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<div></div><br> <br>A rather warm Augest evening in Fairhaven, most people winding down for the day. Zypher was just switching to night crew when in through the doors comes a Demonic Fox! A few of the agents insead jump up at his bursting in, wondering what the commotion could be about. No alarms, no security, so there can't be too much to worry about.<br> <br>Alkain pants as he bursts into the lobby, looking like he ran or likely flew very hard to get here quickly, "Someone... We have to help... Please..." between gasps for breath, "They're dying..." he looks very worried as he looks around the room<br> <br>Acetyl makes its way through the Zephyr building, minding its own business, Iatro schlumping along at its side. Ignoring the odd looks some people gave the small nanite golem, Acetyl is just heading into the lobby to rest and hang out for a while when a Demonic Fox bursts through the doors, shouting. Both Storm Dragon and iatrogenic golem swing their heads in the direction of the noise - the former perking its ears, the latter with no ears to perk, but aware and interested regardless. "Who the what now? Slow down, buddy. Start from the top."<br> <br>Walking into the room, Arano glances around - he had a long day of exercises and other combat related drills and such. The Solar Dragon's usual shine dulled by some camoflage paint and other stuff to make him less of a walking beacon. He had planned to just walk through the lobby and head home to rest when the demonic fox burst into the room - the words that REALLY caught his attetion where 'they're dying'. Blinking at the fox, the solar dragon asks, "Who is dying? What's going on?"<br> <br>Finally, a chance to drop-off some paperwork! With a stack of papers clutched in his clawed fingers, Dio begins making his way for the Zephyr building. The shotgun strapped to his back occasionally jingles, papers and the cloth of his suit flopping in the warm summer wind. Now he just needs to turn these papers in and go see his wife... "Huh?" Before he was about to enter the lovely smelling lobby, he notices a fox fly on by. While it didn't seem dangerous, considering the lack of response, the lion certainly wasn't going to take his chances. Folding and stuffing the papers into his pants, Dio unstraps his shotgun and places it in his hands, pointing it down at the floor for now as he goes to see what the commotion was all about. "Hello there," he waves, slowly approaching the growing group. "Is anyone in need of assistance?"<br> <br>A Kitsune is curled up on one of the couches. Rorne is sleeping there rather soundly, all curled up and comfortable, her tails draped over her to create a small, auburn ball in the corner. However, the commotion catches her attention, and she perks up slowly, yawning gently. She looks about, seeing the crowd growing, and stands up. With a slow stretch, she hops down and, slowly, wanders closer to the group. Something was going on, and she was quite curious as to what. Maybe she could offer some assistance? Hopefully with little changing on her part. Less fun if she needs to show what she prefers to look like and can stay a quad-Kitsune.<br> <br>At the frantic fox calling out things, Mike comes over and looks him over, "Calm down now, who needs help, and where do they need it?" he asks looking over all the others that approch as well. "What is going on lad, slow down a bit." he says again, and a good deal of other agents join in the sentaments.<br> <br>Alkain looks to the gathering of people around him and nods in relief as he takes a few more calming breaths, "The... Well, they need help... They'll need food... They're being starved..." he looks to Dio and the others and sighs, "It's the Fox Mind, I'm convinced they just want to live their own way. They don't want to hurt anyone, not really..." he looks sad and worried still<br> <br>Arano scratches his head, "Fox mind... wait, is this about these packmind things which are like the borg or something... I've never encountered them in person, but explain to me WHY I would want to help them exactly?" he inquires, "Granted, I'm not even sure what they EAT, all I've learned is that they used to be people and now... aren't. But I don't know, just going based on what I heard."<br> <br>Even Mike was getting in on the action! And a kitsune! Though, now was not the time for idle chit-chat and greeting. Dio lowers his shotgun a little more, but still keeps his distance away from the crowd, especially after hearing about a packmind. "Infected by the fox were you," he questions, not quite recognizing Alkain in his new form. "If they're being starved NOW, then that implies they had a good source of food earlier. What was it previously? Did they overhunt?"