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Aaron would receive a hand on her shoulder If she looked back then she would see a young lady born after P-day, who Aaron might or might not recognize. "Mrs Aaron. I am so happy to see you here. I knew someone like you would support The Patriot!" The young husky-morph said with a grin.  
Aaron would receive a hand on her shoulder If she looked back then she would see a young lady born after P-day, who Aaron might or might not recognize. "Mrs Aaron. I am so happy to see you here. I knew someone like you would support The Patriot!" The young husky-morph said with a grin.  
Cream has been ignored...for about a minute before a rather buxom lady in corporate attire shoved a pamphlet in her face. "Aren't you the cutest, little Miss. Are you here to learn more about our dear Columbia? That is the right thing for a young American girl to do, I bet you would have made a great Girl Scout back in my day." The lady said in a sickeningly-sweet tone.
Cream has been ignored...for about a minute before a rather buxom lady in corporate attire shoved a pamphlet in her face. &quot;Aren&#39;t you the cutest, little Miss. Are you here to learn more about our dear Columbia? That is the right thing for a young American girl to do, I bet you would have made a great Girl Scout back in my day.&quot; The lady said in a sickeningly-sweet tone.<br> <br>Skylar gets less and less certain of what she&#39;s doing as the angry looks pile on. As the hand appears, she immediatly stop with an &#39;eep!&#39;. She hears what the human has to say and promptly answers. &quot;Oh, sorry! Hm, I was just trying to get to my friend over there-&quot; She points at Miru, which really wasn&#39;t her friend but...in this situation it was pretty much the closest to one she had. &quot;I&#39;ll just go over there and not bother anyone, is that alright?&quot; She also notices the armed people getting near the large foxtaur and begins noticing that this was a really bad idea...<br> <br>Astara&#39;s smile faded as the guards approached her, going to more of a slight frown; yet, she didn&#39;t express anger. That wouldn&#39;t go over well, no matter if she WAS frustrated. &quot;I am indeed interested, so thank you for not shooting first and asking questions later.&quot; She didn&#39;t let her underlying emotions seep into her voice as she spoke, keeping a calm, even, and inviting tone... but that in of itself might be a little spiteful given the circumstances. The taur isn&#39;t disillusioned to the reality of what was going on. &quot;No matter what you think based on my appearance, I&#39;m no monster.&quot; She crosses her arms across her impressive bust. More &#39;on top&#39; than actually across.<br> <br>Aaron smiles faintly over her shoulder at the husky. &quot;Actually, I&#39;m still undecided on that.&quot; she admits. &quot;I haven&#39;t really been informed on what The Patriot is trying to do yet, and that&#39;s what I&#39;m here to find out: this visit is one hundred percent information gathering. If his cause is good and just, maybe I can lend a hand!&quot; She rests a hand on the one upon her shoulder, gently patting it and offering a warm smile. &quot;Do you think you can tell me what they&#39;re all about, or do you think I should wait for them?&quot; Could it be? Could no one have shared information with Mrs. Aaron about The Patriot? That means...that means she sought them out of her own accord! And then...there&#39;s the sight of other mutants being stopped. &quot;Hmm. I hate to interrupt this, but could you excuse me?&quot;
If the husky girl lets her step away, she&#39;ll approach from the other side of those three men. &quot;Astara!&quot; she calls out with a bright smile. &quot;I&#39;m so glad you could make it.&quot; There&#39;s a brief glance at the men and their weapons, and she promises, &quot;It&#39;s all right, she&#39;s with me. I&#39;ll take full responsibility for her.&quot;<br> <br>Cream&#39;s world-weary eyes abruptly light up once she realizes she has a mark, taking on a more childish glow despite the dark circles beneath them. &quot;Gosh, lady, I don&#39;t know too much about America,&quot; she pipes up, taking the pamphlet and glancing over it to determine just what sort of schlock these crazies are pushing. &quot;I sure would like to, though! Who is The Patriot, anyhow? Is he one of them presidents I heard about once?