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<div></div><br> <br>The lounge is fairly quiet this time, the ones who happen to be there keeping up this trend. Selyra lays comfortably on the couch, her eyes half-open as she slowly comes to after a nice little rest with her sheepy daughter. The young girl lays atop her mother, shirt lifted in a revealing way and slightly disheveled, probably still asleep right now, but it's quite possible she's also waking up.<br> <br>Aatar is snoring quietly as she feels her mother start to stir under her, causing the young ewe to shift. She nuzzles the collie under her, rolling over, still unwilling to wake up, a hand resting on her pregnant belly, boobs on display and yawning, not wanting to admit she should stop her nap.<br> <br>Walking up to her old home, Miranai seems very somber. Her short time with Kilsa had hardened the Taur a bit. She cared a bit more weaponry around, mostly prototypes she was still testing, and her bots looked a bit more rigged up for combat then general helping and protection. Even her leather outfit looks like it was redesigned to offer her more protection. She sighs, what would Selyra think of seeing her like this? She was more solder then pet then she ever had been. But, it wasn't Selrya she needed to worry about, it was Kilsa. She sighs heavy again and, instead of just walking in, knocks on the door.<br> <br>Miora smiles a bit as she rounds the corner, blinking at the oddly familiar taur, soon walking up behind her and recognizing her scent. "Mira? she asks curiously, reaching out to touch her from behind, curious if it was the same taur, her tail giving a little wag since she hadn't even seen her ins such a long time. She did care for the taur and still had an open spot for her in her home if ever wanted, but she hadn't seen her since she had left. With a smile she was almost certian it was the taur and gently gives her back and rump a little pet.<br> <br>Selyra lets out a soft murr as Aatar shifts and rolls over, using her paws to massage at the girl's abdomen along with her. "I love you, dear..." he whispers, equally willing to continue cuddling on the couch. That is, until a knock comes to the door. The collie's eyes open all the way in slight surprise. Surprise that someone is knocking, as that doesn't happen too often. Kissing her daughter in the neck briefly, she slips out of under her, pulling her shirt down in a motherly way, then gives her a smile before heading towards the door. Straightening out her own clothes, she opens the door, only to see Miranai and Miora standing there, eyes going wide. "Mira!" she cries, quickly embracing the taur in a tight hug despite her new look.<br> <br>Aatar gives a little yelp of protest as she's moved from her comfortable position with her mother, blinking in surprise. The ewe returns the kiss with one of her own to her mother's nose before rolling off the couch with a loud yawn. She clambers to her feet, following the collie to the door with bleary eyes. The ewe gives another couple of blinks as she observes Mira, too asleep still to give a proper hello, the young girl simply joins her mother in a hug on the taur, lower down, nuzzling against the tauric flank with a yawn.<br> <br>Miranai yips and turns sharply when Miora calls out her name, putting a hand atop her breasts when she sees who it is, "Oh... Miora, you startled.. umm.. startled me." As her rump and back is pet though, she murrs softly, "oh... been too long since someone did that..." she says as she leans her body more into the husky. When the door is openned she goes to say something, but is quickly hugged, eyes going a bit wide. She almost starts to cry as she just drops the weapons, "I... I miss you too.. Mistress..." hugging back and nuzzling softly. Finally when Aatar hugs her, the dam breaks and she cries.. "Been too long..."<br> <br>Miora blinks as the taur starts to cry, slowly walking up and giving her a deep hug, letting her fingers trace around her neck and giving a tight hug to the taur's neck, having to stand on her tip toes to do so. During hte hug she does move her hand up a bit to rub just behind the taur's ears, hunting down her favorite spot to rub the taur, hoping it still worked. "Well if you come around more I would be happy to give all the pets and hugs you want." she says with a smile, giving the taur's cheek a little lick.<br> <br>Selyra buries her head in Mira's cleavage and upper chest, cooing softly. "Oh Mira... I was so worried, scared that something happened to you..." she swallows, almost about to cry herself. Her arms tighten around the taur, leaving the door open even as Mira begins to cry. "Shhhhh... come on in, my dear..." she coos some more, reluctantly slipping away to usher everyone inside the lounge, but takes Mira's hand and holds it tight.<br> <br>Aatar whimpers at Mira's crying, mutely pulling herself up onto the taur's back, riding her, the size of the sheep seeming to be mostly fluff, ending up to be rather light. The ewe starts to nuzzle at the small of the vixen's back, hugging her from behind, yawning again, still not wakful enough for words, but plainly knowing she needs to help comfort the taur.<br> <br>Miranai hugs tightly on Selyra, and giggles a bit as Aatar climbs up on her. She more easily carries the weight, and might even be able to hold someone bigger now. "Yes Mistress, of course.." she says and then gets assulted with ear rubs. All the attention on her back, her sides and neck, she quickly looks more like she did before she had left. With someone rubbing on her ears, walking becomes quiet the task, but she manages it, making sure to pull Miora along with them, on hand held by Selyra, the other on Miora's. "I know Miora.. and.. I miss you all too.. just.. been busy.. very very busy." She looks to Selyra, "No.. I'm sorry Mistress, nothing happened.. but.. I had to go, to help Miss Kilsa. She seemed.. so lost and hurt and alone. I.. needed to make sure she would be ok... you.. you all are safe and stable here... she isn't." she explains, having one of her bots carry the weapons in with them.<br> <br>Miora wasn't petting that deeply, having only brushed the spot for a mear second before just hugging and giggling a bit as she is picked up. "There is always an open spot in my home and a seat at my table for you sweety." she coos softly, givin Mira's cheek a soft kiss as she talked to her, giving Aatar a small hello kiss as well. As she is brought in she gives a small giggle, having not been carried like this in some time, many considering her a bit big with the hyper breasts on her.<br> <br>Selyra leans in front of Mira as they head inside slowly, giving Miora a kiss as well. "Hello there Miora, I'm happy to see you." she smiles, listening to the taur explain why she was gone so long, the question having burdened her mind since she went up missing. "I see... I hope she's okay..." she admits, her smile fading a little. She looks downward, squeezing Mira's paw softly as she leads everyone towards a couch. "Just... was so worried about you, Mira... was there no way you could have warned us?" she asks hopefully, giving that paw a little kiss.<br> <br>Aatar nuzzles and kisses at the back of Mira's neck, riding her and hugging around the taur's stomach, rubbing at the fluff, her pregnant bulge pushing into the small of Mira's back. "Missed you foxylegs... Is your new house fun?" she asks, trying a different tack to the conversation, resting her chin on the fox's shoulder and a yawning, smiling at her mother, full of affection.