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The Lady seems increasingly frustrated with the myriad of options, and Lilac&#39;s words ring true to her. &quot;Yes... I suppose you&#39;re right. To accept all at once would be to drown ourselves out. Very well... Very well.&quot; She straightens herself up a little more and holds out her palms. &quot;Representatives! Present your closing arguments. I will make my final decision.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Very well then.&quot; Emacs smiles, &quot;I am certainly quite happy to provide guarantees of logistic support and information services as you see fit. Zephyr is committed to building a brighter future, I&#39;ll come back to this in a moment, after I explain profit motive. We believe in profit. Until there exists an economy, we cannot achieve this so legitimately as our ethics and legal department would prefer. As a result, we can certainly provide supplies and tactical support for you for some period during and after the study ends. Eventually, however, we would want to find some means of earning something from you. I believe that I can offer you significant discounts for an indefinite period of time after the end of our agreement, but I cannot guarantee it for free.&quot;
The Lady seems increasingly frustrated with the myriad of options, and Lilac&#39;s words ring true to her. &quot;Yes... I suppose you&#39;re right. To accept all at once would be to drown ourselves out. Very well... Very well.&quot; She straightens herself up a little more and holds out her palms. &quot;Representatives! Present your closing arguments. I will make my final decision.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Very well then.&quot; Emacs smiles, &quot;I am certainly quite happy to provide guarantees of logistic support and information services as you see fit. Zephyr is committed to building a brighter future, I&#39;ll come back to this in a moment, after I explain profit motive. We believe in profit. Until there exists an economy, we cannot achieve this so legitimately as our ethics and legal department would prefer. As a result, we can certainly provide supplies and tactical support for you for some period during and after the study ends. Eventually, however, we would want to find some means of earning something from you. I believe that I can offer you significant discounts for an indefinite period of time after the end of our agreement, but I cannot guarantee it for free.&quot;
&quot;The future that we seek is inclusive. It includes all those that can come together under it and function together. We believe in capitalism, the partially regulated marketplace, and the private ownership common to the past. We can do better than that now though. Once we make fairhaven safe, we can improve human life like never before. If you don&#39;t want our technologies however, to produce the substances and industrial capacity we would need to continue this support indefinitely, you would have to develop it yourselves. I do not doubt that is easily within your grasp, but it is something that I believe I must be clear about. We can offer a very generous deal, but it can not last forever, and should you become dependent on us, I cannot imagine that pulling away while you are dependent on us would leave you with anything but bitter memories of us. And I do not wish to set a deal in motion for that to be the result. We will honor your stipulations, so stipulate to us the words that control our relationship. What we gain from this is immense, and you must have time enough to grow beyond the need of our support if you wish to ever do without it.&quot;
&quot;The future that we seek is inclusive. It includes all those that can come together under it and function together. We believe in capitalism, the partially regulated marketplace, and the private ownership common to the past. We can do better than that now though. Once we make fairhaven safe, we can improve human life like never before. If you don&#39;t want our technologies however, to produce the substances and industrial capacity we would need to continue this support indefinitely, you would have to develop it yourselves. I do not doubt that is easily within your grasp, but it is something that I believe I must be clear about. We can offer a very generous deal, but it can not last forever, and should you become dependent on us, I cannot imagine that pulling away while you are dependent on us would leave you with anything but bitter memories of us. And I do not wish to set a deal in motion for that to be the result. We will honor your stipulations, so stipulate to us the words that control our relationship. What we gain from this is immense, and you must have time enough to grow beyond the need of our support if you wish to ever do without it.&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion smiles at the Lady, &quot;You are most welcome. It is as I have already said, the K9s have always been there purely just to support and help people in need. To us any constructive society trying to rebuild will be provided protection so that they can do it on their own terms. In fact, we can easily provide you contacts to private individuals with different specialties who can help you slowly develop on your own terms without holding you on a leash. Experts to help teach your own people how to help themselves.&quot;
