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A window opens on the building; second floor. And there&#39;s the sniper. &quot;Hey! Don&#39;t let him leave! That guy&#39;s been luring people out here for a week now!&quot; The window shuts and he presumably heads down to ground level.<br> <br>Rokarion glances the heyna, before looking at the fox. Rokarion then moves closer to him, and moves a foot to step on the fox&#39;s groin, before looking back at him, face nonchalant as always. Rokarion then speaks politely as ever, &quot;Not my fault that you can&#39;t think of other ways to gain your wage and food. I know for a fact that even people who do things as simple as window cleaning get hired in Zephyr. I don&#39;t care what do you want to do, but luring peopleiin for forced conversion is not something that Zephyr would aprrove of or allow to continue.&quot;<br> <br>Angus crouches beside the fox, swishing water around in his mouth before he spits it out. &quot;Cute, very cute.&quot; He states as he grabs the foxes muzzle, shakes it around, before spanking him on the cheek before standing up. &quot;I&#39;ll let you two handle him, if I do I&#39;ll just shoot the fuck.&quot;<br> <br>As for Nekura she goes to move around behind the fox and suddenly boobhats him. Not the kind that would deal injury, of course, though she growls, &quot;I took cock from three males and didn&#39;t get even /one/ load of seed for all that effort. I&#39;m gonna drag you home and ride you until I&#39;m bored. Then my daughter will ride you until SHE&#39;S bored.&quot;<br> <br>The fox began to say something in protest or something. Possibly &#39;I had my reasons&#39; or somesuch. Before he is boobhatted and offered sex. &quot;Well, if you really want to...&quot; Then, one of the first floor windows shatters. Out comes the &#39;yena with his rifle in hand. &quot;Alright, so, what are we doing with him?&quot; To which the fox responds: &quot;Oh, they were just about to bring me home and fuck me. No arguments there.&quot; Thelergramor sighs. &quot;Really?&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion shakes their head, and answers the heyna, &quot;I do not care what is the lady here going to do to him.&quot; Rokarion then looks at the fox and says, this time losing the politness, but still sounding nonchalant, &quot;However, if you are ever disocvered attempting something like that again, then I assure you that a sniper shot to the head will be nothing more than mere annoyance compared to what we will do to you.&quot;<br> <br>Angus brushes off his jacket and raises his voice. &quot;Looks like he&#39;s being taken away, so no need to shoot.&quot; With that said he does turn to give the Fox a smile. &quot;And if Rokarion doesn&#39;t find you first I&#39;ll tear your throat out with my teeth after I make you eat your own hands.&quot; It wasn&#39;t a threat for the most part, it was a promise now that he knew the foxes scent. <br> <br>&quot;Trust me what&#39;s going to happen to him will hardly be fun,&quot; Nekura remarks when the hyena comes down and sighs about her dragging the fox away to have sex at the Court. However, after being reminded how good it feels being multipenetrated, she offers Thele, &quot;You&#39;re welcome to come along and help get me off. Or even play with my daughter. I&#39;m sure she&#39;s rather horny being stuck at home all day with her mom&#39;s libido.&quot;<br> <br>Thelergramor shakes his head. &quot;Never been one to fuck so... Nonchalantly. Sorry.&quot; He shrugs. &quot;But if you want to take him... Just give me a call when you&#39;re done. Need to turn him in. A bounty was placed, apparently.&quot; He adjusts his rifle. &quot;Don&#39;t screw me on that. It wouldn&#39;t be pleasant.&quot; Smiling, so not much of a threat. And he chuckles.
A window opens on the building; second floor. And there&#39;s the sniper. &quot;Hey! Don&#39;t let him leave! That guy&#39;s been luring people out here for a week now!&quot; The window shuts and he presumably heads down to ground level.<br> <br>Rokarion glances the heyna, before looking at the fox. Rokarion then moves closer to him, and moves a foot to step on the fox&#39;s groin, before looking back at him, face nonchalant as always. Rokarion then speaks politely as ever, &quot;Not my fault that you can&#39;t think of other ways to gain your wage and food. I know for a fact that even people who do things as simple as window cleaning get hired in Zephyr. I don&#39;t care what do you want to do, but luring peopleiin for forced conversion is not something that Zephyr would aprrove of or allow to continue.&quot;<br> <br>Angus crouches beside the fox, swishing water around in his mouth before he spits it out. &quot;Cute, very cute.&quot; He states as he grabs the foxes muzzle, shakes it around, before spanking him on the cheek before standing up. &quot;I&#39;ll let you two handle him, if I do I&#39;ll just shoot the fuck.