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While the team had to work around the slow moving sloth for a time, the rest of the work was fairly boring. Just cleaning up the massive amounts of cheese dust and getting the room to a minimally clean state for renovations to be made. It was a lot of time burned for a single room, but it was likely nice to know that the weeb sloth was going to eventually get a better "dojo".
While the team had to work around the slow moving sloth for a time, the rest of the work was fairly boring. Just cleaning up the massive amounts of cheese dust and getting the room to a minimally clean state for renovations to be made. It was a lot of time burned for a single room, but it was likely nice to know that the weeb sloth was going to eventually get a better "dojo".
[[Category:Sanitation Events]][[Category:RPLogs]][[Category:Syntax Events]]
[[Category:Sanitation Events]][[Category:RPLogs]][[Category:Syntax Events]]

Latest revision as of 00:36, 29 January 2023





Everyone needs good PR. Even Zephyr. With the city in constant need of extra
hands doing the dirty work, Zephyr has sent out an agent to supervise what must be done. SANITATION!
It's not glamorous but someone has to do it. The call for volunteers went out not long ago and the
anxious Irish spider girl that goes by Syntax waits in front of the building slotted for cleaning.
Her numerous drones and two robots hover and sit beside her as she taps away at her tablet.

Junes followed the directions and saw the familiar spider, waving as they
approach with a summer fishing outfit and hat "howdy! didn't realize you were in charge of this
operation but its good to see you"

Fengl stretches his arms as he turns the corner. The gray tomcat certainly
doesn't look like he dressed for hard manual labor in his butler's uniform. None the less he spots
the pair. After a brief pause he rushes over while waving. "Oh, I take it this is the place? I
didn't know what to expect really."

Nyazuli was flying above the area when the call was broadcast and, having
already done everything she needed to for the day, decided to land give a hand. She surveyed for a
large usable area to land on before walking toward the city block indicated in the message. She
waved to the 3 persons already here and declared, "Well, nice to meet you everyone! So, ready to do
some clean up?"

Syntax grins, her prominent fangs on display. "Ah, hey! Junes, good to see ye.
Well, I'm happy anyone showed up! This is going to be kind of messy work." She looks to Fengl and
chortles softly. "A butler...alright, makes sense...ahem!" After clearing her throat, she hops up
and approaches those assembled. "So! This apartment buildin' here has been of real interest to the
powers that be for some time. It's just that uh...well." She gestures to a nearby alleyway and
sighs. "It's kind of a favorite spot for people to sneak off from the nearby nightclub for...well,
several things, really. That's made the building uh...well, even before renovations can be made,
they kind of need to get it cleaned up first. That's where we come in! There's a bunch of work that
needs to get done, but before I go over that ah...maybe we can do the questions, aye? Sure there
might be some before we dive on in."

Junes nodded along listening to the questions before answering back "do you know
if there are still any stragglers inside we need to worry about, and do we get equipment to help
clear up the area?"

Fengl looks down at himself before turning back to Syntax with a sheepish smile.
"A bit of an oversight on my part based on your reaction. Maybe I went a bit overboard." He turns
and gives Nyazuli and Junes nods of acknowledgement before taking his spot outside the apartment
building door. "I mean, what kind of cleanup are we even talking about? I figure you'll need a
powerwasher to get the stains out based on what you're sayi-" The cat stops abruptly as he rubs his
temple. "Ah, I knew I forgot something! Fengl, pleasure to meet all of you."

Nyazuli scratched her chin for a few moments before coming up with, "No
question really, oh, actually maybe one, do you want to start with the top or bottom floor?"
grinning with all her teeth. "Other than that, I'm happy to help with anything. Name's Nyazuli by
the way. Pleased to meet you Junes, Fengl and... I don't think I caught your name? Was it in the
broadcast? my comm tends to act up when I fly to high"

Booker flapped quietly as he landed infront of the building, glancing around.
"Is this the clean up crew?" He immediately looked toward the most authoritative individual. "Hi I'm
Booker, I don't think we've met?" He extended a hand toward them, glancing past them to the
building. "Sorry I'm a bit late, I hope I didn't miss anything too important." He gave a half-smile.

