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We weren&#39;t alone since we landed here. Whoever they are, they aren&#39;t going to move unless neccesary. As such, she merely moves arond, keepin Seguro in mind and keeping a defensive stance.<br> <br>As they notice they got niticed themselfes, most of the eyes quickly wanish from the windows, only one pair still staying to watch from a nearby window on the ground level.<br> <br>Fally smiles as ep puts him into her hand and says, &quot;Sure, but that is if you here me hun.&quot; He pokes his head out of hir hand so that he can look around.<br> <br>Seguro begins to walk slowly to the hut with the lone set of eyes, hir gun at the ready, hir voice a soft hiss &quot; We should be careful they may have hostages, their safety maybe in danger and I wager that whatever we called here to help against knows we are coming.&quot;<br> <br>They aren&#39;t going to move. Do they? As such, Epsilon thought of yelling. Or... loudly rub her skin. But then,.there&#39;s Seguro and Fally and instead look more closely where... eyes? are standing.<br> <br>The eyes quickly hide as Seguro approaches. Now there&#39;s noone left watching the agents, but suddenly a loud roar can be heard from the center of the village along with a crashing sound.<br> <br>Fally looks around and then nods to seg as shi speeaks. He hears the raor amd meeps before fully hiding back in the hand. He looks around throe the cracks in her fingers for where the sound might have come.<br> <br>The dragon shutters as the roar echoes though the air, quickly moves to the sides of on the buildings keeping hirself concealed from the view of main street. The dragon readies hir  laser rifle and arms a power that had served hir well in the past Camouflage, soon the very light itself bends around the dragon causing hir to vanish from sight moving forward shi creeps to the home that last held a sign of life.<br> <br>A huge roar that surprised Epsilon. It must be huuuge. Or so she thinks since she&#39;s big herself. But regardless, after she acknowledged it, her eyes started to spin quite faster, seeing that she was pretty much into deep emotions, probably anger. &quot;Fally, should i put you in another safe place?&quot;, as she expects tha tshe would need both of her hands for that fight. If there&#39;s a fight, it is.<br> <br>The crashing sound turns towards a rumble, like a building falling down. There are more roars, too, but not as loud as the first one, also now terrified screams reach the agents.<br> <br>Fally says slighly muffled, &quot;Where would you put me? Your womb?&quot; He pops head out and says, &quot;We have to fine out whats up with those screams.&quot; He goes back into hiding and says, &quot;Being in your womb, would get me out of most turbbles, but I woun&#39;t be able to help you there.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro hears the screams, the roars and stops frozen in hir tracks shuddering over what may be transpiring, without much thought the dragon gets a running start leaping into the air, shi circles rising upon the currents f air, the dragon riding a thermal sets off in the direction of the disturbance hoping that shi may get  a better vantage point from the air.<br> <br>What&#39;s happening here?! And what&#39;s causing it?! Epsilon eyes were now spinning pretty quickly, as she says, &quot;Hold on Fally!&quot;, as she carefully close her hand, letting some air to pass with a few loose holes, so that he could see too. Her other hand had grabbed her halberd, and was now heading toward the sounds, ready to deal with whatever would lie ahead.<br> <br>As the agents close in, it becomes clear that a green hydra is causing the crashing sounds as shi tears one of the houses down, it&#39;s occupants screaming in terror as it collapses on top of them.<br> <br>Fally seeses the hydra and says to Epsilon, &quot;I may be able to criple it if I come in and attack it after you and Seguro have it other wise ocuiped.&quot; he smiles at this idea and says, &quot;Does that work for you hun?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro spies the hydra with a wary heart as shi relays the findings to the rest of hir team. &quot; It is one of those large lizards from the chemical plant, be careful of the vomit that stuff can eat though concreate. I am going to try to gain its attention, Hope that we can keep it from eating the towns folk or whatever its doing.&quot; Seguro lets out a roar of hir own as shi passes high overhead, fluttering hir wings seguro hovers in midair, shi takes aim with a solar ray hoping that shi may get the creatures attention.<br> <br>Even if Seguro manages to catch the hydra&#39;s attention, it wouldn&#39;t be for long as Epsilon is pretty the largest threat around here. At least by her size. Posing softly Fally on the ground, and making sure that she wouldn&#39;t just squish him by error, and after she did a small nod to the dragon, she runs toward the hydra, halberd ready, and as noiselessly as her body allow her to.<br> <br>The hydra hisses as shi notices the agents approaching, for now leaving the house and its occupants be. Shi turns towards the Agents, immediately fireing a shot of hir acidic vomit at the flying dragon.<br> <br>Fally was droped off quite a way off due to his size and sighs as he gets to running tword the fight.<br> <br>A quick bank of the dragons wing allow, soon allow Seguro to avoid the incoming glob of acid vomit or so shi hopes.<br> <br>There is a roar and gusting of air as a glob of acid wizzes past hir extended wing, small drops of acid hisses as it spatters upon the wing, Seguro gives a slight wince in pain the damage while superficial for told of what may happen to those who come in contact with the hydra&#39;s foul breath.<br> <br>Seeing that the hydra was too occupied by the flying dragon, Epsilon quickly close up the distance with the monster as she forcibly hit it with her halberd, before blocking the head with her weapon, trying to block off any more ooze. (Hopefully). &quot;Sorry hydra, know that it pains me to hurt you.&quot;.