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9/2/2025 | 9/2/2025 | ||
=Log= | =Log= | ||
− | <div></div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The gymnasium has been elaborately decorated by an avid amateur. Every wall and ceiling beam is decorated with multicolored streamers and a collection of what seem to be crude cutouts depicting some kind of bird. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>An excited figure, dressed in oddly colored robes hops about, making final preparations, flitting from decorations to a large plastic table set up like some kind of covered altar. "Come in! Come in!" the little barn owl calls out as curious mutants and agents trickle in.</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Slowly entering the gym, Will, currently in a Vulptuous Nogitsune form enters, and looks about to try to understand whats going on, and what may be coming. As he steps in, he looks to the Owl, to see what is to come.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) A large, dark furred Timber Wolf pads into the gymnasium, bending down to fit through the doorways. Rulsk glances around at the vivid decorations, then at the little owl hopping around inviting everyone inside. He moves to the edge of the room, to take up less space, and settles down on his haunches to observe the happenings, tail wagging curiously. </div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The crowd is not a particularly large one. If everyone came to every new cult meeting or promise of a new world order, no one would ever get any work done. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The little owl hops his way to the podium set beside the covered altar. The table is covered with a cloth, all sorts of strange and mysterious shapes hidden beneath it. The little barn owl raises his wings for quiet. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>"Brothers and Sister!" he hoots, then flinches as the microphone screeches feedback. "Brothers and Sisters!" he starts again, "Welcome! Too long we have neglected the worship of the true gods of this land! The true gods of America!" He looks around, waxing rapturous. "Today is a holy day, brothers and sisters! The holiest of holy days! Forgive my inadequate temple, but the great temples lie in ruins, the churches in which throngs once worshipped are desolate, occupied by animals and mad mutants, waiting for the faithful to return! We must renew the worship of the old gods! They will bring prosperity and order!" <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Many of the audience listen with intense curiosity, others with skepticism.</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) Everdeene The doors open as a Shadow Dragoness peeks in, then, to avoid interrupting the ongoing activity and speech, quietly makes her way next to the others that have made their way into the room, laying on the ground with her tauric form, watching with interest and intrigue.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk tilts his head at the owl's mention of true gods and glances around at the surrounding room. He gives a hum as he reappraises it and then nods. He wags his tail when he sees Everdeene enter, happy to see a friend. He turns his attention back to the bombastic owl and keeps listening to the sermon.</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy looks there rather awestruck, before he starts laughing his body shaking a little and jiggiling with the laugh. "I ummm...am sorry but "America hasn't been a thing since such befelled this place...not to mention as I recall...seperation of Church and state. There are no gods to which you speak."</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) "Your blasphemy is forgiven," the little owl intones, waving his wings, continuing his oration, "This was once a day of miracles and music! Of rejoicing and worship! Many gods were praised, and the pantheon was varied and constantly changing, but once all of America gathered on this day each year in great temples and churches across the land to worship of the greatest of all their gods! THE SUPERB OWL!" <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>With that statement, the little owl flaps up and pulls a cord, releasing a huge, rolled up cutout of what, with a little imagination, is an owl painted in splashes of many colors.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk has several questions, increasingly more the more he listens. He voices the most burning of them with a rough, unpracticed voice, "...What is America? I thought this was Fairhaven?" The wolf tilts his head to the other side and examines the Superb Owl, enraptured by the vibrant colors.</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy winces at the statement, as he sees the claim. He starts to say something but stops deciding to perhaps play along a little. "I see...it is a powerful god by the look. If I may ask, where did you find such scriptures?"</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu is late, fashionably so, but he walks into the room like he owns the place. "You started without me?"</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) Everdeene nods, "It is... quite interesting to say the least, I must agree, it is surprising that no one else had found this before now..." she moves up beside Rulsk to examine the cutout more closely.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) "I was granted a vision!" the little owl crows, "Behold!" A creen rolls slowly down. Painfully slowly. Then a reel starts to play from an ancient projector, showing what some people might recognize as a choppy highlight reel of super bowl ads. They are certainly dizzying, and the quality is less than great. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>"I have pieced together the ancient worship from texts and broken videos like this one, from the country of the before times! Before the Promethean virus brought us into darkness!" He flutters to the altar and whisks away the cover, revealing a spread of dips and chips and all sorts of junk food, apparently modeled after the old ads. "Come! Partake of the sacraments to the Superb Owl!"</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy 's only reaction to this is laughter, as he keeps himself steady and just laugh considerably as he thinks of all of this. Steading himself after a moment he chuckles "S...Sorry...." he says "All of this...umm...anyway. To answer your question, America was the nation that Fairhaven was a city of, before Z-Day caused stuff to crumble." he says before returning to the Owl. "Ummm...I'm sorry my friend. But you are horribly deluded. Especially as an Owl was never the meaning of such the Yearly event."