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<div></div><br> <br>Mike sets his helicopter down right in the middle of the village just when the last rays of the sun vanish behind the horizon.
The houses around the village are in good shape, most with well kept gardens in front of them. From a nearby diner the smell of food wafts over and the lights shine bright through the windows. What doesn&#39;t match the image are the few people walking the streets and in the diner: they aren&#39;t humans, but various mutants, mainly felines, canines and vulpines.<br> <br>The flap of golden wings raises a cloud of dust as a golden dragon comes in for a landing, standing nearly twelve feet tall Seguro is clad in a black combat armor emblazed with the zephyr logo, strapped upon agent&#39;s back are various medical kits and a grenade launcher. The dragon hisses &quot;Seems I arrived before everyone. &quot; while hir long tapered tail wags slowly behind hir, the herm awaits the rest of hir squad.<br> <br>The Arctic Fox steps fromt he helicopter, wincing at the sun he prays will just give up already and make way for night.  He carries very little along with him, but clearly everything he needs fromo his confident nature.  He looks around thhe village quickly sizing up the place, smelling the food on the air...<br> <br>Fe&#39;ath was standing on the seat as they often did when taking transport, peering out of the window with curiosity to get the first look at where they were being sent. Their demeanour was excited, anticipatory and obviously eager, the way the crestfeathers were roused up. They were right on Dylan&#39;s heels in exitting the &#39;copter, and although the peacock might be on the small side compared to the majority, the laser pistol and armour they wore carefully adjusted to fit them gave indication they could mean business. &quot;Doesn&#39;t look that bad,&quot; the bird coos, glancing round as if expecting some trouble right from the get-go. &quot;Actually looks rather quiet. Wonder what it is they need help with?&quot; They wave a greeting to the dragon who didn&#39;t share the copter ride, then look around some more.<br> <br>Meanwhile Nekura decided to try come doing an adventure now that shehad time to leave the Red Court. Or more so she thought Ebony could handle things on her own with the customers. Soon the clop of hooves is heard as she trots along towards the town!<br> <br>As soon as the sun has completely sunk behind the horizon, the people on the streets get even fewer. Most of the ones still outside seem to be in a hurry to get to their destination, not even turning to look at the new arrivals, while Mike takes off again with his heli, making his way back to Fairhaven.<br> <br>A talon foot taps impatiently upon the soft soil, while golden glowing sun hued eyes watch the towns people&#39;s comings and goings. Seguro mummers to hirself &quot;Seem live still goes on after P-day&quot; the herm&#39;s voice a subtle hiss. The dragon&#39;s sun hued gaze catches sight of the three agents disembarking the chopper.  Eyes the rushing town&#39;s folk with distained, &quot;Hmm for a small town like this one, new comers ought to draw more attention, or at least some idle chatter, still something does not feel right.&quot; Hisses Seguro before jogging off in an attempt to catch one of the town&#39;s folk.<br> <br>Dylanshard watches the dragon jogging towards town &quot;Well I guess we&#39;re not going to be stealthy with this one.... I guess that suits me.&quot; He turns to the others and gives them a quick nod before running to catch up with the dragon ahead of him.<br> <br>Fe&#39;ath nods absently in agreement with the dragon, bright emerald-green eyes studying the activities of the townsfolk with the others, and scuttles along to keep up with the others, trailing the long tailfeathers. &quot;Well, it seems there&#39;s something they&#39;re a little worried or cautious about, the way people are hurrying home.. Something they don&#39;t like at night.&quot;<br> <br>It&#39;s kind of hard to miss the dragon nearby and Nekura remembers seeiing them at adventures before so naturally she gravitates in their direction. She&#39;ll never likely even know their name though it&#39;s not exactly like she tends to meet the same mutants that often either.<br> <br>When she notices Seguro hurrying towards her, a tiger turns around, a slighly concerned look on her face. &quot;You&#39;re the agents from Fairhaven?&quot; she asks &quot;Then you better head down towards the school, there&#39;s something ... funny in there&quot; while pointing down one of the roads, then continues to hurry away.<br> <br>Seguro grunts in agreement with the peacock before the herm breaks into a run to catch one of the town&#39;s folk. &quot;I hear you there, but I would rather find out what we are dealing with. Oh that&#39;s right I have not introduced myself, the name is Seguro by the way, I carry mostly medical gear and medical nano magic, however I can handle a scrap or two.&quot; Said the golden dragon hir voice a hiss over the com. The dragon huffs finally catching up to a tiger, the herm does not even have time to catch hir breath, before the cat turns about face and hurries on hir way. &quot;Well then seems we are going to the school, something got these blokes spooked, I say we sneak up and get a feel for whatever is going on up there, I would rather not run into a prime.&quot; Hissed the dragon over the com, hir scaled hand going to hir holster upon hir belt, drawing hir laser pistol Seguo sets off carefully in the direction off the old school.<br> <br>Dylanshard catches up to Seguro quickly when they slow down, silently following along &quot;Call me Dylan, I&#39;m an adept, scouting, infiltration and close quarters.  Sounds like  you have a good plan right now so I&#39;m happy to follow your lead Seguro.&quot; he falls in behind the dragon, assessing all the buildings and surroundings of the town, and looking over thhe contact who spoke to Seguro.<br> <br>The peacock still hurries to keep up with the others, requiring two steps for at least one of the others. They&#39;d already met Dylan during the &#39;copter flight, so replies to the dragon after Dylan, &quot;Nice to meet you Seguro. I&#39;m Fe&#39;ath.&quot; Although the bird doesn&#39;t give details about what they&#39;re hood at, they still can&#39;t help but quip some conversationally whilst keeping up, &quot;Something &#39;funny&#39; in the school? Besides the teachers?&quot; It&#39;s followed with a more introspective remark, &quot;Huh, actually, all the teachers got made redundant on P-day, didn&#39;t they? The ones that survived, I mean.. Wonder if it&#39;s some horror of a teacher gone crazy without children to teach?&quot;<br> <br>The Nightmare moves over to the others, listening as the tigress passes on where to go, then ends up following after Seguro. Unlike the dragon she&#39;s not particularly worried about running across a prime after managing to get three of them to leave another section of town alone on her last trip out! Though she can&#39;t helpf feeling like a school is a slightly odd place for one to possibly be taking up residence.<br> <br>Following the citizen&#39;s instructions, you soon arrive at the school building, when suddenly there&#39;s a bright, slightly blue flash from one of the windows on the second floor, followed by a loud bang and some maniacal laughter of more than one person.