<br> <br>Miranai sighs very contently as she is hugged, petted, rubbed, kissed. This was something she needed, badly, and just wasn't getting anymore. The tentions in her form fade quickly under the affections. She looks down to the collie near her breasts and whimpers a bit, "I.. should have mailed you Mistress.. I'm sorry.. just, between the building of the.. comm room and then.. getting shot... having to deal with succubi, giving birth... building weapons.. I.. I haven't had much time." She isn't sure she should be sharing all this, but, she needed to talk and this was her family, right? She looks to Miora, "I.. I'll remember that.. thank you, thank you so much..." She says still crying a bit, and hardly noticing the weight, she'd gotten much stronger. Finally, to Aatar as she lays upon the couch, nussling into it, missing even that, "It is.. kinda fun.. it is big, lots of space.. I fit though the doors no matter how big I get..." she admits with a blush.<br> <br>Miora gives a relaxed smiel at the kiss and aknoledgement, letting go a bit and giving Selyra a kiss on the lips to say hello as well. She smiles a bit and soon takes a step away. "Well you must be thirsty, want anything to drink, or eat maybe?" she offers, ready to get something for herself and anyone else who wanted anything. Her curled up tail wagging. Overall Miora would look the same to Miranai, the only difference were that her ears were floppy like a collie's ears now.<br> <br>Selyra opens her eyes wide, her grip on Mira's paw tightening. "Y-you were shot!?" she asks urgently, shaking a little before she quickly calms down. It must have not been anything serious, as the taur looks fine right now. The desire to give Mira another examination grows stronger by the minute, but she holds back for now, just happy to see her. "I... I'm so sorry... and I understand. I'm just so happy to see you here Mira, it puts me at ease." she says, smiling up at the taur, gaze holding love for her. As Miora talks about Mira probably needing a drink, she turns her head and nods at Miora. "That's a good idea, mart thinking hun." she says, watching the husky as she goes, and taking note of those new ears.<br> <br>Aatar smiles, hopping off Miranai with a grin, fully awake now. "We all missed you foxylegs," she says, pouting a little at the news of her injury. "Are you all okay now," the young ewe asks, rubbing her hands over the taur's body almost as if she's searching for a wound. "D-do you want our news?" she asks, still looking for the hole and the pools of blood normally associated with being shot.<br> <br>Miranai looks over to Miora, "But.. I'm ment to get.. for you..." she says then, just smiles, "Ok.. ok.. some.. some juice please, and some jerky? You still keep that.. umm .. for Miss Nicky, right?" she asks, noting the new ears. "I.. hope not too much changes while I'm away..." she says rather sadly, but even if they did she'd be glad to be home again. "OH.. umm yes.. I was shot.. a lot..." her voice goes distant a moment, "a lot...." she cringes, remembering the moment. "I.. umm... got patched up, but it took me a week to rebuild my little bots." she says after. She looks back to Selyra, her own gaze holding a great deal of love for her mistress. "Oh.. Aatar.. you could stay up there, and yes I'm ok now... for now. Kilsa is.. is doing good too now, but.. things are not yet.. stable.. it is rough, but I think.. I think I can help." she says, then, just starts nuzzling back into Selyra, "But.. I miss you..." the comment seems mostly direct to the person who had saved her from the streets, but would easily apply to everyone.<br> <br>Miora giggles a bit. "Perhaps, but you must be thirsty, this time it is my treat." she says with a rather happy tone, she was worried, but she rather keep a positive atitude. She swiftly moves to get everyone some juices, it was nothing special, just an apple and orange juice mix. She gets some jerky as well, per Miranai's request, her tail wagging all the while. Only a few moments later she returned with a tray, having the glasses and plate of jerky on it. "Here you go." she says with a small wurf.<br> <br>Selyra begins to shake once more as it's revealed that Mira was shot a lot, biting her lip with worry and a small gout of physica and mental pain. "I'm so sorry... if I was there..." she groans a little, but presses herself against the taur in a small hug. "We missed you too... so much..." she whispers, staying as close to Mira as she could. "It's not the same without you, Mira... you all complete my life as a puzzle, and when a piece is missing, all you can think about is where it might be..."<br> <br>Aatar frowns a little at the mention of changes before a broad grin crosses her face. "I know a change you missed! You should visit more, foxylegs, we don't shoot you," she says, waiting until Moira returns before grabbing her and pulling her into a tight hug, leaning against her mother as she raises her sweater to shower the foxtaur her swollen belly and her tender breasts. "I'm pregnant! You get pregnant all the time, but it's big for me," she says, smiling, nuzzling against Miora. "This doggy is my matey now, she put a puppy in a belly," the ewe says, plainly bragging in her mode of speech. "Want to sit down and rub my belly! We need to cuddle, you're still good at that, right foxylegs?"<br> <br>Selyra nuzzles against Mira, and then Aatar, smiling. Noticing that Miora had returned with more than one drink, she takes one and sips from it, having to let go of Mira with that arm. "Thank you Miora, that was kind of you." she says, leaning to give the husky a kiss once more.<br> <br>Miranai feels Selyra shaking and tries to calm her, "Mistress, I know that you must have ... well.. been injured a lot in your time.. you healed up.. right?" She makes no mention of the scars though. "And.. if.. if you'd like to.. give me a once over.. that.. that would be fine. I know you.. you wanted to do that more.." she says blushing deeply. When Miora gets back with the drinks and food, she picks up a glass and whimpers at it a moment. Not wanting to seem rude at all, she tries to drink out of it at first, but when it becomes apparent she'd get more on her then in, she blushes and smiles, leaning her muzzle into the glass to lap at it instead, then taking a bite of the jerky. After done chewing, "Thank you Miora... thank you. I.. I need to come back here more often when I can." she says. When Aatar shares their information she looks in a bit of shock, "Miora! And Aatar..." It takes a moment for that to sink in and she whines slightly, but the sight of Aatar like that, she smiles and rubs on her, free hand wondering wherever the sheepy may let it while working her way into a more proper snuggle with everyone.<br> <br>Miora blinks, taking the glass before anything became too apparent, having forgotten that little tidbit. Moments later she returns with a bowl. Hoping that was better suited for you. Her tail wagging some as she didn't mind such a small thing. Although she can't help but wag her tail as Selyra kisses her too, making a small violet blush come to her nose, but her tail showing she loved it. Although when Aatar grabs her and shows off the belly her blush explodes, quickly making the inside of her ears and nose turn a brighter violet. Although she is curious about the whine. "What's wrong? I am sorry..." she whimpers in return, scared she upset Miranai by mating with the fluffy sheep.
