pass judgement without information." Phosphorus nods, edging a little bit away from the coyote at his sudden outburst."Whoever this 'Yankeer' is, they can't possibly be that bad. Can always shove them out the back of the helicopter, after all." The panda notes that last bit in jest, clearly making a (ill-timed) joke.

Menil winces at Angus's sudden outburst, glancing up at Angus. She thenturns towards Phosphorus, noting, "Read over his involvement in the situation. Slightly cowardly, made specific emphasis over selling technology 'at cost', perhaps slightly abrasive." She looks back down at the papers. "Seems like the situation is that they have a large amount of materials, but a lack of knowledge in how to assemble the materials into useful items. Which I think me and Forkbomb could help with quite readily? Also a slight kaiju problem in the central city, which we may or may not have to deal with."

Forkbomb rubs his chin. "So, lemme get this straight. We're going to a place infested with Godzillas to meet up with a bunch of Marines with more guns than sense, who will more than likely have said guns pointed at us all the way, going into the middle of their hideout, and trying to convince them to pretty please open trade with Zephyr." Shawn picked up a pencil, considered it for a moment, then dropped it. "Splendid. This is a great situation. When do we fly?" There was no small amount of sarcasm there.