Revision as of 13:07, 12 May 2015





Mike sets his helicopter down right in the middle of the village just when the last rays of the sun vanish behind the horizon.

The houses around the village are in good shape, most with well kept gardens in front of them. From a nearby diner the smell of food wafts over and the lights shine bright through the windows. What doesn't match the image are the few people walking the streets and in the diner: they aren't humans, but various mutants, mainly felines, canines and vulpines.

The flap of golden wings raises a cloud of dust as a golden dragon comes in for a landing, standing nearly twelve feet tall Seguro is clad in a black combat armor emblazed with the zephyr logo, strapped upon agent's back are various medical kits and a grenade launcher. The dragon hisses "Seems I arrived before everyone. " while hir long tapered tail wags slowly behind hir, the herm awaits the rest of hir squad.

The Arctic Fox steps fromt he helicopter, wincing at the sun he prays will just give up already and make way for night. He carries very little along with him, but clearly everything he needs fromo his confident nature. He looks around thhe village quickly sizing up the place, smelling the food on the air...

Fe'ath was standing on the seat as they often did when taking transport, peering out of the window with curiosity to get the first look at where they were being sent. Their demeanour was excited, anticipatory and obviously eager, the way the crestfeathers were roused up. They were right on Dylan's heels in exitting the 'copter, and although the peacock might be on the small side compared to the majority, the laser pistol and armour they wore carefully adjusted to fit them gave indication they could mean business. "Doesn't look that bad," the bird coos, glancing round as if expecting some trouble right from the get-go. "Actually looks rather quiet. Wonder what it is they need help with?" They wave a greeting to the dragon who didn't share the copter ride, then look around some more.

