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As Cookies slips inside, all of the cat girls turn and look at the door. "Bandits!" Some of them shriek, much to the surprise of the cat girl on the table. "Mew! I didn't know you set up something this cool," one of the cat girls exclaim, bouncing with excitement much to the agreement with the other cat girls.  
As Cookies slips inside, all of the cat girls turn and look at the door. "Bandits!" Some of them shriek, much to the surprise of the cat girl on the table. "Mew! I didn't know you set up something this cool," one of the cat girls exclaim, bouncing with excitement much to the agreement with the other cat girls.  
The cat girl holding what appears to be a manual of sorts looks back and forth between the group that came in and the cat girls before coughing and deciding to play it off. "N-nya! Bandits get on the grid and let's roll..." She pauses, looking at the manual sideways, attention already fading. "Initials or whatever." From one of her pockets, she pulls out a solid glass D20! "First for you guys," she says, rolling a three for the cat girls, eliciting a cry and moan. "And for you bandits... Fifteen! So... you get to go first. Nya."<br> <br>Edel gives a little nod to Cookies. "Of course. I don't  like hurting ferals if I can avoid it, so I certainly won't be trying." She reaches up to brush her fingers along the leaf hanging from the brim of her hat. Following the catgirl into the convention center, she stops dead and blinks at the sudden commotion and... Roleplaying? "Erherm. Yes. We are the mighty bandits! We have come to do bandity things!" She wiggles her fingers playfully, clearly trying to appear unthreatening. Glancing around the grid she shrugs and moves to take a place, glancing back towards the rest of her group.
The cat girl holding what appears to be a manual of sorts looks back and forth between the group that came in and the cat girls before coughing and deciding to play it off. "N-nya! Bandits get on the grid and let's roll..." She pauses, looking at the manual sideways, attention already fading. "Initials or whatever." From one of her pockets, she pulls out a solid glass D20! "First for you guys," she says, rolling a three for the cat girls, eliciting a cry and moan. "And for you bandits... Fifteen! So... you get to go first. Nya."<br> <br>Edel gives a little nod to Cookies. "Of course. I don't  like hurting ferals if I can avoid it, so I certainly won't be trying." She reaches up to brush her fingers along the leaf hanging from the brim of her hat. Following the catgirl into the convention center, she stops dead and blinks at the sudden commotion and... Roleplaying? "Erherm. Yes. We are the mighty bandits! We have come to do bandity things!" She wiggles her fingers playfully, clearly trying to appear unthreatening. Glancing around the grid she shrugs and moves to take a place, glancing back towards the rest of her group.<br> <br>Cookies nearly jumps at the shout of 'Bandits!' and squints a little bit as they carry on. She crosses her arms and taps her foot as it dawns on her precisely what's going on here, rolling her eyes. With a deep breath to get her compusture all together, closing her eyes shut, she soon opens them as another person- as a character! Years of cosplaying and LARP would pay off today. She steps onto the grid, taking a brief look around before nodding and looking up to the DM catgirl. "I am Camilla the Bard, fifth level bard and leader of my posse of banditfolk," she declares proudly. "My instrument of choice... Lyrical rhyming. I wish to cast the spell Deep Slumber upon mine enemies!" She clears her throat. "Ahem. Greetings my feline friends! Be calm, don't make a peep, just doze off to sleep, and we'll collect our dividends." She takes a slight bow, looking up at the tablecatgirl as she does. "... Roll for my cast, would you?"<br> <br>"I think the god damn strain of cat girls is from this area. The fuckin' convention center has a lot of cosplay like infections." Lizzie says toward Bartolome as they enter, not sure if the spaniard really needed the explaination or not but providing it anyway. Her boots smack along the pavement as she walks forward into the convention center.
She paused as she entered behind Cookies, just staring at the goings on for a moment before laughing and walking right into one of the girds indicated. She assumed an exaggerated combat stance, growling at the cat girls and calling out. "I am here for your god damn gold pieces, womens, and cat nip! Surrender now or we will do more really fuckin' bad guy things like the stuff in the fuckin' bounty that was in the place you got your quest at!" She says, turning to look between the other cat girls and Cookies. "You can't cast a fuckin' spell yet. We didn't get a god damn surprise round and lost initiative. Wait till it's your fuckin' turn. Deep Slumber is a god damn standard action not a fuckin' immediate or free action."<br> <br>Spade looks rather excited by the going ons, shifting her form and waiting for a good time, before she drops in on the grid, positioned furthest from both parties. She says absolutely nothing, but she does make a feigned lions roar, before awaiting any instructions.