<div></div><br> <br>The lounge is fairly quiet this time, the ones who happen to be there keeping up this trend. Selyra lays comfortably on the couch, her eyes half-open as she slowly comes to after a nice little rest with her sheepy daughter. The young girl lays atop her mother, shirt lifted in a revealing way and slightly disheveled, probably still asleep right now, but it's quite possible she's also waking up.<br> <br>Aatar is snoring quietly as she feels her mother start to stir under her, causing the young ewe to shift. She nuzzles the collie under her, rolling over, still unwilling to wake up, a hand resting on her pregnant belly, boobs on display and yawning, not wanting to admit she should stop her nap.<br> <br>Walking up to her old home, Miranai seems very somber. Her short time with Kilsa had hardened the Taur a bit. She cared a bit more weaponry around, mostly prototypes she was still testing, and her bots looked a bit more rigged up for combat then general helping and protection. Even her leather outfit looks like it was redesigned to offer her more protection. She sighs, what would Selyra think of seeing her like this? She was more solder then pet then she ever had been. But, it wasn't Selrya she needed to worry about, it was Kilsa. She sighs heavy again and, instead of just walking in, knocks on the door.<br> <br>Miora smiles a bit as she rounds the corner, blinking at the oddly familiar taur, soon walking up behind her and recognizing her scent. "Mira? she asks curiously, reaching out to touch her from behind, curious if it was the same taur, her tail giving a little wag since she hadn't even seen her ins such a long time. She did care for the taur and still had an open spot for her in her home if ever wanted, but she hadn't seen her since she had left. With a smile she was almost certian it was the taur and gently gives her back and rump a little pet.<br> <br>Selyra lets out a soft murr as Aatar shifts and rolls over, using her paws to massage at the girl's abdomen along with her. "I love you, dear..." he whispers, equally willing to continue cuddling on the couch. That is, until a knock comes to the door. The collie's eyes open all the way in slight surprise. Surprise that someone is knocking, as that doesn't happen too often. Kissing her daughter in the neck briefly, she slips out of under her, pulling her shirt down in a motherly way, then gives her a smile before heading towards the door. Straightening out her own clothes, she opens the door, only to see Miranai and Miora standing there, eyes going wide. "Mira!" she cries, quickly embracing the taur in a tight hug despite her new look.<br> <br>Aatar gives a little yelp of protest as she's moved from her comfortable position with her mother, blinking in surprise. The ewe returns the kiss with one of her own to her mother's nose before rolling off the couch with a loud yawn. She clambers to her feet, following the collie to the door with bleary eyes. The ewe gives another couple of blinks as she observes Mira, too asleep still to give a proper hello, the young girl simply joins her mother in a hug on the taur, lower down, nuzzling against the tauric flank with a yawn.<br> <br>Miranai yips and turns sharply when Miora calls out her name, putting a hand atop her breasts when she sees who it is, "Oh... Miora, you startled.. umm.. startled me." As her rump and back is pet though, she murrs softly, "oh... been too long since someone did that..." she says as she leans her body more into the husky. When the door is openned she goes to say something, but is quickly hugged, eyes going a bit wide. She almost starts to cry as she just drops the weapons, "I... I miss you too.. Mistress..." hugging back and nuzzling softly. Finally when Aatar hugs her, the dam breaks and she cries.. "Been too long..."<br> <br>Miora blinks as the taur starts to cry, slowly walking up and giving her a deep hug, letting her fingers trace around her neck and giving a tight hug to the taur's neck, having to stand on her tip toes to do so. During hte hug she does move her hand up a bit to rub just behind the taur's ears, hunting down her favorite spot to rub the taur, hoping it still worked. "Well if you come around more I would be happy to give all the pets and hugs you want." she says with a smile, giving the taur's cheek a little lick.<br> <br>Selyra buries her head in Mira's cleavage and upper chest, cooing softly. "Oh Mira... I was so worried, scared that something happened to you..." she swallows, almost about to cry herself. Her arms tighten around the taur, leaving the door open even as Mira begins to cry. "Shhhhh... come on in, my dear..." she coos some more, reluctantly slipping away to usher everyone inside the lounge, but takes Mira's hand and holds it tight.<br> <br>Aatar whimpers at Mira's crying, mutely pulling herself up onto the taur's back, riding her, the size of the sheep seeming to be mostly fluff, ending up to be rather light. The ewe starts to nuzzle at the small of the vixen's back, hugging her from behind, yawning again, still not wakful enough for words, but plainly knowing she needs to help comfort the taur.<br> <br>Miranai hugs tightly on Selyra, and giggles a bit as Aatar climbs up on her. She more easily carries the weight, and might even be able to hold someone bigger now. "Yes Mistress, of course.." she says and then gets assulted with ear rubs. All the attention on her back, her sides and neck, she quickly looks more like she did before she had left. With someone rubbing on her ears, walking becomes quiet the task, but she manages it, making sure to pull Miora along with them, on hand held by Selyra, the other on Miora's. "I know Miora.. and.. I miss you all too.. just.. been busy.. very very busy." She looks to Selyra, "No.. I'm sorry Mistress, nothing happened.. but.. I had to go, to help Miss Kilsa. She seemed.. so lost and hurt and alone. I.. needed to make sure she would be ok... you.. you all are safe and stable here... she isn't." she explains, having one of her bots carry the weapons in with them.<br> <br>Miora wasn't petting that deeply, having only brushed the spot for a mear second before just hugging and giggling a bit as she is picked up. "There is always an open spot in my home and a seat at my table for you sweety." she coos softly, givin Mira's cheek a soft kiss as she talked to her, giving Aatar a small hello kiss as well. As she is brought in she gives a small giggle, having not been carried like this in some time, many considering her a bit big with the hyper breasts on her.<br> <br>Selyra leans in front of Mira as they head inside slowly, giving Miora a kiss as well. "Hello there Miora, I'm happy to see you." she smiles, listening to the taur explain why she was gone so long, the question having burdened her mind since she went up missing. "I see... I hope she's okay..." she admits, her smile fading a little. She looks downward, squeezing Mira's paw softly as she leads everyone towards a couch. "Just... was so worried about you, Mira... was there no way you could have warned us?" she asks hopefully, giving that paw a little kiss.