Meanwhile Nekura decided to try come doing an adventure now that shehad time to leave the Red Court. Or more so she thought Ebony could handle things on her own with the customers. Soon the clop of hooves is heard as she trots along towards the town!

As soon as the sun has completely sunk behind the horizon, the people on the streets get even fewer. Most of the ones still outside seem to be in a hurry to get to their destination, not even turning to look at the new arrivals, while Mike takes off again with his heli, making his way back to Fairhaven.

A talon foot taps impatiently upon the soft soil, while golden glowing sun hued eyes watch the towns people's comings and goings. Seguro mummers to hirself "Seem live still goes on after P-day" the herm's voice a subtle hiss. The dragon's sun hued gaze catches sight of the three agents disembarking the chopper. Eyes the rushing town's folk with distained, "Hmm for a small town like this one, new comers ought to draw more attention, or at least some idle chatter, still something does not feel right." Hisses Seguro before jogging off in an attempt to catch one of the town's folk.

Dylanshard watches the dragon jogging towards town "Well I guess we're not going to be stealthy with this one.... I guess that suits me." He turns to the others and gives them a quick nod before running to catch up with the dragon ahead of him.

Fe'ath nods absently in agreement with the dragon, bright emerald-green eyes studying the activities of the townsfolk with the others, and scuttles along to keep up with the others, trailing the long tailfeathers. "Well, it seems there's something they're a little worried or cautious about, the way people are hurrying home.. Something they don't like at night."

It's kind of hard to miss the dragon nearby and Nekura remembers seeiing them at adventures before so naturally she gravitates in their direction. She'll never likely even know their name though it's not exactly like she tends to meet the same mutants that often either.

When she notices Seguro hurrying towards her, a tiger turns around, a slighly concerned look on her face. "You're the agents from Fairhaven?" she asks "Then you better head down towards the school, there's something ... funny in there" while pointing down one of the roads, then continues to hurry away.

Seguro grunts in agreement with the peacock before the herm breaks into a run to catch one of the town's folk. "I hear you there, but I would rather find out what we are dealing with. Oh that's right I have not introduced myself, the name is Seguro by the way, I carry mostly medical gear and medical nano magic, however I can handle a scrap or two." Said the golden dragon hir voice a hiss over the com. The dragon huffs finally catching up to a tiger, the herm does not even have time to catch hir breath, before the cat turns about face and hurries on hir way. "Well then seems we are going to the school, something got these blokes spooked, I say we sneak up and get a feel for whatever is going on up there, I would rather not run into a prime." Hissed the dragon over the com, hir scaled hand going to hir holster upon hir belt, drawing hir laser pistol Seguo sets off carefully in the direction off the old school.

Dylanshard catches up to Seguro quickly when they slow down, silently following along "Call me Dylan, I'm an adept, scouting, infiltration and close quarters. Sounds like you have a good plan right now so I'm happy to follow your lead Seguro." he falls in behind the dragon, assessing all the buildings and surroundings of the town, and looking over thhe contact who spoke to Seguro.

The peacock still hurries to keep up with the others, requiring two steps for at least one of the others. They'd already met Dylan during the 'copter flight, so replies to the dragon after Dylan, "Nice to meet you Seguro. I'm Fe'ath." Although the bird doesn't give details about what they're hood at, they still can't help but quip some conversationally whilst keeping up, "Something 'funny' in the school? Besides the teachers?" It's followed with a more introspective remark, "Huh, actually, all the teachers got made redundant on P-day, didn't they? The ones that survived, I mean.. Wonder if it's some horror of a teacher gone crazy without children to teach?"

The Nightmare moves over to the others, listening as the tigress passes on where to go, then ends up following after Seguro. Unlike the dragon she's not particularly worried about running across a prime after managing to get three of them to leave another section of town alone on her last trip out! Though she can't helpf feeling like a school is a slightly odd place for one to possibly be taking up residence.

Following the citizen's instructions, you soon arrive at the school building, when suddenly there's a bright, slightly blue flash from one of the windows on the second floor, followed by a loud bang and some maniacal laughter of more than one person.