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Meanwhile, Seguro has managed to slip through the trapdoor of the lighthouse with the help of some subtle size-management and a soft step. Shi finds herself on the second floor of the tower. It looks like a bedroom. A surprisingly cozy bedroom. Pillows strewn a bit here and there as well as a queen-sized bed. A stone staircase leads down to the first floor where there&#39;s seems to be some sort of light source as well. Shi can hear another feminine voice down below speaking in a hushed voice, too softly for the dragon to make out what was said however.<br> <br>Seguro looks about the room to get an idea of what the person who inhabit the tower maybe, searching about the room for anything of note that may be of use to hir team, once hir search is concluded the dragon makes hir way to hir team.<br> <br>Minesthra purr, &quot;Well, you must understand our situation as what we came through just now, but let me tell you our purpose here, we need to get the lighthouse in a work state, either you can help us toward this, or we will need other people to do so. So tell us why the lighthouse is not functioning right now, I&#39;m sure we can find a way where no one will be hurt as we are not here to hurt you!&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon says, &quot;Tell me at least a good reason to me for not just ramming the door and calming down before i do anything.&quot;. She pulls back her head, but doesn&#39;t moves as for yet. &quot;Note that we&#39;ve been asked to help you to repair and run the lighthouse properly.&quot;.<br> <br>&quot;You sure?&quot; the tanuki asks, ignoring any mention of breaking down doors &quot;I have a few different kinds here.&quot; Honestly, these Zephyr people were always so rude! &quot;I could come in alone, I guess,&quot; he says, &quot;But it would rude to leave everyone else outside.&quot; Fenris rifles through his pockets again and produces a corked gourd. &quot;Ooh!&quot; he cries happily, &quot;Looks like I have some plum wine left from Edel&#39;s place too!&quot;<br> <br>&quot;The nerve of you people! Just because you&#39;re with RSX or whoever the hell else you think you can do whatever you want! Oh, we want the lighthouse. Let&#39;s just murder the people who live in it now and take it! Yeah, that&#39;ll get you far. If you try to bash down our door, I promise you we&#39;ll be eating your delicious eyeballs before suppertime!&quot; there&#39;s a small pause. &quot;Well, maybe not the raccoon thing. You seem decent enough.&quot; the disembodied voice grudgingly says.  
Meanwhile, Seguro has managed to slip through the trapdoor of the lighthouse with the help of some subtle size-management and a soft step. Shi finds herself on the second floor of the tower. It looks like a bedroom. A surprisingly cozy bedroom. Pillows strewn a bit here and there as well as a queen-sized bed. A stone staircase leads down to the first floor where there&#39;s seems to be some sort of light source as well. Shi can hear another feminine voice down below speaking in a hushed voice, too softly for the dragon to make out what was said however.<br> <br>Seguro looks about the room to get an idea of what the person who inhabit the tower maybe, searching about the room for anything of note that may be of use to hir team, once hir search is concluded the dragon makes hir way to hir team.<br> <br>Minesthra purr, &quot;Well, you must understand our situation as what we came through just now, but let me tell you our purpose here, we need to get the lighthouse in a work state, either you can help us toward this, or we will need other people to do so. So tell us why the lighthouse is not functioning right now, I&#39;m sure we can find a way where no one will be hurt as we are not here to hurt you!&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon says, &quot;Tell me at least a good reason to me for not just ramming the door and calming down before i do anything.&quot;. She pulls back her head, but doesn&#39;t moves as for yet. &quot;Note that we&#39;ve been asked to help you to repair and run the lighthouse properly.&quot;.<br> <br>&quot;You sure?&quot; the tanuki asks, ignoring any mention of breaking down doors &quot;I have a few different kinds here.&quot; Honestly, these Zephyr people were always so rude! &quot;I could come in alone, I guess,&quot; he says, &quot;But it would rude to leave everyone else outside.&quot; Fenris rifles through his pockets again and produces a corked gourd. &quot;Ooh!&quot; he cries happily, &quot;Looks like I have some plum wine left from Edel&#39;s place too!&quot;<br> <br>&quot;The nerve of you people! Just because you&#39;re with RSX or whoever the hell else you think you can do whatever you want! Oh, we want the lighthouse. Let&#39;s just murder the people who live in it now and take it! Yeah, that&#39;ll get you far. If you try to bash down our door, I promise you we&#39;ll be eating your delicious eyeballs before suppertime!&quot; there&#39;s a small pause. &quot;Well, maybe not the raccoon thing. You seem decent enough.&quot; the disembodied voice grudgingly says.  
From what Seguro tells the rest of the agents, the tower seems inhabitated by two females. There wasn&#39;t much of note up there. A few scattered clothes. Quite a lot of lingere actually. Perhaps they&#39;ve raided Fredericks for it. There was, however, a radio there. Old and probably not working currently but it might be repairable.<br> <br>Seguro moves to sweep the rest of the tower checking to see if the female lives alone, the dragon creeping to find signs of the other female, the dragon uses hir thermal imaging gear to check each of the rooms along the way,  the dragon moving to the voice off in the distance.<br> <br>Minesthra say, &quot;Let try to not get there, we don&#39;t want to see more blood! If you could just tell us why the lighthouse isn&#39;t working so we can understand your situation more.&quot; Then she whisper at Fenris, &quot;Do you think it&#39;s a good idea to get inside alone? You could try to negotiate directly but you will be alone if there is some problem, we do not know what lies beyond this door!&quot;<br> <br>Merely hearing the discussions going on, she yells, &quot;We have a mission, and we will do it no matter what!&quot;. She moves in front of the door, then yells, &quot;CHAAAAARGE!&quot;, while doing nothing. After a while, she softly kock at the door and says, &quot;Can we enter please?&quot;.<br> <br>&quot;Ew,&quot; Fenris says, his tongue sticking from his muzzle, &quot;You eat eyeballs?&quot; Then he thinks for a second. &quot;What kind of soup would you use?&quot; he asks, &quot;Because the soup would have to be really good to make the eyeballs worth eating. Because eyeballs are gross.&quot; The tanuki smiles at Minestra. &quot;I&#39;m sure that they are nice people,&quot; he says, &quot;Even if they like to eat eyeballs.&quot; At the sound of Epsilon&#39;s charge, the big tanuki breaks into gales of laughter!<br> <br>Seguro manages to sneak to the top of the stairs to look down into the room, just in time to see the two inhabitants jump away from the door as Epsilon yells &quot;CHARGE!&quot; from outside. One is pale and beautiful, slender yet distractingly feminine in build. The other is quite obviously female and with jawdropping curves. As well as hooves. And a spaded tail. A succubus, it would seem. Both are dressed in lacy underwear underneath sheer negliges. &quot;You think this is funny?!&quot; the slender woman calls out. &quot;We found this place deserted! It&#39;s ours now! Besides, the light isn&#39;t even working! It was made for electricity obviously. But there&#39;s none here. And windows, too! Besides, why would we want the rest of the world to know we&#39;re here? Have you SEEN the graveyard? We&#39;d be up to our tits in zombies if we suddenly lit the lighthouse!&quot;<br> <br>Seguro gives off a minor giggle, as the dragon works hir dusk phantoms power, conjuring into existence a large horde of zombies at the top of the stairs. With a twitch of hir clawed talons the dragon sets hir puppets down the stairs shambling toward to two at the door. The zombies gnashing there rotted teeth and shamble toward the two females, dripping bits of phantasmal gore as they move.<br> <br>Minesthra say, &quot;Well, you were ready to eat our eyesballs, and some zombies scare you? Let us help you to get the eletricity running again and put the lighthouse on and you can stay there, it&#39;s a win-win situation! I&#39;m sure zombies don&#39;t care about light, it&#39;s more likely the heat that attract them and you have a strong door to keep them away.&quot;. As she speak, she look at the wall trying to see if there is some cable or wire, wondering how the lighthouse is connected to the power networks.<br> <br>Epsilon had heard more than enough. Whoever they are, they are most likely not going to be of any help. This time, she moves back, and, lowering her head, she charges the door, ramming with her all her... available weight, and would continue until it is open.<br> <br>Fenris yelps and jumps away from the door as Epsilon comes charging. &quot;Hey!&quot; he cries, &quot;That&#39;s not very polite!&quot; Honestly! These military types were useless when it came to negotiation!<br> <br>The two females twirl around as the imaginary horde of zombies come trundling down the stairs. They immediately spring into action, the succubus pouncing on the first one and falling on her face with a squeak as she goes right through the apparition. Her pale friend however doesn&#39;t seem to be quite so surprised by the illusion and instead seems to be trying to locate it&#39;s source. She does, however, jump as Epsilon rams into the door with a loud THUD. &quot;We told you, there&#39;s nothing here! Goddamnit! Stop trying to attack us! What sort of bullies are you people anyway? If you want our help you&#39;d better make an offer instead of trying to take it by force!&quot; she shouts, looking seriously angry by now.<br> <br>Seguro activates hir Abysmal Aura, the dusk dragon begins to feed off of the anger and fear pervading the two females. The dragon remaining hidden for now under the sofa causing confusion with hir zombies, while ep works to get the door open.