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<div></div><br> <br>It's a fairly cool day in the forest, between the canopy and the clouds above. True to rumours, the tea house at the base of the mountain seems to be hosting a small party of five tanuki, if the raucous laughter escaping the open doorway is any indication. The rest of the clearing outside the manor seems particularly quiet, the only sounds being the ambience provided by the waterfall nearby and the occasional echo of a 'marp' trailing down from the mountain that keen ears might be able to pick up.<br> <br>Fenris saunters down the trail with a contented little smile on his face, a spear in his hand that he is using as a walking stick, and a sword strapped to his back with a little leaf talisman hanging from the hilt. His smile only grows as he steps into the little teahouse to find it occupied by a happy group. He bows deeply just inside the door. "Good fortune on this house," he says before looking around.<br> <br>Having heard the rumors, and not having anything better to do, Thelergramor headed out to see these tanukis. Hands in his pockets, scarf pulled up over his vulpine features. The fox follows after the one known as Fenris, stepping into the house. He leans against one of the walls, waits to see what's happening.<br> <br>A large golden scaled dragon flies on the way to the eat forest, the thirty foot dragon land near the entrance of the tea house. The dragon's large frame couches down squeezing hir way through the door frame moving hir large bulk inside.  Once Inside spies the form of  fox shi knew from an op at the zoo. "Greetings and Thelergramor I hope you are not mad about the zoo."<br> <br>Being informed that a small group of tanukis, Epsilon followed the path up to the tea house to see what they would be up to. She squeeze herself inside the bulding through the door, showing off her nude arachne body to whoever looking in her direction. As she went inside, she searched around to see if they were any familiar faces before moving towards the group, ready for anything.<br> <br>One of the tanuki ladies, dressed a bit differently from the rest, looks up at those entering, slightly appalled at the sizes of some of the ones squeezing in. She shakes her head for a moment and goes back to filling tea cups and tending to the other tanuki guests when one of the larger ones, a male, leans back and looses a hearty chuckle. "Oh, more have come! Are you here to be our new tour guides? Or perhaps here to help us find our old ones?"<br> <br>Fenris bows again to the other Tanuki in the room. "I admit, Lady, that I do not know what you mean," he says diffidently, recognizing the female tanuki as the leader from the first expedition, "But I would be happy to help a fellow tanuki." He walks over to the group of merry makers, adjusting his green t-shirt and pulling the bamboo hat off his head to hang around his neck.<br> <br>Thelergramor looks over at Epsilon as the tightness in his groin deepens. Muttering under his breath 'Fucking rut', he turns to look at the dragon. "Yes, no hard feelings. It was all just a misunderstanding." He then looks to the tanuki who spoke. "Tour guides? For what, exactly?" His hands remain in his pockets, stays leaning against the wall.<br> <br>The dragon down at the Tanuki with a pair of sun hued eye. Shifting hir bulk shi replies "Pardon, perhaps you should introduce yourself before making such request for aid, and whether you are affiliated with the Tanuki lord seeking to lay claim to the city?"<br> <br>Epsilon looked around the guests, trying to find from where came the hearty chuckle, thinking that it may have been a call caused by her... forms... Not finding any luck, she turn her regard towards the tanuki that welcomed the group and asks "Tour guides? The old ones? What do you mean by that?", being confused by both the the laugh and the wierd request.<br> <br>The lady looks to Fenris and raises a brow. "I will let them explain. Please, pardon me." She rises and dusts her hands off on her dress before scooting off towards the stairway, vanishing up into the floor above. The male that had spoken earlier brings a large hand to his chin and thoughtfully strokes a long scruff of chin-fur that strongly resembles a beard. "Of course, you have my apologies. I am Len, and these three are my companions. We are indeed from the lord's realm, but we are here to take over nothing, only to explore. We were on our way up the mountain, you see, with a kindly escort of these rather strange creatures. They were not like the other wild-ones we have encountered on our trip, but we have become separated. We turned back and decided to rest here while pondering our next move."