<br> <br>The Storm Dragon's frown deepens. "Okay, you've got our attention, but I meant it when I said beginning. Who exactly are they? Give us the story, from the top. Tell us what's happening, and why. We can't do much to help without knowing that." As it speaks, it keeps an eye on Iatro, the nanite golem, who is peering very curiously at all the strangers surrounding them. New people! Glancing at Arano, Acetyl adds, "You sound like you understand some of what he's saying. At least some of us do.<br> <br>Acetyl adds, after a moment, "I mean, if you know why. If you don't, that's okay. But we definitely need the who, what, where, and how, at least."<br> <br>A few back away at the idea of a packmind, though Mike stays near, "Come now, being starved out, how do you starve out a packmind? Where are we going, I can get us there, but not if I'm going to wind up being eaten myself." he says, tapping his paw a bit, "Come now lad, do give us the story." he says again.<br> <br>Rorne stops in her tracks as she hears 'Foxmind.' She had already been to Oregon, and she was already infected. She is quite sure that she doesn't want to even tempt it. She enjoys the packmind she is in already, as it's like a second home to her. Nonetheless, she continues, stopping a bit short of the Demonic Fox as she looks them over. As long as they don't get hostile, and nothing else from any Packmind attacks, she's good. She remains completely silent, though, and only sits calmly, her tails flowing gently.<br> <br>Alkain shakes his head at Arano and frowns, "Yes, the packmind and their still in a collective consciousness. I've seen it." he looks to Dio and nods at that, "Yes, Dio. It's the camp of 'survivors'," he practically growls it out, "That are starving them. They had hunting grounds but the group took it, they won't share." he looks to Ace and frowns, more "They just need food, they don't need Biomass to survive, I don't think." he looks to Mike and ponders, "It's near the survivor camp in Oregon, the one fighting the packminds."<br> <br>Arano scratches his head again and says, "OK... so once again I ask - why should I help them? I mean, they used to be people, then were forced to be a part of this collective consciousness that destroys thier individual identities so far as I'm aware. I'm curious about WHY we should be saving them instead of making preperations to dance upon their collective graves... if my understanding of packminds is completely off do tell me, but for now I'm pondering looting party supplies." It's clear that the solar dragon is very unmotivated right now - perhaps due to misinformation, but for now it's clear his help - and in turn the help of his 25mm rifle - would require incentive.<br> <br>Acetyl closes its eyes for a moment, rubbing at the base of its horn. After a moment, it emits a short, clipped sigh, then looks up again. "At this point, I'm getting the idea I've been left out of the loop. I've kept to my own business for the most part up until now. Can someone maybe summarize this story a bit? What exactly is a packmind, who are the survivors, and why are they killing each other?"
<div></div><br> <br>A rather warm Augest evening in Fairhaven, most people winding down for the day. Zypher was just switching to night crew when in through the doors comes a Demonic Fox! A few of the agents insead jump up at his bursting in, wondering what the commotion could be about. No alarms, no security, so there can't be too much to worry about.<br> <br>Alkain pants as he bursts into the lobby, looking like he ran or likely flew very hard to get here quickly, "Someone... We have to help... Please..." between gasps for breath, "They're dying..." he looks very worried as he looks around the room<br> <br>Acetyl makes its way through the Zephyr building, minding its own business, Iatro schlumping along at its side. Ignoring the odd looks some people gave the small nanite golem, Acetyl is just heading into the lobby to rest and hang out for a while when a Demonic Fox bursts through the doors, shouting. Both Storm Dragon and iatrogenic golem swing their heads in the direction of the noise - the former perking its ears, the latter with no ears to perk, but aware and interested regardless. "Who the what now? Slow down, buddy. Start from the top."<br> <br>Walking into the room, Arano glances around - he had a long day of exercises and other combat related drills and such. The Solar Dragon's usual shine dulled by some camoflage paint and other stuff to make him less of a walking beacon. He had planned to just walk through the lobby and head home to rest when the demonic fox burst into the room - the words that REALLY caught his attetion where 'they're dying'. Blinking at the fox, the solar dragon asks, "Who is dying? What's going on?"