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<div></div><br> <br>Daniel looks up at the work his dopplegangers have done so far, nodding with a little smile. "While I'm shocked at how large they've gotten, I'd say we're still making good progress." He continues to nod, setting down the jugs and counting them. 20, probably way more than he'd need, but again, better safe than sorry. He was left with nothing to do though, causing him to shrug and fly into the back room again. He returns wearing a... rather tacky looking swimsuit. "I'm joining in! I'm wearing my LEAST favorite swimsuit for this!" He shouts, before joining his pre-coated clones, more specifically at one of the two tips.<br> <br>Miranai moans out loudly as she hits her full length, twin red rocket cocks sticking out two feet from her, dribbling feely and pooling quiet a mess upon the floor. Her knots swell behind them and she can't help but start rocking very roughtly as if to knot into someone or something, "... D... Dan.iel... g..can't.. hold... long.." she say as she pants and moans, body tensing up and balls pulling in toward her. The pulsing from her rods gives a clear indication that soon there will be a new coat of 'whitewash' all over the good doctor's walls.<br> <br>Daniel can't help but notice this, and with a start he whistles. He remains clinging to the tip of the shaft to continue the stimulation while the army flies off, ready for orders. "Alright, I need you all to focus on those jugs, all of you take one, and hold a pair up to these tips here! When those two fill, alternate to an empty pair! Make sure we get as much as possible!" The group cheers 'Sir yes sir!', and takes off for the jugs, snatching them up and holding them up to the taur's cock heads ... trapping the real Daniel in the process. "... I probably should have let go."<br> <br>Miranai yips out loudly as her balls churn audibly, pushing out a literal torrent of cum though both cock tips. Even between pulses enough seed is coming out to make it seem that she is continusouly cumming without end. She has enough sense left in her to try and help out. NURSE replicates a pair of clamps at the end of its handless arms and when one set of jugs are full, the bot clamps Mira's cocks, just past the knots, till new ones are set up, forcing a painful yip from the taur. She would manage to fill 12 of the jugs before the flow ebates, 6 from each tip, and take about 5 minutes in doing so.<br> <br>The fairies set down the last set of jugs before looking around for their leader, who seems to have vanished entirely. ... Something breaks the surface of one of the jugs! Seems to be some kind of... human shaped golem made of cum. It wipes it's face, and reveals itself to be Daniel, who flashes a thumbs up. "Alright, I th-" He stops to cough, seems he accidentally inhaled the stuff while he was in there. "Whew... sorry... I think we got enough for my tests!" He smiles a bit before eeping, looking down at the cum he's covered in. "No god damn it, I'm not an egg, quit that!" He wipes at himself furiously.<br> <br>Miranai sighs in relief, she'd completely coated her back side in her honey's and seems to have coated Dan in her cream. She can't help but giggle for a bit, and move to lick the fae completely clean. "Umm.. is.. is that everything.. doctor.. or.. did you have more.. you wanted to do?" she asks. Usually this was where those doing an examination of the taur were done. But he has started oddly to the vixen and she wasn't sure if he had more for her or not. "And.. what kinds of.. t.. test?" she asks.<br> <br>Daniel shrugs, appreciating being clean and hugging the taur's muzzle happily. God he was happy he'd decided to be a guy for this, there's little to no doubt he'd be pregnant right now. He sighs, fixes his clothes, and nods. "I suppose we can continue with the previous exam if that's how it usually goes, I'll just have the others test this batch you produced." He sends the small army off to do some tests, and flies to his sink. "And the tests are simple, just tests for how potent the stuff is, the sperm cell count, basically tests that will reveal how easy it is for you to knock things up."<br> <br>Miranai rubs her arm under her bust a bit, and blushes, "O.. ok .. an.. anything you say.. I. guess you changed ... your.. your mind about checking .. my.. my pussies then..." she says very blatently. And she kneels herself down into a breeding position to let Daniel have as good a look and examination as she can. She blushes though, "And.. a.. according to Anbessa... I.. I can't not get someone... p.. pregnate.."<br> <br>Daniel shrugs, flying behind the taur to examine her clefts. "Yeah, according to the info I'm recieving, your sperm count is about three times higher than I normally see. They also seem to be a lot more active as well, like it knows exactly where to go. Every egg sample they tested, they went straight to it and one pierced inside almost immediately." His thoughts about being impregnated were rather reinforced with statistics like that, and he finds himself lucky. "Anyway, for the tests... are you currently carrying a litter?<br> <br>Miranai listens as Dan confirms everything she already knew. "I.. I see Doctor... it is .. because ... because of the offering I made..." she says, blushing. "Ad.. and yes, I'm.. with litter...a.. alot of.. of them by the.. feel of things." She says blushing again. As the doctor flys behind her, she spreads her legs as far as she can, balls resting on the ground due to her lower stance.<br> <br>Daniel nods, rubbing his chin. "This should go rather smoothly then, I'll be able to check and see how well they're all coming along and hopefully escape before your womb claims me as one of it's own." He gives a bit of an optimistic smile before pressing up against one of her slits, and squirming his way inside. She can feel him wiggling his way in deeper and deeper as he heads for her womb.<br> <br>Miranai eeps out as Daniel presses into her and feels him squarming in. She starts panting as she feels worked up again, the taur on a hair trigger. "Is.. is everything... ahhhh.. o..ok .. in.. there D.. doct..mmmmm ... er..." she starts starts to rub on her breasts as she can't help the wonderful feeling. "P.. please h.. hurry.." she says feeling far too easily worked up, not having any either way for the last few weeks.<br> <br>Miranai wiggles more and more as Dan works his way though her and back out. She is barely holding back when his sudden increase in speed causes her to yip out loudly, cumming again, though only slightly through her twin missles. Her female sexes actually gush out as she moans long and deep, pressing her hands as tightly into her now leaking breasts as she can. By the time Dan is out again, she is panting and looks much happier, though seeming ready for more at a moment's notice.<br> <br>The fae emerges, coughing up the vixen's femmecum before flashing a thumbs up. "You'll be giving birth to a healthy litter of huskies!" He informs her, flying over to his pack and taking a towel from within. He wipes himself down, and shakes his head, his hair still slick with her juices. God damn he really needs to wear a gas mask when he examines her, her hormones were driving his mind wild, but he was able to shake it off for now. "You also seem to be producing a rather excessive amount of hormones, but that's to be expected with how well the rest of your erogenous zones perform."

