Children of The Fox - RPLOG

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With the city partly stagnating, and not much able to be done by the foxes themselves, a new plan was needed. It seemed that something was in the making though. A lot of new commotion going on in the courthouse, and a new desk set up. A sign welcomes volunteers, a fox sitting behind it, or rather, kinda standing. Forepaws on the desk as his eyes dart about. Seems he doesn't have many volunteers yet anyway.

Alkain hmms as he enters the court house and peeks about, "Been a while since I've been back, what's up?" he looks over to the fox at the desk, while he reeks of rut, it doesn't seem to be bothering him all that much at the moment

Due to the method used to arrive in Glenstock at all, it's not hard for one to catch sight of the commotion. After stepping off the chopper and watching a familiar massive fox duck his way into the courthouse, soon following behind. "Well hello there, Alkain. Long time no see, where have you been?" she asks him, then takes a look over towards the counter where the fox is, having heard Alkain's question directed at him or her, deciding to allow it to be answered before she asks anything else.

There is quite a bit of movement, mostly from RSX workers on loan to the Glenstock project, paperwork flying about mostly. The desk fox though brights up when Alkain and Selyra walk in though. "Hi! Hello! And a lot is going on. With some help, we've been able to collect up some usable stuff from around the city itself, but there is a problem." He says, standing up fully on his hindlegs, forepaws dangling infront of him, "We can't really use it!" He says. After a moment he leans against the small desk again, "But we heard that it seems a lot of people are having a lot of children. But, we have an issue there too. A lot of us can't really instruct. While some of us remember our old lives, we can't show how to hammer, or how to connect two wires." He says, hoping that the few people not on loan would understand where he is coming from.

Alkain chuckles at Selyra and shrugs, "Indeed, sorry I haven't been around much. I've been hanging around Fairhaven a bit. Got a place at the Miason too." he looks back to the fox as he speaks and ahs at that, "Yeah, that's a problem..." He ponders a bit and hmms, "I suppose you are looking for help teaching?"

Selyra crosses her arms over her large bust, listening in as the fox explains, nodding along with him. What he says, however, implies a great deal, and her ears perk up and tail begins to wag. Hearing Alkain's explanation, she tilts her head, looking to him next. "Oh yes, Erika mentioned that to me. What's in Fairhaven?" she asks him curiously, though her mind works over what the fox told her. "That's a bit of a sticky situation, receiving things that you can't use. I have a considerable amount of things on my plate, but I believe that I could spare some time a few times per week teaching children things. I did so in Eureka for a while." she tells the fox, wondering if the voice had given away their gender.

With his modest cock and balls, as well as scent, this particular fox, at least in body, was a male. He continues though, as it seemed Selyra and Alkain mostly understood, "Well, yes, we need help teaching them, but we also need them!" He says, giving a yap after. "It seems not too many are keen on the idea of coming into Oregon these days, and even less seem to trust when we say we'll be providing a life here in the city for the children that come to us." He says. "We have some of the salvage we could offer to those who bring in volunteers, and those who do come will be given room in a house, once we have them up again, and food and such. With your help, we've been able to reclaim our hunting grounds again." He says. "So... think you can help? Think you can bring people in?" He asks excitedly!

Alkain nods to Sely and smiles, "Cool and... Anima mostly." he chuckles a bit, "I see." he ponders a bit and shrugs with a sigh, "I doubt we can change the minds of most, but we can try... I'm sure Anima wouldn't mind having some of our children here, I'll need her permission though." he smiles some, "As for the teaching... I'll do what I can."

Selyra smiles at the fox behind the counter, giving a nod to him. "I understand, I'm sure we have plenty of children who would be happy to have something to do." she replies, tail starting to wag faster. "Absolutely! We can help, for sure. Especially Mira, shi has hundreds of children. And I'm not kidding." she chuckles, seeming to be in good spirits. Hearing Alkain talk about Anima, and getting hir permission regarding their children, the collie can't help but smirk. "Oh dear, so that's what it is! You've been away all this time for sex?" she teases him, moving her arms to rest her paws on her wide hips.

With an odd smile and some tail wagging the fox seems happy to hear this! "So, umm, what can you teach? I mean, we need teachers to just teach things, but we also need to make sure we have specialist too. And sometimes specialists can't teach well... humm." He thinks it over, a conflict on his mind as he ponders. "So... we need a lot more help than we thought. Anything really would be helpful." But at the comment about hundreds of children, his eyes go a bit wide! "That would be nice! We need a lot. Buildings don't fix themselves. Plumbing and electricity don't run themselves." He comments!

Alkain snickers at that and nods, "She does indeed." then blinks and blushes a bit, "Not just that!" he chuckles though and ponders, "Well, I wouldn't say I'm a good teacher... But I have an assoicates degree in... Design, Research and various Legends, though I don't think you really want that last one." he hmms a bit, "I can pass classes in Management, Computers and history as well."

Selyra rubs her chin gently, thinking things over. "Well sir, I would say I'm an alright teacher. Passable, at least. I could teach how to shoot well, I can teach medics, research methods, running, xenobiology, and even a bit about computers." she explains, hoping her skills check out with the fox. Glancing at Alkain, she giggles. "But mostly?" she teases again, nodging him with her elbow. "I'm just messing with you, but it's true that I'd like to see more of our family anyway." she admits, tail wagging still, glad to be able to help the foxes.

Watching the exchange between the two for a bit, the fox ponders, "Why not just join with us properly Alkain?" He asks, "When we need more of us, we can just make more. No messy sex or anything." He says, "Though... it does leave us with a few problems." Once again looking at his thumbless paws. "And research methods, design work, medicines, not sure how helpful skills in running and such would be though, not like we are doing marathons." He says, "Though there are a lot of ways to help. Do you think you could get more to help?" He asks, tail drooping a bit.