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<div></div><br> <br>In the dead of night, shortly after sunset, the zoo is a very forboding place. Without the lights that once burned brightly overhead, the shadows made by the thin streams of moonlight making it through the clouded sky seem to move on their own. A slight breeze maes the chilled air seem that much colder. There wasn't much information to be had, there was something keeping this trade route being used, something Z wanted figured out. The Promethians had a bit of stock in this as well. Though more self sufficent without scrounging around the city and its outlaying areas, without new parts for the few machines they had, it wouldn't be long before trouble would come to them as well. In the distance, a cage door creaks on its hinges, the scent of musk, sex, and most of all, the stink of unwashed and cum dried fur of some large cats hangs in the air.<br> <br>The large dragon lands with a thud, the dragoness wears heavy combat armor under a tattered lab coat, hir golden scales flicker in the starlight. Sighing under hir breath at being called out to the zoo at this late hour, looking about shi surveys the area, seems shi is the first one here.<br> <br>The fox known as Thelergramor walks into the zoo, hands in his pockets, utterly unconcerned about the trade route. Just here for the potential reward. Only thing bothering him is his rut, but he's pretty in control right now. Looks over those who have also volunteered.<br> <br>Normally, Danielle would not be one to assist Zephyr. She didn't agree with the things they did or believed in... and yet here she was. Why? Because she benifited from the trade routes as well. One of the trees rustle... and with a snap, a Bunnee falls out of it, smacking against the ground below. She gives a little groan and dusts herself off, "Well that landing was less than graceful..." She murmurs to herself, giving a bit of a hateful glare at the tree behind her. ... She then notices that she wasn't alone when that happened, and her cheeks redden. "You didn't see that." She tells the other two.<br> <br>a normally cheerfull tune echoed through the air, made sinister by the surrounding darkness and the tone by which it's whistled. Closer and closer it comes, like a herald of the damned it creeps through the night. Eventually a womanly Vampire comes into view, a chilling comfort on her face that few should ever have in such a nightmare inducing place. Glowing green eyes and a freakishly pale cave come into view, accompanied by smooth, obsidian hair and sapphire lips. On her back a large weapon is covered by cloth and over her shoulder she's holding what appears to be a regular laser-rifle. Her clothing is rather strange, she has ona leopard-print robe over her Zephyr armor and what appears to be a pimphat over her helmet. When this woman sees the current group of three, she gives a brief wave and walks up to them.<br> <br>Prios creeps in from further up the path, a short and heavily pregnant quail-like creature wearing nothing more than a lanyard around her neck with a badge reading "Hello my name is Prios" proudly displayed. She darts her head left, then right, then left, looking over all the others assembled here. Prios promptly begins speaking in a voice that is (amazingly enough) hushed, a sort of babbling whisper, barely even stopping to breathe. "Oh you guys. You guys. This is so exciting! Are you excited? I think I might be getting excited! This is neat. Neat neat neat neat NEAT! What do you think we'll find? Maybe a giant bear ate all the trady people. A giant bear! Have you guys seen a giant bear before? I did once but it turned out I was dreaming!" She dances on her little legs a bit, dripping... something... from her breast, as yet unremarked-upon. "Oh. Oh wait. This place is mostly cats, isn't it. I remember now! Maybe it's a giant cat! A big kitty! Shh. Don't talk too much, you guys, the giant cat will hear us! Shhh shhh shuuusshhhhh. No wait. WAIT. What if..." She shivers her feathers with the intensity of the incoming revelation. "A bird. A bird! There's birds deeper in you guys. Hey, I'm a bird!" She flaps her wings in demonstration. "We're really clever and evil, us birds. Could be a bird! Look for bird things. Other than me. Shh be quiet though." She cranes her neck, scanning the area, pupils dilating.<br> <br>As people roll in, the sounds seem to get a bit more hushed. There is still the ever present cricking of the gate, the wind through the leaves. But everything seems to bet a bit more muted. The stentch seems to get worse however. Still no real signs of anything here though. The rustle of a bush here, the sounds of trees moving there. At a glance there doesn't seem to be any reason that there is any disterbances.<br> <br>Once Danielle had dusted herself off completely, she shuffles in her boots just a bit. "Hrm..." She says as her ears pick up the surrounding noises... or rather, lack of. Things were a bit louder just a bit ago, but now... "I think they know we're here." She says in a hush whisper, not sure if anyone else could hear her... but it wasn't really that hard to determine. "Let's find the reason behind the trade route's disruption, hopefully quickly... this place gives me the heebie jeebies."<br> <br>Seguro the dragon sits back for now waving to hyper quail and the vampires as they arrive, tired from hir flight shi rest in the clearing.<br> <br>Prios reaches up a claw and scratches at the single silly-looking feather hanging off the top of her head, grooming it thoughtfully. This thoughtfulness does not preclude speech. "Hmm. Hmm. Mmm oh oh oh. No. Wait!... wait wait waaiiiit... No. No, nothing. Sorry, everybody. Nothin'. No wait. No really. Shhhhhhhh. Wait. Hear that? It's... quiet. It's /really/ quiet." She cranes her neck again. "Actually you guys..." Suddenly she flies up into a tree in a burst of feathers, a kind of powered leap. She takes another look from the higher vantage point. "I'm a bird," she stage-whispers helpfully.<br> <br>Alvera swings her rifle down and readies it. "We've got company people!" She readies herself and hopes the others will listen to her....<br> <br>Thelergramor scratches at his muzzle, still unused to it. "Right, be more careful in trees." Glancing around at the others, he nods to the vampiress, having some.. intimate knowledge of her. "Alvera." He waits for the others to proceed, rut deepening as he stands around. Notes the pregnant quail as it flies. "Right, you are a bird, yes." He pulls his scarf up over his face, no particularly good reason other than he wanted to.<br> <br>With the cover blown, hearing Thelergramor and most of all, Prios' display, a large Panthertaur pounces at the bird mid flight! Though Prios attempts to move out of the way, she is nicked by the Panther. No major harm to her, though already the effects of combat take a toll upon her form, the nick to her legs shifting them to match the form of the beast which just struck her! As the Panther Taur lands, a few others come out as well, more Panthers, cheetahs, felinoids. Seems there is a cause for alarm!<br> <br>With the absolutely best timing ever, the not-so-illustrious Zaki wanders into the zoo, her bangle bracelets shimmering a bit as she waves her arms in a light circle, each step more of a hop, beating wings holding her up for the barest moment before she lands into the next step-hop. She pauses a moment as the large cats come out from hiding. Flashing her biggest and broadest smile, she simply gives a cheery "Hello!"<br> <br>The dragon rises to hir feet seeing derpy bird under attack, reading hir self for combat, shi begins waves hir talons in the air bending the fabric of space around hir fellow agents protecting them from harm. The large dragon calls the cats "Who are you, speak."<br> <br>Prios tumbles through the air and lands lightly on the ground, but springs to her new feet. She appears fairly used to these limbs, as if she's had feline legs of just this sort before. She /hisses/, her previous bubbly demeanor all but vanished. "You mangy, wretched BITCH..." She rears up, and in a horrifying moment, she rapidly grows to the size of a human... then a seeming forest of tentacles sprouts from her form. "I will /tear/ you limb from limb," this awful new creature groans. "All of you. All your miserable backup - all your mewling sex partners - I will laugh as I paint this zoo with your guts..."<br> <br>Thelergramor says, "Shit." Hands flying from his pockets. His right pulls his laser pistol, left grabbing one of his knives as the cats charge them. Giving no chance for diplomacy, Thel fires a shot at the panthertaur. "Fucking ferals..." May not be ferals, not risking it.<br> <br>Danielle was quite surprised when a group of felines leaps out from the foliage. She was expecting an attack, but certainly not so soon after things getting quiet! She flops over flat onto her side, opening her mouth with a gasp. ... None of them leapt towards her, yay! She had no idea why she was so damned scared of felines, they just scrambled her belly all to hell. But still, they were a threat and a threat had to be taken out! Maybe things could be done peacefully, th- nevermind, the one that they leapt at just turned into some devilish creature and was threatening to give the zoo a new layer of paint with their entrails. There goes that plan. "Well, looks like combat is the only option now!" She blurts, reaching towards her back and taking the AK slung across it, holding it in a firing position and getting ready.<br> <br>Alvera scoffs and mutters 'dummkopfs' to herself, then aims her rifle at the feral closest to her and fires! <br> <br>As Thelergramor and Alvera fire, Prios takes up a great show of their own force! The attempts by Seguro to talk seem to be lost in the gunfire and great bellowing happening below the dragon. For some, that is enough action for one night, running off. But for others, this simply poses more of a challenge, and, for them, more fun should they win! Those that remained have their hearts hardened by a great roar from somewhere in the middle of the zoo itself, soon, a face given to the voice! A lion beast, looking quite stronger than the normal fair around steps out into the moon light! "You'd challenge us with your words and weapons! Lets see how well you do!" And with that the cats take to the charge!<br> <br>Seguro shoots to the large cat "Here kitty kitty."<br> <br>Prios shrieks, leaps forward, and, well, explodes. He/she/it roars something, but it's lost in the awful racket.<br> <br>Well, not really explodes. But it sure looks that way. It looks like it hurts them, but it seems to be painful for the cats as well.<br> <br>Thelergramor takes another shot at the cats. "Fuckers."