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<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>    And that signal arrived moments later. As Sheela&#39;s cry of confusion and rage echoed through the building, she whispers a &quot;ahhh, fuck it&quot; into her headset for the others to hear, and then pounces forward.  
<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>    And that signal arrived moments later. As Sheela&#39;s cry of confusion and rage echoed through the building, she whispers a &quot;ahhh, fuck it&quot; into her headset for the others to hear, and then pounces forward.  
<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>    Bounding into the main room - and hoping her teammates are also making a move - she takes in the room with a glance and spots the big spider woman, who fits the voice she heard outside a few moments ago and who looks like the clear leader here. Without hesitating she raises her gun and lines up a shot... but holds fire, not liking her odds, and not wanting to start a fight she might not win. &quot;What in the everliving fuck is going on here?&quot; she half-grunts under her breath, eyes darting between the various robed figures in the room.</div> <div title="Oswynd" style="margin-top:2em">(Oswynd) The dragon listens in on his comm device. &quot;We&#39;re storming the place? Alright... hope they don&#39;t need their door.&quot; Whistling nonchalantly to himself the dragon reaches towards that bizarre-o gauntlet on his arm, protruding several prongs that interlock together to form a drill-like head upon its surface. &quot;Haven&#39;t used this in a while...&quot; he rumbles to himself and paces towards the main entrance, giving the device a rest-whirr to send its rotary blender-like drill-shaped head a test spin. &quot;Lalalaaaa... goodbye, lock!&quot; He raises his fist... and hesitates. &quot;What am I doing?&quot; The dragon shakes his head and re-folds the device back into its inert state for later use. If he overheats it now, he&#39;d not be getting another use of it anytime soon. One flimsy wooden door doesn&#39;t warrant that, right? <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> Cheap busted up house, he wagers he can even smash through the wall! As a matter of fact... he makes a lap around towards the wall directly separating the exterior from where the group of mutants had congregated, raises his fist and *SMASH* crashes right through in an ocean of dust and splinters. Stepping into the room, the dragon cracks his knuckles, one into the other and growls, &quot;Madam, I&#39;m really gonna need that signature. I didn&#39;t much appreciate the attitude from earlier, so I&#39;d prefer it if you&#39;re cooperative. You left me in a real damn bad mood, so I&#39;d start explaining if I were you.&quot; </div> <div title="Kishea" style="margin-top:2em">(Kishea) As sheela let her feral side take over because of her wanting to save the person in danger in the basement, she alerts everyone by growling and leaping. &quot;INTRUDERS! EVERYONE STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING AND CAPTURE THEM!&quot; The spider lady would scream as she hears Sheela and sees Theia, the four robed figures would grab the whip hidden in their robes as the leader command them. As for the human male cultist, he would grab his pistol from his holster while the lizard girl just got in a fighting stance, trusting her claws to be enough, although both of them seemed nervous. As for the couple, they would quickly find themselves in a room with all sort of demonic symbols and diagrams, there were a dozens figures wearing black robes that stops running as they sees the two in front of them. &quot;Heh, you two are outnumbered, if you just give up we will make your death instant instead of torturing you like the oh how poor soul in the room behind us.&quot; One of the cultist would say in a confident tone. Back upstair, the lizard girl and human man would jump in terror from seeing the solar dragon crash through the wall. As for the 4 guards, two of them would turn their back to theia, but as they see the dragon, they froze in hesitation for two seconds, the other two would charge toward Theia, intent on bringing her down. &quot;You again?! HA i shouldve guessed there was something fishy going on, tss, this is just a fleemsy old house you think im scared of you?&quot; The spider lady would snarl toward Oswynd.</div><div title="Arimia" style="margin-top:2em">(Arimia) &quot;Three,&quot; comes a soft reply from outside, followed by the feline woman casually following behind Oswynd. Moving with surety, bare feet manage to avoid stepping on any dangerous debris as she steps beside, then past the dragon, moving toward the arachnimorph. &quot;But counting is hardly the strong suit of fanatics.&quot; When she&#39;s just shy of arm&#39;s reach the cat woman puts on a burst of speed, until she&#39;s right in the spider&#39;s face. Or as close to it as she can get with their height difference really. Arimia&#39;s hands move to grab what cloth there is of the scanty robes, then her body twists as she lifts the larger woman. Looking toward Oswynd, she comments, &quot;I&#39;ll take this one.&quot; Then she&#39;s throwing the woman toward, and through, what remains of the exterior wall after the dragon&#39;s entrance. Humming a soft tune she starts to move across the debris strewn floor, following in the wake of the arachnid, and paying little mind to the other robed figures still in the room. </div> <div title="Sheela" style="margin-top:2em">(Sheela) Even the gentleness of her alpha could no longer slow her down, for nature was already taking its course... not that side that would lead to unrestrained rutting... No, it was the irrepressible power to protect someone who was in danger, who needed help and was screaming for the sake of pain in that second. The fluffy fur of her neck bristled as her breath began to tremble through her throat like thunder. She felt her alpha following her, how close he was behind her, while her ocean blue eyes fixed only on the target before her. Communicating through her comm, which was firmly in her ear, she heard only in her subconscious, heard the others getting ready to storm the house in good old FBI fashion. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>On all four paws she slid into the room from which the shimmering light of candlelight awoke. Glancing around her, she saw these confusing symbols, the pentagram in the center of the room, before being greeted by a rude voice ordering them to surrender. Immediately her ocean blue eyes widened as she saw how the dozen of robes turned around... damn there were many! Immediately the nanomagic power lit up again, forming the mask of a kitsune before everyone could hear the indistinct growl she mentally broadcast to the group, [There are dozens... many robes... many evil assholes... too many...] Now that she saw the mass of occultists, attacking might not have been the wisest choice and quietly she growled to Zen, &quot;How are we going to do this....&quot; Instead of backing down though she puffed herself up further, her hackles awakening more and more before a low growl rushed through her throat, &quot;We don&#39;t have to fight... just give us the poor soul and you won&#39;t have to be worried! We will spare everyone and don&#39;t think I&#39;m scared of a toy gun!&quot; She tried to at least show the good will to regain the calmness of her mind, while the feral instincts were about to burn a single path in her thoughts.</div> <div title="Zen" style="margin-top:2em">(Zen) Zen could hear the muffled voices followed by a loud crash from upstairs.  Well, it was safe to assume the spider lady and her group of followers were going to have their hands full!  Still, they did outnumber the other half of their team two-to-one.  A bigger problem soon presented itself as he reached the base of the stairs beside Sheela.  Looking at all the demonic symbols and the dozen or so cultists, he and his partner were the ones most outnumbered!  A snarl grew in his throat as one of the cultist spoke out.  How dare they threaten Sheela!  If they wanted to fight, he&#39;d make damn sure they knew what they were signing up for! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> Hackles bristling with the promise of violence, a deafening snarl echoes through the room.  A growl laden with hatred rolls from his throat as his nanomagic takes on a more threatening from.  &quot;Just try!  I&#39;ll rip your damn throats out, all of you!  Your corpses will make a fine addition to this demonic atmosphere!  I&#39;ll paint the wall red with you!&quot; He roars, looking for the nearest cultist with a weakened resolve.  He lunges for their throat, teeth bared, ready to make an example for the rest to follow!</div> <div title="Theia" style="margin-top:2em">(Theia) Not even attempting to stifle the grin that crosses her face at the sight of her dragon friend obliterating a wall with a single punch, Theia swivels on the pads of her feet to face the two nearest robed cultists. She fires a couple of rounds at one, aiming at what appears to be the centre of mass beneath the dark cloth, before pivoting to deliver a kick at the head of the other cultist. Not waiting to see the damage she&#39;s caused the feline quickly backs off, keeping light on her feet and not letting the pair get too close, before closing in again. Alternating between shots from her gun and kicks, tail swipes and claw scratches, she attempts to quickly bring down her two opponents without letting either larger figure land a blow on her. </div> <div title="Oswynd" style="margin-top:2em">(Oswynd) &quot;Rude.&quot; Oswynd takes several more steps into the room prior to Arimia&#39;s own actions, his heavy footfalls thumping against the ground. &quot;Well it ain&#39;t my fault you got a crap taste in living accomodations. Hey, give me a ring when you&#39;re out of jail, I know a nice place around the center of town that charges hardly anything in terms of rent.&quot; The dragon casts the arachnid woman a wink and a smirk. &quot;Right now though me and the boys are gonna have to put your little operation on ice. Trust me, you&#39;d rather deal with us than the Home Owners&#39; Association. They&#39;re the real devil&#39;s minions, and if they find out what you got going here they&#39;ll be out for blood. Now...&quot; he&#39;s cut off when the woman is sent flying. &quot;Now THAT... is rude.&quot; He snerks and shakes his head, gaze returning to the guards that he&#39;d paralyzed, addressing them and the cultists within earshot, &quot;You can do better than this, boys. Put down the weapons and cheese it, I&#39;ll make sure to forget you were ever involved in any of this. Otherwise it&#39;s jailtime with Bubba the Butt Blaster for the lot of ya. And I gotta warn ya, he didn&#39;t get that nickname for nothing.&quot; He takes a step to one side to expose the hole in the wall for them. &quot;Your move, freaks.&quot; Given what the rest of his team had started to do however... &quot;I&#39;d hurry up if I were you.&quot; </div><div title="Kishea" style="margin-top:2em">(Kishea) The group of cultist in the basement would snicker as they heard Sheela, not intimidated by the slightest, until Zen used his nanomagic and jumped on the nearest one like a madman, a few of them froze in fright which made another few hesitate as they didnt feel as much powerful all of a sudden after seeing their cultist brother getting beatten up badly. &quot;What the hell are you guys waiting for theyre just two... Shit what is going on upstair...&quot; The rude one from earlier would say frustratingly before grunting in frustration. &quot;FUCK IT I AINT GOING TO PRISON ID RATHER DIE!&quot; He said as he start to charge towards Zen but is held by a trio of cultist. &quot;Bob were fucked just surrender!&quot; Back upstair, the human man fell on his knees as he trembles, while the lizard girl trembles as well, both surrendering. As for the two cultist that attacked Theia, one of them was holding their torso in pain from gunshot and the other with his broken nose surrendering as well like the newbies, as he sees how fucked they are while he holds his nose in pain. The only one left was the spider who got charged through the wall by Arimia, she was seeing blurry as she tried to get the cat girl off her.</div> <div title="Arimia" style="margin-top:2em">(Arimia) Arimia doesn&#39;t give the spider much time to recover, opting to push her down and kneel beside her. One hand remains on the arachnid&#39;s torso, the surprising strength being used to keep her down. The other grabs one of the woman&#39;s arms, pulling it out as the feline woman leans in to bite said arm, feline fangs tearing into flesh as a soporific venom is injected. Releasing the arm she absently licks her lips due to blood that results and turns so that she can sit atop the arachnid&#39;s chest. &quot;Sleep now,&quot; she commands as she extends her legs, crossing her feet at the ankles, and starts to idly inspect her claws. </div> <div title="Sheela" style="margin-top:2em">(Sheela) Actually, she wanted to try to find another way to solve this situation, but before she knew it, she felt the black shadow flying past her, directly on its way to tear the throat of one of the occultists with yelping words. Damn it Zen! Who the hell is the Feral now!!! As she watched the gaping mouth of her alpha shed strands of saliva at his own efforts to keep her from being threatened, the protective instinct burned into her senses. With a low rumble, she tilted her head slightly, her tail stiffening like a tense bow about to slowly choose a target that would be the first to whimper in pain should the whole affair not resolve itself otherwise. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Suddenly the scream was heard, quickly dying to a gurgling groan before only the flow of blood could be heard. It wasn&#39;t the last, however, as the one occultist couldn&#39;t keep his mouth shut and before he knew it, Sheela was leaping in front of Zen, covering, while Zen formed the blood bath that slowly began to cover the pentagram. &quot;Listen to your people! Otherwise, the life of your body will end just like what has already been taken!&quot; boomed from her throat before she saw that the other three occultists seemed to be able to hold back the troublemaker. With a cursory glance at Zen, she waited for him to be ready again, licking fleetingly over his blood-stained muzzle before she began to creep around the remaining occultists in a circle and at a safe distance. Each step was deliberate, her ocean blue eyes alert before she finally caught a glimpse of the lost souls suffering through the sadistic ritual. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>It may have been a bit confusing, but she tried to put on the most loving face possible before growling softly, &quot;Don&#39;t worry, we&#39;ll get you out of here. Is somebody wounded? Is everything ok? Come on you&#39;re free!&quot; She just hoped that the pain-stricken prisoners could move, that they could squeeze past the occultists under the protection of the wolves, while Zen kept a watchful eye on the masochistic occultists.</div> <div title="Zen" style="margin-top:2em">(Zen) Zen&#39;s jaws had clamped shut around the throat of the unfortunate cultist he perceived to be the weakest.  Like a vice, they tightened, filling the room with a disturbing sound of ripping flesh and straining bone.  Blood runs down his muzzle as his eyes glare to the next target, ready to repeat this performance as many times as it would take!  The gurgling sound of a crushed, blood-filled windpipe straining for air filled this demonic room with a palpable aura of dread.  The could have chose to keep fighting, but it was no longer certain who would come out on top.  After all, they weren&#39;t oblivious to the sounds of a struggle upstairs.  Even if they worked together to overwhelm the two wolves, what would they have to face next?  Surrender was a logical conclusion, and it certainly beat following the fate of their maimed cohort.  Dropping the cultist to the floor, the black wolf keeps up his imposing visage as his counterpart moves to take care of the prisoner they were keeping in the other room.</div> <div title="Theia" style="margin-top:2em">(Theia) Theia sashays across the room, eyes darting between the various surrendering cultists, her twin tails lashing out to strike her former attacker on the broken nose out of just a little bit of spite. Seeing that no one was left to pose any real threat, she drags the two new iniatives over to kneel next to the other two cultists, a gentle tap with the side of her gun providing just as much motivation as her shove. A quick glance through the gaping chasm that used to be the wall confirms that the ringleader has likewise been pacified, and the sounds from below her feet seeemd to quieten down.  