Revision as of 04:06, 18 February 2013





Daniel looks up at the work his dopplegangers have done so far, nodding with a little smile. "While I'm shocked at how large they've gotten, I'd say we're still making good progress." He continues to nod, setting down the jugs and counting them. 20, probably way more than he'd need, but again, better safe than sorry. He was left with nothing to do though, causing him to shrug and fly into the back room again. He returns wearing a... rather tacky looking swimsuit. "I'm joining in! I'm wearing my LEAST favorite swimsuit for this!" He shouts, before joining his pre-coated clones, more specifically at one of the two tips.

Miranai moans out loudly as she hits her full length, twin red rocket cocks sticking out two feet from her, dribbling feely and pooling quiet a mess upon the floor. Her knots swell behind them and she can't help but start rocking very roughtly as if to knot into someone or something, "... D... Dan.iel... g..can't.. hold... long.." she say as she pants and moans, body tensing up and balls pulling in toward her. The pulsing from her rods gives a clear indication that soon there will be a new coat of 'whitewash' all over the good doctor's walls.

Daniel can't help but notice this, and with a start he whistles. He remains clinging to the tip of the shaft to continue the stimulation while the army flies off, ready for orders. "Alright, I need you all to focus on those jugs, all of you take one, and hold a pair up to these tips here! When those two fill, alternate to an empty pair! Make sure we get as much as possible!" The group cheers 'Sir yes sir!', and takes off for the jugs, snatching them up and holding them up to the taur's cock heads ... trapping the real Daniel in the process. "... I probably should have let go."

Miranai yips out loudly as her balls churn audibly, pushing out a literal torrent of cum though both cock tips. Even between pulses enough seed is coming out to make it seem that she is continusouly cumming without end. She has enough sense left in her to try and help out. NURSE replicates a pair of clamps at the end of its handless arms and when one set of jugs are full, the bot clamps Mira's cocks, just past the knots, till new ones are set up, forcing a painful yip from the taur. She would manage to fill 12 of the jugs before the flow ebates, 6 from each tip, and take about 5 minutes in doing so.