<br> <br>Fenris bows low again. Emissaries from Lord Tanuki's realm! How exciting! "This lowly servant of Tanuki will gladly serve as a guide for such illustrious guests," he says before looking to the immense Len. "But who were your guides before?" he asks, "You said they were friendly?" The tanuki wonders if they had accidentally fallen in with a group of Touskies on accident.<br> <br>Thelergramor watches the lady leave, a bit lecherously perhaps, then listens to Len. Having no prior knowledge of tanukis or what they want, he just waits and listens. Imagines lewd behavior. Damn rut.<br> <br>The dragon looks crossed at Len, folding hir arms. "The names Seguro, I cannot overlook the actions of your patron; you are getting very close to the domain of the radiant one. Regardless how did you lose them, and what is your reason for being here this area is out of the way? Also please speak to me of strange creatures that where your guides."<br> <br>Epsilon wonder what is at the top of the stairway as she looked the woman. Returning back to the man that called itself Len, she says, "The lord's... realm? I don't see what you are talking about... And theses 'creatures'... What were they and were they ferals? And why were you forced to return back?", trying to imagine what could be lurking in thoses mountain, reminding herself of that "marp" echo.<br> <br>The large tanuki folds his arms over his chest and nods. "Our guides were these creatures of an odd mix. Not unlike your huskies in the city, but they had feathers and looked rather like birds. Ferals, yes, that is what you call them. These ones were not violent, nor were they overly... Forceful. Indeed, they seemed quite docile, if not the brightest. One of them threw themselves over the cliff without warning." He gives a nod to Fenris as one of the other, smaller tanukis looks about to say something in return to Seguro before being silenced with a gesture from the larger tanuki. "That is rather how we lost them, in fact. After the first jumped, the others soon followed, and we were not about to go after them. We did turn back to try to see if we could find an alternative route to where they went, but were unable to find them. Instead, we found our way here, and our hostess was most generous with her food. Perhaps if you could find them, we would be appreciative."<br> <br>Fenris does his best to suppress his laughter. "Honorable, Len," he says, "You seem to have been following a flock of Quilled Touskies." The tanuki waits for a moment for his desire to laugh to subside, then continues. "I do not think that we will be able to find your wayward guides again," he says, "Amiable as they may be, they are also rather simple and easily distracted." He pats his own tanuki tummy idly, as he ponders what these esteemed guests might be looking for on the mountain. "As I said though," he says, "I would be happy to accompany you up the mountain."<br> <br>Thelergramor leaves the wall, scratches his muzzle, tail hanging limply. "They jumped off a cliff. Fun." Shrugging, the fox continues; "Yeah, might be hard to find them then, but if you need help up the mountain, I can help with that." He again glances at Epsilon. Then turns his attention back to Len.
<div></div><br> <br>It's a fairly cool day in the forest, between the canopy and the clouds above. True to rumours, the tea house at the base of the mountain seems to be hosting a small party of five tanuki, if the raucous laughter escaping the open doorway is any indication. The rest of the clearing outside the manor seems particularly quiet, the only sounds being the ambience provided by the waterfall nearby and the occasional echo of a 'marp' trailing down from the mountain that keen ears might be able to pick up.<br> <br>Fenris saunters down the trail with a contented little smile on his face, a spear in his hand that he is using as a walking stick, and a sword strapped to his back with a little leaf talisman hanging from the hilt. His smile only grows as he steps into the little teahouse to find it occupied by a happy group. He bows deeply just inside the door. "Good fortune on this house," he says before looking around.<br> <br>Having heard the rumors, and not having anything better to do, Thelergramor headed out to see these tanukis. Hands in his pockets, scarf pulled up over his vulpine features. The fox follows after the one known as Fenris, stepping into the house. He leans against one of the walls, waits to see what's happening.<br> <br>A large golden scaled dragon flies on the way to the eat forest, the thirty foot dragon land near the entrance of the tea house. The dragon's large frame couches down squeezing hir way through the door frame moving hir large bulk inside.  Once Inside spies the form of  fox shi knew from an op at the zoo. "Greetings and Thelergramor I hope you are not mad about the zoo."