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<div></div><br> <br>As the door opened, Melanie could be heard shouting "Is that you, you lousy bitch?! I swear to...um...shit, what was that crazy lady going on about...the mother beast? I swear to that thing that I'll get you for this!" Zero One gives a look to the others of distaste and whispers "Do you see what this one has been dealing with?" She opens the door to Zero One and Melanie's shared bedroom, revealing the girl to be bound at the wrists and ankles seperately, and one makeshift tie between hir neck and hir bed. She was on the floor, seeming to have tried to crawl away, and there was light fraying on the tie near the bed.<br> <br>On spotting Meniatz and Antiman behind Zero, hir eyes widen a little and shi mutters "Aw shit." Honestly, it was dumb of hir to *not* expect at least meniatz, considering this was hir home.<br> <br>Meniatz waves to Melanie. "Hello. Melanie." Shi says with a scowl, which quickly dissapates into a wide, toothy grin. "Did I not tell you that there would be consequences to mistreating your mother?" Shi coils tightly around Melanie, squeezing hir enough to be uncomfortable, but not so much that it could cause any permanent damage. "Can you guess what lies in store for you, little fox?" Shi says, stroking Melanie's chin delicately with a large, sharp talon.<br> <br>Antiman gives a strangly nasty looking grin as sie walks up behind Zero, "At least sie's been listening to what I was talking about," Sie shakes hir head. "It's too bad sie wasn't listening to Hir though." Sie then gives a very raptorial grin to Mel, "Indeed weve been talking about what to do with you."<br> <br>Meniatz licks Melanie's ear with hir long, reptillian tongue. "Besides, I doubt even The Maternal Beast would be able to help you now, even if you were worthy of hir aid."<br> <br>Melanie scrambles away from Meniatz onto hir bed, as if it would offer protection. Soon, shi's wrapped up in Menaitz, and can't even budge to struggle. "Please, no! *Please*, No!" Zero one steps forward, climbing up Meniatz's coils to grasp Melanie's face. "Excuse this one, but were you asking for mercy? You had it last night, and then squandered it. You'll get none this time around." She then climbs down and steps back.<br> <br>Antiman careses Mel's cheek, "I'm so very sorry that we must do this Mel. It's as much for your own good as ours." Sie looks to Meniatz with a sad look, "I think sie is lost to Hir as well perhaps after this sie could be redeamed."<br> <br>Meniatz puts hir hands around Melanie's neck. "You brought this upon yourself." Melanie can feel a tightness around hir neck and finally hears an audible *click* as a leather collar with a loud, jingling bell is fastened around hir neck. <br> <br>Melanie glares daggers at Anti. How dare shi try and pretend shi cared about hir after what shi did last night! The way shi beat and humiliate hir...All shi'd done was use hir mom like shi was supposed to, and now everyone was turning on hir. It was insane! Meniatz places hir hands on hir neck, and from what shi'd said during it, shi began to panic, twisting hir head around, certain shi was about to be choked. instead, there was the strange click. Once the connections are made in hir head, shi gives a really confused look to meniatz.<br> <br>Meniatz bestially hisses, "You were offered freedom, but you wasted it. You proved that you were not yet worthy of it. So, you are no longer our guest--you are our pet. You will follow our every command or you will be severely punished. Depending on the magnitude of your transgression, this could mean that you go to bed without dinner...or that you have to pleasure your mistresses to their FULL satisfaction." Shi says these last two words with an air of finality. "Naturally, your mother, Anti, and I are your mistresses. Eddi will serve as your master and pet-sitter in our absence." Shi begins to pet Melanie softly on the head, like an owner would pet a dog. "However, if you learn your place and prove yourself as a good, obedient pet, you will be shown love and affection, and may even be rewarded by your benevolent mistresses.""<br> <br>Zeroone hangs back and says nothing. Melanie gives Meniaz a smirk in response. "You think I want your love and affection? I can find some of my own." Shi then looks away from hir, to a far wall. Zero One mutters "This one is starting to rethink the administrators offer..."<br> <br>Antiman admires the collar, "It's very stylelish." Sie gives a thoughtful look to Meniatz, "Do you think sie's wearing too many clothes for a pet."<br> <br>Meniatz nods at Antiman's suggestion. "You are absolutely right, Anti! Shi does seem to be a bit over-dressed for hir new life!" Shi tilts hir head to Melanie. "Of course, there is always one...alternative to being our pet. One that would allow little Melanie to keep hir clothes on and hir throat *ahem* clear." Shi gives the fox a smirk. "Would you like to hear it? It was the Administrator's idea. You know--the person who made your mother who she is today."<br> <br>Meniatz puts an arm around Zero. "I think shi should make this decision. After all, it might be the last one shi makes for hirself for a quite some time..."<br> <br>Zeroone says "Alright." to meniatz's statement, while Melanie nods cautiously. Mel shoots a quick irritated glance at Anti's comment, thinking it a jab at hir.<br> <br>Antiman just gives a curious look at Mel's glare, "It's hir decision, hir last one but it's hir's to make." Sie shrugs, "Personaly I wouldn't take it."<br> <br>Meniatz nods and presents the Administrator's counter-offer. "Well, my dear, sweet, Melanie: The administrator has offered to make you more like your mother. You will become a servant. You will become subject to the terms and conditions set out to you by the Administrator, instead of the ones I have laid out to you, though, truth be told, they will probably be somewhat...similar." Shi shrugs hir shoulders. "In any event, though, you will end up serving me. The question is: will you follow my rules, or the Admin's?" Shi gives a wicked grin. Shi pulls out a leash and plays with it in hir hands.<br> <br>Melanie looks between all of them, being given a choice between hell 1 or hell 2. Shi starts shaking hir head, saying "Please...enough, please. I'll behave, really! Just let me go, I'm sorry now, really!" Shi looks on in fear at Meniatz, while Zero approaches again. "What'd this one just say a moment ago. You aren't getting any more lenience." Zero's eyes begin glowing blue. She blinks, and steps away, muttering "Oh...well, This one still thinks it's a horrible thing to..." She suddenly speaks louder "Don't give her that! Shut up!" She suddenly visibly flinches, and then sags before turning back towards the others. "The Admin states this one would be considered a mistress over hir if shi took its offer."<br> <br>Meniatz nods. "Interesting. So, Mel's options are basically me, or the Administrator--the devil shi knows or the devil shi doesn't." Shi laughs wickedly at the notion.