&quot; She&#39;s become used to donning the mask of the naive young girl, is gradually refining it to an art, though there&#39;s still something just the slightest bit off about her, and it isn&#39;t just the ears and tail.<br> <br>Callidora sighs as her path is blocked by the group in front of her. She looks to either side, seeing no way past and then... Oh. One having glance behind him turned out to look rather passable. Stepping in close to the group the press of the crowd gave her all the excuse she needed for the young man to feel something very soft and curvy suddenly pushing against him. &quot;Oh, sorry!&quot; she says, having learned to fake that stupid modesty thing while smiling and batting her eyes. &quot;The crowd is... So what is happening here? I was just given an invitation here but the man who gave it wasn&#39;t giving many details.&quot; He also probably couldn&#39;t have described her face, but such things fail to concern the young female.<br> <br>Another glance towards the back of the building would reveal that the Pith helmet-wearing journalist was now arguing with two guards, if her tomato-red face with any indication, but no one really was paying attention to that right now. What grabbed the attention of the crowd was the sudden static noise that indicated that the speakers on the stage were turned on, the electronic speakers. Not a minute later, the distinctive voice of Woody Guthrie is heard as he sang &#39;This Land is Your Land&#39;. One could notice some in the crowd tearing up, but all remained silent. One voice tried singing along, but, after ten seconds without any support, fizzled out; It appears no one was in a singing mood today.
The guard looked stone-dead at Skylar before turning around to see where she is pointing. He looks back at her, bemused, &quot;Missy...that is behind the stage which is off-limits. You can wait here for the &#39;journalist&#39;...&quot; he stopped to suppress a chuckle, &quot;...but you are not taking a step further. You can also join that mutant there.&quot; He pointed at Astara in the distance.
The husky smiled sheepishly at Aaron, &quot;Well, they did tell us to keep quiet, and I don&#39;t know anything about The Patriot.&quot; She then pointed at the stage before carrying on, &quot;As for the group well...oh, okay.&quot; The husky moved away letting Aaron past.
The lady smiled at Astara, &quot;Just doing my duty, Ma&#39;am.&quot; She said with little humor as she, and her two colleagues, turned around to see the bunny coming along. &quot;Sure thing, little rabbit. Keep an eye on her.&quot; The officer said with a chuckle, Aaron would also notice that he definitely never seen this lady before in Fairhaven.
The pamphlet  Cream&#39;s hand gave out little factoids about &#39;the greatest country on Earth&#39;, modified for maximum patriotism, and vague promises about bringing it back, and how they must all unite and rebuild. Just the right mixture of fact, fiction, and hopes.
The human grunts as he feels Callidora crash into him, &quot;You better be sorry...&quot; he says as he turns around looking down, &quot;Err, miss?&quot; He said before shrugging at her questions, &quot;Well, don&#39;t know much. This is my first time here as well.&quot;<br> <br>Skylar blinks at the music, she doesn&#39;t recognize it, which confuses and kind of scares her even more seeing the people fall silent and try to sing it. Seeing Miru getting angry and being approached by more guards worries her. All this makes her look quite distressed. She jumps in place as the guard talks again, and quickly nods, lifting her hands up and nodding. &quot;I, uh, I understand. Sorry. I&#39;ll wait here for my friend if you&#39;d allow it.&quot; She says meekly before making certain her jacket&#39;s zipper is all the way up, after this, she simply crosses her arms and waits, if the guard allows her to. <br> <br>Callidora smiles and also bats eyelashes, as she&#39;s learned that when dealing with a certain kind of male there is no overkill. She wraps her arm through his and presses close as if a little nervous, coincidentally pressing her breasts against him and making sure he can see down them if he turns to look at her. &quot;Some of the people don&#39;t seem too friendly to mutants&quot; she observes with the same air of someone noting what colour drapes are. &quot;And who&#39;s that making trouble at the front? Oh, is it starting?&quot;