<br> <br>Aatar nuzzles and kisses at the back of Mira's neck, riding her and hugging around the taur's stomach, rubbing at the fluff, her pregnant bulge pushing into the small of Mira's back. "Missed you foxylegs... Is your new house fun?" she asks, trying a different tack to the conversation, resting her chin on the fox's shoulder and a yawning, smiling at her mother, full of affection.<br> <br>Miranai sighs very contently as she is hugged, petted, rubbed, kissed. This was something she needed, badly, and just wasn't getting anymore. The tentions in her form fade quickly under the affections. She looks down to the collie near her breasts and whimpers a bit, "I.. should have mailed you Mistress.. I'm sorry.. just, between the building of the.. comm room and then.. getting shot... having to deal with succubi, giving birth... building weapons.. I.. I haven't had much time." She isn't sure she should be sharing all this, but, she needed to talk and this was her family, right? She looks to Miora, "I.. I'll remember that.. thank you, thank you so much..." She says still crying a bit, and hardly noticing the weight, she'd gotten much stronger. Finally, to Aatar as she lays upon the couch, nussling into it, missing even that, "It is.. kinda fun.. it is big, lots of space.. I fit though the doors no matter how big I get..." she admits with a blush.<br> <br>Miora gives a relaxed smiel at the kiss and aknoledgement, letting go a bit and giving Selyra a kiss on the lips to say hello as well. She smiles a bit and soon takes a step away. "Well you must be thirsty, want anything to drink, or eat maybe?" she offers, ready to get something for herself and anyone else who wanted anything. Her curled up tail wagging. Overall Miora would look the same to Miranai, the only difference were that her ears were floppy like a collie's ears now.<br> <br>Selyra opens her eyes wide, her grip on Mira's paw tightening. "Y-you were shot!?" she asks urgently, shaking a little before she quickly calms down. It must have not been anything serious, as the taur looks fine right now. The desire to give Mira another examination grows stronger by the minute, but she holds back for now, just happy to see her. "I... I'm so sorry... and I understand. I'm just so happy to see you here Mira, it puts me at ease." she says, smiling up at the taur, gaze holding love for her. As Miora talks about Mira probably needing a drink, she turns her head and nods at Miora. "That's a good idea, mart thinking hun." she says, watching the husky as she goes, and taking note of those new ears.<br> <br>Aatar smiles, hopping off Miranai with a grin, fully awake now. "We all missed you foxylegs," she says, pouting a little at the news of her injury. "Are you all okay now," the young ewe asks, rubbing her hands over the taur's body almost as if she's searching for a wound. "D-do you want our news?" she asks, still looking for the hole and the pools of blood normally associated with being shot.<br> <br>Miranai looks over to Miora, "But.. I'm ment to get.. for you..." she says then, just smiles, "Ok.. ok.. some.. some juice please, and some jerky? You still keep that.. umm .. for Miss Nicky, right?" she asks, noting the new ears. "I.. hope not too much changes while I'm away..." she says rather sadly, but even if they did she'd be glad to be home again. "OH.. umm yes.. I was shot.. a lot..." her voice goes distant a moment, "a lot...." she cringes, remembering the moment. "I.. umm... got patched up, but it took me a week to rebuild my little bots." she says after. She looks back to Selyra, her own gaze holding a great deal of love for her mistress. "Oh.. Aatar.. you could stay up there, and yes I'm ok now... for now. Kilsa is.. is doing good too now, but.. things are not yet.. stable.. it is rough, but I think.. I think I can help." she says, then, just starts nuzzling back into Selyra, "But.. I miss you..." the comment seems mostly direct to the person who had saved her from the streets, but would easily apply to everyone.<br> <br>Miora giggles a bit. "Perhaps, but you must be thirsty, this time it is my treat." she says with a rather happy tone, she was worried, but she rather keep a positive atitude. She swiftly moves to get everyone some juices, it was nothing special, just an apple and orange juice mix. She gets some jerky as well, per Miranai's request, her tail wagging all the while. Only a few moments later she returned with a tray, having the glasses and plate of jerky on it. "Here you go." she says with a small wurf.<br> <br>Selyra begins to shake once more as it's revealed that Mira was shot a lot, biting her lip with worry and a small gout of physica and mental pain. "I'm so sorry... if I was there..." she groans a little, but presses herself against the taur in a small hug. "We missed you too... so much..." she whispers, staying as close to Mira as she could. "It's not the same without you, Mira... you all complete my life as a puzzle, and when a piece is missing, all you can think about is where it might be..."<br> <br>Aatar frowns a little at the mention of changes before a broad grin crosses her face. "I know a change you missed! You should visit more, foxylegs, we don't shoot you," she says, waiting until Moira returns before grabbing her and pulling her into a tight hug, leaning against her mother as she raises her sweater to shower the foxtaur her swollen belly and her tender breasts. "I'm pregnant! You get pregnant all the time, but it's big for me," she says, smiling, nuzzling against Miora. "This doggy is my matey now, she put a puppy in a belly," the ewe says, plainly bragging in her mode of speech. "Want to sit down and rub my belly! We need to cuddle, you're still good at that, right foxylegs?"<br> <br>Selyra nuzzles against Mira, and then Aatar, smiling. Noticing that Miora had returned with more than one drink, she takes one and sips from it, having to let go of Mira with that arm. "Thank you Miora, that was kind of you." she says, leaning to give the husky a kiss once more.<br> <br>Miranai feels Selyra shaking and tries to calm her, "Mistress, I know that you must have ... well.. been injured a lot in your time.. you healed up.. right?" She makes no mention of the scars though. "And.. if.. if you'd like to.. give me a once over.. that.. that would be fine. I know you.. you wanted to do that more.." she says blushing deeply. When Miora gets back with the drinks and food, she picks up a glass and whimpers at it a moment. Not wanting to seem rude at all, she tries to drink out of it at first, but when it becomes apparent she'd get more on her then in, she blushes and smiles, leaning her muzzle into the glass to lap at it instead, then taking a bite of the jerky. After done chewing, "Thank you Miora... thank you. I.. I need to come back here more often when I can." she says. When Aatar shares their information she looks in a bit of shock, "Miora! And Aatar..." It takes a moment for that to sink in and she whines slightly, but the sight of Aatar like that, she smiles and rubs on her, free hand wondering wherever the sheepy may let it while working her way into a more proper snuggle with everyone.<br> <br>Miora blinks, taking the glass before anything became too apparent, having forgotten that little tidbit. Moments later she returns with a bowl. Hoping that was better suited for you. Her tail wagging some as she didn't mind such a small thing. Although she can't help but wag her tail as Selyra kisses her too, making a small violet blush come to her nose, but her tail showing she loved it. Although when Aatar grabs her and shows off the belly her blush explodes, quickly making the inside of her ears and nose turn a brighter violet. Although she is curious about the whine. "What's wrong? I am sorry..." she whimpers in return, scared she upset Miranai by mating with the fluffy sheep.