<br> <br>Danielle seems to get a bit of a light in her eyes, a devious one! Excitement radiates from Danielle as she goes into a frenzy, leaps towards the opposition and kicks one of the felines right in the jaw, causing her to bounce off it's face.<br> <br>Prios shifts again as the fires die down. He leans over the the lion beast, and slowly cracks a smile, grasping him by the mane. "It seems you are outclassed, my adorable little kitten." Then he roughly drags the lion to his feet. "I think my companions want a word with you. Listen to their questions carefully. Very. Carefully." Prios hurls the fallen King before the others, growling.<br> <br>A yelp is about the only thing heard from Zaki, her form almost seeming to convulse as she sort of 'grows' into a black dragon. She manages to land one basic punch amidst the short-lived swarm of combat, but by the time she can sink a claw properly, it's already over, stumbling with the collapsing panther taur. Blink blink.<br> <br>Thelergramor didn't do much in the fight, basically just fired his pistol at the cats. "Heh, I've got no questions. Do what you want with him. I'm just going to stand and watch for a moment." Thel sheathes his knife, holsters his pistol, stands around watching.<br> <br>The dragon bows hir head a powerful aura flood the battle field a power classified as the lion within begins to shield and empower hir allies. Hir sun hued gaze turns to the pack of large cats; calling to hir patron, several large chunks of meteoric rock appears out of a fold in the fabric space above the cat's heads slamming into them knocking them off balance as hir allies go to work.<br> <br>Alvera pulls a chainsword from her belt and walks over to the Lion King. "I say we should enjoy ourselves..... to the victors go the spoils." The Vampiress's eyes twist with sinister anticipation as she lifts the chainsword.....<br> <br>Danielle dusts her hands off on her pants after slinging her rifle back across her back, looking over the result of their battle. All the casualties were on their side, good. Well at least she didn't need to bring out her already rather limited medical supplies. She's been running out lately, mostly because of her own combat training as of late. She's been doing it outside of the bubbles where her injuries feel more real. "We should probably keep them alive..." She notes, "We might be able to get information out of them."<br> <br>With the cats ran off, or collapsed into heaps, the lion is tossed into the center of the small group. His eyes roll about, blinking and looking up unfocused. Nanites already working to fix him up, but it will definately take some time to repair all the damage done. A soft growl comes from him as he looks about. On his back like that, his barbed, swollen and ready member is easy sean, along with the above average balls under them. Ears pinned back, tail swishing softly, seems he is mostly out of it as he looks up... however, it is easy to hear more of them on their way, not even attempting to be sneaky now!<br> <br>Thelergramor crosses his arms, leans back. "Yes, well, information. Just cut him up, he'll be fine eventually." The fox yawns, then hears more coming. "Think more are on the way. Maybe we grab him and leave?" His hands go to his knife and pistol again.<br> <br>Alvera giggles. "I say we kill the fucker, maybe the sight of his head'll scare the others away."  She looks at the others. "but we should decide quickly, we can't let them overwhealm us." The Vampiress turns a foot, ready to turn around at the first sign of trouble.<br> <br>Prios awws in mock concern for the King's welfare, holding up a paw at Alvera, and grasping the feline's mane. "Now madam. That is just cruel. We don't want to be doing cruel things to our new friend here. Like dragging him in front of his whole pride and fucking him in the ass with the biggest, girthiest cock we can find. We would /never/ do that." He grasps the King's chin in one hand and slowly narrows his eyes. "We're not /animals/." Prios perks his ears, listening for the approach of backup. "But we might get frightened and take /extreme/ action if you don't order those reinforcements to leave us unharmed. You don't want that to happen, do you?" He bares his teeth.<br> <br>Zaki blinks again, staring down at the panther taur resting beneath her, before looking towards the rest of the group. Picking herself up she steps over, before tilting her head as she looks around outside the circle. "Yeah, what..." She pauses, glancing at Prios. "...he said."<br> <br>Danielle hadn't intended on healing anyone... but damn it, her duty as a doctor wouldn't let her sleep at night if she didn't. She bites her lip, and gives in. She pulls out the medical kit she carries around with herself and loads them up into her prosthetic arm, wiggling the fingers on it as a series of medical applicators emerge from her fingers. One by one, she assures the team that her rather Freddy Kreuger looking hand would not kill them and patches each one up, even that nasty little nick on Prios' leg. With that done, she prepares to pack up... then glances over at the beast. They probably wouldn't be getting much info out of him like that... so with a sigh, she uses the last of what she had to bring him back from his 'not entirely there' state. They had beaten him pretty bad after all, it's the least that she could do. "Sure hope that trade route opens up again..." She murmurs.<br> <br>Seguro walks over to the king lion beast and extracts samples of the great large cats nanite strains. The dragon soothing shi coo's "Can you tell us why you attacked us, your pride member tried to eat my friend here? If you cooperate then we will leave you in peace to recuperate?"<br> <br>Patched up a bit, and looking about, the Lion Beast gives a roar, before looking to Prios and over to Seguro in turn. Next, over to Danielle as he is patched up, feeling a bit less knocked around. "What do you want..." He asks, listening to the rest coming along. "Heh, I wonder how horny everyone else is. You will all be a lot more fun then that squeeky one we found." He growls in defience. Seems he isn't exactly one to have fear struck into him, however, the few that have already arrived stop in their tracks at Prios' threats and Seguro's talk. "You have what we want. Just give into us, and we'll make sure you are taken care of. My dad will see to that." Dad? One bigger then he?<br> <br>Alvera grimaces and turns her chainsword on, then looks over at Seguro. "We're wasting time, the longer we wait the more of them will come: talking to ferals is useless! Let's kill this limp-dick daddy's boy and give the ferals a Sain Valentine's day..."<br> <br>Thelergramor shrugs, adjusts his scarf and helmet. "Sure, that is if by valentines day, you don't intend to fuck these guys. Not my thing, and prefer to not allow such things to happen." He draws his pistol, takes a few steps toward the lion, and takes a point blank shot at his head. "Boring conversation anyway." He turns his attention to the others, draws his knife with his free hand. Waits for the others to do... whatever they're gonna do.<br> <br>Danielle squishes her lips together in a bit of a pursed expression, her one eye narrowing as she knits her brow. "Oh come now, you make me waste my medical supplies on you and you don't even give us the time of day." She says with her arms crossed over her flat bust. "Serves me right for thinking I should put my trust in the ferals." She says with a little aggrivated grumble. "Your father? Oh, how lovely... someone even larger." She gives a little grit of her teeth and simply takes her gloves off. "Fuck it, I can't waste any more ammunition, I'm gonna punch the fucker in his dick."<br> <br>Seguro scoops the lion beast up in a massive paw, lifting the creature off the ground like a toy, cuping lion in hir scaled hands, shi speaks to the small creature scratching the cat behind the ears "Well aren't you sweet, maybe later if you tell us a bit more,  what is it that we have that you seek, there are other ways to get what you want then taking it by force. Also tell me of your father" The dragon gestures down to the lion beast, he must be 30 ft off the ground.<br> <br>Seguro scoops the lion beast up in a massive paw, lifting the creature off the ground like a toy, cupping lion in hir scaled hands. Working hir nano magic over the shot lion beast, shi revives it before speaking, shi speaks to the small creature scratching the cat behind the ears "Well aren't you sweet, maybe later if you tell us a bit more, what is it that we have that you seek, there are other ways to get what you want then taking it by force. Also tell me of your father" The dragon gestures down to the lion beast, he must be 30 ft off the ground.<br> <br>Prios curses loudly and drops the King's - or Prince's - limp body, letting Seg pick it up. He is furious, staring at Thelergramor, seemingly debating whether to attack the fox outright. "You have just wasted our bargaining chip. You're a right rival for my quail shape at her stupidest..." he sighs, trailing off, not noticing Seg's revival of the lion. "All right. All right. " He takes a single step towards the surrounding cats. "Okay. Improvisation. You lot. Talk. Say something. Expressions of shock? Swearing revenge? Explanations? Explanations are very welcome. Love to hear about your operation here." He claps his hands. "Floor's open." He places his hands on his hips, tail swaying. "Also. I don't know that guy."<br> <br>Zaki glances over her shoulder a moment at the lion's initial response, before her attention turns back to the surroundings. Within a few moments she's shrinking down a bit again, the scales falling away to a certainly less intimidating form, her wings shifting down and reshaping, losing their leathery qualities in favor of a more insectoid form. A light wave is offered to the gathered ferals, though she keeps herself, by and large, close to the group.<br> <br>Killed and revived, his heart stopping for just a moment before he is braught back by Seguro. It is hard to listen when you are recovering from being technically dead for a moment or two, but, after a moment to let the words sink in, a loud roar from him, and all those about step slowly out. There are at least a dozen of them. Looking up to Seguro though, the lion beasts grins, "Oh? And what is it you wish to talk about, Agent?" He asks, rod still throbbing. In fact, if one were to look about, it would seem all of the cats here have some kind of sexual encounter deep on their minds. "That Squeeky thing was fun for a while, but you could all be more fun."<br> <br>Alvera smacks Thele on the back of the head. "What the hell were you thinking you idiot? When you have a hostage the last thing you want to do is kill him." The Vampiress turns, aiming her rifle at one of the ferals: ready to fire....<br> <br>Thelergramor is thwacked upon the back of his helmet, were his face not covered, it would be obvious that he is smiling. "Yes, yes. But, fuck that guy. Not literally. Still, just some ferals, and look," He gestures to the now alive lion. "We've got our hostage back." Shouts up to Seguro. "Hey, ask him about the 'squeaky thing' so I can shoot him again!" He laughs, turns back to the ferals, ignoring his currently less than pleased allies. "Hey, can you do me a favor and fuck off? Don't have time for you pricks right now." He yawns, utterly unconcerned by the ferals.<br> <br>Danielle gives a little crack to her knuckles, her hands had gone without some action in quite some time, so she might be just a touch rusty... but she could probably crack some skulls if needed. "Well, if it's a fuck they're looking for, it's a fight they're gonna have to go through to get it!" Sorry boys, but she wasn't interested in ferals! Well, in most cases at least. "I think the only thing they're interested in fucking is us, stranger."<br> <br>Seguro smiles petting the large cat on the head, the dragon snakes in the air slowly "Well if you're a nice kitty little lion I may sneak you back to my lair for some fun, but you have to answer my question first and call off your pride mates. We could have a lot of fun" The dragon begins licking the small on the head cat head. "Tell me what is it your after with our caravans, next tell me of your father."
