New Start Zephyr Intro 1 - RPLOG

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You all got a request to join Robert into the requisition room of Zephyr. While such communication wasn't a secret, seems that only part of the agents got the invite. And by the look of it, everyone has clothes on them.. which is not a common sight. The room seems to be reserved, away from the usual chaos of the angets busy with their daily missions.

Evangelica steps into the room, peering around nervously as she searches for signs of life. After a moment's hesitation she approaches the zebra, hovering nervously and rather shyly trying to get his attention with a little "U-um..."

Arimia slithers into the room after the bunny, her coat held tight and secured at the waist with a belt holding a sword. She has a cigarette dangling from her lips and she glances around. She moves to a clear area of the room, where she can see and hear Robert easily, and coils into something resembling a seated position before saying at Evangelica's hesitant words, "I'm sure he'll clarify things when everyone is gathered."

Skylar enters the rooms soon after the lamia, adjusting her clothing after the usual flying around, she nods at the other two occupants and then examines some of the items in the 'store' if it could be called that, she ponders the uses of some of them but soon remembers that this might be all of the people Robert called and settles down in a spot.

Balina saunters her way into the room with a put-upon scowl, upper arms crossed between her chests so tightly as to be almost hidden. The expression breaks somewhat upon seeing at least one familiar face, and her free hand taps Skylar on the shoulder in passing while looking for a suitable place to slouch conspicuously.

Stetson hat hanging from its loop around his neck, Thor spares a quick glance of interest at the collection of Special Wares in Robert's inventory. Though here by request and not for the shopping, it never hurts to look... At least, that is what the (agent) zebra tells himself in passing with a sigh. "Been hangin' out with Mickey too long," he grumbles ruefully, chuckling with a wry good humor. Hooves click as he moves into the smaller, more official area beyond Robert's counter. Sweeping eyes take glance of those within the room, and he tips his head in courtesy. "G'afternoon, all."

There is a feint, sliding sound. It's kind of subtle, deep, but a moment later Sil can be seen in the doorway. The Lab 6 head is wearing her usual, strange garb that just doesn't fit the image of a scientist. Those synthetic, dark wraps, strung and hung around her horso, albeit the hood of it is pulled back to reveal her bald, humanoid head. She has an expression of calm curiosity on her face, along with a little..well. Annoyance in a way, as if she has yet to determine if whatever's coming is worth pulling her from her work. She takes a glance around, her serpentine tongue flicking once, twice, before a light smile pulls on her dark painted lips as she recognizes some faces. With her gloved arms clasped behind her back she slides further in, nodding to those present, replying to Thor with a "Greetings.." before she looks at Robert, her eyes focusing on the man. "Hello, Robert." she says, lightly nodding, as her serpent length begins to pile up beneath her fluidly. "I presume this is important."

Robert smiles as he sees everyone finally gathered here, giving a nod to the shy bunny and offering her a comfy seat. At the same time, he bows a bit his head to Sil and Thor in greeting and respect, "Glad to see you, Thor, doctor Sil.". Giving the sign to sit down after everyone got inside the smaller room, the zebra morph takes a deep breath, before starting to talk. "First of all, thank you for having answered this special call. I didn't summoned you here for the usual daily task.. but to seek your collaboration for a more important mission." The zebra starts to explain, smiling as his usual, "For who doesn’t know me, I'm Robert, the one in charge of the requisition area of Zephyr. And for today, I have a big mission to offer.. especially for those seeking new challanges. Truth is, some of the Prometheans are not happy for the freedom we offer, calling us decadent and a risk for their children's future. We are used to these words, and most of the New Dawn's leaders know they need us and how much we are doing for them. We are not new to their attempts to seek for a new place to move in.. they tried it with Bozeman, but they weren't prepared for the dire situation of that city. This is a time to group together, not to spread out our people and efforts like they are doing. Still, those stubborns didn't gave up and kept sending out their children to seek new bubbles and cities. And in the end, it seems that they finally did it.. they found this city, Clairmont, which seems a suitable site to rebuild. Any question so far?"

Evangelica stares at Arimia for a long few seconds before offering her a polite little nod. Then she takes a seat, wriggling around in the chair as she tries to get comfortable, finally finding comfy spot and listening to Robert quite intently. "I um, i-it's just um...well, wh-where is it?" she murmurs once he's done, fiddling with the bottom of her hoodie as she speaks.

Arimia gives a small nod at Evangelica's question and asks, "And have investigations into it on our end come up with the same conclusions as they have?" She pulls her cigarette, unlit, from her mouth, slipping it into a pocket before crossing her arms over her chest. "And if they did prove successful how would that effect their relations with us?"

Skylar smiles at the pat she receives from Balina and at Sil's entrance, but doesn't have any reaction towards the rest of the group. She soon falls silent as Robert begins talking and shakes her head in negatory as he asks if anyone has questions, letting others deal with that part for now.

Balina raises a paw. "It sounds a lot like you're just going to try and dump the complainers into a new city and hope the problem goes away. What's out in Clairmont that makes it worthwhile?"

Thor leans back in his chosen seat, ears slanting forward as he broods thoughtfully. "ell, folks gotta restart somewhere. Politickin' aside, I'll keep my fingers crossed for good things. Clairmont... it used to be a little college town, right?" he asks, one ear slanting cockwise as he glances towards Evangelica. "'Bout an hour or so east of Los Angeles, in California. Water supplies, decent backdrop near the mountains... If that's where they've gone, should be a pretty nice place." Sharp ears quirk as he looks back towards Robert. "Has somethin' happened?"

Sil lets out a light snort, and settles down on her coil in an elegant, upright sitting position. "I have a question as well. Well. A few." She leans foreward, the serpentinne coils starting beneath her 'hips' lifting a little before she settles her elbows onto them, and rests her chin on her lifted, folded hands. "What nanite presence is surrounding that city?" she states. "What potential resources, good or bad?" Her tongue flicks. "And what kind of headstart do the Prometheans have?"