<br> <br>Antiman gives a Mel pittying look, "I'm afraid that it's too late for that. You narrowed your choices to this by your own actions." Sie gives a thoughtful look, "Of course with one choice your thoughts will still be your own..." Sie trails off.<br> <br>Meniatz nods at Anti before giving hir a kiss on the cheek. "A wonderful insight as usual, my dear. Though, the burden of knowing that one is free to think whatever one wants, but is too impotent to exert one's free will can be a burden unto itself."<br> <br>Meniatz seems to enjoy making Melanie's choice more difficult.<br> <br>Antiman nuzzels Meniatz, "True, but if one can still think one can still strive to be free. Weather one can become free is another matter." Sie gives a small open beaked grin.<br> <br>Zeroone says "This one's thoughts *are* her own. It's merely her actions that are reigned." Melanie looks positively sick. "I...refuse to choose. This is all stupid. I already said I was sorry, god damn." Shi really, *really* wanted to spit in meniatz's face right now, but knew there was no way that would make hir situation any better past getting a very brief moment of satisfaction. At least shi was learning...a little. Zero says "Pick for hir then. This one defers to your judgement. Whatever you choose...she'll go with."<br> <br>Antiman gives a thoughtful expression, "I think we should go with option one and make hir a pet." Hir ears flatten, "Besides I don't trust the adminstrator. Giving it one more to control increases it's power."<br> <br>Zeroone thinks a moment. "Hold a moment..." she folds her arms and asks "Will you have control of her? This one wants none of that." her eyes blink blue a bit. "The administrator says that the basic rules would apply, but punisment and pleasure would be left up to this one apparently." Her eyes blink a bit more. "It seems...Melanie is out of its...range?" She seems confused by this. "What do you..." blinking. "It's control is limited to this one. Hmm." she seems contemplative.<br> <br>Meniatz thinks for a moment. "Zero, if the Admin makes hir a servant, could shi be allowed to keep hir personality, thoughts, and memories--all the things that make hir who shi is? If so, we may as well make hir like you so shi is easier to control and then we could make hir our pet, anyway, since I still think shi needs to be taught some humility." Shi grins. "Of course, if it still makes Anti feel uncomfortable, we don't have to. I just thought it would be safer. I would never want anyone getting hurt. Especially..." Shi trails off as shi rubs hir belly.<br> <br>Zeroone questions while looking at the floor "Did you hear that?" more blinking. "It...seems insulted. Said "Of course, I-" she suddenly jerks as her eyes flare red. She looks furious as she keeps herself standing. "No...fucking...fair. You *know* this one was quoting you. STOP IT." She jerks again as her eyes flare red again. She grits her teeth and growls. "Alright...so...it said "Of course...She...allowed this one all of that, so why wouldn't *she* allow it for hir?" She looks really irritated now.<br> <br>Antiman cocks hir head to the right, "That is...interesting. I still don't trust it though." Sie looks at Meni's belly and then rubs hir own. "It would be safer but," hir expresion turns murderous and hir voice becomes a cross between a skree and a growel, "if sie should hurt our childern sie would find out why you don't get between a mother and hir cubs."<br> <br>Melanie looks to anti aghast. "Lady, are you fucking crazy? Wait, of course you are...I'd never hurt babies! I got one in mom for...what'd you call that thing? The mom animal's sake."<br> <br>Meniatz nods hir head and holds hir hands up. "Okay. Okay. I was just curious because I do not know the full extent of your abilities. I apologize for my ignorance." Shi puts hir hand on Anti's shoulder. "Shi certainly would, but...shi cringes a bit. "I don't think we should put Zero through that kind of pain, either. No one should have to lose their child like that." Pose glances at Melanie. "But clearly, you would harm the woman who gave you life, and who did everything she could to keep you safe and to provide for you, even though you returned her love with contempt and cruelty."<br> <br>Antiman shakes hir head, "I think we should risk it. The other way still feels too much like raping the soul." Sie gives Melanie a level look, "Hir name is the Maternal Beast." Sie then gives a beaked smirk, "Its good to know that their are *some* lines you won't cross."<br> <br>As Anti speaks "Hir name is-" Melanie cuts hir off with "Don't give a shit." zero shouts "Hey!" and Melanie screams "Just fucking let me go already, holy shit!" Shi begins thrashing hir head around. Zero looks really pissed off at hir. She turns to the others and says "Alright, so what're we doing with hir here?"<br> <br>Meniatz churs as shi begins to undress Melanie. "I think she should be our pet. If we ever need to take things farther than that and accept the Admin's offer, we still have that option open." When shi is finished, the wyvern attaches the leash to Melanie and picks hir up by the stomach. "Besides, isn't shi just adorable like this?" Shi asks, cuddling up to the fox from behind while tightly hugging hir to hir breasts. <br> <br>Melanie struggles and shouts "Let me go! LET ME GO! Fuck you, you nutty bitch, let me GO!" shi swings hir arms and legs around trying to kick or hit hir. Zero just scowls from afar.<br> <br>Antiman hooks hir talons into Melanie's pants whil Meni's removing hir top and tares them off with hir talons, "True, I just uncomforatble using technology in that manner."<br> <br>Antiman giggles, "Absoutly adroable. We should tie hir up in bows."<br> <br>Meniatz kisses Melanie on the forehead. "You are quite spirited, little one--I can respect that." Shi giggles back to Anti. "Oh! Shi would look so cute in bows! *gasp!*" Shi looks at Zero for a second and then back to Melanie. A smile forms across hir face. "Zero, do you have any extra maid outfits in hir size? We really don't even need a full outfit--just the apron and hat." Shi now holds Melanie against hir with one strong arm, while using the other to pet the fox.<br> <br>Zeroone shrugs. "This one supposes so. Hell, she can have the whole thing, this one doesn't really want it." Melanie looks appalled at the idea of bows, and further so at the maid idea. "Hell no, I'm not wearing those, fuck off and die!" Shi starts trying to force hir way out of Meniatz's grasp, or at least keep hir from petting hir as Zero heads over to the closet and pulls out the maid outfit.<br> <br>Antiman scowles at the profanity coming from Mel's mouth, "Do we have a gag or somthing so we don't need to listen to that."<br> <br>Meniatz nods as shi calls to hir daughter. "Nova, bring me some hydras." Shi glances at Melanie's muzzle. "About 2 feet will work." A minute later, Nova appears with three medium-sized hydras. "Here you go, Mistress! *giggles* Thanks for letting me call you that, Mom. I feel more like Miss Zero every day." Shi beams proudly. Meniatz churrs in delight as shi holds Melanie down and snaps the wriggling hydra over the fox's mouth until it is completely covered. Shi takes the other two and wraps them around the back of Melanie's head in an 'X' pattern, attaching them to the first hydra to form a make-shift muzzle. Shi then holds Mel down and dresses hir in the maid outfit. "Well? What do you three think?" <br> <br>Nova claps hir hands and smiles. "Pretty! Is shi gonna be a maid like Miss Zero? I hope so. Then I can help another person serve our family!" Shi says excitedly.