The poodle then shrugs, &quot;As for my other point, I would also like to actually explain a bit more. Zephyr is a profit-based company, but they are also a company of the old world, and they still practice the same profiteering techniques. If I had the time I could talk for ages about how many pre-nanite age companies traded with various native groups, exploiting them and leaving them either beholden to them or in the dirt once they have nothing else to gain. It is your choice which one of the big three you want to help, or even choose not to take their help. I personally would be more than happy to share more information about the old world if you wish, but as for the K9s...protection and aid. That is our offer essentially, but in the end we strive to ensure that you are helping yourselves, and we are there just here to ensure you are not preyed upon while you do that.&quot;<br> <br>Mokou looked back up to the Big Lady, that slight smile upon her maw seeming cemented. A difficulty, and a world of irritation, filtered through the eye of a needle, embeded within her gaze... within that smile. She lifted a hand, gesturing briefly about. &quot;Ma&#39;am... There exists no such thing as an impartial party. All bring in their standards and opinions themselves... Some to greater and lesser degree. Those who believe they are impartial in all matters either lie, or do not. Partiality gives one drive and stance. An impartial team would be just as likely to help you... as the Kaiju whom you fight.&quot; Her eyes closed, a smile that only gave half an honest answer was returned. &quot;Beward those whom claim they are impartial. They very well may be.&quot;
The little fennec shivered, her fur seeming to stand on end, body taunt as an arrow as those words left her... as other sensations clambered for her mind. Scratching and pleading for that which ever plagued her. Her head dipped, ears flicking back as she winced... glancing down... &quot;B-but... that is not... what you asked. You ask... for what we can offer. The easing of urges... Th-the... bringing of people back...&quot; The little lass trembled, her hands falling to her knees as she tried to speak, wringing out against those legs, gripping fur and... trying to speak. &quot;That is... Easy as it is complicated. To bring back to... th-the light... it is to bring back the mind of man to beast. T-to-to redeem humanity from those that have lost it. It is... Long. Arduious. Months of pain. Irritation. Sorrow. Yet... It works. Rarely, and with trouble... but it works. As fo-for...&quot; A wince... She shook her head. &quot;F-forgive me. It... is full of trouble as I said... B... But, they can ease some... trouble. Some desire. Hunger and... Want. Carnal and endless... It can be taught how to... ease it. But it by... by no means solves it.&quot; She drummed her fingers against her thigh, looking up briefly. &quot;You must.. understand. These... these things help. But they by no means... solve. You ask what we can offer. We offer... honestly. Clarity. Humanity. All the roadbumps... pain... and life that comes from it.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;I know -- I was going to bring that up, but I felt my argument need be brief. You have a perfectly functioning civilization here -- with defense and trade, you could prosper into your own city-state. It&#39;s important to say that... RSX has ideologies, but I doubt it&#39;d be forced on you. I, at least, respect that you have a society. Order. People are fed, clothed, bathed. Nobody needlessly bleeds, suffers, or dies. That&#39;s... well, what we care for. You seem to have that covered. We&#39;re not supremacists. We&#39;re not zealots. Our agents are professionals. If you instruct them to not interfere with your politics, they will not. If you instruct them to not broach a specific topic, they will not.&quot;
&quot;As a person... I&#39;m never sure I&#39;m doing the right thing. I&#39;m... well, I&#39;m not a good person, I think. I survive, I kill, I loot. RSX is part of what I do to keep my sanity -- it is not me. To that regard... I feel like the majority of RSX is made of better people than I. More optimistic, less pessimistic, less held down by old world blues. My ideologies are... strong. I fight with them all the time. But... they don&#39;t have that. The only way your people would be trained is to fight cohesively, strongly, effectively -- and small research teams would come later -- when you&#39;re comfortable with your exchange. As a line of contact, I believe we&#39;d be more than willing to make trades with you in the future -- given that your village of tiger will surely be, by that point, no longer just a village to trifle with.&quot; Phosphorus concludes, giving a respectful bow to the lady.<br> <br>Lilac nods at each in turn. &quot;Good points, from everyone. The Zephyr representative makes a good case, and it&#39;s worth pointing out that Zephyr command by far the most raw resources and ability to pull their weight around out of all the present.
RSX, on the other hand, offer an expertise that few others have in this day and age. What&#39;s more, they have fought more actively than any of the other factions due to the specific situation on Woodfield and the mutations there. They are experts at winning while surrounded and outnumbered.. Still.. I would be remiss if I did not bring up their ways can sometimes be overbearing.
The Prometheans.. have a connection with the affliction, and a practical understanding of the effects it has, and how to counter and mitigate them. They also, and often, work for the benfit of all without concern for their own direct profit, a quality the others.. don&#39;t entirely share.
She turns to Rokarion as she addresses the final faction. &quot;As for the K9, I don&#39;t know them very well, Big Lady. I loved the words spoken by the representative, and I did note that at no point did the representative mention *wanting* anything from the village, they simply offered to lend a hand. However.. they are a small group, and I don&#39;t know if their members would have much to offer that the village&#39;s own huntresses can&#39;t already match or beat.
She turns to the Big Lady, smiling. &quot;But the final call is yours, Big Lady. I implore you to choose one, but choose wisely. The interests of the village should be kept first and foremost.&quot;