<br> <br>Minesthra protect her head with her arms while she back off a bit to let epsilon surge toward the door. Realising that the negotiation is over, she mentally prepare herself to get to get her hands dirty if necessary. &quot;Let&#39;s try to not hurt them if they are not openly hostile&quot; she tells her two companions outside, even if she knew herself that there will likely be blood once they are inside...<br> <br>Epsilon says, &quot;Sorry, but i don&#39;t think you would do much good for what we heard... well, from what i heard.&quot;. Then, backing off once more, she tries again, trying to force the door open again, just wanting to get inside as quickly as possible.<br> <br>Fenris shakes his head. &quot;You&#39;re on your own if you are going to fight,&quot; he says, &quot;I came to negotiate. They aren&#39;t bothering anyone, and Zephyr and RSX can kiss my tail if they think I will bully people for them.&quot; With that, the tanuki takes a seat against the wall, off to one side of the door, and just like that, where a flesh and blood coon dog once stood is a traditional stone tanuki statue! Looks like he plans to just wait it out.<br> <br>Realizing that the zombies are not real, the two girls line up on either side of the door, ready to take on whoever might break through it. And break through Epsilon does. With a loud crash, she tumbles through the door, coming face to face with a sudden zombie invasion inside. It looks like the succubus is about to pounce onto the newcomer when the pale woman makes a short gesture, halting her in her tracks. &quot;Well great. You broke down our door. Thanks alot, assholes. When we go to RSX with this, I&#39;ll be sure to ask for your agent licenses to be revoked! Terrorizing us with zombies and now breaking into our home? What the fuck is wrong with you people?&quot; she says, though for some reason she can&#39;t quite muster up enough anger to really put emphasis on just how worked up she was.<br> <br>With a wave hir hand Seguro&#39;s fake zombie vanish, tiny dragon resumes  hir full size hir camo breaking, the golden scaled dragon addresses the two ladies at the top of the stairs. Sharply seguro hisses to the two mutants.  &quot;Given that you made a treat of eating one eye balls what would you have done in our shoes, two you did not run when you were set upon the zombies so you had some combat experience, so you would be able to handle yourself somewhat? We came to talk, but are you ready to hear what we have to say? The faction do no care who is living here only that the light house is operating, In other words people to maintain it, I would mean you could live here still. &quot;<br> <br>Minesthra enter the room as she is cautious of the two girls, &quot;Well, you didn&#39;t seem willing to cooperate with us, but I&#39;m sure we will be able to come to an understanding now that we stand evenly. So you have a problem from what I understand, zombies, and we have one too, the lighthouse. We can work together toward a peaceful ending I&#39;m sure!&quot;<br> <br>Fenris in statue form waits outside, more than a little fed up with all the miltary machismo. Why didn&#39;t they come armed with baked goods instead of heavy weaponry? And breaking in someone&#39;s door? Completely uncivilized.<br> <br>The pale girl stares at Seguro, her eyes flashing in the dim light of the lighthouse. Glimmering, even. They&#39;re quite captivating, really. Meanwhile the succubus turns to face the the lynx, pointing at Epsilion as she speaks. &quot;Of course we don&#39;t eat eyeballs, you dolt. It was just an emtpy threat. How did you expect us to react when the first thing this metal.. thing does is threaten to beat our door down? Hardly the grounds for a civil discussion, is it? We&#39;ve been doing nothing wrong here and suddenly you barge in and demand our home. If maybe.. MAYBE you had opened with something along the lines of, &quot;Hello! Do you want food, protection and goods in return for running this lighthouse?&quot; then maybe, just maybe we&#39;d be more inclined to be hospitable!&quot; she says sulkily, crossing her arms under her jiggly busom.<br> <br>Seguro sways idly in place, hir eyes glazed over hir shoulder begin to droop .<br> <br>Minesthra say, &quot;Well, excuse my partner behavior, he can be quite rude when he want. But I assure you that our employer can help you through us. Can we discuss about it around a cup of tea? If I remind quite well, I had a partner that bring some.&quot; while looking at the door over her shoulder<br> <br>Recovering from the ordeal she had gone through by ramming the door, she stands before the vampires and says, &quot;Sorry for the door, but i kind of didn&#39;t expected you to cooperate...&quot;. She sighs. &quot;Looks girls, i don&#39;t think you would properly be able to run the lighthouse. So i propose that we help you find a proper shelter and ressources.&quot;. She readies her halberd. &quot;And... if you do anything funny, i&#39;ll have to persuade you the hard way, i guess.&quot;.<br> <br>Fenris&#39;s raccoon-like head pops around the corner. &quot;Somebody mention food?&quot; he asks, &quot;Got any hot water?&quot; The tanuki trots into the room and plops his ample derrière on a low crate, ignoring hostile glares. He digs around in his satchel for a moment and produces a small teapot and a pair of tin mugs. &quot;I only have two cups, though,&quot; he says apologetically, &quot;I don&#39;t entertain much, you see.&quot; The hefty coon dog fumbles in his pockets and pulls out a packet of tea bags. &quot;Nothing special, I&#39;m afraid,&quot; he says, &quot;But not bad!&quot; The big guy smiles around at everyone expectantly.<br> <br>Fenris&#39; attempt of hospitality is largely lost on the two girls as both stare at Epsilon in surprise. &quot;You seriously want us to just up and leave our home. Just like that. At the threat of violence to boot?&quot; the vampire says, a frown on her pretty features. The succubus simply shakes her head in disbelief. &quot;And you wonder why we didn&#39;t want to just open the door. We havn&#39;t done anything to you and this is how you treat us. You know what, fuck you. Get out of here. You.&quot; she points at Fenris and Minesthra, &quot;You two can stay, if you want. We&#39;ll talk to you. But these other.. brutes have to go.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro calls over the com. &quot;Watch out these two just used some sort of mind control power on me. If you go up there alone they may attack you. If you want to talk with them it is your call, but I would advise against it&quot; Seguro begins to stand shi call once again. &quot;The nature of vampire and devil strains are malefic, it just might be a ploy to divide us.&quot; The dragon eyes the two mutants warily.<br> <br>Minesthra mutter to hir own com, &quot;We&#39;ll try to talk to them, just don&#39;t go too far, if possible let one eyes on us in case they got both of us under their spell&quot;. Then she speak loud and clear to the two girls, &quot;Ok, it&#39;s your house indead, if you are willing to talk to us, we are your oblige then!&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon shruggs, &quot;Okay. No violence.&quot;, as she puts her halbard back on her back, and change her position, getting naturally more stable. &quot;But you can&#39;t force me to get out.&quot;. She grins as she removes her bra, and approach the vampires. &quot;Maybe we could still have a proper negociation, girls. Hmmm?&quot;.<br> <br>Fenris frowns at his compatriots. &quot;No manners at all,&quot; he mutters, looking around for anything that looks like it might provide water and some sort of range or stove for heating, &quot;Stripping in someone&#39;s home without invitation!&quot; He conveniently overlooks that fact that he is, in fact, pantsless. Though there is nothing there to see.<br> <br>Skade the two girls roll their eyes and move over to stand behind Fenris, the vampiress protectively slipping her arm around the succubus&#39; waist. &quot;Can you make them leave?&quot; the vampiress asks the tanuki. &quot;You&#39;re in our home! Does this really seem to be the right time to have sex? Not exactly the best way to set the mood, is it?&quot; the succubus says, adressing Epsilon with a frown. Both deciding to ignore Seguro for now.<br> <br>Seguro gives a hiss as shi makes hir way down the stairs. &quot;Make sure to maintain an open com then, if the line is cut or if my comrades come to harm then you will regret it. I will keep watch by your door, and make sure that none of the local baddies enter the light house.&quot; Without a further word the dragon heads down by the door.<br> <br>Minesthra nods at Seguro, put a paws at Epsilon shoulder and purr, &quot;Hum, like I said, there is not ill intent behind her actions.&quot; she continue with a lower voice, &quot;I think we will be fine, so can you wait outside with Seguro just for a moment while we figure what to do?&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon quickly runs a hand on her comm to make sure that it was functionnal. Then she whispers to Minesthra, &quot;I&#39;d rather not...&quot;. Then she focus back on the girls. &quot;I never said that i was going to do sex with you. I wouldn&#39;t have kept my armor otherwise.&quot;.<br> <br>Fenris waves a thick hand idly at Seguro. &quot;Sure, sure, fine,&quot; he says offhandedly, &quot;Be out in a minute.&quot; He looks over his shoulder with a smile at the strange ladies. &quot;Sorry to bother,&quot; he says, &quot;But hot water for tea would be lovely!&quot; The tanuki sets the packet of tea and his little pot and cups on the table. &quot;And maybe if you had a couple more cups?&quot; he prompts, &quot;Sorry about the barbarians.&quot;<br> <br>Skade the vampiress gives off a soft sigh. Perhaps the dusk dragons dampening aura has an effect to soothe any feelings of anger. As well as lust obviously. &quot;Look, I&#39;m sorry but.. you came barging in here, not the other way around. Maybe we all got off on the wrong foot. You thought we were some necromancers with a zombie horde at their beck and command and we thought you were going to beat us into submission like most agents do when they encounter ferals. I&#39;m sure we can come to an agreement somehow.&quot; the vampiress says as she sits down at the table. The succubus takes place behind her, gently resting her hands on her shoulders.<br> <br>Seguro keeps watch as shi listens to events taking place over the com, keeping watch on hir soundings for any of the graveyard inhibits  that may stumble out, activating hir camo the dragon once again vanishes from sight.
