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<div></div><br> <br>FWOOSH!  The roar of the RPG over your heads as it detonates on the nearby building ahead of you, missing ONLY because of the orders given, reminds you that you have 2 SWAT teams of Wolves behind you baying for blood and giving you chase with fire and maneuver.  The snap and whizzes of bullets passing by you, chipping away at concrete and asphalt ensures your feet continue to move as you approach &#39;No Man&#39;s Land&#39; that rested between this pack of Wolf Beasts, and the tribe of Shadow Dragons.<br> <br>Vayne is sprinting down the street with the &quot;head&quot; tucked under one arm like a football player returning a kickoff, the speed tigress actually having to pace herself so as not to outrun her fellows.  &quot;Ohshitohshitohshitohshit!.... I FORGOT THEY HAD ROCKET LAUNCHERS!&quot;  screams over the sound of gunfire and the explosions.  She leaps over an old dilapidated car that has long since been stripped down to the frame, and now even the frame itself has met its end as bullets clank into it like rain on a tin roof.  A single bullet goes wizzing past her hat, knocking a little bit out of the blue gryphon feather tucked therein. &quot;Jesus.. are these guys do realize they don&#39;t hand out Oscars anymore right?&quot; she mutters to herself in mid scamper, making sure to stay close to Myung as they run towards dragon territory.<br> <br>Simenio is sprinting down the street at... nearly his top speed, though he does make sure never to get too far ahead of or behind the rest of the party.  He... wasn&#39;t the fastest runner, so getting too far ahead wasn&#39;t a problem, but... he could definitely move fast enough to avoid falling behind.  Of course... he may even be running faster than normal, considering they were currently under heavy fire from many weapons that would hurt a great deal were he to actually be hit... not that the wolves were actually trying to hit them in the first place.  &quot;Well... we c-can&#39;t say they weren&#39;t giving th-this their all, at l-least....&quot;  He mumbles, lowering himself down a little bit to help stay out of sight of the gunmen... he barley even breaks stride to do so, though.<br> <br>Myung ducks to avoid the spray of bullets whizzing by, only halfway acting - knowing that the ones firing were ordered not to kill them didn&#39;t make being shot at any less strenuous, so it didn&#39;t take much work to act terrified and, dropping to all fours and scrambling madly away from the pack of wolves behind them. He&#39;s careful to maintain focus on the &#39;head&#39; of Greg under Vayne&#39;s arm the entire time, though, fashioning an uncanny recreation of the alpha&#39;s head - with a few nice little touches to really sell it as a trophy from a hard-fought battle in the thick, matted fur stained red around the neck and a few little scorch marks here and there for good measure. He jumps  back when a bullet lands close to his feet with a yelp, cursing under his breath. &quot;They could aim a *little* worse, is all I&#39;m saying.&quot; the coyote growls irritably, casting a quick glance over his shoulder but not daring to slow down or linger<br> <br>Hey Nekura isn&#39;t /that/ slow though her fleeing probably looks a lot more believable since she&#39;s in her own dragon form and apparently in flight from the mean old puppies. This isn&#39;t the kind of rocket she wants to be on the receiving end of!<br> <br>As the team of agents enter the borderzone, the Dragon&#39;s jump in, throwing fire at the wolves who immedately take cover.  With teh &#39;image&#39; of having slain the wolves leader and now on the run, the Dragon&#39;s were quick to cover the &#39;mercenaries&#39;.  Because if this worked out, they wouldn&#39;t be getting shot at anymore soon!<br> <br>Vayne Ducks out of the main line of fire and laughs in victory.  &quot;Wheeew... now THAT is my kind of walk through the rain...&quot; she grins at the nearest dragons as she slows to brisk walk in the direction of the Dragon Lords tower, the &quot;head&quot; tucked under her arm with only an old, blood dripping T-shirt holding it.  The piratical mercenary winks to Myung and then focuses her own nano-magic which has absolutly no effect except to make Myung&#39;s efforts easier and more effective.  &quot;Give&#39;em hell boys!&quot; she shouts to the Dragons &quot;But take some pity, after all.. they did just loose their mommy.&quot; she snerks like the vicous bitch that she is, waggling the head at the &quot;friendlies&quot; but never for too long.  <br> <br>Simenio doesn&#39;t waste his time disappearing into cover when the dragons appear, taking a few deep breathes just to get rid of that fight or flight response before he straightens himself up again, and he even pauses for a moment just to look over his lab coat, brushing off any dust or dirt that may have gotten onto it as he does so.  Finally he moves to his normal position just behind Vayne once more, and he even gives the dragons a small smile as well as a wave as they begin to push back the wolves.  &quot;I... r-really hope that I never h-have to do something like th-that again anytime soon.  