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<div></div><br> <br>Morning, though a cloudy day. The Foxes had assembled a few of the mutants that had come to help out, but needed training. They each had what would have, in the old days, passed as a highschool education, and each had their own hidden potental, but with a lack of instruction would never get to the point they needed to be. Right now, they were milling about in one of the courtyards of the up and coming Surrogate Brotherhood. The Foxes had brought with them some of the stuff they had managed to collect, but without foreknowledge of what would be taught, weren&#39;t sure what to bring.<br> <br>It didn&#39;t take long for Selyra to arrive in the plaza, exiting the foyer to get there. The foyer, which everyone else would need to pass through as well, for the Surrogate Brotherhood compound is surrounded by what can only be the early stages of a wall. Seeing the foxes and children gathered, the collie brightens up. &quot;Well hello there, everyone! How are we all doing today? Ready to learn?&quot; she asks, seeming fairly excited to be able to teach these kids, tail wagging behind her. With her she&#39;s brought a rather long and heavy-duty case, as well as a backpack and a large medical box.<br> <br>It was rare for Lila to leave her saloon these day, spending much of her time managing her children as they served their customers. Or at least, she thought she did, she wasn&#39;t entirely sure if she was any good at the job, her children likely too kind to say anything bad about their feral mother&#39;s managerial abilities. Still, she had plenty of children, and even carried a few in her womb as she walked into Glenstock. Even if she wasn&#39;t that great, she was there to help as best she could. As she walked up, a hand resting on her stomach, she smiled at the foxes and Selyra. &quot;So, what are we doing today?&quot; she said in a thick southern drawl.<br> <br>Blanche wonders over after hearing the call and makes her way over to Selyra and looks around. &quot;Hello everyone!&quot; She smiles happily to everyone. &quot;Oh! and.... uhh... Grandmaw Selyra? Grandmother Selyra? Granny selly?&quot; she asks, trying to find a name that sounds good. &quot;How is everyone?&quot; Taking another look around she takes in the sight of all the foxes. &quot;Whoa, so many foxes.&quot; She waves to them, &quot;Hello foxes!&quot; Looking back to Selyra she asks, &quot;Is there any way I can help?&quot; She asks with her tail wagging gently.<br> <br>Blanche looks over to Lila and smiles. &quot;Oh! I haven&#39;t seen you before. I&#39;m Blanche, by the way. Nice to meet you.&quot; She briefly gives her an odd look but doesn&#39;t pay it much mind when she resumes looking around and watching the foxes do their thing.<br> <br>The foxes themselves don&#39;t stay long, nodding to the teachers, and then heading off. Leaving them with... the children. Of course, the huskies, mares, and skunks sniff at their new teachers, some looking confused, others knowing well whom these people were! However, the there was a slight problems. Smelling at the trio begins to give them the wrong ideas. Tails wag, noses flare, a skunk giving a very interesting look to Lila in particular. Though the cowgirl was already pregnant, ideas were forming...<br> <br>Selyra waves to the others that enter the plaza, glad that more teachers are arriving besides just her. &quot;Welcome, welcome! Hello there Blanche, I&#39;m glad to see you here.&quot; she says to them, ready to start running the show. She smiles and giggles softly as the children sniff at them, allowing them to get a good sense of their teachers. However, she soon notices the looks some of them are getting, and glances over to Lila. &quot;Oh dear... Children, we&#39;ll have none of that today, I&#39;m afraid!&quot; she tells them, keeping her voice as professional as she can. &quot;Lila, I&#39;m afraid you&#39;ll need to try and tone down the... Scent, if you can, please.&quot; she requests, but then looks between Lila and Blanche. &quot;I can teach them how to shoot, how to patch up wounds, and how to read pre-war encyclopedias. How about you two?&quot;<br> <br>Lila smiles and nods at Blanche. &quot;Pleasure ta meet ya too. I&#39;m Lila,&quot; she said with a friendly smile. Her ears flickered and she looked down at the children, then up at Selyra. &quot;I wish I could tone it down, but I&#39;ve got no control over mah fragrance.&quot; She looks to the skunk and giggles, reaching a hand out to scratch between their ears. &quot;Besides, calves, or rather, youngin&#39;s like these need ta be learnin&#39; how ta restrain themselves. Even a feral like me knows that. As fer what ta do, I&#39;m largely a pacifist. I don&#39;t like raisin&#39; a hand in anger if I don&#39;t have ta. Mah specialties lie with in first aid and... well, the S-E-X, but I don&#39;t wanna cause a fuss over that.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche nods to Lila and smiles. she waves again to the children. &quot;Hello everyone, my name is Blanche... and I can show you...&quot; She blinks and searches her mind. Most of it is still fuzzy and blank, but some of it comes through ok. &quot;I can... teach you how to survive in the wilderness and various areas. I also can show you how to lift things. I can teach a little climbing, about the kinds of critters around, running.... and... well.. I may be able to show some sexual trick myself...&quot; She blushes at the last part, wanting to be honest but not wanting to fan the flames on their... passion. &quot;I&#39;m not sure how good a teacher I can be, but I&#39;ll try!&quot;<br> <br>Despite Selyra&#39;s attempt at first, the children continue to mill about. A total of about fifteen of them, as the would be teachers try to get them to focus and be ready to be taught. Discussing among themselves about what they could teach, the children seem to come to a collective decision that perhaps teaching of a more carnal nature should happen. One of the huskies speaks up, &quot;Well, maybe those sexy tricks would be best?&quot; Shi asks, trailing a claw around one of hir bare nipples. A mare and another husky nod in agreement, eyes over Lila and Blanche primarily!<br> <br>Selyra facepalms lightly, shaking her head. &quot;Listen here, kids! Glenstock needs your help to run smoothly. We need people with broader skills, so &#39;sexy tricks&#39; aren&#39;t really the point of this.&quot; she says to them, hoping to gather even an ounce of attention. &quot;We can do the sexy tricks, but only after we&#39;ve learned other things first. For example...&quot; she trails off, moving to the big long case she brought, opening it up to reveal a surprisingly large sniper rifle within. It takes her only a moment to set the rifle up to point towards the wilderness, northwards away from pretty much everything. And finally, she fires one loud, highly echoing bullet from the gun. The sound is an almost ear-splitting metallic clank, mixed with a BOOM that seems to echo off the walls of the buildings.<br> <br>Lila&#39;s ears flicker again, noticing the eyes roaming over her body. A sly smile spreads on her lips, especially with Blanche&#39;s offer of teaching sexual tricks only encouraging her. Her brow raises however and she watches Selyra wander off, mooing in surprise and jumping back with hands over her ears at the explosion from the rifle. &quot;Oh heavens! My poor ear drums!&quot; she shouts loudly, rubbing her ears. She shakes her head and sighs. &quot;Gawd, maybe we should avoid the big and scary guns for now. They&#39;re interested in a few tricks, what&#39;d be the harm in showing them a thing or two, just ta get their minds off of it? They&#39;re only gonna be thinkin&#39; about it otherwise.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche blushes as only attracts more attention to herself, her foot-paw twisting in the dirt slightly. Suddenly, a loud noise startles her! She yipes and managed to quell the need to run, but her fur is sticking strait out as she enters a small panic at the loud noise. Her head quickly turns to the source. &quot;Grandma!&quot; She huffs. She calms herself down a bit, but her fur still sticks up from from the ordeal. With a sigh she tries to cover herself up, wanting to help quell the sexual urges of those around her, but only managed to cover up a small portion of her breasts before she gives up and hangs her arms down in defeat. &quot;I&#39;m only going to teach sex if you&#39;ll pay attention to Selyra and put in a good effort to learning what we have to share. This is important, for everybody.&quot; She hopes she wont have to teach how to be sexy, but on the other hand... if it gets them to focus, even a little.<br> <br>Alkain winces as he pads out from the foyer, &quot;Geez Selyra, was that really necessary?&quot; he grumbles, smelling lightly of rut, before padding over to where the others are. &quot;Sorry I&#39;m late by the way.&quot; he&#39;s in the nude as usual, and looks over Lila and the new Blanche curiously, &quot;Uhh, I don&#39;t think we&#39;ve met. I&#39;m Alkain.&quot; he nods to the children as well in greeting<br> <br>The shot rings out! The children all look over at Selyra, in complete shock! However, Lila&#39;s display begin, an inviting display that gets males and herms looking at her in a different light! One of the skunk males starts to walk over toward her, mostly ignoring Selyra... until, as he reaches out for the bovine idel... a duck lands in his hands. Head shot clean off... At first he shreaks! Looking over to Selyra, he looks at the bleeding duck, then over to Selyra again. A few more shreaks, before, a mare mentions, &quot;Hey... that&#39;s food...&quot; A bit more intruge comes over the students. Blanche then mentions as well, learning first, sex later... conflict... to pay attention to the stiring in their respective pants and skirts... or how to get food?<br> <br>After the loud blast from the gun, she glances around at the others to see if anyone was paying attention. Seeing and hearing Alkain, she huffs. &quot;Nice of you to join in, mister rut. This is going just /great/.&quot; Sadly, everyone but the kids were paying attention to her. She&#39;s about to throw up her paws and leave when the duck lands in the child&#39;s hands, making her eyes wide. A moment of fear shoots through her, when another kid points out that it was food, making her breathe a sigh of relief. &quot;Y-yes, eheh... That duck can be cooked and made into food, that&#39;s right...