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<div></div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">It is cool and comfortable in the nanotech lab at Zephyr Inc. And relatively quiet. If tou can ignore the bacchanalian orgy happening just outside in the hallway. The researchers in the room are giving nervous, confused looks at the door and at the strange crate of bottles that someone just delivered. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>And perhaps it is warranted, since some of the bottles start to shake and pop from their cubby holes! They quickly metamorphose into a quartet of hefty tanuki who move to guard the door, along with some extra help! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>One of the tanuki is none other than Fenris! &quot;Hey there!&quot; he says with a smile, &quot;Just wanted to drop by with some friends to have a chat!&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia  and hir fae-bots watched as the tanuki fell in to place at the doors before making their presence known. They positioned themselves in locations that gave the best view of lab and any other surprise enterences. Specfically air vents. Sie looked at hir watch and checked the time. &quot;Right on schedule...&quot; Euoia mumbled to hirself. Sie smiled to Fenris and gave a nod of acknowledgement before going back to maintaining a look out.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie - one of the researchers in the room - was sitting at the desk and writing something in her laptop, throwing an occasional glance at the door, the sounds of whatever was going on behind the doors starting to make her wonder what exactly was going on there... Maybe even take a look herself. But then, things started to happen. With her eyebrow going up, she watched the tanuki pop out like jack-in-the-box&#39;es. Pushing her office chair away from the desk and turning towards the intruders, she slipped her hand onto her thigh, where, in her loosely hanging labcoat&#39;s pocket was her trusty pepper spray.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">One of the scientists, some sort of leader if the looks the others are giving are any indicator, relaxes a bit at the appearance of the tanuki. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;It&#39;s alright everyone,&quot; he says, adjusting his lab coat, &quot;These are some new friends of mine.&quot; Elias, the scientist in question indicates that the others should return to their work. &quot;What are you all doing here?&quot; he asks, then looks out the frosted glass of the door, &quot;And what in seven hells is going on outside?&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Even as he asks, something outside thumps against the door and the sound of laughter can be heard. &quot;Anybody home?&quot; comes a drunken call through the door. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;Just something to keep security busy,&quot; Fenris smiles, &quot;So we can chat without interruption.&quot;</div> <div title="Conrad" style="margin-top:2em">&quot;Bloody hell. Of all the days...&quot; Conrad mutters a steady stream of expletives underneath his breath. The panther is fiddling with a series of labeled specimens on a test-tube rack, jotting down notes in a notebook on the adjacent countertop. Commotion outside of the room should be something to be ignored, endured even-- but this? A glimpse of motion out of the corner of his eye, he&#39;s apparently a few arms&#39; lengths away from Rennie; a disapproving *tsk* and subtle shake of his head accompany that movement where she reaches for something concealed. The big, white coat-clad cat, meanwhile, lets his hands fall loosely to his sides, twisting easily at the waist to study the raccoon dog.</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia flutters down from her spot up near the vents. &quot;From the sounds outside, I&#39;d guess a drunken frat party. Maybe worse.&quot; Sie looks to Fenris. &quot;There were no drugs involved, right?&quot; Sie sat on a table and kept looking around the room to coordinate with hir faebots. &quot;I mean, we use tempered glass on the doors, so it shouldn&#39;t be too bad.&quot;</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie throws a glance at Elias. Relaxing a little, but not enough to ignore the sudden guests. Her avian eyes following the tanuki that spoke, and his words about &#39;distracting the security&#39; feeding into her confusion. &quot;As long as I don&#39;t have to deal with all that mess, I don&#39;t care if there are drugs or not.&quot; she muttered. &quot;I hope there aren&#39;t.&quot;</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">Fenris scratches his nose and looks up at Euoia. &quot;Is satyr wine considered a drug?&quot; he asks, waving idly toward a few remaining bottles sitting in the crate the tanuki were smuggled in with. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>A strange silhouette appears on the door. It appears to be a pair of breasts pressed against the door and an overly large tongue licking at the glass. &quot;Come and play!&quot; comes a moaned invitation. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The tanuki grins again. &quot;I&#39;m sure it is fine,&quot; he says, flapping a chubby paw, &quot;But security doesn&#39;t really like us in here. A misunderstanding, I am sure.&quot; He claps his hands and rubs them together. &quot;Now! Why don&#39;t you show me some of this groundbreaking work you are doing for the betterment of man slash mutant kind!&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Elias hesitates, then nods. &quot;I suppose we could share a little,&quot; he says, &quot;You were interested in the theory of nanite-biological interactions, right?&quot;</div> <div title="Conrad" style="margin-top:2em">The panther raises an eyebrow. &quot;Do hope you didn&#39;t have anywhere t&#39;be this afternoon, miss?&quot; he offers, glancing apologetically towards Rennie. &quot;S&#39; a good time to phone ahead. Cancel any dinner plans, et cetera. Nothing to deal /with/, so much. It hasn&#39;t escalated into a hostage situation just yet.&quot; He mutters a bit further, reaching towards the countertop to flip his notebook closed. &quot;Startin&#39; to doubt I&#39;ll have anything this lot&#39;ll be interested in hearing... but if this &#39;un&#39;s already talking, might as well see where this goes.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia just shrugs when the wine is presented. &quot;Maybe? Wine normally isn&#39;t.&quot; Hir ears perk up when Elias mentions nanite stuff. Sie plays with a little bit of light nanomagic to make some dancing lights, but mostly as a bit of practice. The faebots report an &quot;all clear&quot; with the vents so far. Euoia had little to do anyway.</div><div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;What the hell...&quot; a certain feline would blink several times, his gaze wandering over the scene set before him around Zephyr&#39;s outer quarters. Dressed in a loose jacket, dark gray pantaloons and a pair of new winter boots, Magnus takes care when sidestepping the... fluids spawned by all the ahem, activities up front. Typical Fairhaven, but then who was he to judge? Were he not already sated in that regard he may well have joined in, but something else tugged on those strings of his. Something more powerful than any primal drive. The very source of humanity itself! Dun dun duuuuun... curiosity. He wanted to know what had spawned this sudden public display of people&#39;s love for one another. Shit like this doesn&#39;t happen without a cause, at least not on a scale like this. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> So up the stairs he goes, looking around, peeking corners and sniffing for strange scents. Nothing on the second story, so how about the thi... well then. He found a crowd, an odd cluster of misfits to be sure,and among them the most sus of all characters. &quot;Coondogs.&quot; he&#39;d mutter under his breath. Like a mirage from eons ago the distant memory of someone mischievous crosses that addled mind of his, that shape and these antics were unmistakable... &quot;Zephyr really need to invest in better security. Normally this place would be teeming with guards! They seem a bit distracted right now, though...&quot; Magnus remarks, that predatory gaze wandering among the crowd. &quot;Gentlemen. Up to no good, are we?&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> He really had no idea what was even going on...</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">The hippogriff, called Rennie, shook her head. &quot;I don&#39;t need to be anywhere, but here at the moment.&quot; She casually reaches into her bag, producing a bottle of Coca-Cola and... some sort of a glass flask? Not empty, by the looks of it, some transparent liquid sloshing around. The flask is tightly plugged with a cork. She smiles to the company of tanuki, while most of them were probably distracted by the voice from outside. &quot;Guess it&#39;s break time?&quot;</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The halls of Zephyr Inc. are strewn with humans and mutants of all descriptions, most in various states of drunkeness and undress. Periodically there is a cry of &quot;Bacchanal!&quot; echoed by a reply across three floors as paws and claws and hands tip back bottles of wine that don&#39;t seem to be growing any lighter. Magnus finds a particularly vigorous knot of revelers in front of the glass doors to the nanotech labs on the third floor. This orgy pile includes several security officers usually responsible for keeping this area off limits to the public and at least one local Zephyr executive. The tanuki he is talking to frown through the frosted glass, while a buxom lizard girl who has been doing a bit of bumping and grinding against the sealed door turns her attention to Magnus. &quot;Ooh!&quot; she coos, &quot;A new friend! Need a drink, kitty cat?&quot; She waves a bottle at Magnus. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Elias launches into an explanation of some of the work they do here. Bringing up a 3-D display in the center of the room. &quot;Most people believe that nanites change the biology of living things on a cellular level,&quot; he starts, bringing up a diagram of an inert nano-bot, greatly magnified, &quot;This is not accurate, since manipulating biological cells would merely kill any living thing that they altered. Instead, the nanites actually REPLACE biological cells and alter themselves according to programming that they teach each other.&quot; It looks like this is going to be quite the lesson. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The three tanuki still at the door are looking at something happening beyond the fogged glass and frowning, but at the sound of the popped cork, one turns to look at Rennie with a hopeful smile. &quot;Ooh!&quot; she grins, &quot;Are you sharing?&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia slowly starts using the light nanomagic to mimic what Elias is saying, mostly to remember it later or to explain to someone else. As sie gets the hang of it, sie slowly goes over the material again and sees about finding a way to explain it for dummies. Euoia constantly shifts back and forth between following the descriptions Elias provides and practicing the explanations. Euoia thinks sie might be catching on, hir Mini-NICE aiding that realisation on what the researcher is saying. The Fae-bots keep a watch on the room and the vent systems.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> The feline declines. It is a little too early in the day for things like these, plus there was something else much more interesting at play that he wanted a clear head for. So... &quot;No thank you darlin&#39;.&quot; He&#39;d answer, tilting the bottle with one finger back towards her own muzzle. &quot;You have your fun though. Maybe we&#39;ll run into each other sometime, and have our fun then. Right now? I&#39;m a little preoccupied.&quot; He then returns his attention to the group in the room who were very clearly not celebrating their independence from inhibition. Those twin golden irises snap between the coondogs as well as the other peculiar company in the room. &quot;Then I suppose it is best I don&#39;t understand what&#39;s going on here? I will take my leave if I can&#39;t be of any practical use. ...Fenris... is that you? &quot;He&#39;d stare curiously among the three chunky striped bandits. </div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">The hippogriff smiled, nodding to that tanuki, &quot;If you got a glass of your own, sure!&quot; She does however listen in on the impromptu lecture. Her own field was in nanite chemistry, rather than biology, and even if the two areas were very closely overlapping, it was always a good thing to listen to people who specialize in their field. She seems much more comfortable now, even if she looks focused and a little tense.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The lizard girl pouts, but does not leave, all but hanging on Magnus as the orgy continues around them. She seems ready to jump his bones the instant he shows interest.... maybe before. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The tanuki guards at the door seem a little surprised to hear Fenris&#39;s name from outside and one of them opens the door just a crack, keeping a firm hold on it, in case the party outside tries to move in. &quot;You know The Ear?&quot; he asks warily, keeping an eye on the moaning Zephyr Exec, who seems to be growing a small pair of horns, despite his no-doubt extensive immunizations. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Inside, Elias continues his lecture. &quot;The nanites, for the most part, rely on the electrical pulses created by biological life for their continued upkeep, which is why we do not see many actual effects of the nanite plague on architecture or non-living things. They will consume these things for added mass and material for their organic hosts, which explains the rapid deterioration of most ordinary materials within the Bubble.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The female tanuki grins and holds out her hand, which twists and morphs until she has a crystal shotglass attached to her hand. &quot;Hit me!&quot; she says with a grin.</div><div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie clicks her tongue, watching the hand transform, before she opens the bottle with a recognizable &#39;pshhh&#39;. The bubbles come up, but barely stop before they would spill. She reaches out with both hands, one tilting the glass a little, the other pouring the drink - to avoid any further excess bubbling. When she is done, she leans back and takes a sip directly from the bottle, letting out a sigh. &quot;Did you guys bring any snacks? They don&#39;t usually let any food or unbottled drinks in the lab, but I guess today&#39;s the day.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia keeps doing hir broadcast/record when something just hits her. Sie looks to Elias and says, &quot;Wait, none of the nanite designs are photovoltaic? Well, none of the ones here i mean. It might be possible for a different strain to be that way. But not with our working bubble here.&quot; Sie ponders this a bit while contemplating the rest of the lecture.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> Absolutely incorrigible... but then such were a lot of women in Fairhaven. Unbound and unburdened by petty things like inhibition, self-control and often self-respect. The lecture was all but background noise for the feline, it was not his priority to understand such things, nor did he have the intelligence for matters so deepy scientific. Seems he wasn&#39;t about to lose this lizard girl who was all but clawing at his pants right now either. Alright then... he&#39;d reach out with one finger and gently press upon the tip of her nose. &quot;All the more for you, am I right?&quot; his hushed tone rumbles oh-so faintly against her ear, one hand swinging to *swat* deliver a playful smack upon her scaly right asscheek. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> It was around then that something else draws his focus, seems someone recognized Fenris&#39; name. &quot;I know his ear, his eyes, his fingers, and the rest of him if that helps. Whenever you striped hounds get involved in something, he&#39;s usually mixed up in it somehow. If memory serves, he&#39;s been on the prowl for technology to hand off to his patron.&quot; Magnus need not say anything else, he need only glance around the lab they were situated in. &quot;So... you wanna tell me what ole&#39; Chubbs has been up to? I&#39;m sure a certain Teahouse keeper he&#39;s familiar with might be keen on knowing too.&quot;</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">&quot;An excellent question,&quot; Elias says, nodding at Euoia, &quot;No, for the most part, nanites unconnected to a host are totally inert. Hence our ability to keep them in vials. There is, of course, the exception of Mako nanites, which function in a rather different way, but that is a lecture for another time.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The burly tanuki at the door frowns, but raches out and grabs Magnus, dragging him in through the barely open door and scraping off his slightly surprised would-be companion, who gives an unhappy squawk as the door shuts tightly behind Magnus. &quot;Now,&quot; the tanuki growls, &quot;Keep it down, we don&#39;t want any trouble.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The female tanuki with Rennie looks around, and seeing everyone else otherwise occupied she turns away from Rennie for a moment, then turns back holding a packet of some kind of crackers. &quot;Shrimp crackers,&quot; she says quietly, &quot;They are my favorite!&quot; She tears open the packet as quietly as she can and holds them out to share, taking a sugary sip of cola before her eyes widen in surprise, &quot;It is so sweet!&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;Now where was I?