<br> <br>The hydra hisses once more, now two heads are still trying to take aim ad the flying dragon, while the last aims at Epsilon on the ground, both swaying wilder and wilder as the hydra becomes more angry towards the agents.<br> <br>Fally was still quite a ways off but wanted to get in the fight so shifts how he was running as speeds up slightly.<br> <br>Seguro dips hir wings coming into for a sharp dive, the dragon makes a low sharp pass, fire crackles at hir jaws as a cone of fire spews forth threating to burn all its  path, the breathes in deeply the fire spilling forth,  hir vengeful attack misses, segro pulls up and curses hir bad luck under hir breath.<br> <br>Missed. So much for it. Epsilon&#39;s eyes quickly followed Seguro as shi get more height back and goes back to more pressing matters.<br> <br>The hydra roars now, extremely pissed by the fire breathing dragon flying around it, as both heads begin to rapidly fire their vomit at Seguro.<br> <br>Seeing that the head she grabbed was going wilder, she tried to smoothe ti into her breasts, trying to calm down the head, a firm hand on the hydra head&#39;s neck, while she tries to disrupt the other heads&#39; aiming, by wiggling around the body, and hitting them with her halberd.<br> <br>The third hydra head calms down a bit, a bit later even the other two as the one held by Epsilon cuddles between her breasts.<br> <br>Fally finely gets to the fight and then sighs, seems he wasn&#39;t needed after all. He stands back and offers the two any buffs that he can offer. He keeps his eye on the hydra so that he can possable deal a leathel blow if he finds the hole. He smiles waiting paticently.<br> <br>one of seguro sun hued eyes look back just in time the hydra ready another one of its acid projectiles, folding one of hir wings the dragon barrel rolls free form the acidic attack. Segruo speaks over the com. &quot;This is pointless, It might be risky but I could shut down most of the hydra&#39;s powers with nanomagic, but I need cover while I land and get into range.&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon tries to further calm down the hydra, and tries to move the heads so that they would only focus on her instead of her companion.  
We weren&#39;t alone since we landed here. Whoever they are, they aren&#39;t going to move unless neccesary. As such, she merely moves arond, keepin Seguro in mind and keeping a defensive stance.<br> <br>As they notice they got niticed themselfes, most of the eyes quickly wanish from the windows, only one pair still staying to watch from a nearby window on the ground level.<br> <br>Fally smiles as ep puts him into her hand and says, &quot;Sure, but that is if you here me hun.&quot; He pokes his head out of hir hand so that he can look around.<br> <br>Seguro begins to walk slowly to the hut with the lone set of eyes, hir gun at the ready, hir voice a soft hiss &quot; We should be careful they may have hostages, their safety maybe in danger and I wager that whatever we called here to help against knows we are coming.&quot;<br> <br>They aren&#39;t going to move. Do they? As such, Epsilon thought of yelling. Or... loudly rub her skin. But then,.there&#39;s Seguro and Fally and instead look more closely where... eyes? are standing.<br> <br>The eyes quickly hide as Seguro approaches. Now there&#39;s noone left watching the agents, but suddenly a loud roar can be heard from the center of the village along with a crashing sound.<br> <br>Fally looks around and then nods to seg as shi speeaks. He hears the raor amd meeps before fully hiding back in the hand. He looks around throe the cracks in her fingers for where the sound might have come.<br> <br>The dragon shutters as the roar echoes though the air, quickly moves to the sides of on the buildings keeping hirself concealed from the view of main street. The dragon readies hir  laser rifle and arms a power that had served hir well in the past Camouflage, soon the very light itself bends around the dragon causing hir to vanish from sight moving forward shi creeps to the home that last held a sign of life.<br> <br>A huge roar that surprised Epsilon. It must be huuuge. Or so she thinks since she&#39;s big herself. But regardless, after she acknowledged it, her eyes started to spin quite faster, seeing that she was pretty much into deep emotions, probably anger. &quot;Fally, should i put you in another safe place?&quot;, as she expects tha tshe would need both of her hands for that fight. If there&#39;s a fight, it is.<br> <br>The crashing sound turns towards a rumble, like a building falling down. There are more roars, too, but not as loud as the first one, also now terrified screams reach the agents.<br> <br>Fally says slighly muffled, &quot;Where would you put me? Your womb?&quot; He pops head out and says, &quot;We have to fine out whats up with those screams.&quot; He goes back into hiding and says, &quot;Being in your womb, would get me out of most turbbles, but I woun&#39;t be able to help you there.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro hears the screams, the roars and stops frozen in hir tracks shuddering over what may be transpiring, without much thought the dragon gets a running start leaping into the air, shi circles rising upon the currents f air, the dragon riding a thermal sets off in the direction of the disturbance hoping that shi may get  a better vantage point from the air.<br> <br>What&#39;s happening here?! And what&#39;s causing it?! Epsilon eyes were now spinning pretty quickly, as she says, &quot;Hold on Fally!&quot;, as she carefully close her hand, letting some air to pass with a few loose holes, so that he could see too. Her other hand had grabbed her halberd, and was now heading toward the sounds, ready to deal with whatever would lie ahead.<br> <br>As the agents close in, it becomes clear that a green hydra is causing the crashing sounds as shi tears one of the houses down, it&#39;s occupants screaming in terror as it collapses on top of them.<br> <br>Fally seeses the hydra and says to Epsilon, &quot;I may be able to criple it if I come in and attack it after you and Seguro have it other wise ocuiped.&quot; he smiles at this idea and says, &quot;Does that work for you hun?