<div></div><br> <br>In the dead of night, shortly after sunset, the zoo is a very forboding place. Without the lights that once burned brightly overhead, the shadows made by the thin streams of moonlight making it through the clouded sky seem to move on their own. A slight breeze maes the chilled air seem that much colder. There wasn't much information to be had, there was something keeping this trade route being used, something Z wanted figured out. The Promethians had a bit of stock in this as well. Though more self sufficent without scrounging around the city and its outlaying areas, without new parts for the few machines they had, it wouldn't be long before trouble would come to them as well. In the distance, a cage door creaks on its hinges, the scent of musk, sex, and most of all, the stink of unwashed and cum dried fur of some large cats hangs in the air.<br> <br>The large dragon lands with a thud, the dragoness wears heavy combat armor under a tattered lab coat, hir golden scales flicker in the starlight. Sighing under hir breath at being called out to the zoo at this late hour, looking about shi surveys the area, seems shi is the first one here.<br> <br>The fox known as Thelergramor walks into the zoo, hands in his pockets, utterly unconcerned about the trade route. Just here for the potential reward. Only thing bothering him is his rut, but he's pretty in control right now. Looks over those who have also volunteered.<br> <br>Normally, Danielle would not be one to assist Zephyr. She didn't agree with the things they did or believed in... and yet here she was. Why? Because she benifited from the trade routes as well. One of the trees rustle... and with a snap, a Bunnee falls out of it, smacking against the ground below. She gives a little groan and dusts herself off, "Well that landing was less than graceful..." She murmurs to herself, giving a bit of a hateful glare at the tree behind her. ... She then notices that she wasn't alone when that happened, and her cheeks redden. "You didn't see that." She tells the other two.<br> <br>a normally cheerfull tune echoed through the air, made sinister by the surrounding darkness and the tone by which it's whistled. Closer and closer it comes, like a herald of the damned it creeps through the night. Eventually a womanly Vampire comes into view, a chilling comfort on her face that few should ever have in such a nightmare inducing place. Glowing green eyes and a freakishly pale cave come into view, accompanied by smooth, obsidian hair and sapphire lips. On her back a large weapon is covered by cloth and over her shoulder she's holding what appears to be a regular laser-rifle. Her clothing is rather strange, she has ona leopard-print robe over her Zephyr armor and what appears to be a pimphat over her helmet. When this woman sees the current group of three, she gives a brief wave and walks up to them.<br> <br>Prios creeps in from further up the path, a short and heavily pregnant quail-like creature wearing nothing more than a lanyard around her neck with a badge reading "Hello my name is Prios" proudly displayed. She darts her head left, then right, then left, looking over all the others assembled here. Prios promptly begins speaking in a voice that is (amazingly enough) hushed, a sort of babbling whisper, barely even stopping to breathe. "Oh you guys. You guys. This is so exciting! Are you excited? I think I might be getting excited! This is neat. Neat neat neat neat NEAT! What do you think we'll find? Maybe a giant bear ate all the trady people. A giant bear! Have you guys seen a giant bear before? I did once but it turned out I was dreaming!" She dances on her little legs a bit, dripping... something... from her breast, as yet unremarked-upon. "Oh. Oh wait. This place is mostly cats, isn't it. I remember now! Maybe it's a giant cat! A big kitty! Shh. Don't talk too much, you guys, the giant cat will hear us! Shhh shhh shuuusshhhhh. No wait. WAIT. What if..." She shivers her feathers with the intensity of the incoming revelation. "A bird. A bird! There's birds deeper in you guys. Hey, I'm a bird!" She flaps her wings in demonstration. "We're really clever and evil, us birds. Could be a bird! Look for bird things. Other than me. Shh be quiet though." She cranes her neck, scanning the area, pupils dilating.<br> <br>As people roll in, the sounds seem to get a bit more hushed. There is still the ever present cricking of the gate, the wind through the leaves. But everything seems to bet a bit more muted. The stentch seems to get worse however. Still no real signs of anything here though. The rustle of a bush here, the sounds of trees moving there. At a glance there doesn't seem to be any reason that there is any disterbances.<br> <br>Once Danielle had dusted herself off completely, she shuffles in her boots just a bit. "Hrm..." She says as her ears pick up the surrounding noises... or rather, lack of. Things were a bit louder just a bit ago, but now... "I think they know we're here." She says in a hush whisper, not sure if anyone else could hear her... but it wasn't really that hard to determine. "Let's find the reason behind the trade route's disruption, hopefully quickly... this place gives me the heebie jeebies."<br> <br>Seguro the dragon sits back for now waving to hyper quail and the vampires as they arrive, tired from hir flight shi rest in the clearing.<br> <br>Prios reaches up a claw and scratches at the single silly-looking feather hanging off the top of her head, grooming it thoughtfully. This thoughtfulness does not preclude speech. "Hmm. Hmm. Mmm oh oh oh. No. Wait!... wait wait waaiiiit... No. No, nothing. Sorry, everybody. Nothin'. No wait. No really. Shhhhhhhh. Wait. Hear that? It's... quiet. It's /really/ quiet." She cranes her neck again. "Actually you guys..." Suddenly she flies up into a tree in a burst of feathers, a kind of powered leap. She takes another look from the higher vantage point. "I'm a bird," she stage-whispers helpfully.<br> <br>Alvera swings her rifle down and readies it. "We've got company people!" She readies herself and hopes the others will listen to her....<br> <br>Thelergramor scratches at his muzzle, still unused to it. "Right, be more careful in trees." Glancing around at the others, he nods to the vampiress, having some.. intimate knowledge of her. "Alvera." He waits for the others to proceed, rut deepening as he stands around. Notes the pregnant quail as it flies. "Right, you are a bird, yes." He pulls his scarf up over his face, no particularly good reason other than he wanted to.<br> <br>With the cover blown, hearing Thelergramor and most of all, Prios' display, a large Panthertaur pounces at the bird mid flight! Though Prios attempts to move out of the way, she is nicked by the Panther. No major harm to her, though already the effects of combat take a toll upon her form, the nick to her legs shifting them to match the form of the beast which just struck her! As the Panther Taur lands, a few others come out as well, more Panthers, cheetahs, felinoids. Seems there is a cause for alarm!<br> <br>With the absolutely best timing ever, the not-so-illustrious Zaki wanders into the zoo, her bangle bracelets shimmering a bit as she waves her arms in a light circle, each step more of a hop, beating wings holding her up for the barest moment before she lands into the next step-hop. She pauses a moment as the large cats come out from hiding. Flashing her biggest and broadest smile, she simply gives a cheery "Hello!"<br> <br>The dragon rises to hir feet seeing derpy bird under attack, reading hir self for combat, shi begins waves hir talons in the air bending the fabric of space around hir fellow agents protecting them from harm. The large dragon calls the cats "Who are you, speak."<br> <br>Prios tumbles through the air and lands lightly on the ground, but springs to her new feet. She appears fairly used to these limbs, as if she's had feline legs of just this sort before. She /hisses/, her previous bubbly demeanor all but vanished. "You mangy, wretched BITCH..." She rears up, and in a horrifying moment, she rapidly grows to the size of a human... then a seeming forest of tentacles sprouts from her form. "I will /tear/ you limb from limb," this awful new creature groans. "All of you. All your miserable backup - all your mewling sex partners - I will laugh as I paint this zoo with your guts..."<br> <br>Thelergramor says, "Shit." Hands flying from his pockets. His right pulls his laser pistol, left grabbing one of his knives as the cats charge them. Giving no chance for diplomacy, Thel fires a shot at the panthertaur. "Fucking ferals..." May not be ferals, not risking it.<br> <br>Danielle was quite surprised when a group of felines leaps out from the foliage. She was expecting an attack, but certainly not so soon after things getting quiet! She flops over flat onto her side, opening her mouth with a gasp. ... None of them leapt towards her, yay! She had no idea why she was so damned scared of felines, they just scrambled her belly all to hell. But still, they were a threat and a threat had to be taken out! Maybe things could be done peacefully, th- nevermind, the one that they leapt at just turned into some devilish creature and was threatening to give the zoo a new layer of paint with their entrails. There goes that plan. "Well, looks like combat is the only option now!" She blurts, reaching towards her back and taking the AK slung across it, holding it in a firing position and getting ready.