&quot; Elias continues, &quot;Ah! Yes, the bubble.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia ponders for a little. Considering the service sie&#39;s done to various mini versions of servers around here, Sie makes a &#39;simulated bubble&#39; with light nanomagic labling server parts and the emitted &#39;bubble&#39; that might emerge from one such server. At this point, sie might as well be a teaching aid. Sie remains quiet, however, wondering where the conversation would go from here. Sie noticed hir Fae-bots still guarding the vents and ordered them to flash lights down the vents instead of relying on radar senses.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;Awww, now look at what you&#39;ve gone and done.&quot; The feline snerks and shakes his head. &quot;Did I invoke a cursed name or something? You realize it&#39;s really easy to put two and two together considering you folks always wear those stripes, right? If it gets bad enough then opportunistic gangs might try framing you for it. Just don the stripes, pull off a heist, get reported as looking like the tanuki crew and the first places the authorities are gonna ransack are your usual haunts while the criminal underground get the opening they need to launder their money.&quot; He then opens his arms to either side and shrugs deeply. &quot;But that&#39;s none of my business. All I really wanted to know is what you&#39;re plotting this time. Just some genuine thirst for juicy details, well... that and because I kinda miss detective Chubbs. It&#39;s been a long time, hope he&#39;s doing well.&quot; The feline&#39;s gaze then meanders over back to the door he&#39;d just been pulled through. &quot;But if you ARE up to something crooked...&quot; his glance snaps over towards the inebriated security staff &quot;...which seems likely...&quot; before returning to the tanuki&#39;s own &quot;...then I question the logistics of involving outsiders. Or has funtimes ringtail&#39;s influence been spreading so far that you&#39;re all flying the same flag here?&quot; </div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie looks at Euoia, and ponders. &quot;Perhaps the reason for it would be the high dependency on being exposed to light, but that&#39;s not just that. For the energy source that is taking up space in such a fine and miniscule mechanism as a nanite, it is way too unreliable, inefficient and complicated to implement. Whereas deconstructing matter works at any time - and let me tell you, the energy that is freed and consumed by fiddling with molecular and atomic structures massively outshines any sort of energy per square nanometer that the Sun is able to give us. Especially if you exclude the radiation factor.&quot; She does look at the tanuki with a sour look when she sees the crackers. She gives a tiny lick to the outline of her beak. &quot;You know what... Nevermind. These are a little too big. I can&#39;t chew.&quot;</div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The burly tanuki guard seems genuinely confused by Magnus&#39;s patter. &quot;Listen, water cat,&quot; he says, holding up a hand, &quot;The Ear just wanted to talk to the Zephyr Magicians without being watched.&quot; He peers through the frosted glass window. &quot;And the soldiers around here could use the break if I am any judge.&quot;  His frown deepens when some of what Magnus says catches up to his brain. &quot;Wait,&quot; he growls, &quot;Are you saying that someone is using the bane of Tanuki to commit petty crimes in this world!?&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The female tanuki blinks in surprise when Rennie turns down her treat. &quot;Oh,&quot; she says sadly, &quot;I did not think of that.&quot; She looks thoughtful for a second. &quot;Ah! But we did bring some wine along,&quot; she says gormlessly, &quot;I&#39;ll get you some!&quot; She toddles off toward the crate the tanuki were smuggled in with. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Elias continues lecturing, Fenris nodding along at his elbow. The tubby tanuki spares a moment to wave at Magnus, then returns to listening. &quot;Nanites communicate with each other,&quot; he explains, &quot;teaching each other form and function, which allows them to make the drastic changes in biology we see in the mutant population, but they do not do it directly. They are reliant on the bubble created by nanite servers, which is why most nanite based technology does not function outside of the effective area dictated by Zephyr&#39;s servers here in Fairhaven.&quot; The scientist adjusts his glasses and changes the 3-D display to show the city of Fairhaven and an ethereal dome around the city. &quot;Within the &#39;bubble&#39; as it is called, nanites can communicate with each other and utilize their full range of ability, beyond it, the nanites become static.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia sighs. &quot;outside the bubble, nanite stuff starts behaving according to basic physics, too. I can barely fly outside the bubble. Even then, i rely heavily on short bursts from my jetpack.&quot; Euoia sighed, then pulled a small elixir from a hole in space that sie closes up quickly.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;Right.&quot; Magnus glances left and right but doesn&#39;t contest it. When the question follows however, well... &quot;What, you didn&#39;t know?&quot; He raises his hands with both open palms. &quot;Okay. Don&#39;t get me wrong, I don&#39;t give a damn what you&#39;re doing here. I&#39;m not affiliated with Zephyr so it&#39;s no skin off my balls. But...&quot; He then slings an arm around the tanuki and leans in to more quietly lay down some truth. &quot;See, I am working with some hyenas downtown, been with them for a while, a kinda home-away-from-home situation, having fun and keeping them from ripping each other apart. Lately it&#39;s been a very common thing for petty thugs to use transformatives to pin the blame on someone else. Tanuki and his followers are really easy to incriminate ever since they got a rep for hunting rare technology, and there are more than a few folks with transformative powers out there willing to make some easy creds by providing folks with these kinds of disguises.&quot; He then leans away from the tanuki with a wink and a nod. &quot;So how&#39;d you get the nerds to talk? I thought they were contractually obligated to keep their muzzles shut.&quot;</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie scratches her chin. &quot;Ehhh, sure? I&#39;m not usually one to drink, but I guess a little wine is fine.&quot; The hippogriff nods, figuring to listen along and not interrupt anyone, anymore.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The tanuki guard seems more than a little perturbed by the idea that someone would try to pin their unsavory activities on the followers of the Big Leaf! &quot;And you say that you are affiliated with one of these groups?&quot; the tanuki growls, his hands balling into fists as his form seems to grow, samurai armor manifesting itself on his body. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;Indeed,&quot; Elias says, nodding at Euoia, &quot;Their capacity is greatly limited. But Zephyr is working hard to circumvent these difficulties. We have developed smaller, more efficient servers that can be carried in a truck or helicopter, enabling agents to work farther afield. We have even developed some personal implants capable of sustaining a very small bubble around a single individual for s limited duration.&quot; Projections of the various nanite server devices move across the display, and some of the researches look on proudly, while one or two are starting to look suspicious. This is bordering on proprietary material. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Rennie&#39;s new friend returns momentarily with a fancy looking bottle of wine with &quot;Vin Dionysus&quot; scrawled on it&#39;s label. She pops the cork and offers to pour for Rennie. &quot;Sorry about the crackers,&quot; she says, finishing and pouring some for herself.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie mumbled something about it being nothing to worry about, as she dug into the bag of hers. Not really carrying a wine glass on her person, the hippogriff finally found what she was looking for - an empty glass beaker. She stretched it out in her claw and nodded. &quot;Let&#39;s see if it&#39;s as good as I heard... ehh, still hear.&quot;</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em">&quot;No. I say I&#39;m affiliated with the kind of people who&#39;d know all about it.&quot; Magnus answers and shakes his head, arms crossed. &quot;I&#39;m trying to do you a solid, here. It really perplexes me that you had no idea. Besides... if I were affiliated with the kinds of criminals that do this kinda shit, would I be talking about it with you?&quot; he presses his two pointers against either side of his own head. &quot;Think! It ain&#39;t right what the tanuki are doing, but...&quot; Magnus re-crosses his arms and leans against the nearby wall, casting his gaze off to the side &quot;...it ain&#39;t right what the thugs are doing either.&quot; his eyes return to his agitated companion &quot;I won&#39;t tell you your business, but if letting you in on what&#39;s been going on behind your backs will get you involved with cleaning up the streets a bit, then it&#39;s worth talking about.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia brings up a few images of the servers sie has has maintained. Sie is starting more to follow Elias&#39; lead here. Sie rotates the server image while displaying the main parts. Sie continues to record and store info at this point. Euoia&#39;s Fae-bots continue scanning the vents even tracking the amount of gasses that come through them.</div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The tanuki facing off with Magnus considers the Aquacat&#39;s words and relaxes, his armor returning to robes. &quot;You have my gratitude,&quot; he says, &quot;I will certainly report these doings.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The wine, Rennie shortly finds, is most definitely as good as she has heard. Maybe better! It is just the right amount of sweet with hints of cloves and cinnamon and summer nights and her first kiss and gods why is everyone so damn attractive right now? The tanuki in front of Rennie seems to have come to a similar conclusion. &quot;Oh,&quot; she says breathlessly, &quot;I think... I think maybe I was not supposed to drink that.&quot; She steps a little closer to the hippogryph. &quot;You are very beautiful,&quot; she says, blushing hard through her fur. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;The details are really not especially good for a lecture,&quot; Elias is saying, closing down the display, &quot;But I think I have a tablet here with some excellent research papers on the subject of nanobot interactions and server theory here.&quot; The scientist turns to his work station and pulls a tablet from a drawer. It seems he had some remarkable foresight to prepare such a thing for his surprise guests. Another researcher starts to rise from his desk. &quot;Doctor Thomas,&quot; he says, &quot;I don&#39;t know that we should be giving out that information...&quot;</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;Yeah? Well you do that. Looks like you folks have your hands full here anyway, and I don&#39;t have much to gain here.&quot; Magnus tsks softly and chuckles &quot;You&#39;re looking for Ronnie. Rich boy, has all the toys, is super into transformations.&quot; the feline closes one eye, then pats the coondog on the shoulder. &quot;Rumor has it he&#39;s been making some serious cash lately.&quot; Tucking his hands into his pockets once more, Magnus casts a glance back towards the festivities, then shakes his head. &quot;You really pulled the wool over big Z&#39;s security team. RSX are gonna be taking the piss for months when they find out. Anyway, good luck with your nerd stuff!&quot; With that, Magnus turns and heads to leave towards gods-know-where...</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia noticed the dissent in the one researcher. Sie shuts off the light nanomagic sie was using, instead focusing on a level of apathy towards them. Now, for the verbal componant and that soothing voice. &quot;The handing over of a device should be okay. After all, its just a tablet.&quot; Euoia pushed hir will through the nanomagic and from hir Mini-Nice. She knows how to program nanites rather well, but overconfidance would definitely not be wanted at a time like this. Sie maintains control to the best of hir ability. The Robo-fae notice what their master is doing. They confirm the vents are safe before making a protective circle, but with all weapons turned off.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie blinks a little, as she savours the wine. Curiosity killed the cat, and it certainly did a number or Rennie, who was anything but tolerant to this sort of stuff. She opens up her eyes and focuses on the tanuki in front of her. &quot;You think so? Mmm... Comes from a cutie~&quot; she chuckles, completely ignoring whatever was going on on the other side of the room. The blush is barely visible through her feathers, but her cheeks are burning so hard that it&#39;s quite apparent.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">As Magnus slips out the door, his burly acquaintance frowns after him. &quot;Ronnie with all the toys,&quot; he murmers to himself, then does a double take as the door opens. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>While the tanuki lookouts were distracted, it looks like their third was tempted out into the hallway orgy, and sonce he was not at his post, and neither were any of the others, no one noticed a woozy guard finally coming to his senses and signalling for help. Klaxons start to blare in the hallway! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The objecting scientist gives Euoia an odd look, confused for a second before he shrugs. &quot;Yeah,&quot; he says absently, sitting back in his chair, &quot;Probably okay. Just a tablet.&quot; The other researchers seem satisfied as well until the alarms start to blare. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The female tanuki does not seem to register the alarms. Instead she takes another long pull from the wine bottle, then steps forward to kiss Rennie!</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia and hir faebots flit back up to the vents. Sie tried squeezing some extra oomph into the apathy spell as sie could. Best sie could do now is use prestidigitation to make the tablet appear to be somewhere else while Fenris does a good old snatch and run. It would take a few castings to work, but hopefully the minor displacement of the tablet&#39;s image would give Fenris the extra seconds they&#39;d need. The fae-bots were already scanning for the best possible route out. Sie&#39;d wait for Fenris if needed, but wasn&#39;t gonna stay so long that sie&#39;d get caught.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie is still sitting in her office chair, so when the tanuki approaches, she grabs her by the buttocks, pulling her to sit on her lap as she doesn&#39;t seem to mind the kiss one bit. As apparently the birds know no such thing as a chaste kiss - it is either a peck or a make out session! Her tongue even goes as far as to collect the taste of the wine from the tanuki&#39;s mouth, all the while her claws give her a grope or two. </div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The tanuki does not seem to have any qualms about getting physical either. Her mouth tastes like that incredible wine, and her hands are as eager as Rennie&#39;s own. That satyr wine is good stuff! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Euoia&#39;s help is useful as Fenris takes the tablet from a bemused Elias. The tanuki winks at the scientist and leaves behind a large, corked gourd on his desk before waving at his sole remaining sober companion and sprinting from the room. The two tanuki vault over a mass of mutants making out with a rather goat-like man in a nice, though currently disheveled suit and then leap over the balcony.</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia&#39;s bots calculate the fastest route outside. Seeing that Fenris has things mostly under control, sie leaves through the vent system to safety. The faebots use a hover mode while Euoia flies to avoid making noise in the vents. Sie may not always be a follower of tanuki, but when sie is, it usually ends up being epic.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie seems to ignore the alarm and any sort of panic happening as the sirens go off. It doesn&#39;t even occur to her in her state that something out of order was happening, especially now that the boring lecture was over and all the other guests left in a hurry. Her claws roam around the tanuki&#39;s back freely, as she keeps trying to reach every single spot in her mouth that still holds the aftertaste of that wine. Whatever happens next, happens, but it would certainly take a lot of effort to separate the two.</div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">As soon as the tanuki clear the railing, armed and armored security forces start pouring from the upper floors. Looks like the third floor was where the party stopped. No one is spared in the round up. Not that the security team encounters much resistance at this point, since all the revelers had pretty much reached the pleasant, slow buzz portion of their drunken orgy. Most seem happy enough to be led away to somewhere they can relax quietly. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Since the tanuki and hippogryph are apparently inseperable, the two are hauled away together to finish their business in private.<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Oddly, no bottles of satyr wine are ever reported or turned over to Zephyr security.</div>