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro spies the hydra with a wary heart as shi relays the findings to the rest of hir team. &quot; It is one of those large lizards from the chemical plant, be careful of the vomit that stuff can eat though concreate. I am going to try to gain its attention, Hope that we can keep it from eating the towns folk or whatever its doing.&quot; Seguro lets out a roar of hir own as shi passes high overhead, fluttering hir wings seguro hovers in midair, shi takes aim with a solar ray hoping that shi may get the creatures attention.<br> <br>Even if Seguro manages to catch the hydra&#39;s attention, it wouldn&#39;t be for long as Epsilon is pretty the largest threat around here. At least by her size. Posing softly Fally on the ground, and making sure that she wouldn&#39;t just squish him by error, and after she did a small nod to the dragon, she runs toward the hydra, halberd ready, and as noiselessly as her body allow her to.<br> <br>The hydra hisses as shi notices the agents approaching, for now leaving the house and its occupants be. Shi turns towards the Agents, immediately fireing a shot of hir acidic vomit at the flying dragon.<br> <br>Fally was droped off quite a way off due to his size and sighs as he gets to running tword the fight.<br> <br>A quick bank of the dragons wing allow, soon allow Seguro to avoid the incoming glob of acid vomit or so shi hopes.<br> <br>There is a roar and gusting of air as a glob of acid wizzes past hir extended wing, small drops of acid hisses as it spatters upon the wing, Seguro gives a slight wince in pain the damage while superficial for told of what may happen to those who come in contact with the hydra&#39;s foul breath.<br> <br>Seeing that the hydra was too occupied by the flying dragon, Epsilon quickly close up the distance with the monster as she forcibly hit it with her halberd, before blocking the head with her weapon, trying to block off any more ooze. (Hopefully). &quot;Sorry hydra, know that it pains me to hurt you.&quot;.<br> <br>The hydra hisses once more, now two heads are still trying to take aim ad the flying dragon, while the last aims at Epsilon on the ground, both swaying wilder and wilder as the hydra becomes more angry towards the agents.<br> <br>Fally was still quite a ways off but wanted to get in the fight so shifts how he was running as speeds up slightly.<br> <br>Seguro dips hir wings coming into for a sharp dive, the dragon makes a low sharp pass, fire crackles at hir jaws as a cone of fire spews forth threating to burn all its  path, the breathes in deeply the fire spilling forth,  hir vengeful attack misses, segro pulls up and curses hir bad luck under hir breath.<br> <br>Missed. So much for it. Epsilon&#39;s eyes quickly followed Seguro as shi get more height back and goes back to more pressing matters.<br> <br>The hydra roars now, extremely pissed by the fire breathing dragon flying around it, as both heads begin to rapidly fire their vomit at Seguro.<br> <br>Seeing that the head she grabbed was going wilder, she tried to smoothe ti into her breasts, trying to calm down the head, a firm hand on the hydra head&#39;s neck, while she tries to disrupt the other heads&#39; aiming, by wiggling around the body, and hitting them with her halberd.<br> <br>The third hydra head calms down a bit, a bit later even the other two as the one held by Epsilon cuddles between her breasts.<br> <br>Fally finely gets to the fight and then sighs, seems he wasn&#39;t needed after all. He stands back and offers the two any buffs that he can offer. He keeps his eye on the hydra so that he can possable deal a leathel blow if he finds the hole. He smiles waiting paticently.<br> <br>one of seguro sun hued eyes look back just in time the hydra ready another one of its acid projectiles, folding one of hir wings the dragon barrel rolls free form the acidic attack. Segruo speaks over the com. &quot;This is pointless, It might be risky but I could shut down most of the hydra&#39;s powers with nanomagic, but I need cover while I land and get into range.&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon tries to further calm down the hydra, and tries to move the heads so that they would only focus on her instead of her companion.  
Continuing to try to care for the hydra, she now cuddles the head in her breasts, moving her arms around the body as she softly kisses what she can of the hydra.<br> <br>The cuddled hydra head emits an almost cute coo, were it not for the other two tsill fireing vomit at Seguro now and then, the fire rate dropping considerately over the time though until it completely ceases.<br> <br>Fally sighs and says, &quot;Way to go Hun.&quot; He looks up a Seguro to see if shi needed any help, &quot;Hmm.&quot; then to the newly tamed hydra and says, &quot;Well the three of you look ok, I don&#39;t see any wounds that would need attention.&quot; He smiles again, &quot;Hun, grab me and put me back on your sholder please.&quot; He walks up to her waiting for her to grab him.<br> <br>Seguro float down after dodging the hydras&#39; latest ball of vomit, the dragon&#39;s feet touch ground, the great gleaming wings fold at hir side, the dragon pauses only for a second to see Ep Cradling one of the hydra heads, the dragon hisses over the com in a worried tone. &quot; Ep what are you doing what if that feral has eaten some of the villagers? We need to cut open its stomach to check lives may depend on it.&quot; Seg takes aim from 20 feet away and fires off hir counter nanomagic throwing as much effort into it as shi can.
