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<div></div><br> <br>It's a clear afternoon the one that sees the first group to finally land on Clairmont. The trip was a long one, many hours between them and Fairhaven now. The journey was a quiet one, no one threatened the safety of the group across the wastelands and their low level of nanites and inhabitants. And then, they are finally here. No one of them can miss how the nanites aren't affecting their bodies and minds as usual, instead a tranquillity seems to embrace their bodies, no heat or lust fogging their mind. And they are here, pioneers in this devastated land. At the end of the landing bad there is a fox, resting her back against a wall with a light smirk on her mind, likely waiting for the group to get accustomed with the different 'air' of this place.<br> <br>Snowblind gives a large streach of her arms and her legs as she finaly is able to move out and about again. That long ride started to cause a cramp or two in the taur's legs it seems as she gives a polite nod to the fox when she finaly spots her. A few more kicks of a rear leg to get the blood flowing back to it and then Snow looks at the others she arived with on this trip. "Defently seems to smell better, I just hope I have not been too spoiled so that I can still do my job properly in keeping you all patched up."<br> <br>Rosalyn clambers out the transport door next, giving her wings a wide stretch above her before folding them down against her back once more. She stretches her arms out behind her while taking a long, clear breath, doing a slow circle on the pad while taking in the scenery of this place from the ground level. "Well, hopefully we won't have any need of your services during this trip, Snowblind!"<br> <br>Balina makes some exaggerated gestures as she clambers out, cracking joints and digging bits of collected icy dandruff that accumulated over the long ride from her fur. Enough time was spent on small-talk and awkward silences on the voyage that the moof is happy to see any new faces, giving a wave from just outside the transport while doing what would probably be jumping jacks on a more normalish figure. "Most things smell better than Fairhaven. Or the inside of a transport full of weirdos. Not sure we have a good comparison yet."<br> <br>Skize seems more than eager to be free of the confines of the vehicle, which was never intended for someone with wings and tail to ride in. He'd altered himself for a more comfortable fit, but now free, those appendages reform slowly. Normally he would have flown under his own power, but the flight was also a chance to meet the others going on this journey with them. He meets up with Rosalyn and also surveys the scene around them.<br> <br>Russell finally speaks up, after remining in that uber-disiplined silence that held him trhough most of the trip. "So this is Clairmont...." He chuckels a bit  at Balina's comment, and quips, "Well, in retrospect, I shoulda stayed human. You're not alone there. Balina." He sniffs the air. "At elast it's not the Zephyr Lobby. That alone has some value." His ears flick. "Just how 'established' is this place?"<br> <br>The city show the first signs of reconstruction, the prideful work of the 'children', the new generations born after the P-day, sent here a month ago to prepare the place and make it inhabitable. For sure, Balina can spot here and there some familiar faces and muzzles, some of them noticing their mother and smiling, waving her hands and paws before resuming to load the helicopter. The spotted fox smiles a bit as she gets closer, wearing some ragged jeans and a black shirt, a bit too lose for her small frame. "Hi there!" she yips friendly, getting closer to the group, "I'm Sarah, one of the squad leaders of Clairmont. I hope you had a safe travel from Fairhaven. Any news from that city?". She looks at each of the people gathered here, checking on her pad before turning her muzzle to Russell, "We are  established to the point of having a roof above our head, having those machineries working and about to have a place to drink. I think you won't miss much your city." she says with a bit of pride in her voice, pride for her and her friends' hard work.<br> <br>Upon standing next to the other draconic, Skize pauses to cast an incredulous sideways glance towards Balina. "Well, here we are," he states the obvious in his usual raspy, deep pitched voice, now finally out of earshot of others. "I hope you still think this trip was worth it, Rosalyn."<br> <br>"I hope so as well." Snow says before listing into Sarah's interduction of the city. She gives a smile and nods as she aproches and offers a hand to shake the small foxes. "A good start, how might we all be able to help? I have a few ideas but mostly I am just glad to get out and about again." Snow purrs before she gives another look around. With a glance to the others again she then asks, "Mind if by the end of today I look for a spot to set up a small little first aid tent?"<br> <br>Balina finishes posturing and embellishing her own stiffness, ambling over and offering a hand in parallel to Snowblind's. "Was almost afraid Z had forgotten about the place, to be honest," she muses distractedly, looking around to nod and wave at familiar faces. "I didn't think there was going to be much support, but there's been a lot of work for just, what, six months?"<br> <br>Rosalyn turns towards Skize, keeping her voice low. "Oh, you don't see the possibilities here? Rebuilding a resource economy from the ground up, outside the shadow of Zephyr Tower? Trust me, this will work out well." She turns back toward the welcoming fox, striding over and offering her own greeting. "Good to see a welcome ready for us. I'm not sure how well you were briefed, but I'm Rosalyn, and the one behind me is Skize."<br> <br>Russell nods a bit, and also offers a hand to shake Sarah's. "I see. So you're woking on a water supply then? I might be able to help you there." He looks over to Balina, "Yeah, Z's priorities are a mystery." nods to Rosalyn. "Yeah, they have more influence then I'd like to see, at least." <br> <br>Skize bows his head politely towards the fox in greeting, and smiles friendily enough. <br> <br>"A bit less, actually, miss Balina." Sarah replies friendly while shaking hands, before turning to Rosalyn, "I have a brief dossier of all of you.. the one from the time you accepted to join this project. And of course we need all the help we can get, both from you and from the future groups. For the most part, the basic needs are covered, as well as the starting infrastructures. The resources collected a couple of months ago allowed us to prepare properly the ground for you all. And we can offer more than just a first aid tent.. we have a proper place. While we hadn't fights with the local feral.. yet.. most building were in a bad shape and injuries were not uncommon. As fast as we can heal, we preferred to not take risks.". The fox takes a small pause, studying for a moment all the members of the group before resuming, "We managed to work on the  old hotel to make it a proper place to sleep in. We have a small clinic, the factory and the farm running. The mines are in a good shape, and we managed to fix most of the holes on the roads. But... We are running on the supplies we got from you all. We are not able to support ourself yet, and most of our repair were emergency ones. Your skills and your knowledge will be greatly needed and appreciated, because they will make the different between a success or a failure. The factions won't support us more than what they already did. It's up to us now."