&quot; she tries to play it cool, hoping the bleeding doesn&#39;t freak the kid out. It&#39;s pretty easy to see Blanche&#39;s reluctance to focus on what&#39;s really important, hear Lila&#39;s insistence, and smell Alkain&#39;s rut. With a shake of the head and a heavy sigh, she begins to take down the rifle from its spot, folding the stand away. &quot;I&#39;m not really sure why I&#39;m here. Sweetie, put the duck down and wash your hands please, and then all of you may participate in sex-ed with the rest of the teachers.&quot; she says, tone oozing disappointment. &quot;Thank you for coming, teachers, I appreciate your contribution to our workforce.&quot; she adds, putting the rifle away and closing the case probably a bit too loudly.<br> <br>Lila flinches and turns her head away from the formerly living duck&#39;s body, covering her mouth, the clear sound of her gagging muffled slightly. &quot;Oh lord, how disgustin&#39;,&quot; she mutters in disdain. Her fur bristles and she shivers, fanning her muzzle with her hand as she notices Alkain. The headless duck seems to have ruined her sexual appetite, waving weakly at Alkain before covering her mouth again with her hand. &quot;Lila, nice ta meet ya Alkain.&quot; Her head lurches forward and she gags again. &quot;Ooh, Hathor save me, I really did not need to see that. Mornin&#39; sickness&#39; bad enough without that.&quot; She shakes her head and slowly lowers her hand away from her mouth. &quot;Whew, well, I&#39;m more of a fruits and veggies type &#39;a gal. We got an seeds fer plantin&#39;? I&#39;d rather not head out and...&quot; She looks to the duck then suddenly turns her head away. &quot;do any huntin&#39;. Haven&#39;t got the stomach.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche looks over to Selyra, a little disappointed but tries to salvage what she can. &quot;Did you know some cactus has drinkable water in them? Or that theres quite a few critters you can find under rocks in the desert? I can teach you guys and girls and everyone in between to find food as you go! You wont have to starve so much if you can eat as you go!&quot; She nods to the kids and attempts to find a quick spot nearby to pick up something quick and edible to show them how it could be done.<br> <br>Alkain winces at the completely unexpected duck corpse in a childs hands, &quot;Well...&quot; he coughs lightly and blinks at Sely&#39;s comment, &quot;Huh? Oh...&quot; he sighs, &quot;Sorry, didn&#39;t think it&#39;d matter much...&quot; he rubs the back of his neck and shakes his head, &quot;I came here to teach though. Or try at least...&quot; he looks over the children and frowns, &quot;Looks like they need more focus though...&quot; that quietly so they hopefully don&#39;t overhear. He looks to Lila and nods, wincing at the gags, &quot;I see.&quot; he looks to Blanche and chuckles, &quot;True.&quot;<br> <br>As Selyra packs away her rifle, a handpaw touches on her shoulder, &quot;Hey, umm, grandma?&quot; Says a husky, a few of others standing behind her, &quot;Could, you, well, teach us a bit about shooting? It could help in hunting.&quot; She continues, those with her nodding. At the same time, a few look to Lila, mentioning seeds and farming, as well as to Blanche who mentions gathering food. The food stocks were getting low. However, erect cocks and puffed up pussies still seem to be a persistant issue, diverting some of their attentions to those rather than the task at hand.<br> <br>Selyra turns to look at the paw on her shoulder, then its owner. Seeing one of the children asking her about shooting, she widens her eyes. The name she&#39;s called makes her a bit hesitant, unsure how she feels about being called grandma yet, but she decides it&#39;s best to help the kids regardless. &quot;Sweetie? Are you sure you want to learn about this now? It won&#39;t be easy. But if I see that you&#39;re doing a real good job, I&#39;ll reward you with something more... Well, &#39;fun&#39;.&quot; she hints, smiling at the girl, then glancing at the others who were interested in shooting. Briefly, she attempts to count the heads of those whose attention she has.<br> <br>Lila crosses her arms over her chest and frowns at the talk of shooting and hunting. She turns her head and smiles at the few whose attentions look to her. Though she notices their obvious arousal, she tries not to draw her eyes to them. Looking to Selyra she grins. &quot;Could always show them a thing or two about gatherin&#39; instead a huntin&#39;. Show them which fruits and plants are safe ta eat, collect some fer food and some fer seedin&#39;.&quot; She giggles and gives her ass a playful wiggle. &quot;An&#39; seedin&#39;s always a lotta fun.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche looks around and tries to find a good example for on the go foraging, but being where she is, this proves to be exceptionally difficult without leaving. Feeling a bit disappointed with herself she continues. &quot;So, one of the benefits of learning some survival skills is that when you are out in the field or city ruins, you won&#39;t have to totally starve as long as you know where to look. It may not be appetizing, but theres almost always something around the corner. ...if you know where to look.&quot; She smiles to the kids, hoping they catch on as opposed to thinking of sex. Turning to Selyra she adds, however. &quot;Think you could teach me to use that later, Selyra?&quot;<br> <br>Alkain chuckles at the kids as the approach Sely and watches the others who still seem unsure, &quot;Well, while the others can teach you kids how to hunt and gather... I can teach you how to create! Anything from art, to how to design buildings, to schematics for machines.&quot; as he gets into his speech, seems his rut dies down for now. He looks over the kids to see how many seem interested in that<br> <br>Of the fifteen children there, it seems that about ten are interested in learning to shoot and hunt in general, and another five interested in farming, though as Alkain mentions his expertise, there is some confusion! They all look among each other, a small class, and so many topics to possibly be taught! A few confused woofs, churrs, and nickers later, they still seem unsure what to do!<br> <br>Selyra looks up to Lila, shaking her head and sighing. &quot;I&#39;m not the only one that can teach gathering. Plus, the most important thing about shooting is gun safety, so you can rest assured that this will be worth it. It&#39;s better to know gun safety than not know it.&quot; she argues, but then glances over at Blanche, eyebrows raised. &quot;Oh, sure sweetie. But I think you&#39;ll need to find some wilderness in order to teach that. Just be careful out there.&quot; she says, though Alkain&#39;s sales pitch catches her attention as well. &quot;That&#39;s a great idea Alkain, I think I acted too soon in assuming all you guys wanted was sex-ed.&quot; she says, but as the kids seem to be a little confused, the collie stands up and looks over them. &quot;Alright, let&#39;s see... We&#39;ll start with you four.&quot; she says, pointing at 4 of the 10 who were interested in shooting. &quot;You four go with Alkain there to learn art and construction.&quot; she says, then points to the husky who touched Selyra&#39;s shoulder, as well as 2 other kids. &quot;You three, come with me to learn gun operation and maintenance.&quot; she suggests, then pointing to 4 more of the kids who had her attention. &quot;And you four go with Blanche to learn how to gather and survive in the wilderness. And finally, the last four of you go with Lila to learn farming!&quot; she says, hoping that spread works out best for everyone.<br> <br>Lila smiles and nods her head. &quot;Sounds like an excellent idea Sel!&quot; she says, clapping her hands together. She looks to her &#39;students&#39; and opens her arms, to the four, stepping forward and drawing them into a hug. Her bounty of milk becomes rather evident to the four as she tries drawing them close. &quot;Alright, why don&#39;t we head out and look for some berries? Berries are always great! Yummy, plentiful, and easy to collect.&quot; She eased her hug from around them and began to walk off towards the wilderness.<br> <br>Blanche nods and motions for her 4 to come over. &quot;Alright,&quot; She smiles. &quot;I&#39;ll show you 4 how to survive out in the wilderness, the kinds of shelters you can make, navigation without tools and so on. Make the lot of you great for scouting out things and picking up food for others!&quot; Her tail wags behind her as she tries corralling the children together. &quot;Keep in mind that this is the wilderness, so stick together, especially at night.&quot; Having never been in the wilds before, to her recollection anyway, she hopes she won&#39;t have to actually fight anything. &quot;This&#39;ll be fun though! Gather us up some food, make a basic shelter... All sorts of things!&quot; She starts off in a direction that looks promising for good survival opportunities.<br> <br>Alkain nods in agreement with Sely, &quot;Indeed.&quot; he chuckles at Sely&#39;s sex-ed comment and shakes his head, &quot;You are forgiven.&quot; he grins at the hand off and looks to his four, &quot;Alright, this should be fun. I want you to get those creative juices going!&quot; he looks around and ponders, &quot;Let&#39;s see, I have some supplies stashed away... Those&#39;ll be handy.&quot; he looks to his four kids again, &quot;So that won&#39;t be an issue, let&#39;s head inside. It&#39;ll be much easier in there.&quot; he smiles with a wag of his tails as he motions them to follow, making sure they are before heading in<br> <br>A bit more confusion for a while, though it seems a plan was had! Each group starts braking off, though the words &#39;creative juices&#39; might not have been the best of terms! Many already had some juices flowing... though they seemed to be well enough of mind to keep doing as they were told. One of the skunks though speaks up, &quot;Well, umm, Selyra? You&#39;ll be showing us how to hunt with the gun, right?&quot; Shi asks. Though, Blanche heading off toward the gate already, the fox standing guard there warns, &quot;Careful, don&#39;t head too far north or south.&quot; The children after asking, &quot;Umm, how could we know how far is too far? And which way is which?