Syntax looks back to her tablet and taps away using her lower left hand. "To
start, there is a uh...cum leak in the basement? It's related to another issue the city is having
with the piping. Basically, the basement is hot pool of cum. We'll need to find where it's bubbling
up from, seal it off, drain it, and hose it down. From there, we have the uh..." She leans towards
her tablet and squints to make sure she's reading it correctly. "The high room. Apparently they've
been smoking some kind of drug in there and it's potent enough to give you second hand giggles.
Similar scenario. Find the sources of the smoke, contain them, air out the room, fix up anything
that needs fixing. The other high priority room...the door is locked but recon said it smells
strongly of cheese. We need to get the door open as non-destructively as possible and fix whatever
that...cheese issue is."

Syntax laughs sheepishly and rubs the back of her neck. "Oh, of course! Ye can
call me Syntax. Sorry I didn't open with that. Well, I brought a ton of equipment loaded onto my
robot Captcha over there!" She motions to a large scorpion shaped robot idling by the building's
entrance. "If you need it, I probably brought it. Ah! Uh..." She coughs and dryly recites, "Zephyr
cares deeply for your health and safety and is happy to provide these supplies to improve your
efficiency and survivability. Remember: When you think Zephyr, think quality." After that clearly
mandatory ad read, she resumes her standard tone. "Anyhow! Most of the building has been cleared
out, but there might be some stragglers. I *have* been assured that there shouldn't be any
hostility, though! As for where to start...well, that's up to you. There are a few problematic rooms
that need attention in particular that we can go with.

Junes nodded to fengl and said sheepishly "oh that's right, sorry i kind of got
caught up too but its nice to meet you two" waving to nyazuli and nodding to fengl before waving
once more to the approaching booker but then listened as syntax listed off the issues "...a cheese
room?...i think I'll tackle that one if nobody minds but I could help out elsewhere"

Fengl rubs his chin as he listens along as Syntax reads out the options. "I'm not
really worried about stragglers but..." He shakes his head. "I should probably fine, not too many
people can catch me. Not going to touch the cum room though. That's someone else's problem." The cat
shivers almost theatrically at the thought of it.

Nyazuli declared, "Syntax and Captcha, got it. I'm usually better at solving
problem destructively so I'm happy to let you take care of that Junes, so, let's get it out of the
way shall we?"

Booker tilted his head a bit. "I guess..." He tapped his chin. "I can help Junes
with the cheese room, though the smoke problem i can probably will myself through." He walked over
to junes, playfully tapping her shoulder. "Big fan of the cheese huh?" He folded his fingers behind
his head, glancing up at the building. "Lotta work to be done, they did pick the messiest building."

Syntax exhales and runs a hand through her hair. "Yeah, it's a real dump. But we
can't really fix it up for proper habitation until it's...well. The cum pit *alone*! So it sounds
like we're tackling the cheese?"

Junes nodded "sounds good, i can pick the lock so we dont need to repair anything
later on or like have the upper hand on anything alive inside, glad we're going together but how do
you guys wanna go about the cheese room or other spots?"

Nyazuli started jumping in place, visibly psyching herself up and declared,
"so, what are we waiting for, let's get this thing habitable again!" before crossing the entrance,
and moving toward... She turned around and ask the Spider girl, "Where is that cheese room we're
clearing up? would you mind leading the way?"

Fengl rubs his chin as he ponders the remaining options. "Well, cheese room does
sound rather interesting but shouldn't we split up the work?" The cat shrugs. "You could just seal
the room. Put up some concrete and pretend it doesn't exist." The cat pulls his satchel to the
front, digging through it before turning back to the group. "Ah, I don't have anything that could
help with the cheese. I could go clear out the smoke if no one else wants to."