Revision as of 01:00, 22 December 2017





A brief recess is called for the negotiations. The agents and the tigers aren't allowed to mingle while it's ongoing, so mostly it's just a lot of standing around the firepit chatting idly. Narwen is called off the scene by Zephyr to something he's desperately needed for; exactly what is not expanded upon, but he's off in a hurry and replaced with haste by Emacs. Once everyone's back in place, the Big Lady lets out a long sigh and rolls her hand in gesture. The shamans wobble again. They're gettin' real tired of that. She turns to each agent as she addresses them, "Alright, let's continue. Emacs, I welcome you to the discussions. I'd like to reiterate my previous questions: Mokou, how can I be sure the Prometheans will provide support regardless of our ideological differences? Phosphorus, explain how Zephyr and RSX differ significantly in their ideologies. Rokarion, please elaborate upon your distaste for Zephyr, preferably in a more constructive manner this time- if you are to make an accusation, I assume you also have something to back those words. Finally, Emacs! The previous representative suggested sending a scientific team to study the unique energies around the area without tapping into them. This is a tempting prospect, and I do have the means to watch over it, but what aid would we get in return?" With that, she lets out a soft 'phew' and listens intently.

"I am honored to join you in this negotation." Emacs says, "Let me be level with you. This is a false choice. We are capable of offering technological, logistical, and military support. RSX is capable of all these things. The Prometheans are capable of the latter two. Zephyr has no dogma to sell you on. We are professionals. We will not include frivolous morality clauses. We can offer these things, but there is a question, why would we not all be allowed to pursue our goals here? RSX and Zephyr have a long history of cooperation, and the Prometheans of charity."

"I will not suggest that you accept only Zephyr or exclude RSX or the prometheans. What point is there in that? We are all working to build a new world of some sort, and while I can't say that Zephyr's ideal world is the same as RSX's or the Promethean's, I suggest that we all convene a scientific team to jointly study the extraplanar power here. "

Rokarion raises a brow briefly before shaking his head, "If I sounded accusatory, then I apologize. Also, I do not have any personal dislike to Zephyr. I simply wanted to point out certain caveats that I thought the previous representative was underselling." He added with a nod before pursing his lips, thinking on a way to rephrase his thoughts. "Essentially, you have your village that you care about, want to see flourish, want to maintain its political and cultural identity, and want to ensure its independence from foreign influence." Roka said as his tail idly wagged behind him, "You also have a very lucrative resource that you are using as a negotiation tool. Zephyr is a company solely based with profit first and foremost. I am saying that they are not going to aid you in a way to ensure your independence from them. Yes, they will be quite helpful in developing with their technologies, but they will make sure that you will not end up in any position to ever stop 'trading' with them." The poodle then went silent, deciding this was enough for now.

Mokou quietly dipped her head, a quiet shiver running up her spine as she considered all that had been said. Her head dipped, ears folding back at the words that had been offered back. Kind words, full of concern, but yet all the same... Words of tact and wit. Sharp and prying. The quiet, aching throbs that assaulted her mind never ceased, never let up... but her muzzle turned. Words, sharp yet honest came from her. "The ideologies that they hold are their own. A protection of the weak, a strength of the strong, and that all might have their mind returned, in some manner. They believe that to act as a feral... the loosing of oneself by ones's own actions... It is difficult. It should not be. If that is not a part of your own... docterine... then I can't say they won't... attempt to influence you." A shake of her head, a tremble running down her tail before she gazed back up. "But they are one thing if nothing else. They would... and will... provide support if you let them. They have argued before for those whom they... disagree with. Violently. RSX and Zephyr too, to some degree. If you open the door... help will come. They may speak and wish you to familiarise yourself... but support will be given none the less. That is... all I can say for Promethian... For all of us. We can not exist alone. To be alone... to be in the dark by oneself..."