&quot;<br> <br>Selyra smiles at Alkain, sticking her tongue out just a bit. However, seeing the kids actually take the directions they were given, the collie&#39;s tail begins to wag, and she then nods to the three kids she&#39;s teaching. One being a husky girl, and another being a skunk, it seems. &quot;Oh yes, but when you&#39;re learning to use something that you&#39;ve never used before, it&#39;s always a good idea to start with the basics. In this case, it&#39;s the use and safe operation.&quot; she explains, beckoning the kids she&#39;s going to teach, as she starts walking north of the plaza, where she&#39;s set up a small shooting range to at least start with the basics before rounds are fired in the wilderness and game is scared away. &quot;I brought some less powerful rifles to start with.&quot; she adds on, taking a smaller, lighter, and more manageable gun from the case after setting it down.<br> <br>Though her mind is clearly on teaching the children, Lila&#39;s hips still sway with her every step as she walked into the wooded area. She stopped and turned to them. &quot;Alright kids, for now, we&#39;re looking for bushes with berries, but if ya find one, don&#39;t go and start chowin&#39; down on them. Yer liable ta get an upset tummy or worse if ya do that. Once we find somethin&#39; safe maybe we can start on lookin&#39; fer things like mushrooms.&quot; She looked from side to side, looking to see if she could find anything. She frowned and sighed. &quot;This actually might be a tad more difficult than I thought... but no reason to get discouraged! Gotta lotta work ta do! Hungry mouths ta feed!&quot; she said, tapping her stomach absently at the mention of mouths to feed.
<div></div><br> <br>Morning, though a cloudy day. The Foxes had assembled a few of the mutants that had come to help out, but needed training. They each had what would have, in the old days, passed as a highschool education, and each had their own hidden potental, but with a lack of instruction would never get to the point they needed to be. Right now, they were milling about in one of the courtyards of the up and coming Surrogate Brotherhood. The Foxes had brought with them some of the stuff they had managed to collect, but without foreknowledge of what would be taught, weren&#39;t sure what to bring.<br> <br>It didn&#39;t take long for Selyra to arrive in the plaza, exiting the foyer to get there. The foyer, which everyone else would need to pass through as well, for the Surrogate Brotherhood compound is surrounded by what can only be the early stages of a wall. Seeing the foxes and children gathered, the collie brightens up. &quot;Well hello there, everyone! How are we all doing today? Ready to learn?&quot; she asks, seeming fairly excited to be able to teach these kids, tail wagging behind her. With her she&#39;s brought a rather long and heavy-duty case, as well as a backpack and a large medical box.<br> <br>It was rare for Lila to leave her saloon these day, spending much of her time managing her children as they served their customers. Or at least, she thought she did, she wasn&#39;t entirely sure if she was any good at the job, her children likely too kind to say anything bad about their feral mother&#39;s managerial abilities. Still, she had plenty of children, and even carried a few in her womb as she walked into Glenstock. Even if she wasn&#39;t that great, she was there to help as best she could. As she walked up, a hand resting on her stomach, she smiled at the foxes and Selyra. &quot;So, what are we doing today?&quot; she said in a thick southern drawl.<br> <br>Blanche wonders over after hearing the call and makes her way over to Selyra and looks around. &quot;Hello everyone!&quot; She smiles happily to everyone. &quot;Oh! and.... uhh... Grandmaw Selyra? Grandmother Selyra? Granny selly?&quot; she asks, trying to find a name that sounds good. &quot;How is everyone?&quot; Taking another look around she takes in the sight of all the foxes. &quot;Whoa, so many foxes.&quot; She waves to them, &quot;Hello foxes!&quot; Looking back to Selyra she asks, &quot;Is there any way I can help?&quot; She asks with her tail wagging gently.<br> <br>Blanche looks over to Lila and smiles. &quot;Oh! I haven&#39;t seen you before. I&#39;m Blanche, by the way. Nice to meet you.&quot; She briefly gives her an odd look but doesn&#39;t pay it much mind when she resumes looking around and watching the foxes do their thing.<br> <br>The foxes themselves don&#39;t stay long, nodding to the teachers, and then heading off. Leaving them with... the children. Of course, the huskies, mares, and skunks sniff at their new teachers, some looking confused, others knowing well whom these people were! However, the there was a slight problems. Smelling at the trio begins to give them the wrong ideas. Tails wag, noses flare, a skunk giving a very interesting look to Lila in particular. Though the cowgirl was already pregnant, ideas were forming...<br> <br>Selyra waves to the others that enter the plaza, glad that more teachers are arriving besides just her. &quot;Welcome, welcome! Hello there Blanche, I&#39;m glad to see you here.&quot; she says to them, ready to start running the show. She smiles and giggles softly as the children sniff at them, allowing them to get a good sense of their teachers. However, she soon notices the looks some of them are getting, and glances over to Lila. &quot;Oh dear... Children, we&#39;ll have none of that today, I&#39;m afraid!&quot; she tells them, keeping her voice as professional as she can. &quot;Lila, I&#39;m afraid you&#39;ll need to try and tone down the... Scent, if you can, please.&quot; she requests, but then looks between Lila and Blanche. &quot;I can teach them how to shoot, how to patch up wounds, and how to read pre-war encyclopedias. How about you two?&quot;<br> <br>Lila smiles and nods at Blanche. &quot;Pleasure ta meet ya too. I&#39;m Lila,&quot; she said with a friendly smile. Her ears flickered and she looked down at the children, then up at Selyra. &quot;I wish I could tone it down, but I&#39;ve got no control over mah fragrance.&quot; She looks to the skunk and giggles, reaching a hand out to scratch between their ears. &quot;Besides, calves, or rather, youngin&#39;s like these need ta be learnin&#39; how ta restrain themselves. Even a feral like me knows that. As fer what ta do, I&#39;m largely a pacifist. I don&#39;t like raisin&#39; a hand in anger if I don&#39;t have ta. Mah specialties lie with in first aid and... well, the S-E-X, but I don&#39;t wanna cause a fuss over that.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche nods to Lila and smiles. she waves again to the children. &quot;Hello everyone, my name is Blanche... and I can show you...&quot; She blinks and searches her mind. Most of it is still fuzzy and blank, but some of it comes through ok. &quot;I can... teach you how to survive in the wilderness and various areas. I also can show you how to lift things. I can teach a little climbing, about the kinds of critters around, running.... and... well.. I may be able to show some sexual trick myself...&quot; She blushes at the last part, wanting to be honest but not wanting to fan the flames on their... passion. &quot;I&#39;m not sure how good a teacher I can be, but I&#39;ll try!&quot;<br> <br>Despite Selyra&#39;s attempt at first, the children continue to mill about. A total of about fifteen of them, as the would be teachers try to get them to focus and be ready to be taught. Discussing among themselves about what they could teach, the children seem to come to a collective decision that perhaps teaching of a more carnal nature should happen. One of the huskies speaks up, &quot;Well, maybe those sexy tricks would be best?&quot; Shi asks, trailing a claw around one of hir bare nipples. A mare and another husky nod in agreement, eyes over Lila and Blanche primarily!<br> <br>Selyra facepalms lightly, shaking her head. &quot;Listen here, kids! Glenstock needs your help to run smoothly. We need people with broader skills, so &#39;sexy tricks&#39; aren&#39;t really the point of this.&quot; she says to them, hoping to gather even an ounce of attention. &quot;We can do the sexy tricks, but only after we&#39;ve learned other things first. For example...&quot; she trails off, moving to the big long case she brought, opening it up to reveal a surprisingly large sniper rifle within. It takes her only a moment to set the rifle up to point towards the wilderness, northwards away from pretty much everything. And finally, she fires one loud, highly echoing bullet from the gun. The sound is an almost ear-splitting metallic clank, mixed with a BOOM that seems to echo off the walls of the buildings.<br> <br>Lila&#39;s ears flicker again, noticing the eyes roaming over her body. A sly smile spreads on her lips, especially with Blanche&#39;s offer of teaching sexual tricks only encouraging her. Her brow raises however and she watches Selyra wander off, mooing in surprise and jumping back with hands over her ears at the explosion from the rifle. &quot;Oh heavens! My poor ear drums!&quot; she shouts loudly, rubbing her ears. She shakes her head and sighs. &quot;Gawd, maybe we should avoid the big and scary guns for now. They&#39;re interested in a few tricks, what&#39;d be the harm in showing them a thing or two, just ta get their minds off of it? They&#39;re only gonna be thinkin&#39; about it otherwise.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche blushes as only attracts more attention to herself, her foot-paw twisting in the dirt slightly. Suddenly, a loud noise startles her! She yipes and managed to quell the need to run, but her fur is sticking strait out as she enters a small panic at the loud noise. Her head quickly turns to the source. &quot;Grandma!&quot; She huffs. She calms herself down a bit, but her fur still sticks up from from the ordeal. With a sigh she tries to cover herself up, wanting to help quell the sexual urges of those around her, but only managed to cover up a small portion of her breasts before she gives up and hangs her arms down in defeat. &quot;I&#39;m only going to teach sex if you&#39;ll pay attention to Selyra and put in a good effort to learning what we have to share. This is important, for everybody.&quot; She hopes she wont have to teach how to be sexy, but on the other hand... if it gets them to focus, even a little.<br> <br>Alkain winces as he pads out from the foyer, &quot;Geez Selyra, was that really necessary?&quot; he grumbles, smelling lightly of rut, before padding over to where the others are. &quot;Sorry I&#39;m late by the way.