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<div></div><div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> It&#39;s high noon somewhere in the world. Right here actually, in the belly of the bureaucratic beast, the top floor of RSX&#39; homestead, so polished and shiny it made the rest of the world look like an unwashed latrine. Here, situated right outside a glassy meeting room, ass plopped right down atop a cozy looking leather bench, was a familiar feline garbed in nothing out of the ordinary. Seems Magnus hadn&#39;t put in the effort to look all gussied-up. His figure was covered by the usual standard array of clothing. Say it with me folks, a dark brown duster, blue undershirt, black cargo pants and the brown and green handstitched scarf that was slowly becoming iconic to him. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>In his hand he carried something else however, a small black briefcase no doubt full of documentation and utilities that would help them later. He looked a little nervous, no doubt way out of his comfort zone in a place like this. He&#39;d always been the sort to prefer spartan accommodations and express disdain for corporate luxuries such as these. Sure enough, he was expecting backup from willing smoothtalkers who took the proactive side of things, and among them he expected at least two who&#39;d witnessed it first-hand. All they needed now was for the group to gather and for them to be called into a meeting. ...but a meeting with who?</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">Fenris plucks at his ascot and adjusts his grey bowler hat on his head, tilting it gently with the tip of his nose. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Fenris is also an elephant today. If he is going to be arguing for anti-otherworldy funding, it might be best not to show up as an otherworldly representative. Besides, he&#39;s heard that Elephants have gravitas. He is even wearing pants and carrying a very professional looking briefcase. &quot;Magnus,&quot; he says, flapping his ears regally.</div> <div title="Randel" style="margin-top:2em">A near seven foot tall white tiger anthro walks up, wearing a very formal jet-black business suit that is finely tailored for his large body. The outfit shapes well around his muscled frame, making his broad shoulders look even broader and his narrow, but still powerful, hips look distinguishably narrower by comparison from the suit&#39;s masculine accents. Under the pressed suit jacket is a white and crisp dress shirt and a blood red tie with widely spaced diagonal black stripes, held with a silver tie clip. The feline beast even has matching black dress pants and shiny black leather dress shoes, both of which forced him to compromise some on his mutant form and forgo digitigrade legs for something more human, though despite his size they still seem powerful and agile looking as he walks. However, he still has a white and black striped tiger tail idly swinging behind him through a subtle hole in the dress pants. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The serious looing feline walks in with that regal unimpressed expression large cats are known to wear, his shoes making a telltale ta-tack as firm heels and stiff soles impact the hard and smooth floor. As if his muscled predatory body wasn&#39;t imposing enough, the fact that he looks like an important corporate representative, high end lawyer, or even a mob boss just adds to the aura of power and authority about him. To his left he carries his own black suitcase, using three out of his four fingers to hold it, due to how large his paw-like hands are and adding to the larger than human average scale about him. When he meets up with the nervous looking Magnus, he says in a deep and formal tone, &quot;Greetings...&quot; almost looking like he belongs here, if it wasn&#39;t for the fact that RSX are very human centric. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Then feline gives a broad toothy smile, and says, &quot;It&#39;s me, Randel.&quot; and then looks over to Fenris, having to sniff the air to make sure he knew who it was, and says with a smug smirk, &quot;So, there is an elephant in the room. How are you doing?&quot;</div> <div title="Ludwig" style="margin-top:2em">Ludwig looks around at the gathered group and finds himself a seat with coffee in hand.  Ludwig looks like one would expect an RSX tech would look like: lab coat, glasses, office attire, and completely unremarkable.  The man looks completely human and unaccustomed to the ravages of the wasteland with the most dangerous thing he has come across is a papercut and all-nighters. Other than that he looks like he is right at home.  He offers up a polite grunt before sitting down as he focuses on his beverage.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;Fenris?&quot; The feline quirks a brow. He knew that scent, but not that form. &quot;Huh, there is a joke to be made here, but I am in no mood for humor. Good to see you, and... honestly surprised to see you. I thought you&#39;d oppose me on this, but... yeah. You never really know.&quot; He&#39;d move in and provide the greeting most common to him, a big ole&#39; hug right around the massive lad. Looks like a whole lot of altered faces today, when Randel walks in looking gussied up enough to be the best man at a royal wedding, it elicits a bit of a concerned look on Magnus&#39; face. He kind of stood out now, didn&#39;t he? No matter. &quot;Randy? Damn, I know we&#39;re handling something important today, but you look ready to meet with the president.&quot; Magnus twirls one hand &quot;If we had one. Maybe sometime in a few years. Who knows.&quot; The feline goes in for another tight hug, this one a little handsier than the one delivered prior. Along with them comes a fully human lad whom he&#39;d heard of in the days prior, a man on the inside willing to clarify and provide insight regarding RSX affairs while the negotiations are underway. &quot;Ludwig. Thank you for this. I don&#39;t know what prompted you to step up but I appreciate it.