&quot;<br> <br>As for Nekura she goes to move around behind the fox and suddenly boobhats him. Not the kind that would deal injury, of course, though she growls, &quot;I took cock from three males and didn&#39;t get even /one/ load of seed for all that effort. I&#39;m gonna drag you home and ride you until I&#39;m bored. Then my daughter will ride you until SHE&#39;S bored.&quot;<br> <br>The fox began to say something in protest or something. Possibly &#39;I had my reasons&#39; or somesuch. Before he is boobhatted and offered sex. &quot;Well, if you really want to...&quot; Then, one of the first floor windows shatters. Out comes the &#39;yena with his rifle in hand. &quot;Alright, so, what are we doing with him?&quot; To which the fox responds: &quot;Oh, they were just about to bring me home and fuck me. No arguments there.&quot; Thelergramor sighs. &quot;Really?&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion shakes their head, and answers the heyna, &quot;I do not care what is the lady here going to do to him.&quot; Rokarion then looks at the fox and says, this time losing the politness, but still sounding nonchalant, &quot;However, if you are ever disocvered attempting something like that again, then I assure you that a sniper shot to the head will be nothing more than mere annoyance compared to what we will do to you.&quot;<br> <br>Angus brushes off his jacket and raises his voice. &quot;Looks like he&#39;s being taken away, so no need to shoot.&quot; With that said he does turn to give the Fox a smile. &quot;And if Rokarion doesn&#39;t find you first I&#39;ll tear your throat out with my teeth after I make you eat your own hands.&quot; It wasn&#39;t a threat for the most part, it was a promise now that he knew the foxes scent. <br> <br>&quot;Trust me what&#39;s going to happen to him will hardly be fun,&quot; Nekura remarks when the hyena comes down and sighs about her dragging the fox away to have sex at the Court. However, after being reminded how good it feels being multipenetrated, she offers Thele, &quot;You&#39;re welcome to come along and help get me off. Or even play with my daughter. I&#39;m sure she&#39;s rather horny being stuck at home all day with her mom&#39;s libido.&quot;<br> <br>Thelergramor shakes his head. &quot;Never been one to fuck so... Nonchalantly. Sorry.&quot; He shrugs. &quot;But if you want to take him... Just give me a call when you&#39;re done. Need to turn him in. A bounty was placed, apparently.&quot; He adjusts his rifle. &quot;Don&#39;t screw me on that. It wouldn&#39;t be pleasant.&quot; Smiling, so not much of a threat. And he chuckles.
The fox is dragged away by Nekura with no protest. The threats from the others fall on deaf ears. Or, well, &#39;I&#39;m about to get laid, roughly&#39; ears. He&#39;s getting off easy... And probably getting off later. Sticks his tongue out at Angus, Thel and Rokarion.<br> <br>Rokarion looks at the fox getting dragged away, face still as frigid as ice. The human however decides to get the fox a good bye gift. Rokarion hoists their rigle and tone the setting down to the bare minimum, and shot the fox between the navel and the groin. The rifle emitted a soundless green beam, that while not deadly still hurts a lot.<br> <br>Angus gives the fox a stare, tail flicking silently as his left hand rests on the grip of his revolver. &quot;Have fun with that shit for brains.&quot; He comments as he reaches into a breast pocket to pull out a pack of smokes to help get the coppery taste of blood out of his mouth.<br> <br>&quot;You&#39;ll know when we&#39;re done with him,&quot; Nekura replies to the hyena. Two mares who both know Love Box will likely not end well for the poor todd. Especially when one of them has lots of experience tormenting males with knots.
The fox is dragged away by Nekura with no protest. The threats from the others fall on deaf ears. Or, well, &#39;I&#39;m about to get laid, roughly&#39; ears. He&#39;s getting off easy... And probably getting off later. Sticks his tongue out at Angus, Thel and Rokarion.<br> <br>Rokarion looks at the fox getting dragged away, face still as frigid as ice. The human however decides to get the fox a good bye gift. Rokarion hoists their rigle and tone the setting down to the bare minimum, and shot the fox between the navel and the groin. The rifle emitted a soundless green beam, that while not deadly still hurts a lot.<br> <br>Angus gives the fox a stare, tail flicking silently as his left hand rests on the grip of his revolver. &quot;Have fun with that shit for brains.&quot; He comments as he reaches into a breast pocket to pull out a pack of smokes to help get the coppery taste of blood out of his mouth.<br> <br>&quot;You&#39;ll know when we&#39;re done with him,&quot; Nekura replies to the hyena. Two mares who both know Love Box will likely not end well for the poor todd. Especially when one of them has lots of experience tormenting males with knots.<br> <br>The fox is shot, Rokarions shot going right where he wanted it to. No real damage, as intended, but, ow. &quot;Ow, you fucker!&quot; But, just follows Nekura as she goes. Scowls at Rokarion.
Thelergramor laughs. &quot;Heh, gotta get me one of those. I&#39;ll see you all later. Probably.&quot; The &#39;yena heads off.