<br> <br>Finally, a chance to drop-off some paperwork! With a stack of papers clutched in his clawed fingers, Dio begins making his way for the Zephyr building. The shotgun strapped to his back occasionally jingles, papers and the cloth of his suit flopping in the warm summer wind. Now he just needs to turn these papers in and go see his wife... "Huh?" Before he was about to enter the lovely smelling lobby, he notices a fox fly on by. While it didn't seem dangerous, considering the lack of response, the lion certainly wasn't going to take his chances. Folding and stuffing the papers into his pants, Dio unstraps his shotgun and places it in his hands, pointing it down at the floor for now as he goes to see what the commotion was all about. "Hello there," he waves, slowly approaching the growing group. "Is anyone in need of assistance?"<br> <br>A Kitsune is curled up on one of the couches. Rorne is sleeping there rather soundly, all curled up and comfortable, her tails draped over her to create a small, auburn ball in the corner. However, the commotion catches her attention, and she perks up slowly, yawning gently. She looks about, seeing the crowd growing, and stands up. With a slow stretch, she hops down and, slowly, wanders closer to the group. Something was going on, and she was quite curious as to what. Maybe she could offer some assistance? Hopefully with little changing on her part. Less fun if she needs to show what she prefers to look like and can stay a quad-Kitsune.<br> <br>At the frantic fox calling out things, Mike comes over and looks him over, "Calm down now, who needs help, and where do they need it?" he asks looking over all the others that approch as well. "What is going on lad, slow down a bit." he says again, and a good deal of other agents join in the sentaments.<br> <br>Alkain looks to the gathering of people around him and nods in relief as he takes a few more calming breaths, "The... Well, they need help... They'll need food... They're being starved..." he looks to Dio and the others and sighs, "It's the Fox Mind, I'm convinced they just want to live their own way. They don't want to hurt anyone, not really..." he looks sad and worried still<br> <br>Arano scratches his head, "Fox mind... wait, is this about these packmind things which are like the borg or something... I've never encountered them in person, but explain to me WHY I would want to help them exactly?" he inquires, "Granted, I'm not even sure what they EAT, all I've learned is that they used to be people and now... aren't. But I don't know, just going based on what I heard."<br> <br>Even Mike was getting in on the action! And a kitsune! Though, now was not the time for idle chit-chat and greeting. Dio lowers his shotgun a little more, but still keeps his distance away from the crowd, especially after hearing about a packmind. "Infected by the fox were you," he questions, not quite recognizing Alkain in his new form. "If they're being starved NOW, then that implies they had a good source of food earlier. What was it previously? Did they overhunt?"<br> <br>The Storm Dragon's frown deepens. "Okay, you've got our attention, but I meant it when I said beginning. Who exactly are they? Give us the story, from the top. Tell us what's happening, and why. We can't do much to help without knowing that." As it speaks, it keeps an eye on Iatro, the nanite golem, who is peering very curiously at all the strangers surrounding them. New people! Glancing at Arano, Acetyl adds, "You sound like you understand some of what he's saying. At least some of us do.<br> <br>Acetyl adds, after a moment, "I mean, if you know why. If you don't, that's okay. But we definitely need the who, what, where, and how, at least."<br> <br>A few back away at the idea of a packmind, though Mike stays near, "Come now, being starved out, how do you starve out a packmind? Where are we going, I can get us there, but not if I'm going to wind up being eaten myself." he says, tapping his paw a bit, "Come now lad, do give us the story." he says again.<br> <br>Rorne stops in her tracks as she hears 'Foxmind.' She had already been to Oregon, and she was already infected. She is quite sure that she doesn't want to even tempt it. She enjoys the packmind she is in already, as it's like a second home to her. Nonetheless, she continues, stopping a bit short of the Demonic Fox as she looks them over. As long as they don't get hostile, and nothing else from any Packmind attacks, she's good. She remains completely silent, though, and only sits calmly, her tails flowing gently.