Envoy of Tanuki - RPLOG

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Three figures stand, each an imposing presence, not for their height, as they are relatively short, with pudgy faces and a bit of a smile that seems to not want to go away. Despite that, the air simmers around them with an untold force. The one at the head of them, the only female of the bunch, speaks out again, "Bring forth your leader, or his chosen speaker at once, we request audience." They look like Tanuki, with striped tails and soft features. They are well dressed, as if for some fuedal Japanese court in elegant kimonos.

A curious Faemera scampers closer through the street, seemingly unhindered by her pregnant belly. She cuatiously approaches the three to see what may happen next.

Fenris trots up in his bulky stagtaur form. He had intended to stop by Zephyr to do a bit of trading, and had adopted the four legged shape for extra carrying capacity, but the appearance of the strange tanukis had stopped him before he ever reached the building. "I don't represent Zephyr," he says, "But I would be happy to offer assistance if you need anything." He shifts around a bit on his hooves. At least they didn't LOOK hostile, right?

Sunochi, this time in a nice kimono, steps forward, the kitsune's tails behind her swaying idly, the trail of wisps floating off the tips of those fluffy tails. Shi bows forward, showing off respect to the Tanuki. "Greetings fellow siblings of the shrine. How is it that we can assist you today? While I don't speak for Zephyr, I am affiliated with them and can relay any message you wish."

Lizzie walks out into the street, clad in her typical black combat boots, tank top, jean shorts, and pistol holsters the human was nicely armed. The drones ready to deploy and Grace nearby certainly helped matters as well. "The fuck are you supposed to be? I don't even know if there's a fuckin' real leader of anywhere around this god damn place anyway. But I'll talk to ya if there's some sort of bullshit ya need takin' care of 'round here. This ain't a place with just a single god damn government or shit like that anymore. Who the fuck are you representin' anyway?"

Karalie narrows her icy eyes across at these strange beings. She was no stranger to the savage, leering feral menace, but these self assured and most worryingly, confident beings stayed her hand. Icy eyes drew tight as she glowered at the three beings through the iron sights of her assault rifle. "Stay right there!" she snapped, feeling even more ill at ease at the deadly calm these things showed, most feral filth would be whooping and howling by now. Slowly and with great precision, Karalie lowered a gloved hand to tap a button on her coms unit, sending out a crackling signal to nearby RSX units for backup. She blinks in surprise as she hears movement, then confusion filling her mind as it was not a feral ambush, but civilians who bravely set forth to face off against these things. "W-what the hell? Be careful! They may be feral! Keep your distance!" Karalie barks, quietly knowing just how stubborn the civilians are in Fairhaven, especially when it comes to RSX

Morten arrives on the street the strange Tanuki's stand, eyebrows raised as she looks over them and as the new people arrive to greet them, she sighs and moves to the side to avoid saying anything that might cause offence, leaving that job to the strangers greeting the Tanuki's.

Grace tries very hard to keep her composure as Lizzie... delicately handles the situation. Sometimes the human's blue streak just makes her laugh. She nudges her with her elbow, then whispers, "They don't look like much, but they smell like trouble. Maybe try lawyer mode?"

Technetium slips around the corner, small pistol in front. She quickly lowers is once she sees they're not immediately hostile. As she walks out into the street, her entire form becomes, more apparent. The dual fennec tails following her is tense, and her ears twitches nervously. Her labcoat gently ripples as it follows her, and the RSX insignia glints on it's shoulder. She approaches the rest of the part carefully, and nods to the strange inter-dimensional creatures. She quickly tries to talk to one of the party to see what's going on.

Lizzie glances down at her alert on her comm, Karalie's general call for RSX units alerting her as an active member. "If they were god damn feral they'd be already tryin' ta fuck us eight ways to Hotel Oblivion. Since they got clothes and talkin' shit like that then it's arleady a god damn step up." The mercenary calls back, eyes flicking over toward Grace as she is nudged. "Eh? I hate talkin' all british and shit but if ya really want I could."

Fenris snorts when he hears the cry from above. "Feral!?" he calls out, "They are Tanuki! It doesn't get much more civilized around here!" He bows to the obviously powerful tanuki with his human-ish upper half. "We mean no offense," he says, "but I hope you can understand our caution."