From what Seguro tells the rest of the agents, the tower seems inhabitated by two females. There wasn&#39;t much of note up there. A few scattered clothes. Quite a lot of lingere actually. Perhaps they&#39;ve raided Fredericks for it. There was, however, a radio there. Old and probably not working currently but it might be repairable.<br> <br>Seguro moves to sweep the rest of the tower checking to see if the female lives alone, the dragon creeping to find signs of the other female, the dragon uses hir thermal imaging gear to check each of the rooms along the way,  the dragon moving to the voice off in the distance.<br> <br>Minesthra say, &quot;Let try to not get there, we don&#39;t want to see more blood! If you could just tell us why the lighthouse isn&#39;t working so we can understand your situation more.&quot; Then she whisper at Fenris, &quot;Do you think it&#39;s a good idea to get inside alone? You could try to negotiate directly but you will be alone if there is some problem, we do not know what lies beyond this door!&quot;<br> <br>Merely hearing the discussions going on, she yells, &quot;We have a mission, and we will do it no matter what!&quot;. She moves in front of the door, then yells, &quot;CHAAAAARGE!&quot;, while doing nothing. After a while, she softly kock at the door and says, &quot;Can we enter please?&quot;.<br> <br>&quot;Ew,&quot; Fenris says, his tongue sticking from his muzzle, &quot;You eat eyeballs?&quot; Then he thinks for a second. &quot;What kind of soup would you use?&quot; he asks, &quot;Because the soup would have to be really good to make the eyeballs worth eating. Because eyeballs are gross.&quot; The tanuki smiles at Minestra. &quot;I&#39;m sure that they are nice people,&quot; he says, &quot;Even if they like to eat eyeballs.&quot; At the sound of Epsilon&#39;s charge, the big tanuki breaks into gales of laughter!<br> <br>Seguro manages to sneak to the top of the stairs to look down into the room, just in time to see the two inhabitants jump away from the door as Epsilon yells &quot;CHARGE!&quot; from outside. One is pale and beautiful, slender yet distractingly feminine in build. The other is quite obviously female and with jawdropping curves. As well as hooves. And a spaded tail. A succubus, it would seem. Both are dressed in lacy underwear underneath sheer negliges. &quot;You think this is funny?!&quot; the slender woman calls out. &quot;We found this place deserted! It&#39;s ours now! Besides, the light isn&#39;t even working! It was made for electricity obviously. But there&#39;s none here. And windows, too! Besides, why would we want the rest of the world to know we&#39;re here? Have you SEEN the graveyard? We&#39;d be up to our tits in zombies if we suddenly lit the lighthouse!&quot;<br> <br>Seguro gives off a minor giggle, as the dragon works hir dusk phantoms power, conjuring into existence a large horde of zombies at the top of the stairs. With a twitch of hir clawed talons the dragon sets hir puppets down the stairs shambling toward to two at the door. The zombies gnashing there rotted teeth and shamble toward the two females, dripping bits of phantasmal gore as they move.<br> <br>Minesthra say, &quot;Well, you were ready to eat our eyesballs, and some zombies scare you? Let us help you to get the eletricity running again and put the lighthouse on and you can stay there, it&#39;s a win-win situation! I&#39;m sure zombies don&#39;t care about light, it&#39;s more likely the heat that attract them and you have a strong door to keep them away.&quot;. As she speak, she look at the wall trying to see if there is some cable or wire, wondering how the lighthouse is connected to the power networks.<br> <br>Epsilon had heard more than enough. Whoever they are, they are most likely not going to be of any help. This time, she moves back, and, lowering her head, she charges the door, ramming with her all her... available weight, and would continue until it is open.<br> <br>Fenris yelps and jumps away from the door as Epsilon comes charging. &quot;Hey!&quot; he cries, &quot;That&#39;s not very polite!&quot; Honestly! These military types were useless when it came to negotiation!<br> <br>The two females twirl around as the imaginary horde of zombies come trundling down the stairs. They immediately spring into action, the succubus pouncing on the first one and falling on her face with a squeak as she goes right through the apparition. Her pale friend however doesn&#39;t seem to be quite so surprised by the illusion and instead seems to be trying to locate it&#39;s source. She does, however, jump as Epsilon rams into the door with a loud THUD. &quot;We told you, there&#39;s nothing here! Goddamnit! Stop trying to attack us! What sort of bullies are you people anyway? If you want our help you&#39;d better make an offer instead of trying to take it by force!&quot; she shouts, looking seriously angry by now.<br> <br>Seguro activates hir Abysmal Aura, the dusk dragon begins to feed off of the anger and fear pervading the two females. The dragon remaining hidden for now under the sofa causing confusion with hir zombies, while ep works to get the door open.<br> <br>Minesthra protect her head with her arms while she back off a bit to let epsilon surge toward the door. Realising that the negotiation is over, she mentally prepare herself to get to get her hands dirty if necessary. &quot;Let&#39;s try to not hurt them if they are not openly hostile&quot; she tells her two companions outside, even if she knew herself that there will likely be blood once they are inside...<br> <br>Epsilon says, &quot;Sorry, but i don&#39;t think you would do much good for what we heard... well, from what i heard.&quot;. Then, backing off once more, she tries again, trying to force the door open again, just wanting to get inside as quickly as possible.<br> <br>Fenris shakes his head. &quot;You&#39;re on your own if you are going to fight,&quot; he says, &quot;I came to negotiate. They aren&#39;t bothering anyone, and Zephyr and RSX can kiss my tail if they think I will bully people for them.&quot; With that, the tanuki takes a seat against the wall, off to one side of the door, and just like that, where a flesh and blood coon dog once stood is a traditional stone tanuki statue! Looks like he plans to just wait it out.<br> <br>Realizing that the zombies are not real, the two girls line up on either side of the door, ready to take on whoever might break through it. And break through Epsilon does. With a loud crash, she tumbles through the door, coming face to face with a sudden zombie invasion inside. It looks like the succubus is about to pounce onto the newcomer when the pale woman makes a short gesture, halting her in her tracks. &quot;Well great. You broke down our door. Thanks alot, assholes. When we go to RSX with this, I&#39;ll be sure to ask for your agent licenses to be revoked! Terrorizing us with zombies and now breaking into our home? What the fuck is wrong with you people?&quot; she says, though for some reason she can&#39;t quite muster up enough anger to really put emphasis on just how worked up she was.<br> <br>With a wave hir hand Seguro&#39;s fake zombie vanish, tiny dragon resumes  hir full size hir camo breaking, the golden scaled dragon addresses the two ladies at the top of the stairs. Sharply seguro hisses to the two mutants.  &quot;Given that you made a treat of eating one eye balls what would you have done in our shoes, two you did not run when you were set upon the zombies so you had some combat experience, so you would be able to handle yourself somewhat? We came to talk, but are you ready to hear what we have to say? The faction do no care who is living here only that the light house is operating, In other words people to maintain it, I would mean you could live here still. &quot;<br> <br>Minesthra enter the room as she is cautious of the two girls, &quot;Well, you didn&#39;t seem willing to cooperate with us, but I&#39;m sure we will be able to come to an understanding now that we stand evenly. So you have a problem from what I understand, zombies, and we have one too, the lighthouse. We can work together toward a peaceful ending I&#39;m sure!&quot;<br> <br>Fenris in statue form waits outside, more than a little fed up with all the miltary machismo. Why didn&#39;t they come armed with baked goods instead of heavy weaponry? And breaking in someone&#39;s door? Completely uncivilized.<br> <br>The pale girl stares at Seguro, her eyes flashing in the dim light of the lighthouse. Glimmering, even. They&#39;re quite captivating, really. Meanwhile the succubus turns to face the the lynx, pointing at Epsilion as she speaks. &quot;Of course we don&#39;t eat eyeballs, you dolt. It was just an emtpy threat. How did you expect us to react when the first thing this metal.. thing does is threaten to beat our door down? Hardly the grounds for a civil discussion, is it? We&#39;ve been doing nothing wrong here and suddenly you barge in and demand our home. If maybe.. MAYBE you had opened with something along the lines of, &quot;Hello! Do you want food, protection and goods in return for running this lighthouse?&quot; then maybe, just maybe we&#39;d be more inclined to be hospitable!&quot; she says sulkily, crossing her arms under her jiggly busom.<br> <br>Seguro sways idly in place, hir eyes glazed over hir shoulder begin to droop .<br> <br>Minesthra say, &quot;Well, excuse my partner behavior, he can be quite rude when he want. But I assure you that our employer can help you through us. Can we discuss about it around a cup of tea? If I remind quite well, I had a partner that bring some.&quot; while looking at the door over her shoulder<br> <br>Recovering from the ordeal she had gone through by ramming the door, she stands before the vampires and says, &quot;Sorry for the door, but i kind of didn&#39;t expected you to cooperate...