<br> <br>Alkain shakes his head at Arano and frowns, "Yes, the packmind and their still in a collective consciousness. I've seen it." he looks to Dio and nods at that, "Yes, Dio. It's the camp of 'survivors'," he practically growls it out, "That are starving them. They had hunting grounds but the group took it, they won't share." he looks to Ace and frowns, more "They just need food, they don't need Biomass to survive, I don't think." he looks to Mike and ponders, "It's near the survivor camp in Oregon, the one fighting the packminds."<br> <br>Arano scratches his head again and says, "OK... so once again I ask - why should I help them? I mean, they used to be people, then were forced to be a part of this collective consciousness that destroys thier individual identities so far as I'm aware. I'm curious about WHY we should be saving them instead of making preperations to dance upon their collective graves... if my understanding of packminds is completely off do tell me, but for now I'm pondering looting party supplies." It's clear that the solar dragon is very unmotivated right now - perhaps due to misinformation, but for now it's clear his help - and in turn the help of his 25mm rifle - would require incentive.<br> <br>Acetyl closes its eyes for a moment, rubbing at the base of its horn. After a moment, it emits a short, clipped sigh, then looks up again. "At this point, I'm getting the idea I've been left out of the loop. I've kept to my own business for the most part up until now. Can someone maybe summarize this story a bit? What exactly is a packmind, who are the survivors, and why are they killing each other?"<br> <br>Looking less then impressed with the evidence so far, Mike stands with Arano and Acetyl, "Yes, if these are those mind piliging, body taking horriors I've heard about, why should we help them? You say you are convinced that they just want to just live in peace, that isn't the kind of creatures I've heard about, why should we take your word on it?" he asks, it seems Alkain has quite a bit of convincing to do.<br> <br>Rorne gently shakes her head at Arano's explanation. She knew that something was off with that description. The Coyotemind didn't even attempt to destroy her mind at all, and let her go easily. Maybe, if no one else says a word about it, she'll be forced to explain. In any case, she already does empathize with the Foxmind, and, unless it involves her getting infected by them, she'd be glad to help. She stands up once more, gently approaching the Demonic Fox, whom she lightly begins to nuzzle to show that she's here for them and the Foxmind.<br> <br>Dio cocks his head to the side after hearing his name. How would he know it? Perhaps he was one of the people he'd met on the Oregon mission. "Alkain?" A random guess, but the voice seemed a bit familiar from the previous times they'd met. "But regardless, that's certainly an interesting problem. I think I know of the place you speak of, sir. Perhaps the courthouse area?" The lion gives his shotgun a good once over, inspecting and preparing for any silly business. "Now what would you like us to do about it? Ask them to leave? They don't seem set on leaving. Kill them all? I'm not quite a murderer... And of course, why should I help a packmind?"
Hearing that people are a little confused on the situation, Dio attempts to explain. "Packminds are an interesting bunch. Different than our own nanites, the packmind nanites take over yours upon infection. Soon enough after infection, you'll join a collective conscious known as a packmind. Very dangerous. I've been on several missions to Oregon if you have any questions."<br> <br>listens closely to Dio, nodding slowly. Its left hand idly plays with Iatro's anters, smoothing the bony surfaces with its fingers as if the creature were a walking worrystone. "I'm a live and let live type. But I'm not sure I'm ready to... surrender my independence. I'm willing to help anyone who's willing to make it worth my while, for what that's worth,<br> <br>Arano turning to Dio - recognizing the lion from a few other excursions together in the past - he states the question that he is sure everybody else is asking, "Well... can you come up with any reason WHY we would want to help them as opposed to say... carpet bombing them into oblivion? Perhaps raiding an old nuclear stockpile and using that if we're not certain of the effectiveness of a good old-fashioned carpet bombing?"