<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>    Bounding into the main room - and hoping her teammates are also making a move - she takes in the room with a glance and spots the big spider woman, who fits the voice she heard outside a few moments ago and who looks like the clear leader here. Without hesitating she raises her gun and lines up a shot... but holds fire, not liking her odds, and not wanting to start a fight she might not win. &quot;What in the everliving fuck is going on here?&quot; she half-grunts under her breath, eyes darting between the various robed figures in the room.</div> <div title="Oswynd" style="margin-top:2em">(Oswynd) The dragon listens in on his comm device. &quot;We&#39;re storming the place? Alright... hope they don&#39;t need their door.&quot; Whistling nonchalantly to himself the dragon reaches towards that bizarre-o gauntlet on his arm, protruding several prongs that interlock together to form a drill-like head upon its surface. &quot;Haven&#39;t used this in a while...&quot; he rumbles to himself and paces towards the main entrance, giving the device a rest-whirr to send its rotary blender-like drill-shaped head a test spin. &quot;Lalalaaaa... goodbye, lock!&quot; He raises his fist... and hesitates. &quot;What am I doing?&quot; The dragon shakes his head and re-folds the device back into its inert state for later use. If he overheats it now, he&#39;d not be getting another use of it anytime soon. One flimsy wooden door doesn&#39;t warrant that, right? <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> Cheap busted up house, he wagers he can even smash through the wall! As a matter of fact... he makes a lap around towards the wall directly separating the exterior from where the group of mutants had congregated, raises his fist and *SMASH* crashes right through in an ocean of dust and splinters. Stepping into the room, the dragon cracks his knuckles, one into the other and growls, &quot;Madam, I&#39;m really gonna need that signature. I didn&#39;t much appreciate the attitude from earlier, so I&#39;d prefer it if you&#39;re cooperative. You left me in a real damn bad mood, so I&#39;d start explaining if I were you.&quot; </div> <div title="Kishea" style="margin-top:2em">(Kishea) As sheela let her feral side take over because of her wanting to save the person in danger in the basement, she alerts everyone by growling and leaping. &quot;INTRUDERS! EVERYONE STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING AND CAPTURE THEM!&quot; The spider lady would scream as she hears Sheela and sees Theia, the four robed figures would grab the whip hidden in their robes as the leader command them. As for the human male cultist, he would grab his pistol from his holster while the lizard girl just got in a fighting stance, trusting her claws to be enough, although both of them seemed nervous. As for the couple, they would quickly find themselves in a room with all sort of demonic symbols and diagrams, there were a dozens figures wearing black robes that stops running as they sees the two in front of them. &quot;Heh, you two are outnumbered, if you just give up we will make your death instant instead of torturing you like the oh how poor soul in the room behind us.&quot; One of the cultist would say in a confident tone. Back upstair, the lizard girl and human man would jump in terror from seeing the solar dragon crash through the wall. As for the 4 guards, two of them would turn their back to theia, but as they see the dragon, they froze in hesitation for two seconds, the other two would charge toward Theia, intent on bringing her down. &quot;You again?! HA i shouldve guessed there was something fishy going on, tss, this is just a fleemsy old house you think im scared of you?&quot; The spider lady would snarl toward Oswynd.</div><div title="Arimia" style="margin-top:2em">(Arimia) &quot;Three,&quot; comes a soft reply from outside, followed by the feline woman casually following behind Oswynd. Moving with surety, bare feet manage to avoid stepping on any dangerous debris as she steps beside, then past the dragon, moving toward the arachnimorph. &quot;But counting is hardly the strong suit of fanatics.&quot; When she&#39;s just shy of arm&#39;s reach the cat woman puts on a burst of speed, until she&#39;s right in the spider&#39;s face. Or as close to it as she can get with their height difference really. Arimia&#39;s hands move to grab what cloth there is of the scanty robes, then her body twists as she lifts the larger woman. Looking toward Oswynd, she comments, &quot;I&#39;ll take this one.&quot; Then she&#39;s throwing the woman toward, and through, what remains of the exterior wall after the dragon&#39;s entrance. Humming a soft tune she starts to move across the debris strewn floor, following in the wake of the arachnid, and paying little mind to the other robed figures still in the room. </div> <div title="Sheela" style="margin-top:2em">(Sheela) Even the gentleness of her alpha could no longer slow her down, for nature was already taking its course... not that side that would lead to unrestrained rutting... No, it was the irrepressible power to protect someone who was in danger, who needed help and was screaming for the sake of pain in that second. The fluffy fur of her neck bristled as her breath began to tremble through her throat like thunder. She felt her alpha following her, how close he was behind her, while her ocean blue eyes fixed only on the target before her. Communicating through her comm, which was firmly in her ear, she heard only in her subconscious, heard the others getting ready to storm the house in good old FBI fashion. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>On all four paws she slid into the room from which the shimmering light of candlelight awoke. Glancing around her, she saw these confusing symbols, the pentagram in the center of the room, before being greeted by a rude voice ordering them to surrender. Immediately her ocean blue eyes widened as she saw how the dozen of robes turned around... damn there were many! Immediately the nanomagic power lit up again, forming the mask of a kitsune before everyone could hear the indistinct growl she mentally broadcast to the group, [There are dozens... many robes... many evil assholes... too many...] Now that she saw the mass of occultists, attacking might not have been the wisest choice and quietly she growled to Zen, &quot;How are we going to do this....&quot; Instead of backing down though she puffed herself up further, her hackles awakening more and more before a low growl rushed through her throat, &quot;We don&#39;t have to fight... just give us the poor soul and you won&#39;t have to be worried! We will spare everyone and don&#39;t think I&#39;m scared of a toy gun!&quot; She tried to at least show the good will to regain the calmness of her mind, while the feral instincts were about to burn a single path in her thoughts.</div> <div title="Zen" style="margin-top:2em">(Zen) Zen could hear the muffled voices followed by a loud crash from upstairs.  Well, it was safe to assume the spider lady and her group of followers were going to have their hands full!  Still, they did outnumber the other half of their team two-to-one.  A bigger problem soon presented itself as he reached the base of the stairs beside Sheela.  Looking at all the demonic symbols and the dozen or so cultists, he and his partner were the ones most outnumbered!  A snarl grew in his throat as one of the cultist spoke out.  How dare they threaten Sheela!  If they wanted to fight, he&#39;d make damn sure they knew what they were signing up for! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> Hackles bristling with the promise of violence, a deafening snarl echoes through the room.  A growl laden with hatred rolls from his throat as his nanomagic takes on a more threatening from.  &quot;Just try!  I&#39;ll rip your damn throats out, all of you!  Your corpses will make a fine addition to this demonic atmosphere!  I&#39;ll paint the wall red with you!&quot; He roars, looking for the nearest cultist with a weakened resolve.  He lunges for their throat, teeth bared, ready to make an example for the rest to follow!</div> <div title="Theia" style="margin-top:2em">(Theia) Not even attempting to stifle the grin that crosses her face at the sight of her dragon friend obliterating a wall with a single punch, Theia swivels on the pads of her feet to face the two nearest robed cultists. She fires a couple of rounds at one, aiming at what appears to be the centre of mass beneath the dark cloth, before pivoting to deliver a kick at the head of the other cultist. Not waiting to see the damage she&#39;s caused the feline quickly backs off, keeping light on her feet and not letting the pair get too close, before closing in again. Alternating between shots from her gun and kicks, tail swipes and claw scratches, she attempts to quickly bring down her two opponents without letting either larger figure land a blow on her. </div> <div title="Oswynd" style="margin-top:2em">(Oswynd) &quot;Rude.&quot; Oswynd takes several more steps into the room prior to Arimia&#39;s own actions, his heavy footfalls thumping against the ground. &quot;Well it ain&#39;t my fault you got a crap taste in living accomodations. Hey, give me a ring when you&#39;re out of jail, I know a nice place around the center of town that charges hardly anything in terms of rent.&quot; The dragon casts the arachnid woman a wink and a smirk. &quot;Right now though me and the boys are gonna have to put your little operation on ice. Trust me, you&#39;d rather deal with us than the Home Owners&#39; Association. They&#39;re the real devil&#39;s minions, and if they find out what you got going here they&#39;ll be out for blood. Now...&quot; he&#39;s cut off when the woman is sent flying. &quot;Now THAT... is rude.&quot; He snerks and shakes his head, gaze returning to the guards that he&#39;d paralyzed, addressing them and the cultists within earshot, &quot;You can do better than this, boys. Put down the weapons and cheese it, I&#39;ll make sure to forget you were ever involved in any of this. Otherwise it&#39;s jailtime with Bubba the Butt Blaster for the lot of ya. And I gotta warn ya, he didn&#39;t get that nickname for nothing.&quot; He takes a step to one side to expose the hole in the wall for them. &quot;Your move, freaks.&quot; Given what the rest of his team had started to do however... &quot;I&#39;d hurry up if I were you.&quot; </div><div title="Kishea" style="margin-top:2em">(Kishea) The group of cultist in the basement would snicker as they heard Sheela, not intimidated by the slightest, until Zen used his nanomagic and jumped on the nearest one like a madman, a few of them froze in fright which made another few hesitate as they didnt feel as much powerful all of a sudden after seeing their cultist brother getting beatten up badly. &quot;What the hell are you guys waiting for theyre just two... Shit what is going on upstair...&quot; The rude one from earlier would say frustratingly before grunting in frustration. &quot;FUCK IT I AINT GOING TO PRISON ID RATHER DIE!&quot; He said as he start to charge towards Zen but is held by a trio of cultist. &quot;Bob were fucked just surrender!&quot; Back upstair, the human man fell on his knees as he trembles, while the lizard girl trembles as well, both surrendering. As for the two cultist that attacked Theia, one of them was holding their torso in pain from gunshot and the other with his broken nose surrendering as well like the newbies, as he sees how fucked they are while he holds his nose in pain. The only one left was the spider who got charged through the wall by Arimia, she was seeing blurry as she tried to get the cat girl off her.</div> <div title="Arimia" style="margin-top:2em">(Arimia) Arimia doesn&#39;t give the spider much time to recover, opting to push her down and kneel beside her. One hand remains on the arachnid&#39;s torso, the surprising strength being used to keep her down. The other grabs one of the woman&#39;s arms, pulling it out as the feline woman leans in to bite said arm, feline fangs tearing into flesh as a soporific venom is injected. Releasing the arm she absently licks her lips due to blood that results and turns so that she can sit atop the arachnid&#39;s chest. &quot;Sleep now,&quot; she commands as she extends her legs, crossing her feet at the ankles, and starts to idly inspect her claws. </div> <div title="Sheela" style="margin-top:2em">(Sheela) Actually, she wanted to try to find another way to solve this situation, but before she knew it, she felt the black shadow flying past her, directly on its way to tear the throat of one of the occultists with yelping words. Damn it Zen! Who the hell is the Feral now!!! As she watched the gaping mouth of her alpha shed strands of saliva at his own efforts to keep her from being threatened, the protective instinct burned into her senses. With a low rumble, she tilted her head slightly, her tail stiffening like a tense bow about to slowly choose a target that would be the first to whimper in pain should the whole affair not resolve itself otherwise. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Suddenly the scream was heard, quickly dying to a gurgling groan before only the flow of blood could be heard. It wasn&#39;t the last, however, as the one occultist couldn&#39;t keep his mouth shut and before he knew it, Sheela was leaping in front of Zen, covering, while Zen formed the blood bath that slowly began to cover the pentagram. &quot;Listen to your people! Otherwise, the life of your body will end just like what has already been taken!&quot; boomed from her throat before she saw that the other three occultists seemed to be able to hold back the troublemaker. With a cursory glance at Zen, she waited for him to be ready again, licking fleetingly over his blood-stained muzzle before she began to creep around the remaining occultists in a circle and at a safe distance. Each step was deliberate, her ocean blue eyes alert before she finally caught a glimpse of the lost souls suffering through the sadistic ritual. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>It may have been a bit confusing, but she tried to put on the most loving face possible before growling softly, &quot;Don&#39;t worry, we&#39;ll get you out of here. Is somebody wounded? Is everything ok? Come on you&#39;re free!&quot; She just hoped that the pain-stricken prisoners could move, that they could squeeze past the occultists under the protection of the wolves, while Zen kept a watchful eye on the masochistic occultists.</div> <div title="Zen" style="margin-top:2em">(Zen) Zen&#39;s jaws had clamped shut around the throat of the unfortunate cultist he perceived to be the weakest.  Like a vice, they tightened, filling the room with a disturbing sound of ripping flesh and straining bone.  Blood runs down his muzzle as his eyes glare to the next target, ready to repeat this performance as many times as it would take!  The gurgling sound of a crushed, blood-filled windpipe straining for air filled this demonic room with a palpable aura of dread.  The could have chose to keep fighting, but it was no longer certain who would come out on top.  After all, they weren&#39;t oblivious to the sounds of a struggle upstairs.  Even if they worked together to overwhelm the two wolves, what would they have to face next?  Surrender was a logical conclusion, and it certainly beat following the fate of their maimed cohort.  Dropping the cultist to the floor, the black wolf keeps up his imposing visage as his counterpart moves to take care of the prisoner they were keeping in the other room.</div> <div title="Theia" style="margin-top:2em">(Theia) Theia sashays across the room, eyes darting between the various surrendering cultists, her twin tails lashing out to strike her former attacker on the broken nose out of just a little bit of spite. Seeing that no one was left to pose any real threat, she drags the two new iniatives over to kneel next to the other two cultists, a gentle tap with the side of her gun providing just as much motivation as her shove. A quick glance through the gaping chasm that used to be the wall confirms that the ringleader has likewise been pacified, and the sounds from below her feet seeemd to quieten down.  
<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>    Turning back to the large dragon looming over her, she gestures at the handful of defeated cultists with a hand. &quot;You&#39;re right, they were rude. Incredibly rude... and then they didn&#39;t even have the basic *courtesy* to put up a decent fight after all that fuss. It&#39;s just disappointing... what do you think we should do with this lot, then?&quot;</div><div title="Oswynd" style="margin-top:2em">(Oswynd) &quot;Get the hostages out, tend to their wounds and send these cowl-wearing toe-diddlers off to prison. Let the system work.&quot; Oswynd answers Theia, pressing his index finger to his thumb in an O shape. &quot;Welp, looks like I didn&#39;t even need to get violent this go around. Oh well, better to be winning hard than losing hard I suppose. Nice to see you again Theia. You&#39;re looking fantastic by the way.&quot; He humms softly and adds &quot;I&#39;ll call the feds I suppose. Keep an eye on these blokes, yeah?&quot; Oswynd waves a hand as he moves back towards the outside, wholly convinced there&#39;s nothing left to really flatten in there. Retrieving his comm device, he puts in a ping out to the local authorities, only to pause before the spider mutant being pinned down. With his camera pointed towards himself he flashes his brightest smile, puts up a peace sign and places himself, the ruined house wall, Arimia and the downed arachnid woman in frame. &quot;Say cheese!&quot; He notes out jovially, *snap* taking the selfie only to caption it with &quot;Disturbance at these coordinates. Death cult busted, injured hostages in the building. Send an ambulance.&quot; He hits send and off it goes towards the Fairhaven Emergency Services. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> &quot;Now there&#39;s one for the record.&quot; Oswynd humms, and shakes his head. &quot;Well, that was an experience. What does dad get out of this I&#39;ll never know...&quot; The dragon scratches his head and puffs out some steam. &quot;Hey fellas, when you&#39;re done using these chaps like punching bags, I suggest clearing out because the feds are on the way. Unless you&#39;re into filling out paperwork and giving testimonies ofcourse. I won&#39;t judge.&quot; he relays over his comms and moves over to take a seat near the spider girl, &quot;Shame. It&#39;s always the good looking ones. Nice throw there.&quot; He shoots the catgirl a thumbs up.</div> <div title="Kishea" style="margin-top:2em">(Kishea) &quot;Nice job team! I didnt even need to use my sniper rifle.&quot; The man in ghillie suit would speak through the comms as he aproach the others. Later, the feds as Oswynd put it came to the house and proceeded with the arrestations of the cultist while the ambulance took the hostages to the nearest hospital.</div>
<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>    Turning back to the large dragon looming over her, she gestures at the handful of defeated cultists with a hand. &quot;You&#39;re right, they were rude. Incredibly rude... and then they didn&#39;t even have the basic *courtesy* to put up a decent fight after all that fuss. It&#39;s just disappointing... what do you think we should do with this lot, then?&quot;</div><div title="Oswynd" style="margin-top:2em">(Oswynd) &quot;Get the hostages out, tend to their wounds and send these cowl-wearing toe-diddlers off to prison. Let the system work.&quot; Oswynd answers Theia, pressing his index finger to his thumb in an O shape. &quot;Welp, looks like I didn&#39;t even need to get violent this go around. Oh well, better to be winning hard than losing hard I suppose. Nice to see you again Theia. You&#39;re looking fantastic by the way.&quot; He humms softly and adds &quot;I&#39;ll call the feds I suppose. Keep an eye on these blokes, yeah?&quot; Oswynd waves a hand as he moves back towards the outside, wholly convinced there&#39;s nothing left to really flatten in there. Retrieving his comm device, he puts in a ping out to the local authorities, only to pause before the spider mutant being pinned down. With his camera pointed towards himself he flashes his brightest smile, puts up a peace sign and places himself, the ruined house wall, Arimia and the downed arachnid woman in frame. &quot;Say cheese!&quot; He notes out jovially, *snap* taking the selfie only to caption it with &quot;Disturbance at these coordinates. Death cult busted, injured hostages in the building. Send an ambulance.&quot; He hits send and off it goes towards the Fairhaven Emergency Services. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> &quot;Now there&#39;s one for the record.&quot; Oswynd humms, and shakes his head. &quot;Well, that was an experience. What does dad get out of this I&#39;ll never know...&quot; The dragon scratches his head and puffs out some steam. &quot;Hey fellas, when you&#39;re done using these chaps like punching bags, I suggest clearing out because the feds are on the way. Unless you&#39;re into filling out paperwork and giving testimonies ofcourse. I won&#39;t judge.&quot; he relays over his comms and moves over to take a seat near the spider girl, &quot;Shame. It&#39;s always the good looking ones. Nice throw there.&quot; He shoots the catgirl a thumbs up.</div> <div title="Kishea" style="margin-top:2em">(Kishea) &quot;Nice job team! I didnt even need to use my sniper rifle.&quot; The man in ghillie suit would speak through the comms as he aproach the others. Later, the feds as Oswynd put it came to the house and proceeded with the arrestations of the cultist while the ambulance took the hostages to the nearest hospital.</div>[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 23:20, 27 May 2023