Revision as of 03:03, 31 December 2017





The 30th of December, just two days away from the new year. It was a cold, windy afternoon, no the coldest but cold enough for some. That did not seem to affect a lot of the people in this gathering, they had more important business on their minds. Some looked angry, as if they were wronged by some unseen enemy, while others appeared jubilant enough that you would think they were awaiting the coming of their promised messiah. The vast majority were between those two states, seemingly just happy that something was happening. All in all, minus the fur and weapons...this all looked like your typical small town rally for some candidate to a state position, in fact....one would think it was designed to look that way.

As the time passed by, more and more survivors came to this little gathering, some just stumbling upon the little rally and deciding to stay and watch. The more feral looking mutants would however always be scared off by the OWO, but again most groups would scare off a naked mutant looking to start an orgy. Near the impromptu HQ of the OWO, where the speakers are likely sitting right now, a little Victorian explorer seemed to be arguing with a guard; unfortunately, it would take someone to jump through the gathering and walk past the guards to see what that was about.

Skylar was one of the mutants that heard about this rally happening, the dragoness felt a bit out of her element with so many humans around, she was still getting used to getting out in the streets again after a long while in a desk job and this was weirding her out. Spotting Miru arguing with a guard, she felt a bit of familiarity in seeing the journalist that interviewed her a few days ago, she tries closing in to her, making sure to steer clear from the angrier people and being very apologetic when she bumps into someone in the crowd. A series of 'sorry', 'oops', 'my bad hehe' happens as the top heavy dragoness navigates her way.

Callidora saunters casually through the crowd, smiling at anyone who pays her attention and also winking if they got her 'attention' in return. She's looking curiously about her at the various people present, taking note of them all though for different reasons than anyone there for more serious reasons. Unless interrupted first she might reach the argument by the stage, barring guards/ angry people stopping her or a particularly cute human-looking male being in the crowd.

Astara was more of a sight than many others, even many mutants.

The foxtaur had the mind to shrink herself to a (more) manageable 7 feet in height, shaving off about 2 to 3 feet, but she was still tall and imposing inherently in her build. Certainly on the extreme end of sexuality, too: the taur was endowed in every way possible, and could do little to constrain the several large rows of dripping breasts down below, stupidly large balls, nor the huge sheath that contained her (thankfully unerect) cock. Astara did, however, have her upper half clothed in a very Promethean-styled armor that hugged her human upper torso.

Keeping her distance at first, Astara skirted around the outer edge of the crowd towards the front. The last thing she wanted to do was cause too much of a commotion, or get any of the humans messy. She kept a non-threatening smile on her human face, but her blackened sclera and rather demonic-looking horns might yet undermine her intent...

Aaron has been a fixture in Fairhaven for years and years, enough that some of the locals might even recognize her...and that and two bucks will buy her a cup of coffee, around here. She expects no special consideration, working her way through the crowd as she does, trying to get closer to the front to hear what's being said. Those tall lapine ears naturally stand out among the crowd, granting her that extra height boost (and partially blocking the view of whoever is standing behind her, sorry about that). The presence of a few other mutants - including one she recognizes, thank goodness - is not lost on her, but she's not here on anyone's behalf but her own...for the purpose she seeks to serve is one no one else has stepped up to speak upon.

The flag of the USA, the Great Seal, the statue of liberty- all of these unmistakable symbols of the old world had been catching Cream's eye around Fairhaven in the form of graffiti, only recognizable to her thanks to her parents' teachings. Ancient relics of a life and ideology that she never belonged to, never had a chance to. She didn't think much of them until she was approached and invited to some kind of ragtag meeting, and now here she is, trying not to gawk too much at the largest gathering of humans she's ever seen in her life. Despite some trouble finding a place to see past the taller folks, she manages to get a half-decent glance at the going ons ahead of the crowd. Was that a pith helmet she just saw?