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> With all the pleasantries exchanged, the four are promptly approached by a tall looking lady, distinctly human, no tail or animal features at all yet easily towering over seven feet tall. &quot;I take it you&#39;re crew here to address a new proposition? The meeting is not due to start for another ten minutes, however if you are all assembled, we can start right away. You will be speaking with Professor Miller, head of Research and Development of sector seventeen. You will address him as &quot;Sir&quot; or &quot;Professor&quot;, you will keep to the point and not waste his or anyone else&#39;s time, you will be concise and accurate as to your demands and as to how an investment on our part can benefit us all. Fail to do so and you will simply be dismissed.&quot; He finger points towards a corridor far off to their right. &quot;Professor Miller will be joined by a security guard and a financial auditor who will perform checks should you... people, somehow sway him in your favor. Best of luck.&quot; He notes, then turns heel, and walks right off...</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">Fenris accepts the hug, patting Magnus&#39;s head with his trunk. &quot;I&#39;m not looking to seal the borders, mind,&quot; he says, his voice a bit different as an elephant, &quot;But a bit of regulation could go a long way. We don&#39;t need Outsiders popping in willy nilly.&quot; The big elephant saunters off down the corridor as directed, looking very dapper and professional. With a whole briefcase full of snacks.</div>
<div></div><div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> It&#39;s high noon somewhere in the world. Right here actually, in the belly of the bureaucratic beast, the top floor of RSX&#39; homestead, so polished and shiny it made the rest of the world look like an unwashed latrine. Here, situated right outside a glassy meeting room, ass plopped right down atop a cozy looking leather bench, was a familiar feline garbed in nothing out of the ordinary. Seems Magnus hadn&#39;t put in the effort to look all gussied-up. His figure was covered by the usual standard array of clothing. Say it with me folks, a dark brown duster, blue undershirt, black cargo pants and the brown and green handstitched scarf that was slowly becoming iconic to him. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>In his hand he carried something else however, a small black briefcase no doubt full of documentation and utilities that would help them later. He looked a little nervous, no doubt way out of his comfort zone in a place like this. He&#39;d always been the sort to prefer spartan accommodations and express disdain for corporate luxuries such as these. Sure enough, he was expecting backup from willing smoothtalkers who took the proactive side of things, and among them he expected at least two who&#39;d witnessed it first-hand. All they needed now was for the group to gather and for them to be called into a meeting. ...but a meeting with who?</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">Fenris plucks at his ascot and adjusts his grey bowler hat on his head, tilting it gently with the tip of his nose. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Fenris is also an elephant today. If he is going to be arguing for anti-otherworldy funding, it might be best not to show up as an otherworldly representative. Besides, he&#39;s heard that Elephants have gravitas. He is even wearing pants and carrying a very professional looking briefcase. &quot;Magnus,&quot; he says, flapping his ears regally.</div> <div title="Randel" style="margin-top:2em">A near seven foot tall white tiger anthro walks up, wearing a very formal jet-black business suit that is finely tailored for his large body. The outfit shapes well around his muscled frame, making his broad shoulders look even broader and his narrow, but still powerful, hips look distinguishably narrower by comparison from the suit&#39;s masculine accents. Under the pressed suit jacket is a white and crisp dress shirt and a blood red tie with widely spaced diagonal black stripes, held with a silver tie clip. The feline beast even has matching black dress pants and shiny black leather dress shoes, both of which forced him to compromise some on his mutant form and forgo digitigrade legs for something more human, though despite his size they still seem powerful and agile looking as he walks. However, he still has a white and black striped tiger tail idly swinging behind him through a subtle hole in the dress pants. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The serious looing feline walks in with that regal unimpressed expression large cats are known to wear, his shoes making a telltale ta-tack as firm heels and stiff soles impact the hard and smooth floor. As if his muscled predatory body wasn&#39;t imposing enough, the fact that he looks like an important corporate representative, high end lawyer, or even a mob boss just adds to the aura of power and authority about him. To his left he carries his own black suitcase, using three out of his four fingers to hold it, due to how large his paw-like hands are and adding to the larger than human average scale about him. When he meets up with the nervous looking Magnus, he says in a deep and formal tone, &quot;Greetings...&quot; almost looking like he belongs here, if it wasn&#39;t for the fact that RSX are very human centric. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Then feline gives a broad toothy smile, and says, &quot;It&#39;s me, Randel.&quot; and then looks over to Fenris, having to sniff the air to make sure he knew who it was, and says with a smug smirk, &quot;So, there is an elephant in the room. How are you doing?&quot;</div> <div title="Ludwig" style="margin-top:2em">Ludwig looks around at the gathered group and finds himself a seat with coffee in hand.  Ludwig looks like one would expect an RSX tech would look like: lab coat, glasses, office attire, and completely unremarkable.  The man looks completely human and unaccustomed to the ravages of the wasteland with the most dangerous thing he has come across is a papercut and all-nighters. Other than that he looks like he is right at home.  