Getting shot at w-was bad enough, but the f-fact that they had ex-explosives...,&quot; he trails off, shivering a little before continuing on, &quot;I&#39;m just gl-glad that no one got h-hit.&quot;<br> <br>Myung casts a glance back at Vayne&#39;s hat and cracks a grin, looking over at Simenio. &quot;Well, nobody hit badly anyway..&quot; He heaves a sigh of relief that was quite genuine at getting out of the line of fire. &quot;Well, head for a feather, not a terrible trade.&quot;<br> <br>Nekura meanwhile is just happy to no longer be dodging bullets and rockets though it seems they aren&#39;t really slowing down much. If anything she really can&#39;t wait to see the leader get blown up and his spot e taken by the dragoness they met at the entrance earlier. Also she might or might have ulterior motives for such a desire but that&#39;s tbesides the point.<br> <br>As they approach teh tower, it seems word of their exploit has already been making it&#39;s way ahead of them, as they&#39;re asked to meet with Bahenmut immedately, even getting teh dubious honor of being flown up to him (for those that didn&#39;t appear able to fly on their own anyways), and brought before the large being, lounging on their &#39;throne&#39;, Hestis nearby and looking very unhappy with teh collar and leash that has appeared to grace her neck, and keeping her within easy reach of the seat.
<div></div><br> <br>FWOOSH!  The roar of the RPG over your heads as it detonates on the nearby building ahead of you, missing ONLY because of the orders given, reminds you that you have 2 SWAT teams of Wolves behind you baying for blood and giving you chase with fire and maneuver.  The snap and whizzes of bullets passing by you, chipping away at concrete and asphalt ensures your feet continue to move as you approach &#39;No Man&#39;s Land&#39; that rested between this pack of Wolf Beasts, and the tribe of Shadow Dragons.<br> <br>Vayne is sprinting down the street with the &quot;head&quot; tucked under one arm like a football player returning a kickoff, the speed tigress actually having to pace herself so as not to outrun her fellows.  &quot;Ohshitohshitohshitohshit!.... I FORGOT THEY HAD ROCKET LAUNCHERS!&quot;  screams over the sound of gunfire and the explosions.  She leaps over an old dilapidated car that has long since been stripped down to the frame, and now even the frame itself has met its end as bullets clank into it like rain on a tin roof.  A single bullet goes wizzing past her hat, knocking a little bit out of the blue gryphon feather tucked therein. &quot;Jesus.. are these guys do realize they don&#39;t hand out Oscars anymore right?&quot; she mutters to herself in mid scamper, making sure to stay close to Myung as they run towards dragon territory.<br> <br>Simenio is sprinting down the street at... nearly his top speed, though he does make sure never to get too far ahead of or behind the rest of the party.  He... wasn&#39;t the fastest runner, so getting too far ahead wasn&#39;t a problem, but... he could definitely move fast enough to avoid falling behind.  Of course... he may even be running faster than normal, considering they were currently under heavy fire from many weapons that would hurt a great deal were he to actually be hit... not that the wolves were actually trying to hit them in the first place.  &quot;Well... we c-can&#39;t say they weren&#39;t giving th-this their all, at l-least....&quot;  He mumbles, lowering himself down a little bit to help stay out of sight of the gunmen... he barley even breaks stride to do so, though.<br> <br>Myung ducks to avoid the spray of bullets whizzing by, only halfway acting - knowing that the ones firing were ordered not to kill them didn&#39;t make being shot at any less strenuous, so it didn&#39;t take much work to act terrified and, dropping to all fours and scrambling madly away from the pack of wolves behind them. He&#39;s careful to maintain focus on the &#39;head&#39; of Greg under Vayne&#39;s arm the entire time, though, fashioning an uncanny recreation of the alpha&#39;s head - with a few nice little touches to really sell it as a trophy from a hard-fought battle in the thick, matted fur stained red around the neck and a few little scorch marks here and there for good measure. He jumps  back when a bullet lands close to his feet with a yelp, cursing under his breath. &quot;They could aim a *little* worse, is all I&#39;m saying.&quot; the coyote growls irritably, casting a quick glance over his shoulder but not daring to slow down or linger<br> <br>Hey Nekura isn&#39;t /that/ slow though her fleeing probably looks a lot more believable since she&#39;s in her own dragon form and apparently in flight from the mean old puppies. This isn&#39;t the kind of rocket she wants to be on the receiving end of!<br> <br>As the team of agents enter the borderzone, the Dragon&#39;s jump in, throwing fire at the wolves who immedately take cover.  With teh &#39;image&#39; of having slain the wolves leader and now on the run, the Dragon&#39;s were quick to cover the &#39;mercenaries&#39;.  Because if this worked out, they wouldn&#39;t be getting shot at anymore soon!<br> <br>Vayne Ducks out of the main line of fire and laughs in victory.  &quot;Wheeew... now THAT is my kind of walk through the rain...