Continuing to try to care for the hydra, she now cuddles the head in her breasts, moving her arms around the body as she softly kisses what she can of the hydra.<br> <br>The cuddled hydra head emits an almost cute coo, were it not for the other two tsill fireing vomit at Seguro now and then, the fire rate dropping considerately over the time though until it completely ceases.<br> <br>Fally sighs and says, &quot;Way to go Hun.&quot; He looks up a Seguro to see if shi needed any help, &quot;Hmm.&quot; then to the newly tamed hydra and says, &quot;Well the three of you look ok, I don&#39;t see any wounds that would need attention.&quot; He smiles again, &quot;Hun, grab me and put me back on your sholder please.&quot; He walks up to her waiting for her to grab him.<br> <br>Seguro float down after dodging the hydras&#39; latest ball of vomit, the dragon&#39;s feet touch ground, the great gleaming wings fold at hir side, the dragon pauses only for a second to see Ep Cradling one of the hydra heads, the dragon hisses over the com in a worried tone. &quot; Ep what are you doing what if that feral has eaten some of the villagers? We need to cut open its stomach to check lives may depend on it.&quot; Seg takes aim from 20 feet away and fires off hir counter nanomagic throwing as much effort into it as shi can.<br> <br>Hopefully, the hydra finally calmed down thanks to her careful attention. Now, she wraps all three heads into her arms, and pulls them three into her cleavage, softly.
A voice, from he comm. &quot;If it did...? Well... We&#39;ll make the hydra spew&#39;em off somehow, i suppose?&quot;. Then, she softly lifts Fally up to her shoulder, making sure that the hydra doesn&#39;t go anywhere funny.<br> <br>The hydra nearly purrs in Epsilons breasts, when one of the heads notices the small dragon. It goes down to sniff him, then quickly grabs Fally between it&#39;s teeth. Upon a sharp &quot;No, bad hydra&quot; coming from Epsilon it quickly lets go though, the bad head hanging low in shame now.<br> <br>Fally giggles as the hydra puts him back down and then says, &quot;Well I gess that we area  family of feral tamers.&quot; He smiles again and says, &quot;Hun, we should name him.&quot; he taps his chin, &quot;But what to name him though.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro walks slowly toward the hydra, not wanting the spook the creature  shi keeps her hands in plain sight, seguro keeps forced  on maintaining the field inhibiting the ferals powers ready to bolt if there is trouble.<br> <br>Epsilon sighs as the hydra did tried to eat Fally whole. &quot;Problably hungry or something similar... No wonder it went here.&quot;. She stay on alert, had the hydra tries anything more, while she softly hold the hydra against her body. Then she says, &quot;Fally. I&#39;m pretty sure that&#39;s its not tamed. And i&#39;m not sure if it would be either.<br> <br>The hydra looks at Seguro with one head, snarling a bit as it see&#39;s it&#39;s attacker. Shi holds hir own attack though, waiting for what the dragon would do since shi seems to be in a team with the slightly funny looking bookwyrm, who&#39;s so nice to hir.<br> <br>Fally smiles and says, &quot;Then if it is not tamed then you are close.&quot; he looks in his pack for a collar and adds, &quot;If you want to pet hir, here is a collar so that shi may be yours.&quot; He smiles as he hands the collar over.<br> <br>Seguro readies hir ultrasound scanner in the past shi had used it mostly to study mutant pregnancy,  now it would be used to peek into the belly of the beast, seguro gulps as shi spreads the gel over the hydria&#39;s green scaled abdomen, hoping that EP would be able to keep the creature under control, the dragon keep a watch on the screen to see if any of the town inhabits lie in the creatures belly. The dragon wonders what would happen should the creature hunger again, it knows that food is here; would it simply wander back into town? Back before P day they would put down bears that wandered into town for food, they would often become man eaters, was EP doing the right thing?.<br> <br>Seeing that Seguro was working on the hydra&#39;s belly, she softly kisses the hydra&#39;s head, while cuddling it around the belly. Then she gives a quick dark look at Fally. &quot;You know that i don&#39;t use collars, Fally.&quot;. Althought, she had no idea of what to do with hir for now. She would probably know when they leave by knowing the hydra&#39;s reaction.<br> <br>The head watching Seguro hisses as the cold gel touches the hydra&#39;s belly, the one cradled in Epsilon&#39;s breasts shudders and the one that dropped Fally eeps. But still feeling no harm the hydra lets Seguro do hir ultrasound scan, finding no signs of a villager in the hydra&#39;s stomach.
Suddenly a mix between a cry and a wail can be heard from the nearly collapsed house though and all three of the hydra&#39;s heads dart into it&#39;s direction.<br> <br>Fally shurgs and then moves down her frount and puts the collar onto the middle head and then attaches his leash to it and then moves back up to Epsilon&#39;s sholder, &quot;But I do Hun.&quot; he turns his head tword the sound and shudders, &quot;So more people to save, I gess.&quot; he sighs and then hugs Epsilon, &quot;Lets go I gess, or maby we should wait on Seguro and have hir come with us.&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon sighs as she removes the collar from the hydra and give it back to Fally. &quot;No, Fally...&quot;. And whatever it was, it shouldn&#39;t be too bad as the main problem was under control.<br> <br>As the hydra&#39;s collar is removed, it quickly darts towards the house, crying out to something inside it. Moments later another hydra, this one much smaller, comes running from the house. As the two meet, they immediatly beginn to cuddle and chirp happily, soon making their way out of the village.<br> <br>Fally looks at the mother and daughter and says, &quot;Well If I&#39;d known that I&#39;d have gotten the little one a while back.&quot; He smiles, &quot;Familys are nice, and I am glad that you removed the collar, or shi would never have seen hir kid again.&quot; He looks to ep, &quot;I kinda wish that we spent more time together, but as I said, I know that you have things to do, so I am fine.&quot; He hugs her neck as best as he could.<br> <br>Epsilon chuckles lightly. &quot;Well. Mission complete then. The hydra was searching for its offspring and hopefully, it wouldn&#39;t get near any time soon. Althought, it might search for me for some time...&quot;. She cuddles Fally carefully. &quot;Well... I do what i can, Fally.&quot;.<br> <br>With the hydras gone the villagers slowly come out of their homes, cheering the agents. The agents soon go back to their headquaters, but not before the villagers had promised to not again kidnap some feral&#39;s child.