<br> <br>Alvera scoffs and mutters 'dummkopfs' to herself, then aims her rifle at the feral closest to her and fires! <br> <br>As Thelergramor and Alvera fire, Prios takes up a great show of their own force! The attempts by Seguro to talk seem to be lost in the gunfire and great bellowing happening below the dragon. For some, that is enough action for one night, running off. But for others, this simply poses more of a challenge, and, for them, more fun should they win! Those that remained have their hearts hardened by a great roar from somewhere in the middle of the zoo itself, soon, a face given to the voice! A lion beast, looking quite stronger than the normal fair around steps out into the moon light! "You'd challenge us with your words and weapons! Lets see how well you do!" And with that the cats take to the charge!<br> <br>Seguro shoots to the large cat "Here kitty kitty."<br> <br>Prios shrieks, leaps forward, and, well, explodes. He/she/it roars something, but it's lost in the awful racket.<br> <br>Well, not really explodes. But it sure looks that way. It looks like it hurts them, but it seems to be painful for the cats as well.<br> <br>Thelergramor takes another shot at the cats. "Fuckers."<br> <br>Danielle seems to get a bit of a light in her eyes, a devious one! Excitement radiates from Danielle as she goes into a frenzy, leaps towards the opposition and kicks one of the felines right in the jaw, causing her to bounce off it's face.<br> <br>Prios shifts again as the fires die down. He leans over the the lion beast, and slowly cracks a smile, grasping him by the mane. "It seems you are outclassed, my adorable little kitten." Then he roughly drags the lion to his feet. "I think my companions want a word with you. Listen to their questions carefully. Very. Carefully." Prios hurls the fallen King before the others, growling.<br> <br>A yelp is about the only thing heard from Zaki, her form almost seeming to convulse as she sort of 'grows' into a black dragon. She manages to land one basic punch amidst the short-lived swarm of combat, but by the time she can sink a claw properly, it's already over, stumbling with the collapsing panther taur. Blink blink.<br> <br>Thelergramor didn't do much in the fight, basically just fired his pistol at the cats. "Heh, I've got no questions. Do what you want with him. I'm just going to stand and watch for a moment." Thel sheathes his knife, holsters his pistol, stands around watching.<br> <br>The dragon bows hir head a powerful aura flood the battle field a power classified as the lion within begins to shield and empower hir allies. Hir sun hued gaze turns to the pack of large cats; calling to hir patron, several large chunks of meteoric rock appears out of a fold in the fabric space above the cat's heads slamming into them knocking them off balance as hir allies go to work.<br> <br>Alvera pulls a chainsword from her belt and walks over to the Lion King. "I say we should enjoy ourselves..... to the victors go the spoils." The Vampiress's eyes twist with sinister anticipation as she lifts the chainsword.....<br> <br>Danielle dusts her hands off on her pants after slinging her rifle back across her back, looking over the result of their battle. All the casualties were on their side, good. Well at least she didn't need to bring out her already rather limited medical supplies. She's been running out lately, mostly because of her own combat training as of late. She's been doing it outside of the bubbles where her injuries feel more real. "We should probably keep them alive..." She notes, "We might be able to get information out of them."<br> <br>With the cats ran off, or collapsed into heaps, the lion is tossed into the center of the small group. His eyes roll about, blinking and looking up unfocused. Nanites already working to fix him up, but it will definately take some time to repair all the damage done. A soft growl comes from him as he looks about. On his back like that, his barbed, swollen and ready member is easy sean, along with the above average balls under them. Ears pinned back, tail swishing softly, seems he is mostly out of it as he looks up... however, it is easy to hear more of them on their way, not even attempting to be sneaky now!<br> <br>Thelergramor crosses his arms, leans back. "Yes, well, information. Just cut him up, he'll be fine eventually." The fox yawns, then hears more coming. "Think more are on the way. Maybe we grab him and leave?" His hands go to his knife and pistol again.<br> <br>Alvera giggles. "I say we kill the fucker, maybe the sight of his head'll scare the others away."  She looks at the others. "but we should decide quickly, we can't let them overwhealm us." The Vampiress turns a foot, ready to turn around at the first sign of trouble.<br> <br>Prios awws in mock concern for the King's welfare, holding up a paw at Alvera, and grasping the feline's mane. "Now madam. That is just cruel. We don't want to be doing cruel things to our new friend here. Like dragging him in front of his whole pride and fucking him in the ass with the biggest, girthiest cock we can find. We would /never/ do that." He grasps the King's chin in one hand and slowly narrows his eyes. "We're not /animals/." Prios perks his ears, listening for the approach of backup. "But we might get frightened and take /extreme/ action if you don't order those reinforcements to leave us unharmed. You don't want that to happen, do you?" He bares his teeth.<br> <br>Zaki blinks again, staring down at the panther taur resting beneath her, before looking towards the rest of the group. Picking herself up she steps over, before tilting her head as she looks around outside the circle. "Yeah, what..." She pauses, glancing at Prios. "...he said."<br> <br>Danielle hadn't intended on healing anyone... but damn it, her duty as a doctor wouldn't let her sleep at night if she didn't. She bites her lip, and gives in. She pulls out the medical kit she carries around with herself and loads them up into her prosthetic arm, wiggling the fingers on it as a series of medical applicators emerge from her fingers. One by one, she assures the team that her rather Freddy Kreuger looking hand would not kill them and patches each one up, even that nasty little nick on Prios' leg. With that done, she prepares to pack up... then glances over at the beast. They probably wouldn't be getting much info out of him like that... so with a sigh, she uses the last of what she had to bring him back from his 'not entirely there' state. They had beaten him pretty bad after all, it's the least that she could do. "Sure hope that trade route opens up again..." She murmurs.<br> <br>Seguro walks over to the king lion beast and extracts samples of the great large cats nanite strains. The dragon soothing shi coo's "Can you tell us why you attacked us, your pride member tried to eat my friend here? If you cooperate then we will leave you in peace to recuperate?"<br> <br>Patched up a bit, and looking about, the Lion Beast gives a roar, before looking to Prios and over to Seguro in turn. Next, over to Danielle as he is patched up, feeling a bit less knocked around. "What do you want..." He asks, listening to the rest coming along. "Heh, I wonder how horny everyone else is. You will all be a lot more fun then that squeeky one we found." He growls in defience. Seems he isn't exactly one to have fear struck into him, however, the few that have already arrived stop in their tracks at Prios' threats and Seguro's talk. "You have what we want. Just give into us, and we'll make sure you are taken care of. My dad will see to that." Dad? One bigger then he?<br> <br>Alvera grimaces and turns her chainsword on, then looks over at Seguro. "We're wasting time, the longer we wait the more of them will come: talking to ferals is useless! Let's kill this limp-dick daddy's boy and give the ferals a Sain Valentine's day..."<br> <br>Thelergramor shrugs, adjusts his scarf and helmet. "Sure, that is if by valentines day, you don't intend to fuck these guys. Not my thing, and prefer to not allow such things to happen." He draws his pistol, takes a few steps toward the lion, and takes a point blank shot at his head. "Boring conversation anyway." He turns his attention to the others, draws his knife with his free hand. Waits for the others to do... whatever they're gonna do.<br> <br>Danielle squishes her lips together in a bit of a pursed expression, her one eye narrowing as she knits her brow. "Oh come now, you make me waste my medical supplies on you and you don't even give us the time of day." She says with her arms crossed over her flat bust. "Serves me right for thinking I should put my trust in the ferals." She says with a little aggrivated grumble. "Your father? Oh, how lovely... someone even larger." She gives a little grit of her teeth and simply takes her gloves off. "Fuck it, I can't waste any more ammunition, I'm gonna punch the fucker in his dick."<br> <br>Seguro scoops the lion beast up in a massive paw, lifting the creature off the ground like a toy, cuping lion in hir scaled hands, shi speaks to the small creature scratching the cat behind the ears "Well aren't you sweet, maybe later if you tell us a bit more,  what is it that we have that you seek, there are other ways to get what you want then taking it by force. Also tell me of your father" The dragon gestures down to the lion beast, he must be 30 ft off the ground.<br> <br>Seguro scoops the lion beast up in a massive paw, lifting the creature off the ground like a toy, cupping lion in hir scaled hands. Working hir nano magic over the shot lion beast, shi revives it before speaking, shi speaks to the small creature scratching the cat behind the ears "Well aren't you sweet, maybe later if you tell us a bit more, what is it that we have that you seek, there are other ways to get what you want then taking it by force. Also tell me of your father" The dragon gestures down to the lion beast, he must be 30 ft off the ground.<br> <br>Prios curses loudly and drops the King's - or Prince's - limp body, letting Seg pick it up. He is furious, staring at Thelergramor, seemingly debating whether to attack the fox outright. "You have just wasted our bargaining chip. You're a right rival for my quail shape at her stupidest..." he sighs, trailing off, not noticing Seg's revival of the lion. "All right. All right. " He takes a single step towards the surrounding cats. "Okay. Improvisation. You lot. Talk. Say something. Expressions of shock? Swearing revenge? Explanations? Explanations are very welcome. Love to hear about your operation here." He claps his hands. "Floor's open." He places his hands on his hips, tail swaying. "Also. I don't know that guy."