The fairies set down the last set of jugs before looking around for their leader, who seems to have vanished entirely. ... Something breaks the surface of one of the jugs! Seems to be some kind of... human shaped golem made of cum. It wipes it's face, and reveals itself to be Daniel, who flashes a thumbs up. "Alright, I th-" He stops to cough, seems he accidentally inhaled the stuff while he was in there. "Whew... sorry... I think we got enough for my tests!" He smiles a bit before eeping, looking down at the cum he's covered in. "No god damn it, I'm not an egg, quit that!" He wipes at himself furiously.

Miranai sighs in relief, she'd completely coated her back side in her honey's and seems to have coated Dan in her cream. She can't help but giggle for a bit, and move to lick the fae completely clean. "Umm.. is.. is that everything.. doctor.. or.. did you have more.. you wanted to do?" she asks. Usually this was where those doing an examination of the taur were done. But he has started oddly to the vixen and she wasn't sure if he had more for her or not. "And.. what kinds of.. t.. test?" she asks.

Daniel shrugs, appreciating being clean and hugging the taur's muzzle happily. God he was happy he'd decided to be a guy for this, there's little to no doubt he'd be pregnant right now. He sighs, fixes his clothes, and nods. "I suppose we can continue with the previous exam if that's how it usually goes, I'll just have the others test this batch you produced." He sends the small army off to do some tests, and flies to his sink. "And the tests are simple, just tests for how potent the stuff is, the sperm cell count, basically tests that will reveal how easy it is for you to knock things up."

Miranai rubs her arm under her bust a bit, and blushes, "O.. ok .. an.. anything you say.. I. guess you changed ... your.. your mind about checking .. my.. my pussies then..." she says very blatently. And she kneels herself down into a breeding position to let Daniel have as good a look and examination as she can. She blushes though, "And.. a.. according to Anbessa... I.. I can't not get someone... p.. pregnate.."

Daniel shrugs, flying behind the taur to examine her clefts. "Yeah, according to the info I'm recieving, your sperm count is about three times higher than I normally see. They also seem to be a lot more active as well, like it knows exactly where to go. Every egg sample they tested, they went straight to it and one pierced inside almost immediately." His thoughts about being impregnated were rather reinforced with statistics like that, and he finds himself lucky. "Anyway, for the tests... are you currently carrying a litter?

Miranai listens as Dan confirms everything she already knew. "I.. I see Doctor... it is .. because ... because of the offering I made..." she says, blushing. "Ad.. and yes, I'm.. with litter...a.. alot of.. of them by the.. feel of things." She says blushing again. As the doctor flys behind her, she spreads her legs as far as she can, balls resting on the ground due to her lower stance.

Daniel nods, rubbing his chin. "This should go rather smoothly then, I'll be able to check and see how well they're all coming along and hopefully escape before your womb claims me as one of it's own." He gives a bit of an optimistic smile before pressing up against one of her slits, and squirming his way inside. She can feel him wiggling his way in deeper and deeper as he heads for her womb.

Miranai eeps out as Daniel presses into her and feels him squarming in. She starts panting as she feels worked up again, the taur on a hair trigger. "Is.. is everything... ahhhh.. o..ok .. in.. there D.. doct..mmmmm ... er..." she starts starts to rub on her breasts as she can't help the wonderful feeling. "P.. please h.. hurry.." she says feeling far too easily worked up, not having any either way for the last few weeks.

Miranai wiggles more and more as Dan works his way though her and back out. She is barely holding back when his sudden increase in speed causes her to yip out loudly, cumming again, though only slightly through her twin missles. Her female sexes actually gush out as she moans long and deep, pressing her hands as tightly into her now leaking breasts as she can. By the time Dan is out again, she is panting and looks much happier, though seeming ready for more at a moment's notice.

The fae emerges, coughing up the vixen's femmecum before flashing a thumbs up. "You'll be giving birth to a healthy litter of huskies!" He informs her, flying over to his pack and taking a towel from within. He wipes himself down, and shakes his head, his hair still slick with her juices. God damn he really needs to wear a gas mask when he examines her, her hormones were driving his mind wild, but he was able to shake it off for now. "You also seem to be producing a rather excessive amount of hormones, but that's to be expected with how well the rest of your erogenous zones perform."