<div></div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">It is cool and comfortable in the nanotech lab at Zephyr Inc. And relatively quiet. If tou can ignore the bacchanalian orgy happening just outside in the hallway. The researchers in the room are giving nervous, confused looks at the door and at the strange crate of bottles that someone just delivered. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>And perhaps it is warranted, since some of the bottles start to shake and pop from their cubby holes! They quickly metamorphose into a quartet of hefty tanuki who move to guard the door, along with some extra help! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>One of the tanuki is none other than Fenris! &quot;Hey there!&quot; he says with a smile, &quot;Just wanted to drop by with some friends to have a chat!&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia  and hir fae-bots watched as the tanuki fell in to place at the doors before making their presence known. They positioned themselves in locations that gave the best view of lab and any other surprise enterences. Specfically air vents. Sie looked at hir watch and checked the time. &quot;Right on schedule...&quot; Euoia mumbled to hirself. Sie smiled to Fenris and gave a nod of acknowledgement before going back to maintaining a look out.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie - one of the researchers in the room - was sitting at the desk and writing something in her laptop, throwing an occasional glance at the door, the sounds of whatever was going on behind the doors starting to make her wonder what exactly was going on there... Maybe even take a look herself. But then, things started to happen. With her eyebrow going up, she watched the tanuki pop out like jack-in-the-box&#39;es. Pushing her office chair away from the desk and turning towards the intruders, she slipped her hand onto her thigh, where, in her loosely hanging labcoat&#39;s pocket was her trusty pepper spray.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">One of the scientists, some sort of leader if the looks the others are giving are any indicator, relaxes a bit at the appearance of the tanuki. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;It&#39;s alright everyone,&quot; he says, adjusting his lab coat, &quot;These are some new friends of mine.&quot; Elias, the scientist in question indicates that the others should return to their work. &quot;What are you all doing here?&quot; he asks, then looks out the frosted glass of the door, &quot;And what in seven hells is going on outside?&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Even as he asks, something outside thumps against the door and the sound of laughter can be heard. &quot;Anybody home?&quot; comes a drunken call through the door. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;Just something to keep security busy,&quot; Fenris smiles, &quot;So we can chat without interruption.&quot;</div> <div title="Conrad" style="margin-top:2em">&quot;Bloody hell. Of all the days...&quot; Conrad mutters a steady stream of expletives underneath his breath. The panther is fiddling with a series of labeled specimens on a test-tube rack, jotting down notes in a notebook on the adjacent countertop. Commotion outside of the room should be something to be ignored, endured even-- but this? A glimpse of motion out of the corner of his eye, he&#39;s apparently a few arms&#39; lengths away from Rennie; a disapproving *tsk* and subtle shake of his head accompany that movement where she reaches for something concealed. The big, white coat-clad cat, meanwhile, lets his hands fall loosely to his sides, twisting easily at the waist to study the raccoon dog.</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia flutters down from her spot up near the vents. &quot;From the sounds outside, I&#39;d guess a drunken frat party. Maybe worse.&quot; Sie looks to Fenris. &quot;There were no drugs involved, right?&quot; Sie sat on a table and kept looking around the room to coordinate with hir faebots. &quot;I mean, we use tempered glass on the doors, so it shouldn&#39;t be too bad.&quot;</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie throws a glance at Elias. Relaxing a little, but not enough to ignore the sudden guests. Her avian eyes following the tanuki that spoke, and his words about &#39;distracting the security&#39; feeding into her confusion. &quot;As long as I don&#39;t have to deal with all that mess, I don&#39;t care if there are drugs or not.&quot; she muttered. &quot;I hope there aren&#39;t.&quot;</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">Fenris scratches his nose and looks up at Euoia. &quot;Is satyr wine considered a drug?&quot; he asks, waving idly toward a few remaining bottles sitting in the crate the tanuki were smuggled in with. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>A strange silhouette appears on the door. It appears to be a pair of breasts pressed against the door and an overly large tongue licking at the glass. &quot;Come and play!&quot; comes a moaned invitation. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The tanuki grins again. &quot;I&#39;m sure it is fine,&quot; he says, flapping a chubby paw, &quot;But security doesn&#39;t really like us in here. A misunderstanding, I am sure.&quot; He claps his hands and rubs them together. &quot;Now! Why don&#39;t you show me some of this groundbreaking work you are doing for the betterment of man slash mutant kind!&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Elias hesitates, then nods. &quot;I suppose we could share a little,&quot; he says, &quot;You were interested in the theory of nanite-biological interactions, right?&quot;</div> <div title="Conrad" style="margin-top:2em">The panther raises an eyebrow. &quot;Do hope you didn&#39;t have anywhere t&#39;be this afternoon, miss?&quot; he offers, glancing apologetically towards Rennie. &quot;S&#39; a good time to phone ahead. Cancel any dinner plans, et cetera. Nothing to deal /with/, so much. It hasn&#39;t escalated into a hostage situation just yet.&quot; He mutters a bit further, reaching towards the countertop to flip his notebook closed. &quot;Startin&#39; to doubt I&#39;ll have anything this lot&#39;ll be interested in hearing... but if this &#39;un&#39;s already talking, might as well see where this goes.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia just shrugs when the wine is presented. &quot;Maybe? Wine normally isn&#39;t.&quot; Hir ears perk up when Elias mentions nanite stuff. Sie plays with a little bit of light nanomagic to make some dancing lights, but mostly as a bit of practice. The faebots report an &quot;all clear&quot; with the vents so far. Euoia had little to do anyway.</div><div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;What the hell...&quot; a certain feline would blink several times, his gaze wandering over the scene set before him around Zephyr&#39;s outer quarters. Dressed in a loose jacket, dark gray pantaloons and a pair of new winter boots, Magnus takes care when sidestepping the... fluids spawned by all the ahem, activities up front. Typical Fairhaven, but then who was he to judge? Were he not already sated in that regard he may well have joined in, but something else tugged on those strings of his. Something more powerful than any primal drive. The very source of humanity itself! Dun dun duuuuun... curiosity. He wanted to know what had spawned this sudden public display of people&#39;s love for one another. Shit like this doesn&#39;t happen without a cause, at least not on a scale like this. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> So up the stairs he goes, looking around, peeking corners and sniffing for strange scents. Nothing on the second story, so how about the thi... well then. He found a crowd, an odd cluster of misfits to be sure,and among them the most sus of all characters. &quot;Coondogs.&quot; he&#39;d mutter under his breath. Like a mirage from eons ago the distant memory of someone mischievous crosses that addled mind of his, that shape and these antics were unmistakable... &quot;Zephyr really need to invest in better security. Normally this place would be teeming with guards! They seem a bit distracted right now, though...&quot; Magnus remarks, that predatory gaze wandering among the crowd. &quot;Gentlemen. Up to no good, are we?&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> He really had no idea what was even going on...</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">The hippogriff, called Rennie, shook her head. &quot;I don&#39;t need to be anywhere, but here at the moment.&quot; She casually reaches into her bag, producing a bottle of Coca-Cola and... some sort of a glass flask? Not empty, by the looks of it, some transparent liquid sloshing around. The flask is tightly plugged with a cork. She smiles to the company of tanuki, while most of them were probably distracted by the voice from outside. &quot;Guess it&#39;s break time?&quot;</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The halls of Zephyr Inc. are strewn with humans and mutants of all descriptions, most in various states of drunkeness and undress. Periodically there is a cry of &quot;Bacchanal!&quot; echoed by a reply across three floors as paws and claws and hands tip back bottles of wine that don&#39;t seem to be growing any lighter. Magnus finds a particularly vigorous knot of revelers in front of the glass doors to the nanotech labs on the third floor. This orgy pile includes several security officers usually responsible for keeping this area off limits to the public and at least one local Zephyr executive. The tanuki he is talking to frown through the frosted glass, while a buxom lizard girl who has been doing a bit of bumping and grinding against the sealed door turns her attention to Magnus. &quot;Ooh!&quot; she coos, &quot;A new friend! Need a drink, kitty cat?&quot; She waves a bottle at Magnus. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Elias launches into an explanation of some of the work they do here. Bringing up a 3-D display in the center of the room. &quot;Most people believe that nanites change the biology of living things on a cellular level,&quot; he starts, bringing up a diagram of an inert nano-bot, greatly magnified, &quot;This is not accurate, since manipulating biological cells would merely kill any living thing that they altered. Instead, the nanites actually REPLACE biological cells and alter themselves according to programming that they teach each other.&quot; It looks like this is going to be quite the lesson. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The three tanuki still at the door are looking at something happening beyond the fogged glass and frowning, but at the sound of the popped cork, one turns to look at Rennie with a hopeful smile. &quot;Ooh!&quot; she grins, &quot;Are you sharing?&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia slowly starts using the light nanomagic to mimic what Elias is saying, mostly to remember it later or to explain to someone else. As sie gets the hang of it, sie slowly goes over the material again and sees about finding a way to explain it for dummies. Euoia constantly shifts back and forth between following the descriptions Elias provides and practicing the explanations. Euoia thinks sie might be catching on, hir Mini-NICE aiding that realisation on what the researcher is saying. The Fae-bots keep a watch on the room and the vent systems.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> The feline declines. It is a little too early in the day for things like these, plus there was something else much more interesting at play that he wanted a clear head for. So... &quot;No thank you darlin&#39;.&quot; He&#39;d answer, tilting the bottle with one finger back towards her own muzzle. &quot;You have your fun though. Maybe we&#39;ll run into each other sometime, and have our fun then. Right now? I&#39;m a little preoccupied.&quot; He then returns his attention to the group in the room who were very clearly not celebrating their independence from inhibition. Those twin golden irises snap between the coondogs as well as the other peculiar company in the room. &quot;Then I suppose it is best I don&#39;t understand what&#39;s going on here? I will take my leave if I can&#39;t be of any practical use. ...Fenris... is that you? &quot;He&#39;d stare curiously among the three chunky striped bandits. </div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">The hippogriff smiled, nodding to that tanuki, &quot;If you got a glass of your own, sure!&quot; She does however listen in on the impromptu lecture. Her own field was in nanite chemistry, rather than biology, and even if the two areas were very closely overlapping, it was always a good thing to listen to people who specialize in their field. She seems much more comfortable now, even if she looks focused and a little tense.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The lizard girl pouts, but does not leave, all but hanging on Magnus as the orgy continues around them. She seems ready to jump his bones the instant he shows interest.... maybe before. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The tanuki guards at the door seem a little surprised to hear Fenris&#39;s name from outside and one of them opens the door just a crack, keeping a firm hold on it, in case the party outside tries to move in. &quot;You know The Ear?&quot; he asks warily, keeping an eye on the moaning Zephyr Exec, who seems to be growing a small pair of horns, despite his no-doubt extensive immunizations. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Inside, Elias continues his lecture. &quot;The nanites, for the most part, rely on the electrical pulses created by biological life for their continued upkeep, which is why we do not see many actual effects of the nanite plague on architecture or non-living things. They will consume these things for added mass and material for their organic hosts, which explains the rapid deterioration of most ordinary materials within the Bubble.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The female tanuki grins and holds out her hand, which twists and morphs until she has a crystal shotglass attached to her hand. &quot;Hit me!&quot; she says with a grin.</div><div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie clicks her tongue, watching the hand transform, before she opens the bottle with a recognizable &#39;pshhh&#39;. The bubbles come up, but barely stop before they would spill. She reaches out with both hands, one tilting the glass a little, the other pouring the drink - to avoid any further excess bubbling. When she is done, she leans back and takes a sip directly from the bottle, letting out a sigh. &quot;Did you guys bring any snacks? They don&#39;t usually let any food or unbottled drinks in the lab, but I guess today&#39;s the day.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia keeps doing hir broadcast/record when something just hits her. Sie looks to Elias and says, &quot;Wait, none of the nanite designs are photovoltaic? Well, none of the ones here i mean. It might be possible for a different strain to be that way. But not with our working bubble here.&quot; Sie ponders this a bit while contemplating the rest of the lecture.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> Absolutely incorrigible... but then such were a lot of women in Fairhaven. Unbound and unburdened by petty things like inhibition, self-control and often self-respect. The lecture was all but background noise for the feline, it was not his priority to understand such things, nor did he have the intelligence for matters so deepy scientific. Seems he wasn&#39;t about to lose this lizard girl who was all but clawing at his pants right now either. Alright then... he&#39;d reach out with one finger and gently press upon the tip of her nose. &quot;All the more for you, am I right?&quot; his hushed tone rumbles oh-so faintly against her ear, one hand swinging to *swat* deliver a playful smack upon her scaly right asscheek. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p> It was around then that something else draws his focus, seems someone recognized Fenris&#39; name. &quot;I know his ear, his eyes, his fingers, and the rest of him if that helps. Whenever you striped hounds get involved in something, he&#39;s usually mixed up in it somehow. If memory serves, he&#39;s been on the prowl for technology to hand off to his patron.&quot; Magnus need not say anything else, he need only glance around the lab they were situated in. &quot;So... you wanna tell me what ole&#39; Chubbs has been up to? I&#39;m sure a certain Teahouse keeper he&#39;s familiar with might be keen on knowing too.&quot;</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">&quot;An excellent question,&quot; Elias says, nodding at Euoia, &quot;No, for the most part, nanites unconnected to a host are totally inert. Hence our ability to keep them in vials. There is, of course, the exception of Mako nanites, which function in a rather different way, but that is a lecture for another time.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The burly tanuki at the door frowns, but raches out and grabs Magnus, dragging him in through the barely open door and scraping off his slightly surprised would-be companion, who gives an unhappy squawk as the door shuts tightly behind Magnus. &quot;Now,&quot; the tanuki growls, &quot;Keep it down, we don&#39;t want any trouble.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The female tanuki with Rennie looks around, and seeing everyone else otherwise occupied she turns away from Rennie for a moment, then turns back holding a packet of some kind of crackers. &quot;Shrimp crackers,&quot; she says quietly, &quot;They are my favorite!&quot; She tears open the packet as quietly as she can and holds them out to share, taking a sugary sip of cola before her eyes widen in surprise, &quot;It is so sweet!&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;Now where was I?&quot; Elias continues, &quot;Ah! Yes, the bubble.