<br> <br>Zaki glances over her shoulder a moment at the lion's initial response, before her attention turns back to the surroundings. Within a few moments she's shrinking down a bit again, the scales falling away to a certainly less intimidating form, her wings shifting down and reshaping, losing their leathery qualities in favor of a more insectoid form. A light wave is offered to the gathered ferals, though she keeps herself, by and large, close to the group.<br> <br>Killed and revived, his heart stopping for just a moment before he is braught back by Seguro. It is hard to listen when you are recovering from being technically dead for a moment or two, but, after a moment to let the words sink in, a loud roar from him, and all those about step slowly out. There are at least a dozen of them. Looking up to Seguro though, the lion beasts grins, "Oh? And what is it you wish to talk about, Agent?" He asks, rod still throbbing. In fact, if one were to look about, it would seem all of the cats here have some kind of sexual encounter deep on their minds. "That Squeeky thing was fun for a while, but you could all be more fun."<br> <br>Alvera smacks Thele on the back of the head. "What the hell were you thinking you idiot? When you have a hostage the last thing you want to do is kill him." The Vampiress turns, aiming her rifle at one of the ferals: ready to fire....<br> <br>Thelergramor is thwacked upon the back of his helmet, were his face not covered, it would be obvious that he is smiling. "Yes, yes. But, fuck that guy. Not literally. Still, just some ferals, and look," He gestures to the now alive lion. "We've got our hostage back." Shouts up to Seguro. "Hey, ask him about the 'squeaky thing' so I can shoot him again!" He laughs, turns back to the ferals, ignoring his currently less than pleased allies. "Hey, can you do me a favor and fuck off? Don't have time for you pricks right now." He yawns, utterly unconcerned by the ferals.<br> <br>Danielle gives a little crack to her knuckles, her hands had gone without some action in quite some time, so she might be just a touch rusty... but she could probably crack some skulls if needed. "Well, if it's a fuck they're looking for, it's a fight they're gonna have to go through to get it!" Sorry boys, but she wasn't interested in ferals! Well, in most cases at least. "I think the only thing they're interested in fucking is us, stranger."<br> <br>Seguro smiles petting the large cat on the head, the dragon snakes in the air slowly "Well if you're a nice kitty little lion I may sneak you back to my lair for some fun, but you have to answer my question first and call off your pride mates. We could have a lot of fun" The dragon begins licking the small on the head cat head. "Tell me what is it your after with our caravans, next tell me of your father."<br> <br>Prios sighs and rolls his eyes. "Right. You lot want sex. Predictable. Got it." He claps his hands again and tilts his head at the ferals. "You lot. You bring out the squeaky thing and surrender it to these fine and not at all insane and stupid people here, and you fuck me. Nanite Adept. You know what that is? Wide selection of forms. Pick your poison." He sounds almost bored, like he's haggling over the price of a glass of lemonade. "You get an hour. None of that bothersome fighting, stick your dicks wherever, however. Squeaky thing comes out first. This a deal or what." He spins his paw around in the air and claps his hands yet again, completely unfazed by the enormity of what he's proposing. "Well? Come on. Make up your minds."<br> <br>Zaki's attention span can't possibly be this short, can it? Her attention shifts to each person that speaks, the moment they start speaking, even if someone else was still speaking. After hearing Thelergramor, she stephops over towards him, landing gently and offering a weak smile. "Um... Maybe we shouldn't... you know... keep doing that? I mean, if we could talk them into being nice and all..."<br> <br>With an offer on the table, and a lot of denial of what is desired, all around seem to stand still for a long time. Eventually, the lion nods. Looking to the others, they move quickly back, two running off the way that they came. Returning soon after, they have between them a very well endowed Latex Fox! Hir cock bobs infront of hir, breasts down right massive, can't even seen hir belly for them, and it looks like shi could easily give hirself a boobjob. Shi is fairly roughly handled, tossed infront of everyone else, "Squeeky thing, and, what else you want?" The lion asks, "Can we discuss this with me on the ground?" He asks, looking about. It seems everyone is on edge, waiting for what will happen! Looks given to Danielle, and Thelergramor more specifically, a few glances to Alvera's weapon.<br> <br>Alvera lowers her weapon slightly, but is still posed to fight, She looks at Thele. "alright, we got them to talk: don't fuck this up.... or YOU"RE the one I'm gonna be using the chainsword on. In fact, you're the one we should be offering to the ferals? But...." The Vampiress cautiously moves over to Piros, then slides a hand down to her crotch and starts rubbing it. She loudly coos to the ferals. "Come on boys, you should take her up on her offer: she's soooooooo wet for you!"<br> <br>Thelergramor laughs again. Keeps his pistol in hand. "I knew that's what they meant by squeaky thing." Looking at the lion. "Anyone really trust him enough to get him back on the ground? Don't trust him. Which, is why I shot him." He shrugs. Checks his pistol, looks at the fox. "Right, not sure that's what we're looking for. I have no fucking idea what we're looking for though." Glancing to the offering Prios. "Sure you want to give them yourself for that? Might not even need it." He cracks his neck, staring at the ferals.<br> <br>Seguro taps the lion beast on the groin "No funny biasness  or no play time in my den. " The dragon set the lion beast back down on the ground allowing the beast to depart. Seguro glares at thelergramor  warning him of rash action. "Well little lion let us hear what you have to say."<br> <br>Prios chuckles softly. "My, you lot are agreeable. You know, think I like you. You get an hour for certain, as promised." He walks slowly forward, hands held down and out to show peaceful intent, and - assuming he is not attacked or otherwise stopped - sits rather close to the gathered cats on the periphery, purring gently. "Now I think we need to know more details before any more arrangements can be made. You have the floor, Prince." <br> <br>Zaki yawns widly for a moment as the back and forth continues, her attention wandering around her for a moment, before she starts to wander back the way she originally came, wings fluttering lightly to lift her off the ground for a every third or so step as she makes her way out with barely a word or wave.<br> <br>Danielle seems a little bit on edge still, despite the presence of the perverse 'squeaky thing'. Pursing her lips just a bit, her brows furrowing just a little bit, she loosens her stance and stands up straight once more. She was still ready to deliver a snap kick if needed, but it probably wouldn't save her if more than one pounced at her. For now, all she can hope to do is sway over invitingly in Prios' direction, showing off the female's genitals for the beasts. It made her blush like crazy, but hey, that's how things work now she supposes.<br> <br>With even more offered on the table, all the resident ferals seem much more willing to bargan! The lion looks up and around. "Humm, alright." He says, smiling and rubbing his hands together. "What do you want for what you offer to give us? What brings you out here? You want the squeeky one? What else?" A lot of eyes to Alvera, and a few to Thelergramor. None of the ferals seem to take mind of Zaki leaving. "You want us to leave the other agents alone too?" The latex fox simply lays there for now, waiting to see what will happen.<br> <br>Alvera Alvera briefly waves at Zaki, then turns back to the ferals and lowers her rifle more. Though she spreads her wings, showing that she's ready to take to the air should the horde change their mind.<br> <br>Thelergramor chuckles at the looks he gets. Walks over to grab the fox. "Take one step before I'm gone and I'll put a shot through your skull like I did your prince. And you probably won't be healed like him. Not worth it." Taking the fox by the hand, he keeps his gun trained on the ferals while he makes his way out.<br> <br>Danielle steps away from the lion butt, no longer needing to worry about doing some extra coaxing for her. She furrows her brows at the one threatening the ferals, then shakes her head just a bit. "Would you kindly fuckin' stop doing that. If we get them on our side and you scare them off with that gun, then I think everyone is just gonna beat you silly." She says before taking a seat near the rest of the group. She didn't have any proper negotiation skills, or anything to netotiate with, so she'd just sit this out for now... she's just here to see the trade route reopened.<br> <br>Alvera runs over to Thelergramor and hits him with the butt of her rifle, then takes the Fox by the hand. "Don't worry, you're safe with us." Suddenly, she takes a vial from her belt and chugs it: then tosses it at Thele and leads the fox to the saftey of the group.<br> <br>Seguro Pats the lion on the head, a massive tail moves in-between the lion and the hot head thelergramor,  suckered tentacles' sprout off hir golden tail, the wrap around theleroramor binding him against the scaled flesh "Now before we were so rudely interrupted, We looking for whatever was in the caravan that was attacked, my little lion? Did you attack the caravan and where is it cargo we need it back."<br> <br>Prios stretches out in feline languor. He grimaces as he watches Thel grab the fox, then jumps slightly as Seg does hir thing. "Heh..." He waves a hand at the prince, trying to get his attention. "Yes, we would like you lot leaving the agents alone. They are trade caravans, and Zephyr, a very powerful organization, is most displeased at their disappearance." He pauses and taps his furry chin. "But I have another somewhat personal proposal. I want to meet this father of yours, if he is willing, the one you mentioned earlier." He rubs his chin and ponders. "Is this a possibility? Might you contact him about the idea? I would be quite eager to discuss possible shared interests. Among other possible, ah, conversation topics." He pauses for a long moment. "Uhm. And sorry about losing my temper back there. Getting lunged at does that to me."