&quot; he&#39;s in the nude as usual, and looks over Lila and the new Blanche curiously, &quot;Uhh, I don&#39;t think we&#39;ve met. I&#39;m Alkain.&quot; he nods to the children as well in greeting<br> <br>The shot rings out! The children all look over at Selyra, in complete shock! However, Lila&#39;s display begin, an inviting display that gets males and herms looking at her in a different light! One of the skunk males starts to walk over toward her, mostly ignoring Selyra... until, as he reaches out for the bovine idel... a duck lands in his hands. Head shot clean off... At first he shreaks! Looking over to Selyra, he looks at the bleeding duck, then over to Selyra again. A few more shreaks, before, a mare mentions, &quot;Hey... that&#39;s food...&quot; A bit more intruge comes over the students. Blanche then mentions as well, learning first, sex later... conflict... to pay attention to the stiring in their respective pants and skirts... or how to get food?<br> <br>After the loud blast from the gun, she glances around at the others to see if anyone was paying attention. Seeing and hearing Alkain, she huffs. &quot;Nice of you to join in, mister rut. This is going just /great/.&quot; Sadly, everyone but the kids were paying attention to her. She&#39;s about to throw up her paws and leave when the duck lands in the child&#39;s hands, making her eyes wide. A moment of fear shoots through her, when another kid points out that it was food, making her breathe a sigh of relief. &quot;Y-yes, eheh... That duck can be cooked and made into food, that&#39;s right...&quot; she tries to play it cool, hoping the bleeding doesn&#39;t freak the kid out. It&#39;s pretty easy to see Blanche&#39;s reluctance to focus on what&#39;s really important, hear Lila&#39;s insistence, and smell Alkain&#39;s rut. With a shake of the head and a heavy sigh, she begins to take down the rifle from its spot, folding the stand away. &quot;I&#39;m not really sure why I&#39;m here. Sweetie, put the duck down and wash your hands please, and then all of you may participate in sex-ed with the rest of the teachers.&quot; she says, tone oozing disappointment. &quot;Thank you for coming, teachers, I appreciate your contribution to our workforce.&quot; she adds, putting the rifle away and closing the case probably a bit too loudly.<br> <br>Lila flinches and turns her head away from the formerly living duck&#39;s body, covering her mouth, the clear sound of her gagging muffled slightly. &quot;Oh lord, how disgustin&#39;,&quot; she mutters in disdain. Her fur bristles and she shivers, fanning her muzzle with her hand as she notices Alkain. The headless duck seems to have ruined her sexual appetite, waving weakly at Alkain before covering her mouth again with her hand. &quot;Lila, nice ta meet ya Alkain.&quot; Her head lurches forward and she gags again. &quot;Ooh, Hathor save me, I really did not need to see that. Mornin&#39; sickness&#39; bad enough without that.&quot; She shakes her head and slowly lowers her hand away from her mouth. &quot;Whew, well, I&#39;m more of a fruits and veggies type &#39;a gal. We got an seeds fer plantin&#39;? I&#39;d rather not head out and...&quot; She looks to the duck then suddenly turns her head away. &quot;do any huntin&#39;. Haven&#39;t got the stomach.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche looks over to Selyra, a little disappointed but tries to salvage what she can. &quot;Did you know some cactus has drinkable water in them? Or that theres quite a few critters you can find under rocks in the desert? I can teach you guys and girls and everyone in between to find food as you go! You wont have to starve so much if you can eat as you go!&quot; She nods to the kids and attempts to find a quick spot nearby to pick up something quick and edible to show them how it could be done.<br> <br>Alkain winces at the completely unexpected duck corpse in a childs hands, &quot;Well...&quot; he coughs lightly and blinks at Sely&#39;s comment, &quot;Huh? Oh...&quot; he sighs, &quot;Sorry, didn&#39;t think it&#39;d matter much...&quot; he rubs the back of his neck and shakes his head, &quot;I came here to teach though. Or try at least...&quot; he looks over the children and frowns, &quot;Looks like they need more focus though...&quot; that quietly so they hopefully don&#39;t overhear. He looks to Lila and nods, wincing at the gags, &quot;I see.&quot; he looks to Blanche and chuckles, &quot;True.&quot;<br> <br>As Selyra packs away her rifle, a handpaw touches on her shoulder, &quot;Hey, umm, grandma?&quot; Says a husky, a few of others standing behind her, &quot;Could, you, well, teach us a bit about shooting? It could help in hunting.&quot; She continues, those with her nodding. At the same time, a few look to Lila, mentioning seeds and farming, as well as to Blanche who mentions gathering food. The food stocks were getting low. However, erect cocks and puffed up pussies still seem to be a persistant issue, diverting some of their attentions to those rather than the task at hand.<br> <br>Selyra turns to look at the paw on her shoulder, then its owner. Seeing one of the children asking her about shooting, she widens her eyes. The name she&#39;s called makes her a bit hesitant, unsure how she feels about being called grandma yet, but she decides it&#39;s best to help the kids regardless. &quot;Sweetie? Are you sure you want to learn about this now? It won&#39;t be easy. But if I see that you&#39;re doing a real good job, I&#39;ll reward you with something more... Well, &#39;fun&#39;.&quot; she hints, smiling at the girl, then glancing at the others who were interested in shooting. Briefly, she attempts to count the heads of those whose attention she has.<br> <br>Lila crosses her arms over her chest and frowns at the talk of shooting and hunting. She turns her head and smiles at the few whose attentions look to her. Though she notices their obvious arousal, she tries not to draw her eyes to them. Looking to Selyra she grins. &quot;Could always show them a thing or two about gatherin&#39; instead a huntin&#39;. Show them which fruits and plants are safe ta eat, collect some fer food and some fer seedin&#39;.&quot; She giggles and gives her ass a playful wiggle. &quot;An&#39; seedin&#39;s always a lotta fun.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche looks around and tries to find a good example for on the go foraging, but being where she is, this proves to be exceptionally difficult without leaving. Feeling a bit disappointed with herself she continues. &quot;So, one of the benefits of learning some survival skills is that when you are out in the field or city ruins, you won&#39;t have to totally starve as long as you know where to look. It may not be appetizing, but theres almost always something around the corner. ...if you know where to look.&quot; She smiles to the kids, hoping they catch on as opposed to thinking of sex. Turning to Selyra she adds, however. &quot;Think you could teach me to use that later, Selyra?&quot;<br> <br>Alkain chuckles at the kids as the approach Sely and watches the others who still seem unsure, &quot;Well, while the others can teach you kids how to hunt and gather... I can teach you how to create! Anything from art, to how to design buildings, to schematics for machines.&quot; as he gets into his speech, seems his rut dies down for now. He looks over the kids to see how many seem interested in that<br> <br>Of the fifteen children there, it seems that about ten are interested in learning to shoot and hunt in general, and another five interested in farming, though as Alkain mentions his expertise, there is some confusion! They all look among each other, a small class, and so many topics to possibly be taught! A few confused woofs, churrs, and nickers later, they still seem unsure what to do!<br> <br>Selyra looks up to Lila, shaking her head and sighing. &quot;I&#39;m not the only one that can teach gathering. Plus, the most important thing about shooting is gun safety, so you can rest assured that this will be worth it. It&#39;s better to know gun safety than not know it.&quot; she argues, but then glances over at Blanche, eyebrows raised. &quot;Oh, sure sweetie. But I think you&#39;ll need to find some wilderness in order to teach that. Just be careful out there.&quot; she says, though Alkain&#39;s sales pitch catches her attention as well. &quot;That&#39;s a great idea Alkain, I think I acted too soon in assuming all you guys wanted was sex-ed.&quot; she says, but as the kids seem to be a little confused, the collie stands up and looks over them. &quot;Alright, let&#39;s see... We&#39;ll start with you four.&quot; she says, pointing at 4 of the 10 who were interested in shooting. &quot;You four go with Alkain there to learn art and construction.&quot; she says, then points to the husky who touched Selyra&#39;s shoulder, as well as 2 other kids. &quot;You three, come with me to learn gun operation and maintenance.&quot; she suggests, then pointing to 4 more of the kids who had her attention. &quot;And you four go with Blanche to learn how to gather and survive in the wilderness. And finally, the last four of you go with Lila to learn farming!&quot; she says, hoping that spread works out best for everyone.<br> <br>Lila smiles and nods her head. &quot;Sounds like an excellent idea Sel!&quot; she says, clapping her hands together. She looks to her &#39;students&#39; and opens her arms, to the four, stepping forward and drawing them into a hug. Her bounty of milk becomes rather evident to the four as she tries drawing them close. &quot;Alright, why don&#39;t we head out and look for some berries? Berries are always great! Yummy, plentiful, and easy to collect.&quot; She eased her hug from around them and began to walk off towards the wilderness.<br> <br>Blanche nods and motions for her 4 to come over. &quot;Alright,&quot; She smiles. &quot;I&#39;ll show you 4 how to survive out in the wilderness, the kinds of shelters you can make, navigation without tools and so on. Make the lot of you great for scouting out things and picking up food for others!&quot; Her tail wags behind her as she tries corralling the children together. &quot;Keep in mind that this is the wilderness, so stick together, especially at night.&quot; Having never been in the wilds before, to her recollection anyway, she hopes she won&#39;t have to actually fight anything. &quot;This&#39;ll be fun though! Gather us up some food, make a basic shelter... All sorts of things!