&quot; she grins at the nearest dragons as she slows to brisk walk in the direction of the Dragon Lords tower, the &quot;head&quot; tucked under her arm with only an old, blood dripping T-shirt holding it.  The piratical mercenary winks to Myung and then focuses her own nano-magic which has absolutly no effect except to make Myung&#39;s efforts easier and more effective.  &quot;Give&#39;em hell boys!&quot; she shouts to the Dragons &quot;But take some pity, after all.. they did just loose their mommy.&quot; she snerks like the vicous bitch that she is, waggling the head at the &quot;friendlies&quot; but never for too long.  <br> <br>Simenio doesn&#39;t waste his time disappearing into cover when the dragons appear, taking a few deep breathes just to get rid of that fight or flight response before he straightens himself up again, and he even pauses for a moment just to look over his lab coat, brushing off any dust or dirt that may have gotten onto it as he does so.  Finally he moves to his normal position just behind Vayne once more, and he even gives the dragons a small smile as well as a wave as they begin to push back the wolves.  &quot;I... r-really hope that I never h-have to do something like th-that again anytime soon.  Getting shot at w-was bad enough, but the f-fact that they had ex-explosives...,&quot; he trails off, shivering a little before continuing on, &quot;I&#39;m just gl-glad that no one got h-hit.&quot;<br> <br>Myung casts a glance back at Vayne&#39;s hat and cracks a grin, looking over at Simenio. &quot;Well, nobody hit badly anyway..&quot; He heaves a sigh of relief that was quite genuine at getting out of the line of fire. &quot;Well, head for a feather, not a terrible trade.&quot;<br> <br>Nekura meanwhile is just happy to no longer be dodging bullets and rockets though it seems they aren&#39;t really slowing down much. If anything she really can&#39;t wait to see the leader get blown up and his spot e taken by the dragoness they met at the entrance earlier. Also she might or might have ulterior motives for such a desire but that&#39;s tbesides the point.<br> <br>As they approach teh tower, it seems word of their exploit has already been making it&#39;s way ahead of them, as they&#39;re asked to meet with Bahenmut immedately, even getting teh dubious honor of being flown up to him (for those that didn&#39;t appear able to fly on their own anyways), and brought before the large being, lounging on their &#39;throne&#39;, Hestis nearby and looking very unhappy with teh collar and leash that has appeared to grace her neck, and keeping her within easy reach of the seat.
&quot;So!  My wonderous mercenaries bring me the most wonderful of gifts.  I think I might actually honor my statement of making you slaves of importatance in my tribe.  After all, I AM looking for a new Commander to lead my warriors into battle.&quot; He says, grinning as he leans forward, those massive jugs hanging freely.  &quot;Tell me, is that Greg&#39;s head?&quot;
&quot;So!  My wonderous mercenaries bring me the most wonderful of gifts.  I think I might actually honor my statement of making you slaves of importatance in my tribe.  After all, I AM looking for a new Commander to lead my warriors into battle.&quot; He says, grinning as he leans forward, those massive jugs hanging freely.  &quot;Tell me, is that Greg&#39;s head?&quot;<br> <br>Vayne Yips merrily as she&#39;s flown up the tower, swinging back and forth in the hands the grip her and generally acting like an adrenaline junkie. (go figure)  Once they land she dusts off her clothes casually and casts a side long look at Myung and give the coyote a nod to start concentrating for all he&#39;s worth.  She half strides half sashays towards Lord Bahenmut and takes of her hat to sweep a gallent bow, the &quot;head&quot; still tucked beneath her other arm.  She rises and gives the Lord a wicked and perverse little grin. &quot;It certainly bares her likeness. &quot; her smile withers slightly &quot;You never mentioned she was pregnant, My lord.  I&#39;m not generally squeamish but that means I have taken TWO lives for you, not one.  My fee is higherfo&quot; her eyes slide around the room as if making a decision before she levels an arm, her finger outstretched towards Hestis.  &quot;Her.&quot; She nearly hisses.  &quot;Your lord never asked me to overlook your disrespect Hestis, so you must pay for itfoat my leisure.&quot;  She turns turns her head towards Bahenmut.  &quot;grant me her to do with as I please, and I shall lay your enemies head in your lap, and may even take you up on your offer to lead your forces. &quot; she glances around at the assembled dragons &quot;after all, I&#39;ve always looked good in black.&quot;  The cocky tigress stands casually, on leg In front of the other, her pointing arm moving back to flip her hair over her shoulder, while the other holds the head so that the face is pointed towards Bahenmut, if he looks he&#39;l l probably recognize Greg.<br> <br>Simenio actually seems... quite happy himself that they&#39;re flown up there, the small smile on his face... a little bit larger than usual.  He&#39;s not making any noise or swing about like Vayne, but... he at least seems to have fun in the air.  That smiles is quick to fade though, when he spots the new collar and leash attached to Hestis.  He shifts around in place a bit, frowning a little now, but... he does hold his tongue.  