Revision as of 17:19, 27 October 2014





The small village the agents are called to seems to have it's own server, since it has a bubble that definitely is not connected to the Fairhaven one. Everything in the village looks neat and in order, like p-day never happened. In one of the gardens even a few garden gnomes are still standing on the lawn. It looks like a peacefull neighbourhood, at least at first sight ...

Seguro arrives at he village with the flap of hir large gleaming wings, the large down from hir wings raises a cloud of dust that leaves the golden scaled dragon to give a quick sneeze. The cloud clearing Segro awaits for the rest of the team, before hunting down the nature of the disturbance. Watching hir soundings with a wary glance, seg makes ready hir rifle.

Fally is on said dragon's sholder due to having to be in a bubble at all times. He sighs When they land he says, "So, I can get off now, but honistly, I don't see the point, I might as well stay here." He smiles and asks, "You don't mind do you?"

Epsilon manages to get to the meeting point with the help of Seguro, which is holding a bubble to keep her alive and thinking. Being a bookwyrm this time around, she has quite the papery look and keep her tail ready for anything as no one know what might be lurking here. Then she notices Fally, as she didn't paid much attention during the traval and says, "Hey dear.", as she kisses him.

Kuromi comes out of a dark alley and looks at the others "hi " he think he have a dejavu and sit down beside of the group they finaly arrived "whats going on?"

There's not much happening in the streets, the only movement that can be spotted is a lone tumbleweed rolling through the street.

Fally spots the tumbleweed and then sits down, "Ok, I feel that something odd is about to happen." He looks to Epsilon and then smiles, "Hello Hun." His voice was very quite due to his size, but he waves just to make sure that she knows that he herd her.

Seguro pats the small dragon siting on hir shoulder, the diminutive as ep comes over to land a kiss on hir mate, the dragon ask the bookwyrm "It has been a long time EP, how have you and Fally been." with a regal hiss. The soft scratching of the bounce troubled weed as it roles though out the street, grabs the dragon's attention hir sun hued gaze scanning the horizon, to hirself the dragon hisses "There should be something, anything there should be people, or at least mutants that have wandered out of bubble. I don't like this it feels unnatural."