<br> <br>Rev steps onto the grid, and rises to his full height. The large dragons massive wings spread out and he lets out a loud roar. The dragons large teeth are revealed, and solar energy flickers out around his teeth."Hand over your valuables, and none shall be harmed." <br> <br>Bartolome seems almost pleased with this silliness, realizing that the character sheet sie'd seen while looking for alternative entrances might not necessarily have been a relic of bygone times. The Spaniard gives a flourish of hir wings and tail, doing a nimble acrobatic routine that lands hir on the grid, and bowing to the cat girl 'adventurers' with an attempt at a wicked smile that comes off more as playful. "Buenos dias, noble heroines... I follow the great Bard Camilla, as the dreaded Bandit El Contraste! While it pains me to be so rude to such charming young ladies, I am afraid we shall need your valuables! Or... Something more interesting~."
The knight saw no harm in playing along at this point, and it was almost like hir time at Cambridge all over again! Only... Well, playing the villain. The real question now, was did anyone know the rules of this particular game? It might be D&D, but the kitties seemed to be sort of faking it. Hm. The Spaniard flourishes an imaginary sword, and salutes hir noble adversaries with a wink of promised pleasures should they fail. Maybe defeat wouldn't be so bad?<br> <br>When the group decides to play along, the cat girls seem absoultly ecstatic even if they lost their "initials" roll. The band of cat girls get in a cute battle ready position, some even having soft makeshift prop weapons. Perhaps the one with paper balls in her hands is the local mage of the convention. And who could resist the cuteness of a papertowel roll sword? "Nya! Come at us, evil doers. We need the XP."
As Spade drops down in a threatining manticore form, some of the cat girls panic a little, some taking to hugging each other, the actions of which drawing a bat or two to make them stay in their own square. "That's uh... Well! M-meow, you'll go with your bandit friends I guess maybe?" Nerves cool heavily once their eyes fall upon the entrance that is the Spaniard bandit gryhpon, some taking to playful giggling and clapping before returning to fighting position. Before the DM rolls the first cast, she looks back and forth between Cookies and Lizzie, not sure who to believe. However, despite Lizzie's convicing case, it's hard to ignore Cookies' persuasion. And Hell, she's a cat girl too. "Nya~ It'll be fine. Now then, sleepy spell! Let's go." Ten. And she's a bard and stuff, so that means... hit, right? Sure! After looking over one of the member's "character sheets", which consisted of scribbled and other nonsense, she eventually nods and points at what might be the rogue of the group considering her plastic knife. "Nya, go to sleep for like 3 rounds," she claims with all due DM authority. With a grumble, the cat girl curls up on the floor for a cat nap.<br> <br>Edel grins a little and folds her arms. "And uhm. I am... Edeko! Fearsome Swordsman of Fairhaven!" She tugs her sword around, scabbard and all, and waves it about. She doesn't draw it, though. Don't want to hurt anyone, afterall!" Giving an affirmative nod, she takes a step back. "This is cute," she muses, a grin spreading across her face.<br> <br>Cookies slaps a palm against her forehead and groans. "Are you fucking kidding me," she mumbles into her hand and then stands upright, straight back into character. "Oh-ho," she pipes up, "But fair companion of foul mouth and slow wits, I have a Cloak of Magical Haste in my mitts! Gained from a great adventure wherein I explored a haunted tomb, after soothing spirits to their eternal slumber I plundered the room. Behold! This was cast upon the ground," She throws her arm up, and sure enough, a grand, red cape of silk and fuzz and golden-threaded lining fuzzes into existence on her back. "And its magical powers were the treasure I found." She settles back down and huffs, looking towards the cat girls. "Please, fair travelers, give us your purse! If you don't back down now, things will get worse."<br> <br>"I am Thogstien Lizziender Von Bandervelt the Fourty Seventh! Maid of the Fuck All Dynasty!" Lizzie yells out. "I cast Summon Fuckin' Awesome Supplies IV" She calls out with a flourish, looking over at the DM. "That means I get to get some shit like those paper tube swords for the group and shit like that." It might not be as effective at taking out a cat girl as Cookies had proven to be so far but she could get them some supplies to work with at least.<br> <br>Spade says "The manticore is a beastly creature whom all adventurers should fear. I will be moving this turn." she says, awaiting her roll.<br> <br>Rev folds his wings behind his back and clears his throat, and his voice softer more polite tone. With a slight English accent. "I am this lots companion the dread pirate Roberts. Now I would hate to harm such lovely So why don't you set down your weapons, and gives us all your valuables."

