Tiya Employment - RPLOG

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The nanite adept is sitting at a small booth inside of the Cafetria, outside of the booth says 'K

The lioness smirks and realizes that she doesn't really have to hold back with her power. She open her mouth and a large wave of fire coats the streets setting car and telephone poles ablaze, she continously allow the flame to burn before spreading her arms apart and waiting on Tiya's move.

Tiya can't hope to dodge the roar of flames rushing towards and simply doesn't try. With the tide of flames ceases, a burning figure charges out of the smoke, screaming in rage, her mane ablaze, her regeneration the only keeping her mobile. Yelling out a profanity, the simply outclassed shemale, lauches a brutal kick with her hoof, trying to at least cause some damage to the huge lioness.

A grin crosses her face before she launches her hand at such a speed downward that she smashes the girl into the Concrete with a solid crack. "Good job. Thing would have gon differently in a real fight but I only use this for in absolute emergencies and to keep smug people quiet so will you surrender?" She says with her hand still on top of the horse. "Or do I have to do more to own you... Beta?"

Tiya gives one last expletive, looking at the huge hand decending towards before she's smacked into the ground. The concrete around her giving way, even the horse's solid frame doing nothing to stop her bones breaking from the force. The shemale, her clothes burnt off, groaning and trying to push herself up to no avail. "Gah..." Tiya says, collapsing back down, panting from the exertion and pain of the tight. "You win, mistress. You win," she says, shaking her head, sighing.

The lioness smirks and leans down, "I think you've made the right choice, now if you are going to call me the title I suggest you get used to doing a little extra work, since your my little beta now." She kisses the horse on the nose and lets her up. "Welcome to K