Revision as of 08:03, 24 July 2014





In the dead of night, shortly after sunset, the zoo is a very forboding place. Without the lights that once burned brightly overhead, the shadows made by the thin streams of moonlight making it through the clouded sky seem to move on their own. A slight breeze maes the chilled air seem that much colder. There wasn't much information to be had, there was something keeping this trade route being used, something Z wanted figured out. The Promethians had a bit of stock in this as well. Though more self sufficent without scrounging around the city and its outlaying areas, without new parts for the few machines they had, it wouldn't be long before trouble would come to them as well. In the distance, a cage door creaks on its hinges, the scent of musk, sex, and most of all, the stink of unwashed and cum dried fur of some large cats hangs in the air.

The large dragon lands with a thud, the dragoness wears heavy combat armor under a tattered lab coat, hir golden scales flicker in the starlight. Sighing under hir breath at being called out to the zoo at this late hour, looking about shi surveys the area, seems shi is the first one here.

The fox known as Thelergramor walks into the zoo, hands in his pockets, utterly unconcerned about the trade route. Just here for the potential reward. Only thing bothering him is his rut, but he's pretty in control right now. Looks over those who have also volunteered.

Normally, Danielle would not be one to assist Zephyr. She didn't agree with the things they did or believed in... and yet here she was. Why? Because she benifited from the trade routes as well. One of the trees rustle... and with a snap, a Bunnee falls out of it, smacking against the ground below. She gives a little groan and dusts herself off, "Well that landing was less than graceful..." She murmurs to herself, giving a bit of a hateful glare at the tree behind her. ... She then notices that she wasn't alone when that happened, and her cheeks redden. "You didn't see that." She tells the other two.

a normally cheerfull tune echoed through the air, made sinister by the surrounding darkness and the tone by which it's whistled. Closer and closer it comes, like a herald of the damned it creeps through the night. Eventually a womanly Vampire comes into view, a chilling comfort on her face that few should ever have in such a nightmare inducing place. Glowing green eyes and a freakishly pale cave come into view, accompanied by smooth, obsidian hair and sapphire lips. On her back a large weapon is covered by cloth and over her shoulder she's holding what appears to be a regular laser-rifle. Her clothing is rather strange, she has ona leopard-print robe over her Zephyr armor and what appears to be a pimphat over her helmet. When this woman sees the current group of three, she gives a brief wave and walks up to them.

Prios creeps in from further up the path, a short and heavily pregnant quail-like creature wearing nothing more than a lanyard around her neck with a badge reading "Hello my name is Prios" proudly displayed. She darts her head left, then right, then left, looking over all the others assembled here. Prios promptly begins speaking in a voice that is (amazingly enough) hushed, a sort of babbling whisper, barely even stopping to breathe. "Oh you guys. You guys. This is so exciting! Are you excited? I think I might be getting excited! This is neat. Neat neat neat neat NEAT! What do you think we'll find? Maybe a giant bear ate all the trady people. A giant bear! Have you guys seen a giant bear before? I did once but it turned out I was dreaming!" She dances on her little legs a bit, dripping... something... from her breast, as yet unremarked-upon. "Oh. Oh wait. This place is mostly cats, isn't it. I remember now! Maybe it's a giant cat! A big kitty! Shh. Don't talk too much, you guys, the giant cat will hear us! Shhh shhh shuuusshhhhh. No wait. WAIT. What if..." She shivers her feathers with the intensity of the incoming revelation. "A bird. A bird! There's birds deeper in you guys. Hey, I'm a bird!" She flaps her wings in demonstration. "We're really clever and evil, us birds. Could be a bird! Look for bird things. Other than me. Shh be quiet though." She cranes her neck, scanning the area, pupils dilating.

As people roll in, the sounds seem to get a bit more hushed. There is still the ever present cricking of the gate, the wind through the leaves. But everything seems to bet a bit more muted. The stentch seems to get worse however. Still no real signs of anything here though. The rustle of a bush here, the sounds of trees moving there. At a glance there doesn't seem to be any reason that there is any disterbances.

Once Danielle had dusted herself off completely, she shuffles in her boots just a bit. "Hrm..." She says as her ears pick up the surrounding noises... or rather, lack of. Things were a bit louder just a bit ago, but now... "I think they know we're here." She says in a hush whisper, not sure if anyone else could hear her... but it wasn't really that hard to determine. "Let's find the reason behind the trade route's disruption, hopefully quickly... this place gives me the heebie jeebies."

Seguro the dragon sits back for now waving to hyper quail and the vampires as they arrive, tired from hir flight shi rest in the clearing.

Prios reaches up a claw and scratches at the single silly-looking feather hanging off the top of her head, grooming it thoughtfully. This thoughtfulness does not preclude speech. "Hmm. Hmm. Mmm oh oh oh. No. Wait!... wait wait waaiiiit... No. No, nothing. Sorry, everybody. Nothin'. No wait. No really. Shhhhhhhh. Wait. Hear that? It's... quiet. It's /really/ quiet." She cranes her neck again. "Actually you guys..." Suddenly she flies up into a tree in a burst of feathers, a kind of powered leap. She takes another look from the higher vantage point. "I'm a bird," she stage-whispers helpfully.

Alvera swings her rifle down and readies it. "We've got company people!" She readies herself and hopes the others will listen to her....

Thelergramor scratches at his muzzle, still unused to it. "Right, be more careful in trees." Glancing around at the others, he nods to the vampiress, having some.. intimate knowledge of her. "Alvera." He waits for the others to proceed, rut deepening as he stands around. Notes the pregnant quail as it flies. "Right, you are a bird, yes." He pulls his scarf up over his face, no particularly good reason other than he wanted to.

With the cover blown, hearing Thelergramor and most of all, Prios' display, a large Panthertaur pounces at the bird mid flight! Though Prios attempts to move out of the way, she is nicked by the Panther. No major harm to her, though already the effects of combat take a toll upon her form, the nick to her legs shifting them to match the form of the beast which just struck her! As the Panther Taur lands, a few others come out as well, more Panthers, cheetahs, felinoids. Seems there is a cause for alarm!

With the absolutely best timing ever, the not-so-illustrious Zaki wanders into the zoo, her bangle bracelets shimmering a bit as she waves her arms in a light circle, each step more of a hop, beating wings holding her up for the barest moment before she lands into the next step-hop. She pauses a moment as the large cats come out from hiding. Flashing her biggest and broadest smile, she simply gives a cheery "Hello!"

The dragon rises to hir feet seeing derpy bird under attack, reading hir self for combat, shi begins waves hir talons in the air bending the fabric of space around hir fellow agents protecting them from harm. The large dragon calls the cats "Who are you, speak."

Prios tumbles through the air and lands lightly on the ground, but springs to her new feet. She appears fairly used to these limbs, as if she's had feline legs of just this sort before. She /hisses/, her previous bubbly demeanor all but vanished. "You mangy, wretched BITCH..." She rears up, and in a horrifying moment, she rapidly grows to the size of a human... then a seeming forest of tentacles sprouts from her form. "I will /tear/ you limb from limb," this awful new creature groans. "All of you. All your miserable backup - all your mewling sex partners - I will laugh as I paint this zoo with your guts..."

Thelergramor says, "Shit." Hands flying from his pockets. His right pulls his laser pistol, left grabbing one of his knives as the cats charge them. Giving no chance for diplomacy, Thel fires a shot at the panthertaur. "Fucking ferals..." May not be ferals, not risking it.