Booker purses his lips. "Well I think theres a bunch to do here... we'll
probably get more done if we just move as a unit. so we can do cheese first then see what everyone's
up for after that, Worst case scenario I'll do the cum-pit by myself." He looked over the group. "So
cheese first guys?" He looked to Syntax. "Lead the way!"

Syntax chitters "Alright! Follow me!" She moves to enter the building with
several smaller drones following her. "Right this way."

The walk up to the third floor is uneventful, but it's pretty clear which door
leads to the cum filled basement. You definitely don't need super human senses to pick up on that
heavy smell of sex. [Anyone with superhuman smelling or prone to get triggered into horny thoughts
at the smell of cum roll me a willpower save!]

(Willpower Results) @Fengl feels like he slammed into a wall of penis and cum! Thankfully, there are
others here who are able to drag you up the stairs and out of reach of the stench. Perhaps you
should consider yourself lucky you aren't going into the pit today... [You must either spend a turn
recovering or make your next roll at a disadvantage.]
ability, you are sure you'd be overwhelmed.

As you move forward, however, you do also pass several rooms which must be where
that drug was being used. [Anyone can roll an underworld (easy DC) or medicine (medium DC) skill
check to identify the drug type.]

(Medicine Results) @Booker You aren't entirely sure exactly what the drug is, but you are fairly
certain that more direct exposure would randomly make you swap between finding everything hilarious
and being extremely horny.
@Junes You are positive you've had to treat someone that was way overly exposed
to this stuff. In addition to knowing what Booker knows, you also are aware that taking too much of
this stuff combines the two sensations and makes you unable to resist whatever that might inspire in
you. Rare parties where people get that high off of this stuff on purpose are sometimes called
"Clown Orgies".

The group finally arrives at the back of the third floor with an odd sight. The
crack under the door is emitting an orange mist which smells strongly of cheddar. A sign has been
nailed to the door that reads, "LEAVE THE CHEESE KING TO HIS CHEESE."

Syntax rests a hand on a holstered pistol on her hip and looks to the door with
a degree of unease. "Who do you suppose the king is?"

(Lockpick results on the door) @Junes This is a bit of a tricky lock, but you manage to get it open! All that's
left is to open the door.

Nyazuli stared at the lock while Junes was working their magic before letting
her ears perk up at the sound of a "click" and declaring, "dibs on the cheese!". She approached the
door and pushed it open, shield at the ready as usual, after what she glanced around the room trying
to assess what had to be done

Junes surprised at the rashness junes quietly followed suit, entering the room
and quietly saying "didn't you see the sign? try to take it easy" before glancing around the room

A plume of cheese dust hits you filling your nostrils with cheese and making
anyone with goggles have to blink the orange dust out of your eyes. At the far corner, there is a
large chair facing an old TV which appears to be playing an episode of Sailor Moon. While you can't
see who is in the chair, small rats with oversized glasses are carrying bags of puffed cheese snacks
to its occupant.

(Perception Results)
@Booker: You spot a full body pillow in a corner which, of course, has an anime
character printed on it. More interestingly is that this highlights to you that there is no bed in
@Junes & @Fengl: In addition to what Booker sees (or perhaps because he points
it out silently), you see that there is a solid iron bar that has been affixed to two solid points
in the ceiling.
@Nyazuli: While the boys were focused on the corner with the full body pillow,
you spot something that only the most eagle eyed would notice! While it is mostly blocked by the
chair, there is the very end of a sword sheath poking out from the front of the chair. You don't
have to guess at what shape it's in, this guy is a god damn Otoku.