</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu coughs awkwardly. "Are you... Talking about... The 'Super Bowl'?" He's pre-P-day, so he certainly recognizes football. And football snacks. "That's not a..." He sighs. "You know what, nevermind."</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk glances to Willy, then over to the food, then to Bleu, then back to the food. He muses, "So... America was a nation and they worshipped owls... and had lots of... tasty food..." He presses his side close to Everdeene, and his tail wags softly. He rumbles, "I mean... it can't hurt to try, right?" as his stomach growls hungrily. </div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) Other members of the crowd who pre-date P-Day also begin to laugh. The little owl flaps his wings, vainly trying to silence the now raucus, if still small crowd. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>"No! No!" he hoots into the microphone, "How dare you mock the Superb Owl! The Wiser Frogs! The Great Herder of Cats! You heathens! I have seen the glory of the Superb Owl and of the lesser gods! The Packer! The Patriot! The Eagle!"</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy sighs at this before looking to Rulsk "I will say the food he presented looks good...but it is not due to the Owl. The event he speaks of is what the old world called the "Super Bowl", basically one of the largest sporting events of the nation, in which the winner of the nations biggest sport was crowed...and it was a spectacle to say the least" With that, he goes to check out the food, a bit curious on it as he knows such is not that easy to come by.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk looks a little startled by the owl shouting into the microphone, then glances back towards the skeptics laughing at him. He pads over next to Willy and rumbles, "I see. So, this nation America chose its leaders via sporting events, with champions representing different mythological figures, and whoever won would be crowned and rule for the year? It sure sounds like a religion to me..." He leans over the table full of snack foods and sniffs at them eagerly, trying to figure out a way to get some without drooling all over them. </div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The little barn owl, though rather upset by the reaction of the crowd to his big reveal, settles a bit and is pleased as people come and sample foods from the altar. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The food is actually pretty good, and since the miracle of nanites makes heart disease and diabetes a thing of the past, it is also guilt free! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>On the projector screen, highlights continue to play. And... they are interesting...</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu harrumps at the owl. "The Saint of New Orleans," he chimes in. "Still, this looks like a good spread of snacks, so I guess I'll eat." He walks over to the table, looking over the spread.</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) The Nogitsune smiles and nods "Ah yeah, must have Nanomagics..." he mumbles before he hears Rulsk's statement "Well...no. The Super Bowl had nothing to do with the government. The government itself was run by largely representatives that were voted in by the people" he says "More so it was a competition between teams that represent cities from along the nations." he says "Because of that representation ton of people would flock to the game to cheer their represented teams on, and others would come watch for to what the best of the best battle it out. To note, the demi gods he speaks of are what each team had names of. Something I recall was a thing of American sports."</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk nods along as he buries his muzzle in a bowl of nachos, practically inhaling them. Crunching sounds fill the space around him and he wags his tail happily. He moves to the side a bit to give more room for anyone else who wants food, getting out of Bleu's way, and does his best to restrain himself from eating everything as fast as possible. He glances up at the projector displaying the highlights and tilts his head again. He rumbles as he watches, "So... when you say battle, I assume you mean that literally, given all that body armor. That sure sounds like a pretty aggressive religion, to fight in the name of demigods for the amusement of a crowd."</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The barn owl continues to preach the merits of the Superb Owl while mutants and agents help themselves to the buffet. It seems that there is plenty for everyone. The jeering seems to have died down and people are really getting into the game, choosing sides and cheering and booing and getting very invested...</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) The Shadow Dragoness continues to watch in amusement of everything, enjoying some of the food herself as this continues on, "It's quite an... interesting sport, I must say, all of those people tackling each other, the intense play~... I imagine things get heated in more ways than one~"</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy chuckles a bit at the the discussion. "I guess that you could say they were rooting for demigods, though...I do wonder what a Patriot as a god would be "</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu decides, FUCK IT, and leans into the narrative. "Unfortunately, the losing team was always executed by firing squad on live TV after the game ended. The winning team went to Disney World."</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) he says with a chuckle "and yeah it go heated. Though most times getting to heated usually went agianst the rules of the sport and got your penalized." he says, before gathering some more food and sinding a place to sit down. As he does he hears Bleu's statement and sighs, but for the moment continues to munch for the moment as his taur body is sprawled out.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The little would-be-cult-leader seems pleased as people get more excited about the game. As people eat and cheer and grumble and get more excited about the game and its frequent strange advertisements, the film reel is becoming more stable, more vibrant.