Epsilon presents he shoulder to Fally so he can sits on it if he wanted so. Then she tries to speak and somehow it sounds like words despite the fact it is made of paper sounds, "We've been doibg fine so far, although, Fally probably think that i'm not present often enough...". Then she turns her attention toward the tumbleweed. "That's wierd... This place can't be desert? Why there would be a bubble here if there's nothing here.", as she looks around in search of clues.

Kuromi stand up and going away to make a own thing

After the tumbleweed there is nothing happening at all in the streets.

Fally nods to Ep, "Yes hun you have not been around much, But I get that you have things to do, that don't involv me." He looks at seg for a moment and then hops onto Ep's shoulder and then gives her neck a hug, "I am much smaller then normale hun." He moves to looks at ep more fully and says, "You wouldn't happen to have a poket would you dear?"

Seguro picks fally up, and places Fally upon ep's shoulder. "Careful with him his body is small and easly crushed by some one of your size ep." The dragon then looks around moving slowly away from the group shi looks for clues.

Epsilon tries to moves her skin around, without much result. Instead, she tries to open random books, and folds some pages, trying her best to make a proper handmade 'pocket'. More papers sounds, "Sorry but... i don't. You may try my paper instead? Also may i know why you became so small? At that size, even my lips could be lethal to you...".

While she was talking on Fally, Epsilon kept an eye around, only being more careful as time passed on. There's something around, but she can't tell for sure.

Upon closer inspection, there can eyes be seen behind some of the nearby windows. They seem to be afraid of something though and not like their owners are planning to attack the agents.

Fally says, "So the poket is a no go?" He sighs and then says, "Well that is a long story, one that I'd much rather talk about at another time." he looks around and the adds, "Where is every one?" He looks at seg as shi does some inspections and the moves his attion back to ep, "Hun, you can use your hand you know."

Seguro whispers to the rest of the agents in a low hiss. "We have company, there in the buildings." As subtle as shi can, the dragon readies a few mutant powers; Lions Within, and juggernaut. Soon a barely visible field of nanties surround the fellow agents warding them against attacks should it come to that.

Epsilon papers her maw, "My hand?", with a sigh. "Okay then...", as she moves her hand so that the dragon can safely slide on it. Then she lowers it down, trying to be natural. Then she tries to do low sounds, "Tell me if you want something, okay?".

We weren't alone since we landed here. Whoever they are, they aren't going to move unless neccesary. As such, she merely moves arond, keepin Seguro in mind and keeping a defensive stance.

As they notice they got niticed themselfes, most of the eyes quickly wanish from the windows, only one pair still staying to watch from a nearby window on the ground level.

Fally smiles as ep puts him into her hand and says, "Sure, but that is if you here me hun." He pokes his head out of hir hand so that he can look around.

Seguro begins to walk slowly to the hut with the lone set of eyes, hir gun at the ready, hir voice a soft hiss " We should be careful they may have hostages, their safety maybe in danger and I wager that whatever we called here to help against knows we are coming."

They aren't going to move. Do they? As such, Epsilon thought of yelling. Or... loudly rub her skin. But then,.there's Seguro and Fally and instead look more closely where... eyes? are standing.

The eyes quickly hide as Seguro approaches. Now there's noone left watching the agents, but suddenly a loud roar can be heard from the center of the village along with a crashing sound.

Fally looks around and then nods to seg as shi speeaks. He hears the raor amd meeps before fully hiding back in the hand. He looks around throe the cracks in her fingers for where the sound might have come.

The dragon shutters as the roar echoes though the air, quickly moves to the sides of on the buildings keeping hirself concealed from the view of main street. The dragon readies hir laser rifle and arms a power that had served hir well in the past Camouflage, soon the very light itself bends around the dragon causing hir to vanish from sight moving forward shi creeps to the home that last held a sign of life.

A huge roar that surprised Epsilon. It must be huuuge. Or so she thinks since she's big herself. But regardless, after she acknowledged it, her eyes started to spin quite faster, seeing that she was pretty much into deep emotions, probably anger. "Fally, should i put you in another safe place?", as she expects tha tshe would need both of her hands for that fight. If there's a fight, it is.

The crashing sound turns towards a rumble, like a building falling down. There are more roars, too, but not as loud as the first one, also now terrified screams reach the agents.

Fally says slighly muffled, "Where would you put me? Your womb?" He pops head out and says, "We have to fine out whats up with those screams." He goes back into hiding and says, "Being in your womb, would get me out of most turbbles, but I woun't be able to help you there."

Seguro hears the screams, the roars and stops frozen in hir tracks shuddering over what may be transpiring, without much thought the dragon gets a running start leaping into the air, shi circles rising upon the currents f air, the dragon riding a thermal sets off in the direction of the disturbance hoping that shi may get a better vantage point from the air.