<br> <br>Selyra nods a little, seeing the taur's point. In fact, she uses her free paw to lift her sleeve, exposing the scar underneath. "You'reright, dear I just... it hurts to think about, so I'll stop, you're okay and that's enough for me..." she decides, rolling her sleeve back down and taking a sip before she presses against the others once more, loving the ability to snuggle up with everyone against a taur again, especially Mira. "A-although Miora... n-not right now, but I will later..." she blushes as well, giggling a little from Miora's reaction, thinking the husky looks so cute when her face is covered in violet blush. She too was curious about the whine, though Miora had already asked, so she simply listens.<br> <br>Aatar blushes in turn with Miora, unsure what to embarassed about, but her face pinkening at least from sympathy. The ewe giggles at the rubbing to her belly and breasts, stepping against Mira and nuzzling at Miora, the ewe utterly content to be surrounded by warm, feminine bodies, grinning from ear to ear. "I love you foxylegs," she says, wondering about the whine too, but settling for rubbing her cheek against the taur. "You're nice! You want to play with my puppy when she's born?" the ewe asks, looking up at Miranai from below, grinning.<br> <br>Miranai smiles when she is braught a bowl instead, her tail now wagging briskly, and probably fanning quite a few people in the process, "Thank you.. thank you all..." She just nessles down into the snuggling more and more, sometimes it is the best to be the biggest. "Oh.. nothing wrong.. nothing wrong at all.. just.. just missing out on.. well.." she blushes even more herself, "On being mates here... just.. missing a lot.." she admits, licking on everyone and anyone, pulling them all about her as close as she can, "Just.. missing a lot...." She looks to the scar, and wonders why she hasn't got any.. she.. was literally full of holes. "Yes.. I'd rather not keep.. umm. talking. about that.. thankfully.. I.. I passed out.." she says finally. "And.. ok,  later sounds good Mistress, later." She giggles about Aatar, nuzzling in tighter to all, "Thank you Miss Aatar, and.. I'd love to.. maybe Nyo and mine pups can play with yours too?"<br> <br>Miora smiles some as she just cuddles up to everyone, murring as she fluffs up herself for better snuggles. Enjoying being near Mira again, having been away for too long. She lets out a small yawn, the comfyness just feeling oh so perfect and comfy, making it a bit hard to stay awake as the husky's eyes droop a bit. A soft murring coming from her as her tail wags and probably taps against someones leg.<br> <br>Selyra smiles gently at Mira as she explains how she feels, giving a little nod of understanding. "And we missed out on our Mira... our precious Mira..." she whispers, her voice going down in volume due to how close they all were. The talk about Nyo's pups makes her widen her eyes however, a deep blush spreading along her face. "N-Nyo?" she asks, that being something she never expected. Seeing Miora's tired byt adorable look makes her smile endearingly at the husky. "She's so cute..."<br> <br>Aatar smiles, overjoyed at the closeness she's experiencing. "I'd like that, Foxylegs," she says, kissing back at the taur's cheek before deatching herself and moving to hug Moira exclusively, grinning at the tired eyes. "Want to go to the couch to nap, Matey? I'll stay with you, you can feel our puppy kicking," she says with a smile, licking at the husky's nose and smiling towards the other pair. "Mummy and foxylegs want to join us? I remember foxylegs being really warm," she says, seeming to have forgotten to lower her sweater again, easily distracted as she is.<br> <br>Miranai yawns a bit herself, feeling all the more relaxed and cuddled in. "Yes... I.. I helped *yawn* Nyo.. and he.. he helped me with my heat..." she says blushing even more. "Oh... so relaxing.. so.. warm." She can't help but start to nod off. "Oh.. so nice.. so precious too.. Mistress.. Miss Aatar.. Miora...mmmmm I'll.. I'll go back to the KS tomorrow.. m.. may I stay with you tonight Mistress?" she asks looking and feeling all the more tired every moment as the worry and stress drain from her. "Maybe... maybe sleep at Miora's.. like we did before..." she says very hopefully, murring again at all the kisses and snuggles.<br> <br>Miora giggles some and nods at the idea. "My place sounds nice." she says with a mur as she stands up, barely managing to keep herself awake as she had almost nodded off. "On the condition you carry me." she says up to Mira, moving to crawl onto the taur back, her tail giving a lazy half awake wag, just like how her face was. She does pause for a second to give Selyra a deep kiss then one to Aatar as well before then moving to give Miranai one as well. The tiny husky proceeding onto the taur back and murring happily as she relaxes.<br> <br>Selyra blinks once, amazed that the two had gone at it, her blush remaining. Hearing that the taur desires a night at Miora's home, she cannot deny she greatly missed just that. "I... of course, Mira... of course you can, without a doubt." she smiles, pushing herself to her feet as well, but not without giving a kiss to Aatar and returning Miora's. Making her way over to her pack, she pulls out something black and stringly, slipping the pack on and hiding the object behind her back. She returns to the front of the taur, leaning in to give her a peck on the lips, while her arms move around to clip a leash onto her familiar collar with a smile. "We go for a walk first too... then it's off to bed with us." she giggles, giving Mira a hug.<br> <br>Aatar giggles loudly at the kissing and the affection all around. "Okay! Matey's house," she says, licking against Miora's nose and pressing into Selyra before giving her a deep kiss. She smiles up at Miora, grinning and poking her tongue out. "I'll kiss you later, after..." she says, moving around behind the taur and pulling herself up onto her back, behind Miora, hugging and kissing at the husky. "After you take us on the walk," the ewe teases, rubbing her face against the husky's bust, ready to go on another snuggling adventure!<br> <br>Miranai looks a bit sad a moment as the cuddling draws to an end, but then Miora hops on her back, and she giggles, "I .. I remember being too weak to do this.." But she does buckle slightly when Aatar joins her, taking a moment to get used to the weight. She'll have her bots carry the gear, this was too important. WHen Selyra kisses her she kisses back, holding it there, kissing as long and deeply as Selyra will let her, not noticing a thing till Selyra stops the kiss to talk, then she sees the leash, and her eyes go wide and she starts to cry again, gribbing Selyra and pressing the smaller collie into her breasts, "Ok.. ok.. I haven't forgot.. I haven't Mistress, by your heel, ok.. lets go.." She seem suddenly very excited, giddily so, but another yawn betrays that she is still very relaxed and very tired as they head out for a walk, then, to sleep at Miora's.