Linasha lets out the softest eep as a human speaks. The presance of weapons such harsh words does not bode well and she beats a hasty retreat.

Given the choices presented to her, the female Tanuki turns to regard Sunochi and Fenris, "Honored hosts, we humbly approach to offer terms of your new lord and master. He values the work of Zephyr and wishes it continue under his benevolent leadership." For the moment, the rude comments are ignored as if they were not spoken.

Fenris blinks at the strange ultimatum. "Our new Lord and Master?" The stagtaur looks around, "Again, I am no speaker for Zephyr, but ai do not think they recognize any power but their own. Who are you representing?" He does not seem too worried yet, after all, the tanuki seemed very calm and reasonable so far.

Grace points at Sunochi and Fenris. "I think they've got the right idea," she says to Lizzie. "These guys don't seem overtly hostile, and swearing's not gonna get you anywhere." She fastens the holster on the pistol Lizzie had lent her, and looks around at the rest of the forming crowd. A nearby fox seems to be asking what's going on, so Grace informs her that she has no idea, but it's interesting.

Sunochi gives another bow, smiling. "Terms of a new lord and master?" the kitsune questions with a hint of curiosity into her voice, giving a look towards Fenris. "I'm afraid I did not bring drink or food in offering for a more relaxed environment to speak in, my apologies." she thinks a moment, turning to Fenris, then back towards the Tanuki. "So you wish to commit a takeover of Zephyr to continue their work? If I may ask, what is the gain of this for the Tanuki? As with Fenris, I'm unable to speak for Zephyr as well, but we will act as messengers for you."

Karalie, still a rookie by RSX standards seems somewhat both relieved and flustered at what is unfolding before her. The beasts are thankfully not leaping and scratching at each other...yet they don't seem to realize, or care for the threat that is a loaded assault rifle bearing over them. Her nose twitches slightly as the dry sting of ozone reaches her senses. "..Techie, I'm glad you're here." She says, glancing over her shoulder towards her fellow agent. "I think something's going down..or not." Karalie lowers her rifle ever so slightly, watching the robed officals have a formal chat in the middle of the ruins of Fairhaven. When she spies the surprised expressions of Fenris and some others, she too, echos those words "..new lord and master?" She opens her mouth to speak, then stops, quietly reminding herself that when it came to these kind of politics, she was no expert. She shoots a worried glance to Techie, then frowns, keeping her eyes and rifle at the ready.

Morten rolls her eyes and shakes her head, moving forward "If I might interject, you clearly are of high enough intelligence to understand that, just calling out to meet the 'leader' of a group will most likely not get you the audience you seek and in all honest you might be wasting your time here... though far be it from me to play diplomat in this situation" she smirks, moving back off to the side and leaning against one of the walls with a slight disinterested look in her eyes as the others argue and sputter amongst themselves.

"God damn it. Fine." Lizzie says, pulling out her collar and putting in on. A small button was flicked afterwards, altering her speech patterns to something a bit more appropriate. The mercenary hadn't constructed it and if it was even actually tech or just a psychological quirk she didn't know or really care. The results still stood though. "Ah, pardon me good sirs, madams, and those of you with both. I do believe this initial encounter is perhaps best suited to occur in a more appropriate surrounding. Would you all like to accompany me to one of the Zephyr meeting rooms so this matter can be discussed and resolved most ammicably. Perhaps you would enjoy a small amount of refreshment as well? I'm certain we can sent a missive to the heads of Zephyr should it be required but alas, none of us here have call to fully accept any offer on behalf of the others."

Technetium sighs, seeing that more post-apocalyptic politics are about to come into play, with her tails dropping slightly, and her oversized ears doing the same. She sticks the pistol in an inside coat pocket, and then takes out a clipboard with a pencil, prepared to write their demands/requests/threats/peaceofferings. She whispers to Karalie "We are RSX. They are clearly requesting Zephyr diplomats. It'd be best if we hung back a second and see if they call us. I'd prefer not to start a faction war,"

"Take over?" speaks the female Tanuki, "That is a term without grace. We offer protection and elegance. Lord Tanuki is a kind soul, and this is a very dangerous world. Under his aegis you will be much safer. He admires your art and values your craftsmen. It is a great honor to be a member of his nation." she says, each note sweet and inviting as that pudgy face smiles with endless optimism. "Will you not carry word of this to your leader, so that they may properly accept it? I'm afraid we intend to approach no further than we already have. It has been a gross breach of etiquette to make our demands this close to your own lord's demense, but we have no other way to reach them."