<br> <br>Antiman giggles again at the maid idea sie caresses one of Mel's nipples, "You would look so cute, and if you only had the apron and skirt we could have fun any time." Sie stroaks one of hir sheaths. Sie watches Meni construct Mel's gag, "Very useful things thos hydras." Sie gets a dreamy look, "Very useful."<br> <br>Zeroone cringes a little at nova what nova says, but hides it. It never failed to make her a little uncomfortable how Nova seemed to worship her, especially considering how much she disliked her condition. She'd never actively admit it right now, but she was getting real used to the condition, and enjoying the benifits that it gave. Melanie narrowed hir eyes and glared at Anti's stroke. Shi did *not* want sexy touchings right now. Zero smirked a bit when the dressing was done, and gave a couple of golf claps. "Fantastic."
<div></div><br> <br>As the door opened, Melanie could be heard shouting "Is that you, you lousy bitch?! I swear to...um...shit, what was that crazy lady going on about...the mother beast? I swear to that thing that I'll get you for this!" Zero One gives a look to the others of distaste and whispers "Do you see what this one has been dealing with?" She opens the door to Zero One and Melanie's shared bedroom, revealing the girl to be bound at the wrists and ankles seperately, and one makeshift tie between hir neck and hir bed. She was on the floor, seeming to have tried to crawl away, and there was light fraying on the tie near the bed.<br> <br>On spotting Meniatz and Antiman behind Zero, hir eyes widen a little and shi mutters "Aw shit." Honestly, it was dumb of hir to *not* expect at least meniatz, considering this was hir home.<br> <br>Meniatz waves to Melanie. "Hello. Melanie." Shi says with a scowl, which quickly dissapates into a wide, toothy grin. "Did I not tell you that there would be consequences to mistreating your mother?" Shi coils tightly around Melanie, squeezing hir enough to be uncomfortable, but not so much that it could cause any permanent damage. "Can you guess what lies in store for you, little fox?" Shi says, stroking Melanie's chin delicately with a large, sharp talon.<br> <br>Antiman gives a strangly nasty looking grin as sie walks up behind Zero, "At least sie's been listening to what I was talking about," Sie shakes hir head. "It's too bad sie wasn't listening to Hir though." Sie then gives a very raptorial grin to Mel, "Indeed weve been talking about what to do with you."<br> <br>Meniatz licks Melanie's ear with hir long, reptillian tongue. "Besides, I doubt even The Maternal Beast would be able to help you now, even if you were worthy of hir aid."<br> <br>Melanie scrambles away from Meniatz onto hir bed, as if it would offer protection. Soon, shi's wrapped up in Menaitz, and can't even budge to struggle. "Please, no! *Please*, No!" Zero one steps forward, climbing up Meniatz's coils to grasp Melanie's face. "Excuse this one, but were you asking for mercy? You had it last night, and then squandered it. You'll get none this time around." She then climbs down and steps back.<br> <br>Antiman careses Mel's cheek, "I'm so very sorry that we must do this Mel. It's as much for your own good as ours." Sie looks to Meniatz with a sad look, "I think sie is lost to Hir as well perhaps after this sie could be redeamed."<br> <br>Meniatz puts hir hands around Melanie's neck. "You brought this upon yourself." Melanie can feel a tightness around hir neck and finally hears an audible *click* as a leather collar with a loud, jingling bell is fastened around hir neck. <br> <br>Melanie glares daggers at Anti. How dare shi try and pretend shi cared about hir after what shi did last night! The way shi beat and humiliate hir...All shi'd done was use hir mom like shi was supposed to, and now everyone was turning on hir. It was insane! Meniatz places hir hands on hir neck, and from what shi'd said during it, shi began to panic, twisting hir head around, certain shi was about to be choked. instead, there was the strange click. Once the connections are made in hir head, shi gives a really confused look to meniatz.<br> <br>Meniatz bestially hisses, "You were offered freedom, but you wasted it. You proved that you were not yet worthy of it. So, you are no longer our guest--you are our pet. You will follow our every command or you will be severely punished. Depending on the magnitude of your transgression, this could mean that you go to bed without dinner...or that you have to pleasure your mistresses to their FULL satisfaction." Shi says these last two words with an air of finality. "Naturally, your mother, Anti, and I are your mistresses. Eddi will serve as your master and pet-sitter in our absence." Shi begins to pet Melanie softly on the head, like an owner would pet a dog. "However, if you learn your place and prove yourself as a good, obedient pet, you will be shown love and affection, and may even be rewarded by your benevolent mistresses.""<br> <br>Zeroone hangs back and says nothing. Melanie gives Meniaz a smirk in response. "You think I want your love and affection? I can find some of my own." Shi then looks away from hir, to a far wall. Zero One mutters "This one is starting to rethink the administrators offer..."<br> <br>Antiman admires the collar, "It's very stylelish." Sie gives a thoughtful look to Meniatz, "Do you think sie's wearing too many clothes for a pet."<br> <br>Meniatz nods at Antiman's suggestion. "You are absolutely right, Anti! Shi does seem to be a bit over-dressed for hir new life!" Shi tilts hir head to Melanie. "Of course, there is always one...alternative to being our pet. One that would allow little Melanie to keep hir clothes on and hir throat *ahem* clear." Shi gives the fox a smirk. "Would you like to hear it? It was the Administrator's idea. You know--the person who made your mother who she is today."<br> <br>Meniatz puts an arm around Zero. "I think shi should make this decision. After all, it might be the last one shi makes for hirself for a quite some time..."<br> <br>Zeroone says "Alright." to meniatz's statement, while Melanie nods cautiously. Mel shoots a quick irritated glance at Anti's comment, thinking it a jab at hir.<br> <br>Antiman just gives a curious look at Mel's glare, "It's hir decision, hir last one but it's hir's to make." Sie shrugs, "Personaly I wouldn't take it."<br> <br>Meniatz nods and presents the Administrator's counter-offer. "Well, my dear, sweet, Melanie: The administrator has offered to make you more like your mother. You will become a servant. You will become subject to the terms and conditions set out to you by the Administrator, instead of the ones I have laid out to you, though, truth be told, they will probably be somewhat...similar." Shi shrugs hir shoulders. "In any event, though, you will end up serving me. The question is: will you follow my rules, or the Admin's?" Shi gives a wicked grin. Shi pulls out a leash and plays with it in hir hands.