Revision as of 03:52, 1 October 2014





The zoo entrance is, as it tends to be, abandoned. It's got some rubble here and there... Some random bits of garbage lying about that has yet to be consumed by nanites or survivors. Or, was thrown out by survivors with no sense of worth. Abandoned, aside from one arctic fox standing about. Nude, and clearly male, he just loiters around, looking quite adjitated.

A human figures arrives from the urban wasteland of Fairhaven. and towards the nude arctic fox. Rokarion, wearing their usual black uniform, is accompanied by their ever so loyal drones. The sphereical things hovering around a meter or so above their ward's head, optical sensors scanning their surrondings in case of strange movements around. Rokarion stops when they come near to the wolf, and look at him, wearing their usual frigid expression. Rokarion then says, in their nonchalant, polite tone, "Greetings Sir. I assume you are the one who called for assistance? Might I ask what do you require? Your comm broadcast was......limited to say the least."

Resting his rifle up against his shoulder as he approaches, Angus wanders up with a dog treat shaped like a bone poking out of his muzzle. "Guessing this the place where the broadcast came from?" He asks, slowly crunching the treat between his teeth as he looks over at Rokarion and nods to them. "I see you still have the drones."

Normally the fox taur would ignore such requests. It was, limited to say the least. But she was in the area and saw little reason not to come take a look. Someone might need true help, and she might be able to offer it. Wrapped up in her usual leather outfit, and with her realitively newly made accompanying party. she walks along to the zoo. Angus is an... interesting sight, as is Roka here. "Good... afternoon, or... would you say evening?" She asks. The bots look mindlessly on, simply following about Miranai.

Nasha(Miranai) comes along with her mother, watching her back. She had no clothes, massive pussy, breasts, everything on display. "Are you even sure this is a good idea mom?" She asks, "We should simply get back home and get back to work." Looking to the fox standing there when they arrive though, she gives a look over to Miranai again.

Meanwhile Nekura is currently walking towards the zoo, which she hadn't been to in ages, having left Ebony at home to keep the customers entertained. Not that they're difficult to do so with. The Nightmare squints as she spots someone at the entrance but continues moving closer. It'd been ages since she last went on any form of a mission and they always tended to be somuchfun. Ferals just meant it was even more likely to end in either punchies or sexytimes! Oh hey other people. At least she doesn't have to worry about getting back to Zephyr if something bad happens.

The fox squints at the group. And after a moment of scrutiny, answers the questions directed at him. "I sent out the call, yeah. Needed some help. My brother, or sister or whatever the fuck they are now, is somewhere in the zoo. Dragged in by ferals. So, you can probably understand why I'd rather we get moving than stand around and jerk each other off." The fox scowls, clearly not in a good mood. "But, if you have questions I'll try to answer them." Despite his eagerness to get going, his eyes linger on the nude body of Nasha.

Rokarion looks at the coyote, before giving them a polite nod, and answering, "Greetings Mister Angus. And yes I still do have my mechanical helpers. You can't imagine how helpful it is to have four gatling guns ready to fire at ferals if things get a bit undiplomatic. Also great for not getting overwhelmed by large numbers." The drones meanwhile simple look around, while one of them keeps an eye at the new arrivals. Rokarion then looks at Miranai, and answers, "And hello again Miss Miranai. I would say it is the evening myself." Shaking their head, Rokarion takes a couple of steps toward the entrance of the park and says, "Nothing much, we should probably move fast to save your sibling. You can answer our questions on the move, no? And I do hope that the ferals you mentioned are open for diplomatic channels."

Angus lowers the rifle off his shoulder, taking it in a two handed grip as the stock rests against his hip. "I'd rather get this done then jerk people off." He answers bluntly before he looks over the two that were joining them. "Hello again Mira." He greets, nodding to Nekura who he has not met as he brings his rifle up in a ready position

Miranai doesn't much like the sounds of things, prancing a bit there, of course, a LOT of things bouncing around as she moves. Well, this shouldn't be too hard. "Ok, can we get your name though? And, why would your sibling have changed? Have they been going that long?" she asks. Looking to Roka, she smiles a bit. "It is good to see you again, ahh, hopefully everything will be as simple as it sounds." She says, looking to her daughter, "Now behave, this might not be the best of ideas, but we are here, and we are going to get to work." She says. The zoo was never too dangerous, so she waddles a few steps toward the entrance to look in

Nasha(Miranai) gives a look to the massive fox taur before looking back to the fox once more, "We'll get him out." A whisper to her mother as they walk forward a bit.

Hm maybe she should have taken Ebony along with. Oh well, someone needs to keep the customers busy while she's out doing stuff. Not recognizing any of the others gathered she wanders up and pauses to listen as the fox explains his problem. Unsurprisingly it sounds like the same thing that happens to just about everybody at some point in time. Infact it kind of reminded her of her own first time getting stolen by ferals! Just then she realizes she's been ogling the fox and damnit Nekura why your brain always go in the gutter? The Nightmare tries to sidetrack her mind and moves closer to the zoo entrance, sort of following Miranai.

The fox responds to thsoe who spoke to him: "Yeah, I can answer as we go. And I'm Tim. Don't know what to call my 'sibling' now... Has a dick and vag. So..." The fox shrugs; then turns towards the entrance where Miranai and Nekura went towards. Ogles the asses. "Lets get going."