Danielle was quite surprised when a group of felines leaps out from the foliage. She was expecting an attack, but certainly not so soon after things getting quiet! She flops over flat onto her side, opening her mouth with a gasp. ... None of them leapt towards her, yay! She had no idea why she was so damned scared of felines, they just scrambled her belly all to hell. But still, they were a threat and a threat had to be taken out! Maybe things could be done peacefully, th- nevermind, the one that they leapt at just turned into some devilish creature and was threatening to give the zoo a new layer of paint with their entrails. There goes that plan. "Well, looks like combat is the only option now!" She blurts, reaching towards her back and taking the AK slung across it, holding it in a firing position and getting ready.

Alvera scoffs and mutters 'dummkopfs' to herself, then aims her rifle at the feral closest to her and fires!

As Thelergramor and Alvera fire, Prios takes up a great show of their own force! The attempts by Seguro to talk seem to be lost in the gunfire and great bellowing happening below the dragon. For some, that is enough action for one night, running off. But for others, this simply poses more of a challenge, and, for them, more fun should they win! Those that remained have their hearts hardened by a great roar from somewhere in the middle of the zoo itself, soon, a face given to the voice! A lion beast, looking quite stronger than the normal fair around steps out into the moon light! "You'd challenge us with your words and weapons! Lets see how well you do!" And with that the cats take to the charge!

Seguro shoots to the large cat "Here kitty kitty."

Prios shrieks, leaps forward, and, well, explodes. He/she/it roars something, but it's lost in the awful racket.

Well, not really explodes. But it sure looks that way. It looks like it hurts them, but it seems to be painful for the cats as well.

Thelergramor takes another shot at the cats. "Fuckers."

Danielle seems to get a bit of a light in her eyes, a devious one! Excitement radiates from Danielle as she goes into a frenzy, leaps towards the opposition and kicks one of the felines right in the jaw, causing her to bounce off it's face.

Prios shifts again as the fires die down. He leans over the the lion beast, and slowly cracks a smile, grasping him by the mane. "It seems you are outclassed, my adorable little kitten." Then he roughly drags the lion to his feet. "I think my companions want a word with you. Listen to their questions carefully. Very. Carefully." Prios hurls the fallen King before the others, growling.

A yelp is about the only thing heard from Zaki, her form almost seeming to convulse as she sort of 'grows' into a black dragon. She manages to land one basic punch amidst the short-lived swarm of combat, but by the time she can sink a claw properly, it's already over, stumbling with the collapsing panther taur. Blink blink.

Thelergramor didn't do much in the fight, basically just fired his pistol at the cats. "Heh, I've got no questions. Do what you want with him. I'm just going to stand and watch for a moment." Thel sheathes his knife, holsters his pistol, stands around watching.

The dragon bows hir head a powerful aura flood the battle field a power classified as the lion within begins to shield and empower hir allies. Hir sun hued gaze turns to the pack of large cats; calling to hir patron, several large chunks of meteoric rock appears out of a fold in the fabric space above the cat's heads slamming into them knocking them off balance as hir allies go to work.

Alvera pulls a chainsword from her belt and walks over to the Lion King. "I say we should enjoy ourselves..... to the victors go the spoils." The Vampiress's eyes twist with sinister anticipation as she lifts the chainsword.....

Danielle dusts her hands off on her pants after slinging her rifle back across her back, looking over the result of their battle. All the casualties were on their side, good. Well at least she didn't need to bring out her already rather limited medical supplies. She's been running out lately, mostly because of her own combat training as of late. She's been doing it outside of the bubbles where her injuries feel more real. "We should probably keep them alive..." She notes, "We might be able to get information out of them."

With the cats ran off, or collapsed into heaps, the lion is tossed into the center of the small group. His eyes roll about, blinking and looking up unfocused. Nanites already working to fix him up, but it will definately take some time to repair all the damage done. A soft growl comes from him as he looks about. On his back like that, his barbed, swollen and ready member is easy sean, along with the above average balls under them. Ears pinned back, tail swishing softly, seems he is mostly out of it as he looks up... however, it is easy to hear more of them on their way, not even attempting to be sneaky now!

Thelergramor crosses his arms, leans back. "Yes, well, information. Just cut him up, he'll be fine eventually." The fox yawns, then hears more coming. "Think more are on the way. Maybe we grab him and leave?" His hands go to his knife and pistol again.

Alvera giggles. "I say we kill the fucker, maybe the sight of his head'll scare the others away." She looks at the others. "but we should decide quickly, we can't let them overwhealm us." The Vampiress turns a foot, ready to turn around at the first sign of trouble.

Prios awws in mock concern for the King's welfare, holding up a paw at Alvera, and grasping the feline's mane. "Now madam. That is just cruel. We don't want to be doing cruel things to our new friend here. Like dragging him in front of his whole pride and fucking him in the ass with the biggest, girthiest cock we can find. We would /never/ do that." He grasps the King's chin in one hand and slowly narrows his eyes. "We're not /animals/." Prios perks his ears, listening for the approach of backup. "But we might get frightened and take /extreme/ action if you don't order those reinforcements to leave us unharmed. You don't want that to happen, do you?" He bares his teeth.

Zaki blinks again, staring down at the panther taur resting beneath her, before looking towards the rest of the group. Picking herself up she steps over, before tilting her head as she looks around outside the circle. "Yeah, what..." She pauses, glancing at Prios. "...he said."

Danielle hadn't intended on healing anyone... but damn it, her duty as a doctor wouldn't let her sleep at night if she didn't. She bites her lip, and gives in. She pulls out the medical kit she carries around with herself and loads them up into her prosthetic arm, wiggling the fingers on it as a series of medical applicators emerge from her fingers. One by one, she assures the team that her rather Freddy Kreuger looking hand would not kill them and patches each one up, even that nasty little nick on Prios' leg. With that done, she prepares to pack up... then glances over at the beast. They probably wouldn't be getting much info out of him like that... so with a sigh, she uses the last of what she had to bring him back from his 'not entirely there' state. They had beaten him pretty bad after all, it's the least that she could do. "Sure hope that trade route opens up again..." She murmurs.

Seguro walks over to the king lion beast and extracts samples of the great large cats nanite strains. The dragon soothing shi coo's "Can you tell us why you attacked us, your pride member tried to eat my friend here? If you cooperate then we will leave you in peace to recuperate?"

Patched up a bit, and looking about, the Lion Beast gives a roar, before looking to Prios and over to Seguro in turn. Next, over to Danielle as he is patched up, feeling a bit less knocked around. "What do you want..." He asks, listening to the rest coming along. "Heh, I wonder how horny everyone else is. You will all be a lot more fun then that squeeky one we found." He growls in defience. Seems he isn't exactly one to have fear struck into him, however, the few that have already arrived stop in their tracks at Prios' threats and Seguro's talk. "You have what we want. Just give into us, and we'll make sure you are taken care of. My dad will see to that." Dad? One bigger then he?

Alvera grimaces and turns her chainsword on, then looks over at Seguro. "We're wasting time, the longer we wait the more of them will come: talking to ferals is useless! Let's kill this limp-dick daddy's boy and give the ferals a Sain Valentine's day..."

Thelergramor shrugs, adjusts his scarf and helmet. "Sure, that is if by valentines day, you don't intend to fuck these guys. Not my thing, and prefer to not allow such things to happen." He draws his pistol, takes a few steps toward the lion, and takes a point blank shot at his head. "Boring conversation anyway." He turns his attention to the others, draws his knife with his free hand. Waits for the others to do... whatever they're gonna do.

Danielle squishes her lips together in a bit of a pursed expression, her one eye narrowing as she knits her brow. "Oh come now, you make me waste my medical supplies on you and you don't even give us the time of day." She says with her arms crossed over her flat bust. "Serves me right for thinking I should put my trust in the ferals." She says with a little aggrivated grumble. "Your father? Oh, how lovely... someone even larger." She gives a little grit of her teeth and simply takes her gloves off. "Fuck it, I can't waste any more ammunition, I'm gonna punch the fucker in his dick."

Seguro scoops the lion beast up in a massive paw, lifting the creature off the ground like a toy, cuping lion in hir scaled hands, shi speaks to the small creature scratching the cat behind the ears "Well aren't you sweet, maybe later if you tell us a bit more, what is it that we have that you seek, there are other ways to get what you want then taking it by force. Also tell me of your father" The dragon gestures down to the lion beast, he must be 30 ft off the ground.

Seguro scoops the lion beast up in a massive paw, lifting the creature off the ground like a toy, cupping lion in hir scaled hands. Working hir nano magic over the shot lion beast, shi revives it before speaking, shi speaks to the small creature scratching the cat behind the ears "Well aren't you sweet, maybe later if you tell us a bit more, what is it that we have that you seek, there are other ways to get what you want then taking it by force. Also tell me of your father" The dragon gestures down to the lion beast, he must be 30 ft off the ground.

Prios curses loudly and drops the King's - or Prince's - limp body, letting Seg pick it up. He is furious, staring at Thelergramor, seemingly debating whether to attack the fox outright. "You have just wasted our bargaining chip. You're a right rival for my quail shape at her stupidest..." he sighs, trailing off, not noticing Seg's revival of the lion. "All right. All right. " He takes a single step towards the surrounding cats. "Okay. Improvisation. You lot. Talk. Say something. Expressions of shock? Swearing revenge? Explanations? Explanations are very welcome. Love to hear about your operation here." He claps his hands. "Floor's open." He places his hands on his hips, tail swaying. "Also. I don't know that guy."