<br> <br>Melanie looks between all of them, being given a choice between hell 1 or hell 2. Shi starts shaking hir head, saying "Please...enough, please. I'll behave, really! Just let me go, I'm sorry now, really!" Shi looks on in fear at Meniatz, while Zero approaches again. "What'd this one just say a moment ago. You aren't getting any more lenience." Zero's eyes begin glowing blue. She blinks, and steps away, muttering "Oh...well, This one still thinks it's a horrible thing to..." She suddenly speaks louder "Don't give her that! Shut up!" She suddenly visibly flinches, and then sags before turning back towards the others. "The Admin states this one would be considered a mistress over hir if shi took its offer."<br> <br>Meniatz nods. "Interesting. So, Mel's options are basically me, or the Administrator--the devil shi knows or the devil shi doesn't." Shi laughs wickedly at the notion.<br> <br>Antiman gives a Mel pittying look, "I'm afraid that it's too late for that. You narrowed your choices to this by your own actions." Sie gives a thoughtful look, "Of course with one choice your thoughts will still be your own..." Sie trails off.<br> <br>Meniatz nods at Anti before giving hir a kiss on the cheek. "A wonderful insight as usual, my dear. Though, the burden of knowing that one is free to think whatever one wants, but is too impotent to exert one's free will can be a burden unto itself."<br> <br>Meniatz seems to enjoy making Melanie's choice more difficult.<br> <br>Antiman nuzzels Meniatz, "True, but if one can still think one can still strive to be free. Weather one can become free is another matter." Sie gives a small open beaked grin.<br> <br>Zeroone says "This one's thoughts *are* her own. It's merely her actions that are reigned." Melanie looks positively sick. "I...refuse to choose. This is all stupid. I already said I was sorry, god damn." Shi really, *really* wanted to spit in meniatz's face right now, but knew there was no way that would make hir situation any better past getting a very brief moment of satisfaction. At least shi was learning...a little. Zero says "Pick for hir then. This one defers to your judgement. Whatever you choose...she'll go with."<br> <br>Antiman gives a thoughtful expression, "I think we should go with option one and make hir a pet." Hir ears flatten, "Besides I don't trust the adminstrator. Giving it one more to control increases it's power."<br> <br>Zeroone thinks a moment. "Hold a moment..." she folds her arms and asks "Will you have control of her? This one wants none of that." her eyes blink blue a bit. "The administrator says that the basic rules would apply, but punisment and pleasure would be left up to this one apparently." Her eyes blink a bit more. "It seems...Melanie is out of its...range?" She seems confused by this. "What do you..." blinking. "It's control is limited to this one. Hmm." she seems contemplative.<br> <br>Meniatz thinks for a moment. "Zero, if the Admin makes hir a servant, could shi be allowed to keep hir personality, thoughts, and memories--all the things that make hir who shi is? If so, we may as well make hir like you so shi is easier to control and then we could make hir our pet, anyway, since I still think shi needs to be taught some humility." Shi grins. "Of course, if it still makes Anti feel uncomfortable, we don't have to. I just thought it would be safer. I would never want anyone getting hurt. Especially..." Shi trails off as shi rubs hir belly.<br> <br>Zeroone questions while looking at the floor "Did you hear that?" more blinking. "It...seems insulted. Said "Of course, I-" she suddenly jerks as her eyes flare red. She looks furious as she keeps herself standing. "No...fucking...fair. You *know* this one was quoting you. STOP IT." She jerks again as her eyes flare red again. She grits her teeth and growls. "Alright...so...it said "Of course...She...allowed this one all of that, so why wouldn't *she* allow it for hir?" She looks really irritated now.<br> <br>Antiman cocks hir head to the right, "That is...interesting. I still don't trust it though." Sie looks at Meni's belly and then rubs hir own. "It would be safer but," hir expresion turns murderous and hir voice becomes a cross between a skree and a growel, "if sie should hurt our childern sie would find out why you don't get between a mother and hir cubs."<br> <br>Melanie looks to anti aghast. "Lady, are you fucking crazy? Wait, of course you are...I'd never hurt babies! I got one in mom for...what'd you call that thing? The mom animal's sake."<br> <br>Meniatz nods hir head and holds hir hands up. "Okay. Okay. I was just curious because I do not know the full extent of your abilities. I apologize for my ignorance." Shi puts hir hand on Anti's shoulder. "Shi certainly would, but...shi cringes a bit. "I don't think we should put Zero through that kind of pain, either. No one should have to lose their child like that." Pose glances at Melanie. "But clearly, you would harm the woman who gave you life, and who did everything she could to keep you safe and to provide for you, even though you returned her love with contempt and cruelty."<br> <br>Antiman shakes hir head, "I think we should risk it. The other way still feels too much like raping the soul." Sie gives Melanie a level look, "Hir name is the Maternal Beast." Sie then gives a beaked smirk, "Its good to know that their are *some* lines you won't cross."<br> <br>As Anti speaks "Hir name is-" Melanie cuts hir off with "Don't give a shit." zero shouts "Hey!" and Melanie screams "Just fucking let me go already, holy shit!" Shi begins thrashing hir head around. Zero looks really pissed off at hir. She turns to the others and says "Alright, so what're we doing with hir here?"<br> <br>Meniatz churs as shi begins to undress Melanie. "I think she should be our pet. If we ever need to take things farther than that and accept the Admin's offer, we still have that option open." When shi is finished, the wyvern attaches the leash to Melanie and picks hir up by the stomach. "Besides, isn't shi just adorable like this?" Shi asks, cuddling up to the fox from behind while tightly hugging hir to hir breasts. <br> <br>Melanie struggles and shouts "Let me go! LET ME GO! Fuck you, you nutty bitch, let me GO!" shi swings hir arms and legs around trying to kick or hit hir. Zero just scowls from afar.<br> <br>Antiman hooks hir talons into Melanie's pants whil Meni's removing hir top and tares them off with hir talons, "True, I just uncomforatble using technology in that manner."<br> <br>Antiman giggles, "Absoutly adroable. We should tie hir up in bows."<br> <br>Meniatz kisses Melanie on the forehead. "You are quite spirited, little one--I can respect that." Shi giggles back to Anti. "Oh! Shi would look so cute in bows! *gasp!*" Shi looks at Zero for a second and then back to Melanie. A smile forms across hir face. "Zero, do you have any extra maid outfits in hir size? We really don't even need a full outfit--just the apron and hat." Shi now holds Melanie against hir with one strong arm, while using the other to pet the fox.