&quot; She starts off in a direction that looks promising for good survival opportunities.<br> <br>Alkain nods in agreement with Sely, &quot;Indeed.&quot; he chuckles at Sely&#39;s sex-ed comment and shakes his head, &quot;You are forgiven.&quot; he grins at the hand off and looks to his four, &quot;Alright, this should be fun. I want you to get those creative juices going!&quot; he looks around and ponders, &quot;Let&#39;s see, I have some supplies stashed away... Those&#39;ll be handy.&quot; he looks to his four kids again, &quot;So that won&#39;t be an issue, let&#39;s head inside. It&#39;ll be much easier in there.&quot; he smiles with a wag of his tails as he motions them to follow, making sure they are before heading in<br> <br>A bit more confusion for a while, though it seems a plan was had! Each group starts braking off, though the words &#39;creative juices&#39; might not have been the best of terms! Many already had some juices flowing... though they seemed to be well enough of mind to keep doing as they were told. One of the skunks though speaks up, &quot;Well, umm, Selyra? You&#39;ll be showing us how to hunt with the gun, right?&quot; Shi asks. Though, Blanche heading off toward the gate already, the fox standing guard there warns, &quot;Careful, don&#39;t head too far north or south.&quot; The children after asking, &quot;Umm, how could we know how far is too far? And which way is which?&quot;<br> <br>Selyra smiles at Alkain, sticking her tongue out just a bit. However, seeing the kids actually take the directions they were given, the collie&#39;s tail begins to wag, and she then nods to the three kids she&#39;s teaching. One being a husky girl, and another being a skunk, it seems. &quot;Oh yes, but when you&#39;re learning to use something that you&#39;ve never used before, it&#39;s always a good idea to start with the basics. In this case, it&#39;s the use and safe operation.&quot; she explains, beckoning the kids she&#39;s going to teach, as she starts walking north of the plaza, where she&#39;s set up a small shooting range to at least start with the basics before rounds are fired in the wilderness and game is scared away. &quot;I brought some less powerful rifles to start with.&quot; she adds on, taking a smaller, lighter, and more manageable gun from the case after setting it down.<br> <br>Though her mind is clearly on teaching the children, Lila&#39;s hips still sway with her every step as she walked into the wooded area. She stopped and turned to them. &quot;Alright kids, for now, we&#39;re looking for bushes with berries, but if ya find one, don&#39;t go and start chowin&#39; down on them. Yer liable ta get an upset tummy or worse if ya do that. Once we find somethin&#39; safe maybe we can start on lookin&#39; fer things like mushrooms.&quot; She looked from side to side, looking to see if she could find anything. She frowned and sighed. &quot;This actually might be a tad more difficult than I thought... but no reason to get discouraged! Gotta lotta work ta do! Hungry mouths ta feed!&quot; she said, tapping her stomach absently at the mention of mouths to feed.<br> <br>Blanche as she makes her way past the gate, she thanks the guard and picks neither of those two direction. She&#39;s no soldier and the children don&#39;t need to be put into any risk. She sticks within view of the city gates, but still far enough away that there may be a few things the other locals may missed. Standing in a decent patch of vegetation she starts to show potential places for food. &quot;Overhere, you&#39;ll find some downed trees, these are good places to pick up bugs or the occasional small game.&quot; As she pokes the tree downed log, indeed, another foraging rabbit shoots out and runs away. &quot;Like.... that... except usually beforehand you&#39;d set up a few traps... just incase something like that happens...&quot; She looks to the group and hope they don&#39;t mind the oversight. &quot;Which leads me to one of my first lessons! traps! In the wild it&#39;s easy to find to make some basic traps, especially in the forest.&quot; She then puts together a simple trap from some fibrous plantlife and make a basic trap that would have caught the rabbit, had it not already ran off.<br> <br>Alkain leads the kids to the dining room and blinks at Mira, &quot;Oh hey. Didn&#39;t know you where in here!&quot; he chuckles a little, &quot;Well, if you want you can help me teach the youngsters here art and design?.&quot; He looks around, &quot;Alright, take a seat where ever you are comfortable and I&#39;ll get the supplies. I&#39;ll only be a few minutes.&quot; he makes sure the kids are comfortable and pads up to the second floor, quickly gathering the supplies before heading down. He arrives shortly and distributes the supplies as evenly as he can, &quot;Alright, who wants to do art and who wants to do buildings and stuff?&quot;<br> <br>Miranai watches Alkain coming in and seeming to lead a bit of something on teaching how to draw up and read blueprints? Shi giggles a bit, currently being nursed from by six other children, &quot;Well... can&#39;t really move, but sure, I could help a little.&quot; Shi says, assisting in general direction, giving lots of praise, and even beeing lighthearted in punishment and redirection. Alkain&#39;s work contributes to them being taught how to make up blueprints, and draw in ways that are understandable and correct. Point of view, event horizons, and vanishing points are all taught. By the end, the four children, and two more who were done suckling Mira, have learned the basics of how to design, including plans for construction.<br> <br>Blanche is quite successful in teaching basic trap making, as well as how to hunt and forage with claws, teeth, and instinct. Which way to go, basic tracking. her four children learn the basics of hunting that will blossom into more advanced skills as they are used.
Lila&#39;s efforts are not totally in vain. It was rough making sure which bushes were which, and the children seemed to wonder... and play with each other, more than focus on the class. However, a skunk male was able to figure out how to collect seeds.
Selyra&#39;s class goes very well, a few times the children forgetting to keep rifles on safe, though all in all, they successfully learn the basics of breathing, trigger squeeze, and sight picture. With practice, they will make good riflemen. So interesting was the teaching, the collie manages to attract two more students to learn!
Hours go by, teaching the children the basics of the crafts that they will be using to support the city.<br> <br>The kids did so well in Selyra&#39;s gun safety and operation class that her tail wags and she can&#39;t help grinning, attempting to round the kidss up into a group again. &quot;Well done, kids! The five of you have made me proud, I knew you could do it.&quot; she says in praise, checking to see if any of them still look needy. If they do, the collie blushes softly. &quot;However, I distinctly remember saying that I would reward each of you for paying attention. Not only did you pay attention, but you did a great job. So I&#39;m going to double the reward!&quot; she tells them, clapping her paws together. &quot;So, who still needs to be &#39;rewarded&#39;, hmmm?&quot;<br> <br>Lila smiles and hums as she sorts through the bushes, picking up what she could. Her ears flicker and she pats the skunk on the head as he brings over the seeds. &quot;Ah, good boy! Looks like we&#39;re learning...&quot; Her words trail off as she sees the other three playing together, and sighs. &quot;Ah, you three. We need these seeds fer eating ya know.&quot; She collects the skunk&#39;s seeds in hernight gown, made into a make shift pouch. She shakes her head and hugs the skunk close. &quot;Well, we tried, and at least we got somethin&#39;, ain&#39;t that right?&quot; she asks him, then kisses him on the head. She looks back to the building and purses her lips. &quot;Huh, I wonder if Selyra would consider this enough work before startin&#39; with the sex ed? The other calves certainly look like they could use some tips.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche smiles to her group as she seem to take on her lessons well enough dispite a rough start. &quot;Alright, good job everyone! Lets make our way back before it gets too dark. You all did well!&quot; She starts making her way back to town, giving the guard a smile and a wave as she returns with the children and toe safe and sound. She returns to the plaza where they left off to wait for the others, hoping that none of the children remember her promise about teaching them sex. &quot;Just remember, this was still prety close to town so there wouldn&#39;t be a lot of danger around but before you go off, always make sure to consult the guard or your parents to see if theres trouble around and to make sure someone knows where you are going. Theres other things around here besides predatory animals, I think, if that guards warning has anything to say about that.&quot; Smiling at the group she keeps watch, she shows them a bit about using the sky to navigate and other helpful tips on getting ones orientation.<br> <br>Getting later and later, the sun starting to go down, quite a few children look ready for a &#39;reward&#39; of some kind! All in all a good day&#39;s work, instilling the fundementals of what was needed to work, and work well, to most at least. More than a few give thanks for the teaching, though... do stick around for the rewards after... However, it would be rough getting back to the city walls in the dark, before being rewarded it might be best to head home first!<br> <br>Selyra smiles warmly at the ones who stayed to be rewarded, bringing them behind the barn. Once there, she gets them all relaxed, and performs either cunnillingus or fellatio on each of them in order to satisfy their urges. Afterwords however, honey and cum soaked into the fur of her muzzle, she stands before them all. &quot;I hope you all enjoyed! But since I promised double rewards, is there anything else you kids would like? It can be sexual, but it doesn&#39;t need to be. Either way, I&#39;ll try to get it for you. Just let me know what it is! Next time, we&#39;ll work on hunting real animals, now that you know how to use the guns and aim correctly.&quot; she says, eager to know what the kids would like, even if it&#39;s just another round of sexual activity.