Revision as of 05:43, 5 April 2014





Through their communicators, any agent, or non-agent in case of survivors, responding to the call are sent the meet-up coordinates that land them right outside the famous convention center. While there is usually a good amount of feral activity within the vicinity, things seem more active than ever. Even as the agents arive, they can see cat girls bouncing around excitedly and heading inside the center, not seeming to care about anything else that's lurking outside.

Edel was already in the area. In fact, she didn't live all that far away! And with such a boring day, the tanuki was all too eager to show up in hunt of something interesting to do. With a fluttering of feathered wings, the maid-garbed tanuki touches down on the ground at the desginated meeting spot, the feather appendages folding under her cloak. "What a glorious day!" she beams to no one in particular. Actually it was rather cloudy.

Cookies had arrived at the coordinates as soon as possible and has been staring right at the front of the convention center wordlessly, frowning as hard as humanly possible. She's currently clad in some sort of close-fitting reinforced cloth armor with long sleeves- looks like something out of a JRPG, vibrantly decorated and heavily featuring the colors red, white and tan, as well as triangular patterns in such colors. She gives Edel an odd look, glancing between her and the sky and finally piping up. "Is it? I suppose, if that's your thing."

Lizzie responded to the call, having not changed from her maid outfit since the little party the previous day or having gotten a new set of clothing. If pre-pday video games had told her anything though, it was that a maid with a knife and the ability to stop time could do anything. She might only have knives and an electric claw gauntlet instead of time stopping power but beggers can't be choosers.

"So what the fuck is going on here? Bitches bouncin' around and doin' all sorts of shit. I had another mission just tell me to get my ass over here and this fuckin' happens." She grumbles, eyes flicking over twoard Edel. "You're such a bitch too. You know what the fuck happened to my throat after you left? Asshole ain't gonna hold back when no one is lookin'."

Meek curls her talons as she reaches towards the ground. She lands gracefully, I'd give it 9.5 if it weren't for a small stutter step just after the landing. As gravity returns to the phoenix, she flicks off the last few embers. "I was overhead when I got the message" she says to no one imparticular. She squints ahead, watching a pair of catgirls bounce into the center. Aside from feeling a bit underdressed she's also rather confused. The phoenix at least doesn't appear like much in a fight and has no weapons or armor to speak of...just a messenger bag with a snake-staff pin on its side. Nodding to Lizzie she says with a smile, "Ah, you're the girl from PES!". If she was uncertain from looks alone the language is quite the giveaway. The avian scoots nearby to Lizzie, surveying the situation quietely and looking about at the other agents.

Spade skitters to the requested coordinates, arriving in a poorly constructed bundle of rags covering up a modest at best outfit. She readies her weapon, calling her loyal friend along who simply gripes at her for where they are now, holding a gun and a tiny statue of some sort in her hands. The woman stretches and examines the others present, offering a wave to Meek.