As our intrepid agents started filing in, more movement started occurring on behalf of the organizers with whispered words, and harried movement among the guards. In fact, some OWO members have began wadding into the attending groups, armed with pamphlets and ready to begin propaganda bombardment.

Skylar would earn herself a couple of nasty looks as she waded through the gathering, but by the halfway point she would find the hand of an angry-looking bald human in front of her, "Listen here, Missy. I get it. We all want to meet The Patriot, but respect your fellow American citizens. It would be best if you went towards the back or you can stay here, but no messing about." Callidora on the other hand is stopped by the much more standard 'five idiots who have no idea they are blocking the pavement, still assholes.' Looks like she will have to force her way through that, or just stay in position. To add to her trouble, she is suddenly pushed sideways as a guard who was standing nearby rushed past her towards the perimeter.

Further away around the 'entrance' to the gathering, the reason for the rushing guard is made clear. The mutant known as Astara didn't really look like she would fit here at all, made clear by the three humans moving towards her with their hands tight around their weapons. They were exchanging whispers among them before being shushed by the most senior-looking of the trio. The stern looking middle-aged lady then spoke up, "Hello mutant. I am guessing you are interested in the gathering? If not, then take a hike. If so, then I would kindly ask you to remain around the perimeter and to not move closer. Security you know, also health and safety." The two 'excuses' were muttered as if she wanted to make up a reason but gave up half-way through.

Aaron would receive a hand on her shoulder If she looked back then she would see a young lady born after P-day, who Aaron might or might not recognize. "Mrs Aaron. I am so happy to see you here. I knew someone like you would support The Patriot!" The young husky-morph said with a grin.

Cream has been ignored...for about a minute before a rather buxom lady in corporate attire shoved a pamphlet in her face. "Aren't you the cutest, little Miss. Are you here to learn more about our dear Columbia? That is the right thing for a young American girl to do, I bet you would have made a great Girl Scout back in my day." The lady said in a sickeningly-sweet tone.

Skylar gets less and less certain of what she's doing as the angry looks pile on. As the hand appears, she immediatly stop with an 'eep!'. She hears what the human has to say and promptly answers. "Oh, sorry! Hm, I was just trying to get to my friend over there-" She points at Miru, which really wasn't her friend but...in this situation it was pretty much the closest to one she had. "I'll just go over there and not bother anyone, is that alright?" She also notices the armed people getting near the large foxtaur and begins noticing that this was a really bad idea...

Astara's smile faded as the guards approached her, going to more of a slight frown; yet, she didn't express anger. That wouldn't go over well, no matter if she WAS frustrated. "I am indeed interested, so thank you for not shooting first and asking questions later." She didn't let her underlying emotions seep into her voice as she spoke, keeping a calm, even, and inviting tone... but that in of itself might be a little spiteful given the circumstances. The taur isn't disillusioned to the reality of what was going on. "No matter what you think based on my appearance, I'm no monster." She crosses her arms across her impressive bust. More 'on top' than actually across.

Aaron smiles faintly over her shoulder at the husky. "Actually, I'm still undecided on that." she admits. "I haven't really been informed on what The Patriot is trying to do yet, and that's what I'm here to find out: this visit is one hundred percent information gathering. If his cause is good and just, maybe I can lend a hand!" She rests a hand on the one upon her shoulder, gently patting it and offering a warm smile. "Do you think you can tell me what they're all about, or do you think I should wait for them?" Could it be? Could no one have shared information with Mrs. Aaron about The Patriot? That means...that means she sought them out of her own accord! And then...there's the sight of other mutants being stopped. "Hmm. I hate to interrupt this, but could you excuse me?"

If the husky girl lets her step away, she'll approach from the other side of those three men. "Astara!" she calls out with a bright smile. "I'm so glad you could make it." There's a brief glance at the men and their weapons, and she promises, "It's all right, she's with me. I'll take full responsibility for her."