<br> <br>Snowblind gives a bigger smile as the clinic is mintoned. "Ok, well then I will have to check it out later. So mostly we have to get the food supply and some releaf to make sure that this place can keep the ferals out." She pauses and giving another look at those that came with her before strighting out her jacket. "This place is already better but at the same time we are going to have to keep it that way. So we should also think about setting up a few ground rules all the factions can agree upon at some point."<br> <br>Balina breaks her smile for a brief moment, looking back to the helicopter that the team arrived in. Upon confirming that, no, it's not leaving or self-destructing, she returns to an almost dreamy grin. "I may have misheard, but I think someone just mentioned six months without having to bite anyone. I'm afraid I won't really know what to do with myself; why did you need me here again?"<br> <br>Russell says, "I'll have to see about what I can spare from the base supplies. Then again, it'd help if I knew what was needed most." Snowblind gets a nod and smile from the vulpine. "Yeah, better sooner then later on that. I'm sure we're not going to be able to please everyone, but we can try." He smiles at balina, "You're the groups free air conidtioning!" Considering his form choice at the moment, it's a bit hypicritical.<br> <br>Rosalyn seems to be running through a mental checklist as she taps her digits in sequence. "Basic raw materials -- food, ore, and so on. Probably need to establish refinement and synthesis facilities, proper maintenance routines..." She blinks and shakes her head a bit, coming out of her reverie as she looks over to Snowblind. "Oh yes, ground rules sound like an excellent idea. The more diverse elements that begin working here together, the more important it is to make sure we're all operating on the same level of understanding."<br> <br>"Yes, I'm hoping we can get settled in soon. I'm looking forward to doing a bit of recon." Skize extends his wings to emphasize his point. "That is, unless there is something else that needs more urgent attention."<br> <br>Aidan listens to all the questions or considerations before replying with a half smile, "Yes, six months without having to bite anyone.. but we didn't pushed our influence beyond the city's ruins. One day, we'll have to start to explore actively the surrounding area. And we don't know what we'll find out there. Meanwhile.. I'm pretty sure that someone with your skill will be definitely useful. Some of my friends said that you are quite a good teacher.. and a skillful researcher.". The fox gives a wink before replying to the ground rules, "The ground rules are already set.. I think you got briefed back then at the meeting. Otherwise, I'll have to get angry at someone for not doing his or her job. Anyway.. the ground rules are simple: If you are outside, you keep your clothes on. Or at least give out the impression that you are trying to. We know that certain forms are less comfortable with clothes on.. but at least, respect for those around you and.. to look more than just some civilized beast. With this come closer the second rule.. sexual activities are private. What you do in your room is only yours, but keep it there. Flirting, kissing and affections are fine. Wild horniness is not tolerate, and is the fastest way to earn a ticket back home. Afterall, I think you noticed it already.. here the heat isn't that mad-driving as it's in Fairhaven. Third rule, work and collaborate for the good of the city. It doesn't matter if you are from RSX, Zephyr or if you are a prometheans, the city and its inhabitants come first. More, the success of this project will bring benefits for all the factions, so we are quite protected against sabotages. You have a RSX office in the industrial area with a wi-fi, the Zephyr's Bazaar is just east from here.". <br> <br>Snowblind softly mewls, "It has been a very long time since I have used a computer. But good to know that those rules where given to everyone. I was not sure but I defently agree to those rules and am here to help. Other then that I agree with Rosalyn, it looks like we are in good position to set up the basice before the other groups start to arive." Snow gives a small grin and turns to Balina for a second. "Hey just because you don't have to bite people does not mean we can't find somthing for a science based Moof to do. Other then what Russell said of course."<br> <br>Russell says, "Of course, Aidan. Can't see anything wrong with those Rules. Heck, it'll be nice to be able to keep what's private, private." He grins and glances around at the others, "I'm sure We'll all put forward the effort needed to get this place back on it's feet." He thinks some, and says, "Might look around for a good spot for a warehouse or factory or something. Bet Cat would like it here."<br> <br>Balina keeps on with the slightly detached grin, her attention waylaid by memories of a multicolored goo-Bal trying to pretend to be modest years ago. Snowblind's reminders jerk her back to reality, and there's a brief moment of realistic vertigo. "Could have sworn someone mentioned snowstorms here in the briefing. Was confusing then, too. But sure, I'd be happy to do something that actually gives me a chance to get bored again. Seems like a novelty these days."<br> <br>Rosalyn nods in acknowledgement at the reiteration of the 'ground rules', and glances around to confirm that none of it is news to the others as well. Rubbing her palms together eagerly, she looks back to Sarah. "Well then, shall we have a tour of what you've been able to get set up in the last few months, before we get settled in?"<br> <br>Skize looks very interested, eager even, as he shifts in place restlessly. He casts a furtive glance down at himself, as if checking to make sure the minimal amount of simulated clothing he wears is sufficiently modest. At least his flight form is completely internal, there shouldn't be any concern there, he tells himself.<br> <br>"Beside this.. well, if you have questions now it's the time for them." Sarah yips, "I think that I'll leave the exploration of the city to yourself after this meeting. It's a safe place, and unless you start digging in some ruined building, you are safe. Or if you go outside the city. And regarding this.. yes, I need to know which area of competence you want to cover. For example, I'm the representative of the repair team, so I'll coordinate our work with those of you interested in the more.. mechanical part of the reconstruction.". The fox gives a smile to Ros, before resuming, "Or, for example the defense squad leader, my sister Audrey, will coordinate those interested in exploring and retcon the area. You can't miss her, an anubian with golden wings.". Sarah tips her chin for a bit, "We need to organize the activities to offer to you all the opportunity to do your best at the best of your skills. Even if, should we need some extra help in some department, we can ask for your help for other activities."<br> <br>Snowblind nods and takes a deep breath with both of her sets of lungs. Letting it out slowly she wanders over and gives Sarah a hug and then Balina as well. She offer, but does not force, a hug to the rest of the group as well as she softly purrs out, "Well I defently want to set up my little corner of the clinic before I look for your sister, I am not much of a fighter but I will always offer my service to those that do." With a bit of a pause she folds her ears back and gives a small grin. "But you did not just tell a currious kitty to not go somewhere now did you?"<br> <br>Russell says, "I'm flexible, and can help around in a veriety of places. I can see about helping repair or clear buildings. Maybe put in an airstrip, sending supplies by rotorcraft isn't terribly efficient." He thinks some, and says, "Aside form that, just let me know."