The little fennec dipped her head, that ever so familiar scent reaching up, speaking silent delight and irritation to her, a situation beyond that which was desired... yet it ever remained. A touch of a grin lighted upon her lips, the lass looking down. Not gazing up. Not looking to them. But words... precious and sharp. "But... As I said before, I represent Prometheans... and myself. And you asked something... difficult. For a Coup..." The little lass shook her head, not looking up. "Ma'am, I can no more predict such a situation than you. Think from your stance... If we were to support in a coup, whom would we support? How do you choose whom would recieve aid when both deserve it? How do you help sway the future of an independent tribe without influencing it? What can we do that would leave you happy? No... To act would be to throw our lot. Yet to not act would be to abandon you." Her lips held a sharp smile, eyes closing. Be silent. Be still. Don't step over your bounds... You are a representative. Yet her lips parted again. "... But. These words... they are my own. A coup... it exists for a reason. Good, bad, honest or no, it exists. Something creates that disconnect. No outside force in the world will resolve internal strife. That is something I am... intimatly familiar with..." But a single eye opened, the lass glancing up, her smile too toothy... "Then it comes upon the Tribe. The choice whether to heed the words of those below and resolve what is within, or to cling to what one knows towards the end. No good choice, but the only ones."

"RSX and Zephyr differ heavily ideologically." The panda appears more refreshed after the break, having hydrated and grabbed some local nibbles. Her dress uniform remains pristine, despite having been worn for a fair time, in a hot jungle. Takes effort, that. "Zephyr is motivated by naught but profit. They're... soulless, for lack of a better word. No offense to our Emacs, here. RSX, well... we're committed to restoring society. Perhaps not as noble as the Prometheans, in that we still do research and make profit, but it isn't our core goal. We are... people. Despite it all, you are people. That's what's most important, in the end, to us. That... well, society and order return. You seem to have a perfectly functional society here. I would like to remind you of our offer to train your populace to fight, in addition to supplementary defense. Also, if what our dear Promethean friend says is true... well, we would do our best to prevent a massacre. Our dear friend Rokarion comes from a Parliamentary Monarchy -- perhaps we could borrow the ideas of their government?" Phos continues, "RSX is not perfect. As a former technological and military contractor, it had a hand in developing the nanites. It was not ultimately our project, though, and I believe we only wrote different modules. Even after... P-Day, our history is bloodstained. Woodfield ferals are violent. That policy, the one that protected us, applied to first contact with Fairhaven. We've since changed, but... that image is etched into some Fairhaven residents' minds. I hope you understand... well, me telling you our main negatives, and why you should consider us despite this."

Lilac listens to the lengthy explanations from all the other representatives, trying to take it all into consideration. She stands up a bit straighter, tightening her bed of coils to gain a bit of height, and adds her own comment. "I would not want to let all three corporations into the village at once. Each of them is capable of keeping a low profile and minimizing their impact through coordination of their own resources, but it would be harder to coordinate with all the others in such an effective way. I think a gradual introduction of the outside world would be healthier for the tribe." She turns to the representatives, smiling. "And I would commend my representatives for remaining courteous despite the earlier aggravation. This is not a place to air grievances about each other per se, but about how we can work together with the Big Lady and the tribe for the betterment of all."

The Big Lady nods a bit while she listens to each argument provided. She acknowledges Emacs first. "Provided the proper incentive, everyone has their place here. I am largely uninterested in the equipment Zephyr can provide, though. I do not want us to become reliant on your technology. However, logistical assistance and back-up in the event of an attack are both things that could prove beneficial for us. We are willing to open trade and exchange knowledge between our warriors, without compromising our identity or independence. If you are as well, then I am more open to allowing study of the local energies to Zephyr. That said, your ideology is largely a mystery to me. I am curious about what future we will help build- for both our peoples- through our cooperation."