<br> <br>Being informed that a small group of tanukis, Epsilon followed the path up to the tea house to see what they would be up to. She squeeze herself inside the bulding through the door, showing off her nude arachne body to whoever looking in her direction. As she went inside, she searched around to see if they were any familiar faces before moving towards the group, ready for anything.<br> <br>One of the tanuki ladies, dressed a bit differently from the rest, looks up at those entering, slightly appalled at the sizes of some of the ones squeezing in. She shakes her head for a moment and goes back to filling tea cups and tending to the other tanuki guests when one of the larger ones, a male, leans back and looses a hearty chuckle. "Oh, more have come! Are you here to be our new tour guides? Or perhaps here to help us find our old ones?"<br> <br>Fenris bows again to the other Tanuki in the room. "I admit, Lady, that I do not know what you mean," he says diffidently, recognizing the female tanuki as the leader from the first expedition, "But I would be happy to help a fellow tanuki." He walks over to the group of merry makers, adjusting his green t-shirt and pulling the bamboo hat off his head to hang around his neck.<br> <br>Thelergramor looks over at Epsilon as the tightness in his groin deepens. Muttering under his breath 'Fucking rut', he turns to look at the dragon. "Yes, no hard feelings. It was all just a misunderstanding." He then looks to the tanuki who spoke. "Tour guides? For what, exactly?" His hands remain in his pockets, stays leaning against the wall.<br> <br>The dragon down at the Tanuki with a pair of sun hued eye. Shifting hir bulk shi replies "Pardon, perhaps you should introduce yourself before making such request for aid, and whether you are affiliated with the Tanuki lord seeking to lay claim to the city?"<br> <br>Epsilon looked around the guests, trying to find from where came the hearty chuckle, thinking that it may have been a call caused by her... forms... Not finding any luck, she turn her regard towards the tanuki that welcomed the group and asks "Tour guides? The old ones? What do you mean by that?", being confused by both the the laugh and the wierd request.<br> <br>The lady looks to Fenris and raises a brow. "I will let them explain. Please, pardon me." She rises and dusts her hands off on her dress before scooting off towards the stairway, vanishing up into the floor above. The male that had spoken earlier brings a large hand to his chin and thoughtfully strokes a long scruff of chin-fur that strongly resembles a beard. "Of course, you have my apologies. I am Len, and these three are my companions. We are indeed from the lord's realm, but we are here to take over nothing, only to explore. We were on our way up the mountain, you see, with a kindly escort of these rather strange creatures. They were not like the other wild-ones we have encountered on our trip, but we have become separated. We turned back and decided to rest here while pondering our next move."<br> <br>Fenris bows low again. Emissaries from Lord Tanuki's realm! How exciting! "This lowly servant of Tanuki will gladly serve as a guide for such illustrious guests," he says before looking to the immense Len. "But who were your guides before?" he asks, "You said they were friendly?" The tanuki wonders if they had accidentally fallen in with a group of Touskies on accident.<br> <br>Thelergramor watches the lady leave, a bit lecherously perhaps, then listens to Len. Having no prior knowledge of tanukis or what they want, he just waits and listens. Imagines lewd behavior. Damn rut.<br> <br>The dragon looks crossed at Len, folding hir arms. "The names Seguro, I cannot overlook the actions of your patron; you are getting very close to the domain of the radiant one. Regardless how did you lose them, and what is your reason for being here this area is out of the way? Also please speak to me of strange creatures that where your guides."<br> <br>Epsilon wonder what is at the top of the stairway as she looked the woman. Returning back to the man that called itself Len, she says, "The lord's... realm? I don't see what you are talking about... And theses 'creatures'... What were they and were they ferals? And why were you forced to return back?", trying to imagine what could be lurking in thoses mountain, reminding herself of that "marp" echo.