<br> <br>Zeroone shrugs. "This one supposes so. Hell, she can have the whole thing, this one doesn't really want it." Melanie looks appalled at the idea of bows, and further so at the maid idea. "Hell no, I'm not wearing those, fuck off and die!" Shi starts trying to force hir way out of Meniatz's grasp, or at least keep hir from petting hir as Zero heads over to the closet and pulls out the maid outfit.<br> <br>Antiman scowles at the profanity coming from Mel's mouth, "Do we have a gag or somthing so we don't need to listen to that."<br> <br>Meniatz nods as shi calls to hir daughter. "Nova, bring me some hydras." Shi glances at Melanie's muzzle. "About 2 feet will work." A minute later, Nova appears with three medium-sized hydras. "Here you go, Mistress! *giggles* Thanks for letting me call you that, Mom. I feel more like Miss Zero every day." Shi beams proudly. Meniatz churrs in delight as shi holds Melanie down and snaps the wriggling hydra over the fox's mouth until it is completely covered. Shi takes the other two and wraps them around the back of Melanie's head in an 'X' pattern, attaching them to the first hydra to form a make-shift muzzle. Shi then holds Mel down and dresses hir in the maid outfit. "Well? What do you three think?" <br> <br>Nova claps hir hands and smiles. "Pretty! Is shi gonna be a maid like Miss Zero? I hope so. Then I can help another person serve our family!" Shi says excitedly.<br> <br>Antiman giggles again at the maid idea sie caresses one of Mel's nipples, "You would look so cute, and if you only had the apron and skirt we could have fun any time." Sie stroaks one of hir sheaths. Sie watches Meni construct Mel's gag, "Very useful things thos hydras." Sie gets a dreamy look, "Very useful."<br> <br>Zeroone cringes a little at nova what nova says, but hides it. It never failed to make her a little uncomfortable how Nova seemed to worship her, especially considering how much she disliked her condition. She'd never actively admit it right now, but she was getting real used to the condition, and enjoying the benifits that it gave. Melanie narrowed hir eyes and glared at Anti's stroke. Shi did *not* want sexy touchings right now. Zero smirked a bit when the dressing was done, and gave a couple of golf claps. "Fantastic."<br> <br>Meniatz pats Nova on the head. "Sort of. Shi is actually our new pet. Shi might seem mean, but deep down, shi's actually a really good person." The wyvern then considers Anti's suggestion, and decides to strip the fox down to the aforementioned articles of clothing. Shi then picks Melanie up by the ankles and, holding hir upside down, slowly rotates hir to get a good look at the outfit. "I think you're right, Anti, this is better." Feeling a bit catty, shi adds. "I kind of wish shi could fill it better, though."<br> <br>Nova waves at the fox. "Welcome to our family, Melanie! I promise we'll take great care of you, just like we take care of Eddi!"<br> <br>Antiman rubs a finger down Mel's slit, "I soppose we could always help with filling hir out more in the belly."<br> <br>Melanie growls in indignation, mumbling into hir muzzle loudly. Shi yelps when shi's flipped, and starts making swings at meniatz, and attempts to reach hir through the air. These come with much more speed and fury with louder shouts when Meni makes hir comment. Zero starts laughing. Shi glares daggers at Nova, letting out two one sylable noises that weren't all that difficult to translate, and roared in indignation at antiman's actions and words. Had shi been human, the blush across hir head and upper chest would have been glaring.<br> <br>Nova nods. "Okay, Mistress Anti, I'll go make some dinner for us and our new pet foxxy!" Shi happily strides off to prepare a meal for her family.<br> <br>Meniatz bestially hisses, "I think, in the meantime, my dear gryphon, we should fill Melanie's belly in our own way." Shi says with a smirk. "...That is, if it is alright with Zero. If she wants, she can even help." Shi reveals hir now hardening cocks from their genital slit. "Now...where to put these...?""<br> <br>Zeroone looks thoughtful a moment. She glances to Mel and catches hir eye, and in response shi starts wildly shaking hir head. "Mmmm...Well, this one said no mercy, but...she thinks for now, hir womb will remain unseeded. Besides...Shi thinks the father or uncle may have laid claim over it already, unfortunately."<br> <br>Meniatz retrieves several hydras from hir bag and places them on hir members. "Ah! Much better." Shi nods to Zero. "of course."<br> <br>Meniatz sets Melanie down and, holding hir leash, prepares to head out. "Now, Melanie, while you are wearing this leash, you are to walk on all fours like a good pet, understand? If you don't, then you don't get to eat tonight."<br> <br>Antiman feels hir cock harden, but feels disapointmetn at Zero's words. "Sie would look so good with a big belly with growing life though." <br> <br>Melanie glares at hir and gives hir a double middle finger in response. Zero replies to anti with "This one must be considerate of the master's wishes. She was actually ordered to give hir pills on a regular basis, so..."<br> <br>Meniatz strokes Anti's cock as shi moves in towards hir. "I think so, too, but...it can wait." Smiling at Zero. "Excellent. After Mel has had hir pills, I think we should tie hir up outside and put some hydras on hir to keep hir...occupied."<br> <br>Zeroone smiles and nods. Melanie still doesn't know what the hydras do, so shi just looks confused.<br> <br>Antiman gives a thoughtful look and softly skrees at Meni's touch, "Perhaps master will change his mind with the change of Mel's status?" Sie seems content with Meli's plan, "Sounds good for now."<br> <br>Sesha hesitates, looking at the bottles. "Something... um, light?" The girl looks around the room from her seat, eyeing anyone here before moving to the next thing to stare at. "If my dads could see me now..." She blanches, ears splaying back and tails curling uncomfortably, "They'd probably do to me what you're doing to Mel."<br> <br>Meniatz ducks down as shi slithers into the pub. The door's entry-way seems to be a bit...low for hir current body. Shi sees Zero and Sesha at the bar and sits down next to them. "Evening, ladies." Shi says with a pleased churl.<br> <br>Meniatz sniffs the air around the dark-furred fox woman, and recognizes her as Sesha. "Oh, hello, Sesha! I love the new look!" Shi plants a kiss on her cheek.<br> <br>Rihko stretches as she makes her way out of the back hallway, stepping behind the bar rather than out into the room at large.  She scratches at the back of her neck, then moves her paw up to rub at her ear before she freezes, looking around the Den.  Her tails slowly swish and curl, and her ear flicks.  However, she remains quiet as she leans against the end of the bar, digs out a mug, and pours herself a cup of coffee from the pot sitting out on the warmer on the bar.<br> <br>Chara stops writing in her papers and starts chewing on her pen thoughtfully. Noticing the new arrivals, she calls out, "Hey Zero," and waves to them.