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk folds his ears back as he hears Bleu's violent proclamation. "...Goodness. Is it wrong to say that I'm glad a society that glorified violence to that degree crumbled?" He inches away from the table and just settles next to Everdeene and presses his side against hers again. He listens to the mixed conversation and watches the film reel, a bit less excited than before.</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu turns to Rulsk. "I'll admit, that was a complete, bald-faced lie. Actually, the losing team went home and just had to wait for their next chance to try again. The winning team did go to Disney World, however."</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) She hums and leans back against Rulsk's floof, "Mmmm, though, that is surprising, imagine getting a penalty, for *liking someone*~..."</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy chuckles a bit as stuff is cleared "Actually I didn't mean likely someone. Penalties were more for more...hated reasons, which lead to being unessarily violent" he says, before looking up to the screen. "Ummm....anyone else noticiing that stuff gotten more clear and powerful from the screen." he says, steadying up into a more ready stand in case stuff begins warping around him.</div> | + | <div></div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The gymnasium has been elaborately decorated by an avid amateur. Every wall and ceiling beam is decorated with multicolored streamers and a collection of what seem to be crude cutouts depicting some kind of bird. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>An excited figure, dressed in oddly colored robes hops about, making final preparations, flitting from decorations to a large plastic table set up like some kind of covered altar. "Come in! Come in!" the little barn owl calls out as curious mutants and agents trickle in.</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Slowly entering the gym, Will, currently in a Vulptuous Nogitsune form enters, and looks about to try to understand whats going on, and what may be coming. As he steps in, he looks to the Owl, to see what is to come.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) A large, dark furred Timber Wolf pads into the gymnasium, bending down to fit through the doorways. Rulsk glances around at the vivid decorations, then at the little owl hopping around inviting everyone inside. He moves to the edge of the room, to take up less space, and settles down on his haunches to observe the happenings, tail wagging curiously. </div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The crowd is not a particularly large one. If everyone came to every new cult meeting or promise of a new world order, no one would ever get any work done. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The little owl hops his way to the podium set beside the covered altar. The table is covered with a cloth, all sorts of strange and mysterious shapes hidden beneath it. The little barn owl raises his wings for quiet. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>"Brothers and Sister!" he hoots, then flinches as the microphone screeches feedback. "Brothers and Sisters!" he starts again, "Welcome! Too long we have neglected the worship of the true gods of this land! The true gods of America!" He looks around, waxing rapturous. "Today is a holy day, brothers and sisters! The holiest of holy days! Forgive my inadequate temple, but the great temples lie in ruins, the churches in which throngs once worshipped are desolate, occupied by animals and mad mutants, waiting for the faithful to return! We must renew the worship of the old gods! They will bring prosperity and order!" <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Many of the audience listen with intense curiosity, others with skepticism.</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) Everdeene The doors open as a Shadow Dragoness peeks in, then, to avoid interrupting the ongoing activity and speech, quietly makes her way next to the others that have made their way into the room, laying on the ground with her tauric form, watching with interest and intrigue.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk tilts his head at the owl's mention of true gods and glances around at the surrounding room. He gives a hum as he reappraises it and then nods. He wags his tail when he sees Everdeene enter, happy to see a friend. He turns his attention back to the bombastic owl and keeps listening to the sermon.</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy looks there rather awestruck, before he starts laughing his body shaking a little and jiggiling with the laugh. "I ummm...am sorry but "America hasn't been a thing since such befelled this place...not to mention as I recall...seperation of Church and state. There are no gods to which you speak."</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) "Your blasphemy is forgiven," the little owl intones, waving his wings, continuing his oration, "This was once a day of miracles and music! Of rejoicing and worship! Many gods were praised, and the pantheon was varied and constantly changing, but once all of America gathered on this day each year in great temples and churches across the land to worship of the greatest of all their gods! THE SUPERB OWL!" <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>With that statement, the little owl flaps up and pulls a cord, releasing a huge, rolled up cutout of what, with a little imagination, is an owl painted in splashes of many colors.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk has several questions, increasingly more the more he listens. He voices the most burning of them with a rough, unpracticed voice, "...What is America? I thought this was Fairhaven?" The wolf tilts his head to the other side and examines the Superb Owl, enraptured by the vibrant colors.</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy winces at the statement, as he sees the claim. He starts to say something but stops deciding to perhaps play along a little. "I see...it is a powerful god by the look. If I may ask, where did you find such scriptures?"</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu is late, fashionably so, but he walks into the room like he owns the place. "You started without me?"</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) Everdeene nods, "It is... quite interesting to say the least, I must agree, it is surprising that no one else had found this before now..." she moves up beside Rulsk to examine the cutout more closely.