<br> <br>Alkain looks to Arano and sighs, "The fox mind doesn't wipe minds, at least not in my experience, it collects them... They are all working together, I believe. So they are still in there, they just usually don't want to come out." he frowns a bit and sighs, "They were human once, just like any other feral... Why are they any different? We feed the ferals, we try to educate them. Why not these ones? Just because they are scary?" he shakes his head and sighs, "They need help, they aren't in the wrong. The survivors are." he shakes his head, "I'm almost convinced that the survivors would take all the mutants out if they could, despite what they say." he looks to Mike and frowns again, "They aren't taking minds, not anymore I think." he blinks as Rorne approaches and nuzzles him, blushing a little, "Uh... Will you help?" he nods to Dio and smiles a little, "Yes, it's Alkain, sorry..." he sighs then, "They aren't the bad guys, I'm not asking you to kill anyone, just give them some food and give them a chance to prove that they are not the bad guys."<br> <br>Acetyl listens closely to Dio, nodding slowly. Its left hand idly plays with Iatro's anters, smoothing the bony surfaces with its fingers as if the creature were a walking worrystone. "I'm a live and let live type. But I'm not sure I'm ready to... surrender my independence. I'm willing to help anyone who's willing to make it worth my while, for what that's worth," Acetyl adds in a growling, almost dismissive tone. "So long as I'm gonna be around to collect my pay. And so long as they ain't... wrong." That last word comes out in a low, almost feral growl. "Who are these 'survivors'? Why do you think they'd wipe out all mutants? Sounds like people I'd want to pay a visit to regardless of this other packmind shit... if you're right about them." There's a steely glint in the storm dragon's eye now, and a subtle rumble in its voice. Reacting to its companion's shift in tone, the nanite golem shifts restlessly on its weird 'feet', a few glassy and metallic clinking sounds drifting up from its assorted 'anatomy'. <br> <br>Shaking his head Mike looks over Rorne nuzzling on Alkain, and at Alkain's explenation, "Alright, lets see if we can talk since into both sides if they are willin' to talk, can't take too many supplies or we won't make it out there, but, first sign of trouble, I'm cutting out, with or without you all, can't risk Z's only chopper and their best flyer, so if you comin' get up to the roof and lets go." He says then hops into the elevator himself.<br> <br>Arano shakes his head and says, "So they take minds and push them into some group consciousness? And I'm sure they walk up to you and politely ask if you'll surrender your brain to them and become just like them for the sake of the greater good or whatever..." It's very clear the solar dragon is absolutely unconvinced, "Ferals don't force you to become like them - these packminds, from the way they're described, once you're in them you're already dead. I'm sorry, but I'm not convinced, and all I've got is your word that it's fine - what are you going to offer next? To pinky-swear they're all good and helping them won't bite me in the ass?"<br> <br>Rorne gives a simple nod to Alkain when he asks if she's here to help. She gently licks at his fur, a warm smile on her vulpine muzzle, relaxing greatly as he explains. Hopefully, that'll be enough for the people watching. Still, her ears focus backwards, listening intently to what they say, also listening carefully for anything that could be considered hostile. She was going to follow them, probably to Oregon. However, she's going to remain very vigilant, and will escape if trouble starts. She doesn't want to leave the Coyotemind one bit. She stops, however, and looks at Arano. She sighs, and approaches him slowly, her head tilted. "Not all Packminds do that, you know," she tells him smoothly and directly. "Coyotemind, and I'm quite sure Foxmind is the same, don't destroy the mind of those they acquire. They don't 'die' in either, and they tend to remain themselves." She stares at him rather resolute, definitely trying to convince him to change his opinion, at least slightly.<br> <br>"Try to imagine it from our side if you will," Dio returns, shaking his head. "The packmind are a scary bunch, and I've never seen them do any GOOD. Who's to say you're not pulling us in for more delicious food? That's just the implication though, not my true thoughts."
For emphasis, Dio cocks his shotgun, releasing a satisfying CHK-CHK sound and aiming it at Alkain. "I'll go and talk to them and see what I can do. But if you show any signs of turning us over, I'm executing you right then and there. No warning." Unless attacked, the lion wouldn't be foolish enough to fire a weapon in the lobby, and he soon lowers his weapon. "All the packminds could die for all I care. But you, sir, I shall assist. Please understand my position."