The zoo continues to look empty; no ferals in sight. Though those with a keen sense of smell might pick up a lingering scent of many types of creatures. The most prominent being lions.

Rokarion simple walks around the area, looking around and ocasionally checking their forearm device to see if the drones' visual feedback gives anything of use. Rokarion then says, their gaze mainly focused on the area instead of anyone. "Anyone with any ideas where they can be? Mister Tim did you see which way did they head to?" While saying that the human instinctively touches the obviously new black-steel rifle attached to the right side of their backpack.

Angus for the most part remains quiet, eyes shifting as he takes in every scent and sound as they walk. "Eitherway this should be intresting, from the scent I'm thinking Lions got them?" He asks as the butt of his rifle is pressed to his shoulder, the gun still lowered but ready at a moments notice.

Finding eyes on her posterior Nekura couldn't help but wiggle her hips from side to side in order to keep them in place for a bit. However, when the todd speaks up about his sibling, she remarks, "We call ourselves 'herms' typically," in a helpful tone. Not possessing any form of scent ability the mare isn't trying to sniff things out but instead remains near the middle of the little group.

Miranai looks about, and then, eyes going green a moment. "Oh... I do appologize, but I need to get back home. It... would seem that... no... well, I have to get going either way, something is up in Gleenstock." She says, looking to her daughter. She nods, turning back the way she came.

Nasha(Miranai) gives a sigh, and is happy that they won't be going out on this one, heading back with her mother.

Finding eyes on her posterior Nekura couldn't help but wiggle her hips from side to side in order to keep them in place for a bit. However, when the todd speaks up about his sibling, she remarks, "We call ourselves 'herms' typically," in a helpful tone. Not possessing any form of scent ability the mare isn't trying to sniff things out but instead remains near the middle of the little group. It's definitely not that she wants to keep herself in the eyes of the fox dude or anything like that! Though it would certainly make up for any lack of 'fun' with the ferals that might not occur.

The cold one walks to the front of the group; sniffing lewdly at Nekura as he passes. He's unarmed, which is quite clear to any looking at him. "Well, if we follow the scent, should be pretty easy to find my hermthing. Lions. Yes. Mostly, anyway." Starts to lead the group towards the scent of lion. Incidentally, deeper into the zoo.

It's not a long walk, but it is quiet. REally quiet. Too quiet given the strength of the scent around them. For those that can smell it, anyway... "Shouldn't be much longer..."

Rokarion follows the fox, walking in a confident gait. The shortish human attempts a sniff at the mention. Yes, smells of animals ,what a surprise when they are inside a zoo. The human shakes their head, and comments, "Well, hopefully they are open for negotiation, and isn't this place usually more lively with the occasional feral?"

Angus doesn't really have much to say at Miranai's departure, just giving a nod as he follows the rest of the group. As they continue he stops, his ears swiveling towards the northwest as his scowl depends and his finger moves towards the trigger on his rifle. "We aren't alone." Is the ony thing he states as his stance changes into a more combat ready one.

Nekura doesn't appear to mind the fact the todd sniffed at her like that but then again she'd probably jump him given the chance. And no, it's not that surprising someone would lead without a weapon. She uses her claws for weapons after all! The smell of feline was definitely a bit offensive to her senses on the other hand. "Ferals don't tend to be the most reasonable of mutants," she comments.

Tim, if that is his real name, turns to squint at Angus. "True. We're being hunted, obviously. Not all ferals will just run out and tear at your face and clothes..." He smiles, stops squinting. Starts to walk off to the east. "Come on, shouldn't be far now..." He gets about ten feet before running away as a pack of lion mutants rush out of some obscure hiding place <bushes, probably> from the west!

Rokarion quickly looks in the direction of the approaching mutants, "Pity. Diplomacy is indeed dead." With that Rokarion unholsters their rifle, and takes aim, the drones around them quickly change formation. The medical drone moving towards the back, while the shield drone lowers itself and hovers near the human's side. The two combat drones increase their elevation by a meter and move to the front a bit, before protruding their gatling guns, and taking aim, "Pax-01 aim to the left of the group. Pax-02 to the right of the group." With that, Rokarion ups the settings on their rifle to max, and takes aim, but not firing yet, preferring to wait for the perfect moment. "Commence firing solution." And with the order given, the two drones begin unloading their bullets with loud bangs.

Angus narrows his eyes as he watches the fox run. "Fucking idiot." He comments, shaking his head as he drops to one knee and rests the elbow of his right arm on it as he aims through the rifles scope. He takes aim at the nearest, squeezing off a round with a bang as he tries to put one down its throat!

"Well shit there goes my idea," sighs Nekura when the others start firing guns at the toms running towards them. Oh well, at least the others are packing heat. Though she decides it can't really hurt to try anyways in light of the fact the lions look so horny. Suddenly music begins to play from seemingly nowhere as the Nightmare dances, swaying and sashaying, just like a stripper would do! Lets see if knowing Erotic Dance for all these months is actually worth it. If nothing else she doesn't have to worry about clothes being ruined.