He offers up a polite grunt before sitting down as he focuses on his beverage.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;Fenris?&quot; The feline quirks a brow. He knew that scent, but not that form. &quot;Huh, there is a joke to be made here, but I am in no mood for humor. Good to see you, and... honestly surprised to see you. I thought you&#39;d oppose me on this, but... yeah. You never really know.&quot; He&#39;d move in and provide the greeting most common to him, a big ole&#39; hug right around the massive lad. Looks like a whole lot of altered faces today, when Randel walks in looking gussied up enough to be the best man at a royal wedding, it elicits a bit of a concerned look on Magnus&#39; face. He kind of stood out now, didn&#39;t he? No matter. &quot;Randy? Damn, I know we&#39;re handling something important today, but you look ready to meet with the president.&quot; Magnus twirls one hand &quot;If we had one. Maybe sometime in a few years. Who knows.&quot; The feline goes in for another tight hug, this one a little handsier than the one delivered prior. Along with them comes a fully human lad whom he&#39;d heard of in the days prior, a man on the inside willing to clarify and provide insight regarding RSX affairs while the negotiations are underway. &quot;Ludwig. Thank you for this. I don&#39;t know what prompted you to step up but I appreciate it.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> With all the pleasantries exchanged, the four are promptly approached by a tall looking lady, distinctly human, no tail or animal features at all yet easily towering over seven feet tall. &quot;I take it you&#39;re crew here to address a new proposition? The meeting is not due to start for another ten minutes, however if you are all assembled, we can start right away. You will be speaking with Professor Miller, head of Research and Development of sector seventeen. You will address him as &quot;Sir&quot; or &quot;Professor&quot;, you will keep to the point and not waste his or anyone else&#39;s time, you will be concise and accurate as to your demands and as to how an investment on our part can benefit us all. Fail to do so and you will simply be dismissed.&quot; He finger points towards a corridor far off to their right. &quot;Professor Miller will be joined by a security guard and a financial auditor who will perform checks should you... people, somehow sway him in your favor. Best of luck.&quot; He notes, then turns heel, and walks right off...</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">Fenris accepts the hug, patting Magnus&#39;s head with his trunk. &quot;I&#39;m not looking to seal the borders, mind,&quot; he says, his voice a bit different as an elephant, &quot;But a bit of regulation could go a long way. We don&#39;t need Outsiders popping in willy nilly.&quot; The big elephant saunters off down the corridor as directed, looking very dapper and professional. With a whole briefcase full of snacks.</div><div title="Randel" style="margin-top:2em">Randel sees a human walk up to the rather animal-like group, making him sigh in relief and say, &quot;Oh good. Can use someone that knows this place well, welcome&quot; and waves to Ludwig with a claw. He does beam a smile when complemented by Magnus, seeming like it was very much on point. Though he gives a reluctant hug back, patting and rubbing the other feline&#39;s back, stifling a quiet and deep growl. &quot;Please, Magnus...&quot; he says quietly, after letting go of the hug, wearing a stern demeanor again, &quot;This is business, and I&#39;m riding this form&#39;s mindset close to the surface to stay confidant, and... they don&#39;t like other males... But I am just as worried as you are.&quot; He then pats down and straightens out his suit again, muttering, &quot;I just took a shower and I feel like a need another just walking in here.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>A brow raises when seeing an even taller person come in, an amazon of a secretary, making his height seem a tad short. If he was in any other setting, he might find her attractive, but the corporate atmosphere and topic at hand sucked any joy out of that. So much for the size advantage he wanted. Just as well, he didn&#39;t to be too big if only standard seats were available. When briefed about the proper etiquette around Professor Miller, he nods in acknowledgement and makes a mental note to keep things to the point. His tail gives a couple of feisty wags after taking in the information.<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>After the large woman heads off, he says, &quot;Looks like this is it. Hope you all did your homework.&quot; He looks over at Fenris and says in a calm and deep tone, &quot;I am not sure if we could seal off our world completely, even if we wanted to. I would be thrilled if we prevented another P-Day like event. Or prevent another form of aberrant infection.&quot; He looks down the hall for a moment and then asks, &quot;What are we asking for here? I want to make sure we are all on the same page.&quot;</div> <div title="Ludwig" style="margin-top:2em">Ludwig nods towards Magnus after sipping his coffee.  &quot;Sorry, I just got out of the lab.  While the prospect of this &#39;Otherworld&#39; is interesting, it is a complication that would impede the reconstruction efforts RSX is trying to bring about.  This event is a concern for everyone and it seems like the sensible duty for us to ensure the safety of this world.  Safeguards, due diligence, and professionalism.  I&#39;m here to remind the higher ups about our company&#39;s importance and what it stands for... just in case they forget.&quot;  Ludwig goes in for another sip of coffee but quickly mentions, &quot;although, I&#39;m not the best speaker so someone else should do most of the talking&quot; and then puts the cup against his mouth to drink more coffee. As he finishes his sip he says, &quot;Just remember, people at the top like to think they know and see everything.  Play to his ego, don&#39;t get too annoyed by any pro-human rhetoric, and try to be as professional and to the point as possible.&quot;</div>