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia ponders for a little. Considering the service sie&#39;s done to various mini versions of servers around here, Sie makes a &#39;simulated bubble&#39; with light nanomagic labling server parts and the emitted &#39;bubble&#39; that might emerge from one such server. At this point, sie might as well be a teaching aid. Sie remains quiet, however, wondering where the conversation would go from here. Sie noticed hir Fae-bots still guarding the vents and ordered them to flash lights down the vents instead of relying on radar senses.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;Awww, now look at what you&#39;ve gone and done.&quot; The feline snerks and shakes his head. &quot;Did I invoke a cursed name or something? You realize it&#39;s really easy to put two and two together considering you folks always wear those stripes, right? If it gets bad enough then opportunistic gangs might try framing you for it. Just don the stripes, pull off a heist, get reported as looking like the tanuki crew and the first places the authorities are gonna ransack are your usual haunts while the criminal underground get the opening they need to launder their money.&quot; He then opens his arms to either side and shrugs deeply. &quot;But that&#39;s none of my business. All I really wanted to know is what you&#39;re plotting this time. Just some genuine thirst for juicy details, well... that and because I kinda miss detective Chubbs. It&#39;s been a long time, hope he&#39;s doing well.&quot; The feline&#39;s gaze then meanders over back to the door he&#39;d just been pulled through. &quot;But if you ARE up to something crooked...&quot; his glance snaps over towards the inebriated security staff &quot;...which seems likely...&quot; before returning to the tanuki&#39;s own &quot;...then I question the logistics of involving outsiders. Or has funtimes ringtail&#39;s influence been spreading so far that you&#39;re all flying the same flag here?&quot; </div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie looks at Euoia, and ponders. &quot;Perhaps the reason for it would be the high dependency on being exposed to light, but that&#39;s not just that. For the energy source that is taking up space in such a fine and miniscule mechanism as a nanite, it is way too unreliable, inefficient and complicated to implement. Whereas deconstructing matter works at any time - and let me tell you, the energy that is freed and consumed by fiddling with molecular and atomic structures massively outshines any sort of energy per square nanometer that the Sun is able to give us. Especially if you exclude the radiation factor.&quot; She does look at the tanuki with a sour look when she sees the crackers. She gives a tiny lick to the outline of her beak. &quot;You know what... Nevermind. These are a little too big. I can&#39;t chew.&quot;</div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The burly tanuki guard seems genuinely confused by Magnus&#39;s patter. &quot;Listen, water cat,&quot; he says, holding up a hand, &quot;The Ear just wanted to talk to the Zephyr Magicians without being watched.&quot; He peers through the frosted glass window. &quot;And the soldiers around here could use the break if I am any judge.&quot;  His frown deepens when some of what Magnus says catches up to his brain. &quot;Wait,&quot; he growls, &quot;Are you saying that someone is using the bane of Tanuki to commit petty crimes in this world!?&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The female tanuki blinks in surprise when Rennie turns down her treat. &quot;Oh,&quot; she says sadly, &quot;I did not think of that.&quot; She looks thoughtful for a second. &quot;Ah! But we did bring some wine along,&quot; she says gormlessly, &quot;I&#39;ll get you some!&quot; She toddles off toward the crate the tanuki were smuggled in with. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Elias continues lecturing, Fenris nodding along at his elbow. The tubby tanuki spares a moment to wave at Magnus, then returns to listening. &quot;Nanites communicate with each other,&quot; he explains, &quot;teaching each other form and function, which allows them to make the drastic changes in biology we see in the mutant population, but they do not do it directly. They are reliant on the bubble created by nanite servers, which is why most nanite based technology does not function outside of the effective area dictated by Zephyr&#39;s servers here in Fairhaven.&quot; The scientist adjusts his glasses and changes the 3-D display to show the city of Fairhaven and an ethereal dome around the city. &quot;Within the &#39;bubble&#39; as it is called, nanites can communicate with each other and utilize their full range of ability, beyond it, the nanites become static.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia sighs. &quot;outside the bubble, nanite stuff starts behaving according to basic physics, too. I can barely fly outside the bubble. Even then, i rely heavily on short bursts from my jetpack.&quot; Euoia sighed, then pulled a small elixir from a hole in space that sie closes up quickly.</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;Right.&quot; Magnus glances left and right but doesn&#39;t contest it. When the question follows however, well... &quot;What, you didn&#39;t know?&quot; He raises his hands with both open palms. &quot;Okay. Don&#39;t get me wrong, I don&#39;t give a damn what you&#39;re doing here. I&#39;m not affiliated with Zephyr so it&#39;s no skin off my balls. But...&quot; He then slings an arm around the tanuki and leans in to more quietly lay down some truth. &quot;See, I am working with some hyenas downtown, been with them for a while, a kinda home-away-from-home situation, having fun and keeping them from ripping each other apart. Lately it&#39;s been a very common thing for petty thugs to use transformatives to pin the blame on someone else. Tanuki and his followers are really easy to incriminate ever since they got a rep for hunting rare technology, and there are more than a few folks with transformative powers out there willing to make some easy creds by providing folks with these kinds of disguises.&quot; He then leans away from the tanuki with a wink and a nod. &quot;So how&#39;d you get the nerds to talk? I thought they were contractually obligated to keep their muzzles shut.&quot;</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie scratches her chin. &quot;Ehhh, sure? I&#39;m not usually one to drink, but I guess a little wine is fine.&quot; The hippogriff nods, figuring to listen along and not interrupt anyone, anymore.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The tanuki guard seems more than a little perturbed by the idea that someone would try to pin their unsavory activities on the followers of the Big Leaf! &quot;And you say that you are affiliated with one of these groups?&quot; the tanuki growls, his hands balling into fists as his form seems to grow, samurai armor manifesting itself on his body. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;Indeed,&quot; Elias says, nodding at Euoia, &quot;Their capacity is greatly limited. But Zephyr is working hard to circumvent these difficulties. We have developed smaller, more efficient servers that can be carried in a truck or helicopter, enabling agents to work farther afield. We have even developed some personal implants capable of sustaining a very small bubble around a single individual for s limited duration.&quot; Projections of the various nanite server devices move across the display, and some of the researches look on proudly, while one or two are starting to look suspicious. This is bordering on proprietary material. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Rennie&#39;s new friend returns momentarily with a fancy looking bottle of wine with &quot;Vin Dionysus&quot; scrawled on it&#39;s label. She pops the cork and offers to pour for Rennie. &quot;Sorry about the crackers,&quot; she says, finishing and pouring some for herself.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie mumbled something about it being nothing to worry about, as she dug into the bag of hers. Not really carrying a wine glass on her person, the hippogriff finally found what she was looking for - an empty glass beaker. She stretched it out in her claw and nodded. &quot;Let&#39;s see if it&#39;s as good as I heard... ehh, still hear.&quot;</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em">&quot;No. I say I&#39;m affiliated with the kind of people who&#39;d know all about it.&quot; Magnus answers and shakes his head, arms crossed. &quot;I&#39;m trying to do you a solid, here. It really perplexes me that you had no idea. Besides... if I were affiliated with the kinds of criminals that do this kinda shit, would I be talking about it with you?&quot; he presses his two pointers against either side of his own head. &quot;Think! It ain&#39;t right what the tanuki are doing, but...&quot; Magnus re-crosses his arms and leans against the nearby wall, casting his gaze off to the side &quot;...it ain&#39;t right what the thugs are doing either.&quot; his eyes return to his agitated companion &quot;I won&#39;t tell you your business, but if letting you in on what&#39;s been going on behind your backs will get you involved with cleaning up the streets a bit, then it&#39;s worth talking about.&quot;</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia brings up a few images of the servers sie has has maintained. Sie is starting more to follow Elias&#39; lead here. Sie rotates the server image while displaying the main parts. Sie continues to record and store info at this point. Euoia&#39;s Fae-bots continue scanning the vents even tracking the amount of gasses that come through them.</div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The tanuki facing off with Magnus considers the Aquacat&#39;s words and relaxes, his armor returning to robes. &quot;You have my gratitude,&quot; he says, &quot;I will certainly report these doings.&quot; <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The wine, Rennie shortly finds, is most definitely as good as she has heard. Maybe better! It is just the right amount of sweet with hints of cloves and cinnamon and summer nights and her first kiss and gods why is everyone so damn attractive right now? The tanuki in front of Rennie seems to have come to a similar conclusion. &quot;Oh,&quot; she says breathlessly, &quot;I think... I think maybe I was not supposed to drink that.&quot; She steps a little closer to the hippogryph. &quot;You are very beautiful,&quot; she says, blushing hard through her fur. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>&quot;The details are really not especially good for a lecture,&quot; Elias is saying, closing down the display, &quot;But I think I have a tablet here with some excellent research papers on the subject of nanobot interactions and server theory here.&quot; The scientist turns to his work station and pulls a tablet from a drawer. It seems he had some remarkable foresight to prepare such a thing for his surprise guests. Another researcher starts to rise from his desk. &quot;Doctor Thomas,&quot; he says, &quot;I don&#39;t know that we should be giving out that information...&quot;</div> <div title="Magnus" style="margin-top:2em"> &quot;Yeah? Well you do that. Looks like you folks have your hands full here anyway, and I don&#39;t have much to gain here.&quot; Magnus tsks softly and chuckles &quot;You&#39;re looking for Ronnie. Rich boy, has all the toys, is super into transformations.&quot; the feline closes one eye, then pats the coondog on the shoulder. &quot;Rumor has it he&#39;s been making some serious cash lately.&quot; Tucking his hands into his pockets once more, Magnus casts a glance back towards the festivities, then shakes his head. &quot;You really pulled the wool over big Z&#39;s security team. RSX are gonna be taking the piss for months when they find out. Anyway, good luck with your nerd stuff!&quot; With that, Magnus turns and heads to leave towards gods-know-where...</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia noticed the dissent in the one researcher. Sie shuts off the light nanomagic sie was using, instead focusing on a level of apathy towards them. Now, for the verbal componant and that soothing voice. &quot;The handing over of a device should be okay. After all, its just a tablet.&quot; Euoia pushed hir will through the nanomagic and from hir Mini-Nice. She knows how to program nanites rather well, but overconfidance would definitely not be wanted at a time like this. Sie maintains control to the best of hir ability. The Robo-fae notice what their master is doing. They confirm the vents are safe before making a protective circle, but with all weapons turned off.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie blinks a little, as she savours the wine. Curiosity killed the cat, and it certainly did a number or Rennie, who was anything but tolerant to this sort of stuff. She opens up her eyes and focuses on the tanuki in front of her. &quot;You think so? Mmm... Comes from a cutie~&quot; she chuckles, completely ignoring whatever was going on on the other side of the room. The blush is barely visible through her feathers, but her cheeks are burning so hard that it&#39;s quite apparent.</div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">As Magnus slips out the door, his burly acquaintance frowns after him. &quot;Ronnie with all the toys,&quot; he murmers to himself, then does a double take as the door opens. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>While the tanuki lookouts were distracted, it looks like their third was tempted out into the hallway orgy, and sonce he was not at his post, and neither were any of the others, no one noticed a woozy guard finally coming to his senses and signalling for help. Klaxons start to blare in the hallway! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The objecting scientist gives Euoia an odd look, confused for a second before he shrugs. &quot;Yeah,&quot; he says absently, sitting back in his chair, &quot;Probably okay. Just a tablet.&quot; The other researchers seem satisfied as well until the alarms start to blare. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>The female tanuki does not seem to register the alarms. Instead she takes another long pull from the wine bottle, then steps forward to kiss Rennie!</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia and hir faebots flit back up to the vents. Sie tried squeezing some extra oomph into the apathy spell as sie could. Best sie could do now is use prestidigitation to make the tablet appear to be somewhere else while Fenris does a good old snatch and run. It would take a few castings to work, but hopefully the minor displacement of the tablet&#39;s image would give Fenris the extra seconds they&#39;d need. The fae-bots were already scanning for the best possible route out. Sie&#39;d wait for Fenris if needed, but wasn&#39;t gonna stay so long that sie&#39;d get caught.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie is still sitting in her office chair, so when the tanuki approaches, she grabs her by the buttocks, pulling her to sit on her lap as she doesn&#39;t seem to mind the kiss one bit. As apparently the birds know no such thing as a chaste kiss - it is either a peck or a make out session! Her tongue even goes as far as to collect the taste of the wine from the tanuki&#39;s mouth, all the while her claws give her a grope or two. </div> <div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">The tanuki does not seem to have any qualms about getting physical either. Her mouth tastes like that incredible wine, and her hands are as eager as Rennie&#39;s own. That satyr wine is good stuff! <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Euoia&#39;s help is useful as Fenris takes the tablet from a bemused Elias. The tanuki winks at the scientist and leaves behind a large, corked gourd on his desk before waving at his sole remaining sober companion and sprinting from the room. The two tanuki vault over a mass of mutants making out with a rather goat-like man in a nice, though currently disheveled suit and then leap over the balcony.</div> <div title="Euoia" style="margin-top:2em">Euoia&#39;s bots calculate the fastest route outside. Seeing that Fenris has things mostly under control, sie leaves through the vent system to safety. The faebots use a hover mode while Euoia flies to avoid making noise in the vents. Sie may not always be a follower of tanuki, but when sie is, it usually ends up being epic.</div> <div title="Rennie" style="margin-top:2em">Rennie seems to ignore the alarm and any sort of panic happening as the sirens go off. It doesn&#39;t even occur to her in her state that something out of order was happening, especially now that the boring lecture was over and all the other guests left in a hurry. Her claws roam around the tanuki&#39;s back freely, as she keeps trying to reach every single spot in her mouth that still holds the aftertaste of that wine. Whatever happens next, happens, but it would certainly take a lot of effort to separate the two.</div><div title="Fenris" style="margin-top:2em">As soon as the tanuki clear the railing, armed and armored security forces start pouring from the upper floors. Looks like the third floor was where the party stopped. No one is spared in the round up. Not that the security team encounters much resistance at this point, since all the revelers had pretty much reached the pleasant, slow buzz portion of their drunken orgy. Most seem happy enough to be led away to somewhere they can relax quietly. <p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Since the tanuki and hippogryph are apparently inseperable, the two are hauled away together to finish their business in private.<p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p><p style="height:0.5em;margin:0"></p>Oddly, no bottles of satyr wine are ever reported or turned over to Zephyr security.</div>[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 23:33, 9 October 2021