Them lions don't stand up too well to the drones bullets penetrating their bodies; cracking bones, fucking up organs, blowing the genitalia from a few... three downed by the drones. The 'yote's shot, while it hits, misses the throat. Aimed a bit high, right through the mouth. That one's down. An 8mm bullet does some heavy damage...

Nekura's dancing, seductive, erotic... All that good stuff, draws the attention of six of the lions who head straight for her, ignoring the 'yote and human!

Rokarion raises a hand to motion for the drones to stop their onslaught, giving them time to rearm and cool down the barrels. However, Rokarion themself decide to shoot now. Aiming at the chest and away of the heart of one of the lions approaching Nekura, no need to permanently kill one of them. The Vi-Salo rifle lets out a bone-chilling spitting howl, as a bright white beam moves towards its target, leaving a vapour of ionized air, and the smell of ozone as a mark of its passing.

Angus draws the bolt back, spitting out the empty casing as he loads the new round. "Next time listen you stupid ass!" He shouts at the fox, standing up and letting the sling of his rifle catch it as he drops it and draws the three inch utility blade he had at the back of his belt, bringing it up to slash at any lions who get close. Before he stops in shock as he watches Rokarion's laser fly towards one of the lions.

Uh oh. Nekura didn't think she'd draw so much attention but at the same time her slutty nature made her keep dancing despite the fact it was pretty obvious she'd likely be getting gang-banged to the point of incapability to walk back home. Hopefully the boys can down a few more of them before they reach her! Boy is she going to kick the crap out of that todd if she finds him again though. No one leads her into a trap to be violated by a pride of horny lion ferals!

The fox is long gone, no herm brother/sister in sight. 'Twas a trap.

Rokarions beam blasts a hole clean through a lion beasts chest. Like, a clean 2 inch diameter hole. Right in the chest. A groan, and he falls.

Angus does indeed slash a lion who gets too close to him, two in fact. Still both standing, they both take swings at him with their claws.

Nekura still has to contend with five horny ass lions who are now within ten feet of hir. They grab for the Nightmare; intent on bumping uglies with the herm.

The rifle lets out a single jut of steam from the two venitilation slits on the metal forestock, looks like it the weapon needs to cool down for a bit. Rokarion holds the rifle with one hand and takes a couple of steps backwards, before spitting more orders, in their usual nonchalant tone, "Tutamen, active defence mode. Pax-01 commence firing solution." With that the shield drone activates its limbs, and hovers next to its master. While Pax-01 lets out another hail of bullets at the two approaching lines. Looks like the human did not notice the nightmare's trouble.

Angus flashes the lions both a grin as they come charging at him, not even faltering as they lash out at him. Their was no retreat, instead he surges forward with a feral snarl as his fangs flash, and his open right palm surges with a heavy electrical current as he prepares to take both on at once!

Oh god she's about to be pounced and instead of being fearful Nekura is actually aroused at the fact. The funny part of course is the fact she has enough equipment to go around for all five of the lions though she wouldn't be surprised if one of them fell upon her hermcock just as something to violate. The Nightmare stops dancing and tenses her hooves against the ground as she waits to be claimed by the horny males. Hopefully the others are at least nice enough not to shoot them while they're having their way with her. Blood is not easy to get out of fur! The equine lets out a loud gasp when the five suddenly surround her and squirms around, moaning loudly as they grab and grope her. "Ahn!" squeals the pony, shaft jumping to life out of her sheath.

The five lions who got their hands on the Nightmare herm don't wasten any time. Already at full arousal, they hold hir up off the ground. One forces them legs apart, slams his cock all up into hir cunt. Another pulls the equine head back and forces the jaws open. Sticks his dick in that. Spitroasted, with hir back parallel to the ground. One of the slightly smaller ones finds a way to get underneath; can't get his dick near enough the ass, however. Instead just gropes the ass and jerks at himself. The other two, instead un towards Angus and Rokarion, one lion for each of them.

Rokarions drone fires its burst; two shots hit one of the approaching lions; doing little besides enraging it. They close to melee range; lash out with their claws.

Angus manages to get his teeth all up on that throat; tearing it open. Not as deep as he probably would've hoped... That lion rips itself away, clutching at the bleeding wound. Wobbles, but doesn't fall yet. The other, that got electric palmed in the muzzle, is shocked, stunned and doesn't look like it's in any position to defend itself. Falls, but is still conscious.

As the lions engage, Tutamen raises their plate sheets, and collides with one of the two lions. When the other lion attempts to lash at Rokarion, they duck, and push themselves to the side in a roll, before standing back at their two feet. Rokarion then says, "Pax-02 commence firing solution at target 2." Noticing the other lion attempting to move towards them. Rokarion turns and prepares for it.

Angus turns his head and spits blood and flesh. "God, you fuckers taste like shit." He states as he sheaths his dagger and draws his Lemat. He cocks the hammer back on his revolver, stepping forward to lash out at the downed Lion with a foot as he squeezes the trigger, the gun roaring as he works to take down the other wounded Lion.