What's happening here?! And what's causing it?! Epsilon eyes were now spinning pretty quickly, as she says, "Hold on Fally!", as she carefully close her hand, letting some air to pass with a few loose holes, so that he could see too. Her other hand had grabbed her halberd, and was now heading toward the sounds, ready to deal with whatever would lie ahead.

As the agents close in, it becomes clear that a green hydra is causing the crashing sounds as shi tears one of the houses down, it's occupants screaming in terror as it collapses on top of them.

Fally seeses the hydra and says to Epsilon, "I may be able to criple it if I come in and attack it after you and Seguro have it other wise ocuiped." he smiles at this idea and says, "Does that work for you hun?"

Seguro spies the hydra with a wary heart as shi relays the findings to the rest of hir team. " It is one of those large lizards from the chemical plant, be careful of the vomit that stuff can eat though concreate. I am going to try to gain its attention, Hope that we can keep it from eating the towns folk or whatever its doing." Seguro lets out a roar of hir own as shi passes high overhead, fluttering hir wings seguro hovers in midair, shi takes aim with a solar ray hoping that shi may get the creatures attention.

Even if Seguro manages to catch the hydra's attention, it wouldn't be for long as Epsilon is pretty the largest threat around here. At least by her size. Posing softly Fally on the ground, and making sure that she wouldn't just squish him by error, and after she did a small nod to the dragon, she runs toward the hydra, halberd ready, and as noiselessly as her body allow her to.

The hydra hisses as shi notices the agents approaching, for now leaving the house and its occupants be. Shi turns towards the Agents, immediately fireing a shot of hir acidic vomit at the flying dragon.

Fally was droped off quite a way off due to his size and sighs as he gets to running tword the fight.

A quick bank of the dragons wing allow, soon allow Seguro to avoid the incoming glob of acid vomit or so shi hopes.

There is a roar and gusting of air as a glob of acid wizzes past hir extended wing, small drops of acid hisses as it spatters upon the wing, Seguro gives a slight wince in pain the damage while superficial for told of what may happen to those who come in contact with the hydra's foul breath.

Seeing that the hydra was too occupied by the flying dragon, Epsilon quickly close up the distance with the monster as she forcibly hit it with her halberd, before blocking the head with her weapon, trying to block off any more ooze. (Hopefully). "Sorry hydra, know that it pains me to hurt you.".

The hydra hisses once more, now two heads are still trying to take aim ad the flying dragon, while the last aims at Epsilon on the ground, both swaying wilder and wilder as the hydra becomes more angry towards the agents.

Fally was still quite a ways off but wanted to get in the fight so shifts how he was running as speeds up slightly.

Seguro dips hir wings coming into for a sharp dive, the dragon makes a low sharp pass, fire crackles at hir jaws as a cone of fire spews forth threating to burn all its path, the breathes in deeply the fire spilling forth, hir vengeful attack misses, segro pulls up and curses hir bad luck under hir breath.

Missed. So much for it. Epsilon's eyes quickly followed Seguro as shi get more height back and goes back to more pressing matters.

The hydra roars now, extremely pissed by the fire breathing dragon flying around it, as both heads begin to rapidly fire their vomit at Seguro.

Seeing that the head she grabbed was going wilder, she tried to smoothe ti into her breasts, trying to calm down the head, a firm hand on the hydra head's neck, while she tries to disrupt the other heads' aiming, by wiggling around the body, and hitting them with her halberd.

The third hydra head calms down a bit, a bit later even the other two as the one held by Epsilon cuddles between her breasts.

Fally finely gets to the fight and then sighs, seems he wasn't needed after all. He stands back and offers the two any buffs that he can offer. He keeps his eye on the hydra so that he can possable deal a leathel blow if he finds the hole. He smiles waiting paticently.

one of seguro sun hued eyes look back just in time the hydra ready another one of its acid projectiles, folding one of hir wings the dragon barrel rolls free form the acidic attack. Segruo speaks over the com. "This is pointless, It might be risky but I could shut down most of the hydra's powers with nanomagic, but I need cover while I land and get into range."

Epsilon tries to further calm down the hydra, and tries to move the heads so that they would only focus on her instead of her companion.

Continuing to try to care for the hydra, she now cuddles the head in her breasts, moving her arms around the body as she softly kisses what she can of the hydra.

The cuddled hydra head emits an almost cute coo, were it not for the other two tsill fireing vomit at Seguro now and then, the fire rate dropping considerately over the time though until it completely ceases.

Fally sighs and says, "Way to go Hun." He looks up a Seguro to see if shi needed any help, "Hmm." then to the newly tamed hydra and says, "Well the three of you look ok, I don't see any wounds that would need attention." He smiles again, "Hun, grab me and put me back on your sholder please." He walks up to her waiting for her to grab him.

