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(Basic Information)
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'''Real Name''': Grant Keogh
'''Real Name''': Grant Keogh
'''Age''': Thirty-five
'''Age''': Thirty-six
'''Nationality''': American
'''Nationality''': American
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== Recent History ==
== Recent History ==
More to come in the near future...
Eureka was close enough to Fairhaven that word of the initial dissemination of nanites was already reaching people with enough time to take minor shelter. In Grant's case, seeing the half-mutated people running screaming in terror from the arrival of newly feral gryphons down the street from his shop window was more than enough warning to hide in his back office. Locking and barricading the door, he watched in horror as the beasts burst through the store front plucking the few people who attempted to avoid capture and swooping back off with them. It wasn't long after that several of the flowers were doused with nanites as well, growing rapidly and turning the remains of the store into a small jungle of briars and flowers. Frightened for his life, there was little Grant could do other than stay back and await rescue.
Several days passed before any help arrived, if you could call it that. Lucky enough that he had plenty of water in the office cooler, Grant was still in dire straits having nearly nothing to eat since P-day, as the day would later come to be known as.
More to come soon...

Latest revision as of 04:57, 25 January 2013

Basic Information

Alias: Grantok, Gran, Runt, Imp, Little Lynx, Trouble. Which ever seems to fit best at the moment.

Real Name: Grant Keogh

Age: Thirty-six

Nationality: American

Heritage: Scottish and Vietnamese

Occupation: Zephyr Field agent, Small package delivery

Most often seen as: Harbinger lynx

Also has been known to take the shapes of: Fairy and Quilled Tousky


Grant was the youngest of three children in the Keogh family. Father: Sandy Keogh, Mother: Nguyen Kim Ly, Elder Brother: David, Middle Brother: Ian. Sandy was an army grunt during the Vietnam war where he met Kim Ly. Shortly after the war ended, the two were married and Kim Ly moved to the states, already pregnant with David. Sandy changed positions from working for the army to working with it, becoming a military contractor who specialized in ventilation systems. So once Grant was born, he didn't ever stay in one place for very long.

Grant's childhood was not very dissimilar to that of a military brat, getting transferred from place to place at indefinite intervals of time. And if it wasn't the awkwardness of the new location, it was the shadow of his older brothers that he had to deal with. David took after his father most. Blonde hair, jock, popularity flocked to him. Joined the military after high school and did a tour during Operation Desert Fox. Reenlisted after 9/11 and was killed overseas in Afghanistan. Ian was more like his mother. Black hair, lanky build. Showed more interest in helping out around the house and the arts. Graduated with a Textile Engineering degree from North Carolina State. Got a job at Britex Fabrics in San Francisco. Grant was more of an oddity than either. With his ruddish brown hair and short stature, he didn't really fit in much of anywhere. So instead he kept to himself and skated by, causing some minor mischief now and again to remind people that he existed. He ended up going to community college and got a degree in business.

He worked for a bank for a few years while in college to pay the bills, but after a few disagreements with upper management, he decided to strike out on his own and run a floral shop, biology being the only science he showed any interest in while attending school, in Eureka, CA. He would still be working there if not for the events of February 11, 2008...

Recent History

Eureka was close enough to Fairhaven that word of the initial dissemination of nanites was already reaching people with enough time to take minor shelter. In Grant's case, seeing the half-mutated people running screaming in terror from the arrival of newly feral gryphons down the street from his shop window was more than enough warning to hide in his back office. Locking and barricading the door, he watched in horror as the beasts burst through the store front plucking the few people who attempted to avoid capture and swooping back off with them. It wasn't long after that several of the flowers were doused with nanites as well, growing rapidly and turning the remains of the store into a small jungle of briars and flowers. Frightened for his life, there was little Grant could do other than stay back and await rescue.

Several days passed before any help arrived, if you could call it that. Lucky enough that he had plenty of water in the office cooler, Grant was still in dire straits having nearly nothing to eat since P-day, as the day would later come to be known as.

More to come soon...