<br> <br>The large tanuki folds his arms over his chest and nods. "Our guides were these creatures of an odd mix. Not unlike your huskies in the city, but they had feathers and looked rather like birds. Ferals, yes, that is what you call them. These ones were not violent, nor were they overly... Forceful. Indeed, they seemed quite docile, if not the brightest. One of them threw themselves over the cliff without warning." He gives a nod to Fenris as one of the other, smaller tanukis looks about to say something in return to Seguro before being silenced with a gesture from the larger tanuki. "That is rather how we lost them, in fact. After the first jumped, the others soon followed, and we were not about to go after them. We did turn back to try to see if we could find an alternative route to where they went, but were unable to find them. Instead, we found our way here, and our hostess was most generous with her food. Perhaps if you could find them, we would be appreciative."<br> <br>Fenris does his best to suppress his laughter. "Honorable, Len," he says, "You seem to have been following a flock of Quilled Touskies." The tanuki waits for a moment for his desire to laugh to subside, then continues. "I do not think that we will be able to find your wayward guides again," he says, "Amiable as they may be, they are also rather simple and easily distracted." He pats his own tanuki tummy idly, as he ponders what these esteemed guests might be looking for on the mountain. "As I said though," he says, "I would be happy to accompany you up the mountain."<br> <br>Thelergramor leaves the wall, scratches his muzzle, tail hanging limply. "They jumped off a cliff. Fun." Shrugging, the fox continues; "Yeah, might be hard to find them then, but if you need help up the mountain, I can help with that." He again glances at Epsilon. Then turns his attention back to Len.<br> <br>Seguro chuckles at the sound of the Touskies guides, hir scales glitter casting reflections about the room. "If they jumped off the cliff as you say, then they may be in the grove by the old planetarium. I know the area well; nearly the whole mountain is a proving ground for the radiant one soon to be acolytes. Usely the think canopy of trees is enough to break ones fall."<br> <br>Epsilon ponders the appearance of thoses 'Tousky Quills'. "A mix of huskies and birds...? They may have been following some sort of scene around the mountains, i was also thinking of a potential danger as some creatures can sense danger before it occur... but if i refer to what Seguro said, then ... the best way to go there would be to go back where they 'falled' and go down, rappeling down to that canopy."<br> <br>As the others offer two different plans, the tanuki simply shrugs. "If you would like to guide us yourselves, that is fine. Our destination is a small town on the mountain that we have been told of. But perhaps we can search for our missing guides along the way. We are strangers here, and you know your way around better than we do." As one, they rise from the table, each leaving a leaf on the surface by the empty dishes. "We are eager to resume our travel, however, so please, do lead on at your leisure."<br> <br>Fenris bows low once more and replaces his hat on his head. "I imagine that you are looking for Hare town," he says affably, "It is not so hard to find. I would be happy to lead you there." The tanuki walks to the door, eyeing the leaves left on the table, wondering what sort of power they might hold. He steps out into the cool of the afternoon and makes way for the others to follow.<br> <br>Thelergramor chuckles slightly, stretches. "I know less of the area than you do, probably." He defers to Fenris. "Right, Hare town, yep. So, yeah, lets go then." He follows after the tanuki, hands still in his pockets, glancing over his shoulder for whoever else is coming.<br> <br>Seguro smiles, craning hir head near then tanuki. "So you want to go to the town of rabbits near the peek, Is your destination the waterfall cave at the edge of the town? One would not thing your go for the omelets. Can your party handle themselves in fight; there area is fraught with wild drakes. " The dragon moves to fallow the group if they leave. "I know the mountain pass very well, I will guide you if you wish so long as you do not bring harm to the inhabits of rabbit town."<br> <br>"Hare town? My sister talked a bit of it to me... Would there be anything of interest there?" as she ready herself to depart. "Battle? Well, if worst come to worst, i'd believe i could help. I can hold myself rather well if i can say so." she says, proudly.<br> <br>The larger tanuki rumbles with laughter again and nods. "Yes, we have heard nice things about the diner there, and wish to spend the night and sample their food. We can handle ourselves in a fight, certainly. We will be quite fine, I believe." They all fall in behind the group of locals, intent on following them. "We certainly do not intend to bring harm, however. We like this place. We come as friends, not as enemies."