&quot;. She sighs. &quot;Looks girls, i don&#39;t think you would properly be able to run the lighthouse. So i propose that we help you find a proper shelter and ressources.&quot;. She readies her halberd. &quot;And... if you do anything funny, i&#39;ll have to persuade you the hard way, i guess.&quot;.<br> <br>Fenris&#39;s raccoon-like head pops around the corner. &quot;Somebody mention food?&quot; he asks, &quot;Got any hot water?&quot; The tanuki trots into the room and plops his ample derrière on a low crate, ignoring hostile glares. He digs around in his satchel for a moment and produces a small teapot and a pair of tin mugs. &quot;I only have two cups, though,&quot; he says apologetically, &quot;I don&#39;t entertain much, you see.&quot; The hefty coon dog fumbles in his pockets and pulls out a packet of tea bags. &quot;Nothing special, I&#39;m afraid,&quot; he says, &quot;But not bad!&quot; The big guy smiles around at everyone expectantly.<br> <br>Fenris&#39; attempt of hospitality is largely lost on the two girls as both stare at Epsilon in surprise. &quot;You seriously want us to just up and leave our home. Just like that. At the threat of violence to boot?&quot; the vampire says, a frown on her pretty features. The succubus simply shakes her head in disbelief. &quot;And you wonder why we didn&#39;t want to just open the door. We havn&#39;t done anything to you and this is how you treat us. You know what, fuck you. Get out of here. You.&quot; she points at Fenris and Minesthra, &quot;You two can stay, if you want. We&#39;ll talk to you. But these other.. brutes have to go.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro calls over the com. &quot;Watch out these two just used some sort of mind control power on me. If you go up there alone they may attack you. If you want to talk with them it is your call, but I would advise against it&quot; Seguro begins to stand shi call once again. &quot;The nature of vampire and devil strains are malefic, it just might be a ploy to divide us.&quot; The dragon eyes the two mutants warily.<br> <br>Minesthra mutter to hir own com, &quot;We&#39;ll try to talk to them, just don&#39;t go too far, if possible let one eyes on us in case they got both of us under their spell&quot;. Then she speak loud and clear to the two girls, &quot;Ok, it&#39;s your house indead, if you are willing to talk to us, we are your oblige then!&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon shruggs, &quot;Okay. No violence.&quot;, as she puts her halbard back on her back, and change her position, getting naturally more stable. &quot;But you can&#39;t force me to get out.&quot;. She grins as she removes her bra, and approach the vampires. &quot;Maybe we could still have a proper negociation, girls. Hmmm?&quot;.<br> <br>Fenris frowns at his compatriots. &quot;No manners at all,&quot; he mutters, looking around for anything that looks like it might provide water and some sort of range or stove for heating, &quot;Stripping in someone&#39;s home without invitation!&quot; He conveniently overlooks that fact that he is, in fact, pantsless. Though there is nothing there to see.<br> <br>Skade the two girls roll their eyes and move over to stand behind Fenris, the vampiress protectively slipping her arm around the succubus&#39; waist. &quot;Can you make them leave?&quot; the vampiress asks the tanuki. &quot;You&#39;re in our home! Does this really seem to be the right time to have sex? Not exactly the best way to set the mood, is it?&quot; the succubus says, adressing Epsilon with a frown. Both deciding to ignore Seguro for now.<br> <br>Seguro gives a hiss as shi makes hir way down the stairs. &quot;Make sure to maintain an open com then, if the line is cut or if my comrades come to harm then you will regret it. I will keep watch by your door, and make sure that none of the local baddies enter the light house.&quot; Without a further word the dragon heads down by the door.<br> <br>Minesthra nods at Seguro, put a paws at Epsilon shoulder and purr, &quot;Hum, like I said, there is not ill intent behind her actions.&quot; she continue with a lower voice, &quot;I think we will be fine, so can you wait outside with Seguro just for a moment while we figure what to do?&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon quickly runs a hand on her comm to make sure that it was functionnal. Then she whispers to Minesthra, &quot;I&#39;d rather not...&quot;. Then she focus back on the girls. &quot;I never said that i was going to do sex with you. I wouldn&#39;t have kept my armor otherwise.&quot;.<br> <br>Fenris waves a thick hand idly at Seguro. &quot;Sure, sure, fine,&quot; he says offhandedly, &quot;Be out in a minute.&quot; He looks over his shoulder with a smile at the strange ladies. &quot;Sorry to bother,&quot; he says, &quot;But hot water for tea would be lovely!&quot; The tanuki sets the packet of tea and his little pot and cups on the table. &quot;And maybe if you had a couple more cups?&quot; he prompts, &quot;Sorry about the barbarians.&quot;<br> <br>Skade the vampiress gives off a soft sigh. Perhaps the dusk dragons dampening aura has an effect to soothe any feelings of anger. As well as lust obviously. &quot;Look, I&#39;m sorry but.. you came barging in here, not the other way around. Maybe we all got off on the wrong foot. You thought we were some necromancers with a zombie horde at their beck and command and we thought you were going to beat us into submission like most agents do when they encounter ferals. I&#39;m sure we can come to an agreement somehow.&quot; the vampiress says as she sits down at the table. The succubus takes place behind her, gently resting her hands on her shoulders.<br> <br>Seguro keeps watch as shi listens to events taking place over the com, keeping watch on hir soundings for any of the graveyard inhibits  that may stumble out, activating hir camo the dragon once again vanishes from sight.<br> <br>Minesthra let out a relieved sigh as she see the situation soften, &quot;Well, now that we can have a proper talk, let hear what you might need in order to stay here, should the lighthouse be on. As needed by the lighthouse, power would be back, that would give you more comfort too while offering more possibility to ward off the zombies. But are the zombies the only reason you fear the lighting of the lighthouse?&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon sits down on the ground, calmed down for now. Then she explains, &quot;First, i never thought that you were necromancers. There&#39;s plain too much zombies anyway... Second, i never wanted to force you into submission or anything. It&#39;s not my style. And third... Mind some milk?&quot;.<br> <br>No tea then. Oh well. &quot;I&#39;ll just leave the tea as a present then,&quot; he says sadly, putting away the teapot and tin cups. His ears perk up at the mention of milk, but then his smile sours for a moment when he realizes what epsilon meant. Barbarians! All of them! &quot;I think,&quot; he says, &quot;What Minesthra here is trying to say, is that her organization is willing to set you up here.&quot; He relaxes on his crate-sofa. &quot;Get you electricity, heat and whatever defenses you need,&quot; he continues, &quot;On condition that you maintain the lighthouse. Is that right?&quot;<br> <br>Skade the vampiress nods softly. &quot;Well, we wouldn&#39;t mind getting the place into shape. It&#39;s nice and safe. Well, once we fix the door it will be, atleast. Few come here. And the radio works too! Well, it would if we had power for it. I don&#39;t think that&#39;s an option though, running electricity out here. We could use fire and a polished mirror though I should think. Besides, it&#39;s kinda cozy with just candle light. Isn&#39;t that right babe?&quot; she says, the succubus giving her shoulder a little squeeze as she nods in agreement. &quot;So.. for a bit of food, maybe someone to come by to fix our windows, I imagine we could make a deal, yes.&quot; she finally says.<br> <br>Seguro nibbles on hir rations, keeping apprised of the event of the com, Seguro continues  hir lonely watch.<br> <br>Minesthra&#39;s ears twitch twice as she ear the word &#39;milk&#39;, but shake her head as she must concentrate on her mission first. Then she look at the ceiling for any bulbs or the wall for switch or any trace of electricity, &quot;Well, do you have any idea from where this lighthouse is connected to the power network or why it isn&#39;t deserved by? Maybe we can repair this easily... As for the food, I first need to contact my organisation to set up some convoy to get you some if it is possible though, as well as someone to fix your windows or door.&quot;<br> <br>Epsilon says, &quot;Well... i&#39;ll ... pay for the door. That&#39;s the least i can do. As for food, i could work around to get you some supplies for sure. And i could give you some peace by baiting the zombies away for a while.&quot;.<br> <br>&quot;See!&quot; Fenris says with a smile, &quot;Easy when you just talk it out.&quot; The tanuki hops up from his seat. &quot;Very gracious of you ladies,&quot; he says to the vampire and succubus, &quot;Sorry about the misunderstanding!&quot; That said, the tanuki waddles toward the door, expecting the others to report to their various superiors. Maybe he could score more of that tea if he hurried back to the old truck stop.<br> <br>They both nod. &quot;Zombies don&#39;t really scare us. They&#39;re mindless enough not to worry about. Either way, I&#39;m sure we can come to an agreement somehow. Atleast no one got hurt. Well, aside from our door..&quot; the vampiress says, looking mournfully at the wooden splinters strewn across the stone floor. &quot;Still, I&#39;m glad things calmed down. But perhaps in the future you might treat us ferals with a bit more kindness, no? We&#39;re not all mindless. Asking nicely does get you places. Now, let&#39;s talk about how we&#39;re going to iron out this deal..&quot;
It takes a few hours to iron out the details of the agreement. More then enough time to fetch some delicious tea as well to keep the spirits high. All that&#39;s left is to clear everything with RSX.