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) "I was granted a vision!" the little owl crows, "Behold!" A creen rolls slowly down. Painfully slowly. Then a reel starts to play from an ancient projector, showing what some people might recognize as a choppy highlight reel of super bowl ads. They are certainly dizzying, and the quality is less than great. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>"I have pieced together the ancient worship from texts and broken videos like this one, from the country of the before times! Before the Promethean virus brought us into darkness!" He flutters to the altar and whisks away the cover, revealing a spread of dips and chips and all sorts of junk food, apparently modeled after the old ads. "Come! Partake of the sacraments to the Superb Owl!"</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy 's only reaction to this is laughter, as he keeps himself steady and just laugh considerably as he thinks of all of this. Steading himself after a moment he chuckles "S...Sorry...." he says "All of this...umm...anyway. To answer your question, America was the nation that Fairhaven was a city of, before Z-Day caused stuff to crumble." he says before returning to the Owl. "Ummm...I'm sorry my friend. But you are horribly deluded. Especially as an Owl was never the meaning of such the Yearly event."</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu coughs awkwardly. "Are you... Talking about... The 'Super Bowl'?" He's pre-P-day, so he certainly recognizes football. And football snacks. "That's not a..." He sighs. "You know what, nevermind."</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk glances to Willy, then over to the food, then to Bleu, then back to the food. He muses, "So... America was a nation and they worshipped owls... and had lots of... tasty food..." He presses his side close to Everdeene, and his tail wags softly. He rumbles, "I mean... it can't hurt to try, right?" as his stomach growls hungrily. </div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) Other members of the crowd who pre-date P-Day also begin to laugh. The little owl flaps his wings, vainly trying to silence the now raucus, if still small crowd. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>"No! No!" he hoots into the microphone, "How dare you mock the Superb Owl! The Wiser Frogs! The Great Herder of Cats! You heathens! I have seen the glory of the Superb Owl and of the lesser gods! The Packer! The Patriot! The Eagle!"</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy sighs at this before looking to Rulsk "I will say the food he presented looks good...but it is not due to the Owl. The event he speaks of is what the old world called the "Super Bowl", basically one of the largest sporting events of the nation, in which the winner of the nations biggest sport was crowed...and it was a spectacle to say the least" With that, he goes to check out the food, a bit curious on it as he knows such is not that easy to come by.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk looks a little startled by the owl shouting into the microphone, then glances back towards the skeptics laughing at him. He pads over next to Willy and rumbles, "I see. So, this nation America chose its leaders via sporting events, with champions representing different mythological figures, and whoever won would be crowned and rule for the year? It sure sounds like a religion to me..." He leans over the table full of snack foods and sniffs at them eagerly, trying to figure out a way to get some without drooling all over them. </div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The little barn owl, though rather upset by the reaction of the crowd to his big reveal, settles a bit and is pleased as people come and sample foods from the altar. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The food is actually pretty good, and since the miracle of nanites makes heart disease and diabetes a thing of the past, it is also guilt free! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>On the projector screen, highlights continue to play. And... they are interesting...</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu harrumps at the owl. "The Saint of New Orleans," he chimes in. "Still, this looks like a good spread of snacks, so I guess I'll eat." He walks over to the table, looking over the spread.</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) The Nogitsune smiles and nods "Ah yeah, must have Nanomagics..." he mumbles before he hears Rulsk's statement "Well...no. The Super Bowl had nothing to do with the government. The government itself was run by largely representatives that were voted in by the people" he says "More so it was a competition between teams that represent cities from along the nations." he says "Because of that representation ton of people would flock to the game to cheer their represented teams on, and others would come watch for to what the best of the best battle it out. To note, the demi gods he speaks of are what each team had names of. Something I recall was a thing of American sports."</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk nods along as he buries his muzzle in a bowl of nachos, practically inhaling them. Crunching sounds fill the space around him and he wags his tail happily. He moves to the side a bit to give more room for anyone else who wants food, getting out of Bleu's way, and does his best to restrain himself from eating everything as fast as possible. He glances up at the projector displaying the highlights and tilts his head again. He rumbles as he watches, "So... when you say battle, I assume you mean that literally, given all that body armor. That sure sounds like a pretty aggressive religion, to fight in the name of demigods for the amusement of a crowd."</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The barn owl continues to preach the merits of the Superb Owl while mutants and agents help themselves to the buffet. It seems that there is plenty for everyone. The jeering seems to have died down and people are really getting into the game, choosing sides and cheering and booing and getting very invested...</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) The Shadow Dragoness continues to watch in amusement of everything, enjoying some of the food herself as this continues on, "It's quite an... interesting sport, I must say, all of those people tackling each other, the intense play~... I imagine things get heated in more ways than one~"</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy chuckles a bit at the the discussion. "I guess that you could say they were rooting for demigods, though...I do wonder what a Patriot as a god would be "</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu decides, FUCK IT, and leans into the narrative. "Unfortunately, the losing team was always executed by firing squad on live TV after the game ended. The winning team went to Disney World."