<br> <br>Fenris frowns at Seguro's rudeness, but it is soon pushed aside at the thought of the inn at hare town. "Yes," he says, "The hares are very hospitable." He leads the group along the forest path, his spear in hand as a walking stick. "The falls are just ahead, and past that is a rope bridge that will lead us on the way up the mountain," he says, "Your Tousky friends had you on the right trail before they Marped their way off the cliff!" Fenris actually enjoyed the antics of the little creatures, though they could be an annoyance.<br> <br>Thelergramor shrugs. "Come as you are, just don't cause problems. Don't seem like you want to. Still, I'll be watching you." Not one to trust those he's just met, the fox stays near the back of the group, to keep an eye on the tanukis, and the others. Doean't really trust them yet either.<br> <br>Seguro smiles, a look of relief washes over hir face. "It is good to hear that your intentions are peaceful, I would like to hear your take on the kitsune now that they have sent their own delegation, and the nature of the rivalry between the two factions. You seem to inhabit the same shine."<br> <br>Epsilon cunningly says, "If that's what about then it shouldn't be too hard... Since i don't know the place myself, i'll be following along. I should be proving to be useful too if needed.", the last part of the phrase being said as she showed off her breasts. "I can produce some delicious chocolate milk for the fights.""<br> <br>At Seguro's question, the female of the four, who had been silent thus far, speaks up. "We all have differing views on the kitsunes, but we do not consider ourselves to be enemies. There has been long standing rivalry between us regarding who is the better trickster, but I am of the mind that we just occupy different niches. You see, the saying goes that the fox has seven disguises, while the tanuki has eight. Naturally, we can both do far more than that. The kitsune often changes to tempt people, but we simply do it to play pranks on them." Len chuckles again and waves a hand. "Apologies. That is Lu, our chronicler. She enjoys her words very much." As Fenris approaches the point where forest blends into the mountain trail, a small chorus of marps ring out in the distance, from further up the mountain.<br> <br>"Ah!" Fenris says, "It sounds like your little guides have found their way back up the trail!" The tanuki nods at Lu's words. "Tanuki are not about enmity," he says, "And a little joke never hurts anyone." He ambles gamely along the gentle slope of the trail. "The Tanuki way is the best way I have ever come across," he says with a contented smile.<br> <br>Thelergramor looks over to Epsilon. "Heh, can I get a taste of that? I'm a bit thirsty." He ogles her breasts, helmet visor hiding his eyes. The fox is again reminded of his rut, just the sight of the breasts tugging him to half mast. Listening to Lu speak, Thel shakes his head. Still knows nothing of tanuki or kitsune stuff. Hearing the marps, Thel places a hand on his pistol. Though, he leaves it holstered for now.<br> <br>Seguro smiles, shi seem taken with the tanuki honesty. " An interesting view point to say the least. I must say from what I from what I have read of the tanuki reports, I was expecting a more aggressive approach. I have another question its rumored that the tanuki can transform themselves into inanimate objects, Is this so and can it be demonstrated?"<br> <br>Epsilon talks to Thelergramor "Yes, sure! But i'd rather see what's going on with the touskeis beforehand... unless you really have to?", she then talk to the group "Tanukis and kitsunes are rather unknown to me. i wouldn't much why such a fight is going on..."<br> <br>Len glances up towards the mountain and hums in thought at the sounds. "Well, we certainly can. It would be rather impractical to do so at this time, however, as it would require that we stop moving. Inanimate objects don't move, after all. Well, save for wheels and the like." A nod to Fenris. "It does indeed sound like they may be ahead, yes." Lu looks towards Seguro and frowns. "We are not hostile. And we are not all the same, either. We are bold, and act with confidence, and I suppose that may be mistaken as aggression, but believe me, we are not here to fight." The marps sound off again, and the closer the group gets, the more it sounds like a loud marp preceded by a series of softer marps. Almost... Like singing. Or chanting.<br> <br>"I can do the whole transformation thing too," Fenris answers Seguro, "But no reason to do it here. . ." The tanuki trails off a bit at the ordered sound of the marps ahead. "That is strange," he says, "I've never heard them call like THAT before." He does not stop hiking, but he is a little more wary as he travels along the trail.