Revision as of 00:03, 28 February 2022





It's high noon somewhere in the world. Right here actually, in the belly of the bureaucratic beast, the top floor of RSX' homestead, so polished and shiny it made the rest of the world look like an unwashed latrine. Here, situated right outside a glassy meeting room, ass plopped right down atop a cozy looking leather bench, was a familiar feline garbed in nothing out of the ordinary. Seems Magnus hadn't put in the effort to look all gussied-up. His figure was covered by the usual standard array of clothing. Say it with me folks, a dark brown duster, blue undershirt, black cargo pants and the brown and green handstitched scarf that was slowly becoming iconic to him.

In his hand he carried something else however, a small black briefcase no doubt full of documentation and utilities that would help them later. He looked a little nervous, no doubt way out of his comfort zone in a place like this. He'd always been the sort to prefer spartan accommodations and express disdain for corporate luxuries such as these. Sure enough, he was expecting backup from willing smoothtalkers who took the proactive side of things, and among them he expected at least two who'd witnessed it first-hand. All they needed now was for the group to gather and for them to be called into a meeting. ...but a meeting with who?
Fenris plucks at his ascot and adjusts his grey bowler hat on his head, tilting it gently with the tip of his nose.

Fenris is also an elephant today. If he is going to be arguing for anti-otherworldy funding, it might be best not to show up as an otherworldly representative. Besides, he's heard that Elephants have gravitas. He is even wearing pants and carrying a very professional looking briefcase. "Magnus," he says, flapping his ears regally.
A near seven foot tall white tiger anthro walks up, wearing a very formal jet-black business suit that is finely tailored for his large body. The outfit shapes well around his muscled frame, making his broad shoulders look even broader and his narrow, but still powerful, hips look distinguishably narrower by comparison from the suit's masculine accents. Under the pressed suit jacket is a white and crisp dress shirt and a blood red tie with widely spaced diagonal black stripes, held with a silver tie clip. The feline beast even has matching black dress pants and shiny black leather dress shoes, both of which forced him to compromise some on his mutant form and forgo digitigrade legs for something more human, though despite his size they still seem powerful and agile looking as he walks. However, he still has a white and black striped tiger tail idly swinging behind him through a subtle hole in the dress pants.

The serious looing feline walks in with that regal unimpressed expression large cats are known to wear, his shoes making a telltale ta-tack as firm heels and stiff soles impact the hard and smooth floor. As if his muscled predatory body wasn't imposing enough, the fact that he looks like an important corporate representative, high end lawyer, or even a mob boss just adds to the aura of power and authority about him. To his left he carries his own black suitcase, using three out of his four fingers to hold it, due to how large his paw-like hands are and adding to the larger than human average scale about him. When he meets up with the nervous looking Magnus, he says in a deep and formal tone, "Greetings..." almost looking like he belongs here, if it wasn't for the fact that RSX are very human centric.