</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) he says with a chuckle "and yeah it go heated. Though most times getting to heated usually went agianst the rules of the sport and got your penalized." he says, before gathering some more food and sinding a place to sit down. As he does he hears Bleu's statement and sighs, but for the moment continues to munch for the moment as his taur body is sprawled out.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The little would-be-cult-leader seems pleased as people get more excited about the game. As people eat and cheer and grumble and get more excited about the game and its frequent strange advertisements, the film reel is becoming more stable, more vibrant.</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk folds his ears back as he hears Bleu's violent proclamation. "...Goodness. Is it wrong to say that I'm glad a society that glorified violence to that degree crumbled?" He inches away from the table and just settles next to Everdeene and presses his side against hers again. He listens to the mixed conversation and watches the film reel, a bit less excited than before.</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu turns to Rulsk. "I'll admit, that was a complete, bald-faced lie. Actually, the losing team went home and just had to wait for their next chance to try again. The winning team did go to Disney World, however."</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) She hums and leans back against Rulsk's floof, "Mmmm, though, that is surprising, imagine getting a penalty, for *liking someone*~..."</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy chuckles a bit as stuff is cleared "Actually I didn't mean likely someone. Penalties were more for more...hated reasons, which lead to being unessarily violent" he says, before looking up to the screen. "Ummm....anyone else noticiing that stuff gotten more clear and powerful from the screen." he says, steadying up into a more ready stand in case stuff begins warping around him.</div><div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk looks immensely relieved to hear that and relaxes. As he snuggles Everdeene and is used as a pillow by her, he rumbles, "Oh good, you had me worried there. And... what is Disney World? Is that some kind of spiritual plane?" He hears Everdeene's question and playfully licks her ears. At Willy's words, he turns to look at the screen and observed the increased clarity and vibrancy.</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) Everdeene hums, and looks over to Willy, "It's hard to be certain if that's normal or not, what with everything being wonky due to the changes of the world, so..."</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The little owl looks very, very pleased, and the projection is certainly clearer. At some point, the little guy moved away from the podium and is just watching people eat and argue and cheer. Most people are ignoring him at this point. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>On the screen, the game pauses and the half time show begins with Tom Perry and the Heartbreakers!</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu nods sagely to Rulsk. "Disney World was a spiritual plane created by the wizard, Walt, the Great and Powerful, and his apprentice, Mickey the Mouse."</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) Rulsk nods, as that sounds completely reasonable to how his understanding of the world works. He turns to watch the musical display with intense curiosity, as he has never seen anything like it. The closest are musical ferals he has fought before, but this seems less aggressive than he's used to.</div> <div title="Everdeene" style="margin-top:2em">(Everdeene) Everdeene hums in thought, "Hmmm, sounds like "Disney World" would be pleasant just to visit~"</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The instigator of all of this fades into the background as the revelry continues, spectators commenting on the game and the half time show and the advertismenents as if they were experts, people partaking of the impractical, unhealthy, but delicious food, the spectators claiming disinterest, but still hanging around for the food and the company. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>He just watches, looking supremely smug and with a glint, perhaps a glow in his eye. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>"I am a Superb Owl," he says quietly to himself...</div> <div title="Willy" style="margin-top:2em">(Willy) Willy doesn't seem to see much of it and just chuckles and relaxes with his food, watching the game and solumly thinking of years past.</div> <div title="Bleu" style="margin-top:2em">(Bleu) Bleu noms on messy nachos. "Oh yes," he says to Everdeene. "There was Cinderella's Castle, Space Mountain, the Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean..."</div> <div title="Rulsk" style="margin-top:2em">(Rulsk) The big wolf's ears perk up when he hears that quiet whisper. He wags his tail happily, appreciating that the ritual appears to have been successful, at least as far as he understands it. He settles down to snuggle with folks and relaxes, enjoying the good food and company. He will remember this, the ritual of the Superb Owl. </div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">(Fenris) The festivities continue, and the little barn owl is suddenly nowhere to be seen. No one really comments on it, though. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>All of this seems to have been a bust. No new gods, no brave new world order. Oh well, miraculously, there are still nachos!</div> |
Revision as of 21:03, 9 February 2025
(Fenris) The gymnasium has been elaborately decorated by an avid amateur. Every wall and ceiling beam is decorated with multicolored streamers and a collection of what seem to be crude cutouts depicting some kind of bird. An excited figure, dressed in oddly colored robes hops about, making final preparations, flitting from decorations to a large plastic table set up like some kind of covered altar. "Come in! Come in!" the little barn owl calls out as curious mutants and agents trickle in.