Revision as of 04:00, 30 July 2014





It's a fairly cool day in the forest, between the canopy and the clouds above. True to rumours, the tea house at the base of the mountain seems to be hosting a small party of five tanuki, if the raucous laughter escaping the open doorway is any indication. The rest of the clearing outside the manor seems particularly quiet, the only sounds being the ambience provided by the waterfall nearby and the occasional echo of a 'marp' trailing down from the mountain that keen ears might be able to pick up.

Fenris saunters down the trail with a contented little smile on his face, a spear in his hand that he is using as a walking stick, and a sword strapped to his back with a little leaf talisman hanging from the hilt. His smile only grows as he steps into the little teahouse to find it occupied by a happy group. He bows deeply just inside the door. "Good fortune on this house," he says before looking around.

Having heard the rumors, and not having anything better to do, Thelergramor headed out to see these tanukis. Hands in his pockets, scarf pulled up over his vulpine features. The fox follows after the one known as Fenris, stepping into the house. He leans against one of the walls, waits to see what's happening.

A large golden scaled dragon flies on the way to the eat forest, the thirty foot dragon land near the entrance of the tea house. The dragon's large frame couches down squeezing hir way through the door frame moving hir large bulk inside. Once Inside spies the form of fox shi knew from an op at the zoo. "Greetings and Thelergramor I hope you are not mad about the zoo."

Being informed that a small group of tanukis, Epsilon followed the path up to the tea house to see what they would be up to. She squeeze herself inside the bulding through the door, showing off her nude arachne body to whoever looking in her direction. As she went inside, she searched around to see if they were any familiar faces before moving towards the group, ready for anything.

One of the tanuki ladies, dressed a bit differently from the rest, looks up at those entering, slightly appalled at the sizes of some of the ones squeezing in. She shakes her head for a moment and goes back to filling tea cups and tending to the other tanuki guests when one of the larger ones, a male, leans back and looses a hearty chuckle. "Oh, more have come! Are you here to be our new tour guides? Or perhaps here to help us find our old ones?"

Fenris bows again to the other Tanuki in the room. "I admit, Lady, that I do not know what you mean," he says diffidently, recognizing the female tanuki as the leader from the first expedition, "But I would be happy to help a fellow tanuki." He walks over to the group of merry makers, adjusting his green t-shirt and pulling the bamboo hat off his head to hang around his neck.

Thelergramor looks over at Epsilon as the tightness in his groin deepens. Muttering under his breath 'Fucking rut', he turns to look at the dragon. "Yes, no hard feelings. It was all just a misunderstanding." He then looks to the tanuki who spoke. "Tour guides? For what, exactly?" His hands remain in his pockets, stays leaning against the wall.

The dragon down at the Tanuki with a pair of sun hued eye. Shifting hir bulk shi replies "Pardon, perhaps you should introduce yourself before making such request for aid, and whether you are affiliated with the Tanuki lord seeking to lay claim to the city?"

Epsilon looked around the guests, trying to find from where came the hearty chuckle, thinking that it may have been a call caused by her... forms... Not finding any luck, she turn her regard towards the tanuki that welcomed the group and asks "Tour guides? The old ones? What do you mean by that?", being confused by both the the laugh and the wierd request.

The lady looks to Fenris and raises a brow. "I will let them explain. Please, pardon me." She rises and dusts her hands off on her dress before scooting off towards the stairway, vanishing up into the floor above. The male that had spoken earlier brings a large hand to his chin and thoughtfully strokes a long scruff of chin-fur that strongly resembles a beard. "Of course, you have my apologies. I am Len, and these three are my companions. We are indeed from the lord's realm, but we are here to take over nothing, only to explore. We were on our way up the mountain, you see, with a kindly escort of these rather strange creatures. They were not like the other wild-ones we have encountered on our trip, but we have become separated. We turned back and decided to rest here while pondering our next move."

Fenris bows low again. Emissaries from Lord Tanuki's realm! How exciting! "This lowly servant of Tanuki will gladly serve as a guide for such illustrious guests," he says before looking to the immense Len. "But who were your guides before?" he asks, "You said they were friendly?" The tanuki wonders if they had accidentally fallen in with a group of Touskies on accident.

Thelergramor watches the lady leave, a bit lecherously perhaps, then listens to Len. Having no prior knowledge of tanukis or what they want, he just waits and listens. Imagines lewd behavior. Damn rut.

The dragon looks crossed at Len, folding hir arms. "The names Seguro, I cannot overlook the actions of your patron; you are getting very close to the domain of the radiant one. Regardless how did you lose them, and what is your reason for being here this area is out of the way? Also please speak to me of strange creatures that where your guides."