Revision as of 05:06, 12 August 2013





A rather warm Augest evening in Fairhaven, most people winding down for the day. Zypher was just switching to night crew when in through the doors comes a Demonic Fox! A few of the agents insead jump up at his bursting in, wondering what the commotion could be about. No alarms, no security, so there can't be too much to worry about.

Alkain pants as he bursts into the lobby, looking like he ran or likely flew very hard to get here quickly, "Someone... We have to help... Please..." between gasps for breath, "They're dying..." he looks very worried as he looks around the room

Acetyl makes its way through the Zephyr building, minding its own business, Iatro schlumping along at its side. Ignoring the odd looks some people gave the small nanite golem, Acetyl is just heading into the lobby to rest and hang out for a while when a Demonic Fox bursts through the doors, shouting. Both Storm Dragon and iatrogenic golem swing their heads in the direction of the noise - the former perking its ears, the latter with no ears to perk, but aware and interested regardless. "Who the what now? Slow down, buddy. Start from the top."

Walking into the room, Arano glances around - he had a long day of exercises and other combat related drills and such. The Solar Dragon's usual shine dulled by some camoflage paint and other stuff to make him less of a walking beacon. He had planned to just walk through the lobby and head home to rest when the demonic fox burst into the room - the words that REALLY caught his attetion where 'they're dying'. Blinking at the fox, the solar dragon asks, "Who is dying? What's going on?"

Finally, a chance to drop-off some paperwork! With a stack of papers clutched in his clawed fingers, Dio begins making his way for the Zephyr building. The shotgun strapped to his back occasionally jingles, papers and the cloth of his suit flopping in the warm summer wind. Now he just needs to turn these papers in and go see his wife... "Huh?" Before he was about to enter the lovely smelling lobby, he notices a fox fly on by. While it didn't seem dangerous, considering the lack of response, the lion certainly wasn't going to take his chances. Folding and stuffing the papers into his pants, Dio unstraps his shotgun and places it in his hands, pointing it down at the floor for now as he goes to see what the commotion was all about. "Hello there," he waves, slowly approaching the growing group. "Is anyone in need of assistance?"

A Kitsune is curled up on one of the couches. Rorne is sleeping there rather soundly, all curled up and comfortable, her tails draped over her to create a small, auburn ball in the corner. However, the commotion catches her attention, and she perks up slowly, yawning gently. She looks about, seeing the crowd growing, and stands up. With a slow stretch, she hops down and, slowly, wanders closer to the group. Something was going on, and she was quite curious as to what. Maybe she could offer some assistance? Hopefully with little changing on her part. Less fun if she needs to show what she prefers to look like and can stay a quad-Kitsune.

At the frantic fox calling out things, Mike comes over and looks him over, "Calm down now, who needs help, and where do they need it?" he asks looking over all the others that approch as well. "What is going on lad, slow down a bit." he says again, and a good deal of other agents join in the sentaments.

Alkain looks to the gathering of people around him and nods in relief as he takes a few more calming breaths, "The... Well, they need help... They'll need food... They're being starved..." he looks to Dio and the others and sighs, "It's the Fox Mind, I'm convinced they just want to live their own way. They don't want to hurt anyone, not really..." he looks sad and worried still

Arano scratches his head, "Fox mind... wait, is this about these packmind things which are like the borg or something... I've never encountered them in person, but explain to me WHY I would want to help them exactly?" he inquires, "Granted, I'm not even sure what they EAT, all I've learned is that they used to be people and now... aren't. But I don't know, just going based on what I heard."

Even Mike was getting in on the action! And a kitsune! Though, now was not the time for idle chit-chat and greeting. Dio lowers his shotgun a little more, but still keeps his distance away from the crowd, especially after hearing about a packmind. "Infected by the fox were you," he questions, not quite recognizing Alkain in his new form. "If they're being starved NOW, then that implies they had a good source of food earlier. What was it previously? Did they overhunt?"

The Storm Dragon's frown deepens. "Okay, you've got our attention, but I meant it when I said beginning. Who exactly are they? Give us the story, from the top. Tell us what's happening, and why. We can't do much to help without knowing that." As it speaks, it keeps an eye on Iatro, the nanite golem, who is peering very curiously at all the strangers surrounding them. New people! Glancing at Arano, Acetyl adds, "You sound like you understand some of what he's saying. At least some of us do.

Acetyl adds, after a moment, "I mean, if you know why. If you don't, that's okay. But we definitely need the who, what, where, and how, at least."

A few back away at the idea of a packmind, though Mike stays near, "Come now, being starved out, how do you starve out a packmind? Where are we going, I can get us there, but not if I'm going to wind up being eaten myself." he says, tapping his paw a bit, "Come now lad, do give us the story." he says again.