Revision as of 03:43, 22 August 2015





Morning, though a cloudy day. The Foxes had assembled a few of the mutants that had come to help out, but needed training. They each had what would have, in the old days, passed as a highschool education, and each had their own hidden potental, but with a lack of instruction would never get to the point they needed to be. Right now, they were milling about in one of the courtyards of the up and coming Surrogate Brotherhood. The Foxes had brought with them some of the stuff they had managed to collect, but without foreknowledge of what would be taught, weren't sure what to bring.

It didn't take long for Selyra to arrive in the plaza, exiting the foyer to get there. The foyer, which everyone else would need to pass through as well, for the Surrogate Brotherhood compound is surrounded by what can only be the early stages of a wall. Seeing the foxes and children gathered, the collie brightens up. "Well hello there, everyone! How are we all doing today? Ready to learn?" she asks, seeming fairly excited to be able to teach these kids, tail wagging behind her. With her she's brought a rather long and heavy-duty case, as well as a backpack and a large medical box.

It was rare for Lila to leave her saloon these day, spending much of her time managing her children as they served their customers. Or at least, she thought she did, she wasn't entirely sure if she was any good at the job, her children likely too kind to say anything bad about their feral mother's managerial abilities. Still, she had plenty of children, and even carried a few in her womb as she walked into Glenstock. Even if she wasn't that great, she was there to help as best she could. As she walked up, a hand resting on her stomach, she smiled at the foxes and Selyra. "So, what are we doing today?" she said in a thick southern drawl.

Blanche wonders over after hearing the call and makes her way over to Selyra and looks around. "Hello everyone!" She smiles happily to everyone. "Oh! and.... uhh... Grandmaw Selyra? Grandmother Selyra? Granny selly?" she asks, trying to find a name that sounds good. "How is everyone?" Taking another look around she takes in the sight of all the foxes. "Whoa, so many foxes." She waves to them, "Hello foxes!" Looking back to Selyra she asks, "Is there any way I can help?" She asks with her tail wagging gently.

Blanche looks over to Lila and smiles. "Oh! I haven't seen you before. I'm Blanche, by the way. Nice to meet you." She briefly gives her an odd look but doesn't pay it much mind when she resumes looking around and watching the foxes do their thing.

The foxes themselves don't stay long, nodding to the teachers, and then heading off. Leaving them with... the children. Of course, the huskies, mares, and skunks sniff at their new teachers, some looking confused, others knowing well whom these people were! However, the there was a slight problems. Smelling at the trio begins to give them the wrong ideas. Tails wag, noses flare, a skunk giving a very interesting look to Lila in particular. Though the cowgirl was already pregnant, ideas were forming...

Selyra waves to the others that enter the plaza, glad that more teachers are arriving besides just her. "Welcome, welcome! Hello there Blanche, I'm glad to see you here." she says to them, ready to start running the show. She smiles and giggles softly as the children sniff at them, allowing them to get a good sense of their teachers. However, she soon notices the looks some of them are getting, and glances over to Lila. "Oh dear... Children, we'll have none of that today, I'm afraid!" she tells them, keeping her voice as professional as she can. "Lila, I'm afraid you'll need to try and tone down the... Scent, if you can, please." she requests, but then looks between Lila and Blanche. "I can teach them how to shoot, how to patch up wounds, and how to read pre-war encyclopedias. How about you two?"

Lila smiles and nods at Blanche. "Pleasure ta meet ya too. I'm Lila," she said with a friendly smile. Her ears flickered and she looked down at the children, then up at Selyra. "I wish I could tone it down, but I've got no control over mah fragrance." She looks to the skunk and giggles, reaching a hand out to scratch between their ears. "Besides, calves, or rather, youngin's like these need ta be learnin' how ta restrain themselves. Even a feral like me knows that. As fer what ta do, I'm largely a pacifist. I don't like raisin' a hand in anger if I don't have ta. Mah specialties lie with in first aid and... well, the S-E-X, but I don't wanna cause a fuss over that."

Blanche nods to Lila and smiles. she waves again to the children. "Hello everyone, my name is Blanche... and I can show you..." She blinks and searches her mind. Most of it is still fuzzy and blank, but some of it comes through ok. "I can... teach you how to survive in the wilderness and various areas. I also can show you how to lift things. I can teach a little climbing, about the kinds of critters around, running.... and... well.. I may be able to show some sexual trick myself..." She blushes at the last part, wanting to be honest but not wanting to fan the flames on their... passion. "I'm not sure how good a teacher I can be, but I'll try!"

Despite Selyra's attempt at first, the children continue to mill about. A total of about fifteen of them, as the would be teachers try to get them to focus and be ready to be taught. Discussing among themselves about what they could teach, the children seem to come to a collective decision that perhaps teaching of a more carnal nature should happen. One of the huskies speaks up, "Well, maybe those sexy tricks would be best?" Shi asks, trailing a claw around one of hir bare nipples. A mare and another husky nod in agreement, eyes over Lila and Blanche primarily!

Selyra facepalms lightly, shaking her head. "Listen here, kids! Glenstock needs your help to run smoothly. We need people with broader skills, so 'sexy tricks' aren't really the point of this." she says to them, hoping to gather even an ounce of attention. "We can do the sexy tricks, but only after we've learned other things first. For example..." she trails off, moving to the big long case she brought, opening it up to reveal a surprisingly large sniper rifle within. It takes her only a moment to set the rifle up to point towards the wilderness, northwards away from pretty much everything. And finally, she fires one loud, highly echoing bullet from the gun. The sound is an almost ear-splitting metallic clank, mixed with a BOOM that seems to echo off the walls of the buildings.