Seguro float down after dodging the hydras' latest ball of vomit, the dragon's feet touch ground, the great gleaming wings fold at hir side, the dragon pauses only for a second to see Ep Cradling one of the hydra heads, the dragon hisses over the com in a worried tone. " Ep what are you doing what if that feral has eaten some of the villagers? We need to cut open its stomach to check lives may depend on it." Seg takes aim from 20 feet away and fires off hir counter nanomagic throwing as much effort into it as shi can.

Hopefully, the hydra finally calmed down thanks to her careful attention. Now, she wraps all three heads into her arms, and pulls them three into her cleavage, softly.

A voice, from he comm. "If it did...? Well... We'll make the hydra spew'em off somehow, i suppose?". Then, she softly lifts Fally up to her shoulder, making sure that the hydra doesn't go anywhere funny.

The hydra nearly purrs in Epsilons breasts, when one of the heads notices the small dragon. It goes down to sniff him, then quickly grabs Fally between it's teeth. Upon a sharp "No, bad hydra" coming from Epsilon it quickly lets go though, the bad head hanging low in shame now.

Fally giggles as the hydra puts him back down and then says, "Well I gess that we area family of feral tamers." He smiles again and says, "Hun, we should name him." he taps his chin, "But what to name him though."

Seguro walks slowly toward the hydra, not wanting the spook the creature shi keeps her hands in plain sight, seguro keeps forced on maintaining the field inhibiting the ferals powers ready to bolt if there is trouble.

Epsilon sighs as the hydra did tried to eat Fally whole. "Problably hungry or something similar... No wonder it went here.". She stay on alert, had the hydra tries anything more, while she softly hold the hydra against her body. Then she says, "Fally. I'm pretty sure that's its not tamed. And i'm not sure if it would be either.

The hydra looks at Seguro with one head, snarling a bit as it see's it's attacker. Shi holds hir own attack though, waiting for what the dragon would do since shi seems to be in a team with the slightly funny looking bookwyrm, who's so nice to hir.

Fally smiles and says, "Then if it is not tamed then you are close." he looks in his pack for a collar and adds, "If you want to pet hir, here is a collar so that shi may be yours." He smiles as he hands the collar over.

Seguro readies hir ultrasound scanner in the past shi had used it mostly to study mutant pregnancy, now it would be used to peek into the belly of the beast, seguro gulps as shi spreads the gel over the hydria's green scaled abdomen, hoping that EP would be able to keep the creature under control, the dragon keep a watch on the screen to see if any of the town inhabits lie in the creatures belly. The dragon wonders what would happen should the creature hunger again, it knows that food is here; would it simply wander back into town? Back before P day they would put down bears that wandered into town for food, they would often become man eaters, was EP doing the right thing?.

Seeing that Seguro was working on the hydra's belly, she softly kisses the hydra's head, while cuddling it around the belly. Then she gives a quick dark look at Fally. "You know that i don't use collars, Fally.". Althought, she had no idea of what to do with hir for now. She would probably know when they leave by knowing the hydra's reaction.

The head watching Seguro hisses as the cold gel touches the hydra's belly, the one cradled in Epsilon's breasts shudders and the one that dropped Fally eeps. But still feeling no harm the hydra lets Seguro do hir ultrasound scan, finding no signs of a villager in the hydra's stomach. Suddenly a mix between a cry and a wail can be heard from the nearly collapsed house though and all three of the hydra's heads dart into it's direction.

Fally shurgs and then moves down her frount and puts the collar onto the middle head and then attaches his leash to it and then moves back up to Epsilon's sholder, "But I do Hun." he turns his head tword the sound and shudders, "So more people to save, I gess." he sighs and then hugs Epsilon, "Lets go I gess, or maby we should wait on Seguro and have hir come with us."

Epsilon sighs as she removes the collar from the hydra and give it back to Fally. "No, Fally...". And whatever it was, it shouldn't be too bad as the main problem was under control.

As the hydra's collar is removed, it quickly darts towards the house, crying out to something inside it. Moments later another hydra, this one much smaller, comes running from the house. As the two meet, they immediatly beginn to cuddle and chirp happily, soon making their way out of the village.

Fally looks at the mother and daughter and says, "Well If I'd known that I'd have gotten the little one a while back." He smiles, "Familys are nice, and I am glad that you removed the collar, or shi would never have seen hir kid again." He looks to ep, "I kinda wish that we spent more time together, but as I said, I know that you have things to do, so I am fine." He hugs her neck as best as he could.

Epsilon chuckles lightly. "Well. Mission complete then. The hydra was searching for its offspring and hopefully, it wouldn't get near any time soon. Althought, it might search for me for some time...". She cuddles Fally carefully. "Well... I do what i can, Fally.".

With the hydras gone the villagers slowly come out of their homes, cheering the agents. The agents soon go back to their headquaters, but not before the villagers had promised to not again kidnap some feral's child.