At the mention of being made slaves again, his ears perk up a little and he gives a shake of his head, moving to stand a bit closer behind Vayne as he does so.  Letting her handle negotiations seemed like a good idea... after all... anything he could say right now would probably only make things worse for them....<br> <br>Myung certainly didn&#39;t seem thrilled about the generous airlift up to the top of the tower. Good time for him to mention that fear of heights? Probably not, and he keeps his mouth shut... once they are before Behenmut, he lowers his head and shuts his mouth tighter still, keeping quiet during the interaction with the dragonlord, though one eye remains trained on the hulking dragon, measuring his reactions to Vayne&#39;s demands. Moment of truth...<br> <br>Nekura is happy to fly up on her own power though her poor insides had finally stopped aching and thus it wasn&#39;t a big deal to power her own movements. When they come to the room though she ends up inwardly eyerolling at the hermdragon&#39;s words to them but mostly stays quiet for the time being.<br> <br>&quot;Hmmm, how about no.  Give me Greg&#39;s head.  And besides, I didn&#39;t realize Greg had gotten bitchified.  It&#39;s nice to fianlly have that cock-sucking no-good fucking cop dead.  And pregnant?  Ha!  Even better.&quot; Behenmut says, grinning the whole while.  &quot;Hestis is mine.  But, if you want another of hte bitches of this tribe, we can talk.  Afterall, you&#39;ll still be under me when it comes to who&#39;s in charge.&quot;<br> <br>Vayne&#39;s cocky smile turns into a bit of a frown.  &quot;As my lord decree&#39;s&quot; she starts to sashay towards the Dragonlord, moving the head into a two handed grip so he can see the muzzled face coming.  &quot;at least allow me the pleasure of holding her leash as you hold up your trophy so your tribe can see the results of your ruthless intellect as well as your physical might.&quot;  She makes it sound like she&#39;s begging the lord for his favor, like a proper subservient yet domineering bitch should beg.<br> <br>Simenio hands back with Myung and Nekura as Vayne moves forward, though the fact that he was no longer hidden behind the tigress... does seem to make him a little more nervous.  He shifts around a bit, his frown deepening just a little at the dragon lord&#39;s mention of them being made into servants once more... he definitely didn&#39;t seem to enjoy that idea... even if he knew that it wasn&#39;t actually going to happen....  He continues with his silence for now though, giving a quick tug of his collar as his uncomfortable shifting continues, his eyes never leaving his feet for more than a second.<br> <br>Meanwhile Nekura decides to do what she can to get Hestis away from the annoying herm on the throne by moving over and starting to make out with her. Since she already has a wonderful trampstamp on her butt from him she shouldn&#39;t need permission after all, no? Considering what she&#39;s seen of him so far he&#39;ll probably enjoy watching it though she gives the other dragoness squinty eyes to keep quiet and not make a fuss. In truth she isn&#39;t even putting much effort into the act itself and instead keeping her muscles tensed in readiness to move them aside so Vayne get blow her load.<br> <br>As Vayne offers up the head, Behenmut grabs ahold of it, and with a grin that wouldn&#39;t look at all strange on a mentally deranged killer, opened his mouth and swallowed the &#39;head&#39; whole, only chewing enough to make it easier to swallow.  With a content sigh, he leans back and smiles.  &quot;Well done.  I&#39;m sure someone can help you get your quarters, each receiving a position appropriate of your, individual stations.&quot; He states, not realizing what he&#39;d just swallowed wasn&#39;t a skull, dispite teh crunch from it, but in fact, a rather large bomb.<br> <br>Vayne blinks and steps back.. this.. couldn&#39;t really have gone much better, she looks at Nekura and gives the Dragoness a nod, she&#39;ll know the signal when it is given.  The tigress turns and walks away her back to the Dragon lord, after all his opinion of her no longer matters, or at least wont matter for very long.  No this next bit is for the crowd.  She stops walking when she&#39;s about 7 feet from the crowd, glaring at them with a wicked predatory smile to back them up just a few extra steps and then she simply stops walking her heels making a final click on the solid rooftop as she stops.  The behatted tigress stands in a theatrical pose, looking down at her shoulder in a sultry femme fatale sort of way as she speaks.  &quot;Oh and Fredrick.. there are two things you should probably know.&quot;  Her left arm rises so that her elbow is pressed against her side her fingers facing upwards as though she is about to snap them.  &quot;The first is that I am no one&#39;s slave.  I take slaves.. I don&#39;t become them.&quot;  She lets that sink in a moment.  &quot;The second, is that you&#39;re a cheapskate&quot;  at this point she nods to Nekura to get Hestis out of the way toot sweet while her own ears fold down against her head like a pissed off cats ears tend to do.  &quot;and the wolves made a much better offer.&quot;  The tigress snaps her fingers.