Revision as of 03:02, 18 January 2013





As the door opened, Melanie could be heard shouting "Is that you, you lousy bitch?! I swear to...um...shit, what was that crazy lady going on about...the mother beast? I swear to that thing that I'll get you for this!" Zero One gives a look to the others of distaste and whispers "Do you see what this one has been dealing with?" She opens the door to Zero One and Melanie's shared bedroom, revealing the girl to be bound at the wrists and ankles seperately, and one makeshift tie between hir neck and hir bed. She was on the floor, seeming to have tried to crawl away, and there was light fraying on the tie near the bed.

On spotting Meniatz and Antiman behind Zero, hir eyes widen a little and shi mutters "Aw shit." Honestly, it was dumb of hir to *not* expect at least meniatz, considering this was hir home.

Meniatz waves to Melanie. "Hello. Melanie." Shi says with a scowl, which quickly dissapates into a wide, toothy grin. "Did I not tell you that there would be consequences to mistreating your mother?" Shi coils tightly around Melanie, squeezing hir enough to be uncomfortable, but not so much that it could cause any permanent damage. "Can you guess what lies in store for you, little fox?" Shi says, stroking Melanie's chin delicately with a large, sharp talon.

Antiman gives a strangly nasty looking grin as sie walks up behind Zero, "At least sie's been listening to what I was talking about," Sie shakes hir head. "It's too bad sie wasn't listening to Hir though." Sie then gives a very raptorial grin to Mel, "Indeed weve been talking about what to do with you."

Meniatz licks Melanie's ear with hir long, reptillian tongue. "Besides, I doubt even The Maternal Beast would be able to help you now, even if you were worthy of hir aid."

Melanie scrambles away from Meniatz onto hir bed, as if it would offer protection. Soon, shi's wrapped up in Menaitz, and can't even budge to struggle. "Please, no! *Please*, No!" Zero one steps forward, climbing up Meniatz's coils to grasp Melanie's face. "Excuse this one, but were you asking for mercy? You had it last night, and then squandered it. You'll get none this time around." She then climbs down and steps back.

Antiman careses Mel's cheek, "I'm so very sorry that we must do this Mel. It's as much for your own good as ours." Sie looks to Meniatz with a sad look, "I think sie is lost to Hir as well perhaps after this sie could be redeamed."

Meniatz puts hir hands around Melanie's neck. "You brought this upon yourself." Melanie can feel a tightness around hir neck and finally hears an audible *click* as a leather collar with a loud, jingling bell is fastened around hir neck.

Melanie glares daggers at Anti. How dare shi try and pretend shi cared about hir after what shi did last night! The way shi beat and humiliate hir...All shi'd done was use hir mom like shi was supposed to, and now everyone was turning on hir. It was insane! Meniatz places hir hands on hir neck, and from what shi'd said during it, shi began to panic, twisting hir head around, certain shi was about to be choked. instead, there was the strange click. Once the connections are made in hir head, shi gives a really confused look to meniatz.

Meniatz bestially hisses, "You were offered freedom, but you wasted it. You proved that you were not yet worthy of it. So, you are no longer our guest--you are our pet. You will follow our every command or you will be severely punished. Depending on the magnitude of your transgression, this could mean that you go to bed without dinner...or that you have to pleasure your mistresses to their FULL satisfaction." Shi says these last two words with an air of finality. "Naturally, your mother, Anti, and I are your mistresses. Eddi will serve as your master and pet-sitter in our absence." Shi begins to pet Melanie softly on the head, like an owner would pet a dog. "However, if you learn your place and prove yourself as a good, obedient pet, you will be shown love and affection, and may even be rewarded by your benevolent mistresses.""

Zeroone hangs back and says nothing. Melanie gives Meniaz a smirk in response. "You think I want your love and affection? I can find some of my own." Shi then looks away from hir, to a far wall. Zero One mutters "This one is starting to rethink the administrators offer..."

Antiman admires the collar, "It's very stylelish." Sie gives a thoughtful look to Meniatz, "Do you think sie's wearing too many clothes for a pet."

Meniatz nods at Antiman's suggestion. "You are absolutely right, Anti! Shi does seem to be a bit over-dressed for hir new life!" Shi tilts hir head to Melanie. "Of course, there is always one...alternative to being our pet. One that would allow little Melanie to keep hir clothes on and hir throat *ahem* clear." Shi gives the fox a smirk. "Would you like to hear it? It was the Administrator's idea. You know--the person who made your mother who she is today."

Meniatz puts an arm around Zero. "I think shi should make this decision. After all, it might be the last one shi makes for hirself for a quite some time..."

Zeroone says "Alright." to meniatz's statement, while Melanie nods cautiously. Mel shoots a quick irritated glance at Anti's comment, thinking it a jab at hir.

Antiman just gives a curious look at Mel's glare, "It's hir decision, hir last one but it's hir's to make." Sie shrugs, "Personaly I wouldn't take it."

Meniatz nods and presents the Administrator's counter-offer. "Well, my dear, sweet, Melanie: The administrator has offered to make you more like your mother. You will become a servant. You will become subject to the terms and conditions set out to you by the Administrator, instead of the ones I have laid out to you, though, truth be told, they will probably be somewhat...similar." Shi shrugs hir shoulders. "In any event, though, you will end up serving me. The question is: will you follow my rules, or the Admin's?" Shi gives a wicked grin. Shi pulls out a leash and plays with it in hir hands.