<div></div><br> <br>It's a clear afternoon the one that sees the first group to finally land on Clairmont. The trip was a long one, many hours between them and Fairhaven now. The journey was a quiet one, no one threatened the safety of the group across the wastelands and their low level of nanites and inhabitants. And then, they are finally here. No one of them can miss how the nanites aren't affecting their bodies and minds as usual, instead a tranquillity seems to embrace their bodies, no heat or lust fogging their mind. And they are here, pioneers in this devastated land. At the end of the landing bad there is a fox, resting her back against a wall with a light smirk on her mind, likely waiting for the group to get accustomed with the different 'air' of this place.<br> <br>Snowblind gives a large streach of her arms and her legs as she finaly is able to move out and about again. That long ride started to cause a cramp or two in the taur's legs it seems as she gives a polite nod to the fox when she finaly spots her. A few more kicks of a rear leg to get the blood flowing back to it and then Snow looks at the others she arived with on this trip. "Defently seems to smell better, I just hope I have not been too spoiled so that I can still do my job properly in keeping you all patched up."<br> <br>Rosalyn clambers out the transport door next, giving her wings a wide stretch above her before folding them down against her back once more. She stretches her arms out behind her while taking a long, clear breath, doing a slow circle on the pad while taking in the scenery of this place from the ground level. "Well, hopefully we won't have any need of your services during this trip, Snowblind!"<br> <br>Balina makes some exaggerated gestures as she clambers out, cracking joints and digging bits of collected icy dandruff that accumulated over the long ride from her fur. Enough time was spent on small-talk and awkward silences on the voyage that the moof is happy to see any new faces, giving a wave from just outside the transport while doing what would probably be jumping jacks on a more normalish figure. "Most things smell better than Fairhaven. Or the inside of a transport full of weirdos. Not sure we have a good comparison yet."<br> <br>Skize seems more than eager to be free of the confines of the vehicle, which was never intended for someone with wings and tail to ride in. He'd altered himself for a more comfortable fit, but now free, those appendages reform slowly. Normally he would have flown under his own power, but the flight was also a chance to meet the others going on this journey with them. He meets up with Rosalyn and also surveys the scene around them.<br> <br>Russell finally speaks up, after remining in that uber-disiplined silence that held him trhough most of the trip. "So this is Clairmont...." He chuckels a bit  at Balina's comment, and quips, "Well, in retrospect, I shoulda stayed human. You're not alone there. Balina." He sniffs the air. "At elast it's not the Zephyr Lobby. That alone has some value." His ears flick. "Just how 'established' is this place?"<br> <br>The city show the first signs of reconstruction, the prideful work of the 'children', the new generations born after the P-day, sent here a month ago to prepare the place and make it inhabitable. For sure, Balina can spot here and there some familiar faces and muzzles, some of them noticing their mother and smiling, waving her hands and paws before resuming to load the helicopter. The spotted fox smiles a bit as she gets closer, wearing some ragged jeans and a black shirt, a bit too lose for her small frame. "Hi there!" she yips friendly, getting closer to the group, "I'm Sarah, one of the squad leaders of Clairmont. I hope you had a safe travel from Fairhaven. Any news from that city?". She looks at each of the people gathered here, checking on her pad before turning her muzzle to Russell, "We are  established to the point of having a roof above our head, having those machineries working and about to have a place to drink. I think you won't miss much your city." she says with a bit of pride in her voice, pride for her and her friends' hard work.<br> <br>Upon standing next to the other draconic, Skize pauses to cast an incredulous sideways glance towards Balina. "Well, here we are," he states the obvious in his usual raspy, deep pitched voice, now finally out of earshot of others. "I hope you still think this trip was worth it, Rosalyn."<br> <br>"I hope so as well." Snow says before listing into Sarah's interduction of the city. She gives a smile and nods as she aproches and offers a hand to shake the small foxes. "A good start, how might we all be able to help? I have a few ideas but mostly I am just glad to get out and about again." Snow purrs before she gives another look around. With a glance to the others again she then asks, "Mind if by the end of today I look for a spot to set up a small little first aid tent?"<br> <br>Balina finishes posturing and embellishing her own stiffness, ambling over and offering a hand in parallel to Snowblind's. "Was almost afraid Z had forgotten about the place, to be honest," she muses distractedly, looking around to nod and wave at familiar faces. "I didn't think there was going to be much support, but there's been a lot of work for just, what, six months?"<br> <br>Rosalyn turns towards Skize, keeping her voice low. "Oh, you don't see the possibilities here? Rebuilding a resource economy from the ground up, outside the shadow of Zephyr Tower? Trust me, this will work out well." She turns back toward the welcoming fox, striding over and offering her own greeting. "Good to see a welcome ready for us. I'm not sure how well you were briefed, but I'm Rosalyn, and the one behind me is Skize."<br> <br>Russell nods a bit, and also offers a hand to shake Sarah's. "I see. So you're woking on a water supply then? I might be able to help you there." He looks over to Balina, "Yeah, Z's priorities are a mystery." nods to Rosalyn. "Yeah, they have more influence then I'd like to see, at least." <br> <br>Skize bows his head politely towards the fox in greeting, and smiles friendily enough. <br> <br>"A bit less, actually, miss Balina." Sarah replies friendly while shaking hands, before turning to Rosalyn, "I have a brief dossier of all of you.. the one from the time you accepted to join this project. And of course we need all the help we can get, both from you and from the future groups. For the most part, the basic needs are covered, as well as the starting infrastructures. The resources collected a couple of months ago allowed us to prepare properly the ground for you all. And we can offer more than just a first aid tent.. we have a proper place. While we hadn't fights with the local feral.. yet.. most building were in a bad shape and injuries were not uncommon. As fast as we can heal, we preferred to not take risks.". The fox takes a small pause, studying for a moment all the members of the group before resuming, "We managed to work on the  old hotel to make it a proper place to sleep in. We have a small clinic, the factory and the farm running. The mines are in a good shape, and we managed to fix most of the holes on the roads. But... We are running on the supplies we got from you all. We are not able to support ourself yet, and most of our repair were emergency ones. Your skills and your knowledge will be greatly needed and appreciated, because they will make the different between a success or a failure. The factions won't support us more than what they already did. It's up to us now."