Lila's ears flicker again, noticing the eyes roaming over her body. A sly smile spreads on her lips, especially with Blanche's offer of teaching sexual tricks only encouraging her. Her brow raises however and she watches Selyra wander off, mooing in surprise and jumping back with hands over her ears at the explosion from the rifle. "Oh heavens! My poor ear drums!" she shouts loudly, rubbing her ears. She shakes her head and sighs. "Gawd, maybe we should avoid the big and scary guns for now. They're interested in a few tricks, what'd be the harm in showing them a thing or two, just ta get their minds off of it? They're only gonna be thinkin' about it otherwise."

Blanche blushes as only attracts more attention to herself, her foot-paw twisting in the dirt slightly. Suddenly, a loud noise startles her! She yipes and managed to quell the need to run, but her fur is sticking strait out as she enters a small panic at the loud noise. Her head quickly turns to the source. "Grandma!" She huffs. She calms herself down a bit, but her fur still sticks up from from the ordeal. With a sigh she tries to cover herself up, wanting to help quell the sexual urges of those around her, but only managed to cover up a small portion of her breasts before she gives up and hangs her arms down in defeat. "I'm only going to teach sex if you'll pay attention to Selyra and put in a good effort to learning what we have to share. This is important, for everybody." She hopes she wont have to teach how to be sexy, but on the other hand... if it gets them to focus, even a little.

Alkain winces as he pads out from the foyer, "Geez Selyra, was that really necessary?" he grumbles, smelling lightly of rut, before padding over to where the others are. "Sorry I'm late by the way." he's in the nude as usual, and looks over Lila and the new Blanche curiously, "Uhh, I don't think we've met. I'm Alkain." he nods to the children as well in greeting

The shot rings out! The children all look over at Selyra, in complete shock! However, Lila's display begin, an inviting display that gets males and herms looking at her in a different light! One of the skunk males starts to walk over toward her, mostly ignoring Selyra... until, as he reaches out for the bovine idel... a duck lands in his hands. Head shot clean off... At first he shreaks! Looking over to Selyra, he looks at the bleeding duck, then over to Selyra again. A few more shreaks, before, a mare mentions, "Hey... that's food..." A bit more intruge comes over the students. Blanche then mentions as well, learning first, sex later... conflict... to pay attention to the stiring in their respective pants and skirts... or how to get food?

After the loud blast from the gun, she glances around at the others to see if anyone was paying attention. Seeing and hearing Alkain, she huffs. "Nice of you to join in, mister rut. This is going just /great/." Sadly, everyone but the kids were paying attention to her. She's about to throw up her paws and leave when the duck lands in the child's hands, making her eyes wide. A moment of fear shoots through her, when another kid points out that it was food, making her breathe a sigh of relief. "Y-yes, eheh... That duck can be cooked and made into food, that's right..." she tries to play it cool, hoping the bleeding doesn't freak the kid out. It's pretty easy to see Blanche's reluctance to focus on what's really important, hear Lila's insistence, and smell Alkain's rut. With a shake of the head and a heavy sigh, she begins to take down the rifle from its spot, folding the stand away. "I'm not really sure why I'm here. Sweetie, put the duck down and wash your hands please, and then all of you may participate in sex-ed with the rest of the teachers." she says, tone oozing disappointment. "Thank you for coming, teachers, I appreciate your contribution to our workforce." she adds, putting the rifle away and closing the case probably a bit too loudly.

Lila flinches and turns her head away from the formerly living duck's body, covering her mouth, the clear sound of her gagging muffled slightly. "Oh lord, how disgustin'," she mutters in disdain. Her fur bristles and she shivers, fanning her muzzle with her hand as she notices Alkain. The headless duck seems to have ruined her sexual appetite, waving weakly at Alkain before covering her mouth again with her hand. "Lila, nice ta meet ya Alkain." Her head lurches forward and she gags again. "Ooh, Hathor save me, I really did not need to see that. Mornin' sickness' bad enough without that." She shakes her head and slowly lowers her hand away from her mouth. "Whew, well, I'm more of a fruits and veggies type 'a gal. We got an seeds fer plantin'? I'd rather not head out and..." She looks to the duck then suddenly turns her head away. "do any huntin'. Haven't got the stomach."

Blanche looks over to Selyra, a little disappointed but tries to salvage what she can. "Did you know some cactus has drinkable water in them? Or that theres quite a few critters you can find under rocks in the desert? I can teach you guys and girls and everyone in between to find food as you go! You wont have to starve so much if you can eat as you go!" She nods to the kids and attempts to find a quick spot nearby to pick up something quick and edible to show them how it could be done.

Alkain winces at the completely unexpected duck corpse in a childs hands, "Well..." he coughs lightly and blinks at Sely's comment, "Huh? Oh..." he sighs, "Sorry, didn't think it'd matter much..." he rubs the back of his neck and shakes his head, "I came here to teach though. Or try at least..." he looks over the children and frowns, "Looks like they need more focus though..." that quietly so they hopefully don't overhear. He looks to Lila and nods, wincing at the gags, "I see." he looks to Blanche and chuckles, "True."

As Selyra packs away her rifle, a handpaw touches on her shoulder, "Hey, umm, grandma?" Says a husky, a few of others standing behind her, "Could, you, well, teach us a bit about shooting? It could help in hunting." She continues, those with her nodding. At the same time, a few look to Lila, mentioning seeds and farming, as well as to Blanche who mentions gathering food. The food stocks were getting low. However, erect cocks and puffed up pussies still seem to be a persistant issue, diverting some of their attentions to those rather than the task at hand.

Selyra turns to look at the paw on her shoulder, then its owner. Seeing one of the children asking her about shooting, she widens her eyes. The name she's called makes her a bit hesitant, unsure how she feels about being called grandma yet, but she decides it's best to help the kids regardless. "Sweetie? Are you sure you want to learn about this now? It won't be easy. But if I see that you're doing a real good job, I'll reward you with something more... Well, 'fun'." she hints, smiling at the girl, then glancing at the others who were interested in shooting. Briefly, she attempts to count the heads of those whose attention she has.

Lila crosses her arms over her chest and frowns at the talk of shooting and hunting. She turns her head and smiles at the few whose attentions look to her. Though she notices their obvious arousal, she tries not to draw her eyes to them. Looking to Selyra she grins. "Could always show them a thing or two about gatherin' instead a huntin'. Show them which fruits and plants are safe ta eat, collect some fer food and some fer seedin'." She giggles and gives her ass a playful wiggle. "An' seedin's always a lotta fun."

Blanche looks around and tries to find a good example for on the go foraging, but being where she is, this proves to be exceptionally difficult without leaving. Feeling a bit disappointed with herself she continues. "So, one of the benefits of learning some survival skills is that when you are out in the field or city ruins, you won't have to totally starve as long as you know where to look. It may not be appetizing, but theres almost always something around the corner. ...if you know where to look." She smiles to the kids, hoping they catch on as opposed to thinking of sex. Turning to Selyra she adds, however. "Think you could teach me to use that later, Selyra?"

Alkain chuckles at the kids as the approach Sely and watches the others who still seem unsure, "Well, while the others can teach you kids how to hunt and gather... I can teach you how to create! Anything from art, to how to design buildings, to schematics for machines." as he gets into his speech, seems his rut dies down for now. He looks over the kids to see how many seem interested in that

Of the fifteen children there, it seems that about ten are interested in learning to shoot and hunt in general, and another five interested in farming, though as Alkain mentions his expertise, there is some confusion! They all look among each other, a small class, and so many topics to possibly be taught! A few confused woofs, churrs, and nickers later, they still seem unsure what to do!

Selyra looks up to Lila, shaking her head and sighing. "I'm not the only one that can teach gathering. Plus, the most important thing about shooting is gun safety, so you can rest assured that this will be worth it. It's better to know gun safety than not know it." she argues, but then glances over at Blanche, eyebrows raised. "Oh, sure sweetie. But I think you'll need to find some wilderness in order to teach that. Just be careful out there." she says, though Alkain's sales pitch catches her attention as well. "That's a great idea Alkain, I think I acted too soon in assuming all you guys wanted was sex-ed." she says, but as the kids seem to be a little confused, the collie stands up and looks over them. "Alright, let's see... We'll start with you four." she says, pointing at 4 of the 10 who were interested in shooting. "You four go with Alkain there to learn art and construction." she says, then points to the husky who touched Selyra's shoulder, as well as 2 other kids. "You three, come with me to learn gun operation and maintenance." she suggests, then pointing to 4 more of the kids who had her attention. "And you four go with Blanche to learn how to gather and survive in the wilderness. And finally, the last four of you go with Lila to learn farming!" she says, hoping that spread works out best for everyone.