Revision as of 07:40, 9 January 2016





FWOOSH! The roar of the RPG over your heads as it detonates on the nearby building ahead of you, missing ONLY because of the orders given, reminds you that you have 2 SWAT teams of Wolves behind you baying for blood and giving you chase with fire and maneuver. The snap and whizzes of bullets passing by you, chipping away at concrete and asphalt ensures your feet continue to move as you approach 'No Man's Land' that rested between this pack of Wolf Beasts, and the tribe of Shadow Dragons.

Vayne is sprinting down the street with the "head" tucked under one arm like a football player returning a kickoff, the speed tigress actually having to pace herself so as not to outrun her fellows. "Ohshitohshitohshitohshit!.... I FORGOT THEY HAD ROCKET LAUNCHERS!" screams over the sound of gunfire and the explosions. She leaps over an old dilapidated car that has long since been stripped down to the frame, and now even the frame itself has met its end as bullets clank into it like rain on a tin roof. A single bullet goes wizzing past her hat, knocking a little bit out of the blue gryphon feather tucked therein. "Jesus.. are these guys do realize they don't hand out Oscars anymore right?" she mutters to herself in mid scamper, making sure to stay close to Myung as they run towards dragon territory.

Simenio is sprinting down the street at... nearly his top speed, though he does make sure never to get too far ahead of or behind the rest of the party. He... wasn't the fastest runner, so getting too far ahead wasn't a problem, but... he could definitely move fast enough to avoid falling behind. Of course... he may even be running faster than normal, considering they were currently under heavy fire from many weapons that would hurt a great deal were he to actually be hit... not that the wolves were actually trying to hit them in the first place. "Well... we c-can't say they weren't giving th-this their all, at l-least...." He mumbles, lowering himself down a little bit to help stay out of sight of the gunmen... he barley even breaks stride to do so, though.

Myung ducks to avoid the spray of bullets whizzing by, only halfway acting - knowing that the ones firing were ordered not to kill them didn't make being shot at any less strenuous, so it didn't take much work to act terrified and, dropping to all fours and scrambling madly away from the pack of wolves behind them. He's careful to maintain focus on the 'head' of Greg under Vayne's arm the entire time, though, fashioning an uncanny recreation of the alpha's head - with a few nice little touches to really sell it as a trophy from a hard-fought battle in the thick, matted fur stained red around the neck and a few little scorch marks here and there for good measure. He jumps back when a bullet lands close to his feet with a yelp, cursing under his breath. "They could aim a *little* worse, is all I'm saying." the coyote growls irritably, casting a quick glance over his shoulder but not daring to slow down or linger

Hey Nekura isn't /that/ slow though her fleeing probably looks a lot more believable since she's in her own dragon form and apparently in flight from the mean old puppies. This isn't the kind of rocket she wants to be on the receiving end of!