(Willy) Slowly entering the gym, Will, currently in a Vulptuous Nogitsune form enters, and looks about to try to understand whats going on, and what may be coming. As he steps in, he looks to the Owl, to see what is to come.
(Rulsk) A large, dark furred Timber Wolf pads into the gymnasium, bending down to fit through the doorways. Rulsk glances around at the vivid decorations, then at the little owl hopping around inviting everyone inside. He moves to the edge of the room, to take up less space, and settles down on his haunches to observe the happenings, tail wagging curiously.
(Fenris) The crowd is not a particularly large one. If everyone came to every new cult meeting or promise of a new world order, no one would ever get any work done. The little owl hops his way to the podium set beside the covered altar. The table is covered with a cloth, all sorts of strange and mysterious shapes hidden beneath it. The little barn owl raises his wings for quiet. "Brothers and Sister!" he hoots, then flinches as the microphone screeches feedback. "Brothers and Sisters!" he starts again, "Welcome! Too long we have neglected the worship of the true gods of this land! The true gods of America!" He looks around, waxing rapturous. "Today is a holy day, brothers and sisters! The holiest of holy days! Forgive my inadequate temple, but the great temples lie in ruins, the churches in which throngs once worshipped are desolate, occupied by animals and mad mutants, waiting for the faithful to return! We must renew the worship of the old gods! They will bring prosperity and order!" Many of the audience listen with intense curiosity, others with skepticism.
(Everdeene) Everdeene The doors open as a Shadow Dragoness peeks in, then, to avoid interrupting the ongoing activity and speech, quietly makes her way next to the others that have made their way into the room, laying on the ground with her tauric form, watching with interest and intrigue.
(Rulsk) Rulsk tilts his head at the owl's mention of true gods and glances around at the surrounding room. He gives a hum as he reappraises it and then nods. He wags his tail when he sees Everdeene enter, happy to see a friend. He turns his attention back to the bombastic owl and keeps listening to the sermon.
(Willy) Willy looks there rather awestruck, before he starts laughing his body shaking a little and jiggiling with the laugh. "I ummm...am sorry but "America hasn't been a thing since such befelled this place...not to mention as I recall...seperation of Church and state. There are no gods to which you speak."
(Fenris) "Your blasphemy is forgiven," the little owl intones, waving his wings, continuing his oration, "This was once a day of miracles and music! Of rejoicing and worship! Many gods were praised, and the pantheon was varied and constantly changing, but once all of America gathered on this day each year in great temples and churches across the land to worship of the greatest of all their gods! THE SUPERB OWL!" With that statement, the little owl flaps up and pulls a cord, releasing a huge, rolled up cutout of what, with a little imagination, is an owl painted in splashes of many colors.
(Rulsk) Rulsk has several questions, increasingly more the more he listens. He voices the most burning of them with a rough, unpracticed voice, "...What is America? I thought this was Fairhaven?" The wolf tilts his head to the other side and examines the Superb Owl, enraptured by the vibrant colors.
(Willy) Willy winces at the statement, as he sees the claim. He starts to say something but stops deciding to perhaps play along a little. "I see...it is a powerful god by the look. If I may ask, where did you find such scriptures?"
(Bleu) Bleu is late, fashionably so, but he walks into the room like he owns the place. "You started without me?"
(Everdeene) Everdeene nods, "It is... quite interesting to say the least, I must agree, it is surprising that no one else had found this before now..." she moves up beside Rulsk to examine the cutout more closely.