Rorne stops in her tracks as she hears 'Foxmind.' She had already been to Oregon, and she was already infected. She is quite sure that she doesn't want to even tempt it. She enjoys the packmind she is in already, as it's like a second home to her. Nonetheless, she continues, stopping a bit short of the Demonic Fox as she looks them over. As long as they don't get hostile, and nothing else from any Packmind attacks, she's good. She remains completely silent, though, and only sits calmly, her tails flowing gently.

Alkain shakes his head at Arano and frowns, "Yes, the packmind and their still in a collective consciousness. I've seen it." he looks to Dio and nods at that, "Yes, Dio. It's the camp of 'survivors'," he practically growls it out, "That are starving them. They had hunting grounds but the group took it, they won't share." he looks to Ace and frowns, more "They just need food, they don't need Biomass to survive, I don't think." he looks to Mike and ponders, "It's near the survivor camp in Oregon, the one fighting the packminds."

Arano scratches his head again and says, "OK... so once again I ask - why should I help them? I mean, they used to be people, then were forced to be a part of this collective consciousness that destroys thier individual identities so far as I'm aware. I'm curious about WHY we should be saving them instead of making preperations to dance upon their collective graves... if my understanding of packminds is completely off do tell me, but for now I'm pondering looting party supplies." It's clear that the solar dragon is very unmotivated right now - perhaps due to misinformation, but for now it's clear his help - and in turn the help of his 25mm rifle - would require incentive.

Acetyl closes its eyes for a moment, rubbing at the base of its horn. After a moment, it emits a short, clipped sigh, then looks up again. "At this point, I'm getting the idea I've been left out of the loop. I've kept to my own business for the most part up until now. Can someone maybe summarize this story a bit? What exactly is a packmind, who are the survivors, and why are they killing each other?"

Looking less then impressed with the evidence so far, Mike stands with Arano and Acetyl, "Yes, if these are those mind piliging, body taking horriors I've heard about, why should we help them? You say you are convinced that they just want to just live in peace, that isn't the kind of creatures I've heard about, why should we take your word on it?" he asks, it seems Alkain has quite a bit of convincing to do.

Rorne gently shakes her head at Arano's explanation. She knew that something was off with that description. The Coyotemind didn't even attempt to destroy her mind at all, and let her go easily. Maybe, if no one else says a word about it, she'll be forced to explain. In any case, she already does empathize with the Foxmind, and, unless it involves her getting infected by them, she'd be glad to help. She stands up once more, gently approaching the Demonic Fox, whom she lightly begins to nuzzle to show that she's here for them and the Foxmind.

Dio cocks his head to the side after hearing his name. How would he know it? Perhaps he was one of the people he'd met on the Oregon mission. "Alkain?" A random guess, but the voice seemed a bit familiar from the previous times they'd met. "But regardless, that's certainly an interesting problem. I think I know of the place you speak of, sir. Perhaps the courthouse area?" The lion gives his shotgun a good once over, inspecting and preparing for any silly business. "Now what would you like us to do about it? Ask them to leave? They don't seem set on leaving. Kill them all? I'm not quite a murderer... And of course, why should I help a packmind?"

Hearing that people are a little confused on the situation, Dio attempts to explain. "Packminds are an interesting bunch. Different than our own nanites, the packmind nanites take over yours upon infection. Soon enough after infection, you'll join a collective conscious known as a packmind. Very dangerous. I've been on several missions to Oregon if you have any questions."

listens closely to Dio, nodding slowly. Its left hand idly plays with Iatro's anters, smoothing the bony surfaces with its fingers as if the creature were a walking worrystone. "I'm a live and let live type. But I'm not sure I'm ready to... surrender my independence. I'm willing to help anyone who's willing to make it worth my while, for what that's worth,

Arano turning to Dio - recognizing the lion from a few other excursions together in the past - he states the question that he is sure everybody else is asking, "Well... can you come up with any reason WHY we would want to help them as opposed to say... carpet bombing them into oblivion? Perhaps raiding an old nuclear stockpile and using that if we're not certain of the effectiveness of a good old-fashioned carpet bombing?"