Epsilon wonder what is at the top of the stairway as she looked the woman. Returning back to the man that called itself Len, she says, "The lord's... realm? I don't see what you are talking about... And theses 'creatures'... What were they and were they ferals? And why were you forced to return back?", trying to imagine what could be lurking in thoses mountain, reminding herself of that "marp" echo.

The large tanuki folds his arms over his chest and nods. "Our guides were these creatures of an odd mix. Not unlike your huskies in the city, but they had feathers and looked rather like birds. Ferals, yes, that is what you call them. These ones were not violent, nor were they overly... Forceful. Indeed, they seemed quite docile, if not the brightest. One of them threw themselves over the cliff without warning." He gives a nod to Fenris as one of the other, smaller tanukis looks about to say something in return to Seguro before being silenced with a gesture from the larger tanuki. "That is rather how we lost them, in fact. After the first jumped, the others soon followed, and we were not about to go after them. We did turn back to try to see if we could find an alternative route to where they went, but were unable to find them. Instead, we found our way here, and our hostess was most generous with her food. Perhaps if you could find them, we would be appreciative."

Fenris does his best to suppress his laughter. "Honorable, Len," he says, "You seem to have been following a flock of Quilled Touskies." The tanuki waits for a moment for his desire to laugh to subside, then continues. "I do not think that we will be able to find your wayward guides again," he says, "Amiable as they may be, they are also rather simple and easily distracted." He pats his own tanuki tummy idly, as he ponders what these esteemed guests might be looking for on the mountain. "As I said though," he says, "I would be happy to accompany you up the mountain."

Thelergramor leaves the wall, scratches his muzzle, tail hanging limply. "They jumped off a cliff. Fun." Shrugging, the fox continues; "Yeah, might be hard to find them then, but if you need help up the mountain, I can help with that." He again glances at Epsilon. Then turns his attention back to Len.

Seguro chuckles at the sound of the Touskies guides, hir scales glitter casting reflections about the room. "If they jumped off the cliff as you say, then they may be in the grove by the old planetarium. I know the area well; nearly the whole mountain is a proving ground for the radiant one soon to be acolytes. Usely the think canopy of trees is enough to break ones fall."

Epsilon ponders the appearance of thoses 'Tousky Quills'. "A mix of huskies and birds...? They may have been following some sort of scene around the mountains, i was also thinking of a potential danger as some creatures can sense danger before it occur... but if i refer to what Seguro said, then ... the best way to go there would be to go back where they 'falled' and go down, rappeling down to that canopy."

As the others offer two different plans, the tanuki simply shrugs. "If you would like to guide us yourselves, that is fine. Our destination is a small town on the mountain that we have been told of. But perhaps we can search for our missing guides along the way. We are strangers here, and you know your way around better than we do." As one, they rise from the table, each leaving a leaf on the surface by the empty dishes. "We are eager to resume our travel, however, so please, do lead on at your leisure."

Fenris bows low once more and replaces his hat on his head. "I imagine that you are looking for Hare town," he says affably, "It is not so hard to find. I would be happy to lead you there." The tanuki walks to the door, eyeing the leaves left on the table, wondering what sort of power they might hold. He steps out into the cool of the afternoon and makes way for the others to follow.

Thelergramor chuckles slightly, stretches. "I know less of the area than you do, probably." He defers to Fenris. "Right, Hare town, yep. So, yeah, lets go then." He follows after the tanuki, hands still in his pockets, glancing over his shoulder for whoever else is coming.

Seguro smiles, craning hir head near then tanuki. "So you want to go to the town of rabbits near the peek, Is your destination the waterfall cave at the edge of the town? One would not thing your go for the omelets. Can your party handle themselves in fight; there area is fraught with wild drakes. " The dragon moves to fallow the group if they leave. "I know the mountain pass very well, I will guide you if you wish so long as you do not bring harm to the inhabits of rabbit town."

"Hare town? My sister talked a bit of it to me... Would there be anything of interest there?" as she ready herself to depart. "Battle? Well, if worst come to worst, i'd believe i could help. I can hold myself rather well if i can say so." she says, proudly.

The larger tanuki rumbles with laughter again and nods. "Yes, we have heard nice things about the diner there, and wish to spend the night and sample their food. We can handle ourselves in a fight, certainly. We will be quite fine, I believe." They all fall in behind the group of locals, intent on following them. "We certainly do not intend to bring harm, however. We like this place. We come as friends, not as enemies."