"HOLY FUCK!" squeals Nekura when her sex is stabbed into and penetrated until the male is all the way up to the hilt inside her. This is hardly the first time she's had it happen, granted, though her past partners didn't just cram themselves from start to finish on the first thrust. Luckily, as the male has found, her sex is rather wet with desire and not too hard to claim. ON the other hand, as she's pulled downwards, her muzzle instinctively opens to engulf the tip offered and soon her eyes cross as she's forced down to that one's hilt too. Next thing she knows she feels the smaller tom at her belly which prompts her to wrap her tail around his waist and drag him to climb on top. Yes, she's actually allowing him to mount her that way. Of course being in equine form her legs are strong enough to handle the weight though she might have trouble staying up once that shaft pierces her in the rump. At least this way her cock wouldn't be painfully sawing up along the smaller mutant's belly.

Rokarions drone tears through the unblocked lion at close range. Full auto fire tears him up; blood spraying and all that glorious violent stuff. Another one down. The other lion is busy contending with a shield drone; clawing at it and such. Unable to get to the human. Lion attacking Rokarion number 3 dives forward, trying to tackle the human.

Angus removes those who attacked him from consciousness. And life, were it not for the nanites. Skull cracked, curshed and shit. The other, took a round from his Lemat at close range. To the brain. Yeah, he's down. The third cat, in a similar fashion to the one after Rokarion, throws itself at the 'yote; jaws snapping for a bite.

The ones fucking Nekura continue to do so; the smaller one in position, jabs its barbed lion cock into the herms ass; grunting. All three start pistoning; trying to cum before the others interfere.

Rokarion watches as the second lion jumps in for a tackle. The human jumps and rolls to the side avoiding it completely. The moment they land on their feet, the human turns and aims their now cooled down gun at the lion's midsection, and immediately shoots the lion. The gun lets out another spitting howl as a new intense white beam moves from the rifle's muzzle to the lion, once again ionizing the air and letting out more ozone smell to be mixed with the possible musks from the intercourse happening. Glancing the other lion, Rokarion taps on their forearm device, and Pax-01 circles around, before letitng out a hail of bullets at the other lion's back.

Angus ears flick as he watches his target crumble, hearing the attacker coming at him with a snap of their jaws as he steps clear of their charge. Flicking the catch on his Revolver the lion is met with a calm, blank demeanor on the Cyotes face as the sixteen gauge loaded in the secondary barrrel on his revolver was fired at it.

Oh gods Nekura is in heaven right now. She probably shouldn't with the fact they're violating her so hard and fast but AH BARBS IN RUMP. The Nightequine lets out a series of moaning noises into the shaft throatfucking her as the smaller tom manages to enter her tush and begin barbing her along with the larger two. She couldn't think straight any more, eyes unfocused as she kept giving herself to the trio. The shaft beneath her dribbles, spurts, spraying precum along the ground now as the male in her backdoor leaves it almost painfully stiff from pressuring her button. The mare can hardly imagine what the others are going to think when they finish and turn to find her being drilled by the three remaining lions. Then again they could probably hear the loud, wet squishing from the thrusting mutants by this point. Nng, oh she was so embarrassingly soaked right now!

Rokarion and its drone bring down the last attackers of the human. Blowing a hole through the avoided one with that beam rifle; which bores a hole in the ground too... Not overly deep but, a sizable hole... The drone tears up that shield scratching feral. More blood spraying; possibly onto Rokarion. Teh shield drone's going to be bloody, at least.

Angus' 16 gauge leaves little left of the lions face. But, before it was fired, he managed to say: "Oh, shit." And then his head got fucked by the shot. Leaving only the three currently inside of Nekura to be dealt with.

Those three just keep fucking, far too lost inside the Nightmare to pay much attention to what's happening around them.

Rokarion shakes their head in disapproval as a some of the blood from the lion splashes on their freckled face, great. Rokarion merely affords a glance towards the last group of lions and the horse, before shrugging, and running in the direction the fox used while he escaped. Rokarion then taps a few time on their device, and says a bit loudly for the others to hear them as they move, "I am going after the fox. You deal with the rest." With that the human increases their speed, followed by their shield and medical drone. While the two combat drones move in another direction.

Angus flicks his ears a bit as the lion goes down, snapping open the cylinder to pull the three rounds out of the cylinder before slapping in two more hollow point forty-fives and a sixteen gauge. "Easy enough." He answers to Rokarion as he snaps the cylinder shut, turning to walk towards Nekura as he cocks the hammer back as he steps up behind the nearest lion beast to put the barrel of his gun up against the back of their head, while stating in a calm tone. "Sorry, date's been canceled." Before pulling the trigger.

Well that was rather awkward. Nekura would probably hit Angus right now for getting a mess on her but is too busy being fucked by them to really do much.

A gunshot rings out from somewhere in the distance, as Rokarion chases after the fox. His drones find him lying face down in a pool of blood, a single bullet wound through his head. Were Rokarion to look up, he'd see a hyena sniper backing away from the edge of a 3 story office building.