Revision as of 05:08, 6 March 2013





The lounge is fairly quiet this time, the ones who happen to be there keeping up this trend. Selyra lays comfortably on the couch, her eyes half-open as she slowly comes to after a nice little rest with her sheepy daughter. The young girl lays atop her mother, shirt lifted in a revealing way and slightly disheveled, probably still asleep right now, but it's quite possible she's also waking up.

Aatar is snoring quietly as she feels her mother start to stir under her, causing the young ewe to shift. She nuzzles the collie under her, rolling over, still unwilling to wake up, a hand resting on her pregnant belly, boobs on display and yawning, not wanting to admit she should stop her nap.

Walking up to her old home, Miranai seems very somber. Her short time with Kilsa had hardened the Taur a bit. She cared a bit more weaponry around, mostly prototypes she was still testing, and her bots looked a bit more rigged up for combat then general helping and protection. Even her leather outfit looks like it was redesigned to offer her more protection. She sighs, what would Selyra think of seeing her like this? She was more solder then pet then she ever had been. But, it wasn't Selrya she needed to worry about, it was Kilsa. She sighs heavy again and, instead of just walking in, knocks on the door.

Miora smiles a bit as she rounds the corner, blinking at the oddly familiar taur, soon walking up behind her and recognizing her scent. "Mira? she asks curiously, reaching out to touch her from behind, curious if it was the same taur, her tail giving a little wag since she hadn't even seen her ins such a long time. She did care for the taur and still had an open spot for her in her home if ever wanted, but she hadn't seen her since she had left. With a smile she was almost certian it was the taur and gently gives her back and rump a little pet.

Selyra lets out a soft murr as Aatar shifts and rolls over, using her paws to massage at the girl's abdomen along with her. "I love you, dear..." he whispers, equally willing to continue cuddling on the couch. That is, until a knock comes to the door. The collie's eyes open all the way in slight surprise. Surprise that someone is knocking, as that doesn't happen too often. Kissing her daughter in the neck briefly, she slips out of under her, pulling her shirt down in a motherly way, then gives her a smile before heading towards the door. Straightening out her own clothes, she opens the door, only to see Miranai and Miora standing there, eyes going wide. "Mira!" she cries, quickly embracing the taur in a tight hug despite her new look.

Aatar gives a little yelp of protest as she's moved from her comfortable position with her mother, blinking in surprise. The ewe returns the kiss with one of her own to her mother's nose before rolling off the couch with a loud yawn. She clambers to her feet, following the collie to the door with bleary eyes. The ewe gives another couple of blinks as she observes Mira, too asleep still to give a proper hello, the young girl simply joins her mother in a hug on the taur, lower down, nuzzling against the tauric flank with a yawn.

Miranai yips and turns sharply when Miora calls out her name, putting a hand atop her breasts when she sees who it is, "Oh... Miora, you startled.. umm.. startled me." As her rump and back is pet though, she murrs softly, "oh... been too long since someone did that..." she says as she leans her body more into the husky. When the door is openned she goes to say something, but is quickly hugged, eyes going a bit wide. She almost starts to cry as she just drops the weapons, "I... I miss you too.. Mistress..." hugging back and nuzzling softly. Finally when Aatar hugs her, the dam breaks and she cries.. "Been too long..."

Miora blinks as the taur starts to cry, slowly walking up and giving her a deep hug, letting her fingers trace around her neck and giving a tight hug to the taur's neck, having to stand on her tip toes to do so. During hte hug she does move her hand up a bit to rub just behind the taur's ears, hunting down her favorite spot to rub the taur, hoping it still worked. "Well if you come around more I would be happy to give all the pets and hugs you want." she says with a smile, giving the taur's cheek a little lick.

Selyra buries her head in Mira's cleavage and upper chest, cooing softly. "Oh Mira... I was so worried, scared that something happened to you..." she swallows, almost about to cry herself. Her arms tighten around the taur, leaving the door open even as Mira begins to cry. "Shhhhh... come on in, my dear..." she coos some more, reluctantly slipping away to usher everyone inside the lounge, but takes Mira's hand and holds it tight.

Aatar whimpers at Mira's crying, mutely pulling herself up onto the taur's back, riding her, the size of the sheep seeming to be mostly fluff, ending up to be rather light. The ewe starts to nuzzle at the small of the vixen's back, hugging her from behind, yawning again, still not wakful enough for words, but plainly knowing she needs to help comfort the taur.

Miranai hugs tightly on Selyra, and giggles a bit as Aatar climbs up on her. She more easily carries the weight, and might even be able to hold someone bigger now. "Yes Mistress, of course.." she says and then gets assulted with ear rubs. All the attention on her back, her sides and neck, she quickly looks more like she did before she had left. With someone rubbing on her ears, walking becomes quiet the task, but she manages it, making sure to pull Miora along with them, on hand held by Selyra, the other on Miora's. "I know Miora.. and.. I miss you all too.. just.. been busy.. very very busy." She looks to Selyra, "No.. I'm sorry Mistress, nothing happened.. but.. I had to go, to help Miss Kilsa. She seemed.. so lost and hurt and alone. I.. needed to make sure she would be ok... you.. you all are safe and stable here... she isn't." she explains, having one of her bots carry the weapons in with them.

Miora wasn't petting that deeply, having only brushed the spot for a mear second before just hugging and giggling a bit as she is picked up. "There is always an open spot in my home and a seat at my table for you sweety." she coos softly, givin Mira's cheek a soft kiss as she talked to her, giving Aatar a small hello kiss as well. As she is brought in she gives a small giggle, having not been carried like this in some time, many considering her a bit big with the hyper breasts on her.

Selyra leans in front of Mira as they head inside slowly, giving Miora a kiss as well. "Hello there Miora, I'm happy to see you." she smiles, listening to the taur explain why she was gone so long, the question having burdened her mind since she went up missing. "I see... I hope she's okay..." she admits, her smile fading a little. She looks downward, squeezing Mira's paw softly as she leads everyone towards a couch. "Just... was so worried about you, Mira... was there no way you could have warned us?" she asks hopefully, giving that paw a little kiss.