Lila smiles and nods her head. "Sounds like an excellent idea Sel!" she says, clapping her hands together. She looks to her 'students' and opens her arms, to the four, stepping forward and drawing them into a hug. Her bounty of milk becomes rather evident to the four as she tries drawing them close. "Alright, why don't we head out and look for some berries? Berries are always great! Yummy, plentiful, and easy to collect." She eased her hug from around them and began to walk off towards the wilderness.

Blanche nods and motions for her 4 to come over. "Alright," She smiles. "I'll show you 4 how to survive out in the wilderness, the kinds of shelters you can make, navigation without tools and so on. Make the lot of you great for scouting out things and picking up food for others!" Her tail wags behind her as she tries corralling the children together. "Keep in mind that this is the wilderness, so stick together, especially at night." Having never been in the wilds before, to her recollection anyway, she hopes she won't have to actually fight anything. "This'll be fun though! Gather us up some food, make a basic shelter... All sorts of things!" She starts off in a direction that looks promising for good survival opportunities.

Alkain nods in agreement with Sely, "Indeed." he chuckles at Sely's sex-ed comment and shakes his head, "You are forgiven." he grins at the hand off and looks to his four, "Alright, this should be fun. I want you to get those creative juices going!" he looks around and ponders, "Let's see, I have some supplies stashed away... Those'll be handy." he looks to his four kids again, "So that won't be an issue, let's head inside. It'll be much easier in there." he smiles with a wag of his tails as he motions them to follow, making sure they are before heading in

A bit more confusion for a while, though it seems a plan was had! Each group starts braking off, though the words 'creative juices' might not have been the best of terms! Many already had some juices flowing... though they seemed to be well enough of mind to keep doing as they were told. One of the skunks though speaks up, "Well, umm, Selyra? You'll be showing us how to hunt with the gun, right?" Shi asks. Though, Blanche heading off toward the gate already, the fox standing guard there warns, "Careful, don't head too far north or south." The children after asking, "Umm, how could we know how far is too far? And which way is which?"

Selyra smiles at Alkain, sticking her tongue out just a bit. However, seeing the kids actually take the directions they were given, the collie's tail begins to wag, and she then nods to the three kids she's teaching. One being a husky girl, and another being a skunk, it seems. "Oh yes, but when you're learning to use something that you've never used before, it's always a good idea to start with the basics. In this case, it's the use and safe operation." she explains, beckoning the kids she's going to teach, as she starts walking north of the plaza, where she's set up a small shooting range to at least start with the basics before rounds are fired in the wilderness and game is scared away. "I brought some less powerful rifles to start with." she adds on, taking a smaller, lighter, and more manageable gun from the case after setting it down.

Though her mind is clearly on teaching the children, Lila's hips still sway with her every step as she walked into the wooded area. She stopped and turned to them. "Alright kids, for now, we're looking for bushes with berries, but if ya find one, don't go and start chowin' down on them. Yer liable ta get an upset tummy or worse if ya do that. Once we find somethin' safe maybe we can start on lookin' fer things like mushrooms." She looked from side to side, looking to see if she could find anything. She frowned and sighed. "This actually might be a tad more difficult than I thought... but no reason to get discouraged! Gotta lotta work ta do! Hungry mouths ta feed!" she said, tapping her stomach absently at the mention of mouths to feed.

Blanche as she makes her way past the gate, she thanks the guard and picks neither of those two direction. She's no soldier and the children don't need to be put into any risk. She sticks within view of the city gates, but still far enough away that there may be a few things the other locals may missed. Standing in a decent patch of vegetation she starts to show potential places for food. "Overhere, you'll find some downed trees, these are good places to pick up bugs or the occasional small game." As she pokes the tree downed log, indeed, another foraging rabbit shoots out and runs away. "Like.... that... except usually beforehand you'd set up a few traps... just incase something like that happens..." She looks to the group and hope they don't mind the oversight. "Which leads me to one of my first lessons! traps! In the wild it's easy to find to make some basic traps, especially in the forest." She then puts together a simple trap from some fibrous plantlife and make a basic trap that would have caught the rabbit, had it not already ran off.

Alkain leads the kids to the dining room and blinks at Mira, "Oh hey. Didn't know you where in here!" he chuckles a little, "Well, if you want you can help me teach the youngsters here art and design?." He looks around, "Alright, take a seat where ever you are comfortable and I'll get the supplies. I'll only be a few minutes." he makes sure the kids are comfortable and pads up to the second floor, quickly gathering the supplies before heading down. He arrives shortly and distributes the supplies as evenly as he can, "Alright, who wants to do art and who wants to do buildings and stuff?"

Miranai watches Alkain coming in and seeming to lead a bit of something on teaching how to draw up and read blueprints? Shi giggles a bit, currently being nursed from by six other children, "Well... can't really move, but sure, I could help a little." Shi says, assisting in general direction, giving lots of praise, and even beeing lighthearted in punishment and redirection. Alkain's work contributes to them being taught how to make up blueprints, and draw in ways that are understandable and correct. Point of view, event horizons, and vanishing points are all taught. By the end, the four children, and two more who were done suckling Mira, have learned the basics of how to design, including plans for construction.

Blanche is quite successful in teaching basic trap making, as well as how to hunt and forage with claws, teeth, and instinct. Which way to go, basic tracking. her four children learn the basics of hunting that will blossom into more advanced skills as they are used.

Lila's efforts are not totally in vain. It was rough making sure which bushes were which, and the children seemed to wonder... and play with each other, more than focus on the class. However, a skunk male was able to figure out how to collect seeds.

Selyra's class goes very well, a few times the children forgetting to keep rifles on safe, though all in all, they successfully learn the basics of breathing, trigger squeeze, and sight picture. With practice, they will make good riflemen. So interesting was the teaching, the collie manages to attract two more students to learn!

Hours go by, teaching the children the basics of the crafts that they will be using to support the city.

The kids did so well in Selyra's gun safety and operation class that her tail wags and she can't help grinning, attempting to round the kidss up into a group again. "Well done, kids! The five of you have made me proud, I knew you could do it." she says in praise, checking to see if any of them still look needy. If they do, the collie blushes softly. "However, I distinctly remember saying that I would reward each of you for paying attention. Not only did you pay attention, but you did a great job. So I'm going to double the reward!" she tells them, clapping her paws together. "So, who still needs to be 'rewarded', hmmm?"

Lila smiles and hums as she sorts through the bushes, picking up what she could. Her ears flicker and she pats the skunk on the head as he brings over the seeds. "Ah, good boy! Looks like we're learning..." Her words trail off as she sees the other three playing together, and sighs. "Ah, you three. We need these seeds fer eating ya know." She collects the skunk's seeds in hernight gown, made into a make shift pouch. She shakes her head and hugs the skunk close. "Well, we tried, and at least we got somethin', ain't that right?" she asks him, then kisses him on the head. She looks back to the building and purses her lips. "Huh, I wonder if Selyra would consider this enough work before startin' with the sex ed? The other calves certainly look like they could use some tips."

Blanche smiles to her group as she seem to take on her lessons well enough dispite a rough start. "Alright, good job everyone! Lets make our way back before it gets too dark. You all did well!" She starts making her way back to town, giving the guard a smile and a wave as she returns with the children and toe safe and sound. She returns to the plaza where they left off to wait for the others, hoping that none of the children remember her promise about teaching them sex. "Just remember, this was still prety close to town so there wouldn't be a lot of danger around but before you go off, always make sure to consult the guard or your parents to see if theres trouble around and to make sure someone knows where you are going. Theres other things around here besides predatory animals, I think, if that guards warning has anything to say about that." Smiling at the group she keeps watch, she shows them a bit about using the sky to navigate and other helpful tips on getting ones orientation.

Getting later and later, the sun starting to go down, quite a few children look ready for a 'reward' of some kind! All in all a good day's work, instilling the fundementals of what was needed to work, and work well, to most at least. More than a few give thanks for the teaching, though... do stick around for the rewards after... However, it would be rough getting back to the city walls in the dark, before being rewarded it might be best to head home first!

Selyra smiles warmly at the ones who stayed to be rewarded, bringing them behind the barn. Once there, she gets them all relaxed, and performs either cunnillingus or fellatio on each of them in order to satisfy their urges. Afterwords however, honey and cum soaked into the fur of her muzzle, she stands before them all. "I hope you all enjoyed! But since I promised double rewards, is there anything else you kids would like? It can be sexual, but it doesn't need to be. Either way, I'll try to get it for you. Just let me know what it is! Next time, we'll work on hunting real animals, now that you know how to use the guns and aim correctly." she says, eager to know what the kids would like, even if it's just another round of sexual activity.