Angus' shot doth indeed remove a good portion of the rapists head. The other two, at the bloodsplatter and brain matter splahing upon them pull out quickly, releasing the equine Nekura before both trying to tackle Angus.

Rokarion looks at the now fallen fox, before spotting the heyna. Their frigid expression remains on their face, but they are quite annoyed by now. Rokarion starts tapping vigorously on their forearm device, and with that the two combat drones fly off at speed towards the building and attempting to follow the heyna. Rokarion themself move closer to the fox, and check for a pulse. Seeing as how he is still alive, Rokarion motions for their surgical drone to hover above the fox's head, "Sano activate emergency medical procedures." With that the a number of surgical tools and syringes protrude from the drone's body and begin working on the fox. Meanwhile, the shield drone stays close to it's master while they monitor the video feedback coming from the two drones attempting to follow the heyna.

Angus growls a little as he is tackled, keeping a good grip on his revolver as an electrical field kicks up around him to give them both a nasty shock as they come in contact with cold, tanny coyote fur! "Should of just run!" He shouts as his fangs snap!

Though Nekura lacks the ability to keep both males inside herself she at least possesses a tool to keep the one in her pussy in place. Granted she imagines he's going to really rake her sex up and possibly hit her but she'd rather leave Angus with one fewer opponent to tackle. Besides, it's time she shows the tom just how powerful an equine's muscles are in there.

Rokarions drones hit an obstacle as they try to pursue Thelergramor. In the form of him shutting the roof access door behind him. Indeed, he was the sniper.

The medical drone does its job; healing the blown out skull of the fox known as Tim. He is still unconscious. A decent shock would likely wake him up.

The lion is not dissuaded by Angus' cold body, though his teeth catch around the throat with enough force to snap the neck. Just from jaw strength alone. Ow.

The other is caught within Nekura's snatch. He roars leoninely and swipes at hir with his claws, clearly unhappy by this develeopment. Definitely wanted a piece of the Angus anus.

Rokarion looks at the now healed fox, and taps on their forearm device to summon back the combat drones. Looks like the heyna have escaped for now. Rokarion then orders kicks the fox at the side and waits for him to wake up.

Angus kicks away the slumped body, grinning as he stands up and rolls his shoulders. "Dumb bastard." He states as he points his revolver at the last remaining Lion beast before firing twice, aiming for the spin and the heart as he growls. "Just fuck off you stupid bastards!"

"Ow my tits!" growls the Nightmare as her breasts are given a slash with the claws. Not one to be beaten however Nekura tightens her pussy all the harden, constricting the lion's cock painfully once more, though it might be bruising his ego more thnn his health. Especially with Angus shooting the mutant.

The downed fox curls up and grabs at his side as it's kicked. "Ow. What? What do you want?" He seems to have recovered quite well from being shot in the head.

The lion scowls and roars again, his cock being clenched is painful, and oddly arousing. Masochism~ But, that is shor lived as Angus' rounds hit exactly where he intended. Paralyzing from the impact location down and, well, some brain matter leaving the skull. He goes limp, still stuck in the equinial pussy.

Rokarion points at the medical drone hovering right above the foxes head, and says in their usual nonchalant polite tone, which in this situation might make them sound a bit eerie, "You have a chance of singing now Mister. Or you will find out that Sano's scalpels and blades are not just useful for surgery." As if to accentuate that point, Sano protrudes some of the larger blades. Indeed from the fox's angle he can see a group of needles, scalpels, and bonesaws all above his head, waiting for a single command to "Do No Harm".

Angus watches the last tiger fall, grasping at his shoulder as he looks to Nekura. "You can let go now." He states to her, before he pulls the lion off of her and throws him towards the other bodies. "Dumb bastards should of tucked their tails between their legs." He states as he holsters his revolver and starts to go find Rokarion and the fox.

Ahh, fuck did her tits hurt. With the lion now gone Nekura's body releases its death grip on its cock and she stumbles free of him. "Nng.. I am so going to kick that fox's ass!" declares the Nightmare as she pushes up onto her hooves and begins heading in the direction Rokarion did. Three males and not one got to peak inside her. She'll get relief even if she has to ride the todd all the way back to the Court!

The arctic one, Tim, cowers visibly. "What do you want me to sing? Didn't exactly ask me anything... But I'll answer whatever you want me to. Unless you actually want me to sing..."

The others of course have no trouble finding the fox and Rokarion.

Rokarion shakes their head, before motioning for the shield drone to cover their location. Looking around, Rokarion mentions to Angus, "By the way there is a heyna sniper who was shot the fox. So, I am assuming that someone was using him as a pawn, before disposing of him. As for you fox, you know what I mean, who hired you and to do what exactly? A random broadcast with the intention of turning some agents into ferals is obviously not the answer here. What was your purpose?"