Aatar nuzzles and kisses at the back of Mira's neck, riding her and hugging around the taur's stomach, rubbing at the fluff, her pregnant bulge pushing into the small of Mira's back. "Missed you foxylegs... Is your new house fun?" she asks, trying a different tack to the conversation, resting her chin on the fox's shoulder and a yawning, smiling at her mother, full of affection.

Miranai sighs very contently as she is hugged, petted, rubbed, kissed. This was something she needed, badly, and just wasn't getting anymore. The tentions in her form fade quickly under the affections. She looks down to the collie near her breasts and whimpers a bit, "I.. should have mailed you Mistress.. I'm sorry.. just, between the building of the.. comm room and then.. getting shot... having to deal with succubi, giving birth... building weapons.. I.. I haven't had much time." She isn't sure she should be sharing all this, but, she needed to talk and this was her family, right? She looks to Miora, "I.. I'll remember that.. thank you, thank you so much..." She says still crying a bit, and hardly noticing the weight, she'd gotten much stronger. Finally, to Aatar as she lays upon the couch, nussling into it, missing even that, "It is.. kinda fun.. it is big, lots of space.. I fit though the doors no matter how big I get..." she admits with a blush.

Miora gives a relaxed smiel at the kiss and aknoledgement, letting go a bit and giving Selyra a kiss on the lips to say hello as well. She smiles a bit and soon takes a step away. "Well you must be thirsty, want anything to drink, or eat maybe?" she offers, ready to get something for herself and anyone else who wanted anything. Her curled up tail wagging. Overall Miora would look the same to Miranai, the only difference were that her ears were floppy like a collie's ears now.

Selyra opens her eyes wide, her grip on Mira's paw tightening. "Y-you were shot!?" she asks urgently, shaking a little before she quickly calms down. It must have not been anything serious, as the taur looks fine right now. The desire to give Mira another examination grows stronger by the minute, but she holds back for now, just happy to see her. "I... I'm so sorry... and I understand. I'm just so happy to see you here Mira, it puts me at ease." she says, smiling up at the taur, gaze holding love for her. As Miora talks about Mira probably needing a drink, she turns her head and nods at Miora. "That's a good idea, mart thinking hun." she says, watching the husky as she goes, and taking note of those new ears.

Aatar smiles, hopping off Miranai with a grin, fully awake now. "We all missed you foxylegs," she says, pouting a little at the news of her injury. "Are you all okay now," the young ewe asks, rubbing her hands over the taur's body almost as if she's searching for a wound. "D-do you want our news?" she asks, still looking for the hole and the pools of blood normally associated with being shot.

Miranai looks over to Miora, "But.. I'm ment to get.. for you..." she says then, just smiles, "Ok.. ok.. some.. some juice please, and some jerky? You still keep that.. umm .. for Miss Nicky, right?" she asks, noting the new ears. "I.. hope not too much changes while I'm away..." she says rather sadly, but even if they did she'd be glad to be home again. "OH.. umm yes.. I was shot.. a lot..." her voice goes distant a moment, "a lot...." she cringes, remembering the moment. "I.. umm... got patched up, but it took me a week to rebuild my little bots." she says after. She looks back to Selyra, her own gaze holding a great deal of love for her mistress. "Oh.. Aatar.. you could stay up there, and yes I'm ok now... for now. Kilsa is.. is doing good too now, but.. things are not yet.. stable.. it is rough, but I think.. I think I can help." she says, then, just starts nuzzling back into Selyra, "But.. I miss you..." the comment seems mostly direct to the person who had saved her from the streets, but would easily apply to everyone.

Miora giggles a bit. "Perhaps, but you must be thirsty, this time it is my treat." she says with a rather happy tone, she was worried, but she rather keep a positive atitude. She swiftly moves to get everyone some juices, it was nothing special, just an apple and orange juice mix. She gets some jerky as well, per Miranai's request, her tail wagging all the while. Only a few moments later she returned with a tray, having the glasses and plate of jerky on it. "Here you go." she says with a small wurf.

Selyra begins to shake once more as it's revealed that Mira was shot a lot, biting her lip with worry and a small gout of physica and mental pain. "I'm so sorry... if I was there..." she groans a little, but presses herself against the taur in a small hug. "We missed you too... so much..." she whispers, staying as close to Mira as she could. "It's not the same without you, Mira... you all complete my life as a puzzle, and when a piece is missing, all you can think about is where it might be..."

Aatar frowns a little at the mention of changes before a broad grin crosses her face. "I know a change you missed! You should visit more, foxylegs, we don't shoot you," she says, waiting until Moira returns before grabbing her and pulling her into a tight hug, leaning against her mother as she raises her sweater to shower the foxtaur her swollen belly and her tender breasts. "I'm pregnant! You get pregnant all the time, but it's big for me," she says, smiling, nuzzling against Miora. "This doggy is my matey now, she put a puppy in a belly," the ewe says, plainly bragging in her mode of speech. "Want to sit down and rub my belly! We need to cuddle, you're still good at that, right foxylegs?"

Selyra nuzzles against Mira, and then Aatar, smiling. Noticing that Miora had returned with more than one drink, she takes one and sips from it, having to let go of Mira with that arm. "Thank you Miora, that was kind of you." she says, leaning to give the husky a kiss once more.

Miranai feels Selyra shaking and tries to calm her, "Mistress, I know that you must have ... well.. been injured a lot in your time.. you healed up.. right?" She makes no mention of the scars though. "And.. if.. if you'd like to.. give me a once over.. that.. that would be fine. I know you.. you wanted to do that more.." she says blushing deeply. When Miora gets back with the drinks and food, she picks up a glass and whimpers at it a moment. Not wanting to seem rude at all, she tries to drink out of it at first, but when it becomes apparent she'd get more on her then in, she blushes and smiles, leaning her muzzle into the glass to lap at it instead, then taking a bite of the jerky. After done chewing, "Thank you Miora... thank you. I.. I need to come back here more often when I can." she says. When Aatar shares their information she looks in a bit of shock, "Miora! And Aatar..." It takes a moment for that to sink in and she whines slightly, but the sight of Aatar like that, she smiles and rubs on her, free hand wondering wherever the sheepy may let it while working her way into a more proper snuggle with everyone.

Miora blinks, taking the glass before anything became too apparent, having forgotten that little tidbit. Moments later she returns with a bowl. Hoping that was better suited for you. Her tail wagging some as she didn't mind such a small thing. Although she can't help but wag her tail as Selyra kisses her too, making a small violet blush come to her nose, but her tail showing she loved it. Although when Aatar grabs her and shows off the belly her blush explodes, quickly making the inside of her ears and nose turn a brighter violet. Although she is curious about the whine. "What's wrong? I am sorry..." she whimpers in return, scared she upset Miranai by mating with the fluffy sheep.