Rev swoops down from the sky the solar dragon hovers briefly in the air. His large wings causing a brief gust of wind before he touches down. A feet from the coordinates. The dragon is dressed in a light combat uniform of his own making. Which gives him the look if a mercenary. His eyes flick between those that have arrived before him. While he preps his the massive Breaching rifle he carries with him. Other than that he has brought with him a shield drone, and nothing else.

Bartolome sweeps down from the not-so-friendly skies, azure wings snapping open as sie lands in a well-timed arc, dust billowing out around hir. Not in hir typical gryphon form, the Spaniard is shaped like a skunkette, albeit a rather tall one... Aside from hir sword belt and a careful sweep of hir long, well-groomed tail to cover hir legs in a spiraling skirt, sie is nude. Hir landing wasn't so artistic as the phoenix made it, focused instead on response time... Sie checks hir weapon, and glances about, noting the individuals appearing and double checking their scents. Sie hadn't worked with them before, not even Lizzie, and it was important to mark out friendlies.

The petite-looking creature is an obvious herm, even with hir tail providing some modesty, and hir expression is one of confidence and concern; sie clears hir throat. "Ah, pardona me, but I was made aware of an alert... Caballero Bartolome Coimbra-Leon de Avila, at your service." Giving a strange, mixed bow and curtsey, before returning hir attention to business... The chaos of the scene isn't too shocking given the state of the world, but still... "Senorita Lizzie. Good to see you again..." It might be flirty, if not for the problem of imminent danger.

While the agents group up and exchange pleasantries, the last of the few cat girls trickle on inside. However, before the door closes shut one last time, one may hear and see something if they focus hard enough.

"Nyow it's time to begin!" A distinctly cat girlish voice proclaims with all due excitement, followed by cheers and various forms of 'NYAing' and humming of a distinct copyrighted fanfare. "We've already started! Has everyone got their c-" Click! The door shuts, the sound muffled and carried away by the wind.

With no one heading in or out of the convention center, only one thing remained; Investigate.

While the agents group up and exchange pleasantries, the last of the few cat girls trickle on inside. However, before the door closes shut one last time, one may hear and see something if they focus hard enough.

"We've already started! Come on nyow!" A distinctly cat girlish voice proclaims with all due excitement, followed by cheers and various forms of 'NYAing' and humming of a distinct copyrighted fanfare. "Has everyone got their c-" Click! The door shuts, the sound muffled and carried away by the wind.

With no one heading in or out of the convention center, only one thing remained; Investigate.

Edel gives a sheepish shrug to Cookies. "Well, maybe not the weather, but most importantly I have something to DO now! I spent the last several hours just wandering around in circles, mostly. But now there's a thing! Isn't it exciting!?" She claps her hands together before Lizzie speaks up, instantly causing her ears to droop under her hat. "I'm sorry! I was uh. I tend to give into peer pressure sometimes, and someone else had requested my company! So I kind of had to go... Do that. Yeah. Sorry. And he said you liked it! Could have been worse!" She coughs a little and pulls her sword around, flicking a switch on the side of the scabbard before returning it to the back of her hip, the long and fluffy tail twitching around. "So! Where shall we begin? Should we just go up and knock?"

Cookies looks between Lizzie and Edel quizzically for a moment before shaking her head and turning to the agents present. "We don't yell at them, we don't swear at them or insult them or anything like that. We certainly do not hurt them unless they start something first, and I really mean it- they better have started it if punches are thrown. No getting mad about accidents or anything. I WILL enforce these rules." She talks like she's in charge of a school field trip, offering safety tips in a stern tone. With that, she turns on her heel and heads straight for the convention center, hesitating for only a moment before she pushes the doors open and walks inside. Nostalgia hits her like a brick to the face and is roughly as pleasant as one in this case, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Lizzie just gives Edel the bird with a growl before finally shrugging it off. "Ug, fine. I did god damn agree to all that shit anyway." The human says with a shrug, looking over at the others and offering a bit of a wave. "Huh, Meek. Fancy seein' your ass 'round here. Yeah, I'm from fuckin' PES. You ready to get this bastard underway?" Most of the others weren't recognized and she let her hands drop to her sides, observing the situation and letting the group gather up a bit.