<br> <br>Snowblind gives a bigger smile as the clinic is mintoned. "Ok, well then I will have to check it out later. So mostly we have to get the food supply and some releaf to make sure that this place can keep the ferals out." She pauses and giving another look at those that came with her before strighting out her jacket. "This place is already better but at the same time we are going to have to keep it that way. So we should also think about setting up a few ground rules all the factions can agree upon at some point."<br> <br>Balina breaks her smile for a brief moment, looking back to the helicopter that the team arrived in. Upon confirming that, no, it's not leaving or self-destructing, she returns to an almost dreamy grin. "I may have misheard, but I think someone just mentioned six months without having to bite anyone. I'm afraid I won't really know what to do with myself; why did you need me here again?"<br> <br>Russell says, "I'll have to see about what I can spare from the base supplies. Then again, it'd help if I knew what was needed most." Snowblind gets a nod and smile from the vulpine. "Yeah, better sooner then later on that. I'm sure we're not going to be able to please everyone, but we can try." He smiles at balina, "You're the groups free air conidtioning!" Considering his form choice at the moment, it's a bit hypicritical.<br> <br>Rosalyn seems to be running through a mental checklist as she taps her digits in sequence. "Basic raw materials -- food, ore, and so on. Probably need to establish refinement and synthesis facilities, proper maintenance routines..." She blinks and shakes her head a bit, coming out of her reverie as she looks over to Snowblind. "Oh yes, ground rules sound like an excellent idea. The more diverse elements that begin working here together, the more important it is to make sure we're all operating on the same level of understanding."<br> <br>"Yes, I'm hoping we can get settled in soon. I'm looking forward to doing a bit of recon." Skize extends his wings to emphasize his point. "That is, unless there is something else that needs more urgent attention."<br> <br>Aidan listens to all the questions or considerations before replying with a half smile, "Yes, six months without having to bite anyone.. but we didn't pushed our influence beyond the city's ruins. One day, we'll have to start to explore actively the surrounding area. And we don't know what we'll find out there. Meanwhile.. I'm pretty sure that someone with your skill will be definitely useful. Some of my friends said that you are quite a good teacher.. and a skillful researcher.". The fox gives a wink before replying to the ground rules, "The ground rules are already set.. I think you got briefed back then at the meeting. Otherwise, I'll have to get angry at someone for not doing his or her job. Anyway.. the ground rules are simple: If you are outside, you keep your clothes on. Or at least give out the impression that you are trying to. We know that certain forms are less comfortable with clothes on.. but at least, respect for those around you and.. to look more than just some civilized beast. With this come closer the second rule.. sexual activities are private. What you do in your room is only yours, but keep it there. Flirting, kissing and affections are fine. Wild horniness is not tolerate, and is the fastest way to earn a ticket back home. Afterall, I think you noticed it already.. here the heat isn't that mad-driving as it's in Fairhaven. Third rule, work and collaborate for the good of the city. It doesn't matter if you are from RSX, Zephyr or if you are a prometheans, the city and its inhabitants come first. More, the success of this project will bring benefits for all the factions, so we are quite protected against sabotages. You have a RSX office in the industrial area with a wi-fi, the Zephyr's Bazaar is just east from here.". <br> <br>Snowblind softly mewls, "It has been a very long time since I have used a computer. But good to know that those rules where given to everyone. I was not sure but I defently agree to those rules and am here to help. Other then that I agree with Rosalyn, it looks like we are in good position to set up the basice before the other groups start to arive." Snow gives a small grin and turns to Balina for a second. "Hey just because you don't have to bite people does not mean we can't find somthing for a science based Moof to do. Other then what Russell said of course."<br> <br>Russell says, "Of course, Aidan. Can't see anything wrong with those Rules. Heck, it'll be nice to be able to keep what's private, private." He grins and glances around at the others, "I'm sure We'll all put forward the effort needed to get this place back on it's feet." He thinks some, and says, "Might look around for a good spot for a warehouse or factory or something. Bet Cat would like it here."<br> <br>Balina keeps on with the slightly detached grin, her attention waylaid by memories of a multicolored goo-Bal trying to pretend to be modest years ago. Snowblind's reminders jerk her back to reality, and there's a brief moment of realistic vertigo. "Could have sworn someone mentioned snowstorms here in the briefing. Was confusing then, too. But sure, I'd be happy to do something that actually gives me a chance to get bored again. Seems like a novelty these days."<br> <br>Rosalyn nods in acknowledgement at the reiteration of the 'ground rules', and glances around to confirm that none of it is news to the others as well. Rubbing her palms together eagerly, she looks back to Sarah. "Well then, shall we have a tour of what you've been able to get set up in the last few months, before we get settled in?"<br> <br>Skize looks very interested, eager even, as he shifts in place restlessly. He casts a furtive glance down at himself, as if checking to make sure the minimal amount of simulated clothing he wears is sufficiently modest. At least his flight form is completely internal, there shouldn't be any concern there, he tells himself.<br> <br>"Beside this.. well, if you have questions now it's the time for them." Sarah yips, "I think that I'll leave the exploration of the city to yourself after this meeting. It's a safe place, and unless you start digging in some ruined building, you are safe. Or if you go outside the city. And regarding this.. yes, I need to know which area of competence you want to cover. For example, I'm the representative of the repair team, so I'll coordinate our work with those of you interested in the more.. mechanical part of the reconstruction.". The fox gives a smile to Ros, before resuming, "Or, for example the defense squad leader, my sister Audrey, will coordinate those interested in exploring and retcon the area. You can't miss her, an anubian with golden wings.". Sarah tips her chin for a bit, "We need to organize the activities to offer to you all the opportunity to do your best at the best of your skills. Even if, should we need some extra help in some department, we can ask for your help for other activities."<br> <br>Snowblind nods and takes a deep breath with both of her sets of lungs. Letting it out slowly she wanders over and gives Sarah a hug and then Balina as well. She offer, but does not force, a hug to the rest of the group as well as she softly purrs out, "Well I defently want to set up my little corner of the clinic before I look for your sister, I am not much of a fighter but I will always offer my service to those that do." With a bit of a pause she folds her ears back and gives a small grin. "But you did not just tell a currious kitty to not go somewhere now did you?"