As the team of agents enter the borderzone, the Dragon's jump in, throwing fire at the wolves who immedately take cover. With teh 'image' of having slain the wolves leader and now on the run, the Dragon's were quick to cover the 'mercenaries'. Because if this worked out, they wouldn't be getting shot at anymore soon!

Vayne Ducks out of the main line of fire and laughs in victory. "Wheeew... now THAT is my kind of walk through the rain..." she grins at the nearest dragons as she slows to brisk walk in the direction of the Dragon Lords tower, the "head" tucked under her arm with only an old, blood dripping T-shirt holding it. The piratical mercenary winks to Myung and then focuses her own nano-magic which has absolutly no effect except to make Myung's efforts easier and more effective. "Give'em hell boys!" she shouts to the Dragons "But take some pity, after all.. they did just loose their mommy." she snerks like the vicous bitch that she is, waggling the head at the "friendlies" but never for too long.

Simenio doesn't waste his time disappearing into cover when the dragons appear, taking a few deep breathes just to get rid of that fight or flight response before he straightens himself up again, and he even pauses for a moment just to look over his lab coat, brushing off any dust or dirt that may have gotten onto it as he does so. Finally he moves to his normal position just behind Vayne once more, and he even gives the dragons a small smile as well as a wave as they begin to push back the wolves. "I... r-really hope that I never h-have to do something like th-that again anytime soon. Getting shot at w-was bad enough, but the f-fact that they had ex-explosives...," he trails off, shivering a little before continuing on, "I'm just gl-glad that no one got h-hit."

Myung casts a glance back at Vayne's hat and cracks a grin, looking over at Simenio. "Well, nobody hit badly anyway.." He heaves a sigh of relief that was quite genuine at getting out of the line of fire. "Well, head for a feather, not a terrible trade."

Nekura meanwhile is just happy to no longer be dodging bullets and rockets though it seems they aren't really slowing down much. If anything she really can't wait to see the leader get blown up and his spot e taken by the dragoness they met at the entrance earlier. Also she might or might have ulterior motives for such a desire but that's tbesides the point.

As they approach teh tower, it seems word of their exploit has already been making it's way ahead of them, as they're asked to meet with Bahenmut immedately, even getting teh dubious honor of being flown up to him (for those that didn't appear able to fly on their own anyways), and brought before the large being, lounging on their 'throne', Hestis nearby and looking very unhappy with teh collar and leash that has appeared to grace her neck, and keeping her within easy reach of the seat.

"So! My wonderous mercenaries bring me the most wonderful of gifts. I think I might actually honor my statement of making you slaves of importatance in my tribe. After all, I AM looking for a new Commander to lead my warriors into battle." He says, grinning as he leans forward, those massive jugs hanging freely. "Tell me, is that Greg's head?"

Vayne Yips merrily as she's flown up the tower, swinging back and forth in the hands the grip her and generally acting like an adrenaline junkie. (go figure) Once they land she dusts off her clothes casually and casts a side long look at Myung and give the coyote a nod to start concentrating for all he's worth. She half strides half sashays towards Lord Bahenmut and takes of her hat to sweep a gallent bow, the "head" still tucked beneath her other arm. She rises and gives the Lord a wicked and perverse little grin. "It certainly bares her likeness. " her smile withers slightly "You never mentioned she was pregnant, My lord. I'm not generally squeamish but that means I have taken TWO lives for you, not one. My fee is higherfo" her eyes slide around the room as if making a decision before she levels an arm, her finger outstretched towards Hestis. "Her." She nearly hisses. "Your lord never asked me to overlook your disrespect Hestis, so you must pay for itfoat my leisure." She turns turns her head towards Bahenmut. "grant me her to do with as I please, and I shall lay your enemies head in your lap, and may even take you up on your offer to lead your forces. " she glances around at the assembled dragons "after all, I've always looked good in black." The cocky tigress stands casually, on leg In front of the other, her pointing arm moving back to flip her hair over her shoulder, while the other holds the head so that the face is pointed towards Bahenmut, if he looks he'l l probably recognize Greg.