Cream's world-weary eyes abruptly light up once she realizes she has a mark, taking on a more childish glow despite the dark circles beneath them. "Gosh, lady, I don't know too much about America," she pipes up, taking the pamphlet and glancing over it to determine just what sort of schlock these crazies are pushing. "I sure would like to, though! Who is The Patriot, anyhow? Is he one of them presidents I heard about once?" She's become used to donning the mask of the naive young girl, is gradually refining it to an art, though there's still something just the slightest bit off about her, and it isn't just the ears and tail.

Callidora sighs as her path is blocked by the group in front of her. She looks to either side, seeing no way past and then... Oh. One having glance behind him turned out to look rather passable. Stepping in close to the group the press of the crowd gave her all the excuse she needed for the young man to feel something very soft and curvy suddenly pushing against him. "Oh, sorry!" she says, having learned to fake that stupid modesty thing while smiling and batting her eyes. "The crowd is... So what is happening here? I was just given an invitation here but the man who gave it wasn't giving many details." He also probably couldn't have described her face, but such things fail to concern the young female.

Another glance towards the back of the building would reveal that the Pith helmet-wearing journalist was now arguing with two guards, if her tomato-red face with any indication, but no one really was paying attention to that right now. What grabbed the attention of the crowd was the sudden static noise that indicated that the speakers on the stage were turned on, the electronic speakers. Not a minute later, the distinctive voice of Woody Guthrie is heard as he sang 'This Land is Your Land'. One could notice some in the crowd tearing up, but all remained silent. One voice tried singing along, but, after ten seconds without any support, fizzled out; It appears no one was in a singing mood today.

The guard looked stone-dead at Skylar before turning around to see where she is pointing. He looks back at her, bemused, "Missy...that is behind the stage which is off-limits. You can wait here for the 'journalist'..." he stopped to suppress a chuckle, "...but you are not taking a step further. You can also join that mutant there." He pointed at Astara in the distance.

The husky smiled sheepishly at Aaron, "Well, they did tell us to keep quiet, and I don't know anything about The Patriot." She then pointed at the stage before carrying on, "As for the group well...oh, okay." The husky moved away letting Aaron past.

The lady smiled at Astara, "Just doing my duty, Ma'am." She said with little humor as she, and her two colleagues, turned around to see the bunny coming along. "Sure thing, little rabbit. Keep an eye on her." The officer said with a chuckle, Aaron would also notice that he definitely never seen this lady before in Fairhaven.

The pamphlet Cream's hand gave out little factoids about 'the greatest country on Earth', modified for maximum patriotism, and vague promises about bringing it back, and how they must all unite and rebuild. Just the right mixture of fact, fiction, and hopes.

The human grunts as he feels Callidora crash into him, "You better be sorry..." he says as he turns around looking down, "Err, miss?" He said before shrugging at her questions, "Well, don't know much. This is my first time here as well."

Skylar blinks at the music, she doesn't recognize it, which confuses and kind of scares her even more seeing the people fall silent and try to sing it. Seeing Miru getting angry and being approached by more guards worries her. All this makes her look quite distressed. She jumps in place as the guard talks again, and quickly nods, lifting her hands up and nodding. "I, uh, I understand. Sorry. I'll wait here for my friend if you'd allow it." She says meekly before making certain her jacket's zipper is all the way up, after this, she simply crosses her arms and waits, if the guard allows her to.

Callidora smiles and also bats eyelashes, as she's learned that when dealing with a certain kind of male there is no overkill. She wraps her arm through his and presses close as if a little nervous, coincidentally pressing her breasts against him and making sure he can see down them if he turns to look at her. "Some of the people don't seem too friendly to mutants" she observes with the same air of someone noting what colour drapes are. "And who's that making trouble at the front? Oh, is it starting?"