Revision as of 20:33, 24 September 2014





The small group of agents stand gathered at the pier. The brisk sea wind coupled with the light drizzle of rain makes for quite miserable weather for an outing. Still, agents do have bills to pay and so, they find themself gazing towards the old lighthouse to the east. The afternoon light is just fading but the building itself looks abandoned. No light can be seen at the top. Someone has gone through the trouble of covering up a few of the broken windows at the top however, covering them with simple tarp. There's still quite a few windows remaining though.

A large Solar dragon lands nearby with a flap of Seguro's large gleaming wings, the golden scaled dragon is clad from head to toe in heavy combat armor, In hir arms is a modified laser rifle. The dragon surveys the area as shi awaits the rest of hir team.

Minesthra emerge from the mist as she heard the landing of what she suppose is one of her teammate. "Hello there, are you the first to arrive? I'm the new girl." she purr as she approach the solar dragon, holding her chainsword in her hand.

Epsilon meets up at the meeting point near a lighthouse. Being a female Steel Hercules, she's tall for a human and bolster quite the bits. She's wearing a bra and an RSX armor that let pass her cleavage. A halbard can be found on her back, ready to be drawn if needed and a glove on her left hand. Althought it was somewhat raining, Epsilon goes there peacefully, awaiting for orders and to meet up the group.

Fenris trots up the others on the pier, a small, contented smile on his round face as the rain drizzles and drips from his wide, bamboo hat. "Good day for it!" he says cheerily, popping peanuts into his mouth from a little paper bag, "Think they have food? It would be a nice day for an indoor party!" Definitely a Tanuki, through and through.

The only sounds the agents hear are the slow, steady heartbeat of the ocean beating against the stone pier. There's a distinct smell of decay in the air. Then again, there always is in places like this. Rotting seaweed and kelp does tend to have a distinctive scent so it's hard to tell. A small path leads towards the lighthouse.

The dragon looks over the harbinger lynx, before giving hissing hir reply. "Greetings, my name is seguro, yours might be?" The dragon 's gaize returns to the light house, wanting to try a new peace of gear, from hir pack, Seguro pulls a pair of thermal imaging binoculars to scout the light house for activity.

There's no sign of movement from the surrounding area from what the dragon can see. There is some sort of warmth up in the top of the light tower, probably a lamp giving off residual heat from having being recently lit. The walls of the lighthouse are too thick to see through though.

Minesthra give a military salute to the dragon, "Private Minesthra miss, reporting for duty!", her ears twitch as she heard the other member of the team arrive at the rendezvous point. She greet them each with the same salute before check her gear, looking at her med pack in case.

As the group is complete, she looks at every other members of it and sighs at Fenris' comment. Then she says, "Hello everyone.", and noticing Minesthra, she says, "I don't think we've met... Minesthra, uh? My name is Epsilon, nice to meet you.", then she looks around to see if anything is going on, aside from the smell.

"Well!" Fenris says, tucking his peanuts away with a smile, "No time like the present!" The chubby tanuki sets off at a steady trot toward the lighthouse, his considerable paunch slowing him not at all. As he jogs along, the coon dog eyes the lighthouse, checking for watchmen or possibly even snipers. He hoped the residents would be friendly, but no need to take unnecessary risks.