Selyra nods a little, seeing the taur's point. In fact, she uses her free paw to lift her sleeve, exposing the scar underneath. "You'reright, dear I just... it hurts to think about, so I'll stop, you're okay and that's enough for me..." she decides, rolling her sleeve back down and taking a sip before she presses against the others once more, loving the ability to snuggle up with everyone against a taur again, especially Mira. "A-although Miora... n-not right now, but I will later..." she blushes as well, giggling a little from Miora's reaction, thinking the husky looks so cute when her face is covered in violet blush. She too was curious about the whine, though Miora had already asked, so she simply listens.

Aatar blushes in turn with Miora, unsure what to embarassed about, but her face pinkening at least from sympathy. The ewe giggles at the rubbing to her belly and breasts, stepping against Mira and nuzzling at Miora, the ewe utterly content to be surrounded by warm, feminine bodies, grinning from ear to ear. "I love you foxylegs," she says, wondering about the whine too, but settling for rubbing her cheek against the taur. "You're nice! You want to play with my puppy when she's born?" the ewe asks, looking up at Miranai from below, grinning.

Miranai smiles when she is braught a bowl instead, her tail now wagging briskly, and probably fanning quite a few people in the process, "Thank you.. thank you all..." She just nessles down into the snuggling more and more, sometimes it is the best to be the biggest. "Oh.. nothing wrong.. nothing wrong at all.. just.. just missing out on.. well.." she blushes even more herself, "On being mates here... just.. missing a lot.." she admits, licking on everyone and anyone, pulling them all about her as close as she can, "Just.. missing a lot...." She looks to the scar, and wonders why she hasn't got any.. she.. was literally full of holes. "Yes.. I'd rather not keep.. umm. talking. about that.. thankfully.. I.. I passed out.." she says finally. "And.. ok, later sounds good Mistress, later." She giggles about Aatar, nuzzling in tighter to all, "Thank you Miss Aatar, and.. I'd love to.. maybe Nyo and mine pups can play with yours too?"

Miora smiles some as she just cuddles up to everyone, murring as she fluffs up herself for better snuggles. Enjoying being near Mira again, having been away for too long. She lets out a small yawn, the comfyness just feeling oh so perfect and comfy, making it a bit hard to stay awake as the husky's eyes droop a bit. A soft murring coming from her as her tail wags and probably taps against someones leg.

Selyra smiles gently at Mira as she explains how she feels, giving a little nod of understanding. "And we missed out on our Mira... our precious Mira..." she whispers, her voice going down in volume due to how close they all were. The talk about Nyo's pups makes her widen her eyes however, a deep blush spreading along her face. "N-Nyo?" she asks, that being something she never expected. Seeing Miora's tired byt adorable look makes her smile endearingly at the husky. "She's so cute..."

Aatar smiles, overjoyed at the closeness she's experiencing. "I'd like that, Foxylegs," she says, kissing back at the taur's cheek before deatching herself and moving to hug Moira exclusively, grinning at the tired eyes. "Want to go to the couch to nap, Matey? I'll stay with you, you can feel our puppy kicking," she says with a smile, licking at the husky's nose and smiling towards the other pair. "Mummy and foxylegs want to join us? I remember foxylegs being really warm," she says, seeming to have forgotten to lower her sweater again, easily distracted as she is.

Miranai yawns a bit herself, feeling all the more relaxed and cuddled in. "Yes... I.. I helped *yawn* Nyo.. and he.. he helped me with my heat..." she says blushing even more. "Oh... so relaxing.. so.. warm." She can't help but start to nod off. "Oh.. so nice.. so precious too.. Mistress.. Miss Aatar.. Miora...mmmmm I'll.. I'll go back to the KS tomorrow.. m.. may I stay with you tonight Mistress?" she asks looking and feeling all the more tired every moment as the worry and stress drain from her. "Maybe... maybe sleep at Miora's.. like we did before..." she says very hopefully, murring again at all the kisses and snuggles.

Miora giggles some and nods at the idea. "My place sounds nice." she says with a mur as she stands up, barely managing to keep herself awake as she had almost nodded off. "On the condition you carry me." she says up to Mira, moving to crawl onto the taur back, her tail giving a lazy half awake wag, just like how her face was. She does pause for a second to give Selyra a deep kiss then one to Aatar as well before then moving to give Miranai one as well. The tiny husky proceeding onto the taur back and murring happily as she relaxes.

Selyra blinks once, amazed that the two had gone at it, her blush remaining. Hearing that the taur desires a night at Miora's home, she cannot deny she greatly missed just that. "I... of course, Mira... of course you can, without a doubt." she smiles, pushing herself to her feet as well, but not without giving a kiss to Aatar and returning Miora's. Making her way over to her pack, she pulls out something black and stringly, slipping the pack on and hiding the object behind her back. She returns to the front of the taur, leaning in to give her a peck on the lips, while her arms move around to clip a leash onto her familiar collar with a smile. "We go for a walk first too... then it's off to bed with us." she giggles, giving Mira a hug.

Aatar giggles loudly at the kissing and the affection all around. "Okay! Matey's house," she says, licking against Miora's nose and pressing into Selyra before giving her a deep kiss. She smiles up at Miora, grinning and poking her tongue out. "I'll kiss you later, after..." she says, moving around behind the taur and pulling herself up onto her back, behind Miora, hugging and kissing at the husky. "After you take us on the walk," the ewe teases, rubbing her face against the husky's bust, ready to go on another snuggling adventure!

Miranai looks a bit sad a moment as the cuddling draws to an end, but then Miora hops on her back, and she giggles, "I .. I remember being too weak to do this.." But she does buckle slightly when Aatar joins her, taking a moment to get used to the weight. She'll have her bots carry the gear, this was too important. WHen Selyra kisses her she kisses back, holding it there, kissing as long and deeply as Selyra will let her, not noticing a thing till Selyra stops the kiss to talk, then she sees the leash, and her eyes go wide and she starts to cry again, gribbing Selyra and pressing the smaller collie into her breasts, "Ok.. ok.. I haven't forgot.. I haven't Mistress, by your heel, ok.. lets go.." She seem suddenly very excited, giddily so, but another yawn betrays that she is still very relaxed and very tired as they head out for a walk, then, to sleep at Miora's.