(Kishea) A man would get out of the shadows as he spot the scouting party arriving at the mission deployment point. "Psst over here" He would say quietly enough that even you could barely hear him as he waves at you all. "Good timing, theres some suspicious looking guy that i spotted, hes in the house over there but i cant watch all the exits at once." He would tell you.
(Arimia) A somewhat short humanoid woman makes her way toward the man, idly checking the two guns she has with her, one then the other. The guns are resecured at holsters on a belt around her waist, one also holding a sword. Admittedly, the leather belt clashes somewhat with the qipao that Arimia is wearing. At his words she turns her head to glance toward the indicated building before looking back toward the man. "I assume you have not seen any approach or enter the house?"
(Sheela) Sheela trotted attentively beside Zen, while she had a slightly apprehensive look and her ocean-blue eyes were already roaming vigilantly. It was not unusual for her to go on missions, but it was unusual to have such a vaguely defined goal. Honestly, was it even a good idea to go on such a mission when she herself had the wild and unruly instincts as a common Feral? Somewhat naively and at the same time sincerely, she had decided to go along with Zen, to reach the destination of the meeting point. "Mmh, hopefully people won't mind a Feral there..." she rumbled a bit worriedly, while her tail roamed back and forth a bit excitedly, in line with her typical gait on four paws. She was a snow-white Timber Wolf whose only protection consisted of a military-style harness, while small pockets allowed her to stow important items. As they approached the rendezvous point, she walked a little closer to Zen's side, while her gaze lowered a little and she saw a wide variety of mutants dedicated to this endeavor. With a shy wag of her elegant fluffy tail she greeted them all, before with a low reserved growl a yet friendly "Hey, are you all part of the scouting troupe?". Without detour, however, a man was already coming out of the thicket that enveloped an old house. Immediately, the snow-white wolf's fluffy ears pricked up before she released a warning growl at being startled. "Phew, damn, you scared me. But... but I guess the cat woman is right. Has anything happened around the house yet?", she growls softly, before she took a closer look at Arimia and even put her snout a little higher to get a wiff of her smell.
(Zen) Wearing nothing but the his natural fur coat, Zen trots up to the gathering of agents. At a glance, he'd resemble a true feral with his lack of equipment and his bestial, quadrupedal stance. Two tails dance behind him with an inquisitive nature as he sizes up the others, sniffing the air to familiarize himself with their scents. His dark, black fur would be the complimentary 'yin' to Sheela's 'yang'. With a rumble, he reassures his partner, "Don't worry, I'm sure a trained agent would be able to discern us from the other sex-crazed beasts." With a chuckle, he adds, "Well, maybe not. After all, we do enjoy those same, passionate activities as much as the next critter." After saying his piece to her, he looks towards the man who had moved out from the shadows. He was watching some suspicious looking person in a nearby house? What even constitutes as strange appearance in this age? For now, he'd remain relatively silent, happy enough to let the others do all the talking.
(Theia) Following a few paces behind the two wolves - on two legs, not four - is a grey-furred feline clad in a somewhat-battered leather jacket, a tank top and form-fitting cargo pants, with a single gun clipped to her belt. Pulling on a pair of black leather gloves as she strides towards the assembling group, she calls out after the couple. "Don't worry, if I thought you two were feral, you'd know by now. All is good, you're friends and not food..." Turning to the sketchy gentleman she adds, "So, what are we all here for then bossman?"
(Oswynd) Along comes Oswynd, humming to the tune of something he'd recently heard on the Zephyr network. Something-something-Hodd Toward and things just working? Fairhaven is an entertaining place, is it not? The dragon seems to be garbed in nothing other than a pair of loose cargo trunks, a blade dangling off of his hip, some kind of bizarre-o gauntlet latched to his left arm like some sort of metallic parasite. Elsewise he is completely uncovered above the waist, not a scrap of cloth to cover his chest, save for a pair of handwraps tightly wound around his knuckles. Just looking at the fella one can tell he prefers to resolve violent confrontation with his fists, trading protection for freedom of motion in all regards.