It is cool and comfortable in the nanotech lab at Zephyr Inc. And relatively quiet. If tou can ignore the bacchanalian orgy happening just outside in the hallway. The researchers in the room are giving nervous, confused looks at the door and at the strange crate of bottles that someone just delivered.

And perhaps it is warranted, since some of the bottles start to shake and pop from their cubby holes! They quickly metamorphose into a quartet of hefty tanuki who move to guard the door, along with some extra help!

One of the tanuki is none other than Fenris! "Hey there!" he says with a smile, "Just wanted to drop by with some friends to have a chat!"
Euoia and hir fae-bots watched as the tanuki fell in to place at the doors before making their presence known. They positioned themselves in locations that gave the best view of lab and any other surprise enterences. Specfically air vents. Sie looked at hir watch and checked the time. "Right on schedule..." Euoia mumbled to hirself. Sie smiled to Fenris and gave a nod of acknowledgement before going back to maintaining a look out.
Rennie - one of the researchers in the room - was sitting at the desk and writing something in her laptop, throwing an occasional glance at the door, the sounds of whatever was going on behind the doors starting to make her wonder what exactly was going on there... Maybe even take a look herself. But then, things started to happen. With her eyebrow going up, she watched the tanuki pop out like jack-in-the-box'es. Pushing her office chair away from the desk and turning towards the intruders, she slipped her hand onto her thigh, where, in her loosely hanging labcoat's pocket was her trusty pepper spray.
One of the scientists, some sort of leader if the looks the others are giving are any indicator, relaxes a bit at the appearance of the tanuki.