<br> <br>Russell says, "I'm flexible, and can help around in a veriety of places. I can see about helping repair or clear buildings. Maybe put in an airstrip, sending supplies by rotorcraft isn't terribly efficient." He thinks some, and says, "Aside form that, just let me know."<br> <br>Balina is so conflicted! "On the one hand," she says with a gesture, "it sounded like you were practically giving me a retirement package. On the other," one paw gestures, "despite not NEEDING to bite anyone, you've just told me there are places I shouldn't go stick my nose. So I am honor-bound to do so. On the third," this is just getting silly, "I haven't actually caught wind of anything out of the ordinary beyond normal people-smells." Brief pause. Last paw finds a place to make a presenting motion. "Which means I need to go find where they're hiding. Fuck. Just... make sure there's room for me to go curl up afterward in the boring places, okay?"<br> <br>Rosalyn accepts Snowblind's hug, and turns toward Sarah. "Well, you already know where I'll be, it seems. Although I am willing to help provide support in security or recon when needed as well-- as long as it doesn't take too much time away from production, that is!"<br> <br>Skize seems momentarily taken back as the silver leopard approaches him. But that moment of hesitation passes, and despite his apparent gruffness, his expression softens. He hugs Snowblind back in turn, even nuzzling in a friendly way as the fellow mutant moves on. Afterwards  he looks to Sarah, and then back to Rosalyn. "Same here. Though I'm sure my technical skills may be of good use. You'll have to brief me on what the current state of the infrastructure is like. Otherwise, you might want to point me in the general direction of where Audrey is."<br> <br>"It's for your safety, miss Snowblind. Most building are not stable right now, and they are dangerous and in need to be grounded. We have a lot of more interesting places for you to explore, for example the area near the farm." Sarah explains, trying to remind that this place is still quite in ruins beside few important buildings. Then, the fox takes out her pad and starts to type in, "Miss Snowblind.. Defense and Development groups. Russell and miss Rosalyn.. Defense and Rebuild squads. Balina..." and here the fox sighs a bit before chuckling a bit, "Research, Defense and Social Teams. I'm a bit scared of thinking of you and miss Sil in the same room.". The fox checks the list once again, "Alright, so to let you know. I'm for the rebuild group and I'm usually around the RSX offices in the industrial area. Audrey, in charge for the defense squad, is in the hut in the southern part of the city, near the gates. Luna is in charge of the Research group... right now she's at the town hall, until we'll have a safe place for the labs. Finally, Claire is the referent for the social and development team. I think you can find her in the clinic area or at the pub, once it'll be rebuilt.". The fox puts away the pad and smiles, "Any questions before I'll see you disappear in the streets to explore the place?"<br> <br>"Oh a Pub." Snow purrs andtakes out a sketchpad to take notes down on. A few notes here and there before she looks back up and tilts her head. "Oh and don't worry, I know it is dangrous but just a small part of me always wants to go off and do what I am not suposed to do. My one and only question though is this: If we get this place a little better supplied are there any ristrictions about bringing family over here?"<br> <br>Russell respond, "So I'll want to talk to Yourself or Audrey to get assingments or reports." He half asks, half states. Snow gets a glance. "Yeah, I'm curious about that. I've got my own family fairly safe, but this place would be safer then my base." He ponders a bit, silently. "Good to know there's a Pub, too. I'm a crappy cook."<br> <br>Rosalyn takes note of the names and locations. "I might lend a hand with the Research group from time to time as well, depending on how it aligns with reconstruction," she adds. Her wings rise a bit behind her, half-mantled at the prospect of exploring the area. "I don't have any other questions, for now!"<br> <br>"Me either. It looks like we have our work cut out for us then!" Skize explaims, and looks about, seemingly eager to get off this helipad and explore this new territory.<br> <br>"Man, there had *better* not be rules against family..." chortles Balina, making mental and physical notes as she soaks in information and tries to piece together what gaps she won't be able to fill later. "It sounds like my lineage fit in better than expected, so I think that most of the questions I may have will get answered while I'm trying to catch up. Thank you anyway, though I suppose I should ask which way to the labs, first."<br> <br>"If your family follows the rules, they are welcomed." Sarah replies kindly, before darkening a bit, "But it's not a safe place, nor a place where life is easy. We had times when we were suffering famine. Or when we almost lost a squad when the river overflowed. And still, there are those ferals out there." The fox makes a pause, shaking slowly her head, "They haven't attacked us, but we clearly spotted few of them carrying weapons like spears or blades. And Audrey can't shake off the feeling that they are studying us as much as we are studying them. Or that they are definitely involved in the disappearance of the former inhabitants of this city. Yes, your families are welcomed. But not take this for a little piece of heaven. We are on the earth, harsh and dangerous. And we are fighting for our future."<br> <br>Snowblind gives another nod and then put up her pad that she was taking notes on. "I will warn them that it will not be easy. And I don't know if we will ever figure out why this place was abonded but I hope we can figure that out so as to not repeat it." She sighs slightly and then looks towards where she was told the clinic would be. "That is all for my question right now though. Thank you Sarah."<br> <br>Russell hrms a bit, "I see. So this is a bit of the wild west. I'll have to keep an eye out for those ferals." He goes quiet then, making mental notes about what he'd heard, "So, I haven't had too much time to read the intel I was given, how many folks currently live here, anyway? I'd imagine it's smaller then Fairhaven and Woodfield, as well."<br> <br>Balina snorts briefly, shaking her head as she files her little black book back onto her belt. "A bunch of feral tool-users. This is going to get real interesting, real fast. Not to mention a chance to set up shop in a bigger studio than what we could cobble together inside New Ireland's walls. I'm almost amazed Eithne isn't springing out of my pack to start bouncing off the walls in excitement."<br> <br>"It sounds like a good idea to travel in pairs, at the very least, when near the outskirts of the town." Rosalyn takes a look at Skize, behind her. "Luckily, there seem to be two of us with wings at the moment, so a flight around to get our bearings isn't out of the question!"<br> <br>Skize happened to be staring at Rosalyn's tail the moment she turned to look at him. He averts his gaze abruptly. "Hmm? Ah.. yes, that was what I was thinking too."<br> <br>"At least in pairs, squads might be safter yet." Russell says, "And be sure to carry weapons." He looks to Rosalyn, "Well, flying around to observe and get bearings is a good Idea, but I don't have wings. I kinda rely on macheines for that." The fox rubs his chin and ear thoughtfully.