When addressed by this weirdo however, Oswynd quirks a brow, turns his head towards the house in question, then returns those piercing faintly glowing golden irises to the stranger that'd addressed them. "Okay." He cracks his knuckles and puffs out two thin streams of steam. "That narrows it down to about two-thirds of the population, but alright." The dragon turns towards the rest of the group that'd congregated here. "Oswynd Ottkinson, nice to meet a few new faces. Looks like we're pressed for time though! Looks like we're running some P.I. work today."

Whistling softly under his breath, the dragon rolls his shoulders and notes. "You lot look much much sneaker than I am, so I'd best provide a distraction for you folks to go snoop around for whatever's being super suspect in there. Buuuuut..." he snaps his fingers and fingerguns towards Theia. "The good question. Why exactly are we gonna go poking around someone's home?" Oswynd opens his arms and shrugs deeply, equally as confused about their assigned task here.
(Kishea) The man would shake his head. "After he entered no, dude was looking around like the devil was after him, although i did see a buff woman as the door opened from the guy knocks, man shes terrifying, must be at least 10 feet tall and looks like a spider leading a cult, if you see you'll understand instantly. The knocks were in morse code, i was able to decipher it, not sure what it means but it was Deganon." He would answer to you five before continuing. "How about i stay here and you guys check behind the house, we'll stay in touch with our comms."
(Arimia) The feline woman lets out a hum at the man's words, glancing toward the house again. "Right. I'll go ahead and slip around back." Having said so, Arimia moves away from the group. Between one step and the next she seems to disappear, though is likely simply taking advantage of what bits of cover there are among the outskirts of the city to remain hidden from sight. Making her way toward, then around the building, she keeps an eye open for any windows that are not boarded up, curtained off, or otherwise obscured that she can use to peek within.
(Sheela) Once everyone had gathered, Sheela couldn't help but turn to Theia with a soft smile, "Mmm, seems like you hunt ferals as some sort of treat more often~ Oh, my name is Sheela by the way~" she jokes softly before looking to the giant dragon and growling questioningly, "Ottkinson?! Are... are you related to Magnus?" she growled a bit confused before focusing on the man who finally gave some details on what was really behind this mission. "10 feet tall and in the house of a cult... or whatever... Deganon?" she rumbled nervously before swallowing audibly, not knowing if it was smart to deal with an occult lunatic. Since there seemed to be no time for questions, no time to get to know the group first, she thought about how she could be most useful to the group.