"It's alright everyone," he says, adjusting his lab coat, "These are some new friends of mine." Elias, the scientist in question indicates that the others should return to their work. "What are you all doing here?" he asks, then looks out the frosted glass of the door, "And what in seven hells is going on outside?"

Even as he asks, something outside thumps against the door and the sound of laughter can be heard. "Anybody home?" comes a drunken call through the door.

"Just something to keep security busy," Fenris smiles, "So we can chat without interruption."
"Bloody hell. Of all the days..." Conrad mutters a steady stream of expletives underneath his breath. The panther is fiddling with a series of labeled specimens on a test-tube rack, jotting down notes in a notebook on the adjacent countertop. Commotion outside of the room should be something to be ignored, endured even-- but this? A glimpse of motion out of the corner of his eye, he's apparently a few arms' lengths away from Rennie; a disapproving *tsk* and subtle shake of his head accompany that movement where she reaches for something concealed. The big, white coat-clad cat, meanwhile, lets his hands fall loosely to his sides, twisting easily at the waist to study the raccoon dog.
Euoia flutters down from her spot up near the vents. "From the sounds outside, I'd guess a drunken frat party. Maybe worse." Sie looks to Fenris. "There were no drugs involved, right?" Sie sat on a table and kept looking around the room to coordinate with hir faebots. "I mean, we use tempered glass on the doors, so it shouldn't be too bad."
Rennie throws a glance at Elias. Relaxing a little, but not enough to ignore the sudden guests. Her avian eyes following the tanuki that spoke, and his words about 'distracting the security' feeding into her confusion. "As long as I don't have to deal with all that mess, I don't care if there are drugs or not." she muttered. "I hope there aren't."
Fenris scratches his nose and looks up at Euoia. "Is satyr wine considered a drug?" he asks, waving idly toward a few remaining bottles sitting in the crate the tanuki were smuggled in with.

A strange silhouette appears on the door. It appears to be a pair of breasts pressed against the door and an overly large tongue licking at the glass. "Come and play!" comes a moaned invitation.

The tanuki grins again. "I'm sure it is fine," he says, flapping a chubby paw, "But security doesn't really like us in here. A misunderstanding, I am sure." He claps his hands and rubs them together. "Now! Why don't you show me some of this groundbreaking work you are doing for the betterment of man slash mutant kind!"

Elias hesitates, then nods. "I suppose we could share a little," he says, "You were interested in the theory of nanite-biological interactions, right?"
The panther raises an eyebrow. "Do hope you didn't have anywhere t'be this afternoon, miss?" he offers, glancing apologetically towards Rennie. "S' a good time to phone ahead. Cancel any dinner plans, et cetera. Nothing to deal /with/, so much. It hasn't escalated into a hostage situation just yet." He mutters a bit further, reaching towards the countertop to flip his notebook closed. "Startin' to doubt I'll have anything this lot'll be interested in hearing... but if this 'un's already talking, might as well see where this goes."
Euoia just shrugs when the wine is presented. "Maybe? Wine normally isn't." Hir ears perk up when Elias mentions nanite stuff. Sie plays with a little bit of light nanomagic to make some dancing lights, but mostly as a bit of practice. The faebots report an "all clear" with the vents so far. Euoia had little to do anyway.
"What the hell..." a certain feline would blink several times, his gaze wandering over the scene set before him around Zephyr's outer quarters. Dressed in a loose jacket, dark gray pantaloons and a pair of new winter boots, Magnus takes care when sidestepping the... fluids spawned by all the ahem, activities up front. Typical Fairhaven, but then who was he to judge? Were he not already sated in that regard he may well have joined in, but something else tugged on those strings of his. Something more powerful than any primal drive. The very source of humanity itself! Dun dun duuuuun... curiosity. He wanted to know what had spawned this sudden public display of people's love for one another. Shit like this doesn't happen without a cause, at least not on a scale like this.

