Bounty Hunter

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Bounty Hunter

Striding out on your own, hunting down your mark, living off the land and doing it your own way. This is what you were born for. You don't take orders from anyone, only your prey is what matters. You have the means, you have the skills, all you need now is a target.

Role: Jack of All Trades (not tank)
Solo-ability: High

Soul Powers

Level 15 Thrill Of The Hunt
Level 25 Ambush
Level 35 Just A Scratch
Level 45 Even The Odds
Accuracy 2
Avoidance 2
Bewitched 2
Damage 2
Durability 2
Endurance 2
Health 2
Outnumbered 2
Penetration 2
Regenerating 2
Speed 2
Tactician 2
Warded 2

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