Just as she was about to start thinking about a plan, Arimia was already walking on the path of shadows... literally!... It was as if Arimia had disappeared from one second to the next. "Mmh, seems like I'll sneak to the other side and see what I can spy!" she growled excitedly before looking to Zen and nodding gently to him. "I wish you luck Oswynd! Sell that guy a vacuum cleaner or something!" she jokes before digging her four paws into the crust of the earth and disappearing with a small leap in the opposite direction of Arimia to get her first look at the house. She lowers her body while her tail wags gently and she peers into the windows to see if she can spot anything that might give us further clues.
(Zen) As the grey-furred feline approached from behind, Zen's ears dialed towards her when she spoke to them. Quipping back, he rumbled, "Friends not food, huh? Does that mean you go around hunting ferals for your next meal? Heh, if so, you best be careful where you decide to hunt." His ears flicker again towards the dragon that had stepped up and introduced himself. He wasn't the least bit recognizable, not from his scent or his general appearance. However, that name he gave suggested he was related to someone he was quite familiar with. Turned towards Oswynd, he growled, "You said, Ottkinson? While I don't believe we've met, I think I may be familiar with a relative of yours. Maybe we could chat once this business with the 'mysterious man' is dealt with." Deciding to take a more supportive role, he growls, "While the rest are off sneaking a peek through the windows, I'll casually wait out front. It isn't like it would be odd for someone to be walking on the sidewalk." With that said, he casually walks to a spot near the front and leans against one of the damaged street lights that line the street.
(Theia) Theia chuckles at the parting remarks clung her way, as she watches some of her companions silently skulk out of sight and loop around the back of the building. She gives them enough time to get fully out of sight and around the back of the building before bending down to pick up a single smooth stone from the floor, a chunk somewhat smaller than her fist. Tossing the rock in the air and letting it fall back into her palm, she turns to her draconic companion. "Hey you, good to see you again. I don't know about you, but I'd just make too much noise if I tried to follow that lot. I'm kinda bad at the whole cat thing, I guess... shall we go cause that distraction you mentioned, and give them some space to explore?" As she says the word "distraction", she traces the proposed trajectory of that rock from her hand to the door with her eyes, making clear her intentions. "We could hide behind those old cars and keep a lookout from here, if you wanted. Or...", she pauses, a mischevious grin spreading across her cute face. "Or, we could do something really stupid, and try and lure the big chicka out of the house?" She looks back across the street at the house in question, taking in the boarded up windows, trying to map out safe ways to approach unseen, before letting out a sigh. "Well, whatever we do, we probably shouldn't leave wolfie over there standing out there like a lemon. That would be mean. And I'm not a mean person... allegedly."
(Oswynd) Shooting Zen a wink, Oswynd nods and adds "That doesn't narrow it down much, but my folks are known to roam so I'd love to get to know a friend of the family! But yes, we have work to do!" The dragon waits for his team to get into their positions, given the male was kind of huge and in no way stealthy with the light he gives off. HOWEVER! Once everyone had repositioned to make their sneaky stealthy observations of the house, he clears his throat and makes directly for the front door. *knock knock* his fingers rap against its surface. Whenupon someone opens up, the dragon flashes his most charismatic smile and starts speaking with a voice laden with showmanship!

"Good afternoon and fair tidings to you fine madam! I come representing the Solar Attendants inhabiting our LOVELY, PICTURESQUE mountain peak far off to the northeast! DID YOU KNOW, that EVERY SINGLE DAY we see poachers and scouts both corporate and otherwise surveying the area, greedily peering left and right surveying the terrain for riches to steal? WELL fair madam! I need only a moment of your time and a signature on my little petition right here, that we might PUSH BACK against the greedy corporate fat cats trying to desecrate our homeland and the picturesque view we have all come to enjoy!"

Oswynd leans against the doorframe and waves a hand out over towards the horizon "Just imagine madam! All that wonderful natural wildland marred... ruined by logging!" he gasps "Quarrying! Mining! Truly unacceptable I tell you!" Before the arachnid could say anything else, Oswynd adds in "AND! Just because you seem like a fair and fine lady of quality, I am willing to add YOUR signature madam, that's right! To the Nature Preservation Fund sweepstakes! Oh yes! One little scribble right here and you could win more freecred than anyone knows what to do with! Trust me, we are quite literally made of gold." The dragon casts his 'client' a wink, fingers rapping against the metallic scales adorning his arm.
(Kishea) As Arimia looks through a window, she would see a tall spider woman in revealing black robes that would make her looks like a satanist to christians, she had 4 persons in blacks robes behind her, although those ones werent as revealing. The buff woman was talking to 2 persons, one was a small human man and the other a slightly taller lizard girl. "...There is no turn back, you must prove your devotion by- what is the meaning of th-...!" The spider would turn toward the door and see a very bright coloured dragon through the broken door windows."Ugh... i hope its not what i think this is about..." The catgirl would hear the woman say and slap her forehead as Oswynd knocks on the door. Meanwhile, Sheela would see through a semi barricaded window that there was a fortified trapdoor that looked in much better condition than the house.
(Kishea) Just before oswynd knock on the door... "What the fuck are you doing? youll ruin everything you dumb reptile!" The ghillie suit man would snap and would use his comm unit as he sees oswynd aproach the door and knocks.
(Kishea) The woman that opened the door would look at Oswynd barely keeping in her anger. "Ugh what are you? some sort of propagandist for the ooooh so great solar dragon, i dont care go pester someone else, why here of all place anyw- dont answer just... just go away im busy!" The woman would say semi angrily before closing the door.
(Arimia) Arimia frowns slightly as she peers through the window. When the conversation is interrupted a soft sigh escapes her. Ducking down out of sight she uses her comms, "At least seven inside. Spider, lizard, human. four others, couldn't tell through robes. Was mentioning proof of devotion. Cult-like behavior." A bit of irritation creeps through as she continues, "Was interrupted by knocking on the door before I could find out more." Her eyes flick toward the window again before she adds, "Without further avenues, will remain here to gather more information." After saying such, the feline woman moves to peer through the window again, going still as she settles in to listen and observe.
(Sheela) Now that she was on her own, she only caught a glimpse of the giant dragon strutting toward the door before she disappeared around the corner of the house and was far from the action of the front door. Of course, her attentive ears could eavesdrop on Oswynd's drivel, but that wasn't her job. She had to focus now on whether there was any suspicious activity, whether there was any occult activity going on here... would she spot some monstrous figure, some demonologic ritual, or something else that already existed far away from the bizarre world... what would she be likely to spy in the house, peering through the windows like a feral looking for food.