Simenio actually seems... quite happy himself that they're flown up there, the small smile on his face... a little bit larger than usual. He's not making any noise or swing about like Vayne, but... he at least seems to have fun in the air. That smiles is quick to fade though, when he spots the new collar and leash attached to Hestis. He shifts around in place a bit, frowning a little now, but... he does hold his tongue. At the mention of being made slaves again, his ears perk up a little and he gives a shake of his head, moving to stand a bit closer behind Vayne as he does so. Letting her handle negotiations seemed like a good idea... after all... anything he could say right now would probably only make things worse for them....

Myung certainly didn't seem thrilled about the generous airlift up to the top of the tower. Good time for him to mention that fear of heights? Probably not, and he keeps his mouth shut... once they are before Behenmut, he lowers his head and shuts his mouth tighter still, keeping quiet during the interaction with the dragonlord, though one eye remains trained on the hulking dragon, measuring his reactions to Vayne's demands. Moment of truth...

Nekura is happy to fly up on her own power though her poor insides had finally stopped aching and thus it wasn't a big deal to power her own movements. When they come to the room though she ends up inwardly eyerolling at the hermdragon's words to them but mostly stays quiet for the time being.

"Hmmm, how about no. Give me Greg's head. And besides, I didn't realize Greg had gotten bitchified. It's nice to fianlly have that cock-sucking no-good fucking cop dead. And pregnant? Ha! Even better." Behenmut says, grinning the whole while. "Hestis is mine. But, if you want another of hte bitches of this tribe, we can talk. Afterall, you'll still be under me when it comes to who's in charge."

Vayne's cocky smile turns into a bit of a frown. "As my lord decree's" she starts to sashay towards the Dragonlord, moving the head into a two handed grip so he can see the muzzled face coming. "at least allow me the pleasure of holding her leash as you hold up your trophy so your tribe can see the results of your ruthless intellect as well as your physical might." She makes it sound like she's begging the lord for his favor, like a proper subservient yet domineering bitch should beg.

Simenio hands back with Myung and Nekura as Vayne moves forward, though the fact that he was no longer hidden behind the tigress... does seem to make him a little more nervous. He shifts around a bit, his frown deepening just a little at the dragon lord's mention of them being made into servants once more... he definitely didn't seem to enjoy that idea... even if he knew that it wasn't actually going to happen.... He continues with his silence for now though, giving a quick tug of his collar as his uncomfortable shifting continues, his eyes never leaving his feet for more than a second.

Meanwhile Nekura decides to do what she can to get Hestis away from the annoying herm on the throne by moving over and starting to make out with her. Since she already has a wonderful trampstamp on her butt from him she shouldn't need permission after all, no? Considering what she's seen of him so far he'll probably enjoy watching it though she gives the other dragoness squinty eyes to keep quiet and not make a fuss. In truth she isn't even putting much effort into the act itself and instead keeping her muscles tensed in readiness to move them aside so Vayne get blow her load.

As Vayne offers up the head, Behenmut grabs ahold of it, and with a grin that wouldn't look at all strange on a mentally deranged killer, opened his mouth and swallowed the 'head' whole, only chewing enough to make it easier to swallow. With a content sigh, he leans back and smiles. "Well done. I'm sure someone can help you get your quarters, each receiving a position appropriate of your, individual stations." He states, not realizing what he'd just swallowed wasn't a skull, dispite teh crunch from it, but in fact, a rather large bomb.

Vayne blinks and steps back.. this.. couldn't really have gone much better, she looks at Nekura and gives the Dragoness a nod, she'll know the signal when it is given. The tigress turns and walks away her back to the Dragon lord, after all his opinion of her no longer matters, or at least wont matter for very long. No this next bit is for the crowd. She stops walking when she's about 7 feet from the crowd, glaring at them with a wicked predatory smile to back them up just a few extra steps and then she simply stops walking her heels making a final click on the solid rooftop as she stops. The behatted tigress stands in a theatrical pose, looking down at her shoulder in a sultry femme fatale sort of way as she speaks. "Oh and Fredrick.. there are two things you should probably know." Her left arm rises so that her elbow is pressed against her side her fingers facing upwards as though she is about to snap them. "The first is that I am no one's slave. I take slaves.. I don't become them." She lets that sink in a moment. "The second, is that you're a cheapskate" at this point she nods to Nekura to get Hestis out of the way toot sweet while her own ears fold down against her head like a pissed off cats ears tend to do. "and the wolves made a much better offer." The tigress snaps her fingers.