Zaki glances over her shoulder a moment at the lion's initial response, before her attention turns back to the surroundings. Within a few moments she's shrinking down a bit again, the scales falling away to a certainly less intimidating form, her wings shifting down and reshaping, losing their leathery qualities in favor of a more insectoid form. A light wave is offered to the gathered ferals, though she keeps herself, by and large, close to the group.

Killed and revived, his heart stopping for just a moment before he is braught back by Seguro. It is hard to listen when you are recovering from being technically dead for a moment or two, but, after a moment to let the words sink in, a loud roar from him, and all those about step slowly out. There are at least a dozen of them. Looking up to Seguro though, the lion beasts grins, "Oh? And what is it you wish to talk about, Agent?" He asks, rod still throbbing. In fact, if one were to look about, it would seem all of the cats here have some kind of sexual encounter deep on their minds. "That Squeeky thing was fun for a while, but you could all be more fun."

Alvera smacks Thele on the back of the head. "What the hell were you thinking you idiot? When you have a hostage the last thing you want to do is kill him." The Vampiress turns, aiming her rifle at one of the ferals: ready to fire....

Thelergramor is thwacked upon the back of his helmet, were his face not covered, it would be obvious that he is smiling. "Yes, yes. But, fuck that guy. Not literally. Still, just some ferals, and look," He gestures to the now alive lion. "We've got our hostage back." Shouts up to Seguro. "Hey, ask him about the 'squeaky thing' so I can shoot him again!" He laughs, turns back to the ferals, ignoring his currently less than pleased allies. "Hey, can you do me a favor and fuck off? Don't have time for you pricks right now." He yawns, utterly unconcerned by the ferals.

Danielle gives a little crack to her knuckles, her hands had gone without some action in quite some time, so she might be just a touch rusty... but she could probably crack some skulls if needed. "Well, if it's a fuck they're looking for, it's a fight they're gonna have to go through to get it!" Sorry boys, but she wasn't interested in ferals! Well, in most cases at least. "I think the only thing they're interested in fucking is us, stranger."

Seguro smiles petting the large cat on the head, the dragon snakes in the air slowly "Well if you're a nice kitty little lion I may sneak you back to my lair for some fun, but you have to answer my question first and call off your pride mates. We could have a lot of fun" The dragon begins licking the small on the head cat head. "Tell me what is it your after with our caravans, next tell me of your father."

Prios sighs and rolls his eyes. "Right. You lot want sex. Predictable. Got it." He claps his hands again and tilts his head at the ferals. "You lot. You bring out the squeaky thing and surrender it to these fine and not at all insane and stupid people here, and you fuck me. Nanite Adept. You know what that is? Wide selection of forms. Pick your poison." He sounds almost bored, like he's haggling over the price of a glass of lemonade. "You get an hour. None of that bothersome fighting, stick your dicks wherever, however. Squeaky thing comes out first. This a deal or what." He spins his paw around in the air and claps his hands yet again, completely unfazed by the enormity of what he's proposing. "Well? Come on. Make up your minds."

Zaki's attention span can't possibly be this short, can it? Her attention shifts to each person that speaks, the moment they start speaking, even if someone else was still speaking. After hearing Thelergramor, she stephops over towards him, landing gently and offering a weak smile. "Um... Maybe we shouldn't... you know... keep doing that? I mean, if we could talk them into being nice and all..."

With an offer on the table, and a lot of denial of what is desired, all around seem to stand still for a long time. Eventually, the lion nods. Looking to the others, they move quickly back, two running off the way that they came. Returning soon after, they have between them a very well endowed Latex Fox! Hir cock bobs infront of hir, breasts down right massive, can't even seen hir belly for them, and it looks like shi could easily give hirself a boobjob. Shi is fairly roughly handled, tossed infront of everyone else, "Squeeky thing, and, what else you want?" The lion asks, "Can we discuss this with me on the ground?" He asks, looking about. It seems everyone is on edge, waiting for what will happen! Looks given to Danielle, and Thelergramor more specifically, a few glances to Alvera's weapon.

Alvera lowers her weapon slightly, but is still posed to fight, She looks at Thele. "alright, we got them to talk: don't fuck this up.... or YOU"RE the one I'm gonna be using the chainsword on. In fact, you're the one we should be offering to the ferals? But...." The Vampiress cautiously moves over to Piros, then slides a hand down to her crotch and starts rubbing it. She loudly coos to the ferals. "Come on boys, you should take her up on her offer: she's soooooooo wet for you!"

Thelergramor laughs again. Keeps his pistol in hand. "I knew that's what they meant by squeaky thing." Looking at the lion. "Anyone really trust him enough to get him back on the ground? Don't trust him. Which, is why I shot him." He shrugs. Checks his pistol, looks at the fox. "Right, not sure that's what we're looking for. I have no fucking idea what we're looking for though." Glancing to the offering Prios. "Sure you want to give them yourself for that? Might not even need it." He cracks his neck, staring at the ferals.

Seguro taps the lion beast on the groin "No funny biasness or no play time in my den. " The dragon set the lion beast back down on the ground allowing the beast to depart. Seguro glares at thelergramor warning him of rash action. "Well little lion let us hear what you have to say."

Prios chuckles softly. "My, you lot are agreeable. You know, think I like you. You get an hour for certain, as promised." He walks slowly forward, hands held down and out to show peaceful intent, and - assuming he is not attacked or otherwise stopped - sits rather close to the gathered cats on the periphery, purring gently. "Now I think we need to know more details before any more arrangements can be made. You have the floor, Prince."

Zaki yawns widly for a moment as the back and forth continues, her attention wandering around her for a moment, before she starts to wander back the way she originally came, wings fluttering lightly to lift her off the ground for a every third or so step as she makes her way out with barely a word or wave.

Danielle seems a little bit on edge still, despite the presence of the perverse 'squeaky thing'. Pursing her lips just a bit, her brows furrowing just a little bit, she loosens her stance and stands up straight once more. She was still ready to deliver a snap kick if needed, but it probably wouldn't save her if more than one pounced at her. For now, all she can hope to do is sway over invitingly in Prios' direction, showing off the female's genitals for the beasts. It made her blush like crazy, but hey, that's how things work now she supposes.

With even more offered on the table, all the resident ferals seem much more willing to bargan! The lion looks up and around. "Humm, alright." He says, smiling and rubbing his hands together. "What do you want for what you offer to give us? What brings you out here? You want the squeeky one? What else?" A lot of eyes to Alvera, and a few to Thelergramor. None of the ferals seem to take mind of Zaki leaving. "You want us to leave the other agents alone too?" The latex fox simply lays there for now, waiting to see what will happen.

Alvera Alvera briefly waves at Zaki, then turns back to the ferals and lowers her rifle more. Though she spreads her wings, showing that she's ready to take to the air should the horde change their mind.

Thelergramor chuckles at the looks he gets. Walks over to grab the fox. "Take one step before I'm gone and I'll put a shot through your skull like I did your prince. And you probably won't be healed like him. Not worth it." Taking the fox by the hand, he keeps his gun trained on the ferals while he makes his way out.

Danielle steps away from the lion butt, no longer needing to worry about doing some extra coaxing for her. She furrows her brows at the one threatening the ferals, then shakes her head just a bit. "Would you kindly fuckin' stop doing that. If we get them on our side and you scare them off with that gun, then I think everyone is just gonna beat you silly." She says before taking a seat near the rest of the group. She didn't have any proper negotiation skills, or anything to netotiate with, so she'd just sit this out for now... she's just here to see the trade route reopened.

Alvera runs over to Thelergramor and hits him with the butt of her rifle, then takes the Fox by the hand. "Don't worry, you're safe with us." Suddenly, she takes a vial from her belt and chugs it: then tosses it at Thele and leads the fox to the saftey of the group.

Seguro Pats the lion on the head, a massive tail moves in-between the lion and the hot head thelergramor, suckered tentacles' sprout off hir golden tail, the wrap around theleroramor binding him against the scaled flesh "Now before we were so rudely interrupted, We looking for whatever was in the caravan that was attacked, my little lion? Did you attack the caravan and where is it cargo we need it back."

Prios stretches out in feline languor. He grimaces as he watches Thel grab the fox, then jumps slightly as Seg does hir thing. "Heh..." He waves a hand at the prince, trying to get his attention. "Yes, we would like you lot leaving the agents alone. They are trade caravans, and Zephyr, a very powerful organization, is most displeased at their disappearance." He pauses and taps his furry chin. "But I have another somewhat personal proposal. I want to meet this father of yours, if he is willing, the one you mentioned earlier." He rubs his chin and ponders. "Is this a possibility? Might you contact him about the idea? I would be quite eager to discuss possible shared interests. Among other possible, ah, conversation topics." He pauses for a long moment. "Uhm. And sorry about losing my temper back there. Getting lunged at does that to me."