She turns to Rokarion and smiles warmly. "I understand your concerns and adopt them myself. It is good to hear the opinion of someone who has experience here. I will take this into consideration during these negotiations. As for the K9 Unit, your sincerity, honesty and desire to assist is refreshing, and if you are their representative then I am willing to deeply consider accepting your offer of assistance."

Her gaze falls once more on Mokou, a little more grave this time. "Your perspectives are... Interesting, on this matter. Very interesting. Your ability to admit to what you have speaks volumes of you and your people. I suppose, then, that our differences will simply have to be resolved through continued diplomacy, should we ally. I am not averse to this, however... Hrm. What, then, would you provide in assistance to our tribe that more impartial parties have not? I have heard stories of Promethean medicine and treatments. Curing urges with a gentle touch, guiding those of wayward mind back to 'the Light', but I don't know what any of it actually means. Perhaps you could elaborate."

Now Phosphorus. "Society and order need not 'return' here as it is already present. That said, I do understand what you're getting at. I appreciate your conviction and I believe we could learn something from it, but by the very nature of your origins I feel I should be very cautious. Zephyr may have its heart in profit, but profiteers can be given a tight leash. Someone who believes they're doing the right thing, however..." She shudders. "I know all too well the dangers of holding onto something so tightly that it is crushed in your palm. That all being said, I would never want my people trained by anyone who lacks conviction, and I suppose in a way I can trust RSX for consistency, if little else..."

The Lady seems increasingly frustrated with the myriad of options, and Lilac's words ring true to her. "Yes... I suppose you're right. To accept all at once would be to drown ourselves out. Very well... Very well." She straightens herself up a little more and holds out her palms. "Representatives! Present your closing arguments. I will make my final decision."

"Very well then." Emacs smiles, "I am certainly quite happy to provide guarantees of logistic support and information services as you see fit. Zephyr is committed to building a brighter future, I'll come back to this in a moment, after I explain profit motive. We believe in profit. Until there exists an economy, we cannot achieve this so legitimately as our ethics and legal department would prefer. As a result, we can certainly provide supplies and tactical support for you for some period during and after the study ends. Eventually, however, we would want to find some means of earning something from you. I believe that I can offer you significant discounts for an indefinite period of time after the end of our agreement, but I cannot guarantee it for free."

"The future that we seek is inclusive. It includes all those that can come together under it and function together. We believe in capitalism, the partially regulated marketplace, and the private ownership common to the past. We can do better than that now though. Once we make fairhaven safe, we can improve human life like never before. If you don't want our technologies however, to produce the substances and industrial capacity we would need to continue this support indefinitely, you would have to develop it yourselves. I do not doubt that is easily within your grasp, but it is something that I believe I must be clear about. We can offer a very generous deal, but it can not last forever, and should you become dependent on us, I cannot imagine that pulling away while you are dependent on us would leave you with anything but bitter memories of us. And I do not wish to set a deal in motion for that to be the result. We will honor your stipulations, so stipulate to us the words that control our relationship. What we gain from this is immense, and you must have time enough to grow beyond the need of our support if you wish to ever do without it."

Rokarion smiles at the Lady, "You are most welcome. It is as I have already said, the K9s have always been there purely just to support and help people in need. To us any constructive society trying to rebuild will be provided protection so that they can do it on their own terms. In fact, we can easily provide you contacts to private individuals with different specialties who can help you slowly develop on your own terms without holding you on a leash. Experts to help teach your own people how to help themselves."

The poodle then shrugs, "As for my other point, I would also like to actually explain a bit more. Zephyr is a profit-based company, but they are also a company of the old world, and they still practice the same profiteering techniques. If I had the time I could talk for ages about how many pre-nanite age companies traded with various native groups, exploiting them and leaving them either beholden to them or in the dirt once they have nothing else to gain. It is your choice which one of the big three you want to help, or even choose not to take their help. I personally would be more than happy to share more information about the old world if you wish, but as for the K9s...protection and aid. That is our offer essentially, but in the end we strive to ensure that you are helping yourselves, and we are there just here to ensure you are not preyed upon while you do that."