Revision as of 00:17, 25 May 2013





It's a clear afternoon the one that sees the first group to finally land on Clairmont. The trip was a long one, many hours between them and Fairhaven now. The journey was a quiet one, no one threatened the safety of the group across the wastelands and their low level of nanites and inhabitants. And then, they are finally here. No one of them can miss how the nanites aren't affecting their bodies and minds as usual, instead a tranquillity seems to embrace their bodies, no heat or lust fogging their mind. And they are here, pioneers in this devastated land. At the end of the landing bad there is a fox, resting her back against a wall with a light smirk on her mind, likely waiting for the group to get accustomed with the different 'air' of this place.

Snowblind gives a large streach of her arms and her legs as she finaly is able to move out and about again. That long ride started to cause a cramp or two in the taur's legs it seems as she gives a polite nod to the fox when she finaly spots her. A few more kicks of a rear leg to get the blood flowing back to it and then Snow looks at the others she arived with on this trip. "Defently seems to smell better, I just hope I have not been too spoiled so that I can still do my job properly in keeping you all patched up."

Rosalyn clambers out the transport door next, giving her wings a wide stretch above her before folding them down against her back once more. She stretches her arms out behind her while taking a long, clear breath, doing a slow circle on the pad while taking in the scenery of this place from the ground level. "Well, hopefully we won't have any need of your services during this trip, Snowblind!"

Balina makes some exaggerated gestures as she clambers out, cracking joints and digging bits of collected icy dandruff that accumulated over the long ride from her fur. Enough time was spent on small-talk and awkward silences on the voyage that the moof is happy to see any new faces, giving a wave from just outside the transport while doing what would probably be jumping jacks on a more normalish figure. "Most things smell better than Fairhaven. Or the inside of a transport full of weirdos. Not sure we have a good comparison yet."

Skize seems more than eager to be free of the confines of the vehicle, which was never intended for someone with wings and tail to ride in. He'd altered himself for a more comfortable fit, but now free, those appendages reform slowly. Normally he would have flown under his own power, but the flight was also a chance to meet the others going on this journey with them. He meets up with Rosalyn and also surveys the scene around them.

Russell finally speaks up, after remining in that uber-disiplined silence that held him trhough most of the trip. "So this is Clairmont...." He chuckels a bit at Balina's comment, and quips, "Well, in retrospect, I shoulda stayed human. You're not alone there. Balina." He sniffs the air. "At elast it's not the Zephyr Lobby. That alone has some value." His ears flick. "Just how 'established' is this place?"

The city show the first signs of reconstruction, the prideful work of the 'children', the new generations born after the P-day, sent here a month ago to prepare the place and make it inhabitable. For sure, Balina can spot here and there some familiar faces and muzzles, some of them noticing their mother and smiling, waving her hands and paws before resuming to load the helicopter. The spotted fox smiles a bit as she gets closer, wearing some ragged jeans and a black shirt, a bit too lose for her small frame. "Hi there!" she yips friendly, getting closer to the group, "I'm Sarah, one of the squad leaders of Clairmont. I hope you had a safe travel from Fairhaven. Any news from that city?". She looks at each of the people gathered here, checking on her pad before turning her muzzle to Russell, "We are established to the point of having a roof above our head, having those machineries working and about to have a place to drink. I think you won't miss much your city." she says with a bit of pride in her voice, pride for her and her friends' hard work.

Upon standing next to the other draconic, Skize pauses to cast an incredulous sideways glance towards Balina. "Well, here we are," he states the obvious in his usual raspy, deep pitched voice, now finally out of earshot of others. "I hope you still think this trip was worth it, Rosalyn."

"I hope so as well." Snow says before listing into Sarah's interduction of the city. She gives a smile and nods as she aproches and offers a hand to shake the small foxes. "A good start, how might we all be able to help? I have a few ideas but mostly I am just glad to get out and about again." Snow purrs before she gives another look around. With a glance to the others again she then asks, "Mind if by the end of today I look for a spot to set up a small little first aid tent?"

Balina finishes posturing and embellishing her own stiffness, ambling over and offering a hand in parallel to Snowblind's. "Was almost afraid Z had forgotten about the place, to be honest," she muses distractedly, looking around to nod and wave at familiar faces. "I didn't think there was going to be much support, but there's been a lot of work for just, what, six months?"

Rosalyn turns towards Skize, keeping her voice low. "Oh, you don't see the possibilities here? Rebuilding a resource economy from the ground up, outside the shadow of Zephyr Tower? Trust me, this will work out well." She turns back toward the welcoming fox, striding over and offering her own greeting. "Good to see a welcome ready for us. I'm not sure how well you were briefed, but I'm Rosalyn, and the one behind me is Skize."

Russell nods a bit, and also offers a hand to shake Sarah's. "I see. So you're woking on a water supply then? I might be able to help you there." He looks over to Balina, "Yeah, Z's priorities are a mystery." nods to Rosalyn. "Yeah, they have more influence then I'd like to see, at least."

Skize bows his head politely towards the fox in greeting, and smiles friendily enough.

"A bit less, actually, miss Balina." Sarah replies friendly while shaking hands, before turning to Rosalyn, "I have a brief dossier of all of you.. the one from the time you accepted to join this project. And of course we need all the help we can get, both from you and from the future groups. For the most part, the basic needs are covered, as well as the starting infrastructures. The resources collected a couple of months ago allowed us to prepare properly the ground for you all. And we can offer more than just a first aid tent.. we have a proper place. While we hadn't fights with the local feral.. yet.. most building were in a bad shape and injuries were not uncommon. As fast as we can heal, we preferred to not take risks.". The fox takes a small pause, studying for a moment all the members of the group before resuming, "We managed to work on the old hotel to make it a proper place to sleep in. We have a small clinic, the factory and the farm running. The mines are in a good shape, and we managed to fix most of the holes on the roads. But... We are running on the supplies we got from you all. We are not able to support ourself yet, and most of our repair were emergency ones. Your skills and your knowledge will be greatly needed and appreciated, because they will make the different between a success or a failure. The factions won't support us more than what they already did. It's up to us now."