Melanie looks between all of them, being given a choice between hell 1 or hell 2. Shi starts shaking hir head, saying "Please...enough, please. I'll behave, really! Just let me go, I'm sorry now, really!" Shi looks on in fear at Meniatz, while Zero approaches again. "What'd this one just say a moment ago. You aren't getting any more lenience." Zero's eyes begin glowing blue. She blinks, and steps away, muttering "Oh...well, This one still thinks it's a horrible thing to..." She suddenly speaks louder "Don't give her that! Shut up!" She suddenly visibly flinches, and then sags before turning back towards the others. "The Admin states this one would be considered a mistress over hir if shi took its offer."

Meniatz nods. "Interesting. So, Mel's options are basically me, or the Administrator--the devil shi knows or the devil shi doesn't." Shi laughs wickedly at the notion.

Antiman gives a Mel pittying look, "I'm afraid that it's too late for that. You narrowed your choices to this by your own actions." Sie gives a thoughtful look, "Of course with one choice your thoughts will still be your own..." Sie trails off.

Meniatz nods at Anti before giving hir a kiss on the cheek. "A wonderful insight as usual, my dear. Though, the burden of knowing that one is free to think whatever one wants, but is too impotent to exert one's free will can be a burden unto itself."

Meniatz seems to enjoy making Melanie's choice more difficult.

Antiman nuzzels Meniatz, "True, but if one can still think one can still strive to be free. Weather one can become free is another matter." Sie gives a small open beaked grin.

Zeroone says "This one's thoughts *are* her own. It's merely her actions that are reigned." Melanie looks positively sick. "I...refuse to choose. This is all stupid. I already said I was sorry, god damn." Shi really, *really* wanted to spit in meniatz's face right now, but knew there was no way that would make hir situation any better past getting a very brief moment of satisfaction. At least shi was learning...a little. Zero says "Pick for hir then. This one defers to your judgement. Whatever you choose...she'll go with."

Antiman gives a thoughtful expression, "I think we should go with option one and make hir a pet." Hir ears flatten, "Besides I don't trust the adminstrator. Giving it one more to control increases it's power."

Zeroone thinks a moment. "Hold a moment..." she folds her arms and asks "Will you have control of her? This one wants none of that." her eyes blink blue a bit. "The administrator says that the basic rules would apply, but punisment and pleasure would be left up to this one apparently." Her eyes blink a bit more. "It seems...Melanie is out of its...range?" She seems confused by this. "What do you..." blinking. "It's control is limited to this one. Hmm." she seems contemplative.

Meniatz thinks for a moment. "Zero, if the Admin makes hir a servant, could shi be allowed to keep hir personality, thoughts, and memories--all the things that make hir who shi is? If so, we may as well make hir like you so shi is easier to control and then we could make hir our pet, anyway, since I still think shi needs to be taught some humility." Shi grins. "Of course, if it still makes Anti feel uncomfortable, we don't have to. I just thought it would be safer. I would never want anyone getting hurt. Especially..." Shi trails off as shi rubs hir belly.

Zeroone questions while looking at the floor "Did you hear that?" more blinking. "It...seems insulted. Said "Of course, I-" she suddenly jerks as her eyes flare red. She looks furious as she keeps herself standing. "No...fucking...fair. You *know* this one was quoting you. STOP IT." She jerks again as her eyes flare red again. She grits her teeth and growls. "Alright...so...it said "Of course...She...allowed this one all of that, so why wouldn't *she* allow it for hir?" She looks really irritated now.

Antiman cocks hir head to the right, "That is...interesting. I still don't trust it though." Sie looks at Meni's belly and then rubs hir own. "It would be safer but," hir expresion turns murderous and hir voice becomes a cross between a skree and a growel, "if sie should hurt our childern sie would find out why you don't get between a mother and hir cubs."

Melanie looks to anti aghast. "Lady, are you fucking crazy? Wait, of course you are...I'd never hurt babies! I got one in mom for...what'd you call that thing? The mom animal's sake."

Meniatz nods hir head and holds hir hands up. "Okay. Okay. I was just curious because I do not know the full extent of your abilities. I apologize for my ignorance." Shi puts hir hand on Anti's shoulder. "Shi certainly would, but...shi cringes a bit. "I don't think we should put Zero through that kind of pain, either. No one should have to lose their child like that." Pose glances at Melanie. "But clearly, you would harm the woman who gave you life, and who did everything she could to keep you safe and to provide for you, even though you returned her love with contempt and cruelty."

Antiman shakes hir head, "I think we should risk it. The other way still feels too much like raping the soul." Sie gives Melanie a level look, "Hir name is the Maternal Beast." Sie then gives a beaked smirk, "Its good to know that their are *some* lines you won't cross."

As Anti speaks "Hir name is-" Melanie cuts hir off with "Don't give a shit." zero shouts "Hey!" and Melanie screams "Just fucking let me go already, holy shit!" Shi begins thrashing hir head around. Zero looks really pissed off at hir. She turns to the others and says "Alright, so what're we doing with hir here?"

Meniatz churs as shi begins to undress Melanie. "I think she should be our pet. If we ever need to take things farther than that and accept the Admin's offer, we still have that option open." When shi is finished, the wyvern attaches the leash to Melanie and picks hir up by the stomach. "Besides, isn't shi just adorable like this?" Shi asks, cuddling up to the fox from behind while tightly hugging hir to hir breasts.

Melanie struggles and shouts "Let me go! LET ME GO! Fuck you, you nutty bitch, let me GO!" shi swings hir arms and legs around trying to kick or hit hir. Zero just scowls from afar.

Antiman hooks hir talons into Melanie's pants whil Meni's removing hir top and tares them off with hir talons, "True, I just uncomforatble using technology in that manner."

Antiman giggles, "Absoutly adroable. We should tie hir up in bows."

Meniatz kisses Melanie on the forehead. "You are quite spirited, little one--I can respect that." Shi giggles back to Anti. "Oh! Shi would look so cute in bows! *gasp!*" Shi looks at Zero for a second and then back to Melanie. A smile forms across hir face. "Zero, do you have any extra maid outfits in hir size? We really don't even need a full outfit--just the apron and hat." Shi now holds Melanie against hir with one strong arm, while using the other to pet the fox.