(Fenris) "I was granted a vision!" the little owl crows, "Behold!" A creen rolls slowly down. Painfully slowly. Then a reel starts to play from an ancient projector, showing what some people might recognize as a choppy highlight reel of super bowl ads. They are certainly dizzying, and the quality is less than great. "I have pieced together the ancient worship from texts and broken videos like this one, from the country of the before times! Before the Promethean virus brought us into darkness!" He flutters to the altar and whisks away the cover, revealing a spread of dips and chips and all sorts of junk food, apparently modeled after the old ads. "Come! Partake of the sacraments to the Superb Owl!"
(Willy) Willy 's only reaction to this is laughter, as he keeps himself steady and just laugh considerably as he thinks of all of this. Steading himself after a moment he chuckles "S...Sorry...." he says "All of this...umm...anyway. To answer your question, America was the nation that Fairhaven was a city of, before Z-Day caused stuff to crumble." he says before returning to the Owl. "Ummm...I'm sorry my friend. But you are horribly deluded. Especially as an Owl was never the meaning of such the Yearly event."
(Bleu) Bleu coughs awkwardly. "Are you... Talking about... The 'Super Bowl'?" He's pre-P-day, so he certainly recognizes football. And football snacks. "That's not a..." He sighs. "You know what, nevermind."
(Rulsk) Rulsk glances to Willy, then over to the food, then to Bleu, then back to the food. He muses, "So... America was a nation and they worshipped owls... and had lots of... tasty food..." He presses his side close to Everdeene, and his tail wags softly. He rumbles, "I mean... it can't hurt to try, right?" as his stomach growls hungrily.
(Fenris) Other members of the crowd who pre-date P-Day also begin to laugh. The little owl flaps his wings, vainly trying to silence the now raucus, if still small crowd. "No! No!" he hoots into the microphone, "How dare you mock the Superb Owl! The Wiser Frogs! The Great Herder of Cats! You heathens! I have seen the glory of the Superb Owl and of the lesser gods! The Packer! The Patriot! The Eagle!"
(Willy) Willy sighs at this before looking to Rulsk "I will say the food he presented looks good...but it is not due to the Owl. The event he speaks of is what the old world called the "Super Bowl", basically one of the largest sporting events of the nation, in which the winner of the nations biggest sport was crowed...and it was a spectacle to say the least" With that, he goes to check out the food, a bit curious on it as he knows such is not that easy to come by.
(Rulsk) Rulsk looks a little startled by the owl shouting into the microphone, then glances back towards the skeptics laughing at him. He pads over next to Willy and rumbles, "I see. So, this nation America chose its leaders via sporting events, with champions representing different mythological figures, and whoever won would be crowned and rule for the year? It sure sounds like a religion to me..." He leans over the table full of snack foods and sniffs at them eagerly, trying to figure out a way to get some without drooling all over them.
(Fenris) The little barn owl, though rather upset by the reaction of the crowd to his big reveal, settles a bit and is pleased as people come and sample foods from the altar. The food is actually pretty good, and since the miracle of nanites makes heart disease and diabetes a thing of the past, it is also guilt free! On the projector screen, highlights continue to play. And... they are interesting...
(Bleu) Bleu harrumps at the owl. "The Saint of New Orleans," he chimes in. "Still, this looks like a good spread of snacks, so I guess I'll eat." He walks over to the table, looking over the spread.
(Willy) The Nogitsune smiles and nods "Ah yeah, must have Nanomagics..." he mumbles before he hears Rulsk's statement "Well...no. The Super Bowl had nothing to do with the government. The government itself was run by largely representatives that were voted in by the people" he says "More so it was a competition between teams that represent cities from along the nations." he says "Because of that representation ton of people would flock to the game to cheer their represented teams on, and others would come watch for to what the best of the best battle it out. To note, the demi gods he speaks of are what each team had names of. Something I recall was a thing of American sports."
(Rulsk) Rulsk nods along as he buries his muzzle in a bowl of nachos, practically inhaling them. Crunching sounds fill the space around him and he wags his tail happily. He moves to the side a bit to give more room for anyone else who wants food, getting out of Bleu's way, and does his best to restrain himself from eating everything as fast as possible. He glances up at the projector displaying the highlights and tilts his head again. He rumbles as he watches, "So... when you say battle, I assume you mean that literally, given all that body armor. That sure sounds like a pretty aggressive religion, to fight in the name of demigods for the amusement of a crowd."
(Fenris) The barn owl continues to preach the merits of the Superb Owl while mutants and agents help themselves to the buffet. It seems that there is plenty for everyone. The jeering seems to have died down and people are really getting into the game, choosing sides and cheering and booing and getting very invested...