So up the stairs he goes, looking around, peeking corners and sniffing for strange scents. Nothing on the second story, so how about the thi... well then. He found a crowd, an odd cluster of misfits to be sure,and among them the most sus of all characters. "Coondogs." he'd mutter under his breath. Like a mirage from eons ago the distant memory of someone mischievous crosses that addled mind of his, that shape and these antics were unmistakable... "Zephyr really need to invest in better security. Normally this place would be teeming with guards! They seem a bit distracted right now, though..." Magnus remarks, that predatory gaze wandering among the crowd. "Gentlemen. Up to no good, are we?"

He really had no idea what was even going on...
The hippogriff, called Rennie, shook her head. "I don't need to be anywhere, but here at the moment." She casually reaches into her bag, producing a bottle of Coca-Cola and... some sort of a glass flask? Not empty, by the looks of it, some transparent liquid sloshing around. The flask is tightly plugged with a cork. She smiles to the company of tanuki, while most of them were probably distracted by the voice from outside. "Guess it's break time?"
The halls of Zephyr Inc. are strewn with humans and mutants of all descriptions, most in various states of drunkeness and undress. Periodically there is a cry of "Bacchanal!" echoed by a reply across three floors as paws and claws and hands tip back bottles of wine that don't seem to be growing any lighter. Magnus finds a particularly vigorous knot of revelers in front of the glass doors to the nanotech labs on the third floor. This orgy pile includes several security officers usually responsible for keeping this area off limits to the public and at least one local Zephyr executive. The tanuki he is talking to frown through the frosted glass, while a buxom lizard girl who has been doing a bit of bumping and grinding against the sealed door turns her attention to Magnus. "Ooh!" she coos, "A new friend! Need a drink, kitty cat?" She waves a bottle at Magnus.

Elias launches into an explanation of some of the work they do here. Bringing up a 3-D display in the center of the room. "Most people believe that nanites change the biology of living things on a cellular level," he starts, bringing up a diagram of an inert nano-bot, greatly magnified, "This is not accurate, since manipulating biological cells would merely kill any living thing that they altered. Instead, the nanites actually REPLACE biological cells and alter themselves according to programming that they teach each other." It looks like this is going to be quite the lesson.

The three tanuki still at the door are looking at something happening beyond the fogged glass and frowning, but at the sound of the popped cork, one turns to look at Rennie with a hopeful smile. "Ooh!" she grins, "Are you sharing?"
Euoia slowly starts using the light nanomagic to mimic what Elias is saying, mostly to remember it later or to explain to someone else. As sie gets the hang of it, sie slowly goes over the material again and sees about finding a way to explain it for dummies. Euoia constantly shifts back and forth between following the descriptions Elias provides and practicing the explanations. Euoia thinks sie might be catching on, hir Mini-NICE aiding that realisation on what the researcher is saying. The Fae-bots keep a watch on the room and the vent systems.
The feline declines. It is a little too early in the day for things like these, plus there was something else much more interesting at play that he wanted a clear head for. So... "No thank you darlin'." He'd answer, tilting the bottle with one finger back towards her own muzzle. "You have your fun though. Maybe we'll run into each other sometime, and have our fun then. Right now? I'm a little preoccupied." He then returns his attention to the group in the room who were very clearly not celebrating their independence from inhibition. Those twin golden irises snap between the coondogs as well as the other peculiar company in the room. "Then I suppose it is best I don't understand what's going on here? I will take my leave if I can't be of any practical use. ...Fenris... is that you? "He'd stare curiously among the three chunky striped bandits.
The hippogriff smiled, nodding to that tanuki, "If you got a glass of your own, sure!" She does however listen in on the impromptu lecture. Her own field was in nanite chemistry, rather than biology, and even if the two areas were very closely overlapping, it was always a good thing to listen to people who specialize in their field. She seems much more comfortable now, even if she looks focused and a little tense.
The lizard girl pouts, but does not leave, all but hanging on Magnus as the orgy continues around them. She seems ready to jump his bones the instant he shows interest.... maybe before.

The tanuki guards at the door seem a little surprised to hear Fenris's name from outside and one of them opens the door just a crack, keeping a firm hold on it, in case the party outside tries to move in. "You know The Ear?" he asks warily, keeping an eye on the moaning Zephyr Exec, who seems to be growing a small pair of horns, despite his no-doubt extensive immunizations.

Inside, Elias continues his lecture. "The nanites, for the most part, rely on the electrical pulses created by biological life for their continued upkeep, which is why we do not see many actual effects of the nanite plague on architecture or non-living things. They will consume these things for added mass and material for their organic hosts, which explains the rapid deterioration of most ordinary materials within the Bubble."

The female tanuki grins and holds out her hand, which twists and morphs until she has a crystal shotglass attached to her hand. "Hit me!" she says with a grin.
Rennie clicks her tongue, watching the hand transform, before she opens the bottle with a recognizable 'pshhh'. The bubbles come up, but barely stop before they would spill. She reaches out with both hands, one tilting the glass a little, the other pouring the drink - to avoid any further excess bubbling. When she is done, she leans back and takes a sip directly from the bottle, letting out a sigh. "Did you guys bring any snacks? They don't usually let any food or unbottled drinks in the lab, but I guess today's the day."
Euoia keeps doing hir broadcast/record when something just hits her. Sie looks to Elias and says, "Wait, none of the nanite designs are photovoltaic? Well, none of the ones here i mean. It might be possible for a different strain to be that way. But not with our working bubble here." Sie ponders this a bit while contemplating the rest of the lecture.
Absolutely incorrigible... but then such were a lot of women in Fairhaven. Unbound and unburdened by petty things like inhibition, self-control and often self-respect. The lecture was all but background noise for the feline, it was not his priority to understand such things, nor did he have the intelligence for matters so deepy scientific. Seems he wasn't about to lose this lizard girl who was all but clawing at his pants right now either. Alright then... he'd reach out with one finger and gently press upon the tip of her nose. "All the more for you, am I right?" his hushed tone rumbles oh-so faintly against her ear, one hand swinging to *swat* deliver a playful smack upon her scaly right asscheek.

It was around then that something else draws his focus, seems someone recognized Fenris' name. "I know his ear, his eyes, his fingers, and the rest of him if that helps. Whenever you striped hounds get involved in something, he's usually mixed up in it somehow. If memory serves, he's been on the prowl for technology to hand off to his patron." Magnus need not say anything else, he need only glance around the lab they were situated in. "So... you wanna tell me what ole' Chubbs has been up to? I'm sure a certain Teahouse keeper he's familiar with might be keen on knowing too."
"An excellent question," Elias says, nodding at Euoia, "No, for the most part, nanites unconnected to a host are totally inert. Hence our ability to keep them in vials. There is, of course, the exception of Mako nanites, which function in a rather different way, but that is a lecture for another time."

The burly tanuki at the door frowns, but raches out and grabs Magnus, dragging him in through the barely open door and scraping off his slightly surprised would-be companion, who gives an unhappy squawk as the door shuts tightly behind Magnus. "Now," the tanuki growls, "Keep it down, we don't want any trouble."

The female tanuki with Rennie looks around, and seeing everyone else otherwise occupied she turns away from Rennie for a moment, then turns back holding a packet of some kind of crackers. "Shrimp crackers," she says quietly, "They are my favorite!" She tears open the packet as quietly as she can and holds them out to share, taking a sugary sip of cola before her eyes widen in surprise, "It is so sweet!"

"Now where was I?" Elias continues, "Ah! Yes, the bubble."
Euoia ponders for a little. Considering the service sie's done to various mini versions of servers around here, Sie makes a 'simulated bubble' with light nanomagic labling server parts and the emitted 'bubble' that might emerge from one such server. At this point, sie might as well be a teaching aid. Sie remains quiet, however, wondering where the conversation would go from here. Sie noticed hir Fae-bots still guarding the vents and ordered them to flash lights down the vents instead of relying on radar senses.
"Awww, now look at what you've gone and done." The feline snerks and shakes his head. "Did I invoke a cursed name or something? You realize it's really easy to put two and two together considering you folks always wear those stripes, right? If it gets bad enough then opportunistic gangs might try framing you for it. Just don the stripes, pull off a heist, get reported as looking like the tanuki crew and the first places the authorities are gonna ransack are your usual haunts while the criminal underground get the opening they need to launder their money." He then opens his arms to either side and shrugs deeply. "But that's none of my business. All I really wanted to know is what you're plotting this time. Just some genuine thirst for juicy details, well... that and because I kinda miss detective Chubbs. It's been a long time, hope he's doing well." The feline's gaze then meanders over back to the door he'd just been pulled through. "But if you ARE up to something crooked..." his glance snaps over towards the inebriated security staff "...which seems likely..." before returning to the tanuki's own "...then I question the logistics of involving outsiders. Or has funtimes ringtail's influence been spreading so far that you're all flying the same flag here?"
Rennie looks at Euoia, and ponders. "Perhaps the reason for it would be the high dependency on being exposed to light, but that's not just that. For the energy source that is taking up space in such a fine and miniscule mechanism as a nanite, it is way too unreliable, inefficient and complicated to implement. Whereas deconstructing matter works at any time - and let me tell you, the energy that is freed and consumed by fiddling with molecular and atomic structures massively outshines any sort of energy per square nanometer that the Sun is able to give us. Especially if you exclude the radiation factor." She does look at the tanuki with a sour look when she sees the crackers. She gives a tiny lick to the outline of her beak. "You know what... Nevermind. These are a little too big. I can't chew."
The burly tanuki guard seems genuinely confused by Magnus's patter. "Listen, water cat," he says, holding up a hand, "The Ear just wanted to talk to the Zephyr Magicians without being watched." He peers through the frosted glass window. "And the soldiers around here could use the break if I am any judge." His frown deepens when some of what Magnus says catches up to his brain. "Wait," he growls, "Are you saying that someone is using the bane of Tanuki to commit petty crimes in this world!?"