Snowblind gives a bigger smile as the clinic is mintoned. "Ok, well then I will have to check it out later. So mostly we have to get the food supply and some releaf to make sure that this place can keep the ferals out." She pauses and giving another look at those that came with her before strighting out her jacket. "This place is already better but at the same time we are going to have to keep it that way. So we should also think about setting up a few ground rules all the factions can agree upon at some point."

Balina breaks her smile for a brief moment, looking back to the helicopter that the team arrived in. Upon confirming that, no, it's not leaving or self-destructing, she returns to an almost dreamy grin. "I may have misheard, but I think someone just mentioned six months without having to bite anyone. I'm afraid I won't really know what to do with myself; why did you need me here again?"

Russell says, "I'll have to see about what I can spare from the base supplies. Then again, it'd help if I knew what was needed most." Snowblind gets a nod and smile from the vulpine. "Yeah, better sooner then later on that. I'm sure we're not going to be able to please everyone, but we can try." He smiles at balina, "You're the groups free air conidtioning!" Considering his form choice at the moment, it's a bit hypicritical.

Rosalyn seems to be running through a mental checklist as she taps her digits in sequence. "Basic raw materials -- food, ore, and so on. Probably need to establish refinement and synthesis facilities, proper maintenance routines..." She blinks and shakes her head a bit, coming out of her reverie as she looks over to Snowblind. "Oh yes, ground rules sound like an excellent idea. The more diverse elements that begin working here together, the more important it is to make sure we're all operating on the same level of understanding."

"Yes, I'm hoping we can get settled in soon. I'm looking forward to doing a bit of recon." Skize extends his wings to emphasize his point. "That is, unless there is something else that needs more urgent attention."

Aidan listens to all the questions or considerations before replying with a half smile, "Yes, six months without having to bite anyone.. but we didn't pushed our influence beyond the city's ruins. One day, we'll have to start to explore actively the surrounding area. And we don't know what we'll find out there. Meanwhile.. I'm pretty sure that someone with your skill will be definitely useful. Some of my friends said that you are quite a good teacher.. and a skillful researcher.". The fox gives a wink before replying to the ground rules, "The ground rules are already set.. I think you got briefed back then at the meeting. Otherwise, I'll have to get angry at someone for not doing his or her job. Anyway.. the ground rules are simple: If you are outside, you keep your clothes on. Or at least give out the impression that you are trying to. We know that certain forms are less comfortable with clothes on.. but at least, respect for those around you and.. to look more than just some civilized beast. With this come closer the second rule.. sexual activities are private. What you do in your room is only yours, but keep it there. Flirting, kissing and affections are fine. Wild horniness is not tolerate, and is the fastest way to earn a ticket back home. Afterall, I think you noticed it already.. here the heat isn't that mad-driving as it's in Fairhaven. Third rule, work and collaborate for the good of the city. It doesn't matter if you are from RSX, Zephyr or if you are a prometheans, the city and its inhabitants come first. More, the success of this project will bring benefits for all the factions, so we are quite protected against sabotages. You have a RSX office in the industrial area with a wi-fi, the Zephyr's Bazaar is just east from here.".

Snowblind softly mewls, "It has been a very long time since I have used a computer. But good to know that those rules where given to everyone. I was not sure but I defently agree to those rules and am here to help. Other then that I agree with Rosalyn, it looks like we are in good position to set up the basice before the other groups start to arive." Snow gives a small grin and turns to Balina for a second. "Hey just because you don't have to bite people does not mean we can't find somthing for a science based Moof to do. Other then what Russell said of course."

Russell says, "Of course, Aidan. Can't see anything wrong with those Rules. Heck, it'll be nice to be able to keep what's private, private." He grins and glances around at the others, "I'm sure We'll all put forward the effort needed to get this place back on it's feet." He thinks some, and says, "Might look around for a good spot for a warehouse or factory or something. Bet Cat would like it here."

Balina keeps on with the slightly detached grin, her attention waylaid by memories of a multicolored goo-Bal trying to pretend to be modest years ago. Snowblind's reminders jerk her back to reality, and there's a brief moment of realistic vertigo. "Could have sworn someone mentioned snowstorms here in the briefing. Was confusing then, too. But sure, I'd be happy to do something that actually gives me a chance to get bored again. Seems like a novelty these days."

Rosalyn nods in acknowledgement at the reiteration of the 'ground rules', and glances around to confirm that none of it is news to the others as well. Rubbing her palms together eagerly, she looks back to Sarah. "Well then, shall we have a tour of what you've been able to get set up in the last few months, before we get settled in?"

Skize looks very interested, eager even, as he shifts in place restlessly. He casts a furtive glance down at himself, as if checking to make sure the minimal amount of simulated clothing he wears is sufficiently modest. At least his flight form is completely internal, there shouldn't be any concern there, he tells himself.

"Beside this.. well, if you have questions now it's the time for them." Sarah yips, "I think that I'll leave the exploration of the city to yourself after this meeting. It's a safe place, and unless you start digging in some ruined building, you are safe. Or if you go outside the city. And regarding this.. yes, I need to know which area of competence you want to cover. For example, I'm the representative of the repair team, so I'll coordinate our work with those of you interested in the more.. mechanical part of the reconstruction.". The fox gives a smile to Ros, before resuming, "Or, for example the defense squad leader, my sister Audrey, will coordinate those interested in exploring and retcon the area. You can't miss her, an anubian with golden wings.". Sarah tips her chin for a bit, "We need to organize the activities to offer to you all the opportunity to do your best at the best of your skills. Even if, should we need some extra help in some department, we can ask for your help for other activities."

Snowblind nods and takes a deep breath with both of her sets of lungs. Letting it out slowly she wanders over and gives Sarah a hug and then Balina as well. She offer, but does not force, a hug to the rest of the group as well as she softly purrs out, "Well I defently want to set up my little corner of the clinic before I look for your sister, I am not much of a fighter but I will always offer my service to those that do." With a bit of a pause she folds her ears back and gives a small grin. "But you did not just tell a currious kitty to not go somewhere now did you?"