Suddenly, her ocean blue eyes detected a vague outline in the darkness of the room, something that did not fit into a house. Slowly a slight fur discoloration began to form on the snow white fur of Sheela, like a mask of a kitsunen deep blue textures painted themselves into her fur before all could hear her mental voice, "There...there's something like a door on the floor...something that leads deeper and looks decidedly clean unlike the house. Should I hold the here out or find a way in?" she rumbled softly in the minds of her group before their curiosity continued to grow as to what might be underneath. She began to look at the wall of the house to see if there was a window to sneak into, something that might allow her to get into the house unnoticed.
(Zen) Comfortably positioned at a spot he could respond to any unannounced trouble, Zen merely stretches as he watches Oswynd make his presence known at the front door. Since they were dealing with a minimum of two suspicious people, he decided to scan the area with his own nanomagic to keep the big dragon safe. You could never really know what abilities or powers people had at a glance! He was able to watch the interaction between the spider lady and Oswynd quite clearly from his post, and he could just about make out what was said between them. Internally, he chuckles at Oswynd's solicitor act, already drawing parallels to the aforementioned relative. Nothing looked too suspicious yet, at least, not from his perspective. Nobody liked to be interrupted by someone trying to sell some story at their front door! It was only moments later that Arimia and Sheela reported on their investigation and painted a better picture of what was going behind closed doors. Briefly, his focus shifts as his own discrete method of communication blooms. Reaching out to Arima, he asks, [Does anyone appear to be injured or in any manner of trouble? Anything that demands immediate action?] Honestly, at the moment, it seemed like they were just being nosy neighbors. Who knows, maybe all the cloak-and-dagger stuff was some kinky form of roleplay? If it was, they'd merely be voyeurs looking in from the boarded-up windows!
(Kishea) Kishea #last
(Theia) Dropping the rock to the floor and muttering "I still think my idea was better..." under her breath, Theia scampers ahead of Oswynd the Salesdragon up to the house, trying to keep out of sight of the few windows that remain. She finds a spot a few feet to the side of the door and crouches down with her back to the wall, completely out of sight from anyone inside; the suspicious residents would have to physically step ouside in order to see her. Looking up at her larger companion, she mouths a "ready!" and keeps quiet while the she watches the show, ready to spring into action should an opportunity arise.

Biting her lower lip to stifle a giggle at the performance, she listens to the intel fed through her earpiece with a nod to herself, before quietly shuffling along the wall of the house until she finds a suitable spot, she flashes the dragon a wink before springing into action. With more power than would be expected from her shapely feminine legs she leaps into the air, making it most of the way up the side of the building before her jump starts to fail. The snow leopard grabs hold of the wall in mid-air, trying to keep as silent as she reasonably can as she holds steady against the side of the building for a few long moments, ears straining to hear if her acrobatics drew the attention of the suspicious occupants, before she climbs the rest of the way onto the roof. Turning back to give the wolf across the street a thumbs up to confirm she didn't stack it onto the floor, she scans the roof with her keen eyes, looking out for any suitable vantage point or - ideally - a way inside.
(Oswynd) The instant that door opens, the dragon lets his gaze and sniffer take in every little bit of detail he can from behind the spider woman. He smirks softly when she dismisses him and simply shrugs his shoulders, turning away to return to a spot just out of sight from any of the windows or house doors. He leans against the nearby wall and shoots a message to the funny man that'd hired them. "It's called a distraction, if you wanted a group of ninjas, next time hire a group of ninjas." before putting his comm device away, the male simply bides and waits for a sign of trouble. Should his team need someone punched in the gut, he'd be ready to do the punching. Until then however, he simply holds back, given he is about as stealthy as a raging orangutan on two adrenaline shots in a room full of glassware. He does nonetheless keep an eye on the comms, his tail making little turns at its tip between his legs. One can only hope the rest are doing well in there. Whatever they're doing in there, it seems spookier than your average feral bopping.
(Kishea) Both Sheela and Theia manage to sneak inside, although theyre slightly noisy but with Oswynd distraction they manage to get in without alerting anyone. The ghillie suit man would sigh in relief as he hears Oswynd on the comm "A warning woulda been nice ye know? But, nice thinking, ye almost gave me an heart attack sheesh" He would whisper into his comm. Arimia wouldnt see or hear anything other than Oswynd's and the spider's conversation and the six others who might be cultists. As for Zen, he couldnt detect anything that he didnt already know through the others info.
(Kishea) But Zen would detect someone using nanomagic, seemingly they were trying to induce pain through emotional nanomagic.
(Sheela) While her curiosity began to drive her, she couldn't even wait for an answer that would confirm that she should dig deeper into the haze of unknowing, she saw another window along the wall of the house that perhaps led to the exact destination, to this trapdoor that could perhaps reveal what was hiding in this house. Curious, she pressed her muzzle between the window, slowly pushing it open before a shrill squeak awoke. "Damn, they can go ahead and oil the window's..." she growled angrily to herself as her ears pricked up, trying to locate any dangers that might have heard the squeak. Like a cricket chirping, however, there was nothing there... it seemed the distraction Oswynd had staged was working! Lucky for Sheela, because with quiet paws and a little jump, she squeezes through the window before landing on the other side and just barely managing to stop herself from snorting as a small cloud of dust tickled her nostrils. With silent paws she creeps through the room, trying to get into the room where she had seen the trapdoor. Slowly, however, a veil of concern enveloped her, something that sharpened her instincts, before she reached the room with the trapdoor she had previously spotted through the window. Curious, she inspected the trapdoor, poking it gently with her nose to see if it was locked.
(Zen) After Oswynd finished his distraction at the front door, Zen turns his attention to the others who were sneaking their way around the structure. Sheela was on one side, looking for a way to get in and presumably search the hatch on the floor. Arimia was on the other side, observing the gathering of cloaked figures. Theia was clambering on the roof, looking for another potential avenue of entry. Honestly, he didn't really need to do too much at the moment! Like Osywynd, he could wait on the sidelines until he was needed. However, unlike the big dragon, he could likely sneak his way closer and assist the others with his own abilities.

As Zen started to casually move over towards Sheela's side of the house, a disturbing notion made itself known. He couldn't see who was using it, but he could detect the activation of emotional nanomagic being used from somewhere within the house. More specifically, the signals were coming from beneath the main floor of the building. It was impossible to know what was going on down there, but it was clear there were more people in the house than those they had identified previously. And more worryingly, one or more of them had access to nanomagic! Switching his focus one again, he made the others aware of this fact. Telepathically, he informed them, [Hey, just wanted to warn you that there are more beneath the house. Specifically, I'm picking up signals of nanomagic, the type that targets emotions. Keep on your toes.] Message sent, he resumes his scanning with a hair-trigger on his own method to deny such powers. Sheela had already snuck her way inside, and he was intent on doing the same.
(Theia) Having snuck through an opening in the roof and landed silently - ish - on the floor of an empty room, Theia moves over to to the wall next to the open door into the rest of the house. The feline keeps herself crouched low to the ground and balanced on the soft pads of her feet, trying to keep the noise she makes to an absolute minimum before Oswynd's distraction fades completely. She keeps out of sight and doesn't attempt to peer through the door, unable to see the gathering of suspicious individuals but also unable to be seen either. Not trusting herself to whisper into her headset she brings out a small handheld touchpad, keeping a keen ear trained on the ongoing conversation and feeding intel to the rest of the team in short phrases.

