Automated Multiplayer Updates/2021 October

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 13:37, 6 October 2021 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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Dog Song says, "It's spooky month, and you know what that means: The Trick or Treat Motel is open for business again! Bit early, you ask? After some thought, the time window for availability has been changed from the hard-to-remember October 28-through-November 3 to the entire span of October (00:00 October 1 to 23:59 October 31, server time). This change also is consistent with the availability of holiday forms throughout the month of October. Have fun!"

Just a Tinkering Critter squees, "The Beast Warden class is now available for purchase at the Feral Training hut in New Dawn! Keep in mind this is the first Pet class I have made so it is prone to being... uhhh... either too strong or not strong enough. Feedback appreciated, feel free to mail Critter=(Topic) me about it!"

Avatar says, "Poll 'XP Ticket' has ended. +poll/cview XP Ticket to see the results."

Dog Song says, "The class helpfiles have been overhauled. The parent directory has been renamed from Class to Classes to catch on both singular and plural forms, matching Roles. The "Class Levels" and "Class Mastery" helpfiles have been merged into one since the latter just directed you to the former, and the merged helpfile is now called "Class Levels and Class Mastery". Added information about the XP bonus per class mastered at the bottom of the file."

Dog Song says, "Wishing Wells are now more discoverable and have improved documentation. See help Extras/Wishing Wells for basic information and enter toss at the specified locations for commands."

Dog Song says, "Updated the filename on oviposition commands from Extras/ovi to Extras/Oviposition and Ovipositors for improved discoverability."

Avatar says, "Item (1633165862) placed onto the poll board by Song, called '+jnote Trust Level Requirement. +poll/view +jnote Trust Level Requirement to look at and vote in this poll."

Dog Song says, "The +request help menu has been cleaned up. The +request/summary command is no longer in the "Staff and Judge Specific Commands" section, as the command is available to all players. Some sentence structure has also been adjusted for clarity."

Just a Tinkering Critter squees, "There is currently something haunting the flags of Kill Command. The statuses apply as they should, however the damage it deals is reported as healing for some reason. I am using this as an opportunity to sniff for bugs in the system, however for now the power's primary function is essentially working. The healing has also been curbstomped to prevent the power from being malfunctional. Until further notice however, it will report as Healing the enemy for... 0 health. Thank you those who reached out to report the issue."

eWrecked Glitch nasally huffs, "The area of Saltpeter Isle that had previously been web-only prior to the web combat reform is now attached to the on-grid Saltpeter Island (pending descriptions for the rooms, still, but it's open, for now)"

Dog Song says, "There is now a new tag for forms: Elf. See tags elf for a (likely not yet complete) listing of elven forms."

eWrecked Glitch nasally huffs, "Saltpeter Isle is now describified, woot!"

Avatar says, "Poll '+jnote Trust Level Requirement' has ended. +poll/cview +jnote Trust Level Requirement to see the results."

eWrecked Glitch nasally huffs, "Candy Dragon's milk has been updated to represent the description better. Try it out and see!"

eWrecked Glitch nasally huffs, "Due to popular demand, the +pet command will be opt-out for trust qualification. This means nobody will be blindsided by +pet by default and can choose to participate easily with a TRUST prompt. Trust can still be disabled for it with the same command that would have enabled it before. Also, as belly rubbing is a new feature, a special toggle has been made for it, #nobelly so that that specific style of petting can be opted out of for those who're uncomfortable with that type of petting. All changes are reflected in the pet #help documentation."

eWrecked Glitch nasally huffs, "The commended command now lists how many, after the list, numerically you've commended."

eWrecked Glitch nasally huffs, "The pet command also updated so that if no parameter is given, it'll default show the #help rather than crashing."

Dog Song says, "4 new lore entries have been added for characters: Alex the zebra, Anton the bull, Ellie the Latex Fox, and Alice the Gun Bunny. These files can be earned just by visiting and talking to them. Characters who are unaffiliated with the factions or larger areas are now part of the "Wastelanders" set. Anton is part of the "Clairmont Residents" set. In addition, performed general lore file formatting cleanup."

Dog Song says, "Minor change to the Pause? function in talkscript: The printed text was changed from "Type x(then enter) to continue" to "Type x (then enter) to continue.""