While seemingly careless in his actions, the Tanuki does have quite honed senses. Still, the pale, rotting hand suddenly shooting out from the underbrush to the sides of the path nearly catches him off guard! It tries to catch his foot but a quick skip from Fenris means it catches little but air. A low moan can be heard from the other side as another creature emerges, lying hidden beneath the sand and kelp. Zombies! Why did it have to be zombies?

Seguro activates lion within cloaking hir fellow allies with a layer of ablative nanites to protect them from harm, quickly channeling a power she lets off a mutant power tears of life quicker then what would be normal.

Minesthra is startled by the nanite as she was looking at the top of the lighthouse, she is then warned of the immediate danger she start to start the engine of her chainsword. "Why is it zombies, hate them..." she mutters to herself.

Noticing Seguro's actions, Epsilon imitates hir as she activate her own Lion Within, then hearing an incoming attack, her body starts to work as she grabs some webs from her hidden spinneret, and pose them on her shoulders. Then she readies her halberd, ready to strike and says, "Stay sharp, guys!".

Fenris skips aside as the horrible hand reaches for him, contented smile still firmly fixed on his face. "That's an ugly welcome!" he laughs, drawing his sword, Tanuki Trouble from its sheath on his back and slashing at the menacing corpse approaching him.

The zombies stagger forwards in unpredictable, twitchy movements. The one Fenris strikes at doesn't even flinch as his blade swooshes past. It hits nothing but air, however. Both grasp at the Tanuki, their thin arms holding surprising strength. Their dirty fingers with their sharp claws rake across his arms but the protective layer of nanites is more then enough to keep their attack at bay. For now, atleast.

Seguro pot

Seguro raises hir rifle toward one of the zombie that has a clear line of sight, taking aim shi fires at the rotting corpse . Seguro calls to Fenris. "You all right?"

Minesthra look at Fenris arm hit by the claws, as she see no wound she ready herself for more possible enemies. As they can crawl out of the ground, she look carefully at the ground near the path in case.

As Fenris is attacked, Epsilon lunges at the zombies to keep them at bay. And she says, "Are you okay, Fenris?!", as she tries to keep them at bay, throwing some of her webs in their face in the process.

Fenris slips away from the grasping undead, grateful for whoever tossed around the nanite shield. "I'm fine!" he calls before darting in to slash at the monstrous corpses again. "Gross zombies! GROOOOOOOSS!" is his battlecry of the day.

Seguro scores a direct hit to one of the zombies. It staggers backwards, the laser shot from his rifle leaving a charred wound in it's torso. Yet, it still keeps advancing towards Fenris. Well, it would atleast if it wasn't for Epsilon striking it square in the chest, causing it to fall backwards, tripped by the myriad of webs shooting out from her. It doesn't look like it's getting back up again. Meanwhile, the other keeps trying to claw at Fenris who nimbly avoids, countering with a great slash across it's arm. It's still on it's feet though.

Meanwhile, Minesthra thinks she spots movement up in the tower. A brief glimpse of a face appearing in one of the windows.

Seguro takes to the air, the dragon lifts off with a flap of hir great gleaming wings and a leap of hir powerful legs, at nearly 50 feet from the ground the dragon scouts around the light house and down the beach , keeping a wary eye for more zombies. Calling over the com Seguro reports hir findings to hir team.

Minesthra squint her eyes as she catched what seem to be a face but it was too late to distinguish anything. Then as she heard the battle, she surge toward the last zombie, swinging her chainsword right at it's torso.

Seeing that the zombie was out, at least for now, she grabs the zombies by his feet, and, as she spin on herself, tries to throw the zombie away, far from their positions. "Get away, perv.". Then, as the other zombie is taken care of, she herself looks around for more hostiles.

She throws some webs at the remaining zombie, just in case that it would do anything funny.

Fenris keeps up his chant. "Gross zombie! Gross Gross!" he shouts as he slashes again, targeting the shambling undead's neck. "Go for the head!" he shouts, "Gross Zombie!" This was a terrible greeting party! The tanuki starts to wonder what kind of people keep pet zombies on their doorstep.

The dragon can't see much from his lofty vantage point. The surrounding area looks quiet and the tower appears to be empty enough. Shi does however get to see MInesthra in action, swinging hir chainsword and narrowly missing hir opponent. Fenris however, seems to have better luck as he finally dispatches the remaining assailant, causing it to fall backwards with a final small moan. Once more, silence descends on the small intrepid group of agents.

Minesthra take a firm grip at her chainsword, recalling why she allways miss her hit. "Hum, I think I saw someone looking at us from one of the windows, whatever or whovever is inside now we're here!"

Whatever is going on, there seems to be something up there. As such, she readies more webs while staring at the lighthouse. And says, "I wonder what kind of horrible fetid fate awaits us here?".

Seguro activates hir Camouflage power, soon the light bends around hir like water flowing around a rock, the dragons from now more than a faint shimmer . Seguro flies to the upper balcony of the light house landing on the roof, the dragon crouches near the tarp waiting for hir comrades to enter before shi makes hir move.

Fenris wipes his sword clean on the grass, then sheathes it carefully on his back. "Well, that was exciting," he says happily, then trots on toward the lighthouse door. When he arrives he knocks three times, then tries the handle. "Hello?" he calls, "Your doormen were very rude! But I might have some cookies here somewhere! Hello?"

"Go away!" a muffled female voice calls from behind the door. "We just want to be left alone! It's not our fault you wandered into zombies! They're everywhere around here!" it calls out from behind the locked door.

Seguro shrinks in size becoming only six inches tall, under the cover of hir camo the dragon slips inside the light house, hir small frame sliding under the tarp, with a careful glide shi makes hir way down into the room below, the dragon taking great care to keep out of sight.

Minesthra has a puzzled look as she look at the carefree attitude of her teammate, but got an event more puzzled one as she heard an actual answer from the door. She get next to Fenris to try talking with the owner of the voice, "Excuse us miss, but there was some request about your lighthouse, we'd like to get inside your abidance in order to avoid this kind of encounter and have a friendly talk with you, tenant of the house, if possible?"

Epsilon says to Minesthra, "If they don't want to let us pass, i'll bash the door until it drop.". She get back a bit, to be sure to have some speed to bash the door. "Just tell me if they are going to open the door, okay?". Then she lowers her head, ready to rush if needed/wanted.

"Yup!" Fenris says happily, "Just here to talk!" The tanuki fumbles around in his coat and pulls out a little packet of cookies and some teabags he had liberated from an abandoned truck stop. "If you have some hot water, I've brought tea!" he says.

"Tea? Hmm.. No.. NO! Don't try and trick me! I heard you friend, talking about bashing down our door! If you do, I promise you we won't be kind! Why are you here anyway? Go away, we don't want you here!" the voice calls out.

Meanwhile, Seguro has managed to slip through the trapdoor of the lighthouse with the help of some subtle size-management and a soft step. Shi finds herself on the second floor of the tower. It looks like a bedroom. A surprisingly cozy bedroom. Pillows strewn a bit here and there as well as a queen-sized bed. A stone staircase leads down to the first floor where there's seems to be some sort of light source as well. Shi can hear another feminine voice down below speaking in a hushed voice, too softly for the dragon to make out what was said however.

Seguro looks about the room to get an idea of what the person who inhabit the tower maybe, searching about the room for anything of note that may be of use to hir team, once hir search is concluded the dragon makes hir way to hir team.

Minesthra purr, "Well, you must understand our situation as what we came through just now, but let me tell you our purpose here, we need to get the lighthouse in a work state, either you can help us toward this, or we will need other people to do so. So tell us why the lighthouse is not functioning right now, I'm sure we can find a way where no one will be hurt as we are not here to hurt you!"

Epsilon says, "Tell me at least a good reason to me for not just ramming the door and calming down before i do anything.". She pulls back her head, but doesn't moves as for yet. "Note that we've been asked to help you to repair and run the lighthouse properly.".

"You sure?" the tanuki asks, ignoring any mention of breaking down doors "I have a few different kinds here." Honestly, these Zephyr people were always so rude! "I could come in alone, I guess," he says, "But it would rude to leave everyone else outside." Fenris rifles through his pockets again and produces a corked gourd. "Ooh!" he cries happily, "Looks like I have some plum wine left from Edel's place too!"