Zeroone shrugs. "This one supposes so. Hell, she can have the whole thing, this one doesn't really want it." Melanie looks appalled at the idea of bows, and further so at the maid idea. "Hell no, I'm not wearing those, fuck off and die!" Shi starts trying to force hir way out of Meniatz's grasp, or at least keep hir from petting hir as Zero heads over to the closet and pulls out the maid outfit.

Antiman scowles at the profanity coming from Mel's mouth, "Do we have a gag or somthing so we don't need to listen to that."

Meniatz nods as shi calls to hir daughter. "Nova, bring me some hydras." Shi glances at Melanie's muzzle. "About 2 feet will work." A minute later, Nova appears with three medium-sized hydras. "Here you go, Mistress! *giggles* Thanks for letting me call you that, Mom. I feel more like Miss Zero every day." Shi beams proudly. Meniatz churrs in delight as shi holds Melanie down and snaps the wriggling hydra over the fox's mouth until it is completely covered. Shi takes the other two and wraps them around the back of Melanie's head in an 'X' pattern, attaching them to the first hydra to form a make-shift muzzle. Shi then holds Mel down and dresses hir in the maid outfit. "Well? What do you three think?"

Nova claps hir hands and smiles. "Pretty! Is shi gonna be a maid like Miss Zero? I hope so. Then I can help another person serve our family!" Shi says excitedly.

Antiman giggles again at the maid idea sie caresses one of Mel's nipples, "You would look so cute, and if you only had the apron and skirt we could have fun any time." Sie stroaks one of hir sheaths. Sie watches Meni construct Mel's gag, "Very useful things thos hydras." Sie gets a dreamy look, "Very useful."

Zeroone cringes a little at nova what nova says, but hides it. It never failed to make her a little uncomfortable how Nova seemed to worship her, especially considering how much she disliked her condition. She'd never actively admit it right now, but she was getting real used to the condition, and enjoying the benifits that it gave. Melanie narrowed hir eyes and glared at Anti's stroke. Shi did *not* want sexy touchings right now. Zero smirked a bit when the dressing was done, and gave a couple of golf claps. "Fantastic."

Meniatz pats Nova on the head. "Sort of. Shi is actually our new pet. Shi might seem mean, but deep down, shi's actually a really good person." The wyvern then considers Anti's suggestion, and decides to strip the fox down to the aforementioned articles of clothing. Shi then picks Melanie up by the ankles and, holding hir upside down, slowly rotates hir to get a good look at the outfit. "I think you're right, Anti, this is better." Feeling a bit catty, shi adds. "I kind of wish shi could fill it better, though."

Nova waves at the fox. "Welcome to our family, Melanie! I promise we'll take great care of you, just like we take care of Eddi!"

Antiman rubs a finger down Mel's slit, "I soppose we could always help with filling hir out more in the belly."

Melanie growls in indignation, mumbling into hir muzzle loudly. Shi yelps when shi's flipped, and starts making swings at meniatz, and attempts to reach hir through the air. These come with much more speed and fury with louder shouts when Meni makes hir comment. Zero starts laughing. Shi glares daggers at Nova, letting out two one sylable noises that weren't all that difficult to translate, and roared in indignation at antiman's actions and words. Had shi been human, the blush across hir head and upper chest would have been glaring.

Nova nods. "Okay, Mistress Anti, I'll go make some dinner for us and our new pet foxxy!" Shi happily strides off to prepare a meal for her family.

Meniatz bestially hisses, "I think, in the meantime, my dear gryphon, we should fill Melanie's belly in our own way." Shi says with a smirk. "...That is, if it is alright with Zero. If she wants, she can even help." Shi reveals hir now hardening cocks from their genital slit. "Now...where to put these...?""

Zeroone looks thoughtful a moment. She glances to Mel and catches hir eye, and in response shi starts wildly shaking hir head. "Mmmm...Well, this one said no mercy, but...she thinks for now, hir womb will remain unseeded. Besides...Shi thinks the father or uncle may have laid claim over it already, unfortunately."

Meniatz retrieves several hydras from hir bag and places them on hir members. "Ah! Much better." Shi nods to Zero. "of course."

Meniatz sets Melanie down and, holding hir leash, prepares to head out. "Now, Melanie, while you are wearing this leash, you are to walk on all fours like a good pet, understand? If you don't, then you don't get to eat tonight."

Antiman feels hir cock harden, but feels disapointmetn at Zero's words. "Sie would look so good with a big belly with growing life though."

Melanie glares at hir and gives hir a double middle finger in response. Zero replies to anti with "This one must be considerate of the master's wishes. She was actually ordered to give hir pills on a regular basis, so..."

Meniatz strokes Anti's cock as shi moves in towards hir. "I think so, too, but...it can wait." Smiling at Zero. "Excellent. After Mel has had hir pills, I think we should tie hir up outside and put some hydras on hir to keep hir...occupied."

Zeroone smiles and nods. Melanie still doesn't know what the hydras do, so shi just looks confused.

Antiman gives a thoughtful look and softly skrees at Meni's touch, "Perhaps master will change his mind with the change of Mel's status?" Sie seems content with Meli's plan, "Sounds good for now."

Sesha hesitates, looking at the bottles. "Something... um, light?" The girl looks around the room from her seat, eyeing anyone here before moving to the next thing to stare at. "If my dads could see me now..." She blanches, ears splaying back and tails curling uncomfortably, "They'd probably do to me what you're doing to Mel."

Meniatz ducks down as shi slithers into the pub. The door's entry-way seems to be a bit...low for hir current body. Shi sees Zero and Sesha at the bar and sits down next to them. "Evening, ladies." Shi says with a pleased churl.

Meniatz sniffs the air around the dark-furred fox woman, and recognizes her as Sesha. "Oh, hello, Sesha! I love the new look!" Shi plants a kiss on her cheek.

Rihko stretches as she makes her way out of the back hallway, stepping behind the bar rather than out into the room at large. She scratches at the back of her neck, then moves her paw up to rub at her ear before she freezes, looking around the Den. Her tails slowly swish and curl, and her ear flicks. However, she remains quiet as she leans against the end of the bar, digs out a mug, and pours herself a cup of coffee from the pot sitting out on the warmer on the bar.

Chara stops writing in her papers and starts chewing on her pen thoughtfully. Noticing the new arrivals, she calls out, "Hey Zero," and waves to them.