Fenris frowns at Seguro's rudeness, but it is soon pushed aside at the thought of the inn at hare town. "Yes," he says, "The hares are very hospitable." He leads the group along the forest path, his spear in hand as a walking stick. "The falls are just ahead, and past that is a rope bridge that will lead us on the way up the mountain," he says, "Your Tousky friends had you on the right trail before they Marped their way off the cliff!" Fenris actually enjoyed the antics of the little creatures, though they could be an annoyance.

Thelergramor shrugs. "Come as you are, just don't cause problems. Don't seem like you want to. Still, I'll be watching you." Not one to trust those he's just met, the fox stays near the back of the group, to keep an eye on the tanukis, and the others. Doean't really trust them yet either.

Seguro smiles, a look of relief washes over hir face. "It is good to hear that your intentions are peaceful, I would like to hear your take on the kitsune now that they have sent their own delegation, and the nature of the rivalry between the two factions. You seem to inhabit the same shine."

Epsilon cunningly says, "If that's what about then it shouldn't be too hard... Since i don't know the place myself, i'll be following along. I should be proving to be useful too if needed.", the last part of the phrase being said as she showed off her breasts. "I can produce some delicious chocolate milk for the fights.""

At Seguro's question, the female of the four, who had been silent thus far, speaks up. "We all have differing views on the kitsunes, but we do not consider ourselves to be enemies. There has been long standing rivalry between us regarding who is the better trickster, but I am of the mind that we just occupy different niches. You see, the saying goes that the fox has seven disguises, while the tanuki has eight. Naturally, we can both do far more than that. The kitsune often changes to tempt people, but we simply do it to play pranks on them." Len chuckles again and waves a hand. "Apologies. That is Lu, our chronicler. She enjoys her words very much." As Fenris approaches the point where forest blends into the mountain trail, a small chorus of marps ring out in the distance, from further up the mountain.

"Ah!" Fenris says, "It sounds like your little guides have found their way back up the trail!" The tanuki nods at Lu's words. "Tanuki are not about enmity," he says, "And a little joke never hurts anyone." He ambles gamely along the gentle slope of the trail. "The Tanuki way is the best way I have ever come across," he says with a contented smile.

Thelergramor looks over to Epsilon. "Heh, can I get a taste of that? I'm a bit thirsty." He ogles her breasts, helmet visor hiding his eyes. The fox is again reminded of his rut, just the sight of the breasts tugging him to half mast. Listening to Lu speak, Thel shakes his head. Still knows nothing of tanuki or kitsune stuff. Hearing the marps, Thel places a hand on his pistol. Though, he leaves it holstered for now.

Seguro smiles, shi seem taken with the tanuki honesty. " An interesting view point to say the least. I must say from what I from what I have read of the tanuki reports, I was expecting a more aggressive approach. I have another question its rumored that the tanuki can transform themselves into inanimate objects, Is this so and can it be demonstrated?"

Epsilon talks to Thelergramor "Yes, sure! But i'd rather see what's going on with the touskeis beforehand... unless you really have to?", she then talk to the group "Tanukis and kitsunes are rather unknown to me. i wouldn't much why such a fight is going on..."

Len glances up towards the mountain and hums in thought at the sounds. "Well, we certainly can. It would be rather impractical to do so at this time, however, as it would require that we stop moving. Inanimate objects don't move, after all. Well, save for wheels and the like." A nod to Fenris. "It does indeed sound like they may be ahead, yes." Lu looks towards Seguro and frowns. "We are not hostile. And we are not all the same, either. We are bold, and act with confidence, and I suppose that may be mistaken as aggression, but believe me, we are not here to fight." The marps sound off again, and the closer the group gets, the more it sounds like a loud marp preceded by a series of softer marps. Almost... Like singing. Or chanting.

"I can do the whole transformation thing too," Fenris answers Seguro, "But no reason to do it here. . ." The tanuki trails off a bit at the ordered sound of the marps ahead. "That is strange," he says, "I've never heard them call like THAT before." He does not stop hiking, but he is a little more wary as he travels along the trail.