Russell says, "I'm flexible, and can help around in a veriety of places. I can see about helping repair or clear buildings. Maybe put in an airstrip, sending supplies by rotorcraft isn't terribly efficient." He thinks some, and says, "Aside form that, just let me know."

Balina is so conflicted! "On the one hand," she says with a gesture, "it sounded like you were practically giving me a retirement package. On the other," one paw gestures, "despite not NEEDING to bite anyone, you've just told me there are places I shouldn't go stick my nose. So I am honor-bound to do so. On the third," this is just getting silly, "I haven't actually caught wind of anything out of the ordinary beyond normal people-smells." Brief pause. Last paw finds a place to make a presenting motion. "Which means I need to go find where they're hiding. Fuck. Just... make sure there's room for me to go curl up afterward in the boring places, okay?"

Rosalyn accepts Snowblind's hug, and turns toward Sarah. "Well, you already know where I'll be, it seems. Although I am willing to help provide support in security or recon when needed as well-- as long as it doesn't take too much time away from production, that is!"

Skize seems momentarily taken back as the silver leopard approaches him. But that moment of hesitation passes, and despite his apparent gruffness, his expression softens. He hugs Snowblind back in turn, even nuzzling in a friendly way as the fellow mutant moves on. Afterwards he looks to Sarah, and then back to Rosalyn. "Same here. Though I'm sure my technical skills may be of good use. You'll have to brief me on what the current state of the infrastructure is like. Otherwise, you might want to point me in the general direction of where Audrey is."

"It's for your safety, miss Snowblind. Most building are not stable right now, and they are dangerous and in need to be grounded. We have a lot of more interesting places for you to explore, for example the area near the farm." Sarah explains, trying to remind that this place is still quite in ruins beside few important buildings. Then, the fox takes out her pad and starts to type in, "Miss Snowblind.. Defense and Development groups. Russell and miss Rosalyn.. Defense and Rebuild squads. Balina..." and here the fox sighs a bit before chuckling a bit, "Research, Defense and Social Teams. I'm a bit scared of thinking of you and miss Sil in the same room.". The fox checks the list once again, "Alright, so to let you know. I'm for the rebuild group and I'm usually around the RSX offices in the industrial area. Audrey, in charge for the defense squad, is in the hut in the southern part of the city, near the gates. Luna is in charge of the Research group... right now she's at the town hall, until we'll have a safe place for the labs. Finally, Claire is the referent for the social and development team. I think you can find her in the clinic area or at the pub, once it'll be rebuilt.". The fox puts away the pad and smiles, "Any questions before I'll see you disappear in the streets to explore the place?"

"Oh a Pub." Snow purrs andtakes out a sketchpad to take notes down on. A few notes here and there before she looks back up and tilts her head. "Oh and don't worry, I know it is dangrous but just a small part of me always wants to go off and do what I am not suposed to do. My one and only question though is this: If we get this place a little better supplied are there any ristrictions about bringing family over here?"

Russell respond, "So I'll want to talk to Yourself or Audrey to get assingments or reports." He half asks, half states. Snow gets a glance. "Yeah, I'm curious about that. I've got my own family fairly safe, but this place would be safer then my base." He ponders a bit, silently. "Good to know there's a Pub, too. I'm a crappy cook."

Rosalyn takes note of the names and locations. "I might lend a hand with the Research group from time to time as well, depending on how it aligns with reconstruction," she adds. Her wings rise a bit behind her, half-mantled at the prospect of exploring the area. "I don't have any other questions, for now!"

"Me either. It looks like we have our work cut out for us then!" Skize explaims, and looks about, seemingly eager to get off this helipad and explore this new territory.

"Man, there had *better* not be rules against family..." chortles Balina, making mental and physical notes as she soaks in information and tries to piece together what gaps she won't be able to fill later. "It sounds like my lineage fit in better than expected, so I think that most of the questions I may have will get answered while I'm trying to catch up. Thank you anyway, though I suppose I should ask which way to the labs, first."

"If your family follows the rules, they are welcomed." Sarah replies kindly, before darkening a bit, "But it's not a safe place, nor a place where life is easy. We had times when we were suffering famine. Or when we almost lost a squad when the river overflowed. And still, there are those ferals out there." The fox makes a pause, shaking slowly her head, "They haven't attacked us, but we clearly spotted few of them carrying weapons like spears or blades. And Audrey can't shake off the feeling that they are studying us as much as we are studying them. Or that they are definitely involved in the disappearance of the former inhabitants of this city. Yes, your families are welcomed. But not take this for a little piece of heaven. We are on the earth, harsh and dangerous. And we are fighting for our future."

Snowblind gives another nod and then put up her pad that she was taking notes on. "I will warn them that it will not be easy. And I don't know if we will ever figure out why this place was abonded but I hope we can figure that out so as to not repeat it." She sighs slightly and then looks towards where she was told the clinic would be. "That is all for my question right now though. Thank you Sarah."

Russell hrms a bit, "I see. So this is a bit of the wild west. I'll have to keep an eye out for those ferals." He goes quiet then, making mental notes about what he'd heard, "So, I haven't had too much time to read the intel I was given, how many folks currently live here, anyway? I'd imagine it's smaller then Fairhaven and Woodfield, as well."

Balina snorts briefly, shaking her head as she files her little black book back onto her belt. "A bunch of feral tool-users. This is going to get real interesting, real fast. Not to mention a chance to set up shop in a bigger studio than what we could cobble together inside New Ireland's walls. I'm almost amazed Eithne isn't springing out of my pack to start bouncing off the walls in excitement."

"It sounds like a good idea to travel in pairs, at the very least, when near the outskirts of the town." Rosalyn takes a look at Skize, behind her. "Luckily, there seem to be two of us with wings at the moment, so a flight around to get our bearings isn't out of the question!"

Skize happened to be staring at Rosalyn's tail the moment she turned to look at him. He averts his gaze abruptly. "Hmm? Ah.. yes, that was what I was thinking too."

"At least in pairs, squads might be safter yet." Russell says, "And be sure to carry weapons." He looks to Rosalyn, "Well, flying around to observe and get bearings is a good Idea, but I don't have wings. I kinda rely on macheines for that." The fox rubs his chin and ear thoughtfully.