Angus gives Rokarion a nod as he spits out more blood, reaching into his pocket to pull out a cloth from his pocket to start wiping the blood off his muzzle. "Dammit it all, still have their fucking taste in my mouth." He mutters as he reaches for his water canteen to try and wash it off. "Also ya, start talking before someone gets angry. Dn't want to get shot again."

Meanwhile Nekura catches up though she was having an incredibly hard time not walking a bit bow-legged from two toms that managed to take her in the rump and sex. She's still not sure Love Boxing the one was worth it considering his barbs did quite a number to her every time she squeezed him. Upon catching up though the equine takes a moment to catch her breath, panting loudly.

The fox squints at Rokarion and Angus. Ogles Nekura again for a moment. "Ah, that. If you must know, I was simply brokering a trade with the ferals. Bring in some ass, and they give me food. We don't all have the skills to work for a company, cocksucker." He spits. "As for why I was shot... I don't know who would want me dead. Or, well, whatever. Nanites."

A window opens on the building; second floor. And there's the sniper. "Hey! Don't let him leave! That guy's been luring people out here for a week now!" The window shuts and he presumably heads down to ground level.

Rokarion glances the heyna, before looking at the fox. Rokarion then moves closer to him, and moves a foot to step on the fox's groin, before looking back at him, face nonchalant as always. Rokarion then speaks politely as ever, "Not my fault that you can't think of other ways to gain your wage and food. I know for a fact that even people who do things as simple as window cleaning get hired in Zephyr. I don't care what do you want to do, but luring peopleiin for forced conversion is not something that Zephyr would aprrove of or allow to continue."

Angus crouches beside the fox, swishing water around in his mouth before he spits it out. "Cute, very cute." He states as he grabs the foxes muzzle, shakes it around, before spanking him on the cheek before standing up. "I'll let you two handle him, if I do I'll just shoot the fuck."

As for Nekura she goes to move around behind the fox and suddenly boobhats him. Not the kind that would deal injury, of course, though she growls, "I took cock from three males and didn't get even /one/ load of seed for all that effort. I'm gonna drag you home and ride you until I'm bored. Then my daughter will ride you until SHE'S bored."

The fox began to say something in protest or something. Possibly 'I had my reasons' or somesuch. Before he is boobhatted and offered sex. "Well, if you really want to..." Then, one of the first floor windows shatters. Out comes the 'yena with his rifle in hand. "Alright, so, what are we doing with him?" To which the fox responds: "Oh, they were just about to bring me home and fuck me. No arguments there." Thelergramor sighs. "Really?"

Rokarion shakes their head, and answers the heyna, "I do not care what is the lady here going to do to him." Rokarion then looks at the fox and says, this time losing the politness, but still sounding nonchalant, "However, if you are ever disocvered attempting something like that again, then I assure you that a sniper shot to the head will be nothing more than mere annoyance compared to what we will do to you."

Angus brushes off his jacket and raises his voice. "Looks like he's being taken away, so no need to shoot." With that said he does turn to give the Fox a smile. "And if Rokarion doesn't find you first I'll tear your throat out with my teeth after I make you eat your own hands." It wasn't a threat for the most part, it was a promise now that he knew the foxes scent.

"Trust me what's going to happen to him will hardly be fun," Nekura remarks when the hyena comes down and sighs about her dragging the fox away to have sex at the Court. However, after being reminded how good it feels being multipenetrated, she offers Thele, "You're welcome to come along and help get me off. Or even play with my daughter. I'm sure she's rather horny being stuck at home all day with her mom's libido."

Thelergramor shakes his head. "Never been one to fuck so... Nonchalantly. Sorry." He shrugs. "But if you want to take him... Just give me a call when you're done. Need to turn him in. A bounty was placed, apparently." He adjusts his rifle. "Don't screw me on that. It wouldn't be pleasant." Smiling, so not much of a threat. And he chuckles.

The fox is dragged away by Nekura with no protest. The threats from the others fall on deaf ears. Or, well, 'I'm about to get laid, roughly' ears. He's getting off easy... And probably getting off later. Sticks his tongue out at Angus, Thel and Rokarion.

Rokarion looks at the fox getting dragged away, face still as frigid as ice. The human however decides to get the fox a good bye gift. Rokarion hoists their rigle and tone the setting down to the bare minimum, and shot the fox between the navel and the groin. The rifle emitted a soundless green beam, that while not deadly still hurts a lot.

Angus gives the fox a stare, tail flicking silently as his left hand rests on the grip of his revolver. "Have fun with that shit for brains." He comments as he reaches into a breast pocket to pull out a pack of smokes to help get the coppery taste of blood out of his mouth.

"You'll know when we're done with him," Nekura replies to the hyena. Two mares who both know Love Box will likely not end well for the poor todd. Especially when one of them has lots of experience tormenting males with knots.

The fox is shot, Rokarions shot going right where he wanted it to. No real damage, as intended, but, ow. "Ow, you fucker!" But, just follows Nekura as she goes. Scowls at Rokarion.

Thelergramor laughs. "Heh, gotta get me one of those. I'll see you all later. Probably." The 'yena heads off.