Alkain looks to Arano and sighs, "The fox mind doesn't wipe minds, at least not in my experience, it collects them... They are all working together, I believe. So they are still in there, they just usually don't want to come out." he frowns a bit and sighs, "They were human once, just like any other feral... Why are they any different? We feed the ferals, we try to educate them. Why not these ones? Just because they are scary?" he shakes his head and sighs, "They need help, they aren't in the wrong. The survivors are." he shakes his head, "I'm almost convinced that the survivors would take all the mutants out if they could, despite what they say." he looks to Mike and frowns again, "They aren't taking minds, not anymore I think." he blinks as Rorne approaches and nuzzles him, blushing a little, "Uh... Will you help?" he nods to Dio and smiles a little, "Yes, it's Alkain, sorry..." he sighs then, "They aren't the bad guys, I'm not asking you to kill anyone, just give them some food and give them a chance to prove that they are not the bad guys."

Acetyl listens closely to Dio, nodding slowly. Its left hand idly plays with Iatro's anters, smoothing the bony surfaces with its fingers as if the creature were a walking worrystone. "I'm a live and let live type. But I'm not sure I'm ready to... surrender my independence. I'm willing to help anyone who's willing to make it worth my while, for what that's worth," Acetyl adds in a growling, almost dismissive tone. "So long as I'm gonna be around to collect my pay. And so long as they ain't... wrong." That last word comes out in a low, almost feral growl. "Who are these 'survivors'? Why do you think they'd wipe out all mutants? Sounds like people I'd want to pay a visit to regardless of this other packmind shit... if you're right about them." There's a steely glint in the storm dragon's eye now, and a subtle rumble in its voice. Reacting to its companion's shift in tone, the nanite golem shifts restlessly on its weird 'feet', a few glassy and metallic clinking sounds drifting up from its assorted 'anatomy'.

Shaking his head Mike looks over Rorne nuzzling on Alkain, and at Alkain's explenation, "Alright, lets see if we can talk since into both sides if they are willin' to talk, can't take too many supplies or we won't make it out there, but, first sign of trouble, I'm cutting out, with or without you all, can't risk Z's only chopper and their best flyer, so if you comin' get up to the roof and lets go." He says then hops into the elevator himself.

Arano shakes his head and says, "So they take minds and push them into some group consciousness? And I'm sure they walk up to you and politely ask if you'll surrender your brain to them and become just like them for the sake of the greater good or whatever..." It's very clear the solar dragon is absolutely unconvinced, "Ferals don't force you to become like them - these packminds, from the way they're described, once you're in them you're already dead. I'm sorry, but I'm not convinced, and all I've got is your word that it's fine - what are you going to offer next? To pinky-swear they're all good and helping them won't bite me in the ass?"

Rorne gives a simple nod to Alkain when he asks if she's here to help. She gently licks at his fur, a warm smile on her vulpine muzzle, relaxing greatly as he explains. Hopefully, that'll be enough for the people watching. Still, her ears focus backwards, listening intently to what they say, also listening carefully for anything that could be considered hostile. She was going to follow them, probably to Oregon. However, she's going to remain very vigilant, and will escape if trouble starts. She doesn't want to leave the Coyotemind one bit. She stops, however, and looks at Arano. She sighs, and approaches him slowly, her head tilted. "Not all Packminds do that, you know," she tells him smoothly and directly. "Coyotemind, and I'm quite sure Foxmind is the same, don't destroy the mind of those they acquire. They don't 'die' in either, and they tend to remain themselves." She stares at him rather resolute, definitely trying to convince him to change his opinion, at least slightly.

"Try to imagine it from our side if you will," Dio returns, shaking his head. "The packmind are a scary bunch, and I've never seen them do any GOOD. Who's to say you're not pulling us in for more delicious food? That's just the implication though, not my true thoughts."

For emphasis, Dio cocks his shotgun, releasing a satisfying CHK-CHK sound and aiming it at Alkain. "I'll go and talk to them and see what I can do. But if you show any signs of turning us over, I'm executing you right then and there. No warning." Unless attacked, the lion wouldn't be foolish enough to fire a weapon in the lobby, and he soon lowers his weapon. "All the packminds could die for all I care. But you, sir, I shall assist. Please understand my position."