"Ah, the fuckin' knight. How the fuck are ya? Been a while? Should be pretty god damn interestin'. I bet the bitch inside just asked if everyone has their catnip or some shit like that. Gonna be a catastrophy. A fuckin' catagorical example of terrible proprotions while we get played as cat's paws. They've gotta be kitten me with this god damn mission." She grumbles, looking over everyone and just shrugging at Cookies' demands. "Eh, I wasn't plannin' on just fuckin' stabbin' the bitches. Their god damn cat girls not fuckin' psychos. Let's just get this shit over with."

Meek returns Spade's wave with an excited one of her own, "It's been too long" she remarks, dipping her wings as she greets. She turns too to Rev, "You were in the area as well?". She listens intently to Cookies, "I don't much like violence if I can avoid it" she replies with a look of concern. "I certainly hope it doesn't come to that...they don't seem too interested in us. She peeks through the door, hesitantly walking through as her train of tailfeathers follows.

Rev props his rifle against his shoulder, and instead of exchanging pleasantries with the others. He listens intently to the noise coming from the convention center."Well now that doesn't sound cultish at all." He mutters out loud. His voice is dripping with sarcasm. As he looks to the others as they decide what to do. "I guess I can play nice. Well maybe not nice, but I will refrain from blowing howls in any of them until it's proven to Ben necessary." he says as his gaze follows cookie to the door. Before he looks to meek, and flashes a smile her way. "Oh well sort of. I was out testing the new wings when I recieved the call. He says as he follows the others in with his shiled drone hovering infront of him. While he doesn't hesitate one bit upon entry. He obviously maintains a certain situational awareness, and remains prepared to shoot, anything that approaches should he need to.

Bartolome nods crisply to the person who appears to be in charge, accepting the rules laid out as a matter of course. Sie strolls up towards the convention center, smiling gently to hir foul-mouthed friend as sie's greeted in Lizzie's inimitable way. "I do not know what I did to deserve this pun-ishment, but I won't take it purrsonally... I wonder, why have they confined themselves in this place? It must be the... �C�mo se dice...? Cat's meow?" Hir movements are easy and comfortable, despite a little bump to hir belly, and sie keeps hir sword sheathed for now. Perhaps this could end peacefully and safely.

Still, there was no certainty that cat girls were all they were up against. Sie folds hir wings tight, to ensure they're as little detriment to movement and combat on the ground as possible, and keeps ears up and eyes open at the flank and eventually rear of the ragtag group as they approach the main entrance... Looking for possible secondary means of ingress, or more worrisome threats than an abundance of kitties. "I should not have catnapped through so many mission opportunities... Meow, I am coming to understand that this is my home, and I do not have much credibility as an ally to the people here." One delicate-looking skunky paw rests on the pommel of hir blade. "Should we attempt to move in from multiple approaches?" (will be looking about for secondary entrances or anything disturbing. Let me know if Perception is necessary?)

Spade smiles and waves to the others once more before she approaches the building, not quite communicating her intentions to anyone but her buddy who tails her and makes a nasty remark about leaving a group of nobodies behind. She doesn't seem very interested in the door, looking about for any and all alternative points of entry, scaling walls if she needs.

Inside is a rather strange sight, depending on how well one knows a feral cat girl. Those familiar with the convention center may be expecting a plethora of overturned desks and a myriad of other random junk spewn across the floor, but today is different. All of the tables have been hastily piled into one side of the room in a dangerous mound, some already slipping and falling upon the floor. Within the center is a sloppily drawn grid of sorts that covers a large part of the room. A couple of cat girls bounce within their own squares in a strange formation while one stands tall upon a table with a book of sorts in her clutches.