After peering around for a bit, Nyazuli, declared with a tired sigh,
"dweebs..." before declaring loudly, without looking toward anyone in particular, to whoever it may
concern "Hey, building is being cleaned up and restored, if you still have a working brain, please
vacate for the duration of the operation, otherwise I'll make you vacate. Thanks for your
understanding" Before switching her focus toward the sword sheath, considering picking it up

Junes took a quick glance at the room and rodents before steeping out of the
doorway to shrink and shift into a form that mimics the others

Fengl gags as the cat is forcefully pulled up the chairs. The stench coming from
the basement is simply too much. Only once the smell of cheese starts to grow stronger does he seem
to be able to breathe. He peeks into the room as everyone crowds around the doorway, eyes drawn to
the TV, then the bar set into the ceiling and then back to his comrades. "I don't know if threats
are the right way to do it? I mean... I'm not sure scaring someone into leaving has ever worked."

(Deception check to sneak into the room and blend in with the rats) @Booker fails to blend in, but their horrible attempt to act like an otaku
mouse/rat makes the other rats think you're hilarious and will be too busy laughing amongst
themselves to assist the mystery Anime watcher until/unless a hostile action is taken.

Booker steps into the room, placing his clenched fists on his hips. "How do you
do, fellow rats!" He then squeeked, looking over them. "So uh..." He paused. "How about that...
uh... cheese?" He gave a half-hearted smile.

(Willpower Roll) @Umeko If anything, the smell of cheese is a relief to your libido. A door near
the entrance that leads to the basement smelled extremely strongly of cum and by the time you reach
the top floor you're pretty sure you could do with some "STRESS" "RELIEF" after this is over. [Your
character is turned on! You will have a harder time rejecting sexual advances until you find a way
to calm down.]

Umeko was running a bit behind, but finally managed to catch up as she looked
around at the absolute mess the place was in. Luckily she came somewhat prepared to deal with it as
she was wearing gloves, safety goggles, a dust mask, and a thick jacket and pants, but she really
wish she opted for a full on hazmat suit at this point... "...Is this place even salvagable at this
point? I feel like cheese and smell has seeped into the walls..." she muttered as she made her way
further in. She looked past everyone to see what was going on, pausing for a moment in shock as she
examined the den.

A voice speaks up from the chair, though it is quite slow to get out. "Who
dares...enter my...dojo?" A hand with very long, cheese powder stained claws sloowwwly grips the arm
rest to stand while the other grabs the sword. "Let alone...orders me...to leave?" As they move past
the chair, you are faced with a sloth wearing a shabby komono. While they look absurdly strong and
sturdy, their movements are extremely slow.

(Perception Checks) @Nyazuli: The cheese loving sloth is about 5'6" but is muscled like mad.
@Fengl Wow, the komono that sloth is wearing is really shabby. You're pretty
@Everyone Else: That sloth is wearing a komono made out of torn sheets. Wow.
sure he made it himself.

Nyazuli glances toward the voice raising in defiance of her order. She
declared, grinning menacingly, "That would be me. Were my instructions unclear?" The dragoness
turned toward Syntax, "The cleanup was ordered by Zephyr. I'd highly recommend that you bring
complains, if any, through the appropriate channels, you really don't want me to be the one handling
them" She started approaching until she stood at arms length of the mutant, staring at him straight
down from her towering 320cm. "So which one is it?"

Fengl whistles softly as he spots the group of mice amassing around their leader.
The cat is still just barely leaning around the door. "I mean, that's a lot of them and not too many
of us?" Even though the feline sounds meek and unsure he starts to slowly reach for a leather-
wrapped handle peeking out from beneath his vest. "Probably still better than the cum room."

Booker looks at the sloth and says, "Yeah we're cleaning out the
building... i dont think anyone else uhh.. lives here." He rubbed the back of his head. "If you're
squatting here, we're gunna have to ask you to leave. I'm sure you can make another dojo
elsewhere... like maybe a basement or something." He approached, walking up next to Nyazuli.

Umeko Umeko was a bit distracted from the lewd scent that filled the room as she
looked over at him. She pulled her face gear off for now, and set the tip of her kanabo on the
ground while resting a hand on the pommel. She figured somebody like him might have -some- interest
in the traditional weapon of the oni, and she brought the club as a matter of both self defense and
to possibly smash up any furniture or walls that might be needed in this place. "Wouldn't it be
better to have a dojo that's clean and well maintained? A more proper place to train and focus, and
something to be proud of?"