Mokou looked back up to the Big Lady, that slight smile upon her maw seeming cemented. A difficulty, and a world of irritation, filtered through the eye of a needle, embeded within her gaze... within that smile. She lifted a hand, gesturing briefly about. "Ma'am... There exists no such thing as an impartial party. All bring in their standards and opinions themselves... Some to greater and lesser degree. Those who believe they are impartial in all matters either lie, or do not. Partiality gives one drive and stance. An impartial team would be just as likely to help you... as the Kaiju whom you fight." Her eyes closed, a smile that only gave half an honest answer was returned. "Beward those whom claim they are impartial. They very well may be."

The little fennec shivered, her fur seeming to stand on end, body taunt as an arrow as those words left her... as other sensations clambered for her mind. Scratching and pleading for that which ever plagued her. Her head dipped, ears flicking back as she winced... glancing down... "B-but... that is not... what you asked. You ask... for what we can offer. The easing of urges... Th-the... bringing of people back..." The little lass trembled, her hands falling to her knees as she tried to speak, wringing out against those legs, gripping fur and... trying to speak. "That is... Easy as it is complicated. To bring back to... th-the light... it is to bring back the mind of man to beast. T-to-to redeem humanity from those that have lost it. It is... Long. Arduious. Months of pain. Irritation. Sorrow. Yet... It works. Rarely, and with trouble... but it works. As fo-for..." A wince... She shook her head. "F-forgive me. It... is full of trouble as I said... B... But, they can ease some... trouble. Some desire. Hunger and... Want. Carnal and endless... It can be taught how to... ease it. But it by... by no means solves it." She drummed her fingers against her thigh, looking up briefly. "You must.. understand. These... these things help. But they by no means... solve. You ask what we can offer. We offer... honestly. Clarity. Humanity. All the roadbumps... pain... and life that comes from it."

"I know -- I was going to bring that up, but I felt my argument need be brief. You have a perfectly functioning civilization here -- with defense and trade, you could prosper into your own city-state. It's important to say that... RSX has ideologies, but I doubt it'd be forced on you. I, at least, respect that you have a society. Order. People are fed, clothed, bathed. Nobody needlessly bleeds, suffers, or dies. That's... well, what we care for. You seem to have that covered. We're not supremacists. We're not zealots. Our agents are professionals. If you instruct them to not interfere with your politics, they will not. If you instruct them to not broach a specific topic, they will not."

"As a person... I'm never sure I'm doing the right thing. I'm... well, I'm not a good person, I think. I survive, I kill, I loot. RSX is part of what I do to keep my sanity -- it is not me. To that regard... I feel like the majority of RSX is made of better people than I. More optimistic, less pessimistic, less held down by old world blues. My ideologies are... strong. I fight with them all the time. But... they don't have that. The only way your people would be trained is to fight cohesively, strongly, effectively -- and small research teams would come later -- when you're comfortable with your exchange. As a line of contact, I believe we'd be more than willing to make trades with you in the future -- given that your village of tiger will surely be, by that point, no longer just a village to trifle with." Phosphorus concludes, giving a respectful bow to the lady.

Lilac nods at each in turn. "Good points, from everyone. The Zephyr representative makes a good case, and it's worth pointing out that Zephyr command by far the most raw resources and ability to pull their weight around out of all the present.

RSX, on the other hand, offer an expertise that few others have in this day and age. What's more, they have fought more actively than any of the other factions due to the specific situation on Woodfield and the mutations there. They are experts at winning while surrounded and outnumbered.. Still.. I would be remiss if I did not bring up their ways can sometimes be overbearing.

The Prometheans.. have a connection with the affliction, and a practical understanding of the effects it has, and how to counter and mitigate them. They also, and often, work for the benfit of all without concern for their own direct profit, a quality the others.. don't entirely share.

She turns to Rokarion as she addresses the final faction. "As for the K9, I don't know them very well, Big Lady. I loved the words spoken by the representative, and I did note that at no point did the representative mention *wanting* anything from the village, they simply offered to lend a hand. However.. they are a small group, and I don't know if their members would have much to offer that the village's own huntresses can't already match or beat.

She turns to the Big Lady, smiling. "But the final call is yours, Big Lady. I implore you to choose one, but choose wisely. The interests of the village should be kept first and foremost."