Hearing a warning in her head about the other people below the house and the dangerous nanomagic being used, she reaches a hand back to her belt and unclips the strap keeping her gun wedged in her holster, for quick access should the need arise. Closing her eyes for a few moments, she both pours her focus into her exceptional hearing and in stilling her breathing, trying to clear her mind in preparation for whatever was going on underneath her feet.
(Kishea) The spider lady would close the door and sigh before going back to the small group of cultist. "Now where were we... Ah yes, to prove your devotion to Deganon you must do your first sacrifice to them." Arimia would hear her say in a crazy fanatic tone as she sees the two new cultist nod in excitement. As for Sheela, Theia and Zen, they could barely hear muffled screams of terror comming from the latch that sheela opened to peek into.
(Arimia) Arimia listens as the arachnid woman starts to speak again. At her words the feline woman ducks away again. "Lizard and human are new recruits. Sacrifice is the planned induction method. Likely a demonic cult." One hand drifts toward the hilt of her sword as she turns an appraising eye toward the window she was peering through. After a couple seconds she adds, "I am planning to head in. If there are objections to storming the place, offer them now." Even being outnumbered, and with the sheer size difference between herself and the spider lady, Arimia does not seem hesitant.
(Sheela) Noticing that the trapdoor was not locked in any way, her tail began to elegantly wrap around the handle before she opened the heavy door. Her ears pricked up as her ocean blue eyes sharpened. Slowly, she guided her muzzle deeper into the trapdoor, trying to spy or hear anything that might give any clues, so that she would reveal more clarity to the group. However, before she could satisfy her curiosity, she heard her alpha's voice and immediately it was as if her body stiffened. So nanomagic was at play, and not just any nanomagic! But before she could even speak up, she heard a dull cry, a wail of pain, and immediately all her being began to change. A deep growl murmured through her telepathic nanomagic so that everyone could hear it, but every single word she wanted to say was almost swallowed up by the feral growl and yet it could almost be understood, [pain.... pain... grrrr... someone.... pain... someone is suffering pain] It was as if her wild instincts were burning into her consciousness, as if every vein of her being was flooded with adrenaline that made her face any danger.

Was there still time, could she help the one whose cries she had only heard dully? It didn't matter, because no matter what was going on in the basement now, she had to stop it! She only heard the comm sounding in her ear, she heard how Arimia was ready too... Damn it, she didn't know what was going on with the others, but that wasn't the crucial thing now. With a spirited leap she sank into the maw of the trapdoor, while a deep loud rumble escaped from her throat, "What... what the hell... what... grrrr... is going on here!" She had no idea what dangers she would encounter, how quickly someone could rush to her side... but she put all her trust in the team.
(Zen) After making his way to where Sheela was, Zen gives her a quick nuzzle before hearing the wailing of suffering emanating from the now-opened hatch. He couldn't, and wouldn't, try to stop her from acting upon her emapthic instincts. It didn't help that they were talking about sacrificial rites in the next room! If they needed any reason to intervene, this was it! It sounded like Arimia was going to make a move on the ones in the living room, so he expected Theia and Oswynd to give her support. His job was to stand by his partner and make sure she didn't get herself into too much trouble! He thought to somehow obstruct the door, but he couldn't find any object that would work to accomplish the task. Like a skulking shadow, he followed after Sheela, using a tail to shut the hatch in his wake.
(Theia) Theia doesn't respond to Arimia's question, not wanting to make any noise until the absolute last minute. Instead she slowly draws her steel-grey handgun from the holster at her side, her trademark black pawprint logos visible on the grip and slide. She slowly sidesteps out away from the wall, angling herself to more easily spring through the doorway and silently rising to her feet, keeping slightly crouched and ready to spring forward. Her pointed ears swivels as she takes in the twin commotions of the slightly-deranged conversation next door and the muffled cries below her feet... but she doesn't move yet, instead waiting for one of her teammates to give her a signal.

And that signal arrived moments later. As Sheela's cry of confusion and rage echoed through the building, she whispers a "ahhh, fuck it" into her headset for the others to hear, and then pounces forward.

Bounding into the main room - and hoping her teammates are also making a move - she takes in the room with a glance and spots the big spider woman, who fits the voice she heard outside a few moments ago and who looks like the clear leader here. Without hesitating she raises her gun and lines up a shot... but holds fire, not liking her odds, and not wanting to start a fight she might not win. "What in the everliving fuck is going on here?" she half-grunts under her breath, eyes darting between the various robed figures in the room.
(Oswynd) The dragon listens in on his comm device. "We're storming the place? Alright... hope they don't need their door." Whistling nonchalantly to himself the dragon reaches towards that bizarre-o gauntlet on his arm, protruding several prongs that interlock together to form a drill-like head upon its surface. "Haven't used this in a while..." he rumbles to himself and paces towards the main entrance, giving the device a rest-whirr to send its rotary blender-like drill-shaped head a test spin. "Lalalaaaa... goodbye, lock!" He raises his fist... and hesitates. "What am I doing?" The dragon shakes his head and re-folds the device back into its inert state for later use. If he overheats it now, he'd not be getting another use of it anytime soon. One flimsy wooden door doesn't warrant that, right?

Cheap busted up house, he wagers he can even smash through the wall! As a matter of fact... he makes a lap around towards the wall directly separating the exterior from where the group of mutants had congregated, raises his fist and *SMASH* crashes right through in an ocean of dust and splinters. Stepping into the room, the dragon cracks his knuckles, one into the other and growls, "Madam, I'm really gonna need that signature. I didn't much appreciate the attitude from earlier, so I'd prefer it if you're cooperative. You left me in a real damn bad mood, so I'd start explaining if I were you."
(Kishea) As sheela let her feral side take over because of her wanting to save the person in danger in the basement, she alerts everyone by growling and leaping. "INTRUDERS! EVERYONE STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING AND CAPTURE THEM!" The spider lady would scream as she hears Sheela and sees Theia, the four robed figures would grab the whip hidden in their robes as the leader command them. As for the human male cultist, he would grab his pistol from his holster while the lizard girl just got in a fighting stance, trusting her claws to be enough, although both of them seemed nervous. As for the couple, they would quickly find themselves in a room with all sort of demonic symbols and diagrams, there were a dozens figures wearing black robes that stops running as they sees the two in front of them. "Heh, you two are outnumbered, if you just give up we will make your death instant instead of torturing you like the oh how poor soul in the room behind us." One of the cultist would say in a confident tone. Back upstair, the lizard girl and human man would jump in terror from seeing the solar dragon crash through the wall. As for the 4 guards, two of them would turn their back to theia, but as they see the dragon, they froze in hesitation for two seconds, the other two would charge toward Theia, intent on bringing her down. "You again?! HA i shouldve guessed there was something fishy going on, tss, this is just a fleemsy old house you think im scared of you?" The spider lady would snarl toward Oswynd.
(Arimia) "Three," comes a soft reply from outside, followed by the feline woman casually following behind Oswynd. Moving with surety, bare feet manage to avoid stepping on any dangerous debris as she steps beside, then past the dragon, moving toward the arachnimorph. "But counting is hardly the strong suit of fanatics." When she's just shy of arm's reach the cat woman puts on a burst of speed, until she's right in the spider's face. Or as close to it as she can get with their height difference really. Arimia's hands move to grab what cloth there is of the scanty robes, then her body twists as she lifts the larger woman. Looking toward Oswynd, she comments, "I'll take this one." Then she's throwing the woman toward, and through, what remains of the exterior wall after the dragon's entrance. Humming a soft tune she starts to move across the debris strewn floor, following in the wake of the arachnid, and paying little mind to the other robed figures still in the room.
(Sheela) Even the gentleness of her alpha could no longer slow her down, for nature was already taking its course... not that side that would lead to unrestrained rutting... No, it was the irrepressible power to protect someone who was in danger, who needed help and was screaming for the sake of pain in that second. The fluffy fur of her neck bristled as her breath began to tremble through her throat like thunder. She felt her alpha following her, how close he was behind her, while her ocean blue eyes fixed only on the target before her. Communicating through her comm, which was firmly in her ear, she heard only in her subconscious, heard the others getting ready to storm the house in good old FBI fashion.

On all four paws she slid into the room from which the shimmering light of candlelight awoke. Glancing around her, she saw these confusing symbols, the pentagram in the center of the room, before being greeted by a rude voice ordering them to surrender. Immediately her ocean blue eyes widened as she saw how the dozen of robes turned around... damn there were many! Immediately the nanomagic power lit up again, forming the mask of a kitsune before everyone could hear the indistinct growl she mentally broadcast to the group, [There are dozens... many robes... many evil assholes... too many...] Now that she saw the mass of occultists, attacking might not have been the wisest choice and quietly she growled to Zen, "How are we going to do this...." Instead of backing down though she puffed herself up further, her hackles awakening more and more before a low growl rushed through her throat, "We don't have to fight... just give us the poor soul and you won't have to be worried! We will spare everyone and don't think I'm scared of a toy gun!" She tried to at least show the good will to regain the calmness of her mind, while the feral instincts were about to burn a single path in her thoughts.
(Zen) Zen could hear the muffled voices followed by a loud crash from upstairs. Well, it was safe to assume the spider lady and her group of followers were going to have their hands full! Still, they did outnumber the other half of their team two-to-one. A bigger problem soon presented itself as he reached the base of the stairs beside Sheela. Looking at all the demonic symbols and the dozen or so cultists, he and his partner were the ones most outnumbered! A snarl grew in his throat as one of the cultist spoke out. How dare they threaten Sheela! If they wanted to fight, he'd make damn sure they knew what they were signing up for!