(Event) Junes is now a rat! He will have a bonus when pretending to be a rat weeb and
actions related to them!

The sloth's reaction is very delayed, Initially, he slowly moves into a combat
stance to grip his sword's hilt with determination on his face...but then slowly shifts to a
terrified expression and shifts to surrender in a bow instead. "Nani?!...You are clearly...beyond my
league...senpai..." He looks to Booker, slowly nods, then looks back to Nyazuli. "Your
sidekick...perhaps he is right--ooohhhhh!" He is immediately distracted by Umeko's weapon. "Could
that be....a kanabo?! Yes, you would...know what would...be a good do........jo. But I must...seek
the...guidance of........my peers." He gestures to the rats who are still chatting about the silly

Junes finally matched the rodents inside and making their way inside decided to
go behind the sloth but seeing a cloth nearby inspiration struck while listening to the sloth as the
rodent donned the cloth like a cape and made their way in front of the television and faced the
screen but put a tiny paw out dramatically waiting to see if any would see and take action, ready to
turn and pose at a moments notice

Nyazuli smiled appreciatively and declared, "I'm glad we've come to an
understanding" before giving Booker standing next to her a few appreciative shoulder pats for the
help. Before noticing the mouse preparing to stand for a speech, "Of course I'll let you guys
discuss it" before resting her shield at her feet and crossing her arms

Fengl walks into the room staying behind Nyazuli, nodding enthusiastically. The
cat seems absolutely harmless in contrast to everyone else around him by comparison. "Yeah! Exactly,
we can work something out. No need to start fighting or anything. I'm sure there's gotta be some
place you can go that isn't above the cumpit?"

Booker playfully punches Nyaz in the arm. "Nice work!" He turned back to the
weeb-rodent, then seeing the mouse standing in a pose by the TV. He smirks, nudging Nyaz "Get a load
of this guy." He pointed to the mouse by the tv. "We gunna have another weeb rodent.." He whispered
to them.

Umeko gave a grin as she looked over at him. "Indeed, I'm certainly glad you came
around. Though I'm sure you understand that just as we are cleaning up and rebuilding the city in
this new world, you cannot allow yourself to stagnate either and must do the same. If you cleaned up
and got a better place, you could be the master of a dojo that would make both you and your students
proud." She decided to channel a bit of weeb energy with a Gurren Lagann-esque motion of raising her
weapon in the air as she spoke, or at least as much as she could without smashing it through the

Junes taking the hint turned quickly with a flourish and with their arms crossed
and the makeshift cape waving with no wind (their tail waving it from behind) looked back, staring
at the sloth like they were family "brother! we've been here long enough, as the nobles of old we
must go where the helpless need us" the rodents hand gripping their chest "their hearts are crying
out for a hero to lead them and" looking up with a fierce smile and the faintest tear "i believe in
you-no...all of us! we can help all those in need" reaching a tiny hand out with a faint smile
asking "what do you say?"

The sloth slowly gets a teary eyed smile and begins a slow clap. After his third
clap, the other rats and mice erupt in applause and jubilation! Some rats on the ceiling begin to
shower the room with cherry blossom petals (who knows where the hell they found those), and just
overall more of a mess is left to clean. Still, what a sight to behold!
"You....are....right......brother! Come...everyone! Let us go to...Zephyr. They can...direct
our.............blade!" The sloth begins to Naruto run in slow motion out of the room. It will
likely be a few turns before he is actually out of the building, but he and the rats are clearing

While the team had to work around the slow moving sloth for a time, the rest of the work was fairly boring. Just cleaning up the massive amounts of cheese dust and getting the room to a minimally clean state for renovations to be made. It was a lot of time burned for a single room, but it was likely nice to know that the weeb sloth was going to eventually get a better "dojo".