(Everdeene) The Shadow Dragoness continues to watch in amusement of everything, enjoying some of the food herself as this continues on, "It's quite an... interesting sport, I must say, all of those people tackling each other, the intense play~... I imagine things get heated in more ways than one~"
(Willy) Willy chuckles a bit at the the discussion. "I guess that you could say they were rooting for demigods, though...I do wonder what a Patriot as a god would be "
(Bleu) Bleu decides, FUCK IT, and leans into the narrative. "Unfortunately, the losing team was always executed by firing squad on live TV after the game ended. The winning team went to Disney World."
(Willy) he says with a chuckle "and yeah it go heated. Though most times getting to heated usually went agianst the rules of the sport and got your penalized." he says, before gathering some more food and sinding a place to sit down. As he does he hears Bleu's statement and sighs, but for the moment continues to munch for the moment as his taur body is sprawled out.
(Fenris) The little would-be-cult-leader seems pleased as people get more excited about the game. As people eat and cheer and grumble and get more excited about the game and its frequent strange advertisements, the film reel is becoming more stable, more vibrant.
(Rulsk) Rulsk folds his ears back as he hears Bleu's violent proclamation. "...Goodness. Is it wrong to say that I'm glad a society that glorified violence to that degree crumbled?" He inches away from the table and just settles next to Everdeene and presses his side against hers again. He listens to the mixed conversation and watches the film reel, a bit less excited than before.
(Bleu) Bleu turns to Rulsk. "I'll admit, that was a complete, bald-faced lie. Actually, the losing team went home and just had to wait for their next chance to try again. The winning team did go to Disney World, however."
(Everdeene) She hums and leans back against Rulsk's floof, "Mmmm, though, that is surprising, imagine getting a penalty, for *liking someone*~..."
(Willy) Willy chuckles a bit as stuff is cleared "Actually I didn't mean likely someone. Penalties were more for more...hated reasons, which lead to being unessarily violent" he says, before looking up to the screen. "Ummm....anyone else noticiing that stuff gotten more clear and powerful from the screen." he says, steadying up into a more ready stand in case stuff begins warping around him.
(Rulsk) Rulsk looks immensely relieved to hear that and relaxes. As he snuggles Everdeene and is used as a pillow by her, he rumbles, "Oh good, you had me worried there. And... what is Disney World? Is that some kind of spiritual plane?" He hears Everdeene's question and playfully licks her ears. At Willy's words, he turns to look at the screen and observed the increased clarity and vibrancy.
(Everdeene) Everdeene hums, and looks over to Willy, "It's hard to be certain if that's normal or not, what with everything being wonky due to the changes of the world, so..."
(Fenris) The little owl looks very, very pleased, and the projection is certainly clearer. At some point, the little guy moved away from the podium and is just watching people eat and argue and cheer. Most people are ignoring him at this point. On the screen, the game pauses and the half time show begins with Tom Perry and the Heartbreakers!
(Bleu) Bleu nods sagely to Rulsk. "Disney World was a spiritual plane created by the wizard, Walt, the Great and Powerful, and his apprentice, Mickey the Mouse."
(Rulsk) Rulsk nods, as that sounds completely reasonable to how his understanding of the world works. He turns to watch the musical display with intense curiosity, as he has never seen anything like it. The closest are musical ferals he has fought before, but this seems less aggressive than he's used to.
(Everdeene) Everdeene hums in thought, "Hmmm, sounds like "Disney World" would be pleasant just to visit~"
(Fenris) The instigator of all of this fades into the background as the revelry continues, spectators commenting on the game and the half time show and the advertismenents as if they were experts, people partaking of the impractical, unhealthy, but delicious food, the spectators claiming disinterest, but still hanging around for the food and the company. He just watches, looking supremely smug and with a glint, perhaps a glow in his eye. "I am a Superb Owl," he says quietly to himself...
(Willy) Willy doesn't seem to see much of it and just chuckles and relaxes with his food, watching the game and solumly thinking of years past.
(Bleu) Bleu noms on messy nachos. "Oh yes," he says to Everdeene. "There was Cinderella's Castle, Space Mountain, the Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean..."
(Rulsk) The big wolf's ears perk up when he hears that quiet whisper. He wags his tail happily, appreciating that the ritual appears to have been successful, at least as far as he understands it. He settles down to snuggle with folks and relaxes, enjoying the good food and company. He will remember this, the ritual of the Superb Owl.
(Fenris) The festivities continue, and the little barn owl is suddenly nowhere to be seen. No one really comments on it, though. All of this seems to have been a bust. No new gods, no brave new world order. Oh well, miraculously, there are still nachos!