"Nyah! So! Mew all are pawing through the forest. You were asked to find some bad dudes, and meow ya gotta beat them down. And all of a sudden, a group of b-"

As Cookies slips inside, all of the cat girls turn and look at the door. "Bandits!" Some of them shriek, much to the surprise of the cat girl on the table. "Mew! I didn't know you set up something this cool," one of the cat girls exclaim, bouncing with excitement much to the agreement with the other cat girls.

The cat girl holding what appears to be a manual of sorts looks back and forth between the group that came in and the cat girls before coughing and deciding to play it off. "N-nya! Bandits get on the grid and let's roll..." She pauses, looking at the manual sideways, attention already fading. "Initials or whatever." From one of her pockets, she pulls out a solid glass D20! "First for you guys," she says, rolling a three for the cat girls, eliciting a cry and moan. "And for you bandits... Fifteen! So... you get to go first. Nya."

Edel gives a little nod to Cookies. "Of course. I don't like hurting ferals if I can avoid it, so I certainly won't be trying." She reaches up to brush her fingers along the leaf hanging from the brim of her hat. Following the catgirl into the convention center, she stops dead and blinks at the sudden commotion and... Roleplaying? "Erherm. Yes. We are the mighty bandits! We have come to do bandity things!" She wiggles her fingers playfully, clearly trying to appear unthreatening. Glancing around the grid she shrugs and moves to take a place, glancing back towards the rest of her group.

Cookies nearly jumps at the shout of 'Bandits!' and squints a little bit as they carry on. She crosses her arms and taps her foot as it dawns on her precisely what's going on here, rolling her eyes. With a deep breath to get her compusture all together, closing her eyes shut, she soon opens them as another person- as a character! Years of cosplaying and LARP would pay off today. She steps onto the grid, taking a brief look around before nodding and looking up to the DM catgirl. "I am Camilla the Bard, fifth level bard and leader of my posse of banditfolk," she declares proudly. "My instrument of choice... Lyrical rhyming. I wish to cast the spell Deep Slumber upon mine enemies!" She clears her throat. "Ahem. Greetings my feline friends! Be calm, don't make a peep, just doze off to sleep, and we'll collect our dividends." She takes a slight bow, looking up at the tablecatgirl as she does. "... Roll for my cast, would you?"

"I think the god damn strain of cat girls is from this area. The fuckin' convention center has a lot of cosplay like infections." Lizzie says toward Bartolome as they enter, not sure if the spaniard really needed the explaination or not but providing it anyway. Her boots smack along the pavement as she walks forward into the convention center.

She paused as she entered behind Cookies, just staring at the goings on for a moment before laughing and walking right into one of the girds indicated. She assumed an exaggerated combat stance, growling at the cat girls and calling out. "I am here for your god damn gold pieces, womens, and cat nip! Surrender now or we will do more really fuckin' bad guy things like the stuff in the fuckin' bounty that was in the place you got your quest at!" She says, turning to look between the other cat girls and Cookies. "You can't cast a fuckin' spell yet. We didn't get a god damn surprise round and lost initiative. Wait till it's your fuckin' turn. Deep Slumber is a god damn standard action not a fuckin' immediate or free action."

Spade looks rather excited by the going ons, shifting her form and waiting for a good time, before she drops in on the grid, positioned furthest from both parties. She says absolutely nothing, but she does make a feigned lions roar, before awaiting any instructions.

Rev steps onto the grid, and rises to his full height. The large dragons massive wings spread out and he lets out a loud roar. The dragons large teeth are revealed, and solar energy flickers out around his teeth."Hand over your valuables, and none shall be harmed."