Then feline gives a broad toothy smile, and says, "It's me, Randel." and then looks over to Fenris, having to sniff the air to make sure he knew who it was, and says with a smug smirk, "So, there is an elephant in the room. How are you doing?"
Ludwig looks around at the gathered group and finds himself a seat with coffee in hand. Ludwig looks like one would expect an RSX tech would look like: lab coat, glasses, office attire, and completely unremarkable. The man looks completely human and unaccustomed to the ravages of the wasteland with the most dangerous thing he has come across is a papercut and all-nighters. Other than that he looks like he is right at home. He offers up a polite grunt before sitting down as he focuses on his beverage.
"Fenris?" The feline quirks a brow. He knew that scent, but not that form. "Huh, there is a joke to be made here, but I am in no mood for humor. Good to see you, and... honestly surprised to see you. I thought you'd oppose me on this, but... yeah. You never really know." He'd move in and provide the greeting most common to him, a big ole' hug right around the massive lad. Looks like a whole lot of altered faces today, when Randel walks in looking gussied up enough to be the best man at a royal wedding, it elicits a bit of a concerned look on Magnus' face. He kind of stood out now, didn't he? No matter. "Randy? Damn, I know we're handling something important today, but you look ready to meet with the president." Magnus twirls one hand "If we had one. Maybe sometime in a few years. Who knows." The feline goes in for another tight hug, this one a little handsier than the one delivered prior. Along with them comes a fully human lad whom he'd heard of in the days prior, a man on the inside willing to clarify and provide insight regarding RSX affairs while the negotiations are underway. "Ludwig. Thank you for this. I don't know what prompted you to step up but I appreciate it."

With all the pleasantries exchanged, the four are promptly approached by a tall looking lady, distinctly human, no tail or animal features at all yet easily towering over seven feet tall. "I take it you're crew here to address a new proposition? The meeting is not due to start for another ten minutes, however if you are all assembled, we can start right away. You will be speaking with Professor Miller, head of Research and Development of sector seventeen. You will address him as "Sir" or "Professor", you will keep to the point and not waste his or anyone else's time, you will be concise and accurate as to your demands and as to how an investment on our part can benefit us all. Fail to do so and you will simply be dismissed." He finger points towards a corridor far off to their right. "Professor Miller will be joined by a security guard and a financial auditor who will perform checks should you... people, somehow sway him in your favor. Best of luck." He notes, then turns heel, and walks right off...
Fenris accepts the hug, patting Magnus's head with his trunk. "I'm not looking to seal the borders, mind," he says, his voice a bit different as an elephant, "But a bit of regulation could go a long way. We don't need Outsiders popping in willy nilly." The big elephant saunters off down the corridor as directed, looking very dapper and professional. With a whole briefcase full of snacks.
Randel sees a human walk up to the rather animal-like group, making him sigh in relief and say, "Oh good. Can use someone that knows this place well, welcome" and waves to Ludwig with a claw. He does beam a smile when complemented by Magnus, seeming like it was very much on point. Though he gives a reluctant hug back, patting and rubbing the other feline's back, stifling a quiet and deep growl. "Please, Magnus..." he says quietly, after letting go of the hug, wearing a stern demeanor again, "This is business, and I'm riding this form's mindset close to the surface to stay confidant, and... they don't like other males... But I am just as worried as you are." He then pats down and straightens out his suit again, muttering, "I just took a shower and I feel like a need another just walking in here."

A brow raises when seeing an even taller person come in, an amazon of a secretary, making his height seem a tad short. If he was in any other setting, he might find her attractive, but the corporate atmosphere and topic at hand sucked any joy out of that. So much for the size advantage he wanted. Just as well, he didn't to be too big if only standard seats were available. When briefed about the proper etiquette around Professor Miller, he nods in acknowledgement and makes a mental note to keep things to the point. His tail gives a couple of feisty wags after taking in the information.

After the large woman heads off, he says, "Looks like this is it. Hope you all did your homework." He looks over at Fenris and says in a calm and deep tone, "I am not sure if we could seal off our world completely, even if we wanted to. I would be thrilled if we prevented another P-Day like event. Or prevent another form of aberrant infection." He looks down the hall for a moment and then asks, "What are we asking for here? I want to make sure we are all on the same page."
Ludwig nods towards Magnus after sipping his coffee. "Sorry, I just got out of the lab. While the prospect of this 'Otherworld' is interesting, it is a complication that would impede the reconstruction efforts RSX is trying to bring about. This event is a concern for everyone and it seems like the sensible duty for us to ensure the safety of this world. Safeguards, due diligence, and professionalism. I'm here to remind the higher ups about our company's importance and what it stands for... just in case they forget." Ludwig goes in for another sip of coffee but quickly mentions, "although, I'm not the best speaker so someone else should do most of the talking" and then puts the cup against his mouth to drink more coffee. As he finishes his sip he says, "Just remember, people at the top like to think they know and see everything. Play to his ego, don't get too annoyed by any pro-human rhetoric, and try to be as professional and to the point as possible."