"The nerve of you people! Just because you're with RSX or whoever the hell else you think you can do whatever you want! Oh, we want the lighthouse. Let's just murder the people who live in it now and take it! Yeah, that'll get you far. If you try to bash down our door, I promise you we'll be eating your delicious eyeballs before suppertime!" there's a small pause. "Well, maybe not the raccoon thing. You seem decent enough." the disembodied voice grudgingly says.

From what Seguro tells the rest of the agents, the tower seems inhabitated by two females. There wasn't much of note up there. A few scattered clothes. Quite a lot of lingere actually. Perhaps they've raided Fredericks for it. There was, however, a radio there. Old and probably not working currently but it might be repairable.

Seguro moves to sweep the rest of the tower checking to see if the female lives alone, the dragon creeping to find signs of the other female, the dragon uses hir thermal imaging gear to check each of the rooms along the way, the dragon moving to the voice off in the distance.

Minesthra say, "Let try to not get there, we don't want to see more blood! If you could just tell us why the lighthouse isn't working so we can understand your situation more." Then she whisper at Fenris, "Do you think it's a good idea to get inside alone? You could try to negotiate directly but you will be alone if there is some problem, we do not know what lies beyond this door!"

Merely hearing the discussions going on, she yells, "We have a mission, and we will do it no matter what!". She moves in front of the door, then yells, "CHAAAAARGE!", while doing nothing. After a while, she softly kock at the door and says, "Can we enter please?".

"Ew," Fenris says, his tongue sticking from his muzzle, "You eat eyeballs?" Then he thinks for a second. "What kind of soup would you use?" he asks, "Because the soup would have to be really good to make the eyeballs worth eating. Because eyeballs are gross." The tanuki smiles at Minestra. "I'm sure that they are nice people," he says, "Even if they like to eat eyeballs." At the sound of Epsilon's charge, the big tanuki breaks into gales of laughter!

Seguro manages to sneak to the top of the stairs to look down into the room, just in time to see the two inhabitants jump away from the door as Epsilon yells "CHARGE!" from outside. One is pale and beautiful, slender yet distractingly feminine in build. The other is quite obviously female and with jawdropping curves. As well as hooves. And a spaded tail. A succubus, it would seem. Both are dressed in lacy underwear underneath sheer negliges. "You think this is funny?!" the slender woman calls out. "We found this place deserted! It's ours now! Besides, the light isn't even working! It was made for electricity obviously. But there's none here. And windows, too! Besides, why would we want the rest of the world to know we're here? Have you SEEN the graveyard? We'd be up to our tits in zombies if we suddenly lit the lighthouse!"

Seguro gives off a minor giggle, as the dragon works hir dusk phantoms power, conjuring into existence a large horde of zombies at the top of the stairs. With a twitch of hir clawed talons the dragon sets hir puppets down the stairs shambling toward to two at the door. The zombies gnashing there rotted teeth and shamble toward the two females, dripping bits of phantasmal gore as they move.

Minesthra say, "Well, you were ready to eat our eyesballs, and some zombies scare you? Let us help you to get the eletricity running again and put the lighthouse on and you can stay there, it's a win-win situation! I'm sure zombies don't care about light, it's more likely the heat that attract them and you have a strong door to keep them away.". As she speak, she look at the wall trying to see if there is some cable or wire, wondering how the lighthouse is connected to the power networks.

Epsilon had heard more than enough. Whoever they are, they are most likely not going to be of any help. This time, she moves back, and, lowering her head, she charges the door, ramming with her all her... available weight, and would continue until it is open.

Fenris yelps and jumps away from the door as Epsilon comes charging. "Hey!" he cries, "That's not very polite!" Honestly! These military types were useless when it came to negotiation!

The two females twirl around as the imaginary horde of zombies come trundling down the stairs. They immediately spring into action, the succubus pouncing on the first one and falling on her face with a squeak as she goes right through the apparition. Her pale friend however doesn't seem to be quite so surprised by the illusion and instead seems to be trying to locate it's source. She does, however, jump as Epsilon rams into the door with a loud THUD. "We told you, there's nothing here! Goddamnit! Stop trying to attack us! What sort of bullies are you people anyway? If you want our help you'd better make an offer instead of trying to take it by force!" she shouts, looking seriously angry by now.

Seguro activates hir Abysmal Aura, the dusk dragon begins to feed off of the anger and fear pervading the two females. The dragon remaining hidden for now under the sofa causing confusion with hir zombies, while ep works to get the door open.

Minesthra protect her head with her arms while she back off a bit to let epsilon surge toward the door. Realising that the negotiation is over, she mentally prepare herself to get to get her hands dirty if necessary. "Let's try to not hurt them if they are not openly hostile" she tells her two companions outside, even if she knew herself that there will likely be blood once they are inside...

Epsilon says, "Sorry, but i don't think you would do much good for what we heard... well, from what i heard.". Then, backing off once more, she tries again, trying to force the door open again, just wanting to get inside as quickly as possible.

Fenris shakes his head. "You're on your own if you are going to fight," he says, "I came to negotiate. They aren't bothering anyone, and Zephyr and RSX can kiss my tail if they think I will bully people for them." With that, the tanuki takes a seat against the wall, off to one side of the door, and just like that, where a flesh and blood coon dog once stood is a traditional stone tanuki statue! Looks like he plans to just wait it out.

Realizing that the zombies are not real, the two girls line up on either side of the door, ready to take on whoever might break through it. And break through Epsilon does. With a loud crash, she tumbles through the door, coming face to face with a sudden zombie invasion inside. It looks like the succubus is about to pounce onto the newcomer when the pale woman makes a short gesture, halting her in her tracks. "Well great. You broke down our door. Thanks alot, assholes. When we go to RSX with this, I'll be sure to ask for your agent licenses to be revoked! Terrorizing us with zombies and now breaking into our home? What the fuck is wrong with you people?" she says, though for some reason she can't quite muster up enough anger to really put emphasis on just how worked up she was.

With a wave hir hand Seguro's fake zombie vanish, tiny dragon resumes hir full size hir camo breaking, the golden scaled dragon addresses the two ladies at the top of the stairs. Sharply seguro hisses to the two mutants. "Given that you made a treat of eating one eye balls what would you have done in our shoes, two you did not run when you were set upon the zombies so you had some combat experience, so you would be able to handle yourself somewhat? We came to talk, but are you ready to hear what we have to say? The faction do no care who is living here only that the light house is operating, In other words people to maintain it, I would mean you could live here still. "

Minesthra enter the room as she is cautious of the two girls, "Well, you didn't seem willing to cooperate with us, but I'm sure we will be able to come to an understanding now that we stand evenly. So you have a problem from what I understand, zombies, and we have one too, the lighthouse. We can work together toward a peaceful ending I'm sure!"

Fenris in statue form waits outside, more than a little fed up with all the miltary machismo. Why didn't they come armed with baked goods instead of heavy weaponry? And breaking in someone's door? Completely uncivilized.

The pale girl stares at Seguro, her eyes flashing in the dim light of the lighthouse. Glimmering, even. They're quite captivating, really. Meanwhile the succubus turns to face the the lynx, pointing at Epsilion as she speaks. "Of course we don't eat eyeballs, you dolt. It was just an emtpy threat. How did you expect us to react when the first thing this metal.. thing does is threaten to beat our door down? Hardly the grounds for a civil discussion, is it? We've been doing nothing wrong here and suddenly you barge in and demand our home. If maybe.. MAYBE you had opened with something along the lines of, "Hello! Do you want food, protection and goods in return for running this lighthouse?" then maybe, just maybe we'd be more inclined to be hospitable!" she says sulkily, crossing her arms under her jiggly busom.

Seguro sways idly in place, hir eyes glazed over hir shoulder begin to droop .