The female tanuki blinks in surprise when Rennie turns down her treat. "Oh," she says sadly, "I did not think of that." She looks thoughtful for a second. "Ah! But we did bring some wine along," she says gormlessly, "I'll get you some!" She toddles off toward the crate the tanuki were smuggled in with.

Elias continues lecturing, Fenris nodding along at his elbow. The tubby tanuki spares a moment to wave at Magnus, then returns to listening. "Nanites communicate with each other," he explains, "teaching each other form and function, which allows them to make the drastic changes in biology we see in the mutant population, but they do not do it directly. They are reliant on the bubble created by nanite servers, which is why most nanite based technology does not function outside of the effective area dictated by Zephyr's servers here in Fairhaven." The scientist adjusts his glasses and changes the 3-D display to show the city of Fairhaven and an ethereal dome around the city. "Within the 'bubble' as it is called, nanites can communicate with each other and utilize their full range of ability, beyond it, the nanites become static."
Euoia sighs. "outside the bubble, nanite stuff starts behaving according to basic physics, too. I can barely fly outside the bubble. Even then, i rely heavily on short bursts from my jetpack." Euoia sighed, then pulled a small elixir from a hole in space that sie closes up quickly.
"Right." Magnus glances left and right but doesn't contest it. When the question follows however, well... "What, you didn't know?" He raises his hands with both open palms. "Okay. Don't get me wrong, I don't give a damn what you're doing here. I'm not affiliated with Zephyr so it's no skin off my balls. But..." He then slings an arm around the tanuki and leans in to more quietly lay down some truth. "See, I am working with some hyenas downtown, been with them for a while, a kinda home-away-from-home situation, having fun and keeping them from ripping each other apart. Lately it's been a very common thing for petty thugs to use transformatives to pin the blame on someone else. Tanuki and his followers are really easy to incriminate ever since they got a rep for hunting rare technology, and there are more than a few folks with transformative powers out there willing to make some easy creds by providing folks with these kinds of disguises." He then leans away from the tanuki with a wink and a nod. "So how'd you get the nerds to talk? I thought they were contractually obligated to keep their muzzles shut."
Rennie scratches her chin. "Ehhh, sure? I'm not usually one to drink, but I guess a little wine is fine." The hippogriff nods, figuring to listen along and not interrupt anyone, anymore.
The tanuki guard seems more than a little perturbed by the idea that someone would try to pin their unsavory activities on the followers of the Big Leaf! "And you say that you are affiliated with one of these groups?" the tanuki growls, his hands balling into fists as his form seems to grow, samurai armor manifesting itself on his body.

"Indeed," Elias says, nodding at Euoia, "Their capacity is greatly limited. But Zephyr is working hard to circumvent these difficulties. We have developed smaller, more efficient servers that can be carried in a truck or helicopter, enabling agents to work farther afield. We have even developed some personal implants capable of sustaining a very small bubble around a single individual for s limited duration." Projections of the various nanite server devices move across the display, and some of the researches look on proudly, while one or two are starting to look suspicious. This is bordering on proprietary material.

Rennie's new friend returns momentarily with a fancy looking bottle of wine with "Vin Dionysus" scrawled on it's label. She pops the cork and offers to pour for Rennie. "Sorry about the crackers," she says, finishing and pouring some for herself.
Rennie mumbled something about it being nothing to worry about, as she dug into the bag of hers. Not really carrying a wine glass on her person, the hippogriff finally found what she was looking for - an empty glass beaker. She stretched it out in her claw and nodded. "Let's see if it's as good as I heard... ehh, still hear."
"No. I say I'm affiliated with the kind of people who'd know all about it." Magnus answers and shakes his head, arms crossed. "I'm trying to do you a solid, here. It really perplexes me that you had no idea. Besides... if I were affiliated with the kinds of criminals that do this kinda shit, would I be talking about it with you?" he presses his two pointers against either side of his own head. "Think! It ain't right what the tanuki are doing, but..." Magnus re-crosses his arms and leans against the nearby wall, casting his gaze off to the side "...it ain't right what the thugs are doing either." his eyes return to his agitated companion "I won't tell you your business, but if letting you in on what's been going on behind your backs will get you involved with cleaning up the streets a bit, then it's worth talking about."
Euoia brings up a few images of the servers sie has has maintained. Sie is starting more to follow Elias' lead here. Sie rotates the server image while displaying the main parts. Sie continues to record and store info at this point. Euoia's Fae-bots continue scanning the vents even tracking the amount of gasses that come through them.
The tanuki facing off with Magnus considers the Aquacat's words and relaxes, his armor returning to robes. "You have my gratitude," he says, "I will certainly report these doings."

The wine, Rennie shortly finds, is most definitely as good as she has heard. Maybe better! It is just the right amount of sweet with hints of cloves and cinnamon and summer nights and her first kiss and gods why is everyone so damn attractive right now? The tanuki in front of Rennie seems to have come to a similar conclusion. "Oh," she says breathlessly, "I think... I think maybe I was not supposed to drink that." She steps a little closer to the hippogryph. "You are very beautiful," she says, blushing hard through her fur.

"The details are really not especially good for a lecture," Elias is saying, closing down the display, "But I think I have a tablet here with some excellent research papers on the subject of nanobot interactions and server theory here." The scientist turns to his work station and pulls a tablet from a drawer. It seems he had some remarkable foresight to prepare such a thing for his surprise guests. Another researcher starts to rise from his desk. "Doctor Thomas," he says, "I don't know that we should be giving out that information..."
"Yeah? Well you do that. Looks like you folks have your hands full here anyway, and I don't have much to gain here." Magnus tsks softly and chuckles "You're looking for Ronnie. Rich boy, has all the toys, is super into transformations." the feline closes one eye, then pats the coondog on the shoulder. "Rumor has it he's been making some serious cash lately." Tucking his hands into his pockets once more, Magnus casts a glance back towards the festivities, then shakes his head. "You really pulled the wool over big Z's security team. RSX are gonna be taking the piss for months when they find out. Anyway, good luck with your nerd stuff!" With that, Magnus turns and heads to leave towards gods-know-where...
Euoia noticed the dissent in the one researcher. Sie shuts off the light nanomagic sie was using, instead focusing on a level of apathy towards them. Now, for the verbal componant and that soothing voice. "The handing over of a device should be okay. After all, its just a tablet." Euoia pushed hir will through the nanomagic and from hir Mini-Nice. She knows how to program nanites rather well, but overconfidance would definitely not be wanted at a time like this. Sie maintains control to the best of hir ability. The Robo-fae notice what their master is doing. They confirm the vents are safe before making a protective circle, but with all weapons turned off.
Rennie blinks a little, as she savours the wine. Curiosity killed the cat, and it certainly did a number or Rennie, who was anything but tolerant to this sort of stuff. She opens up her eyes and focuses on the tanuki in front of her. "You think so? Mmm... Comes from a cutie~" she chuckles, completely ignoring whatever was going on on the other side of the room. The blush is barely visible through her feathers, but her cheeks are burning so hard that it's quite apparent.
As Magnus slips out the door, his burly acquaintance frowns after him. "Ronnie with all the toys," he murmers to himself, then does a double take as the door opens.

While the tanuki lookouts were distracted, it looks like their third was tempted out into the hallway orgy, and sonce he was not at his post, and neither were any of the others, no one noticed a woozy guard finally coming to his senses and signalling for help. Klaxons start to blare in the hallway!

The objecting scientist gives Euoia an odd look, confused for a second before he shrugs. "Yeah," he says absently, sitting back in his chair, "Probably okay. Just a tablet." The other researchers seem satisfied as well until the alarms start to blare.

The female tanuki does not seem to register the alarms. Instead she takes another long pull from the wine bottle, then steps forward to kiss Rennie!
Euoia and hir faebots flit back up to the vents. Sie tried squeezing some extra oomph into the apathy spell as sie could. Best sie could do now is use prestidigitation to make the tablet appear to be somewhere else while Fenris does a good old snatch and run. It would take a few castings to work, but hopefully the minor displacement of the tablet's image would give Fenris the extra seconds they'd need. The fae-bots were already scanning for the best possible route out. Sie'd wait for Fenris if needed, but wasn't gonna stay so long that sie'd get caught.
Rennie is still sitting in her office chair, so when the tanuki approaches, she grabs her by the buttocks, pulling her to sit on her lap as she doesn't seem to mind the kiss one bit. As apparently the birds know no such thing as a chaste kiss - it is either a peck or a make out session! Her tongue even goes as far as to collect the taste of the wine from the tanuki's mouth, all the while her claws give her a grope or two.
The tanuki does not seem to have any qualms about getting physical either. Her mouth tastes like that incredible wine, and her hands are as eager as Rennie's own. That satyr wine is good stuff!

Euoia's help is useful as Fenris takes the tablet from a bemused Elias. The tanuki winks at the scientist and leaves behind a large, corked gourd on his desk before waving at his sole remaining sober companion and sprinting from the room. The two tanuki vault over a mass of mutants making out with a rather goat-like man in a nice, though currently disheveled suit and then leap over the balcony.
Euoia's bots calculate the fastest route outside. Seeing that Fenris has things mostly under control, sie leaves through the vent system to safety. The faebots use a hover mode while Euoia flies to avoid making noise in the vents. Sie may not always be a follower of tanuki, but when sie is, it usually ends up being epic.
Rennie seems to ignore the alarm and any sort of panic happening as the sirens go off. It doesn't even occur to her in her state that something out of order was happening, especially now that the boring lecture was over and all the other guests left in a hurry. Her claws roam around the tanuki's back freely, as she keeps trying to reach every single spot in her mouth that still holds the aftertaste of that wine. Whatever happens next, happens, but it would certainly take a lot of effort to separate the two.
As soon as the tanuki clear the railing, armed and armored security forces start pouring from the upper floors. Looks like the third floor was where the party stopped. No one is spared in the round up. Not that the security team encounters much resistance at this point, since all the revelers had pretty much reached the pleasant, slow buzz portion of their drunken orgy. Most seem happy enough to be led away to somewhere they can relax quietly.

Since the tanuki and hippogryph are apparently inseperable, the two are hauled away together to finish their business in private.

Oddly, no bottles of satyr wine are ever reported or turned over to Zephyr security.