The two other, male, tanuki are not quite as cheerful. Their smiles are more like smirks, and their stances are tense and ready, as if they were ready to leap into action.

Karalie nods sternly upon hearing Technetium's advice. She lowers her rifle and straightens up, standing at a somewhat forced ease as she watches the talks unfold. Her expression remains stern however as she spies the malicious grins upon the other tanuki. She shoots a glance towards Technetium, gesturing lightly across to the beasts.

Fenris shakes his head at Morton and Lizzie's um, contributions then looks back at the lead tanuki. "We are honored by your presence, Lady," he says, "But I don't think that the leader of Zephyr will acquiesce to your demands, or even accept your missive." He shrugs hus broad shoulders. "I fear that I am not even personally an agent for Zephyr," he adds, "Just an interested party. But I can certainly try if you will grant us a few days time."

Grace turns around, walks a few paces away, and quietly starts shaking with laughter. As funny as vulgar Lizzie is, formal Lizzie is even better. It takes her a moment to catch her breath before she returns to the human's side, trying desperately not to burst out laughing again. "Yeah, like that," she says.

The kitsune looks over towards Fenris, hmming softly, whispering towards him with a curious notion upon her face. "Then I apologize for my poor choice of words then." she turns back towards the Tanuki, Suno's tails twitch a bit as she gives the two males a curious look. "As my partner here has said, it's a possibility they will not accept your request, however we see no harm in trying. Peaceful contact and negotiation are much better than alternatives..." as she gives a look behind her, a sigh coming upon her before turning back to the three Tanuki. "A few days time is what we request in exchange, Lady."

"The others speak true. The leader of Zephyr is most reclusive and I do not know their name. It is highly doubtful that they would be interested in following your lords missives in any case." Lizzie says, smacking Grace's backside once for bothering to laugh at her again. "Would someone associated more firmly with the company go to pass along the missive here? My connection to Zephyr is already tenuous and I have little doubt that any passing on of messages by myself would be met with little more than a taciturn refusal."

Technetium shakes her head slightly, even though noticing the other Tanuki's apparently malicious intent. "They're a guard for a political envoy" she whispers "It's standard procedure." She twitches her ears slightly, as if exclusivley focusing on the Tanuki now.

A delicate frown mars that perfect smile of the Tanuki's, "This is most distressing. A leader that refuses to be seen by his people is a poor leader indeed. Lord Tanuki wishes to smile on all his people, of all stations in life. Now that his followers," she looks pointedly towards Morten with a bright smile, "Have opened the way, he is ready to embrace the suffering people of this world."

Morten raises an eyebrow before her cheeks blush a soft shade of red under her fur "Hey woah woah you cant prove I did anything... " she responds, shaking her head and holding up her hands in a passive-defence way.

The kitsune gives a light nod, "While that is true..." she thinks a moment before continuing "I understand your position and your request, a visibile leader is always a respected one." come to think of it, when was the last time she saw Zephyr's leader? "Yes, all we request is three days time. Perhaps this is what we can do to convince the leader of Zephyr to come out and at least consider things. Will you be as kind to grant us this so we can attempt?"

Fenris is a bit more worried now. "So what will you do now?" he asks, not so worried for Zephyr as for the poor saps like himself who were about to get caught up in a tanuki 'embrace.' "I fear that neither I, nor the other Promethians have much clout in these matters," he says, shifting on his hooves.

Karalie shifts her weight slightly, tightening her jaw and steeling her eyes as she carefully watches the two tanuki guards. With such monsters wrapped in the trappings of civility, she was already ill at ease, even more so when they started to speak about a Lord wishing to embrace the people. Karalie leans over slightly to the smallish Technetium, whispering faintly into one of those perky ears. "..shouldn't we send a heads up to Zephyr at least? Does this kind of thing happen often?" She warily returns her gaze to the regal three, watching with worry as the civilians confidently chat face to face with the possible hostiles.

Grace wiggles her rear a little. "I'm not sure they get how the command structure of a corporation works," she says. Then again, she's not quite sure either, but she's pretty sure Zephyr's CEO is in charge of Fairhaven. "But those two are handling things, I guess. You can go back to regular now."