Minesthra say, "Well, excuse my partner behavior, he can be quite rude when he want. But I assure you that our employer can help you through us. Can we discuss about it around a cup of tea? If I remind quite well, I had a partner that bring some." while looking at the door over her shoulder

Recovering from the ordeal she had gone through by ramming the door, she stands before the vampires and says, "Sorry for the door, but i kind of didn't expected you to cooperate...". She sighs. "Looks girls, i don't think you would properly be able to run the lighthouse. So i propose that we help you find a proper shelter and ressources.". She readies her halberd. "And... if you do anything funny, i'll have to persuade you the hard way, i guess.".

Fenris's raccoon-like head pops around the corner. "Somebody mention food?" he asks, "Got any hot water?" The tanuki trots into the room and plops his ample derrière on a low crate, ignoring hostile glares. He digs around in his satchel for a moment and produces a small teapot and a pair of tin mugs. "I only have two cups, though," he says apologetically, "I don't entertain much, you see." The hefty coon dog fumbles in his pockets and pulls out a packet of tea bags. "Nothing special, I'm afraid," he says, "But not bad!" The big guy smiles around at everyone expectantly.

Fenris' attempt of hospitality is largely lost on the two girls as both stare at Epsilon in surprise. "You seriously want us to just up and leave our home. Just like that. At the threat of violence to boot?" the vampire says, a frown on her pretty features. The succubus simply shakes her head in disbelief. "And you wonder why we didn't want to just open the door. We havn't done anything to you and this is how you treat us. You know what, fuck you. Get out of here. You." she points at Fenris and Minesthra, "You two can stay, if you want. We'll talk to you. But these other.. brutes have to go."

Seguro calls over the com. "Watch out these two just used some sort of mind control power on me. If you go up there alone they may attack you. If you want to talk with them it is your call, but I would advise against it" Seguro begins to stand shi call once again. "The nature of vampire and devil strains are malefic, it just might be a ploy to divide us." The dragon eyes the two mutants warily.

Minesthra mutter to hir own com, "We'll try to talk to them, just don't go too far, if possible let one eyes on us in case they got both of us under their spell". Then she speak loud and clear to the two girls, "Ok, it's your house indead, if you are willing to talk to us, we are your oblige then!"

Epsilon shruggs, "Okay. No violence.", as she puts her halbard back on her back, and change her position, getting naturally more stable. "But you can't force me to get out.". She grins as she removes her bra, and approach the vampires. "Maybe we could still have a proper negociation, girls. Hmmm?".

Fenris frowns at his compatriots. "No manners at all," he mutters, looking around for anything that looks like it might provide water and some sort of range or stove for heating, "Stripping in someone's home without invitation!" He conveniently overlooks that fact that he is, in fact, pantsless. Though there is nothing there to see.

Skade the two girls roll their eyes and move over to stand behind Fenris, the vampiress protectively slipping her arm around the succubus' waist. "Can you make them leave?" the vampiress asks the tanuki. "You're in our home! Does this really seem to be the right time to have sex? Not exactly the best way to set the mood, is it?" the succubus says, adressing Epsilon with a frown. Both deciding to ignore Seguro for now.

Seguro gives a hiss as shi makes hir way down the stairs. "Make sure to maintain an open com then, if the line is cut or if my comrades come to harm then you will regret it. I will keep watch by your door, and make sure that none of the local baddies enter the light house." Without a further word the dragon heads down by the door.

Minesthra nods at Seguro, put a paws at Epsilon shoulder and purr, "Hum, like I said, there is not ill intent behind her actions." she continue with a lower voice, "I think we will be fine, so can you wait outside with Seguro just for a moment while we figure what to do?"

Epsilon quickly runs a hand on her comm to make sure that it was functionnal. Then she whispers to Minesthra, "I'd rather not...". Then she focus back on the girls. "I never said that i was going to do sex with you. I wouldn't have kept my armor otherwise.".

Fenris waves a thick hand idly at Seguro. "Sure, sure, fine," he says offhandedly, "Be out in a minute." He looks over his shoulder with a smile at the strange ladies. "Sorry to bother," he says, "But hot water for tea would be lovely!" The tanuki sets the packet of tea and his little pot and cups on the table. "And maybe if you had a couple more cups?" he prompts, "Sorry about the barbarians."

Skade the vampiress gives off a soft sigh. Perhaps the dusk dragons dampening aura has an effect to soothe any feelings of anger. As well as lust obviously. "Look, I'm sorry but.. you came barging in here, not the other way around. Maybe we all got off on the wrong foot. You thought we were some necromancers with a zombie horde at their beck and command and we thought you were going to beat us into submission like most agents do when they encounter ferals. I'm sure we can come to an agreement somehow." the vampiress says as she sits down at the table. The succubus takes place behind her, gently resting her hands on her shoulders.

Seguro keeps watch as shi listens to events taking place over the com, keeping watch on hir soundings for any of the graveyard inhibits that may stumble out, activating hir camo the dragon once again vanishes from sight.

Minesthra let out a relieved sigh as she see the situation soften, "Well, now that we can have a proper talk, let hear what you might need in order to stay here, should the lighthouse be on. As needed by the lighthouse, power would be back, that would give you more comfort too while offering more possibility to ward off the zombies. But are the zombies the only reason you fear the lighting of the lighthouse?"

Epsilon sits down on the ground, calmed down for now. Then she explains, "First, i never thought that you were necromancers. There's plain too much zombies anyway... Second, i never wanted to force you into submission or anything. It's not my style. And third... Mind some milk?".

No tea then. Oh well. "I'll just leave the tea as a present then," he says sadly, putting away the teapot and tin cups. His ears perk up at the mention of milk, but then his smile sours for a moment when he realizes what epsilon meant. Barbarians! All of them! "I think," he says, "What Minesthra here is trying to say, is that her organization is willing to set you up here." He relaxes on his crate-sofa. "Get you electricity, heat and whatever defenses you need," he continues, "On condition that you maintain the lighthouse. Is that right?"

Skade the vampiress nods softly. "Well, we wouldn't mind getting the place into shape. It's nice and safe. Well, once we fix the door it will be, atleast. Few come here. And the radio works too! Well, it would if we had power for it. I don't think that's an option though, running electricity out here. We could use fire and a polished mirror though I should think. Besides, it's kinda cozy with just candle light. Isn't that right babe?" she says, the succubus giving her shoulder a little squeeze as she nods in agreement. "So.. for a bit of food, maybe someone to come by to fix our windows, I imagine we could make a deal, yes." she finally says.

Seguro nibbles on hir rations, keeping apprised of the event of the com, Seguro continues hir lonely watch.

Minesthra's ears twitch twice as she ear the word 'milk', but shake her head as she must concentrate on her mission first. Then she look at the ceiling for any bulbs or the wall for switch or any trace of electricity, "Well, do you have any idea from where this lighthouse is connected to the power network or why it isn't deserved by? Maybe we can repair this easily... As for the food, I first need to contact my organisation to set up some convoy to get you some if it is possible though, as well as someone to fix your windows or door."

Epsilon says, "Well... i'll ... pay for the door. That's the least i can do. As for food, i could work around to get you some supplies for sure. And i could give you some peace by baiting the zombies away for a while.".

"See!" Fenris says with a smile, "Easy when you just talk it out." The tanuki hops up from his seat. "Very gracious of you ladies," he says to the vampire and succubus, "Sorry about the misunderstanding!" That said, the tanuki waddles toward the door, expecting the others to report to their various superiors. Maybe he could score more of that tea if he hurried back to the old truck stop.

They both nod. "Zombies don't really scare us. They're mindless enough not to worry about. Either way, I'm sure we can come to an agreement somehow. Atleast no one got hurt. Well, aside from our door.." the vampiress says, looking mournfully at the wooden splinters strewn across the stone floor. "Still, I'm glad things calmed down. But perhaps in the future you might treat us ferals with a bit more kindness, no? We're not all mindless. Asking nicely does get you places. Now, let's talk about how we're going to iron out this deal.."

It takes a few hours to iron out the details of the agreement. More then enough time to fetch some delicious tea as well to keep the spirits high. All that's left is to clear everything with RSX.