Bartolome seems almost pleased with this silliness, realizing that the character sheet sie'd seen while looking for alternative entrances might not necessarily have been a relic of bygone times. The Spaniard gives a flourish of hir wings and tail, doing a nimble acrobatic routine that lands hir on the grid, and bowing to the cat girl 'adventurers' with an attempt at a wicked smile that comes off more as playful. "Buenos dias, noble heroines... I follow the great Bard Camilla, as the dreaded Bandit El Contraste! While it pains me to be so rude to such charming young ladies, I am afraid we shall need your valuables! Or... Something more interesting~."

The knight saw no harm in playing along at this point, and it was almost like hir time at Cambridge all over again! Only... Well, playing the villain. The real question now, was did anyone know the rules of this particular game? It might be D&D, but the kitties seemed to be sort of faking it. Hm. The Spaniard flourishes an imaginary sword, and salutes hir noble adversaries with a wink of promised pleasures should they fail. Maybe defeat wouldn't be so bad?

When the group decides to play along, the cat girls seem absoultly ecstatic even if they lost their "initials" roll. The band of cat girls get in a cute battle ready position, some even having soft makeshift prop weapons. Perhaps the one with paper balls in her hands is the local mage of the convention. And who could resist the cuteness of a papertowel roll sword? "Nya! Come at us, evil doers. We need the XP."

As Spade drops down in a threatining manticore form, some of the cat girls panic a little, some taking to hugging each other, the actions of which drawing a bat or two to make them stay in their own square. "That's uh... Well! M-meow, you'll go with your bandit friends I guess maybe?" Nerves cool heavily once their eyes fall upon the entrance that is the Spaniard bandit gryhpon, some taking to playful giggling and clapping before returning to fighting position. Before the DM rolls the first cast, she looks back and forth between Cookies and Lizzie, not sure who to believe. However, despite Lizzie's convicing case, it's hard to ignore Cookies' persuasion. And Hell, she's a cat girl too. "Nya~ It'll be fine. Now then, sleepy spell! Let's go." Ten. And she's a bard and stuff, so that means... hit, right? Sure! After looking over one of the member's "character sheets", which consisted of scribbled and other nonsense, she eventually nods and points at what might be the rogue of the group considering her plastic knife. "Nya, go to sleep for like 3 rounds," she claims with all due DM authority. With a grumble, the cat girl curls up on the floor for a cat nap.

Edel grins a little and folds her arms. "And uhm. I am... Edeko! Fearsome Swordsman of Fairhaven!" She tugs her sword around, scabbard and all, and waves it about. She doesn't draw it, though. Don't want to hurt anyone, afterall!" Giving an affirmative nod, she takes a step back. "This is cute," she muses, a grin spreading across her face.

Cookies slaps a palm against her forehead and groans. "Are you fucking kidding me," she mumbles into her hand and then stands upright, straight back into character. "Oh-ho," she pipes up, "But fair companion of foul mouth and slow wits, I have a Cloak of Magical Haste in my mitts! Gained from a great adventure wherein I explored a haunted tomb, after soothing spirits to their eternal slumber I plundered the room. Behold! This was cast upon the ground," She throws her arm up, and sure enough, a grand, red cape of silk and fuzz and golden-threaded lining fuzzes into existence on her back. "And its magical powers were the treasure I found." She settles back down and huffs, looking towards the cat girls. "Please, fair travelers, give us your purse! If you don't back down now, things will get worse."

"I am Thogstien Lizziender Von Bandervelt the Fourty Seventh! Maid of the Fuck All Dynasty!" Lizzie yells out. "I cast Summon Fuckin' Awesome Supplies IV" She calls out with a flourish, looking over at the DM. "That means I get to get some shit like those paper tube swords for the group and shit like that." It might not be as effective at taking out a cat girl as Cookies had proven to be so far but she could get them some supplies to work with at least.

Spade says "The manticore is a beastly creature whom all adventurers should fear. I will be moving this turn." she says, awaiting her roll.

Rev folds his wings behind his back and clears his throat, and his voice softer more polite tone. With a slight English accent. "I am this lots companion the dread pirate Roberts. Now I would hate to harm such lovely So why don't you set down your weapons, and gives us all your valuables."