Hackles bristling with the promise of violence, a deafening snarl echoes through the room. A growl laden with hatred rolls from his throat as his nanomagic takes on a more threatening from. "Just try! I'll rip your damn throats out, all of you! Your corpses will make a fine addition to this demonic atmosphere! I'll paint the wall red with you!" He roars, looking for the nearest cultist with a weakened resolve. He lunges for their throat, teeth bared, ready to make an example for the rest to follow!
(Theia) Not even attempting to stifle the grin that crosses her face at the sight of her dragon friend obliterating a wall with a single punch, Theia swivels on the pads of her feet to face the two nearest robed cultists. She fires a couple of rounds at one, aiming at what appears to be the centre of mass beneath the dark cloth, before pivoting to deliver a kick at the head of the other cultist. Not waiting to see the damage she's caused the feline quickly backs off, keeping light on her feet and not letting the pair get too close, before closing in again. Alternating between shots from her gun and kicks, tail swipes and claw scratches, she attempts to quickly bring down her two opponents without letting either larger figure land a blow on her.
(Oswynd) "Rude." Oswynd takes several more steps into the room prior to Arimia's own actions, his heavy footfalls thumping against the ground. "Well it ain't my fault you got a crap taste in living accomodations. Hey, give me a ring when you're out of jail, I know a nice place around the center of town that charges hardly anything in terms of rent." The dragon casts the arachnid woman a wink and a smirk. "Right now though me and the boys are gonna have to put your little operation on ice. Trust me, you'd rather deal with us than the Home Owners' Association. They're the real devil's minions, and if they find out what you got going here they'll be out for blood. Now..." he's cut off when the woman is sent flying. "Now THAT... is rude." He snerks and shakes his head, gaze returning to the guards that he'd paralyzed, addressing them and the cultists within earshot, "You can do better than this, boys. Put down the weapons and cheese it, I'll make sure to forget you were ever involved in any of this. Otherwise it's jailtime with Bubba the Butt Blaster for the lot of ya. And I gotta warn ya, he didn't get that nickname for nothing." He takes a step to one side to expose the hole in the wall for them. "Your move, freaks." Given what the rest of his team had started to do however... "I'd hurry up if I were you."
(Kishea) The group of cultist in the basement would snicker as they heard Sheela, not intimidated by the slightest, until Zen used his nanomagic and jumped on the nearest one like a madman, a few of them froze in fright which made another few hesitate as they didnt feel as much powerful all of a sudden after seeing their cultist brother getting beatten up badly. "What the hell are you guys waiting for theyre just two... Shit what is going on upstair..." The rude one from earlier would say frustratingly before grunting in frustration. "FUCK IT I AINT GOING TO PRISON ID RATHER DIE!" He said as he start to charge towards Zen but is held by a trio of cultist. "Bob were fucked just surrender!" Back upstair, the human man fell on his knees as he trembles, while the lizard girl trembles as well, both surrendering. As for the two cultist that attacked Theia, one of them was holding their torso in pain from gunshot and the other with his broken nose surrendering as well like the newbies, as he sees how fucked they are while he holds his nose in pain. The only one left was the spider who got charged through the wall by Arimia, she was seeing blurry as she tried to get the cat girl off her.
(Arimia) Arimia doesn't give the spider much time to recover, opting to push her down and kneel beside her. One hand remains on the arachnid's torso, the surprising strength being used to keep her down. The other grabs one of the woman's arms, pulling it out as the feline woman leans in to bite said arm, feline fangs tearing into flesh as a soporific venom is injected. Releasing the arm she absently licks her lips due to blood that results and turns so that she can sit atop the arachnid's chest. "Sleep now," she commands as she extends her legs, crossing her feet at the ankles, and starts to idly inspect her claws.
(Sheela) Actually, she wanted to try to find another way to solve this situation, but before she knew it, she felt the black shadow flying past her, directly on its way to tear the throat of one of the occultists with yelping words. Damn it Zen! Who the hell is the Feral now!!! As she watched the gaping mouth of her alpha shed strands of saliva at his own efforts to keep her from being threatened, the protective instinct burned into her senses. With a low rumble, she tilted her head slightly, her tail stiffening like a tense bow about to slowly choose a target that would be the first to whimper in pain should the whole affair not resolve itself otherwise.

Suddenly the scream was heard, quickly dying to a gurgling groan before only the flow of blood could be heard. It wasn't the last, however, as the one occultist couldn't keep his mouth shut and before he knew it, Sheela was leaping in front of Zen, covering, while Zen formed the blood bath that slowly began to cover the pentagram. "Listen to your people! Otherwise, the life of your body will end just like what has already been taken!" boomed from her throat before she saw that the other three occultists seemed to be able to hold back the troublemaker. With a cursory glance at Zen, she waited for him to be ready again, licking fleetingly over his blood-stained muzzle before she began to creep around the remaining occultists in a circle and at a safe distance. Each step was deliberate, her ocean blue eyes alert before she finally caught a glimpse of the lost souls suffering through the sadistic ritual.

It may have been a bit confusing, but she tried to put on the most loving face possible before growling softly, "Don't worry, we'll get you out of here. Is somebody wounded? Is everything ok? Come on you're free!" She just hoped that the pain-stricken prisoners could move, that they could squeeze past the occultists under the protection of the wolves, while Zen kept a watchful eye on the masochistic occultists.
(Zen) Zen's jaws had clamped shut around the throat of the unfortunate cultist he perceived to be the weakest. Like a vice, they tightened, filling the room with a disturbing sound of ripping flesh and straining bone. Blood runs down his muzzle as his eyes glare to the next target, ready to repeat this performance as many times as it would take! The gurgling sound of a crushed, blood-filled windpipe straining for air filled this demonic room with a palpable aura of dread. The could have chose to keep fighting, but it was no longer certain who would come out on top. After all, they weren't oblivious to the sounds of a struggle upstairs. Even if they worked together to overwhelm the two wolves, what would they have to face next? Surrender was a logical conclusion, and it certainly beat following the fate of their maimed cohort. Dropping the cultist to the floor, the black wolf keeps up his imposing visage as his counterpart moves to take care of the prisoner they were keeping in the other room.
(Theia) Theia sashays across the room, eyes darting between the various surrendering cultists, her twin tails lashing out to strike her former attacker on the broken nose out of just a little bit of spite. Seeing that no one was left to pose any real threat, she drags the two new iniatives over to kneel next to the other two cultists, a gentle tap with the side of her gun providing just as much motivation as her shove. A quick glance through the gaping chasm that used to be the wall confirms that the ringleader has likewise been pacified, and the sounds from below her feet seeemd to quieten down.

Turning back to the large dragon looming over her, she gestures at the handful of defeated cultists with a hand. "You're right, they were rude. Incredibly rude... and then they didn't even have the basic *courtesy* to put up a decent fight after all that fuss. It's just disappointing... what do you think we should do with this lot, then?"
(Oswynd) "Get the hostages out, tend to their wounds and send these cowl-wearing toe-diddlers off to prison. Let the system work." Oswynd answers Theia, pressing his index finger to his thumb in an O shape. "Welp, looks like I didn't even need to get violent this go around. Oh well, better to be winning hard than losing hard I suppose. Nice to see you again Theia. You're looking fantastic by the way." He humms softly and adds "I'll call the feds I suppose. Keep an eye on these blokes, yeah?" Oswynd waves a hand as he moves back towards the outside, wholly convinced there's nothing left to really flatten in there. Retrieving his comm device, he puts in a ping out to the local authorities, only to pause before the spider mutant being pinned down. With his camera pointed towards himself he flashes his brightest smile, puts up a peace sign and places himself, the ruined house wall, Arimia and the downed arachnid woman in frame. "Say cheese!" He notes out jovially, *snap* taking the selfie only to caption it with "Disturbance at these coordinates. Death cult busted, injured hostages in the building. Send an ambulance." He hits send and off it goes towards the Fairhaven Emergency Services.

"Now there's one for the record." Oswynd humms, and shakes his head. "Well, that was an experience. What does dad get out of this I'll never know..." The dragon scratches his head and puffs out some steam. "Hey fellas, when you're done using these chaps like punching bags, I suggest clearing out because the feds are on the way. Unless you're into filling out paperwork and giving testimonies ofcourse. I won't judge." he relays over his comms and moves over to take a seat near the spider girl, "Shame. It's always the good looking ones. Nice throw there." He shoots the catgirl a thumbs up.
(Kishea) "Nice job team! I didnt even need to use my sniper rifle." The man in ghillie suit would speak through the comms as he aproach the others. Later, the feds as Oswynd put it came to the house and proceeded with the arrestations of the cultist while the ambulance took the hostages to the nearest hospital.